The last day of the month of Ramadan of the year. Oraza Ait: when and how to celebrate


The holiday has no exact date, since the time of the month of Ramadan itself is determined depending on the change in the phases of the moon. Oraza Ait in 2017 in Kazakhstan comes on June 25. Muslims will begin the celebration after reading the collective prayer - Eid-Namaz. Eid prayer starts at 6:00 am.

The history and essence of the holiday

The holiday of Oraza Ait marks the end of the month of humility and fasting - Ramadan, sacred for the entire Muslim ummah (community).

Ramadan (Ramadan) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which every Muslim is required to fast. For thirty days, believers abstain from eating, drinking, and other worldly pleasures during the daytime.

Oraza Ait is a holiday of forgiveness and mercy. On this day, it is necessary to cleanse the soul of resentment and anger in order to meet the beginning of a new month in peace and harmony. It is generally accepted that Muslims around the world, after a strict fast, receive a reward from the Almighty.

The holiday itself, as well as fasting in Ramadan, was established by the prophet Muhammad himself in 624, since it was on the ninth month that he was sent holy book for all Muslims - the Koran and the writings of Injil, Zabur, Taurat.

When they celebrate

Oraza Ait comes on the first day of the month of Shawwal, which follows after Ramadan. Oraza Ait is known as the Feast of Conversation and Eid al-Fitr. In fact, it lasts one day, but in Kazakhstan the next two days are also considered holidays.

Solemn worship on the first day of Eid al-Fitr begins in mosques and specially designated places for this about 30-40 minutes after sunrise (the end of the morning prayer time). The start of the holiday sermon varies by region.

In most Muslim countries, Eid al-Ait is a public holiday.

Celebration traditions

Traditionally, on the holy holiday, Muslims greet each other with the words "Eid Mubarak!" and “Oraza Ait kabyl bolsyn!” (Blessed holiday! - ed.). On the territory of mosques, it is established to hold sports competitions in lifting weights, tug of war, arm wrestling, as well as song and dance competitions.

Oraz Ait is met in new and clean, preferably white clothes. They update not only the wardrobe, but also old, worn-out things in the house. Man's thoughts must also be pure.

It is forbidden to fast on this day. According to the Shariah (a set of rules for a Muslim - ed.), in Oraza Ait, believers should indulge in the mood of the holiday. Homemade dastarkhan is covered colorfully and generously as far as possible.

It is customary to start breaking the fast after a strict fast with light food - fruits and dairy products. Before going to the mosque, they eat something sweet, for example, an odd number of dates, as the prophet Muhammad was believed to do.

In Oraza Ait, Muslims visit cemeteries and commemorate the dead. It so happened that on a holiday people go to visit the elders, and make gifts to children, orphans, lonely people, widows and the poor.

Before the holiday of conversation, you should:

  • Wake up early in the morning and perform body ablution (ghusl)
  • Trim nails and brush teeth with miswak (toothbrush made from tree roots)
  • Eat sweets before Eid prayer
  • Invite relatives and friends to visit

What to cook

On holiday table Traditionally, lamb dishes, olives, dates, almonds, bread and pistachios should be present. Oraza Ait is called the holiday of sweets, as on this day it is recommended to decorate the table with dairy and berry desserts, sweet compotes and cookies.

What to do before Oraza Ait

Before the holiday, a faithful Muslim must give alms "Sadaqa - Fitr". The minimum amount of donations in Kazakhstan is 300 tenge.

Sadaqa-fitr does not have to be done on the day of the holiday, the main thing is not later than Oraza Ait. It is allowed to distribute alms not only in money, but also in such products as barley, rice, dates, flour.

Another duty of a Muslim on a holiday is to read a festive collective prayer. Anyone who missed the performance of Eid-namaz collectively with the imam can pray alone. Namaz will be considered perfect if it is read before the dinner azan (call to prayer).

holiday prayer

Festive prayer (id-namaz) is held twice a year according to the Muslim calendar: on Oraza Ait and on the feast of the sacrifice of Kurban Bayram.

Eid-namaz begins with the words "assalatu jamia", which means "come to the collective prayer." Prayers line up in rows and fold their hands on their stomachs.

At the festive prayer in Oraza Ait, the presence of children with their parents is desirable. It is also recommended that Muslims go to the mosque on foot if the distance from the house to the prayer house is not far. Those who go to Eid-prayer should go one way and return another. Usually, Muslims take the long way from home to the mosque, and the short way back.

What not to do to women

According to Sharia law, from the moment of the onset festive night Muslims must pronounce takbir - the expression "Allahu akbar", which means "Allah is great."

It is forbidden for women to say the takbir aloud in the presence of men. Takbir time ends with the beginning holiday service. According to the canons of Islam, women do not have to take Friday and holiday prayers, however, there is no prohibition on reading a prayer.

During prayer, a woman should stay away from men, as the scriptures say that the physical nature of a woman can lead men into temptation. In addition, the female half is advised to refuse to use incense on the day of the holiday prayer.

Missed fasting days

If, for valid reasons, a Muslim missed the days of fasting in the month of Ramadan, then he needs to compensate them. This can be done the next day after the celebration of Eid al-Ait.

Oraza Ait is a minor holiday as opposed to a major holiday, the Feast of Sacrifice, Kurban Ait (Kurban Bayram), which this year falls on September 1st.

How is Kurban Ait celebrated in 2017 in Kazakhstan? The Muslim holiday Kurban Ait (or, as it is also called, Kurban Bayram, and in Arabic - Eid al-Adha) is celebrated on the 10th day of the twelfth month lunar calendar. Kurban Ait completes the Hajj, the annual Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca.

On Kurban Ait in 2017 in Kazakhstan, the Supreme Mufti of the country, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other representatives of the clergy and authorities congratulate Muslims. Believers congratulate each other with the words “Kurban-ayt kabyl bolsyn!”

Because the most of the population of the country professes Islam, at the initiative of President Nursultan Nazarbayev, the first day of the holiday is a day off.

When is Kurban Ait celebrated in 2017?

Kurban Ait in 2017 will be celebrated in Kazakhstan from September 1. When the holiday begins, believers perform a full bath and put on clean festive clothes. Then they go to the mosque for morning prayer. Festive prayer takes place in all mosques of Kazakhstan from 8 am.

How is Kurban Ait celebrated?

How is Kurban Ait celebrated in Kazakhstan? After completing the prayer, Muslims return home, where they praise Allah in unison. Then they again go to the mosque, where the mullah reads a sermon. At the end of it, believers visit cemeteries, where they pray for the dead.

Then the ritual of sacrifice begins. To make a sacrifice, Muslims specially fatten the chosen animal: a sheep, a cow, a ram or a camel. It is believed that with the first drop of the blood of this animal, the person making the sacrifice is forgiven of his sins.

The authorities of the capital of the republic have banned the slaughter of animals during the celebration of Kurban Aita in the yards of multi-storey buildings and other public places.

This decision was made to maintain the proper sanitary condition of the city territory, so the decision of the Astana Akimat can only be welcomed. According to tradition, a third of the meat is eaten by the family, the second is given to the neighbors, the third to the poor.

History and traditions of the celebration of Kurban Ait

This is the history of this holiday. The Feast of Sacrifice recalls the feat of faith of the prophet Ibrahim. He received a revelation in which he was ordered to sacrifice his own son Ismail.

Ibrahim was ready to fulfill this, but at the last moment, the Almighty replaced the sacrifice by sending a lamb to Ibrahim. In memory of this, Muslims have been celebrating Kurban Ait for several centuries.

This is one of the most significant Muslim holidays, which affirms important life priorities - unity and mercy, friendship and mutual assistance.

On this day, aitys, national games kokpar and kyz-kuu are held in Kazakhstan, a rich table is set for friends and relatives, and people go to visit.

The holiday does not have an exact date, since the time of the month of Ramadan itself is determined depending on the change in the phases of the moon. Oraza Ait in 2017 in Kazakhstan comes on June 25. Muslims will begin the celebration after reading the collective prayer - Eid-Namaz. The beginning of the holiday prayer - Eid-namaz at 6:00.

The history and essence of the holiday

The holiday of Oraza Ait marks the end of the month of humility and fasting - Ramadan, sacred for the entire Muslim ummah (community).

Ramadan (Ramadan) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, during which every Muslim is required to fast. For thirty days, believers abstain from eating, drinking, and other worldly pleasures during the daytime.

Oraza Ait is a holiday of forgiveness and mercy. On this day, it is necessary to cleanse the soul of resentment and anger in order to meet the beginning of a new month in peace and harmony. It is generally accepted that Muslims around the world, after a strict fast, receive a reward from the Almighty.

The holiday itself, as well as fasting in Ramadan, was established by the prophet Muhammad himself in 624, since it was on the ninth month that the holy book for all Muslims - the Koran - and the writings of Injil, Zabur, Taurat were sent down to him.

When they celebrate

Oraza Ait comes on the first day of the month of Shawwal, which follows after Ramadan. Oraza Ait is known as the Feast of Conversation and Eid al-Fitr. In fact, it lasts one day, but in Kazakhstan the next two days are also considered holidays.

Solemn worship on the first day of Eid al-Fitr begins in mosques and specially designated places for this about 30-40 minutes after sunrise (the end of the morning prayer time). The start of the holiday sermon varies by region.

In most Muslim countries, Eid al-Ait is a public holiday.

Celebration traditions

Traditionally, on the holy holiday, Muslims greet each other with the words "Eid Mubarak!" and “Oraza Ait kabyl bolsyn!” (Blessed holiday! - ed.). On the territory of mosques, it is established to hold sports competitions in lifting weights, tug of war, arm wrestling, as well as song and dance competitions.

Oraz Ait is met in new and clean, preferably white, clothes. They update not only the wardrobe, but also old, worn-out things in the house. Man's thoughts must also be pure.

It is forbidden to fast on this day. According to the Shariah (a set of rules for a Muslim - ed.), in Oraza Ait, believers should indulge in the mood of the holiday. Homemade dastarkhan is covered colorfully and generously as far as possible.

It is customary to start breaking the fast after a strict fast with light food - fruits and dairy products. Before going to the mosque, they eat something sweet, for example, an odd number of dates, as the prophet Muhammad was believed to do.

In Oraza Ait, Muslims visit cemeteries and commemorate the dead. It so happened that on a holiday people go to visit the elders and make gifts to children, orphans, lonely people, widows and the poor.

What to do before the holiday

Before the holiday of conversation, you should:

Wake up early in the morning and perform body ablution (ghusl)

Trim nails and brush teeth with miswak (toothbrush made from tree roots)

Eat sweets before Eid prayer

Invite relatives and friends to visit

What to cook

The festive table should traditionally include lamb dishes, olives, dates, almonds, bread and pistachios. Oraza Ait is called the holiday of sweets - on this day it is recommended to decorate the table with dairy and berry desserts, sweet compotes and cookies.

What to do before Oraza Ait

Before the holiday, a faithful Muslim must give alms "Sadaqa - Fitr". The minimum amount of donations in Kazakhstan is 300 tenge.

Sadaqa-fitr does not have to be done on the day of the holiday, the main thing is not later than Oraza Ait. It is allowed to distribute alms not only in money, but also in such products as barley, rice, dates, flour.

Another duty of a Muslim on a holiday is to read a festive collective prayer. Anyone who missed the performance of Eid-namaz collectively with the imam can pray alone. Namaz will be considered perfect if it is read before the dinner azan (call to prayer).

holiday prayer

Festive prayer (Eid-namaz) is held twice a year according to the Muslim calendar: on Oraza Ait and on the feast of the sacrifice of Kurban Bayram.

Eid-namaz begins with the words "assalatu jamia", which means "come to the collective prayer." Prayers line up in rows and fold their hands on their stomachs.

At the festive prayer in Oraza Ait, the presence of children with their parents is desirable. It is also recommended that Muslims go to the mosque on foot if the distance from the house to the prayer house is not far. Those who go to Eid prayer should go one way and return another. Usually, Muslims take the long way from home to the mosque, and the short way back.

What not to do to women

According to Sharia law, from the moment of the festive night, Muslims must pronounce takbir - the expression "Allahu akbar", which means "Allah is great."

It is forbidden for women to say the takbir aloud in the presence of men. The time of takbir ends with the beginning of the festive service. According to the canons of Islam, women do not have to perform Friday and holiday prayers, but there is no ban on reading prayers.

During prayer, a woman should stay away from men, since the scriptures say that the physical nature of a woman can tempt men, in addition, the female half is advised to refuse to use incense on the day of the holiday prayer.

Missed fasting days

If, for valid reasons, a Muslim missed the days of fasting in the month of Ramadan, then he needs to compensate them. This can be done the next day after the celebration of Eid al-Ait.

Oraza Ait is a small holiday in contrast to the big holiday - the Feast of Sacrifice - Kurban Ait (Kurban Bayram), which falls on September 1 this year.

Main Muslim holidays in Kazakhstan in 2017.
Oraza-ayt, Day of Araf, Kurban-ayt and Ashura day are the holidays coming after holy month Ramadan in 1438–1439 by Hijri.

May 27 - Ramadan 2017
The name of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. At this time, Muslims celebrate the most important holiday, among all Muslim holidays - Ramadan, time. Muslims are forbidden to eat in the sun (that is, they can eat only at night), spouses are forbidden to retire together to fulfill their marital duty. At this time, all Muslims actively pray, read the Holy Texts and remember the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.

from June 20 to 21 - Laylat al-qadr (the night of Power or the night of Predestination, Qadir tuni)
The most significant night for all Muslims - on the night of Power, the Koran was sent down. Muslims read sacred prayers for themselves and their loved ones, perform acts of worship to Allah.

June 25 - Oraza-ait 2017
This is a three-day holiday that marks the end of the fasting month of Oraz. In Kazakhstan, they congratulate the holiday with the words “Oraza Ait kabyl bolsyn!”
Oraza-ayt is called a small holiday as opposed to a big holiday - the holiday of sacrifice. On the feast of breaking the fast, gifts are given, exchanged traditional dishes with the nearest neighbors; It is very important to gather all your relatives together during the holiday and not let them out of the house, as it is believed that on the day of the celebration of Oraza Ait, the souls of the dead come to the house. After the solemn service, believers visit the tombs of local saints, the cemetery - to commemorate the dead. Families of those who died Last year arrange a commemoration with the invitation of the mullah, relatives and friends.

August 31, 2017 - Araf day
It is one of the most remarkable days of the Muslim calendar. On this day, millions of pilgrims turn to the Almighty with a prayer, standing on Mount Arafa and in the territory adjacent to it. In general, the first nine days of the month of Zul-Hijja are filled with a certain kindness. It is necessary to allocate these days for good deeds, including fasting.

September 1 - Eid al-Adha 2017
Days of Sacrifice. The most significant of the Muslim holidays. On the first day of Eid al-Adha, after the morning prayer, it is customary to visit and receive guests at home. A one-year-old sheep, a two-year-old cow, and a camel no younger than five years old can serve as a sacrifice. The sacrificed is divided into three parts - two of them are distributed to neighbors and the poor.
Muslims in Kazakhstan congratulate each other with the words “Kurban-ayt kabyl bolsyn!”

September 22nd - New Year according to Hijri
The day when sermons are read in mosques dedicated to the migration of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina - the beginning of the Islamic chronology (622 AD).

October 1 - Day of Ashura
Another day of fasting for Muslims. On this day, you can fast or not fast, but the most pious Muslims prefer to fast, because fasting on this day serves as an atonement for the sins of the past year.