Rating of jealous people by zodiac sign discussion. How zodiac signs are jealous

26.08.2019 Education

Jealousy is equally inherent in all zodiac signs, albeit to varying degrees. Representatives of each zodiac sign have their own characteristics in the manifestation of emotions that unite them according to certain principles. Jealousy of zodiac signs is no exception, which is why the horoscope of jealousy has a right to exist. There is no particular difference in jealousy among representatives of the same zodiac sign. However a big difference in the manifestation of jealousy and the consequences of jealousy between a man and a woman, even among representatives of the same jealous zodiac sign. The way zodiac signs are jealous can be characterized by one succinct motto for each sign.

Jealousy of zodiac signs

Aries a big owner, but don’t approach his property, otherwise he’ll “gore” you first with his suspicion, and then with resentment and attempts to break up: “I am an unsurpassed lover, a wonderful family man, a jack of all trades, and in general I am the most wonderful in the world!” You lied to me when you told me I was the best! I can’t trust someone who never loved me!”

Taurus the second most powerful jealousy sign of the zodiac and the horoscope of jealousy is impossible without a special emphasis on these jealous people. The greatest owner in all spheres of life is also distinguished by the desire to own in love: “You are my property! No one has the right to take from me what I do not give myself. I don't want to hear anything. You are mine, and I will not give you to anyone. Actually, I’m about to hit someone!..”

Twins experience jealousy due to the feeling that there is no closeness and mutual understanding. Particularly painful are the experiences that someone may receive more from a partner than he does in terms of emotional intimacy: “I felt joy and sadness with you, tried to understand your experiences, and this made me happy. I gave you so many emotions, it hurts me to know that you are giving emotions to someone else..”

Cancer divides everyone around him into “family”, those whom he counts among them and is ready to fight for them always and in everything, and “the rest”. By making a Cancer jealous, the partner is no longer family, but also does not become a complete stranger. Representatives of this sign find it difficult to let go and rebuild their lives: “I trusted you so much that I let you into my world and my life. You betrayed me, I won’t be able to forget it and forgive you completely, even if we can get through it together.”

a lion and his lion's jealousy are not ready for compromises and finding out who is wrong. He knows for sure that his partner is making a mistake. The idea that he is bad or imperfect in some way is unacceptable for a Leo: “I am too good to allow someone to take my place and claim your love! You're either mine, or I'm not interested! But think carefully before making a decision, so as not to bite your elbows later!”

Virgo , whose jealousy can not only awaken suspicion, but also cause real disgust and disgust (even without being caught in the “hot”) are capable of depriving themselves and their partner of a full emotional sexual life: “It’s somehow disgusting... It’s unpleasant to touch, and in general it’s disgusting when any contact. At least you need to get tested now, I’m not 100% sure of you.”

Scales It is the lack of a sense of support and understanding in the family that plunges one into a depressive state. Representatives of this sign have a clear understanding of decency and family; even a barely noticeable deviation from the norm throws them off balance, and even more so there are obvious reasons for jealousy: “Everything is wrong, everything is falling apart. It is not clear how to continue to live. The first thing that irritates me is human dishonesty. Hurt…"

Scorpion the most jealous sign of the zodiac, continuous suspicions, spying on a partner, accusations always accompany relationships. Trust is a luxury not available to mere mortals, according to Scorpio: “I don’t believe you, no matter what you tell me! I have to make sure that you are faithful to me. And if you decide to leave me, I will kill you, and then myself! Well, I’ll definitely take revenge! I will take painful and cruel revenge!”

Sagittarius , confident in his soul mate, may seem completely not jealous. This is before the first reason or even simple suspicion. He most likely will not be able to forget and forgive that his pride was hurt: “You made me look like a fool in the eyes of others. I believed you, and I consider this a betrayal! You could at least try so that no one finds out anything. I hate you even though I love you."

Capricorn and Capricorn jealousy evokes thoughts of a cross between Taurus and Scorpio in its manifestations. Of course, it is somewhat less pronounced and comes more after the fact: “I did not allow the thought that you could deceive me. This is very unexpected, which is why it is especially painful. How could we forget about everything we experienced together?! I will hurt you no less than you hurt me if I make sure that my jealousy is not groundless!”

Aquarius not the most jealous sign of the zodiac. His relationships are based on friendship, and the feeling of losing a loved one is similar to the loss and betrayal of a close friend: “I valued our relationship very highly, and I had no person closer to you. Somehow this is not decent, not humane, not friendly, in the end...”

Fish for the most part, the most unjealous sign of the zodiac. The love of harmony, the desire to understand everything and enter into someone else’s position also extends to this manifestation of the attitude: “I love you, but it hurts me very much. Let's talk about this, I will try to understand you. I don't promise to forgive, but I'll try. Perhaps it’s better for us to spend a little time without each other and think about everything...”

Conclusions and main ideas of the horoscope of jealousy

Jealousy horoscope gives general characteristics how zodiac signs are jealous in basic terms. The exact attitude towards jealousy, fidelity, love, relationships can only be found out by analyzing full horoscope personality, position of all planets and their aspects.

The most jealous zodiac signs are the element of fire

Enough jealous signs representatives of the zodiac fire element(Sagittarius, Leo, Aries). The painful experience of jealousy for these signs is associated with confidence in their irresistibility, but it is precisely thanks to the conviction of their exclusivity and uniqueness that they become seriously and long-term attached to their other halves.

The desire to be with a partner goes away along with a loss of confidence in him.

Jealousy of the zodiac signs of the element earth

It is impossible to generalize how jealous the zodiac signs of the earth elements (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) are, but we can highlight the main feature. The actions when suspicion has already crept in are similar: this is checking every step, complete control from location to telephone conversations.

The jealousy of the zodiac signs of the earthly element turns them into Sherlock Holmes, regardless of the level of development of deduction and intuition.

The least jealous zodiac signs are the air element

The jealousy of the zodiac signs of representatives of the air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) is not based on love or the desire to own partners, but on intimacy and mutual understanding; it is the loss of friendship, the feeling of connection between him and the partners that can destroy harmony, cause jealousy and suspicion.

Representatives of the air element are not overly jealous zodiac signs.

Jealousy of the zodiac signs of the element of water

But what can the forgiving Pisces, the family-oriented and stable Cancer, and Scorpio, who rightfully bears the title of “the most jealous sign of the zodiac,” have in common? Absolutely different signs The elements of water in relation to jealousy, however, have one common feature. Representatives of the water element are able to maintain their relationships, despite jealousy.

They experience very strong emotional experiences, but if this relationship is considered stable for them, they will not part with their soul mate, even if the memory of this event remains with them forever.

A person tends to show his most negative emotions, especially when it comes to suspicions of treason. People have learned to restrain inappropriate jealousy because they know about the consequences of such attacks: scandals, hysterics, tears, divorces. But from an astrological point of view, people of certain signs are more susceptible to suspicion and mistrust than others. We have compiled a rating of the most jealous zodiac signs and noted how you should behave with each of them.

Number one in the ranking - Scorpio

The most jealous of the zodiac

The first in this ranking from an astrological point of view is Scorpio. Both men and women of this sign are prone to excessive jealousy. Although Scorpio himself is susceptible to cheating, he will not allow his partner to do this. This astrological sign- the owner, therefore he will suspect every person in your environment, check the phone, mail, social media. Surveillance, inspections, and interrogations are not excluded. Obsession will lead to the fact that he will begin to infringe on his soul mate, lower self-esteem, insult, and show condescension. And if the suspicions are confirmed, then Scorpio will be ready to destroy your reputation and spread vile rumors everywhere.

Advice: when this zodiac sign is in love, he is always jealous. To cope with this feeling, you need to build a trusting, open relationship with it from the very beginning. Under no circumstances should you give reasons for jealousy. If the “storm” has already begun, then you need to wait it out, because nothing depends on you. Only patient and calm people will endure a relationship with this jealous zodiac sign.

Any little thing can be a reason for jealousy

Number two in rating is Aries. This sign is a typical jealous person. However, he will not control your every step, arrange interrogations and surveillance, check personal correspondence and calls. Jealousy arises suddenly and the reason can be any suspicious look in your direction or a word spoken to you. Aries will openly declare his suspicion and, most likely, will make a loud scene remembering all your sins. In a fit of rage, he can harm you and others. But the representative of this sign quickly moves away after another attack. Despite his “fiery” nature, he is able to apologize and promise that this will not happen again.

Advice: It is difficult to avoid Aries's jealous attitude, even if you have exemplary behavior. Since he cools down quickly, you should wait out the next scene of jealousy. At such moments, you cannot argue with Aries, prove that you are right, or make excuses. You need to calmly listen to all the reproaches. WITH fire sign Patient and submissive people can exist in peace.

Taurus can hardly be called the most jealous - he prefers to suffer alone

Taurus rounds out the top three jealous zodiac signs. He is not openly jealous, but prefers to suffer without showing his feelings. From this sign you will never expect vivid scenes of jealousy and showdowns. He has a different tactic - to gradually begin to limit your freedom and say that you shouldn’t work, because he earns enough, he can go to the store himself, but this dress just doesn’t suit you. If you look perfect, then for Taurus this bad sign. Its purpose is to isolate you from the outside world.

Advice: it is better not to provoke Taurus; he will keep the grudge for a long time and harm the offender in every possible way. You can avoid the attacks of this jealous sign by daily convincing him of your love and devotion. It is worth praising him and saying that you are incredibly lucky to be next to him. If Taurus openly reproaches you for infidelity, then it is better to remain silent, listen to everything firmly and wait until he calms down. Real betrayal usually leads to a break in the relationship.

Leo is most afraid of falling self-esteem

The rating of jealous people continues with Leo, who, unlike Taurus, will not start locking his soulmate at home, because he is a narcissistic and proud zodiac sign. On the contrary, he will show you to people in order to reinforce his position in society. The beautiful appearance of a partner is an indicator of his ideal choice. But over time, Leo can be overcome by paranoia. He will be afraid not of your betrayal, but of the fact that he will fall in the eyes of others, and his self-esteem will be destroyed. He will freely let you go wherever you wish. But at home, you may find a distrustful and offended partner who looks at you contemptuously and does not want to talk.

Tip: Leo's jealous nature can be avoided with love and compliments. You need to praise your soul mate, exceeding him above other people. A smart Leo will not show emotions over trifles. In general, next to him there should be a person with a light character who idolizes him. Leo will not forgive real betrayal.

Cancer needs official confirmation of his partner's infidelity

Cancer received this place in the ranking because it is extremely suspicious. Until he trusts you completely, he will closely monitor your behavior. This astrological sign's jealousy comes from the fear of losing you. If a Cancer is in love, he is obsessed with his soul mate. Like Taurus, he would be happy to leave you at home under the supervision of relatives. This sign will make you feel guilty. Emotional blackmail is his path; with the help of this technique, Cancer will try to tie you to himself. Suicidal threats are possible.

Advice: Cancers become jealous only after real facts your infidelity. It is almost impossible to withstand the jealousy of this sign; for him, betrayal is a tragedy. He will emotionally torture you and himself. You cannot afford provocative behavior. If you are truly guilty of cheating, then it is better to end the relationship.

It is best not to give Capricorn any reason to be jealous.

Capricorns love power, so they show their jealous nature through total control of their significant other. This sign simply won't let you change. He will monitor your every move, call every minute, demand explanations about where you were and what you did and check your entire social circle, and will also be suspicious of anything new in your wardrobe or a positive change in appearance. If Capricorn decides that you have betrayed him, he will break off the relationship, but will hope that you will beg for forgiveness.

Advice: it’s easy to prevent Capricorn’s jealousy - you shouldn’t give any reasons for it. Don't act vulgarly and just flirt. You need to become a reliable companion of this sign, support his views, be practical and wise, avoiding frivolity. From time to time, a partner should admire Capricorn.

Libras are usually willing to compromise in the current situation.

The representative of the air sign of the zodiac is not particularly jealous and is himself prone to flirting and cheating. He treats his significant other’s affairs quite calmly until a real threat to your relationship appears. Libra will not be openly jealous with malice and display of anger and rage. They will withdraw into themselves to understand their experiences, or they will bring their partner into an open dialogue, where each participant can express their opinion. Libra is able to solve the problem and will do their best to seek a compromise and the most favorable way out of the situation.

Advice: it’s very easy to suppress Libra’s jealousy - just talk openly and sincerely with your partner about the claims against you. In a relationship, you always need to support the representative of this zodiac sign and take care of him.

Virgos love stability in relationships.

Virgo is the most practical sign of the zodiac who loves stability. She does not like to be openly jealous and cause scandals. But these astrological signs are very worried about the disrupted order of things. They know their partner well, so they will easily sense betrayal. Virgo will not waste herself over trifles. If she finds out about a real betrayal, she will break off the relationship, since she will not share hers. He will first destroy the object of your affair.

Advice: it’s easy to nullify Virgo’s jealousy. It is enough to convince her of the stability of your relationship. You can appease this zodiac sign with gifts, arrange a holiday for her, surround her with care and attention, and prove that she is the best.

Pisces are rarely jealous, but they experience it very painfully

Pisces are jealous essentially and rarely. They are the most balanced of all the zodiac signs. Family and peace in it are important to them. These signs will not arrange loud proceedings, follow you, or constantly suspect you. They are able to forgive their partner’s betrayal or easy behavior if they know that this will not harm their relationship. These signs are more offended than jealous. They will never break off a relationship because of simple jealousy; in general, it is difficult for them to end a relationship.

Advice: you shouldn’t make Pisces jealous, as a representative of a water sign experiences such emotions painfully. To get rid of the jealousy of this sign, you need to praise and support your partner. You can arrange get-togethers at home and convince your companion of your reliability, because Pisces know how to forgive and put themselves in the place of their interlocutor.

Aquarians need to feel like their partner comes first

Aquarius is not inclined to show jealousy. He rarely pays attention to his partner’s behavior with other people, and he certainly won’t keep an eye on you and torment you with questions. You are free to do whatever you want. The main thing is that your affairs do not harm your relationship. Aquarius himself is also inclined to make friends with representatives of the opposite sex, so he allows his companion to do this. He will break off the relationship only if he feels like he is in second place. It is important for them to be special.

Advice: to cope with Aquarius jealousy, it is enough to be honest and open. A representative of this zodiac sign needs to be respected and exalted. An open dialogue will allow you to resolve any controversial situation, but still you should not give reasons for jealousy.

Geminis are very perceptive when it comes to relationships.

These zodiac signs are rarely jealous. Besides, they are not owners. This sign does not perceive light flirting and communication with the opposite sex as a threat to their own relationships. Minor betrayal can also be forgiven without causing loud scandals. But Gemini will always know if you have someone on your side. They have a perceptive mind and know everything about you, even if they are outwardly calm. Gemini will not forgive intellectual betrayal. This is where jealousy may arise, which they will report without hysterics. These zodiac signs forgive quickly, as they do not like negative emotions and advocate an easy union.

Tip: Preventing Gemini jealousy is easy. Spend more time with them doing activities together. A good conversation on interesting topics can also relieve tension in communication with this zodiac sign. Admire Gemini as a person, interlocutor and equal partner.

You have to try really hard to piss off Sagittarius.

Last in the ranking is Sagittarius, who is not prone to jealousy, although he is an emotional zodiac sign. He may get angry because of outright flirting or cheating, but no more. This astrological sign does not treat a partner as property, because it does not like restrictions in relation to itself. He is not prone to suspicion, so he will not cheat himself and you. Does not accept frames and labels, is open to everything new.

Advice: you need to try to get Sagittarius to show his jealous character. With a person of this zodiac sign you just need to be honest and open. There is no need to hide a fleeting affair or flirtation, since he perceives lies more acutely.

Astrology, of course, influences the behavior of most people. It is difficult to control the emotions of an Aries or Scorpio or to anger a Sagittarius or Gemini. And even the calmest and most unsuspicious signs of the zodiac can be brought to grief if you give constant reasons for jealousy. People of “fire” signs also know how to restrain their impulses. This is why you should listen to astrology and be on your guard: in many cases, it turns out to be right.

According to leading astrologers, there are a number of representatives of the zodiac signs who stand out for their character traits and internal qualities. Of these, the most faithful, jealous and flighty were chosen. Now we will find out which of all the representatives comes out on top in terms of these qualities and temperament.

The most faithful zodiac signs

Cancers are considered the most faithful, as they are monogamous and value family comfort and idyll. They give their whole soul to love and never cheat. Even more faithful representatives of the zodiac include Aquarius and Aries. They lag behind in terms of fidelity, but still sure signs- Capricorns and Sagittarius.

The most jealous zodiac signs

Jealousy is common to every person, but some zodiac signs are especially jealous and sometimes simply cannot control their emotions. These include Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn. Especially Taurus and Cancer, as they are true owners. Libras are also very jealous, but usually they don’t show it at all, but keep everything inside themselves.

The most windy signs of the Zodiac

Scorpios and Geminis are among the most flighty representatives of the zodiac signs. Although Scorpios are owners, they themselves believe that they can afford to unwind on the side. As for Gemini, the problems here lie in their own character and uncertainty. There are always two Geminis: one wants to be a faithful and good family man, and the other always wants to have fun, adventures and new extreme sensations.

Pisces can also be considered flighty, but they are so well thought out that sometimes no one even suspects their infidelity. Virgos are flighty until they meet true love. But in freedom, they love to have fun and change partners like gloves.

There are also atypical zodiac signs to which this information should not be attributed.

Incredible facts

Have you ever looked through your boyfriend or girlfriend's phone? Or maybe you followed the object of your love on social networks?

If you answered “yes” to these questions, then you are a jealous person, but to what extent?

Each zodiac sign has a certain degree of jealousy.

This feeling most often arises from our insecurity and vulnerability. It makes us obsessive, self-doubting, and sometimes just crazy.

Are you one of the most jealous signs of the Zodiac?

Rating of the most jealous zodiac signs

Aries: 8 out of 10 - hot-tempered

This hot zodiac sign becomes jealous if he knows that his loved one is having a good time without him, especially alone with someone.

Aries does not like to feel inferior in any way, and always wants to be number one. The natural spirit of competition leads to many situations of jealousy in relationships with Aries.

Aries are like an exposed nerve. They can aggressively demonstrate their feelings and even attack their opponent.

The advantage is that Aries are quick-witted and happy, and quickly forgive everything.

Taurus: 9 out of 10 - owner

Taurus is the sign of the owner, and often representatives of this zodiac sign consider their lovers as part of their property. This sign, just like its opposite brother, Scorpio, does not know how to let go.

He believes that since he has invested a lot of time and effort into the relationship, his partner belongs to them and no one else. If a loved one begins to violate the boundaries established by Taurus in a relationship, this can lead to severe jealousy.

Among the positive aspects, it is worth noting the fact that Taurus is usually straightforward in his feelings.

Gemini: 3 out of 10 – understanding

Gemini is a zodiac sign that is highly flexible, and jealousy rarely becomes an issue in relationships with them. They perfectly understand the fickle nature of man and do not take any little thing or action seriously.

Like everyone else, they experience jealousy, but only if it is truly justified. They are rational and rarely allow emotions to control their behavior.

Geminis trust the promises of their loved ones, try to make relationships easy and quickly get rid of negativity.

Cancer: 7 out of 10 – sensitive

Being water sign Cancer takes love and relationships very seriously, and this will sooner or later lead to jealousy. Since they are ruled by the Moon, Cancers are prone to big mood swings. They may become furious with jealousy and make your life hell, but then tearfully explain why this situation hurt them so much.

Despite their reputation as the most sensitive and whiny signs of the zodiac, they can act quite rudely and reprimand their loved ones if they suspect them of something inappropriate.

Cancer needs an emotionally honest and committed relationship, and if it doesn't get it, it can come out with its claws.

Which zodiac signs are the most jealous?

Leo: 8 out of 10 – demanding

Leo is a sign for whom love and self-expression play an important role, and he is used to demonstrating his feelings on a grand scale. When Leo is in love, he is used to showing love to everyone around him and demands that his partner also prove to them his boundless devotion and admiration.

If you ignore a Leo and don't compliment him, it hurts his ego. And if you decide to pay attention to someone else, be careful.

Leos are very easily turned on by jealousy; they can attack an opponent and then leave, licking their wounds. When the attack of jealousy passes, they again become cute and fluffy, giving you gifts and proof of their love.

Virgo: 5 out of 10 – nervous

Virgos cannot be called very jealous or obsessive; they are rather nervous. Virgos are used to doubting everything, including themselves and their partner.

Therefore, even if they are confident in their relationship, jealousy may arise due to the fact that Virgo is working themselves up into a state of anxiety or panic.

Virgos are quite rational and picky about their partners and do not allow their emotions to get the better of them.

They know their loved ones inside and out and therefore can easily recognize when a truly serious threat arises. But they also have moments of weakness when they allow their thoughts to take them too far.

Libra: 6 out of 10 – attached

Libra is the sign of partnership and they value relationships very highly. But being air sign, they love to flirt, and are quite open by nature. However, Libras themselves don't really like it when their partner flirts with someone else.

Libras see a lot of things from an "we" perspective, so when a loved one starts to pull away a little or show their independence, it can be a little scary.

If the possibility of a third party appears in a relationship, they can turn from good-natured people into jealous ones. Positive point is that thanks to its ruler Venus, Libra will always look for a solution to the problem that has arisen.

Scorpio: 10 out of 10 – obsessed

Yes, Scorpios are jealous to the extreme. They believe in love to death even before marriage. If a Scorpio falls in love, he loves very deeply and there is no room for uncertainty.

Since Scorpio completely devotes himself to his loved one and gives 100 percent of his love, he is very hurt when his partner thinks about someone else. Suspicions and anxieties often take over their minds and begin to eat away from the inside.

It hurts them to even imagine that the person they love could flirt with someone, let alone cheat on them. Scorpio demands complete devotion, because he himself is ready to offer the same.

They should learn to loosen their grip sometimes, because real love requires trust.

Top Jealous Zodiac Signs

Sagittarius: 2 out of 10 – open

Since this is a freedom-loving sign, the word “jealousy” is basically absent from the Sagittarius dictionary. Sagittarians want to live in a world where there are no rules, and they abhor the idea of ​​labels and restrictions.

Their ideal partner would be honest and open about his intentions, not hiding anything from them.

Of course, like other signs of the Zodiac, Sagittarius is capable of experiencing pangs of jealousy, but he is considered one of the calmest partners in this sense.

They just know that holding on to someone with a death grip is not the best The best way save the relationship.

Capricorn: 7 out of 10 – controlling

Capricorn is familiar with jealousy only when there is a real threat to their status and reputation. For them, the worst thing is to expose themselves to ridicule in front of others.

You need to know that Capricorn takes a very long time to enter into a relationship, and therefore if their loved one threatens to destroy everything that they have worked for a long time, this causes them considerable suffering.

Capricorns get jealous when their partner neglects their relationship and does something inappropriate. They need an ideal relationship, and deviation from this ideal on the part of their loved one causes them great jealousy and anxiety.

Aquarius: 4 out of 10 – honest

Aquarius, being a sign of rebellion and friendship, is not known for much jealousy. Aquarians have progressive thinking, are open to everything new and value friendship with representatives of both sexes.

They show jealousy only if they do not feel special in the eyes of their loved one or find out that their partner has found someone more interesting than them.

It is very important for Aquarius to be unique and important. Fortunately, relationships with Aquarius most often begin with friendship, and therefore communication and honesty do not give much reason for jealousy.

Pisces: 5 out of 10 – caring

Pisces can be either very jealous or completely indifferent. As a mutable sign of the Zodiac, they are characterized by duality.

On the one hand, they are very touchy and have a rich imagination, which can lead to problems with jealousy. On the other hand, they are among the most understanding and forgiving signs of the Zodiac.

They are not jealous by nature and react to jealousy by becoming upset rather than angry. Pisces try to trust their partner, but at the same time trust their intuition.

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has experienced a feeling of jealousy towards another person and a whole range of accompanying emotions: from fear of loss and humiliation to pain and anger... Meanwhile, the cause of a storm of passions in a couple is not always the sultry blonde secretary in her husband’s office or a charming and helpful neighbor, but also the powerful influence of Venus and Pluto on your zodiac sign. It is the dialogue of these planets that often causes strong conflicting feelings associated with emotional attachment and fears. Add here the sinfulness of Saturn, the pride of Jupiter and the possessiveness of Mars and you get the constant jealous pressure of the Universe on our lives. The zodiac signs themselves play an important role, because each of us is used to expressing this powerful feeling in different ways. And don’t say later that we didn’t warn you.


In public, Aries always acts confident in himself, but inside he often feels unstable. Add to this a natural craving for large-scale life dramas and you get one of the most jealous zodiac signs that exist in nature. “Lambs” are lit literally from one spark - a completely innocent scene of jealousy can instantly flare up into a major scandal, which they will later greatly regret. Moreover, often all-consuming jealousy pushes these fiery and passionate representatives to cheat, even when their partner in fact turns out to be “innocent”. If you get into a relationship with this sign, be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster. And if you yourself are his representative, try to make decisions “with a cool head,” and if you are tormented by any doubts, talk to your significant other before preparing a plan for revenge.


Since Taurus are very rational in life and always stand firmly on the ground, the feeling of jealousy is generally alien to them. They choose their partner very carefully and subsequently spend a lot of time with him and satisfy all their desires - the other half will have no reason to doubt. They have a very strong sense of “common life” and hope for the future. The phrase: “And they lived happily ever after, and died on the same day...” must have been invented by Taurus. If representatives of this sign suspect something is wrong, then most likely their feeling is not groundless. Stubborn Taurus do not really like to show their emotions in public. Therefore, if ultimately their fears are justified, then they will break up with the unwanted relationship quietly and calmly, without loud scenes with slamming doors and broken dishes.


Even at the very beginning of a relationship, Geminis bluntly admit to their partner that they are very jealous. They are convinced that remaining faithful to one person is backbreaking work, therefore, on the one hand, they become very suspicious; on the other hand, they do not exclude the possibility of betrayal for themselves (and most often just for personal pleasure). In close relationships with the opposite sex, it is very important for them to see the future - in this case, they will take a personal part in all the endeavors of their other half. People around them often mistake their natural sociability and openness for flirting, so you will have to worry when being around them. If Gemini really discovers someone else’s betrayal, they will act on the principle: “Revenge is a dish that must be served cold.”


Cancers rarely experience feelings of jealousy: when they choose someone, they completely dissolve in this unconditional love and sincerely expect the same from the “accomplice” in their life. They do everything possible to ensure that their relationship is happy and long-lasting. Rather, next to them you can feel the other extreme - a suffocating feeling of affection. If they do become jealous, they will keep this oppressive feeling deep inside until it turns into open indignation - Cancers express their complaints quite aggressively. If you betrayed Cancer, he will never forgive you for this.

a lion

Remember the humorous expression: “No matter what happens, don’t think about the pink elephant,” after which it is difficult to get rid of the obsessive image of a fantasy animal? Representatives of the fire element are the same “pink elephants” that inexorably attract attention. And God forbid you “get it out of your head”! You must think about Leo constantly, publicly admire him and permanently demonstrate your love. “Kings” are not too jealous in life - they are too self-confident and independent for this “humiliating” feeling. At the same time, Leos are known owners, and if someone encroaches on their treasure, they are merciless. In a fit of jealousy, they fall into a terrible rage. They do not restrain themselves simply because they do not consider it necessary to restrain themselves.


Balanced and calm Virgos, who are used to keeping their emotions under control, can nevertheless be extremely jealous. Look into their eyes and see their true feelings. A special feature: they often accumulate small “disappointments”, a critical mass of which can destroy even seemingly stable and successful relationships. It is important for Virgos to feel a common future and have common interests with their partner, but at the same time they love it when both parties have their own lives. If Virgo suspects you of something, she will not openly express dissatisfaction until she carefully examines the situation and is convinced that she is right. Once you deceive a Virgo, she will never trust you again.


Libras want two things in life: 1) to be loved; 2) avoid conflicts. Unfortunately, representatives of this sign often suffer from the fact that they do not feel safe. Inner insecurity can cause intense jealousy. Libras will do anything to avoid confrontation, so from the outside it seems like they are just sulking at you. The only way to find out what's wrong is to ask them openly. This is one of the most understanding signs of the zodiac, which ultimately helps to avoid many fatal mistakes. Therefore, even if a partner “stumbles,” he will most likely have a chance to correct everything.


Another contender for the title of the most jealous sign in the world. They have periods when not a day goes by without suspicious “injections” towards their partner. Another feature of fiery messengers: they are often jealous of the past. Therefore, do not even think about telling Scorpio about how in the fourth grade a classmate walked you home from school - even after 20 years, he will “erase him into powder” at the first opportunity. There is a strong sense of possessiveness that can create unbearable tension in relationships. Representatives of this sign want to control every movement of their partner, both openly and secretly. If Scorpio turns out to be right in his guesses, it will sting ungodly!


Sagittarius is rarely jealous of someone, but even if this is the case, he will only admit it to you at gunpoint. Here lies a huge problem: they can screw themselves up so much that they end up leaving their partner, even if he is absolutely innocent. Don't want problems with Sagittarius? It is better to immediately sit down and discuss with him all the dubious moments of your life, and not wait until he explodes from the inside with jealousy. At the same time, they provide the other half with enormous freedom in relationships without any obligations, naturally demanding the same in return.


Jealousy for Capricorns is a permanent state, although it is very difficult for them to admit this even to themselves, let alone to others. They are generally very stingy with words when it comes to expressing feelings - each time his partner has to guess what Capricorn really feels and thinks. The good news is that active jealousy episodes usually don't last long. Winners by nature, they are afraid more than anything else of being a loser, of finding out that someone else was chosen over them. If Capricorn deceived you, you will never know about it.


Aquarians are one of the most unpredictable signs, so guessing their true emotions can be very difficult. Although outwardly they are very friendly and open, they often hide the main thing from everyone. Don't try to provoke Aquarius's jealousy in order to attract attention - because of innocent flirting on the side, you will lose him forever. What worries Aquarius most is not so much the physical betrayal of their partner, but the psychological factor. He is jealous when he sees that you are connected with another person by beautiful friendly relations. Platonic intimacy infuriates him much more and makes him jealous.


One of the least jealous signs. The desire for harmony, a sincere desire to enter into the position of a stranger, also extends to this manifestation of relationships. They are so sensitive that, as a rule, they accurately read the emotions of other people. They demand unconditional loyalty, devotion and attention from their partners, so make sure you are able to give it to them. At the same time, if Pisces found out about the betrayal and saw their partner’s sincere regret, this does not mean that they will turn away from their fallen love forever. They may need some time to give the cheater a second chance.