Finance horoscope for Aquarius. Health Horoscope for Aquarius

18.07.2019 State

In order for Aquarius to pass December 2019 as easily and efficiently as possible, they should initially draw up a detailed plan of their actions and carefully consider each step. This approach will avoid many mistakes and not make rash moves that promise unpleasant consequences.

In December, representatives of the sign will have a busy period, but it will be most of all associated with the emotional side. There won't be much work as such. But there will be plenty of worries and worries for loved ones and relatives. And this is what can shake the nervous system of Aquarius, destabilizing it and making it impossible to adequately assess the situation and make quick, right decisions.

Since the beginning of December, the stars have been advising you to define important moments for yourself for the month. First of all, it is necessary to take up what was put off during the year and to which the hands never reached. December in this case will be the perfect month. You will free up some time, which you can just spend on all the long-planned things.

And if you manage to move clearly according to a verified plan, bringing everything to the end, then by the middle of the month you will feel inner satisfaction. But haste can lead to chaos. And then the end of the year will have to be spent with a headache and a bunch of unresolved tasks.

Aquarius Woman December Horoscope 2019

Aquarius women should use the current month to their advantage. This is a great period for all kinds of undertakings. Moreover, at work this month the situation will be calm and relaxed, so you can safely load yourself with various courses and trainings.

Also this month, all representatives of the sign who planned to create their own business or family should take at least the first step. This will help in the future to develop the right strategy and implement the plan. But at the same time, you should not waste your potential on friends who at one point will need your help. In this case, you should clearly distinguish between the significance of each person and try to help only the closest people. And the rest can be politely refused, referring to the end of the year and increased employment.

In mid-December, you can arrange a small weekend for yourself and spend a few days in some sanatorium. It is best to take a course of relaxing treatments. Without giving yourself the opportunity to rest properly and without restoring the spent strength, by the end of the month you will begin to feel unwell, and your mood will become apathetic. And this will negatively affect relationships with a partner and with superiors.

Aquarius Man December Horoscope 2019

At the beginning of the month, the Aquarius man will feel an emotional lift. Everything seems to be churning in it. He will begin to take on all cases and projects, afraid of not having time to complete them by the end of the year. However, the stars advise not to spray. Not all tasks that have arisen will be of increased importance, which means that some of them can be postponed with a clear conscience until a more favorable moment.

Without doing this and not defining a priority direction for yourself, you can get lost in your landmarks and miss the most important thing. Therefore, from the beginning of the month, you should learn how to properly build your day and stop trying to be in time everywhere.

The current month is ideal for representatives of the sign who want to know themselves and discover their full potential. They don't need to do anything special for this. Opportunities will present themselves.

The main thing is not to miss the chance to attend an unusual event and meet non-standard people. And, of course, the freed up time is best spent reading educational books. Such leisure will help to abstract from what is happening and slow down your frantic pace of life a little.

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Do not slow down and be consistent in your actions. Now everything depends only on you!

All undertakings of the month will be very successful. Old connections, past achievements, past achievements and even old hobbies will help. Act boldly so that you do not regret the missed opportunities later. The first half of December is a great time to get rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary: ​​from the contents of the closet to gloomy thoughts and bad habits. Free up space for new victories!

Until December 23, until the influence of the Sun weakens, difficulties in communicating with relatives are likely. Children will cause a lot of trouble: they will become stubborn and disobedient. To find the right approach to the younger generation, it is recommended to study the relevant literature.

Thoughts are material, remember this - especially on December 6 and 7, when due to the tense aspects of the planets you will be prone to outbursts of anger. Angry at loved one, in your hearts you can wish him harm. The probability that your wish will come true is very high. From December 12 to 27 is a great time to go for a visit or call the guests yourself!

Love horoscope for December 2015 for Aquarius

All month you will enjoy a tender and trusting relationship with your spouse or lover. Grievances and omissions will remain in the past, you will understand and guess all the desires of each other. Couples can draw inspiration from the history of their family - remember how you met, flip through the photo album, try to relive the most touching moments.

Lonely Aquarius stars are advised to look at the immediate environment at the end of the month. Your soul mate is very close, you just need to look around! Probably the reason for the failure personal life lies in your self-doubt and at the same time in very high demands on your partner. But the cosmic situation in December encourages you to analyze your feelings and actions and take the first step in working on yourself, which means to a happy future!

After December 20, you may want to meet with former lover and even try to return the old relationship. Honestly admit to yourself what it is: real feelings or just a cure for loneliness? If the latter, then you should convince yourself to stop.

Business horoscope for December 2015 for Aquarius

The obstacles that previously prevented moving in the right direction will disappear - the work will be argued. Until December 14 is a favorable time for obtaining loans and investing in various projects.

In the second decade of the month, there will be an opportunity to earn extra money. Agree if you are sure that it will not harm your main line of business. Representatives of the sign who are out of work are now advised to update their resumes and start actively searching for vacancies - it is likely that you will find exactly what you were looking for and will be able to interest a potential employer.

Do you feel like your management doesn't appreciate you? He fills up with work, and after you successfully cope with it, does not even think to encourage? At the end of the month, under the influence of such negative emotions, you can break loose and write a letter of resignation. But do not rush into making a decision, otherwise you will regret that you committed a rash act in a fit of feelings. Moreover, your still unappreciated efforts will soon be richly rewarded.

Health Horoscope for December 2015 for Aquarius

Due to the inharmonious location of Mercury, it will become vulnerable nervous system. Getting you out of a state of mental balance is not difficult, which, in turn, can affect the work of the heart. An effective way to calm the nerves and relax will be breathing exercises.

From December 9, you will fall into the power of Mars, whose influence will be felt throughout the rest of the month. This planet can cause headaches and sleep disturbance. Spend more time outdoors, ventilate the room in which you are, and then nothing threatens you.

Be careful with sharp objects on December 14 and 15, when the Moon will be in Aquarius. There is a risk of injury. In the period from December 18 to December 31, especially carefully observe the diet. During the period of activity of the Black Moon, it is very easy to gain extra pounds, but getting rid of them will not be easy.

Read also the horoscope for other zodiac signs for December 2015:

Aquarians have become distrustful of the people around them, it seems to you that they are plotting against you behind your back. What the Aquarius horoscope promises for December 2018 is the topic of our today's material. You try to discreetly find out what is going on, but most likely you are exaggerating. Nobody wishes you harm, you are paranoid, especially for women, react less emotionally to what is happening around, it will be better for your nervous system.

Horoscope Aquarius for December 2018: woman and man, health and finance, love and relationships.

IN romantic relationship calm. Whoever has been single until now, will remain so for a while. Aquarius women are busy with self-development, they put a lot of effort into their:

  • Education and personal growth;
  • career and business;
  • Hobby and passion.

They are not up to men now. Thanks to your hard work, motivation and perseverance at work, everything is going well, the management is favorable to you. Colleagues also seek your company.

The main advice of the Aquarius horoscope for December 2018. Take a closer look at the people, casual acquaintances are lost among your friends. If you set priorities, you can finally understand who is a true friend, and who is just looking for benefits in communicating with you. You should not devote much time and attention to simple acquaintances, they often hinder your development. You try to give everyone your emotions, support in difficult times, but you don’t get anything in return. It's time to learn to say a firm "no". After all, by wasting your feelings on random people, you deprive your attention of those who are really dear to you and who really need you.

According to the horoscope, in December 2018 you will feel the accumulated fatigue, the energy will leave you. To restore physical and mental balance, take a good rest during the New Year holidays.

Love horoscope for December 2018

According to the December 2018 horoscope, Aquarius is experiencing a relationship crisis. In addition, the situation is aggravated by the fact that Aquarians are on the verge of a nervous breakdown and constantly splash out their negative emotions on their partner. Try to pull yourself together, otherwise you can destroy the relationship that you once built with such love. If this happens, in the future you will be tormented by remorse. Sometimes it is enough to listen to your partner and do as he asks you. Do not always stubbornly defend your point of view. Argument for the sake of argument? You are like an energy vampire. Try at least once to remain silent in response to a caustic remark from your young man and you will realize that you saved not only his nerves, but also yours.

Horoscope for Aquarius women for December 2018

In married couples, dissatisfaction with each other is also growing. You will be able to solve all the problems in the relationship, but for this you should not close yourself from your partner, you need to express your claims. If you continue to remain silent about your feelings and do not listen to your spouse, then your marriage may end in divorce. If you can’t solve the accumulated problems on your own, then go together to family psychologist. Otherwise, the Aquarius Woman may lose the desire to maintain a relationship. When you got married, did you expect it to be forever?

Remember what feelings you experienced for your future husband, try to revive them, relive them. In extreme cases, you can take a timeout to see if you can continue to live without this person. Sometimes this method helps to revive feelings. You have achieved so much together that you simply must use all the ways to save the family. And only when you already understand for sure that nothing can be done and the broken bowl cannot be glued together, file for divorce. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

advice from love horoscope Aquarius . In the first decade of December, you should definitely refrain from dating. The day of the new moon is not conducive to romantic meetings.

Horoscope for Aquarius men for December 2018

Lonely Aquarians will remain so. You simply do not have enough time to build relationships. You are busy with your career, your studies and remain impregnable for a large number potential girls. Refuse them even in acquaintances. Behind the mask of inaccessibility lies, in fact, another reason: you are simply not ready now for new serious relationship. It's not worth the haste. Now you have something to do.

Financial horoscope for December 2018

Aquarians in December 2018 are counting on an increase in salary, or at least an annual bonus. However, this should not be done. Have you made the maximum of your efforts to be so highly appreciated by the head? In order to still achieve a promotion, you have to work even harder. Implement innovative solutions in the workflow, optimize business schemes and then you will definitely not be left without encouragement.

The thought that you still have to work hard in December to achieve your goals can kill your desire to develop further. You are afraid of difficulties. Ask for support from family and friends. Then it will be easier for you to overcome your fears and some laziness. Even if you stumble and fail the first time, try again and again. And then your efforts will bring the desired results., And the management will appreciate you.

Horoscope recommendation for Aquarius. December 2018 is definitely not the best month for professional achievements. You are too passionate about the upcoming holidays, counting the days until them. But in January, return to work with a vengeance. Your boss will definitely be happy. Get promoted not by flattery, but by your professional achievements. And you should not put pressure on the manager, just do your job responsibly and he will mark you himself.

In the third decade of December, it is better for Aquarius to avoid business negotiations with unverified partners. Most likely they will be scammers. And before the New Year, I don’t want to solve problems. Postpone important meetings until next month.

In December, Aquarius will be great at saving money. By saving all year on unnecessary expenses, you managed to raise a decent amount. You can buy good and necessary gifts for your relatives and friends, they will definitely appreciate it. Don't forget to please yourself.

Health Horoscope for December 2018

Fatigue washed over you. Everything around is in grey. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. New Year holidays are ahead of you.

This is a great time to relax. And now to survive the decline of strength, the following methods will help you:

  • Loneliness to bring thoughts in order;
  • Herbal teas with soothing plant extracts;
  • Reading your favorite novels before bed
  • Regular physical activity.

By the middle of the month, you will improve your state of mind and feel relieved.

Horoscope advice for December. Effective way is also a hobby. Favorite hobby perfectly helps not to think about anything, gives the brain a rest, improves mood and balances the state of mind. Give free rein to your imagination, do not stop creative impulses. Perhaps you will like some new directions in creativity. If you continue to develop your skills, then your favorite activity will begin to make a profit.

When work brings not only money, but also pleasure, it has a positive effect on the emotional state. You will glow with joy and charge positive friends.

It is also worth trying such a direction of spiritual practices as yoga. Meditation opens up new possibilities for a person, maintains psychological and spiritual balance. In yoga classes, you will discover the secrets of energy management. If you haven't practiced yoga before, you should definitely try it. You will discover many interesting things for yourself.

  • Auspicious days: 3, 6, 10, 13, 20, 24, 29.
  • Unfavorable days: 1, 7, 17, 25, 31.

What else do astrologers and the horoscope advise Aquarius in December 2018?

  • 26.11-2.12. If there are obstacles on your way to achieving your goals, then you can easily overcome them. You are more likely to get an interesting job offer. If this happens, don't give it up. In personal affairs, everything is stable. It's the right time to meet up with friends you haven't seen in a while.
  • 3.12 — 9.12. The horoscope recommends Aquarius in December to give Special attention rest. Organize a few meetings with friends, invite relatives to dinner. But in financial matters it is worth being careful. During this period, do not make large purchases, this will adversely affect your budget.
  • 10.12 — 16.12. December 2018 is a favorable period for a hobby. Give your internal development enough time. Also show attention to your partner, be caring and affectionate. You can arrange a romantic evening for the two of you, your spouse will definitely appreciate it. At work, too, everything is calm, no changes are expected.
  • 17.12 — 23.12. All the negotiations held during this period will be successful. You will strengthen your business reputation. Take on new projects with caution, but it is better to postpone them until a later time. Be sure to help your relatives who need your help. Short trips will bring many benefits, no matter what nature they are: business trips or vacations.
  • 24.12 — 30.12. In December 2018, Aquarius succeeds. Therefore, do not stop there, grow professionally and further. Avoid family conflicts. Sometimes it is better to remain silent and keep peace in the house than to prove your controversial position, spoiling everyone's mood.

Monthly horoscopes for all zodiac signs

Published: 2018-11-14 , Modified: 2018-11-22 ,

For the Aquarius zodiac sign, December 2015 will be a successful and promising time, but not the easiest. The fact is that Saturn, the ruling planet of Aquarius, is stronger than ever. The Lord of the rivers of time will be able to divert the lion's share of interstellar negativity, which in other circumstances could play a decisive role in the life of Aquarians. It will take all his energy. Meanwhile, the emanations of Mars (traditionally responsible for the fall of the Aquarius sign) will change the polarity of their oscillations, this will allow for dynamic and powerful support to overcome all obstacles and solve any problematic situations. However, the peculiarity of the current situation is that Mercury, which is traditionally responsible for the flowering of the vitality of this sign, will sharply and irrevocably change the modality of its energy and turn into a fierce enemy. It will be a difficult situation, ambiguous and very negative, because the representatives of this sign will have a deficit of vital energy and they will not be able to realize their full potential this month.

Career, finance

In terms of the direction of work, this situation will not allow the zodiac sign Aquarius to achieve all of its goals in December 2015. This means that at the beginning of the first decade of the month it is worth adjusting your plans based on such unusual circumstances. In fact, not all projects that you would like to implement at this stage will be of paramount importance. Or maybe things will get even more interesting - almost all of your ideas won't make sense. This may be a big blow for you, but it's better than wasting time and money without any result. Therefore, if you do not have your own business, try to analyze the current situation as clearly as possible. Be discreet, ergonomic and sociable. You will be able to carry out only those plans that will really be useful for you and your environment. It is rational, simple and direct.

family, love

The love front in December 2015 will not bring amazing and amazing moments to Aquarius that could be stored in your memory for a long time. However, this does not mean that you will not achieve your goals or do what is necessary. You must never forget the individual aspects, which under certain circumstances can be extremely powerful. Just remember that you won't have a lot of energy, so grabbing everything at once is not the best idea. If you want to organize some kind of mass event with the participation of your friends, and are also planning a wedding in December 2015, this can be a bit much. After all, life energy is the basis of your existence, your creativity, without which human life is meaningless and simply dissolves in fuss. Think about it and decide what is more important now.

Aquarians will spend December 2015 in pleasant anticipation of happy life transformations, and, in the end, expectations will certainly be crowned with success. The harmonious aspect of Mars will set Aquarius up for serious life transformations and help to realize their grandiose plans. This month, significant changes can affect all areas of your life, including the love sphere. If love relationship you are not satisfied with your current partner, you will find a reason to break them, and give your heart to the person who loves you and deserves your love. At work, it will be difficult for you to do without the help of colleagues, even though you will work hard. The fact is that the task that your boss will entrust to you may be beyond your professional competence. Don't let that worry you: there will always be helpers at the right time! But just in case, it still won’t hurt you to replenish your professional knowledge new useful information.

In the first decade of December 2015, thanks to the harmonious influence of Mercury, Aquarius will learn to combine business with pleasure and find zest even in the most boring and uninteresting work - and this zest will stimulate the conquest of new professional heights. And all thanks to the fact that you will approach any business creatively, trying to find original methods for solving the most common professional problems. This period is also good for you because when resolving particularly difficult life problems, you will show tremendous courage, endurance and optimism. A joyful smile will not leave your face even in the most difficult moments of life, and others will admire you and take an example from you. During this period, you will take everything that will be connected with the sphere of your personal life seriously and will not tolerate if someone outsider interferes in your love relationships or shows increased interest in them.

In the second decade of December 2015, the tense aspect of Venus can complicate the love relationship of Aquarius with strife and misunderstanding. If you do not want to quarrel with your loved one over a mere trifle, try at least sometimes to yield to him not only in small things, but also in matters of principle. And if he sees that you are willing to compromise, then, in turn, he will do everything possible so that you are not offended by him. Remember: the one who is smarter gives in first! During this period, you will gladly push work into the background, but it will often remind you of itself by the need to solve current problems. If the authorities suddenly decide to send you on a business trip, this will indicate that you are in good standing in the team, and that high hopes are placed on you. So try to justify the trust of colleagues and superiors!

In the third decade of December 2015, Aquarians will sum up the work done for last period, and reap the rewards of all that they have been able to achieve. Thanks to the harmonious influence of Saturn, during this period you will be able to clarify many situations that seemed confusing to you, and make right and wise decisions regarding your immediate and future future. The final period of December is much more suitable not for starting new business, but for thinking things over, analyzing and drawing appropriate conclusions for the future. And so that this eventless period does not seem too boring to you, meet friends more often, have parties and do not forget that your greatest joy and outlet is, of course, your loved one!