Analysis of Turgenev's poem truth and truth. "Truth and truth

29.07.2019 Education

Why do you value the immortality of the soul so much? - I asked.

Why? Because then I will possess the eternal, undoubted Truth... And this, in my opinion, is the highest bliss!

In possession of the Truth?


Allow me; can you imagine the next scene? Several young people have gathered, talking among themselves... And suddenly one of their comrades runs in: his eyes sparkle with an extraordinary brilliance, he is gasping with delight, he can barely speak. "What is it? What is it?" - “My friends, listen to what I learned, what truth! Angle of incidence equal to angle reflections! Or here’s another thing: between two points the most shortcut- straight line!" - "Really! oh, what bliss!" - all the young people shout, throwing themselves into each other's arms with emotion! Are you unable to imagine such a scene? You laugh... That's the point: Truth cannot bring bliss... Here Truth can. This is a human, our earthly matter... Truth and Justice! I agree to die for the Truth. But how can one “possess it”?

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Russian poet, prose writer, playwright, translator, historian. (1 (13) December 1873 - 9 October 1924)

Russian prose writer, playwright, poet, critic and publicist. (March 20 (April 1) 1809 - February 21 (March 4) 1852)

Russian playwright, poet, diplomat and composer. (4 (15) January 1795 - 30 January (11 February) 1829)

Lieutenant General, participant Patriotic War 1812, Russian poet (July 16 (27), 1784 - April 22 (May 4), 1839)

Russian poet, writer, publicist. (November 28 (December 10) 1821 - December 27, 1877 (January 8, 1878)

Russian poet, public figure, Decembrist (September 18 (September 29), 1795 - July 13 (25), 1826)

Russian writer, poet, playwright. (August 24 (September 5) 1817 - September 28 (October 10) 1875)

Russian poet, translator and memoirist. (November 23 (December 5) 1820 - November 21 (December 3) 1892, Moscow)

Ivan Turgenev - Truth and Truth (Prose Poem): Verse

Why do you value the immortality of the soul so much? - I asked.

Why? Because then I will have the eternal, undoubted Truth... And this, in my opinion, is the highest bliss!

In possession of the Truth?

Allow me; can you imagine the next scene? Several young people have gathered, talking among themselves... And suddenly one of their comrades runs in: his eyes sparkle with an extraordinary brilliance, he is gasping with delight, he can barely speak. "What's happened? What's happened?" - “My friends, listen to what I learned, what truth! The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection! Or here’s another thing: the shortest path between two points is a straight line!” - “Really! oh, what bliss!” - all the young people shout, rushing into each other’s arms with emotion! Are you unable to imagine such a scene? You laugh... That's the point: Truth cannot bring bliss... But Truth can. This is a human, our earthly matter... Truth and Justice! I agree to die for the Truth. All life is built on knowledge of the Truth; but how does it mean to “possess it”? And even find bliss in this?

"Truth and truth. What is more important for a Russian person?"

Type of lesson. speech development lesson.

To reveal the originality of the Russian concept “Pravda”, in which two meanings coincide: truth as objective truth and truth as internal justice.

Lesson objectives:

  1. To develop thinking in the system of spiritual and moral concepts of students.
  2. To promote the development of the ability to research, analyze, compare, generalize.

Handouts, a decorated board, Gorky’s memories of Chekhov, the text of Turgenev’s prose poem “Truth and Truth,” V. Zakrutkin’s story “Mother of Man.”

1. Teacher's word

Truth is the spiritual basis of life, it is eternal, imperishable, infinite. The truth is hidden from people, it is sought for, comprehended with the mind and heart. Truth makes it possible to seek answers to the questions: is the world created or uncreated, is evil or good at the basis of creation, is the world finite or infinite, is man mortal or immortal.

Truth is present in all forms of worldview: science, religion, philosophy, art, in the everyday consciousness of people. Goodness, Beauty, Truth - these are the cornerstones of any worldview in the hierarchy of spiritual values.

Why do you think?

(Good is a moral value, Beauty is aesthetic, Truth is cognitive)

2. Complete task No. 1 on the sheet. Recover the mini-text using the proposed model.

A person’s spiritual quest is associated with the search for…. The basis of spiritual life is the idea of ​​good and..., beautiful and.... truth and...

Thus, in the Russian language the philosophical concept of Truth corresponds to the lexical pair TRUTH and Pravda.

And I finish the question. to which we have to find the answer. What is more important for a Russian person? truth or truth?

3. Lexical work.

– Let’s turn to “ Explanatory dictionary Russian language” by S.I. Ozhegov and recall the meaning of some words that we will use in the dialogue.

Worldview is a system of views, views on nature and society.

Mentality – (book) worldview, state of mind. Mentality of the Russian people.

Mental – (book) relating to mental activity, mind. Mental abilities.

Morality is the internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards; rules of behavior determined by these qualities.

Truth – 1. In philosophy: an adequate reflection in the mind of what exists objectively. Objective truth. The pursuit of truth.

2. Same as truth in 1 value.

Truth – 1. What exists in reality corresponds to the real state of affairs. Tell the truth. The truth hurts my eyes.

2. Justice, honesty, just cause. Seek the truth. Stand for the truth.

4. Creating a comparative portrait of truth and truth.

– Pay attention to the word “truth” in the second meaning. For Ozhegov this is the same as the truth.

– But in the language of the Russian people there is a saying: “ The truth is good, and the truth is not bad.”

– In the meaning of what conjunction is the conjunction “yes” used? What did the Russian people mean by contrasting truth with truth?

Make a comparative portrait of truth and truth. Complete task #2.

Think about how this proposal is unusual. Underline all nouns that denote abstract concepts and relate to the spiritual (inner) world of a person. Name the three highest spiritual values ​​that form a person’s worldview (a system of views on nature and society).

A person fights for freedom and justice, seeks the truth, serves it, sacrificing himself for the common good, strives for goodness and beauty and enters into an argument with fate, which deceives him or justifies his hopes.

– Define a verbal portrait of Truth, truth.

– Which of the two concepts is cold, abstract, universal? (True)

– What is Truth? (individual, personal.)

5. Work with “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl.

Let's take a look at V.I. Dahl's “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”.

TRUTH refers to the mind and intelligence. The good in the image is truth (i.e., accessible to the concept).

Truth from the earth. but the truth is from heaven.

TRUTH is truth in practice, truth in image, in goodness.

– Please note how complex and contradictory the concepts of TRUTH and TRUTH are in Russian culture. Let's try to comprehend their interaction from the point of view of Russian mentality, resorting to the help of Russian literature.

– As an epigraph to the first literary episode, I offer Russian folk saying: “The truth is good, and the truth is not bad.”

6. Analysis of Turgenev’s text “Truth and Truth”.

– we will read the poem in prose by I.S. Turgenev “Truth and Truth”.

– Why do you value the immortality of the soul so much? – I asked.

- Why? Because then I will have the eternal, undoubted Truth... And this, in my opinion, is the highest bliss!

– In possession of the Truth?

- Allow me; can you imagine the next scene? Several young people have gathered, talking among themselves... And suddenly one of their comrades runs in: his eyes sparkle with an extraordinary brilliance, he is gasping with delight, he can barely speak. "What's happened? What's happened?" - “My friends, listen to what I learned, what truth! The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection! Or here’s another thing: the shortest path between two points is a straight line!” - “Really! Oh, what bliss!” - all the young people shout, rushing into each other’s arms with emotion! Are you unable to imagine such a scene? You laugh... That's the point: Truth cannot bring bliss... But Truth can. This is a human, our earthly matter... Truth and Justice! I agree to die for the Truth. All life is built on knowledge of the Truth; but how does it mean to “possess it”? And even find bliss in this?

– What concept does Turgenev connect the word Pravda with? (fairness)

– Draw a conclusion by proving the truth of the saying “The truth is good, but the truth is not bad.”

7. Analysis of an excerpt from M. Gorky’s memoirs about Chekhov.

The Russian people have another saying: “Each Paul has his own truth.” And let it become the epigraph to the second literary episode.

– Remind me of the plot of Chekhov’s story “The Intruder.”

– Now let’s read an excerpt from M. Gorky’s memoirs about Chekhov.

M. Gorky, in his memoirs about Chekhov, reproduces the dialogue between the young lawyer and the author of “The Malefactor”:

“I found a young, handsome fellow prosecutor with him. He stood in front of Chekhov and, shaking his curly head, said briskly:

– With the story “The Intruder,” you, Anton Pavlovich, pose an extremely difficult question to me. If I recognize in Denis Grigoriev the presence of evil will, which acted consciously, I must, without reservation, put Denis in prison, as the interests of society require. But he is a savage, he did not realize the crime of his act, I feel sorry for him! If I treat him as a subject who acted without understanding, and succumb to a feeling of compassion, how can I guarantee society that Denis will not again unscrew the nuts on the rails and cause a crash? Here's the question! How to be?

He fell silent, threw his body back and stared into Anton Pavlovich’s face with a searching gaze. His uniform was brand new, and the buttons on his chest glittered as self-confidently and stupidly as the little eyes on the clean face of the young zealot for justice.

“If I were a judge,” Anton Pavlovich said seriously, “I would acquit Denis...

- On what basis?

“I would tell him: “You, Denis, have not yet matured into the type of conscious criminal, go and mature!”

The lawyer laughed, but immediately became solemnly serious again and continued:

– No, dear Anton Pavlovich, the question posed by you can only be resolved in the interests of society, whose life and property I am called upon to protect. Denis is a savage, yes, but he is a criminal, that’s the truth!

– Do you like the gramophone? – Anton Pavlovich suddenly asked affectionately.

- Oh yeah! Very! Amazing invention! – the young man responded vividly.

– I hate gramophones! – Anton Pavlovich confessed sadly.

- Yes, they talk and sing without feeling anything. And everything about them turns out to be a caricature, dead...”

– Whose position – a young prosecutor or a writer – is closer to you and why?

– Why does Chekhov interrupt his interlocutor and frivolously ask about the gramophone when the lawyer is talking about the interests of society and his duty to protect them?

(Chekhov argues that the main interest of society is not to send to hard labor the person who unscrewed the nut, but to develop the consciousness of people, and that only under this condition can society assume the right to judge a person who has broken the law. But the guest, taking Chekhov's words as a joke, continues to repeat his solemn truths.

– Why did Gorky and we, the readers, accept Chekhov’s truth without hesitation?

(Chekhov stands for truth-justice, the prosecutor stands for truth-truth.)

8. Analysis of an episode from V. Zakrutkin’s story “Mother of Man”

The good in the image is truth (i.e., accessible to the concept). And truth is truth in deed, truth in image, in goodness, says V.I. Dal. “Truth is from earth, and truth is from heaven,” says popular wisdom.

– Remember V. Zakrutkin’s story “Mother of Man”. What is this work about?

– I propose to dwell on one of the important scenes: Maria’s meeting with a wounded German soldier (reading the scene from the words “Hatred and hot, blind malice overwhelmed Maria...” to the words “...boyish eyes wet with tears...”)

– How do you understand Maria’s unexpected decision?

– How to separate the truth from the truth in this scene?

– Using the example of the truth of a Russian woman, crying, suffering, grieving, how can you explain Dahl’s definition “Truth is the truth in practice”?

Mary acts according to justice, and therefore according to her conscience. That is, in your own way internal law, the law of the soul and heart. This act is dictated by the truth from heaven, i.e. truth based on moral laws. And for her now the truth in reality is not an enemy - a killer, but a mortally wounded boy who sees her as a mother and asks for help and mercy.

9. Conclusion.

– So what is more important for a Russian person: Truth or Truth?

Maybe someone is ready to argue with the wording of the lesson topic question?

To the question “What is more important?” there is no clear answer. Truth belongs to the “high” world, the eternal, and truth belongs to the “down” world, changeable. Therefore, truth is higher than truth. It would be more correct to ask the question: what is closer to a Russian person? Of course it's true.

Russian people are obsessed with the love of Truth and justice. For the Russian mentality - Truth - justice is a moral category, and only mercy can be higher than it.

Homework (differentiated)

It is known that the world is dual. Real and ideal images of the world are contrasted according to four criteria:

– temporary and eternal;
– changeable and unchanging;
– observable and invisible;
– imaginary and real.

Distribute pairs of antonym words into four corresponding groups. Underline in each pair the word that expresses one of the signs of Truth.

Perishable (dust, decay) and imperishable; the world below and the world above; finite and infinite; fluid and motionless; ultimate and beyond; illusory and genuine; sensual and supersensible; mortal and immortal; wavering and unshakable; visible and speculative (intelligible); open (explicit) and hidden; anomaly and norms (ideal); unreal and true; phenomenon and essence; abyss and firmament.

One of the most popular allegories in art - “Truth is the daughter of time” - demonstrates the Father - Time, removing the veil from the naked figure of Truth. How do you understand this allegorical plot?

Which of the listed attributes: hourglass, sail, sun, mirror, mask, scales, laurel wreath – do you associate with the allegorical figure of Truth and why?

Write an essay “Truth is the daughter of time.”

Truth and Truth
Poem by Ivan Turgenev

Why do you value the immortality of the soul so much? - I asked.
- Why? Because I will then possess the eternal, undoubted Truth. And this, in my opinion, is the highest bliss!
- In possession of the Truth?
- Certainly.
- Allow me; can you imagine the next scene? Several young people have gathered and are talking among themselves. And suddenly one of their comrades runs in: his eyes sparkle with an extraordinary brilliance, he is gasping with delight, he can barely speak. “What is this? What is this?” - “My friends, listen to what I learned, what a truth! The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection! Or here’s another thing: between two points the shortest path is a straight line!” - “Really! Oh, what bliss!” - all the young people shout, rushing into each other’s arms with emotion! Are you unable to imagine such a scene? You laugh. That's the point: Truth cannot bring bliss. The Truth can. This is a human, our earthly matter. Truth and Justice! I agree to die for the Truth. All life is built on knowledge of the truth; but how does it mean to “possess it”? And even find bliss in this?

I.S. Turgenev. Favorites.
Classical library "Contemporary".
Moscow: Sovremennik, 1979.

Other poems by Ivan Turgenev

please write an analysis of I. S. Turgenev’s poem “twins”

Natalia Osipova Connoisseur (441) 2 years ago

How is the first paragraph structured?

The dash, like a certain line, separates the twins, sets them apart. The twins forgot the main commandment: “Love your neighbor...” and fell into a terrible, unforgiving sin: anger.

But it’s as if this word “identical” is not enough for Turgenev. also “similar”, “the same”. This word combines the actions of the twins. But how creepy this association is! And how important it is that at this moment there is a person who can bring him to his senses and bring him to his senses.)

“There is no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked,” says the proverb. A person will not rage in front of a mirror: it is silent, but abuse and swearing arise if the person is answered.)

And again the dots. Their role?

Only with her, only with love

life holds and moves.

Navel Pupkin Student (110) 2 years ago

What analysis, please explain?

I saw two twins arguing. Like two drops of water, they resembled each other in everything: facial features, their expression, hair color, height, body type - and they hated each other irreconcilably. They were equally writhing with rage.

everything else was copied for you (Natalia Osipova) from Natalia Mudrets (14099) 3 years ago

Vera Platova Student (113) 2 years ago

Elizaveta Aksyuta Student (157) 2 years ago

I saw two twins arguing. Like two drops of water, they resembled each other in everything: facial features, their expression, hair color, height, body type - and they hated each other irreconcilably.
They were equally writhing with rage. The strangely similar faces, pressed close to each other, glowed equally; similar eyes sparkled and threatened equally; the same swear words, uttered in the same voice, burst from identically twisted lips.
I couldn’t stand it, I took one by the hand, led him to the mirror and told him:
- It’s better to swear here, in front of this mirror. It won't make any difference to you. but I won’t be so scared.

Georgy Akopyan Pro (619) 2 years ago

Full or abbreviated analysis?

Ramil and Renat Student (130) 2 years ago

what analysis exactly?

jhjkhj kjhkhj Student (153) 2 years ago

xs xs Student (173) 2 years ago

In a poem by Turgenev. Twins. the author expresses his surprise, he was amazed that they were a copy, but they argued with each other because they different tempers and they think differently. Even with facial expressions, they express themselves in the same way, but they argue and get upset, because everyone has their own opinion. And when the poetic hero brought one of them to the mirror and said these words. - It’s better to swear here, in front of this mirror... It won’t make any difference for you... but it won’t be so scary for me. then it meant that whether your twin or the reflection in the mirror, everything is the same, but if you talk to the mirror, it will not answer anything, it will only make the same faces that the twin expresses in the work. And if you talk, and especially argue, with another living person who has his own opinion about everything, then you can reach more risky moments of action. But in front of the mirror he was calmer and the poetic hero escaped danger in the lines. I couldn’t stand it, took one by the hand, led him to the mirror and told him: ... but I won’t be so scared.
The main means of expressiveness are epithets and personifications.
Epithets: irreconcilable, pulled together, similar faces, eyes, swear words, same voice, twisted lips, no difference, creepy.
Personifications. Faces glowed, eyes sparkled and threatened, voices uttered, words burst out.

Kamilya Akhmerova Student (211) 2 years ago

What struck the author in the episode he described? (The hatred of two twin brothers who, while swearing, shouted curses as if in their own faces.)
- Find keywords. (“But I won’t be so scared”)
- Why? What feeling is the author trying to evoke by describing this picture? (It’s terrible when a person’s feelings are blind, spontaneous, not enlightened by reason and morality.)

(Creepy. Relatives, they are like two peas in a pod, but they hate irreconcilably.)

The composition of the prose poem emphasizes the horror of this situation.

What is the structure of the poem?

How is the first paragraph structured?

(It has only two sentences. The first one talks about a dispute. A dispute is a verbal competition, discussion, in which everyone defends their opinion. (Ozhegov. “Dictionary of the Russian Language.”) Truth is born in a dispute, but not in the way Turgenev portrayed. The second sentence is built on an antithesis: identical to each other in everything, twins should love each other, because this is their image and likeness, and they “hated each other irreconcilably.”)

The dash, like a certain line, separates the twins, sets them apart. The twins forgot the main commandment: “Love your neighbor...”. fell into a terrible, unforgiving sin - anger.

Anger and hatred destroy everything not only around a person, but everything in the person himself. This theme also appears in the second paragraph.

An abundance of verbs, participles - forms of the verb. Verbs denote action, here – destructive action. (examples from the text). This is no longer an argument, but a fight.

But it’s as if this word “identical” is not enough for Turgenev. also “similar”. "same". This word combines the actions of the twins. But how creepy this association is! And how important it is that at this moment there is a person who can bring him to his senses and bring him to his senses.)

Why does he take you to the mirror? (“The Tale of the Dead Princess” - an appeal to the mirror, which always tells the truth.

“There’s no point in blaming the mirror if your face is crooked.” - says the proverb. A person will not rage in front of a mirror: it is silent, but abuse and swearing arise if the person is answered.)

What conclusion do we draw? What did Turgenev want to say?

(Know how to restrain yourself and your feelings.)

And again the dots. Their role?

(The author is excited, it is difficult for him to restrain himself, it is difficult, without offending a person, to explain how terrible what happened between the twins.)
The world of human relations is complex and diverse. Positive and negative, good and evil are nearby. That is life. By and large, Turgenev talks about love, about love for one’s neighbor, for a person, because

Only with her, only with love

life holds and moves.

Let us also pay attention to the fact that the words “neighbor” and “twins” have the same root. All people are twins. Therefore, this poem is not only about the relationship between blood relatives, but also about the relationship between people in general.

JOHN CENA Student (235) 2 years ago

Artem Satanenko Thinker (5611) 2 years ago

the analysis showed that Turgenev was in his repertoire!

Miss Bond Artificial Intelligence (186484) 2 years ago

Andrey Ovchinnikov Connoisseur (357) 2 years ago

12345 Master (1209) 2 years ago

The poetic space of Tyutchev’s lyrics is woven from opposites
(life is death, love is hate, death is a dream),
which is the essence of the poet’s worldview. The personal world holds him back
balance on these opposites. It is characteristic of him
“threshold” (“on the threshold of double being”) worldview.
The poem "Twins", written during a period of passionate but
at the same time, fatal love for E. Denisyeva, belongs to the poems
woven from the fusion of opposites. The whole poem
- this is a detailed antithesis, built on semantic
and grammatical basics.
It consists of four quatrains. The poem begins
from the statement “is”, which in this context expresses
immutable Cosmic Law established by the Divine
world order: “Two deities - Death and Sleep.” Using comparison
“like brother and sister,” the poet equates Divine consciousness
with the peculiarities of human nature, endowing them with their own special
state: “she is gloomier, he is meeker. "Actually, twins
in the ontological (original) meaning they have external similarity,
but at the same time they differ in internal dissimilarity (“marvelously similar”).
The first quatrain is the starting point, and the point
higher order, from which penetration into nature begins
another union, no less important.
Before us is the vertical of Being-Non-Existence, Cosmos-man. Second
the quatrain also begins with the statement “there is,” but then
there is a description of the properties of other twins created from contradictions,
but related by blood. Therefore, “there are no more beautiful couple in the world
"- two make up a beautiful union, but comparative
adjective degree in combination with the categorical particle “no”
affirms the beauty of the union. The next line, in which the antithesis
“more terrible” merges in almost complete rhyme, speaks of a connection
these two mutually exclusive qualities.
In the third quatrain, Tyutchev reveals to us the secret of the fatal
the impact on a person of the union of two twins. Again the poet uses
replacement (metonymy), the similarity is quite recognizable, but the reader is
still in intense attention, since in this quatrain
There are many words that carry a fateful meaning. "Blood alliance, not
random"; “blooded” - predetermined by birth; "not random
" - expressing the Cosmic Law, but this union captures
person (here Tyutchev uses the pronoun “us”, which gives grounds
believe that all people are subject to this law).
Further, the epithet “fatal” introduces a state of extreme
situations when consciousness is under the influence of a mysterious
witchcraft. The pronoun “they” replaces certain
concepts we don't yet know about, but we are completely in control of
of this “unsolvable mystery” - the epithet “unsolvable” in conjunction
with the word “secrets” defines the impossibility of human penetration
consciousness into the inner nature of the union.
The last quatrain finally reveals to us the name of these
twins - Suicide and Love. Graphically these two words
go back to the original concepts of the Divine, since their nature is not subject to
human mind. The last quatrain begins
from the interrogative pronoun “who”, which has an affirmative
character and denoting subject and object at the same time.
Next, the verbs “boils” and “freezes”, expressing extreme tension,
are both antonyms and synonyms. Tyutchev erases
line of difference and connects the incompatible Suicide and
Love, strange. Love is an object of worship and chanting, suicide
- death. Is there a deep rapprochement, kinship here?
these states? “Love is as strong as death,” that is, the state of love
reaches such tension that it is akin to death, where it occurs
change of consciousness. An interesting conclusion arises: Death
and Dream - the first two

Listen to Turgenev's poem Truth and Truth

Topics of neighboring essays

Picture for the essay analysis of the poem Truth and Truth

Lesson type: speech development lesson.
To reveal the originality of the Russian concept “Pravda”, in which two meanings coincide: truth as objective truth and truth as internal justice.
Lesson objectives:
  1. To develop thinking in the system of spiritual and moral concepts of students.
  2. To promote the development of the ability to research, analyze, compare, generalize.
Handouts, a decorated board, Gorky’s memories of Chekhov, the text of Turgenev’s prose poem “Truth and Truth,” V. Zakrutkin’s story “Mother of Man.”

During the classes

1. Teacher's word

Truth is the spiritual basis of life, it is eternal, imperishable, infinite. The truth is hidden from people, it is sought for, comprehended with the mind and heart. Truth makes it possible to seek answers to the questions: is the world created or uncreated, is evil or good at the basis of creation, is the world finite or infinite, is man mortal or immortal.
Truth is present in all forms of worldview: science, religion, philosophy, art, in the everyday consciousness of people. Goodness, Beauty, Truth - these are the cornerstones of any worldview in the hierarchy of spiritual values.
Why do you think?
(Good is a moral value, Beauty is aesthetic, Truth is cognitive)

2. Complete task No. 1 on the sheet. Recover the mini-text using the proposed model.

A person’s spiritual quest is associated with the search for…. . The basis of spiritual life is the idea of ​​good and ..., beautiful and ..., truth and ....
Thus, in the Russian language the philosophical concept of Truth corresponds to the lexical pair TRUTH and Pravda.
And I am finishing the question to which we have to find the answer: What is more important for a Russian person: truth or truth?

3. Lexical work.

– Let’s turn to S.I. Ozhegov’s “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” and recall the meaning of some words that we will use in the dialogue.
Worldview is a system of views, views on nature and society.
Mentality – (book) worldview, state of mind. Mentality of the Russian people.
Mental – (book) relating to mental activity, mind. Mental abilities.
Morality - internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards; rules of behavior determined by these qualities.
Truth – 1. In philosophy: an adequate reflection in the mind of what exists objectively. Objective truth. The pursuit of truth.
2. Same as truth in 1 value.
Truth – 1. What exists in reality corresponds to the real state of affairs. Tell the truth. The truth hurts my eyes.
2. Justice, honesty, just cause. Seek the truth. Stand for the truth.

4. Creating a comparative portrait of truth and truth.

– Pay attention to the word “truth” in the second meaning. For Ozhegov this is the same as the truth.
– But in the language of the Russian people there is a saying: “ The truth is good, and the truth is not bad.”
– In the meaning of what conjunction is the conjunction “yes” used? What did the Russian people mean by contrasting truth with truth?
Make a comparative portrait of truth and truth. Complete task #2.
TASK No. 2
Think about how this proposal is unusual. Underline all nouns that denote abstract concepts and relate to the spiritual (inner) world of a person. Name the three highest spiritual values ​​that form a person’s worldview (a system of views on nature and society).
A person fights for freedom and justice, seeks the truth, serves it, sacrificing himself for the common good, strives for goodness and beauty and enters into an argument with fate, which deceives him or justifies his hopes.
– Define a verbal portrait of Truth, truth.
– Which of the two concepts is cold, abstract, universal? (True)
– What is Truth? (individual, personal.)

5. Work with “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl.

Let's take a look at V.I. Dahl's “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”.
TRUTH refers to the mind and intelligence. The good in the image is truth (i.e., accessible to the concept).
Truth is from earth and truth is from heaven.
TRUTH is truth in practice, truth in image, in goodness.
– Please note how complex and contradictory the concepts of TRUTH and TRUTH are in Russian culture. Let's try to comprehend their interaction from the point of view of Russian mentality, resorting to the help of Russian literature.
– As an epigraph to the first literary episode, I propose a Russian folk saying: “The truth is good, and the truth is not bad.”

6. Analysis of Turgenev’s text “Truth and Truth”.

– we will read the poem in prose by I.S. Turgenev “Truth and Truth”.
– Why do you value the immortality of the soul so much? – I asked.
- Why? Because then I will have the eternal, undoubted Truth... And this, in my opinion, is the highest bliss!
– In possession of the Truth?
- Certainly.
- Allow me; can you imagine the next scene? Several young people have gathered, talking among themselves... And suddenly one of their comrades runs in: his eyes sparkle with an extraordinary brilliance, he is gasping with delight, he can barely speak. "What's happened? What's happened?" - “My friends, listen to what I learned, what truth! The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection! Or here’s another thing: the shortest path between two points is a straight line!” - “Really! Oh, what bliss!” - all the young people shout, rushing into each other’s arms with emotion! Are you unable to imagine such a scene? You laugh... That's the point: Truth cannot bring bliss... But Truth can. This is a human, our earthly matter... Truth and Justice! I agree to die for the Truth. All life is built on knowledge of the Truth; but how does it mean to “possess it”? And even find bliss in this?
June, 1882
– How does the author distinguish between truth and truth?
– What concept does Turgenev connect the word Pravda with? (fairness)
– Draw a conclusion by proving the truth of the saying “The truth is good, but the truth is not bad.”
(In the Russian consciousness, truth is a scientific category, and truth is moral; it is closely connected with the idea of ​​ideal human relationships. This truth is justice.)

7. Analysis of an excerpt from M. Gorky’s memoirs about Chekhov.

The Russian people have another saying: “Each Paul has his own truth.” And let it become the epigraph to the second literary episode.
– Remind me of the plot of Chekhov’s story “The Intruder.”
– Now let’s read an excerpt from M. Gorky’s memoirs about Chekhov.
M. Gorky, in his memoirs about Chekhov, reproduces the dialogue between the young lawyer and the author of “The Malefactor”:
“I found a young, handsome fellow prosecutor with him. He stood in front of Chekhov and, shaking his curly head, said briskly:
– With the story “The Intruder,” you, Anton Pavlovich, pose an extremely difficult question to me. If I recognize in Denis Grigoriev the presence of evil will, which acted consciously, I must, without reservation, put Denis in prison, as the interests of society require. But he is a savage, he did not realize the crime of his act, I feel sorry for him! If I treat him as a subject who acted without understanding, and succumb to a feeling of compassion, how can I guarantee society that Denis will not again unscrew the nuts on the rails and cause a crash? Here's the question! How to be?
He fell silent, threw his body back and stared into Anton Pavlovich’s face with a searching gaze. His uniform was brand new, and the buttons on his chest glittered as self-confidently and stupidly as the little eyes on the clean face of the young zealot for justice.
“If I were a judge,” Anton Pavlovich said seriously, “I would acquit Denis...
- On what basis?
“I would tell him: “You, Denis, have not yet matured into the type of conscious criminal, go and mature!”
The lawyer laughed, but immediately became solemnly serious again and continued:
– No, dear Anton Pavlovich, the question posed by you can only be resolved in the interests of society, whose life and property I am called upon to protect. Denis is a savage, yes, but he is a criminal, that’s the truth!
– Do you like the gramophone? – Anton Pavlovich suddenly asked affectionately.
- Oh yeah! Very! Amazing art...
The text of the teaching material you are viewing has been cut by a third (33%)!

Type of lesson: speech development lesson.

To reveal the originality of the Russian concept “Pravda”, in which two meanings coincide: truth as objective truth and truth as internal justice.

Lesson objectives:

  1. To develop thinking in the system of spiritual and moral concepts of students.
  2. To promote the development of the ability to research, analyze, compare, generalize.


Handouts, a decorated board, Gorky’s memories of Chekhov, the text of Turgenev’s prose poem “Truth and Truth,” V. Zakrutkin’s story “Mother of Man.”

During the classes

1. Teacher's word

Truth is the spiritual basis of life, it is eternal, imperishable, infinite. The truth is hidden from people, it is sought for, comprehended with the mind and heart. Truth makes it possible to seek answers to the questions: is the world created or uncreated, is evil or good at the basis of creation, is the world finite or infinite, is man mortal or immortal.

Truth is present in all forms of worldview: science, religion, philosophy, art, in the everyday consciousness of people. Goodness, Beauty, Truth - these are the cornerstones of any worldview in the hierarchy of spiritual values.

Why do you think?

(Good is a moral value, Beauty is aesthetic, Truth is cognitive)

2. Complete task No. 1 on the sheet. Recover the mini-text using the proposed model.

A person’s spiritual quest is associated with the search for…. . The basis of spiritual life is the idea of ​​good and ..., beautiful and ..., truth and ....

Thus, in the Russian language the philosophical concept of Truth corresponds to the lexical pair TRUTH and Pravda.

And I am finishing the question to which we have to find the answer: What is more important for a Russian person: truth or truth?

3. Lexical work.

– Let’s turn to S.I. Ozhegov’s “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” and recall the meaning of some words that we will use in the dialogue.

Worldview is a system of views, views on nature and society.

Mentality – (book) worldview, state of mind. Mentality of the Russian people.

Mental – (book) relating to mental activity, mind. Mental abilities.

Morality - internal, spiritual qualities that guide a person, ethical standards; rules of behavior determined by these qualities.

Truth – 1. In philosophy: an adequate reflection in the mind of what exists objectively. Objective truth. The pursuit of truth.

2. Same as truth in 1 value.

Truth – 1. What exists in reality corresponds to the real state of affairs. Tell the truth. The truth hurts my eyes.

2. Justice, honesty, just cause. Seek the truth. Stand for the truth.

4. Creating a comparative portrait of truth and truth.

– Pay attention to the word “truth” in the second meaning. For Ozhegov this is the same as the truth.

– But in the language of the Russian people there is a saying: “ The truth is good, and the truth is not bad.”

– In the meaning of what conjunction is the conjunction “yes” used? What did the Russian people mean by contrasting truth with truth?

Make a comparative portrait of truth and truth. Complete task #2.

TASK No. 2

Think about how this proposal is unusual. Underline all nouns that denote abstract concepts and relate to the spiritual (inner) world of a person. Name the three highest spiritual values ​​that form a person’s worldview (a system of views on nature and society).

A person fights for freedom and justice, seeks the truth, serves it, sacrificing himself for the common good, strives for goodness and beauty and enters into an argument with fate, which deceives him or justifies his hopes.

– Define a verbal portrait of Truth, truth.

– Which of the two concepts is cold, abstract, universal? (True)

– What is Truth? (individual, personal.)

5. Work with “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V.I. Dahl.

Let's take a look at V.I. Dahl's “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language”.

TRUTH refers to the mind and intelligence. The good in the image is truth (i.e., accessible to the concept).

Truth is from earth, and truth is from heaven.

TRUTH is truth in practice, truth in image, in goodness.

– Please note how complex and contradictory the concepts of TRUTH and TRUTH are in Russian culture. Let's try to comprehend their interaction from the point of view of Russian mentality, resorting to the help of Russian literature.

– As an epigraph to the first literary episode, I propose a Russian folk saying: “The truth is good, and the truth is not bad.”

6. Analysis of Turgenev’s text “Truth and Truth”.

– we will read the poem in prose by I.S. Turgenev “Truth and Truth”.

– Why do you value the immortality of the soul so much? – I asked.

- Why? Because then I will have the eternal, undoubted Truth... And this, in my opinion, is the highest bliss!

– In possession of the Truth?

- Certainly.

- Allow me; can you imagine the next scene? Several young people have gathered, talking among themselves... And suddenly one of their comrades runs in: his eyes sparkle with an extraordinary brilliance, he is gasping with delight, he can barely speak. "What's happened? What's happened?" - “My friends, listen to what I learned, what truth! The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection! Or here’s another thing: the shortest path between two points is a straight line!” - “Really! Oh, what bliss!” - all the young people shout, rushing into each other’s arms with emotion! Are you unable to imagine such a scene? You laugh... That's the point: Truth cannot bring bliss... But Truth can. This is a human, our earthly matter... Truth and Justice! I agree to die for the Truth. All life is built on knowledge of the Truth; but how does it mean to “possess it”? And even find bliss in this?

– What concept does Turgenev connect the word Pravda with? (fairness)

– Draw a conclusion by proving the truth of the saying “The truth is good, but the truth is not bad.”

7. Analysis of an excerpt from M. Gorky’s memoirs about Chekhov.

The Russian people have another saying: “Each Paul has his own truth.” And let it become the epigraph to the second literary episode.

– Remind me of the plot of Chekhov’s story “The Intruder.”

– Now let’s read an excerpt from M. Gorky’s memoirs about Chekhov.

M. Gorky, in his memoirs about Chekhov, reproduces the dialogue between the young lawyer and the author of “The Malefactor”:

“I found a young, handsome fellow prosecutor with him. He stood in front of Chekhov and, shaking his curly head, said briskly:

– With the story “The Intruder,” you, Anton Pavlovich, pose an extremely difficult question to me. If I recognize in Denis Grigoriev the presence of evil will, which acted consciously, I must, without reservation, put Denis in prison, as the interests of society require. But he is a savage, he did not realize the crime of his act, I feel sorry for him! If I treat him as a subject who acted without understanding, and succumb to a feeling of compassion, how can I guarantee society that Denis will not again unscrew the nuts on the rails and cause a crash? Here's the question! How to be?

He fell silent, threw his body back and stared into Anton Pavlovich’s face with a searching gaze. His uniform was brand new, and the buttons on his chest glittered as self-confidently and stupidly as the little eyes on the clean face of the young zealot for justice.

“If I were a judge,” Anton Pavlovich said seriously, “I would acquit Denis...

- On what basis?

“I would tell him: “You, Denis, have not yet matured into the type of conscious criminal, go and mature!”

The lawyer laughed, but immediately became solemnly serious again and continued:

– No, dear Anton Pavlovich, the question posed by you can only be resolved in the interests of society, whose life and property I am called upon to protect. Denis is a savage, yes, but he is a criminal, that’s the truth!

– Do you like the gramophone? – Anton Pavlovich suddenly asked affectionately.

- Oh yeah! Very! Amazing invention! – the young man responded vividly.

– I hate gramophones! – Anton Pavlovich confessed sadly.

- Why?

- Yes, they talk and sing without feeling anything. And everything about them turns out to be a caricature, dead...”

– Whose position – a young prosecutor or a writer – is closer to you and why?

– Why does Chekhov interrupt his interlocutor and frivolously ask about the gramophone when the lawyer is talking about the interests of society and his duty to protect them?

(Chekhov argues that the main interest of society is not to send to hard labor the person who unscrewed the nut, but to develop the consciousness of people, and that only under this condition can society assume the right to judge a person who has broken the law. But the guest, taking Chekhov's words as a joke, continues to repeat his solemn truths.

– Why did Gorky and we, the readers, accept Chekhov’s truth without hesitation?

(Chekhov stands for truth-justice, the prosecutor stands for truth-truth.)

8. Analysis of an episode from V. Zakrutkin’s story “Mother of Man”

The good in the image is truth (i.e., accessible to the concept). And truth is truth in deed, truth in image, in goodness, says V.I. Dal. “Truth is from earth, and truth is from heaven,” says popular wisdom.

– Remember V. Zakrutkin’s story “Mother of Man”. What is this work about?

– I propose to dwell on one of the important scenes: Maria’s meeting with a wounded German soldier (reading the scene from the words “Hatred and hot, blind malice overwhelmed Maria...” to the words “...boyish eyes wet with tears...”)

– How do you understand Maria’s unexpected decision?

– How to separate the truth from the truth in this scene?

– Using the example of the truth of a Russian woman, crying, suffering, grieving, how can you explain Dahl’s definition “Truth is the truth in practice”?

Mary acts according to justice, and therefore according to her conscience. That is, according to your inner law, the law of the soul and heart. This act is dictated by the truth from heaven, i.e. truth based on moral laws. And for her now the truth in reality is not an enemy - a killer, but a mortally wounded boy who sees her as a mother and asks for help and mercy.

9. Conclusion.

– So what is more important for a Russian person: Truth or Truth?

Maybe someone is ready to argue with the wording of the lesson topic question?

10 Result.

To the question “What is more important?” there is no clear answer. Truth belongs to the “high” world, the eternal, and truth belongs to the “down” world, changeable. Therefore, truth is higher than truth. It would be more correct to ask the question: what is closer to a Russian person? Of course it's true.

Russian people are obsessed with the love of Truth and justice. For the Russian mentality - Truth - justice is a moral category, and only mercy can be higher than it.

Homework (differentiated)

TASK No. 1

It is known that the world is dual. Real and ideal images of the world are contrasted according to four criteria:

– temporary and eternal;
– changeable and unchanging;
– observable and invisible;
– imaginary and real.

Distribute pairs of antonym words into four corresponding groups. Underline in each pair the word that expresses one of the signs of Truth.

Perishable (dust, decay) and imperishable; the world below and the world above; finite and infinite; fluid and motionless; ultimate and beyond; illusory and genuine; sensual and supersensible; mortal and immortal; wavering and unshakable; visible and speculative (intelligible); open (explicit) and hidden; anomaly and norms (ideal); unreal and true; phenomenon and essence; abyss and firmament.

TASK No. 2

One of the most popular allegories in art - “Truth is the daughter of time” - demonstrates the Father - Time, removing the veil from the naked figure of Truth. How do you understand this allegorical plot?

Which of the listed attributes: hourglass, sail, sun, mirror, mask, scales, laurel wreath – do you associate with the allegorical figure of Truth and why?

Write an essay “Truth is the daughter of time.”