The dream of a woman in black headscarves. Why dream of a scarf? The dream book will tell! Portal Editor-in-Chief: Ekaterina Danilova

28.08.2019 Internet

See loved one in a black scarf - such a dream portends serious losses. You may become a victim of fraud or robbery. Or an influential person at a decisive moment will refuse to assist, and you will suffer damage in business.

Armed with a prediction, think in advance of a backup plan of action. Then at the critical moment you will not feel helpless.

In a dream, the daughter wears a black scarf

If you dreamed that your daughter was wearing a black scarf, you will have a joyful and sad event at the same time. The daughter will enter into a marital union with a wealthy man and leave the parental home.

Such major changes cause deep feelings for all family members. For you begins new stage. To adapt to it, you will need to reconsider the values ​​and priorities of your life, to find new perspectives.

Dreamed of a woman in a black scarf

A dreaming woman in a black scarf is interpreted by the Orakul dream book in two ways. The image represents a decrease in immunity and an increased risk of developing a serious illness in you or a relative.

To exclude a frightening diagnosis, consult a doctor, undergo an examination and begin to carry out body-strengthening procedures.

Another interpretation of a woman in a black scarf seen in a dream

A different meaning of sleep indicates the hypocrisy of some acquaintances from everyday social circles. Behind the mask of good nature, they hide envy and anger towards you.

Do not be too trusting, be critical of everything that is said to you, especially flattering speeches.

If you dream of a friend in a black scarf

If in a dream you met a friend in a black scarf, this is a sign of your confusion, apathy, and possibly emerging depression.

Such conditions often indicate a general overvoltage. Take care of yourself. Arrange a quality vacation. Take a vacation and go to the sea. This the best remedy from blues.

Dreamed of people in black scarves

When people in black headscarves appear in a dream, this means that there are a lot of two-faced people around you who are interested in causing misfortune to you. They spread false accusations to tarnish your good name.

Assure family and close friends of your honesty. Having a reliable rear, it is much easier to resist ill-wishers.

What is the dream of mom in a black scarf

When a mother dreams in a black scarf, it means that you are afraid to upset her with an unseemly act or intention. In an allegorical sense, the image symbolizes the voice of conscience, broadcasting that you are going the wrong way.

Small Velesov dream book Why does the Scarf dream in a dream:

Scarf - Letter, gift, message, wealth, change; spread - write a letter; white - to meet a guy (girl), good news // illness; red - acquaintance // illness; yellow - separation; black - blacken you, sadness, complaint, sad news, illness; colorful - matchmaking; tying your head - chores; waving - a girl to get married; waving a black handkerchief - news of death; cover yourself with warm - a change for the better, prosperity; torn to look at - gossip, poverty; lose - shame.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when a Scarf is dreaming:

Interpretation of the dream book: Handkerchief - To lose a bow means to suffer beatings from someone or receive shame and dishonor.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: What does a scarf mean

Handkerchief - Handkerchief, clean - failure; the head one is a change in life, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when a Scarf is dreaming:

A scarf - as the dream book says - a predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why is the Scarf dreaming?

Scarf - Seeing a beautiful headscarf in a dream - to a letter, good news, a gift. Tie him on his head - curb yourself, there is some kind of trip ahead. Seeing your own on another woman is a nuisance. Handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes; cotton - need, poverty; silk - love. Seeing a clean handkerchief in a dream - to a sad event, loss; dirty - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Handkerchief in a dream

Handkerchief - Bow - anxiety, disputes; silk - you're in love.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of a Scarf:

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: to tears; give to the chagrin that your loved ones will bring you. Head buy to seek protection. Give a call for help. Seeing someone will help you. Put on, wear yourself be under the protection of people or organizations.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing a Scarf in a Dream

In a dream, what is the dream of the Scarf - Bow - anxiety, disputes - silk - You are in love

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Scarf - For a man - fidelity to his beloved. For a woman: put on - self-control; road; spiritual development; black - misfortune, mourning.

What does it mean when a handkerchief is dreaming - Farewell, an exciting experience; dirty - treason.

Dream Interpretation Head Scarf

Why dream of a Head Scarf in a dream from a dream book?

Seeing a scarf on your head in a dream predicts the receipt of information that will lead to serious changes in your life.

If you see this symbol married woman- she is waiting for flirting or love affair. For a lonely girl, such a dream prophesies marriage.

For a young woman, wearing a headscarf is evidence of a strong but possibly forbidden love affair that she hides out of shame.

A head scarf seen in a dream, which attracts with its beauty, is a good omen. You will receive news that will make you happy, or you will receive a welcome gift.

What happened to you in your dream?

Why dream of wearing a headscarf

Wearing a scarf on your head in a dream is an indication that in the near future you will be absorbed in everyday affairs, and unforeseen problems may arise in them.

If in a dream you put a scarf on your head, it means that you will soon have to make a trip. Most likely, it will be associated with recently received information.

Cover your head with a scarf in a dream

If in a dream you cover your head with a scarf, this is a sign that in real world you keep your feelings under control. Another interpretation of this symbol says that you decide to go on a trip.

For a woman to see such a dream means that she will receive a large sum of money.

What does it mean to wear a scarf on your head in a dream

To dream that you are wearing a scarf on your head is a sign of patronage. Authoritative people or some structure will provide you with guaranteed protection.

In a dream they gave a headscarf

If in a dream you were presented with a scarf on your head, then this indicates shifting responsibility. Someone close to you will commit an act, the consequences of which you will have to deal with.

Dream interpretation to wear a scarf

Why dream of wearing a Scarf in a dream from a dream book?

If it is on your head, be extremely attentive to everything you see and hear, as incredibly important information is intended for you, and you need not miss it.

Why do I dream of putting a scarf on my head?


(Child smile)

To put on, to wear a scarf yourself - to be protected by people or organizations. For a young woman, a dream in which she covers her head with a scarf means that she is ashamed of her love affair. A scarf is a message. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white handkerchief in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf - this is wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially for young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked in a large cage - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for wooing. A red scarf is a message of weakness.


Good value If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. A scarf in a dream symbolizes restraint or secrecy. A scarf for a woman: to put on - self-control; road; spiritual development; black - misfortune, mourning. Seeing a headscarf is a dream for life changes.

Your lichnyi sort Geroina*©

For a young woman, a dream in which she covers her head with a scarf means that she is ashamed of her love affair.

Down scarf

Dream Interpretation Downy scarf had a dream about why a downy scarf is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Downy Shawl in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

A scarf is a message. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white handkerchief in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf - this is wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially for young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked in a large cage - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for wooing. A red scarf is a message of weakness. Dreaming of someone in a white scarf or just a white scarf - the news of the illness of the one in the scarf. The girl in the black headscarf is a weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Handkerchief - Bow: to tears; to give - to the chagrin that your loved ones will bring you. Head buy - seek protection. Give - call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. Put on, wear yourself - be under the protection of people or organizations.

Dream Interpretation - Handkerchief

black scarf

Dream Interpretation Black Scarf dreamed of why the Black Scarf is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a Black Scarf in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift. Tie a headscarf on your head - curb yourself, there is some kind of trip ahead. Seeing your handkerchief on another woman is a nuisance. Handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes. Cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty. Silk scarf - predicts love. A clean handkerchief is a sad event, a loss. Dirty handkerchief - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

A scarf is a message. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white handkerchief in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf - this is wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially for young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked in a large cage - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for wooing. A red scarf is a message of weakness. Dreaming of someone in a white scarf or just a white scarf - the news of the illness of the one in the scarf. The girl in the black headscarf is a weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Tie a scarf - to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a handkerchief, the dream means that some news will make you hit the road. Imagine that you are tying a scarf around your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the handkerchief to someone else.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy. Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head is a sign that you may not need to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers. Inconvenient Handkerchief: Indicates that your stealth can interfere with you in some way. A handkerchief draped around your shoulders suggests that pent-up feelings can betray themselves, as they are ready to break free at any moment. Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity. If in your dream someone you know waves a handkerchief to you: such a dream says that you can safely trust this person. To dream about how others wear headscarves - indicates that you have no idea about someone's true intentions and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream portends a change in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf means tenderness of feelings. The dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that separation from this person awaits you. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss it past your ears, eat a leaf of a golden mustache for a week. If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on a scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of people who are dear to you.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Tie a scarf on your head - curb yourself, the road lies ahead. To see your own on another woman - they will take a friend away. Black scarf - mourning, death of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Handkerchief - Bow: to tears; to give - to the chagrin that your loved ones will bring you. Head buy - seek protection. Give - call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. Put on, wear yourself - be under the protection of people or organizations.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Handkerchief - Bow: to tears; to give - to the chagrin that your loved ones will bring you. Head buy - seek protection. Give - call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. Put on, wear yourself - be under the protection of people or organizations.

Dream Interpretation - Handkerchief

Handkerchief - portends a verbal squabble.

Wear a headscarf

Dream Interpretation - Dress Up

If in a dream someone bothers you to get dressed: pulls off your hat, jacket, hides your things - someone will interfere with your studies. If you are in a hurry somewhere (for example, to the station) and do not have time to get dressed, in reality you will experience irritation due to something. If you dress somehow in a dream, in untidy clothes, an unexpected guest will come to you. And you won’t know what to grab onto: either to seat the guest, greet, drink tea, or hastily put yourself in order! Get dressed, please, and neatly at home.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Handkerchief - Bow: to tears; to give - to the chagrin that your loved ones will bring you. Head buy - seek protection. Give - call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. Put on, wear yourself - be under the protection of people or organizations.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Handkerchief - Bow: to tears; to give - to the chagrin that your loved ones will bring you. Head buy - seek protection. Give - call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. Put on, wear yourself - be under the protection of people or organizations.

Dream Interpretation - Handkerchief

Handkerchief - portends a verbal squabble.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

For an unmarried woman, a scarf on her head means imminent marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Neck scarf - you want to be alone, think and dream.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

The scarf is dreaming - to the letter. Tie your head with a scarf - to the chores.

Dream Interpretation - Head

To dream of yourself or someone with an enlarged head portends success and fame if you are engaged in intellectual work in real life. A small head in a dream portends poverty, painstaking and thankless work. Shaggy head in a dream - fortunately, bald - a warning against evil deeds. A chopped head - to chagrin. A head with lush hair - to love, shorn - unfortunately. A broken and bleeding head - to exhausting work, but money. Permed head - trust your friends who will divulge your secret. Head in a hat - to hardship and misfortune. A talking head without a body portends you an important meeting with influential people who have the power and the ability to provide you with the necessary support. Seeing your head in a dream is a disease. If in a dream you see yourself with two heads, this is an opportunity to make a quick career and get rich. Children's head without hair means the future family happiness and well-being in the home. The head of the animal warns: be more selective in the choice of friends and profession. Is in a dream pig's head- go on the road, lamb - make a profit, lion's head - to lose. To see on your head at the same time dark and blonde hair portends great doubts about the upcoming choice, in which one should be extremely careful not to make a mistake. All blond hair on the head is a sign of complaisance and kindness, dark hair is a love trap. A redhead is a falsehood, a change in relationships. A golden head is a sign of dignity and courage of your chosen one. Chestnut head - to failures at work, neatly combed - attachment to the hearth, singed - avoid trouble, burning head - to profit, lice - to poverty, dandruff head - unexpectedly gain great wealth. Head with big ears - you will be highly honored, with long hair- suffer a loss, with short ones - to prosperity. To anoint your head is to experience happiness. Chop someone's head - win. Seeing a diadem on your head is a sign of disagreement on some issues. Feeling a severe headache in a dream - you will be overcome by many worries. If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love, which will end happily. Washing your hair in a dream is an omen of your prudent and effective decisions. Seeing someone washing their hair with shampoo means that soon, secretly from others, take a trip, taking part in unworthy scams.

Dream Interpretation - Head

If the head was the main symbol in your dream, you will have to get acquainted with important people. Own head - the result of acquaintance depends only on you; wash your hair - a fleeting acquaintance, correctly used in right place at the right time, will lead to success in society; unnatural big head- rapid career growth due to the protégé of a new acquaintance; children's head - your ideas will be heard, which will bring unprecedented financial profit. If your gaze in a dream was riveted to the individual details of the head, fundamental changes are coming in your life: unnatural big ears- honor and glory among colleagues awaits you; admiring a curl or curl - a fleeting relationship will end in affection and marriage; interlocutor's teeth - you will be able to adequately resolve the confrontation that has dragged on for many years; the outlines of the mouth, lips - in a dispute you will emerge victorious; nose - you will become the owner of information that will bring profit; blush or dimples on the cheeks - your old dreams will become a reality; forehead or bald head - the rash acts of your enemies will help you get out of a seemingly hopeless situation. Remember the head you dreamed about, consider in detail all the details that seemed unimportant in a dream, and try to remember the face. Severed, wounded, broken head - frivolous acts can lead to irreparable consequences: your own head - promiscuity is the cause of your misfortunes; animal head - base desires will cause your most faithful friends to turn away from you; the baby's head is dishonor; the severed head rolled away from the body - the collapse of all hopes; talking head- is expected to be dragged out by the boss and demotion; your head was cut off - your immense trust strangers gave the enemy the opportunity to manipulate you; you cut off your head - the loss of a wise adviser; the head is partially subject to decay - to a protracted illness; rotten head - the death of a loved one. Extend your mental dream and imagine that you are on the battlefield in which you emerged victorious (see Battle). The head is part of the action - obstacles in matters that are very important to you: you turn your head and look back - the reason for failure lies in the past; breaking the door with your head or breaking a brick on your head - rash hasty actions will negate all the efforts invested; bang your head against the wall - you have an uncompromising struggle in which you will prove your case; while praying, hitting your head on the floor - wasted strength will not allow you to make the final throw at the decisive moment; conduct complex mathematical calculations in the mind - the obligations that were assigned to business partners will not be fulfilled; experience a severe headache - a deep emotional shock will lead to loss of interest, indifference to life; hide your head - give in in the face of danger; to see someone walking over the heads of others - envious people are trying to harm you. Imagine that all the activities you did in your dream were part of the plan of salvation. The plan succeeded. Try to imagine the positive emotions you experience as a result of your efforts (see Saving someone).

Dream Interpretation - Dress Up

Putting on a suit or dress, coat, rushing, knowing that someone is in the way - to an unpleasant situation, an ambiguous situation. Dressing strangely or carelessly - to an unwanted, unpleasant visitor.

Wear a headscarf

Dream Interpretation Wear a scarf on your head dreamed of why in a dream to put a scarf on your head? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Wearing a scarf on your head by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift. Tie a headscarf on your head - curb yourself, there is some kind of trip ahead. Seeing your handkerchief on another woman is a nuisance. Handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes. Cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty. Silk scarf - predicts love. A clean handkerchief is a sad event, a loss. Dirty handkerchief - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

A scarf is a message. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white handkerchief in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf - this is wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially for young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked in a large cage - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for wooing. A red scarf is a message of weakness. Dreaming of someone in a white scarf or just a white scarf - the news of the illness of the one in the scarf. The girl in the black headscarf is a weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Tie a scarf - to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a handkerchief, the dream means that some news will make you hit the road. Imagine that you are tying a scarf around your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the handkerchief to someone else.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy. Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head is a sign that you may not need to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers. Inconvenient Handkerchief: Indicates that your stealth can interfere with you in some way. A handkerchief draped around your shoulders suggests that pent-up feelings can betray themselves, as they are ready to break free at any moment. Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity. If in your dream someone you know waves a handkerchief to you: such a dream says that you can safely trust this person. To dream about how others wear headscarves - indicates that you have no idea about someone's true intentions and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream portends a change in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf means tenderness of feelings. The dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that separation from this person awaits you. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss it past your ears, eat a leaf of a golden mustache for a week. If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on a scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of people who are dear to you.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Tie a scarf on your head - curb yourself, the road lies ahead. To see your own on another woman - they will take a friend away. Black scarf - mourning, death of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Handkerchief - Bow: to tears; to give - to the chagrin that your loved ones will bring you. Head buy - seek protection. Give - call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. Put on, wear yourself - be under the protection of people or organizations.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Handkerchief - Bow: to tears; to give - to the chagrin that your loved ones will bring you. Head buy - seek protection. Give - call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. Put on, wear yourself - be under the protection of people or organizations.

Dream Interpretation - Handkerchief

Handkerchief - portends a verbal squabble.

Wear a black scarf

Dream Interpretation Black scarf to wear on had a dream about why in a dream to put on a black scarf? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to wear a Black Scarf in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift. Tie a headscarf on your head - curb yourself, there is some kind of trip ahead. Seeing your handkerchief on another woman is a nuisance. Handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes. Cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty. Silk scarf - predicts love. A clean handkerchief is a sad event, a loss. Dirty handkerchief - to wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

A scarf is a message. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white handkerchief in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf - this is wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially for young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked in a large cage - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - for wooing. A red scarf is a message of weakness. Dreaming of someone in a white scarf or just a white scarf - the news of the illness of the one in the scarf. The girl in the black headscarf is a weakness.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Tie a scarf - to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a handkerchief, the dream means that some news will make you hit the road. Imagine that you are tying a scarf around your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the handkerchief to someone else.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy. Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head is a sign that you may not need to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers. Inconvenient Handkerchief: Indicates that your stealth can interfere with you in some way. A handkerchief draped around your shoulders suggests that pent-up feelings can betray themselves, as they are ready to break free at any moment. Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity. If in your dream someone you know waves a handkerchief to you: such a dream says that you can safely trust this person. To dream about how others wear headscarves - indicates that you have no idea about someone's true intentions and moods.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream portends a change in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf means tenderness of feelings. The dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that separation from this person awaits you. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss it past your ears, eat a leaf of a golden mustache for a week. If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on a scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of people who are dear to you.

Dream Interpretation - Dress, undress

Dressing is an uncomfortable situation; successful event. Put on a lot for illness. Dressing up trouble; unsuccessful relationships. Dressing sloppy, inappropriate unexpected guest. Dressing awkward, delayed procrastination, interference; responsibility, worries. Undress malaise; lesion; frankness in relationships; liberation from someone, something.

Dream Interpretation - Scarf

Tie a scarf on your head - curb yourself, the road lies ahead. To see your own on another woman - they will take a friend away. Black scarf - mourning, death of loved ones.

Dream Interpretation - Dress Up

Dress someone else. Tip of the day: do not be frank with unfamiliar people. Now it is dangerous for you. Dress yourself. Tip of the day: dare to take on a new business

Dream Interpretation - Dress Up

Dressing in mourning clothes - portends an appointment. Standing under the roof, in the house, dressing - speaks of uncertainty, some kind of mystery.

A scarf is a rectangular or triangular and richly decorated piece of fabric with interesting patterns, by studying which one can tell a lot about the owner of the scarf. The headscarf can be worn on the head as protection from the wind or under a hat - for warmth, a scarf draped over the shoulders acts as a jacket at home. A scarf can be a symbol of home comfort, tenderness, femininity. In a dream, a scarf means memory, fidelity. Let's consider what a scarf is dreaming of in dream books.

Basic values

  • In ancient times, the pattern of a scarf could depict the wealth of a family or even maps of lands, unprecedented countries. Such a scarf was a sign of wealth, fortune.
  • The color of the scarf matters. A black scarf traditionally means mourning and isolation. Not necessarily for a loved one. Perhaps you will experience severe disappointment and some people will leave the circle of people with whom you communicate.
  • White scarf - to the bath, cleanliness. Perhaps you will go to a sanatorium or a recreation center. If a white handkerchief is on another person, he may get sick.
  • Red, crimson scarf - masquerade, entertainment.
  • Blue color - to peace of mind, blue - unrequited love without reciprocity.
  • Green - something new awaits you.
  • Colored handkerchiefs can mean news about your friend's wedding.
  • A downy warm scarf that you put on your shoulders - to loneliness, waiting for good luck. A period is approaching in which you will have to think about many things and rethink them completely. After a period of calm, there will be another period of activity. Now you should fall in love with silence and solitude. You can try to look for yourself in creativity.
  • Woolen scarf - to prosperity, success. Silk - to happy love.
  • Neckerchief - to career growth. You are confident and pleasant surprises await you.
  • Tie a scarf in a knot on the chest - false oaths of loyalty and devotion. You do too much to please and not disappoint others, say the words that are expected of you. Don't be surprised if you get offended by the few who believed your promises.
  • Untying, unwinding a scarf in a dream - to spiritual liberation, readiness for new relationships, openness.
  • If you put a scarf over your head, and it slides to the side, interferes with the view, you need to listen less to the stupid advice of ill-wishers. Perhaps they want to make you better and more comfortable for themselves, but how comfortable are you with this role? The dream shows that narrowing your horizons causes an internal protest in you and restrictions are not beneficial.
  • Is your headscarf being worn by another woman? - If it radiates with happiness - you complained about fate in vain or boasted too much. Someone is very jealous of you and is ready to successfully take your place. If misfortunes happen to a person, you managed to avert trouble from yourself and loved ones.
  • To receive a scarf as a gift - your friend or girlfriend who gave a scarf treats you patronizingly and is ready to provide support if necessary.
  • Spreading a scarf on the ground in order to arrange delicious picnic food on it like a tablecloth - you are passionate about romance and are ready to neglect your interests for the sake of a beautiful development of relationships. Beware. Perhaps you are being used and your chosen one, luxuriously portraying a rich man, lives on generous donations from deceived women.
  • Handkerchief - to health problems, petty annoyances. Do not forget to buy allergy medications, check the little things that you take with you on the road.

Interpretations of authorities

  • Tsvetkov's dream book promises happiness and prosperity if in a dream you throw a bright colorful scarf over your head. Buying a beautiful scarf in a dream, planning to wear it on your head - strive to hide from problems.
  • Dream Interpretation of Veles claims that seeing a scarf in a dream is exclusively good sign, which means gifts, good news, changes for the better. Velesov's dream book also interprets a scarf on his head, tied under his chin, as a sign of humility.
  • According to women's dream book find a handkerchief neatly folded - to travel. If there are a lot of scarves and they lie in a pile, you should not touch them, this is a bait. Taking such a handkerchief, you will be tormented by remorse.

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift.

Tie a headscarf on your head - curb yourself, there is some kind of trip ahead.

Seeing your handkerchief on another woman is a nuisance.

Handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes.

Cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty.

Silk scarf - predicts love.

A clean handkerchief is a sad event, a loss.

Dirty handkerchief - to wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

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See in a dream a scarf

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What do dreams mean

Handkerchief - Handkerchief: to tears; to give - to the chagrin that your loved ones will bring you. Head buy - seek protection. Give - call for help. To see on someone - they will help you. Put on, wear yourself - be under the protection of people or organizations.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

Dream about the Scarf

A scarf is a message. Someone gave or bought a scarf: white - good news, black - sad. A white scarf in a dream indicates a letter with good news, a black one - with bad news. If you dream of a scarf - this is wealth. If you dream of black scarves (especially for young people), then this is a sign of love; pockmarked in a large cage - there will definitely be letters; multi-colored, flowery scarves - to matchmaking. A red scarf is a message of weakness. Dreaming of someone in a white scarf or just a white scarf - the news of the illness of the one in the scarf. A girl in a black scarf is a weakness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does a scarf mean in a dream

If you dream that your head is covered with a scarf, then the dream portends a change in life. A dark scarf on the head is a sign of sadness, and a black one is a harbinger of mourning and the loss of a friend. A silk scarf means tenderness of feelings. The dream in which you covered the head of a loved one with a silk scarf portends you tenderness and sadness about this person. Sometimes such a dream also indicates that separation from this person awaits you. See interpretation: handkerchief.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of dreams

Letter, gift, message, wealth, change; spread - write a letter; white - to meet a guy (girl), good news // illness; red - acquaintance // illness; yellow - separation; black - blacken you, sadness, complaint, sad news, illness; colorful - matchmaking; tying your head - chores; waving - a girl to get married; waving a black handkerchief - news of death; cover yourself with warm - a change for the better, prosperity; torn to look at - gossip, poverty; lose - shame.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

What does a scarf mean in a dream

For a man, loyalty to his beloved. For a woman: put on self-control; road; spiritual development; black misfortune, mourning.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The meaning of sleep Scarf

Tie a scarf - to a nearby road. If you dreamed that one of your relatives gave you a handkerchief, the dream means that some news will make you hit the road.

Imagine that you are tying a scarf around your head. If you are not interested in fulfilling the dream, then imagine giving the handkerchief to someone else.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation of sleep

Symbolizes restraint or secrecy.

Wearing a comfortable scarf on your head is a sign that you may not need to reveal your deepest thoughts and feelings to strangers.

Inconvenient Handkerchief: Indicates that your stealth can interfere with you in some way.

A handkerchief draped around your shoulders suggests that pent-up feelings can betray themselves, as they are ready to break free at any moment.

Taking off a scarf or waving it: a sign of complete sincerity.

If in your dream someone you know waves a handkerchief to you: such a dream says that you can safely trust this person.

To dream about how others wear headscarves - indicates that you have no idea about someone's true intentions and moods.

Interpretation of dreams from

A beautiful headscarf - for a letter, good news, a gift.

Tie a headscarf on your head - curb yourself, there is some kind of trip ahead.

Seeing your handkerchief on another woman is a nuisance.

Handkerchief - symbolizes anxiety, disputes.

Cotton scarf - predicts need, poverty.

Silk scarf - predicts love.

A clean handkerchief is a sad event, a loss.

Dirty handkerchief - to wealth.

Interpretation of dreams from the 21st century Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Scarf

If you dream that you have a scarf on your head, then in the near future you will be told about something very important. In order not to miss it past your ears, eat a leaf of a golden mustache for a week.

If you dream that you are cutting a scarf, get ready to part with a loved one. To prevent this from happening, sleep all night in a scarf, pour coffee on a scarf in the morning and burn a piece of this scarf near the doors of people who are dear to you.

Interpretation of dreams from