Cancer is the most depressive sign. How different zodiac signs cope with depression

28.06.2019 Trips

People born under the sign of Aries are usually simple-minded and straightforward. These are integral individuals who are not prone to “soul-searching” and searching for those to blame. It's not easy to drive them into depression, but if something upset them to such an extent that they stopped believing in the world, their bad mood will be as stable as the confident joy before it.

You can get Aries out of depression with objective positive facts. Usually they are not difficult to find, both in the most unpleasant situation that caused the blues, and in other areas. Try to emotionally distance yourself from the problem for a while and start making a list positive points. Of course, at first it will feel like a stretch, but as more and more positives appear on your list, you will feel relief.


Taurus are not inclined to be frank about their feelings. Most often, they carry everything inside themselves, which makes it difficult to help a person consumed by depressive thoughts. People of this sign can remain in a confused and depressed mood for weeks, but only their irritation and aggressive attacks will be visible to others.

To restore the joy of life, you can advise Taurus to find the strength to talk openly with someone close to them. By suppressing your true feelings, you send signals to the world that make others treat you more coldly, and this only more actively feeds your blues. Of course, depression is a time when we feel most vulnerable and it is the hardest time for us to step up to people, but it can be a transformative moment for you.


The character of Gemini is very changeable. Their mood can change at lightning speed - as if there was one person in front of you, and a minute later it’s completely different. This is due to the fact that people of this sign can easily fall into the blues, but at the same time, just as suddenly and without a trace, recover from it.

Geminis are saved from depression by the ability to switch. This is the case when the rule applies: “In any unclear situation, go to bed.” If you are overwhelmed by melancholy, it is better to just take a nap for half an hour, and, most likely, you will wake up in a completely different mood. Help to a loved one who is plunged into sadness, you can simply redirect his attention to something positive. If there is a Gemini next to you who is sad, share with him the idea of ​​​​some interesting creative project - and now he is already inspired and ready for exploits.


Despite their liveliness of mind, sparkling sense of humor and cheerful disposition, Cancers are most often very susceptible to melancholy. They carefully hide their worries, but in their souls they feel every failure very deeply. They can never be completely confident in themselves, so they are easily hurt by a word or even a look.

Usually Cancers don't fight depression, but simply crawl into their shell and sit there until they feel confident enough to do something. new step towards the world. Time really does heal, and to facilitate this healing, Cancers can be advised to engage in some spiritual practices or read good fiction. If you want to help a Cancer who is stuck in depression, there is no point in trying to pull him out of an unfavorable life context (for example, drag him to a club or for a walk in the park) - instead, it is better to create a more comfortable, protected atmosphere for him, show that you are ready to be there .

a lion

Inner nobility combined with the desire to be the center of attention sometimes makes Leos feel very lonely. People of this sign cannot be called pessimistic - on the contrary, they are full of ideas that can inspire and fill dozens and hundreds of people around them with strength. Leos face all the blows of fate with their heads held high, but during periods of calm, when everything seems to be going well and calmly, they can easily become despondent.

If you find yourself feeling that depression is squeezing its greedy paws tighter around your neck, take immediate action. Go shopping, change your image, organize a party, go on a trip - any means will do that will make you shake up and find yourself in the thick of exciting events. If there is a Leo in your environment who is bored with life, the best thing you can do is to direct your attention in his direction, show that you are interested in his thoughts, his opinion is important. This is exactly what will give a person the strength to rise.


Virgos are usually very practical and rational. They simply have no time to be sad. However, we must understand that this state of affairs is deceptive. Behind this position quite often lies an inability to listen to one’s feelings, a reluctance to feel heartache. Therefore, Virgos often live in a state of hidden chronic depression. If you ask how they are doing, they will tell you how good everything is - the husband was promoted, the children are happy, the parents are not sick. But they will say all this in a quiet, extinguished voice.

If you are a Virgo and it seems to you that life has become tasteless, analyze your feelings. Perhaps you have long been walking the wrong path that brings you joy. Sincere support in discovering true feelings will help Virgo get out of depression. Take a person by the hand and help him through painful experiences that he himself does not dare to face.


People of this sign always strive for harmony, and since our world is often unfair and illogical, sometimes the inability to establish balance plunges Libra into confusion. Usually representatives of this zodiac sign are very friendly and complacent. And if despondency begins to take hold of them, somewhere inside another mechanism instantly turns on, designed to balance spiritual forces.

Libra is the sign that, more than all the others, is helped by talking about what is going on in his heart. Vague sensations and vivid emotions, put into words, allow them to better understand what they feel and what they want. The most useful thing you can do for a person born under the sign of Libra to get him out of depression is to become a mirror for him, giving him the opportunity to speak out and bring dark thoughts to light.


Scorpios cannot stand it when they have to obey someone. At the same time, the fear of appearing incompetent in something often manipulates them, forcing them to wear a mask even among those closest to them. Outwardly, Scorpios may seem soft and good-natured, but inside they will have a seething cauldron of passions.

If you want to help Scorpio cope with a bad mood, you need to act very carefully. On the one hand, you need to support him in confronting an unfriendly environment (as it seems to a depressed person), and on the other, help him carefully remove the mask and feel his unity with the whole world. After all, it is the feeling of alienation, isolation from other people that gives rise to a depressive mood in Scorpio.


Sagittarius is distinguished by sincerity of feelings and direct communication. They do not perceive falsehood and affectation on a physical level. With their words, without malicious intent, they can easily offend a person, but at the same time they themselves treat criticism very sensitively. Even high level awareness often does not save Sagittarius from some dependence on the assessment of others. A remark or awkward comment on their activities can plunge them into a despondent mood for a long time.

However, if you want to return Sagittarius to a joyful mood, do not rush to praise him. Remember that flattery is worse for him than the harshest criticism. False praise is an admission of their defeat, so it is better to refrain from making judgments and help Sagittarius engage in some activity in which he himself will feel “on horseback”. This could be an extreme hike that will test his strength, or a charity that will give him the feeling that he is doing something meaningful.


People born under the sign of Capricorn are often very ambitious and stubborn. They do not have a tendency towards depressive manifestations, because if they come across some obstacle, they can always either get around it or simply punch it with their forehead. They choose approximately the same strategy when despondency falls on them.

Capricorn is not afraid to face his sadness. He simply takes her on a ram and sweeps her out of his way to move on. All that my loved ones can do to help a person overcome the blues is not to focus directly on the problem, but to create “nutritious” conditions for the manifestation of Capricorn’s strengths.


The creative nature of Aquarius often makes them vulnerable to the roughness of the world around them. As they say, anyone can offend an artist. Bubbling creative energy helps them cope with depression.

To get rid of sad thoughts, Aquarians don’t need to go to noisy parties or cry on a friend’s shoulder. A much more effective way to overcome depression for them would be to engage in handicrafts. It doesn’t matter what kind of outlet you find for your creativity - it can be macrame, watercolor painting, or constructing art objects from improvised means. The main thing is a flight of imagination that will take you far from despondency and boredom.


Pisces are dreamy and impressionable. However, despite the subtlety of their perception of the world, they are very consistent and methodical. If something has upset a person of this sign, he will not be angry with others, but, most likely, will begin to look for the reason within himself. And he will certainly find it.

To help Pisces get out of depression, the first thing you need to do is discard the feeling of guilt, on which the whole complex of negative feelings is most often based. Sharp mind and good developed intuition They make it quite easy to neutralize the power of false self-accusation and alleviate the condition. And then it’s best not to interfere in the process internal work a person of this sign - the desire for harmony will itself bring him out of a depressive state.

Remember, living in depression is harmful! If you feel that you do not have enough resources to cope with the melancholy on your own, be sure to contact a specialist. An expert will help you deal with problems on the personal front, difficulties at work and in the family, so that you can feel the zest for life again!

Astrologers have identified several of the most unfortunate Zodiac Signs. Three representatives of the zodiac circle have such a subtle mental organization that they simply cannot get along in a hostile and hectic world.

Zodiac sign with congenital victim syndrome

Virgos gracefully occupy third place in the list of the most unfortunate Zodiac Signs. This is a rather dramatic and nervous Sign that does not know how to relax and be distracted from the hustle and bustle. Representatives of the constellation Virgo love to take on excessive responsibility, bending under its load.

If it were not for their difficult character, they would gladly share their burden with loved ones. But alas, Virgos proclaim themselves great martyrs, choosing for themselves the role of victim for the rest of their lives. Since this Sign is a symbol of perseverance, hard work and justice, its representatives do not intend to grasp at luck. They achieve everything themselves, albeit through hard and intense work.

Zodiac sign with increased suspiciousness

People born under the Sign of Cancer are firmly in second place in the parade of the most unfortunate representatives of the zodiac circle. Due to their innate sensitivity and hyper-emotionality, Cancers have quite a lot of psychological problems based on complexes and internal doubts. Only representatives of this Sign can doubt themselves and their strengths for so long and persistently, taking one step forward and immediately three back. They are very flexible, but at the same time terribly proud, which makes it difficult to influence people and act based on their preferences. IN family life Cancer representatives are most often unhappy, since they lack the strength to win the main role in the relationship.

Zodiac sign prone to constant self-flagellation

The leading position is occupied by representatives of Pisces, who admit that they would hardly call themselves happy people. There are, of course, exceptions. But basically, representatives of the zodiac Pisces are introverts, deep in themselves. Their endless introspection often develops into harsh self-criticism. Pisces often experience self-doubt and greatly need a person who could admire them and feed their inner world, guiding them in the right direction.

However, it is quite difficult for Pisces to find a soul mate due to their astrological characteristics. Representatives of this Sign are creative individuals who are unable to think down to earth and superficially, which causes a conflict of interests and priorities in communication. That is why most Pisces are doomed to loneliness, and for them this is worse than the death penalty.

Unhappy and offended by the influence of the stars, Zodiac Signs, if they wish, can even migrate to the category of lucky ones. The main thing is to remember that only a person is the architect of his own happiness. And an astrological predisposition to a bitter fate is just a small test. We wish you success, good luck and happiness.

Studying the horoscope for all zodiac signs for February 2018, you will notice that all astrologers, without exception, recommend paying attention to your health. The winter cold has equally depleted the immunity of both Gemini and Capricorn. That is why it is recommended not to discount wellness treatments and scheduled visits to doctors.

The February horoscope pays great attention to love relationships. After all, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, which means it’s time for representatives of different signs to sort out their own feelings.

Love relationships come to the fore for Aries. In the next 28 days, representatives of this sign will bask in the attention of the opposite sex. However, it is not recommended to get too carried away with flirting, as you may miss really serious feelings.

The opportunity to improve their financial situation looms on the horizon, but there is a high probability that due to the romantic atmosphere, Aries will miss out on financial prospects.

February will be a defining period for Taurus. This is a testing time when the strength of a representative of a zodiac sign is tested. Natural perseverance will help Taurus overcome even serious obstacles in their path, which in the future will result in major financial and personal victories.

You will have to work a lot in the last winter month, but in the spring all the efforts of the persistent Taurus will pay off doubly.

In February 2018, the astrological forecast for Gemini will be generally positive. The main problem representatives of the sign will become their frivolity. Due to their reluctance to make serious decisions, girls may lose several lucrative offers. The month is favorable for personal victories, but experts do not recommend getting too involved in new relationships.

The Gemini man will be forced to devote the entire month of February to work. Colleagues and partners expect representatives to signify serious decisions. Now everyone pays attention to a man’s actions, and his personal authority depends on them.

Cancers will experience a real fountain of emotions, both positive and negative. It is quite possible that representatives of the sign will have to argue for a large inheritance or for a profitable deal.

Now every relative or friend needs the support of Cancer. However, do not rush to answer the requests of everyone you meet, because there is a high probability of complete exhaustion of moral strength, and this will certainly result in health problems. Astrologers recommend Cancers to correctly calculate their capabilities in order to be on top by the end of the month.

The month will be favorable for everything new. Astrologers recommend having affairs, changing jobs, and boldly deciding on adventures. February will smile only on those representatives of the sign who take risks.

There is a high probability of disputes with relatives. If Leo can contain his inner ardor, then the conflict will quickly fade away without giving rise to a major conflict.

In February 2018, a true innovator will awaken in Virgo. Representatives of the male sign will show extraordinary work zeal, which will certainly be appreciated by their superiors. Women will have to put up with minor problems, the resolution of which will largely determine the success of the approaching spring.

There is a high probability that Virgo will be overtaken by a sudden cold. It is recommended to take care of maintaining the immune system every day, because then neither a cough nor a runny nose will be able to disrupt the plans of the sign’s representative.

Astrologers believe that in the last winter month, Libra will experience a time of change. This is the best period for moving, changing your environment and renovating. There is an opportunity for a quick trip on the horizon, and you should definitely take advantage of it.

Representatives of the sign may encounter assertive fans. However, astrologers do not recommend Libra to exchange a stable relationship for short-term flirting. Otherwise, by spring the representative of the sign will face loneliness. It is recommended to use the attention of fans wisely for advancement in personal and career plans.

For representatives of this sign, February will be a time for family. The Scorpio woman will devote herself entirely to home life and solving pressing family problems. The Scorpio man will finally feel like a full-fledged owner of the house.

Astrologers recommend that representatives of this sign spend less time with friends, paying attention to the interests and needs of relatives. This is a great time to become parents or take your relationship with your significant other to a whole new stage.

Sagittarius will experience real luck in February. They will accurately choose business partners and make decisions wisely. This is a great time for financial investments and making big deals.

Luck will smile on the representatives of the sign and in personal life. Lonely Sagittarius will finally find that great love that they have dreamed of for so long. However, astrologers warn representatives of the sign against relying entirely on luck; in order to achieve success, Sagittarius will still have to make efforts. However, the month is so favorable for them that even the smallest step can turn into a big victory.

At the beginning of the month, representatives of the sign will have to work hard in order to receive dividends by the end of February 2018. There is a high probability of developing depression at the beginning of the month, so you should pay attention not only to work, but also to love and meeting with friends.

By the end of the month, Capricorn can allow himself to relax to the fullest. However, you should not forget about the limits of decency. Astrologers warn that everyone’s attention is directed towards Capricorn, which means that the risk of spoiling one’s reputation is extremely high.

In February 2018, Aquarius will be the center of universal adoration. Colleagues listen to your opinion, relatives and friends are interested in it, which means you need to full program take advantage of this.

Astrologers recommend giving advice wisely and not forgetting about your own aspirations. This is a great time to start your own business. It is not recommended to go on vacation yet. Now Aquarius is at the peak of its capabilities, and the desire to relax can result in major financial losses.

The horoscope for February 2018 is favorable to Pisces. Representatives of the mark should note Special attention for a career. It is quite possible that a promotion awaits you, but in order to receive it you will have to prove yourself to be a true professional.

There is relative calm in my personal life. Those Pisces who are in a relationship should not worry about their feelings, since this February is characterized by stability. But single representatives of the sign will have to wait a little longer; the month is not favorable for finding love.

February is a transition month between winter and spring, on which the direction of human activity for the next decade largely depends. Success will be achieved by those representatives of the sign who are able to successfully combine career ambitions with their personal lives, without forgetting about strengthening the immune system.

Look video with a horoscope for all zodiac signs for 2018:

Love horoscope for April 2018 for all Zodiac Signs

The love horoscope for April 2018 will tell you what the Zodiac Signs can expect in their personal lives.

Love relationships of Zodiac Signs are influenced by planets no less than other areas of life. Love horoscope for April 2018 will help you find out how your relationship will develop this month.

Zodiac sign Aries in April 2018 will be inclined to practicality and calmness in love. Planet of love Venus most money will stay in your house for months, so in personal relationships you will strive for a feeling of comfort and reliability. This period will help you strengthen relationships, resolve financial and property issues, and increase family income. In the last week of the month, Venus will move into your house of communications and communication, bringing more freshness and romance to your personal relationships. It is at the end of the month that single Aries will be able to meet their love.

A very romantic period will begin in the life of Taurus, full of love and mutual understanding. The love horoscope for April 2018 foretells Taurus a feeling of warmth and harmony in a couple. This month you will get a lot of joy and pleasure from communicating with your soulmate. Single Taurus will attract the attention of the opposite sex, as in April 2018 you will be quite charming. IN last days This month, Venus will move into Taurus' house of finances, and comfort and practicality will come to the fore in your personal relationships. On the Full Moon on April 30, 2018, Taurus will receive some clarity in relationships and will be able to learn something about their partner and his intentions.

There will be no changes in the personal life of Gemini in April 2018. Representatives of this Zodiac Sign will be busy with their inner world and thoughts. Lonely Geminis can succumb to depression and sadness. Those representatives of the sign who have a soul mate may be disappointed and upset about something. This is because the time has come for internal changes in your life. In the last week of the month, romance, joy and luck will appear in Gemini's relationships. It will be a great time for love. Single Geminis will be able to meet their soul mate.

Cancer in April 2018 will be able to strengthen their personal relationships and give their partner a feeling of reliability and stability. This is because strict Saturn is located in the house of the Cancer partner. Also, April 2018 will be a month of summing up the long journey that you have traveled with your loved one. This means that you can expect significant events that will be decisive for your relationship. They will either confirm the strengthening of the relationship in the couple, or draw a line under the road traveled. Even if some difficulties begin in your personal life, the positive influence of the planets promises that you will easily cope with them. In the relationship between spouses, a rational approach will prevail, rather than a romantic attitude.

There will be a lot of love, romance and adventure in Leo's life in April 2018. This period will bring a lot of joy and pleasure to the representatives of this Zodiac Sign. The love horoscope for April 2018 foretells Leo great feelings and a thirst for emotions in personal relationships. Lonely Leos will be in a state of love and passion. In the last week of the month, the planet of love Venus will move into Leo's house of career. This means that personal relationships will somehow be related to work or will have a beneficial effect on it. New acquaintances at work or an office romance are possible.

Representatives of the Zodiac Sign Virgo in April 2018 will be able to expand their capabilities. Passion and new experiences await you. Together with your other half, you can actively spend time and get carried away by something interesting. Your feelings will become stronger and deeper, and your relationship will develop faster. The love horoscope for April 2018 foretells a strong physical connection with your partner. Virgos should be wary of their illusions and not idealize new relationships. Single Virgos will be able to find love while traveling or at a distance. Family representatives of the Sign will be busy with issues of everyday life, property and communication with relatives.

In April 2018, Libra will need openness and communication with their soulmate. You will be able to show your best qualities, as well as show your devotion and caring in a relationship. In the middle of the month, representatives of this Zodiac Sign will experience changes in their personal lives. Unusual events will occur that will surprise you. At the end of the month love relationships Libra will experience calm and regularity. In a love relationship, material concerns and financial income will come to the fore. Lonely Libra will become more attractive to the opposite sex in April 2018.

There will be a lot of romance and love in Scorpio's personal life in April 2018. The planet of love Venus will be located in the house of the Scorpio partner, which will have a positive effect on love relationships. This month promises a lot of passion, intimacy and sensuality in relationships. Single Scorpios will be able to meet their soul mate. Representatives of the sign who already have a partner will be able to get the most out of love. This month, many Scorpios will move to a new level of relationships. You will be more attractive this month, and you will also be able to spend a lot of time and effort on improving your appearance.

A lot of passion and sensuality will appear in the personal life of Sagittarius in April 2018. This month will be full of love, communication and mutual understanding with your partner. Lonely Sagittarius will be able to find not just a loved one, but a like-minded person, friend and love all rolled into one. Sagittarians who already have a soulmate will be pleasantly surprised by the heightened feelings and the return of love in your life. In the middle of the month, romance and unpredictable events await representatives of this Zodiac Sign. There will be more lightness and ease in personal relationships, and communication with your significant other will become even more interesting.

For Capricorn, April 2018 will be the most successful month in terms of love. The planet of love Venus will be located in the house of your feelings and emotions. In relationships, representatives of this Zodiac Sign expect passion, love and harmony. Your relationships will become richer and more interesting, freshness and bright feelings will return to your personal life. Family Capricorns can expect harmony in the couple, as well as successful joint planning. The love horoscope for April 2018 promises that communication with your partner will bring a lot of pleasure this month.

In the personal life of Aquarius, communication and mutual understanding with a partner will come to the fore. Interesting acquaintances and new communication await lonely Aquarius. Aquarians who already have a partner will feel calm and harmony in their relationship. The planet of love Venus will be in the house of the Aquarius family. This means that a transition to a new level will begin in your life: some Aquarius will think about starting a family, and someone will make plans to buy a house or renovate. Aquarians in April 2018 will strive for a feeling of comfort and coziness.

The planet of love Venus will be in the house of communications Pisces. This means that in the personal relationships of this Zodiac Sign there will be more communication and mutual understanding. You will be able to have fun and interesting time with your loved one, find many new topics for discussion, and do something new together. Lonely Pisces will be able to meet someone for Serious relationships. After March 24, the planet of love Venus will move into the house of the Pisces family. the last week The month will be calmer and more measured for representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Many Pisces are expecting changes related to their family. In April 2018, Pisces will be able to clearly understand what to expect from personal relationships.

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6 zodiac signs that tend to suffer from depression

Your zodiac sign is a powerful indicator in your life. For example, 6 out of 12 signs are much more prone to depression due to their unique personality traits. Check if your sign is on this list. And if so, can you really feel discouraged from time to time?

Taurus can sometimes become obsessed with achieving all of their goals. His dedication to work sometimes looks strange and often leads people of this sign into a dead end, forcing them to run in a vicious circle and bang their heads against walls. Taurus' ambitions sometimes become unrealistic. It would be good for him to literally stop and inhale the aroma of flowers in the meadow or do some gardening and cooking. Taurus should try to remember that the pursuit of achievements should not interfere with his own emotional stability.

Geminis tend to feel things too intensely and experience emotions more intensely than other signs, so they tend to be more vulnerable to possible depression. Geminis are known for their dual personalities and are a mixture of good and bad tendencies. Because of such internal contradictions, Geminis often feel depressed, especially when their life stagnates and nothing happens in it. This sign should “reset” their mental health by staying active and making spontaneous decisions to diversify their life routine.

For Cancer, depression is almost a natural state. All representatives of this sign tend to be moody, pessimistic, unstable, darkly emotional and overly impressionable. Anything that even slightly evokes sadness can turn into a powerful depression for Cancer. To fight it, he must try to support loved ones and try to relax with the help water procedures or creative self-expression.

Scorpio is the sign that also easily falls under the influence of the blues. He is very emotional and sensitive, so he has a tendency to depression with any even the most insignificant loss or loss. Scorpios cannot stand a breakup, for example. It doesn't matter why a partner leaves Scorpio's life, and who initiated the separation, this sign will still be depressed. For Scorpio, only time heals all wounds, so he needs a new hobby or at least some interest in something.

Depression is the main weakness of Pisces. They suffer from sadness and fear all the time and without any reason or reason. Compassionate and gentle, Pisces do not like to be criticized and cannot tolerate negative emotions and ill will. They can get out of their sad state with the help of sleep or music. And as a medicine, they are “prescribed” swimming or simply relaxing by a body of water.

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Characteristics of the zodiac signs Libra

  • Badge: Cardinal
  • Day of week: Friday
  • Stone: Coral, Diamond, Sapphire, Jade
  • Flowers: Narcissus, Rose, Lily, Gardenia
  • Metal: Copper
  • Scents: Lily of the Valley, Tobacco, Sandalwood
  • Animals: Otter, Finch

General characteristics:

Air Sign ruled by Venus. Those born under this sign love beauty and elegance, do not tolerate disputes and discussions, and can make impartial and rational decisions in any matter. They are kind, balanced, and easily adapt to any environment. They like professions associated with a large space: designer, antique dealer, merchant. They often suffer from bouts of depression. Give great importance sincere friendship and love. Because of love, they are ready to overcome various obstacles. Libras are very positive people who believe in their destiny and in love, rejecting vulgarity and meaningless arguments.

The number 7 is a symbol of perfect balance. Perfection is expressed by mediation between the human world and the divine sphere. Since ancient times, seven has been considered a symbol of magic and religion, as it has always been associated with the lunar cycle. In the Babylonian civilization, the number of all religious holidays were multiples of seven. Seven was considered a symbol of holiness among the Pythagoreans, the Greeks called this number “venerable,” Plato called seven the “Soul of the World.” Seven is an important number corresponding to the seven planets: the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Has a close astrological connection with Saturn, responsible for determination and caution.

If you think of something, then no one can force you to change your mind! If you are doing everything possible to achieve your goals and someone tries to dissuade you, do not listen to anyone and continue in the same spirit!

Pink is a symbol of kindness, delicacy and tenderness. Often associated with romantic love, it makes you dream. Pink has great potential to relax the eyes and mind. If pink is your color, it means you are a very sensual, somewhat naive and childish person. You can't stand inconvenience, you try to avoid conflict situations. Pink is astrologically closely associated with Venus.

Blue is the color of calm and equanimity. If this is your color, it means you are a calm, peace-loving person. People around you value you for your honesty, openness, communication skills and creativity.

Brown color earth: symbolizes connection with one’s origin, one’s roots, denotes perseverance and patience. If this is your color, it means you are a reliable person, you have extraordinary calm, you can be trusted. Your main qualities are great willpower, self-confidence, you firmly adhere to family traditions and do not deviate from your principles. The color brown is closely associated with Saturn.

The Libra woman is elegant, fresh, and gentle. In order to win her, you need to shower her with expensive, exquisite gifts; in order to keep her, you need tenderness and kindness.

Tip: Include a love note in your bouquet of flowers!

The Libra man is delicate, elegant and charming. Possessing self-esteem, he loves to be an object of admiration and affection. It's easy to take the first step and break the ice around him. For a Libra man, it is very important to find an intelligent woman who would protect him from everyday worries.

Zodiac signs that tend to suffer from depression

Zodiac signs are a powerful indicator in your life. For example, 6 out of 12 signs are much more prone to depression due to their unique personality traits. Check if your sign is on this list. And if so, can you really feel discouraged from time to time?

Hardworking and stubborn, Capricorn often finds himself depressed. He always makes mountains out of molehills and perceives all problems as his own. All Capricorns are ambitious and strive to achieve all their goals. This eagerness can lead this sign to bite off more than they can chew and then begin to feel guilty that they can't do more. To get rid of this condition, Capricorn needs to simplify his life and take a little break.

Aries are most often susceptible to depression when they cannot give vent to the volcano of accumulated energy. But even in this case, they are not able to remain closed within themselves for a long time. Soon, those who have done wrong will receive what they deserve, and if Aries has offended himself, he will realize his anger in hard work or sports. Prolonged despondency in Aries appears in alliance with Virgo. Virgos, with their idealization of the world, cannot allow Aries to have an explosive character and a surge of destructive emotions. But this is not possible with Aries. Therefore, when his volcano does explode, Virgo falls into depression.

Taurus and Sagittarius

In this union, Taurus sets a depressive atmosphere, although he is one of the most balanced signs. But it is Sagittarius who is able to shake the calm of Taurus, provoking depressive feelings in him. This is due to the recklessness, restlessness and thirst for adventure of Sagittarius, for whom these qualities are a way of life. Sagittarius cannot give up his essence, but if he loves Taurus, he will try to hide his love for adventure and a wild lifestyle. But, as you know, everything secret someday becomes clear. Taurus can look for consolation in treason or a bottle.

Gemini and Capricorn

Sadness and melancholy eats up this couple when one of them takes on the role of a victim. And this is inevitable. Gemini and Capricorn are two absolutely incompatible “universes”, and in order for them to reconcile, someone will have to sacrifice their principles and seek a compromise. In happy unions, both partners do this, but in this one, only one, and, as a rule, it is Gemini. Constant abandonment of one's own interests inevitably leads to depression. Capricorn experiences his own depression on this basis: he cannot understand why he cannot live by his rules, because he is happy.

Cancer and Pisces

This union can have two extremes - great happiness or great depression. Happiness is possible thanks to one element of the signs, in which they feel like fish and cancer in water. They do not need extra words to understand, and they have many common points for happiness. The melancholy of Pisces and the excessive sensitivity of Cancers can give rise to depression in this union. If these qualities turn out to be leading in the characters’ characters, great depression you can't avoid it in a relationship. Both signs can withdraw into their selfish feelings and not come out until the divorce.

Leo and Capricorn

The cause of a depressive mood in these relationships may be a war between two strong characters. Capricorn's excessive assertiveness and taking over leadership positions can cause dejected feelings in Leo, which the proud Leo will consider disrespectful. Leo's reaction can range from cat-like softness to lion-like fury. If none of them has the desired effect, Leo Capricorn will arrange a protracted depression and fall into it himself. Mutually beneficial reconciliation in this union is hardly possible, which means that relapses cannot be avoided.

Virgo and Aquarius

The union of these two signs is a struggle of opposites, where the orderliness of Virgo is opposed to the chaos of Aquarius. It would seem that one excludes the second, but some unknown force attracts and holds people of these signs, dooming them to an exhausting struggle in which there is no right or wrong. Both Virgo and Aquarius understand well the impossibility of this union, but neither of them has the determination to leave the relationship, and they become depressed. Therefore, two extremes are possible in their home - either a “bloody” war or “afterlife” despondency.

Libra and Taurus

The relationship between these signs is ruled by Venus, which has a reputation as the best matchmaker. Where her talents go when she creates this union is unknown. Libra and Taurus, instead of being harmoniously fulfilled in a relationship, shamelessly suck energy from each other. It is difficult for Earth to find the lightness of Heaven, and for Heaven to find the solidity of Earth. But no one will stop the signs from striving for this, so they do it as best they can. And both are able to demand and make claims. As a result, depression may not leave their home for weeks.

Scorpio and Aries

It is difficult for two victorious signs to get used to each other. And it's not just the inability to share leadership. Both signs are not ready to recognize each other's authority, although in fact there are no great authorities for them. The favorite method of fighting for primacy in this couple is to devalue the best qualities of your partner. Low self-esteem, undermined self-confidence, destroyed pride is a direct path to stress and depression for both signs.

Sagittarius and Cancer

No one else knows how to trample on the feelings of suspicious Cancer so mercilessly as Sagittarius. And no one else is capable of suppressing Sagittarius’s love of freedom as cruelly as Cancer does. What is not a reason for depression? Perhaps there would be no reason if the signs wanted to interact constructively, but they rarely succeed. But even if they overcome this stumbling block, there is another one - money. The tight-fisted Cancer will howl like a wolf if the carefree Sagittarius spends the total budget not on Cancer. And this happens often with Sagittarius.

Capricorn and Scorpio

The main problem leading to depression in this union is secrecy. Both of these signs would share the right of primacy in the ability to classify their own feelings and experiences. But if Scorpio is able to cope with his own grievances and problems alone, then Capricorn can only accumulate them, and then, from the unbearability of this heavy burden, fall into the deepest depression, continuing to silently choke on his sorrows. This is how the famous stubbornness of Capricorn manifests itself, which even Scorpio cannot cope with.

Aquarius and Libra

The pessimistic attitudes of Aquarius and the tendency towards negativism of Libra cannot give rise to anything other than despondency and depression. For many Aquarians, the glass is half empty, and they are able to find the color black even in a rainbow. Aquarius's painful attitude towards life makes not only his life painful, but also the life of receptive Libra. And they have enough of their own negativity to distribute to someone. So they distribute to each other, exchange what each has in abundance. How can you not get sunburned here?

Pisces and Leo

Pisces have a great gift for creating problems for themselves, and if they don’t create problems, they find trouble where there shouldn’t be any. Leo is one of the few signs that is able to withstand Pisces’ inability to live with dignity. Another thing that harms the harmony in this union is the isolation of Pisces. This sign is a famous introvert who lives in parallel realities. When Pisces withdraws into their inner world, Leos see this as being ignored. And for them there is nothing worse than indifference. This makes Leos despondent, and Pisces never got out of it.

Astrologers have identified several of the most unfortunate Zodiac Signs. Three representatives of the zodiac circle have such a subtle mental organization that they simply cannot get along in a hostile and hectic world.

Zodiac sign with congenital victim syndrome

Virgos gracefully occupy third place in the list of the most unfortunate Zodiac Signs. This is a rather dramatic and nervous Sign that does not know how to relax and be distracted from the hustle and bustle. Representatives of the constellation Virgo love to take on excessive responsibility, bending under its load.

If it were not for their difficult character, they would gladly share their burden with loved ones. But alas, Virgos proclaim themselves great martyrs, choosing for themselves the role of victim for the rest of their lives. Since this Sign is a symbol of perseverance, hard work and justice, its representatives do not intend to grasp at luck. They achieve everything themselves, albeit through hard and intense work.

Zodiac sign with increased suspiciousness

People born under the Sign of Cancer are firmly in second place in the parade of the most unfortunate representatives of the zodiac circle. Due to their innate sensitivity and hyper-emotionality, Cancers have quite a lot of psychological problems based on complexes and internal doubts. Only representatives of this Sign can doubt themselves and their strengths for so long and persistently, taking one step forward and immediately three back. They are very flexible, but at the same time terribly proud, which makes it difficult to influence people and act based on their preferences. In family life, Cancer representatives are most often unhappy, since they lack the strength to win the main role in the relationship.

Zodiac sign prone to constant self-flagellation

The leading position is occupied by representatives of Pisces, who admit that they would hardly call themselves happy people. There are, of course, exceptions. But basically, representatives of the zodiac Pisces are introverts, deep in themselves. Their endless introspection often develops into harsh self-criticism. Pisces often experience self-doubt and greatly need a person who could admire them and feed their inner world, guiding them in the right direction.

However, it is quite difficult for Pisces to find a soul mate due to their astrological characteristics. Representatives of this Sign are creative individuals who are unable to think down to earth and superficially, which causes a conflict of interests and priorities in communication. That is why most Pisces are doomed to loneliness, and for them this is worse than the death penalty.

Unhappy and offended by the influence of the stars, Zodiac Signs, if they wish, can even migrate to the category of lucky ones. The main thing is to remember that only a person is the architect of his own happiness. And an astrological predisposition to a bitter fate is just a small test. We wish you success, good luck and happiness.