What is the job of a journalist? Profession journalist: pros and cons

A journalist is a person who engages in journalism as his main occupation, contributing to the information content of the media by collecting, comprehending and presenting information about significant facts, events, people, and phenomena to the audience. Journalists of the most prestigious specialization are focused on journalistic work (columnists), usually with the goal of forming a certain public opinion, as well as providing a corrective influence on the decisions and actions of government authorities and communication between the state and society (the metaphorical characterization of journalism as the “fourth estate” is widespread) - in addition to the three official branches) within the framework of publications, radio and television channels determined by the founders.

A journalist - correspondent, reporter (information and news worker) and observer (analyst) can be assisted by a television cameraman, producer and technical staff.

A media photographer can work either in tandem with a reporter or correspondent, or independently prepare a report for his publication. At the same time, he can be a photojournalist.

Journalism is an ancient creative profession. A journalist is a source of news about events happening in the world. Journalists work in the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines, television, radio companies, press centers, and the education sector. The profession of a journalist is considered dangerous: business trips to “hot spots” and extreme places are possible. The profession of a journalist requires a frantic pace of work; the work schedule can be irregular. A journalist can hold the position of full-time/freelance correspondent, reporter, column leader, editor-in-chief, announcer, sound engineer, columnist, commentator, etc.

The main task of a journalist is to inform people with new, reliable facts. The duties of a journalist include searching and writing articles, news, advertising texts, reports, reviews, and essays.

Those who like to: actively participate in public life have the ability for this profession; quickly switch from one job to another; observe people's behavior and lives; analyze phenomena and events.

Personal qualities:



Communication skills

Analytic skills

Good memory


A journalist must have a higher professional education in the field of journalism, know the psychology of communication, foreign languages, have good skills in communicating with people, collecting, searching and selecting the necessary information, analytical skills, imaginative thinking, good memory, mobility, the ability to express thoughts clearly, and be a communicator , an inquisitive, resourceful, quick-witted, erudite, friendly, polite, physically resilient person.

Special professional training is received at the faculties of journalism (in Moscow, Moscow State University and MGIMO).

Types of activities that a journalist can conduct.

1. Freelance correspondent or “freelancer.” This is an independent journalist offering his materials to the publication. He lives on royalties that he receives for publishing his works and reprinting them.

2. Own correspondent. Responsibility: collecting information, delivering the latest news. Must understand everything: from rallies to concerts.

5. Executive secretary. Helps coordinate the work of departments, controls all production work latest issue, starting from drawing up a preliminary plan for the issue to layout and delivery of the layout to the printing house.

6. Chief Editor. He is responsible for preparing materials for printing and publishing the issue. Only a bright personality can create the style of a newspaper or magazine.

Unlike a freelance correspondent, a permanent newspaper employee receives a salary and fee. True, after the crisis, many newspapers reduced royalties or stopped paying them altogether.

7. A journalist who finds himself in advertising can earn good money. A promising new direction that has emerged during last decade, - outdoor advertising (billboards, signs, shop windows).

8. Working on radio and television involves writing scripts, dubbing texts, preparing your own programs, and going on the air. These are radio broadcasters, DJs, announcers, sound engineers, observers, commentators.

9. “International specialists” have always been considered the journalistic elite, and the requirements for them are still high: knowledge of several foreign languages, the ability to have a good understanding of the history and culture of the country where they will work.

The salary of a journalist largely depends on the place of work: its size may fluctuate depending on the position held. Being a TV journalist is a great launching pad for a future career in television. Then you can move to another channel or grow on this channel to the position of editor, director, producer, chief editor, or head of a television channel.

The profession of journalist is one of the most in demand. There are always plenty of vacancies.


The first rudiments of journalism were discovered in ancient Rome. There they found tablets with engraved information messages. They were called “Urgent Affairs of the Population of Rome.” In Russia, the Vedomosti newspaper is considered the first periodical. It was published in 1702 in the city of St. Petersburg. Accordingly, there was a need for specialists who would collect, systematize, process information and turn it into printed text. Of course, the functions of a modern journalist have expanded significantly. Facilities mass media include not only print, but also radio, television and the Internet. The sphere of mass media has become widespread.

Demand for the profession

Little in demand

Profession Journalist is considered not very in demand, since there is a decline in interest in this profession on the labor market. Journalists have lost their relevance among employers either due to the fact that the field of activity is becoming obsolete, or there are too many specialists.

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Useful articles

Description of activity

There is no field of activity in which a journalist is not competent. This specialist must be oriented in all matters relating to human life and environment. If we characterize his work in several steps, it will be searching for information, processing material and creating finished product. This could be a printed article, audio recording, video, or electronic text. The journalistic product is also classified according to its genre identity and stylistic devices. In the course of work, a specialist can use developed journalistic techniques, which are manifested both orally and in writing.


Moscow average:

Uniqueness of the profession

Quite common

The majority of respondents believe that the profession Journalist cannot be called rare, in our country it is quite common. For several years now, there has been a demand in the labor market for representatives of the profession Journalist, despite the fact that many specialists graduate every year.

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What education is needed

Higher professional education

Survey data show that to work in the profession Journalist You must have a diploma of higher professional education in the relevant specialty or in a specialty that allows you to work Journalist(related or similar specialty). Average vocational education not enough to become Journalist.

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Job responsibilities

The journalist searches and requests the necessary information. Competently and promptly prepares information products. Arranges meetings with people of interest to him. Creates an information base to prepare material for publication. When preparing an information product, he is guided by the legislative framework and moral standards governing journalistic activity.

Type of labor

Exclusively mental work

Profession Journalist refers to professions exclusively mental (creative or intellectual work). In the process of work, the activity of sensory systems, attention, memory, activation of thinking and emotional sphere. Journalists They are distinguished by their erudition, curiosity, rationality, and analytical mind.

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Features of career growth

Many journalists have made a career for themselves not by their place of work, but by their own name, that is, by having professional and personal qualities. An experienced journalist in the future can become an editor, director, producer or manager of an information project.

Career Opportunities

Minimum career opportunities

According to the results of the survey, Journalists have minimal career opportunities. It doesn’t depend at all on the person himself, it’s just a profession Journalist does not have a career path.

How users rated this criterion:
  • Opportunity for career growth
  • What kind of education is needed?
  • What to consider?

The profession of a journalist is surrounded by an aura of adventurous romance, covered with hundreds of myths and has long earned itself an ambiguous reputation. In the minds of the average person, a journalist is somewhere between a highway bandit and a knight on a white horse. Many people don’t like correspondents and consider them vultures who make sensations out of other people’s misfortunes... But when all options have been exhausted, when all the doors of higher authorities have closed in front of our noses, who do we turn to? Television, websites, newspapers - this is where we write and call when there is nowhere else to write and call.

But why such different perceptions of representatives of the same profession? Here, more than anywhere else, a person’s personality is important. Journalism is like a smaller copy of society; all types are found in it - from corrupt scoundrels to holy dreamers. But, no matter what spiteful critics say, the profession of a journalist was and remains noble, designed to shape public opinion, educate society and bring human vices to the light of day.

Therefore, today we will tell you how to become a journalist, what skills and character traits are needed for this, and what you need to be prepared for.

Any profession has its advantages and disadvantages. How attractive the former are and how unacceptable the latter are is the individual preferences of a particular person. Having found a suitable balance for himself, he can become successful in his chosen specialty.


  1. This work is important to society. A journalist plays a huge role in the life of a social organism - he conveys information to people. Very often, the outcome of a case depends solely on whether the public finds out about it or not. Moreover, journalists are chroniclers modern history countries Information about all events occurring in the world is stored in photos and video reports, articles, and news stories. Anyone can refresh their memory of these events by accessing media archives posted on the Internet.
  2. This profession is very interesting. Working as a journalist, you will go everywhere and see everything. All exhibitions and theater premieres, international festivals and visits of foreign guests - the journalist is always in the front row. And all this is fresh, real, not from TV screens, but right here and now.
  3. A good opportunity to realize your creative potential. The journalistic profession does not tolerate people with a lack of imagination. After all, you need to not only write, but write interestingly, come up with a bright title, and compose a catchy sidebar. Journalism is on a par with painting, poetry and music - it is truly a real art.
  4. No routine. You never know where the winds of news will take you. Topics for articles are incredibly varied - today you can write about a cat show, and tomorrow you can investigate a shootout in the city center. And no matter how many years you work, journalism will always find a new surprise to give you.
  5. New acquaintances. The journalist has hundreds of acquaintances. And very different - from bikers to priests. And among them there are many extraordinary personalities.


Who is the profession of journalist suitable for?

To become a journalist, you need to be able to write well (or speak, if this is television and radio journalism), have a large vocabulary, high level education in different areas human life. A journalist must know the laws - this is the first thing. You also need to be able to think quickly and constantly learn new things.

People with a lively temperament, mobile people who can quickly do urgent work are suitable for journalism, because the motto of every editor is: “Do it for me yesterday!”

You need to have creative thinking, positive self-esteem, a bit of arrogance and a lot of stubbornness. Because every editor's motto is: "Get it for me wherever you want it!"

But at the same time, we must not forget about dignity, delicacy, and politeness. You will have to work with many people more than once. In order for them to want to cooperate on an ongoing basis, you need to gain their trust.

In addition, this profession requires meticulousness and tediousness. Any journalist has gotten into trouble at least once for mixing up names or not clarifying details. Therefore, correspondents sometimes ask questions that seem to be the apotheosis of idiocy. Something like: “Were you wearing red or blue tights when you won your Olympic gold medal?”

A journalist must have the talent of a diplomat, the cunning of a strategist, the punctuality of a king, always keep promises, be as precise as a Swiss watch in all matters, and be able to find contact with even the most unsociable person. A journalist is, first of all, a reputation, and you need to be able to create it.

Opportunity for career growth

It all depends on desire and zeal. If you work hard and try, you can end up on a central TV channel or become an author for a famous website. Waiting for everything to come on its own is a direct path to a small newspaper in a small town where nothing happens. Huge opportunities are open to a journalist. All newspaper and magazine editors are journalists. Many owners of TV channels and newspapers are also journalists who decided to open their own business. Fame is the constant companion of professionals, especially TV presenters. So, if you dreamed of national fame, this is a good path.

What kind of education is needed?

At this stage of development of journalism, special education is not required. Many working journalists studied to become teachers, engineers, mathematicians, nuclear physicists, and basically anyone else. First of all, the editor will ask you to provide (if any) previous publications (videos, audio recordings), then he will give the applicant a task and see how he copes. It is important that for official employment you will need a diploma higher education. Anyone.

What to consider?

Writing journalists must be able to take photographs, because a professional photographer is too expensive for many publications. The standard kit for a correspondent consists of a notepad, a pen, business cards (your own and others), a telephone, a voice recorder and a camera.

Depending on the specifics of the publication, you will also have to get acquainted with the intricacies of the work of other members of the team - for example, newspaper journalists know the basic layout, Internet correspondents understand website administration, television journalists are well aware of the technical intricacies of camera work. A journalist is a specialty that includes knowledge about many other professions, and after a few years of work a person realizes that he is slowly turning into a walking encyclopedia.

The profession of a journalist is a job for extraordinary people who are able to combine many qualities, often opposing ones. Creative but responsible, dreamers who perceive the world realistically, cool-headed and passionate, courageous and cautious. Journalism is not just a job, it is a calling and a life path. Because once journalism has caught a person in its net, it will never let him go - it is too fascinating and unforgettable, despite all its difficulties.

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Not simple and very responsible. A journalist must be able to collect, process and present information to an audience. It requires more than just preparation and training. A person must be a journalist by vocation. (See also:)

There are three areas of specialization in journalism:

  • print journalists;
  • media personnel;
  • photojournalists.

But all these specialists have one thing in common - they must be able to quickly and efficiently process information, as well as be able to present it correctly and competently.

Journalists are also classified according to their areas of work. These could be observers of sports, political or economic news, journalists from various industries and international affairs.

The profession of a journalist has pros and cons. This is an interesting and creative job. You can do what you love and get paid for it. But you will have to work a lot before you find a suitable and highly paid position.

Working on television, a journalist can become famous. But fame has its obvious disadvantages.

Every year the international event “Profession is a Journalist” is held in Moscow. This is a festival within which a competition is held among journalistic works. Journalists of various fields can take part in it. They present their reports, investigations, films and other thematic works to the public and the jury. Traditionally, many works at the festival are dedicated to outstanding journalists and colleagues who died while doing journalism.

The exhibition also features many projects by various photojournalists. Reports from hot spots and works devoted to military operations are especially popular. Organized the festival “Profession - Journalist” of the Guild of Journalists and Film Directors of Russia. The event is supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the country.

The action is being held at the Central House of Journalists in Moscow. The jury members are prominent journalists, film directors and producers.

The profession of a journalist requires a lot of work. It's more of a lifestyle than a job. A journalist must always be in the center of events. Night calls and working extra hours are an integral part of his life. Therefore, not everyone can be a journalist. It’s not enough just to be able to write well, you need to live it and give to your work most life.

Journalists perceive everything around them as material for a potential report; it is difficult for them to disconnect from work, even on weekends. Therefore, before becoming a journalist, you need to weigh the pros and cons and think carefully. After all, being a journalist is not so easy. You need to fully devote yourself to this matter.