Pregnancy by weeks and days accurate calculation. Calculate Due Date with Calculator

02.07.2020 Trips

When a long-awaited pregnancy occurs, a woman often scatters her attention to everything at once, so a clear plan of how and what to do during this period simply disappears. In order for any woman to be able to follow the course of her pregnancy and focus on the signs of the normal development of the child in one week or another, a weekly pregnancy calendar has been created.

Why you need a pregnancy calendar

There are many reasons why it is so important to monitor the pregnancy process.

  • To discover in time deviations from the norm. Of course, every woman wants the fetus to develop well, but if something suddenly goes wrong, you should immediately inform the doctor about it, even if the next consultation is scheduled in two weeks.
  • Pregnancy is the happiest period in the life of every woman, and how mysterious it is! The pregnancy calendar helps the fairer sex to know better what is happening in her body at one time or another, to realize at what stage of formation her baby is currently at.
  • It is this calendar that helps a woman keep calm when, for example, the baby begins to move and push, it only seems that you immediately understand what is happening, but in fact, first of all, there is a kind of panic - suddenly something is wrong. Tracking pregnancy by week is very exciting.
  • In addition to stating facts and explanations of what exactly happens in a woman's body the pregnancy calendar contains many tips and recommendations regarding nutrition, behavior and other nuances in the life of a pregnant woman.
  • Even those women who think they know absolutely everything about pregnancy can find a lot here. interesting facts and surprises that the baby is preparing while sitting in the tummy.

This pregnancy calendar for each week contains important information about:

  • stages of child development;
  • actions to be taken in certain cases;
  • woman's well-being.

You will also find a lot of entertaining material on how to eat better and what is better to do in different weeks of pregnancy. Here are photos of the ultrasound of the fetus and a video about each week, it will be interesting for future mothers. Another important service is the due date calculator. It accurately calculates the date of the upcoming birth and gives the pregnant woman more confidence in herself and in the upcoming event.

When a woman is expecting a child, she has a huge responsibility. This responsibility cannot be shifted either to the shoulders of relatives or to the shoulders of a beloved husband, because it is the woman who experiences all the sensations that need to be guided. Therefore, the representatives of the weaker sex are looking for a pregnancy calendar, as a rule, in order to find out what you need to pay attention to and what to follow during this special period.

Dangers during pregnancy

Everyone knows that during pregnancy there are a number of possible risks that you should definitely pay attention to. Some weeks of pregnancy are especially dangerous. For the entire duration of pregnancy, there are two periods that are called critical.

  • Week 13 - at this time, metamorphoses with hormones occur, special exacerbations are observed in women who have to give birth to a son, because testosterone is produced in the developing body. It is recommended to visit a doctor this week and inform him of the slightest changes or pains.
  • Week 27 - this period is dangerous for that category of expectant mothers who, before this week, were already worried about hormonal disorders. In this case, you need to be under the supervision of a doctor for this time.

Only the two most dangerous weeks have been named, but in fact, other periods also carry a certain danger, you can read more about this in the pregnancy calendar. We also do not forget about how much danger the first weeks of pregnancy hide in themselves - the first trimester, when the fetus is just being formed.

  • During these periods proper nutrition Not only recommended, it's required! Only fortified food, there should not be any hot spices or an excess of salt in it.
  • Outdoor activities and more! Of course, if it’s cold outside, you won’t pamper yourself with long adventures through the streets, but if possible, you need to be in the fresh air as often as possible.
  • We exclude all bad habits, in particular, we are talking about alcohol and smoking, and this is not only for certain weeks, but for the entire period of pregnancy, and even better - for life.
  • Dyes and chemicals should be avoided for obvious reasons.

For each week, our calendar reflects mandatory and detailed analyzes and medical events.

As a rule, a woman needs to have a separate medical card in order to paste all the certificates and test results there.

  • You will also find information in the pregnancy calendar about nutrition during any given period of pregnancy. Each stage has its own recommendations regarding the intake of vitamins, folic acid, calcium and vitamin E.
  • Pregnancy is not a reason to restrict movement. For the normal well-being of a woman and a child, physical exercise- are necessary. But how to play sports, and at the same time not harm the child and not jeopardize the pregnancy? About the basic rules that a pregnant woman must follow during classes sports, as well as about preferred and unwanted sports, you can find out from the pregnancy calendar.
  • Sex- the topic is piquant, especially during pregnancy. You should not deny yourself the pleasure, but still, there are certain restrictions for each trimester of pregnancy. You can learn more about them in the section of the corresponding week.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, with all the surprises and annoyances. Give yourself the pleasure of studying this period in detail using the weekly pregnancy calendar.

Pregnancy brings the expectant mother not only the joy of expectation, but also understandable excitement. Especially if this is the first pregnancy. A young woman wants to know how the child develops, what changes will occur over the long nine months, and when the baby is born.

Precisely determining the date of birth, as well as the gestational age, is actually not easy. Few people can name the exact date of conception, especially since there is no particular need for this. In gynecology, the first day of the last menstruation is taken as the "reference point".

Our online calculator will help you determine the duration of pregnancy by menstruation without the participation of a doctor:

    Enter the date in the calculator line

You will know the result instantly. The calculation of the gestational age by weeks on the site in the vast majority of cases coincides with the data of a medical examination and diagnostic studies, including ultrasound data.

Why you need to know how many weeks of pregnancy you are currently:

    for timely access to a gynecologist and subsequent registration in the antenatal clinic;

    for the correct management of pregnancy and understanding how the child develops at a certain period;

    to calculate release date in maternity leave;

    to determine and / or clarify the expected date of birth.

The online pregnancy calculator by week will redirect you to a page with detailed description the stage of child development you are currently going through. You will receive recommendations on how to eat during your period, what foods should be limited, and what should be avoided altogether.

For each week, practitioners' advice on vitamin and nutritional supplements is provided. You will find out exactly which vitamins and microelements, and in what dosage, are now needed for the development of the child and your health. Naturally, before you start taking vitamin complexes you need to consult with your doctor.

To calculate pregnancy by the last menstruation in an online calculator, it is not necessary to remember the beginning of menstruation up to the day, an error of 1-2 days is quite acceptable. Obstetric week in any case will be determined correctly.

The last period pregnancy calculator will help you determine the due date and start preparing for the birth of your baby by planning and adjusting your life for the future family member.

Enter the first day of the last menstrual period:

Select week of pregnancy:

Fetal development:

Conception and the first days of pregnancy

Fetal development:

During conception, the embryo attaches to the inner wall of the uterus and begins to develop there, gradually increasing in size. Since it is rather difficult to determine the time of conception in obstetrics and gynecology, it is customary to calculate that the age of the embryo and fetus is from the first day of the last menstrual period. The gestational age calculated in this way is called the "gestational period".

During the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle, what is called "ovulation" occurs. At this time, the egg descends from the ovaries through the fallopian tube, where it meets with the sperm (the male cell contained in the sperm) and fertilization occurs, or as it is called, conception.

Conception occurs when a sperm cell fuses with an egg cell and thus a fertilized egg, or as it is called, a zygote, is formed. In this case, the genetic material (chromosomes) of the mother cell (egg) and the father cell (spermatozoa) merge: the genetic material of the fetus is formed, which is equally represented by the chromosomes of the mother and father. Subsequently, the zygote divides into two cells, then into four, eight, sixteen, and so on.

Fetal development:

Second and third weeks of pregnancy

Fetal development:

In order to be fertilized, the egg travels far enough down the fallopian tubes to meet the sperm and be fertilized. Sperm released during intercourse contains about 20 million spermatozoa. In order for fertilization to occur, the egg must be surrounded by 10,000 sperm. However, only one of them meets the egg and, merging with it, causes fertilization. When fertilization occurs, the outer shell of the egg (membrane) becomes impermeable to other spermatozoa.

The spermatozoon implanted inside the egg causes serious changes, which, first of all, are aimed at the fusion of genetic material, resulting in the formation of a complete set of 46 chromosomes, represented by both maternal and paternal chromosomes. The genetic material obtained in this way provides the main personal characteristics of the future individual, such as the color of the eyes, skin, hair, psychological features and etc.

The process of fusion of the egg with the sperm is completed by the formation of an egg - a zygote, which is prone to subsequent division with the formation of a multicellular organism.

All this happens already in the uterine cavity.

Fourth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

The zygote divides into two cells during the first 30 hours after fertilization, then into four cells - within 40 hours and 12 - 16 hours within 3 days. As the zygote divides, it travels down the fallopian tube towards the uterus. It does this by contracting the muscles of the fallopian tube.

Approximately 72 hours after fertilization, the future fetus, now called the blastocyst, enters the uterus. Here the future organs of the fetus begin to form. At the same time, special hormones cause changes in the surface of the uterus, making it softer and more permeable.

This allows the blastocyst to burrow into the uterine wall and attach to blood vessels that supply nourishment to the unborn fetus. In order to facilitate this process, a special formation called the chorion is formed in the uterus, the purpose of which is to provide the unborn fetus with the necessary nutrients over the next 9 months until birth.

Fifth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

Having firmly attached to the wall of the uterus, the blastocyst begins to increase in size and gradually turns into an embryo. Over the next few days, the blastocyst doubles daily in size and gradually separates into the embryo and placenta - what is called the "afterbirth" during childbirth.

In the development of the embryo, a division into three layers is noted, each of which will subsequently give rise to various organs. The inner layer will develop such organs as the lungs, bladder, stomach, etc. The middle layer will then turn into the heart, genitals, bones, muscles. Finally, the outer layer will give rise to the skin, the nervous system.

The embryo acquires rounded dimensions, somewhat expanded at the end, which will subsequently turn into the head of the fetus. In this case, you can see a small furrow, which subsequently divides the brain into the right and left hemispheres.

sixth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

An embryo at this stage is about the size of a pea and is made up of about a million cells that continue to divide to form complex organs and tissues. As the placenta matures, the embryo continues to depend on the supply of nutrients through the chorion.

Small islands appear inside the chorion, which will later give rise to blood cells and blood vessels. At the same time, the heart begins to form, which initially has only two chambers.

Already on the 21st day after fertilization, such a heart begins to beat. Thus, the first organ begins to function. At the same time, the nervous system, eyes, ears and a number of other organs are formed.

seventh week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At this stage, the embryo resembles a tadpole, somewhat twisted in the form of a comma and with a small tail, which is the end of the developing neural tube.

The development of the brain and heart is far ahead of the development of other organs. At this stage, these organs occupy almost half of the body of the embryo.

By the 28th day after fertilization, the heart of the embryo begins to take on a developed shape and contains four chambers, as in adults. The rudiments of future upper and lower limbs also appear.

eighth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

The development of the heart and blood vessels is somewhat ahead of the development of the fetus, since they stimulate the development of all other organs. At the 6th week, you can already distinguish the heart that begins to beat. Up to this point, the human embryo is not much different from the embryos of mice, birds or dogs.

However, after that, significant differences begin to appear. Having a tiny size (about 10 - 14 mm) and weighing no more than an ordinary paper clip, the embryo begins to acquire human features. The jaws and eyelids of the eyes, nose begin to form. The ears develop inward and outward. The eyes begin to acquire color, while the optic nerve and retina are formed, which in the future will provide vision.

The embryo at this stage gradually straightens; at the same time, the trunk, neck and bone tissue appear. The tail part begins to decrease, fingers and toes, hands and feet appear.

Ninth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

With dimensions of 17 - 22 cm (the size of a grape), the embryo begins to acquire human features. Fingers and toes, knees and elbows can be distinguished. As the size of the legs increases, the tail part gradually disappears. The embryo acquires the ability to move the limbs, despite the fact that they are tiny. The embryo acquires the ability to move the limbs, despite the fact that they are tiny.

Serious changes also occur inside: in the embryo, you can find almost everything internal organs(though not fully developed), as well as muscles. In this case, the nerve fibers passing through the entire body become visible.

At the same time, sexual characteristics develop, blood begins to circulate through the blood vessels, supplying nutrients and oxygen, and removing unnecessary substances - metabolic products. The lungs do not function until birth, but the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the embryo and fetus is completely dependent on the mother, which provides them through the umbilical cord.

tenth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

This is a very important week for the embryo, because at the end of this week the embryo will develop into a fetus. Although the size and weight remain quite small (28 - 20 mm and 9 grams), this period is characterized by intensive growth and development of the embryo.

Outwardly, it no longer resembles a sea creature: the tail part disappears, and the fingers and toes take on their usual forms. The eyes move from the side of the head to the middle. At the same time, they begin to partially become covered with skin (future eyelids), which protects the delicate cornea. The upper lips begin to form, and the outer ears take on their normal shape.

At the same time, internal organs develop. The heart and blood vessels take on their usual forms, the diaphragm is formed, the lungs are divided into lobes, the intestine is formed, which extends from the umbilical cord into the internal cavity.

Eleventh week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At week 11, the fetus measures 3.4 to 5 cm (plum size). It has all the major organs and systems, such as cardiovascular, digestive and respiratory.

Organs must not only develop and increase in size; it is important to coordinate their activities in such a way that immediately after birth the newborn could independently breathe, eat and move blood through the blood vessels. In the next 7 months there will be very big changes: the weight will increase 1000 times, and in only 3 weeks (from 9 to 12 weeks of age) the size of the fetus will double.

The most striking changes are associated with the external appearance: the fetus is becoming more and more like a person. The dimensions of the head remain large compared to other parts of the body; the neck appears. The skin thickens and becomes less transparent; tiny hair follicles appear, as well as finger and toe nails.

Twelfth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

In the 12th week, a number of organs are developed to such an extent that they can perform certain functions. The thyroid gland begins to work, which regulates metabolism. Two important digestive glands also begin to function - the pancreas, which secretes digestive enzymes, and the liver, which secretes bile into the digestive tract.

The fruit is about 6 cm long (the size of a lemon) and weighs about 14 grams. Moreover, the liver occupies about 10 percent of the weight of the fetus. Together with the spleen, the liver produces blood cells.

As the nerve fibers acquire the ability to interact with muscle tissue, the muscles begin to respond to nerve signals emanating from the brain and the fetus begins to move - kicking, squeezing the knees, bending and unbending, clenching the fists. Also, the fetus can change facial expressions - frown, fold lips and frown forehead. However, all this does not provide any goals, and there is no connection between the stimulus and the response.

At this stage, the doctor can assess the progress of the pregnancy with an ultrasound signal and let you listen to the fetal heartbeat, which is about 160 beats per minute.

Thirteenth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

This week, the main news is related to the digestive system of the unborn child - the liver, stomach, pancreas and intestines are actively developing. The fetus floats in the amniotic fluid; at the same time, oxygen enters it through the umbilical cord and metabolic products are excreted.

At this stage, the lips and nose of the fetus are fully formed. At the same time, the jaws are compacted and small bulges appear, which in the future will give growth to the teeth.

The vocal cords located in the larynx are also formed. However, they will remain inactive until the baby is born and air enters the lungs and it can make sounds. The external genitalia become sufficiently distinguishable so that it can be determined whether the sex is a boy or a girl.

Fourteenth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

This period marks the end of the first trimester of pregnancy. The size of the fetus is about 9 cm, and the weight is 43 grams. At the 14th week, intensive development of the fetus is noted. The first hair appears.

The placenta acquires developed forms and provides the fetus with the necessary nutrients, while removing unnecessary metabolic products. In addition, the placenta produces hormones important for fetal growth, such as estrogen and progesterone.

The placenta also protects the fetus from the mother's immune system, which would otherwise recognize the fetus as foreign and could destroy it.

Fifteenth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

This week marks the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. It is characterized by the fact that the fetus begins to show some properties personal character through different facial expressions.

Scientific research showed that at the 15th week the fetus can smile and even suck his thumb. The fetal brain acquires a characteristic structure and significantly increases in size.

The fetus is becoming more and more human-like: the eyes continue to move to the middle of the face, and the ears to the sides of the head. The neck becomes straighter and stronger, so the fetus begins to turn its head. In general, the fetus moves more and more in the amniotic fluid, although the mother rarely feels such movements.

sixteenth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At this stage, the fetus is 12 cm long and weighs about 11 grams, and bones begin to develop rapidly, although most of them remain unconnected. The bones lengthen and harden in such a way that by the time of birth they are able to support the body of the newborn.

However, it will take many weeks before the entire skeletal system and the mechanism of ligaments and cartilage will develop in order for the child to be able to move and crawl in a coordinated way, and then walk.

At week 16, fetal movements (such as kicking, bending) become more coordinated. However, it is still too early for the mother to feel all these movements.

The fetus begins to move the eyeballs, although they remain closed. The important news is that the fetus acquires the ability to grasp objects, a property that is characteristic of humans and other primates.

seventeenth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

Adipose tissue begins to accumulate under the skin. This allows you to keep warm and provide the baby with the necessary energy after childbirth. The size of the child is already quite significant and the mother can feel when the baby starts to kick or move his knees.

At this stage, the fruit acquires the ability to distinguish taste, for example, to distinguish between salty from bitter and sweet. Speaking of food, the fetus at this age begins to secrete the so-called meconium - a dark green mass that accumulates in the intestines as food is digested.

eighteenth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At this age, the fetus is 14 cm long and weighs about 200 grams. At the same time, the growth of the head slows down in comparison with other parts of the body. From this point on, the main growth falls on the trunk and legs, and to a lesser extent on the arms.

The umbilical cord also increases in length and thickness, which allows it to deliver sufficient nutrients to the fast-growing fetus. Accordingly, the space inside the uterus becomes more and more limited. Therefore, the fetus is no longer able to move freely as before and begins to "twist" more and more, acquiring a typical intrauterine position.

As auditory functions develop, the fetus becomes more and more aware and environment. The nerves that run from the brain to the inner ear allow the fetus to hear the mother's heartbeat, and even loud sounds from outside.

The retina becomes sensitive to bright light. Fingerprints begin to form, which are unique to each individual. Even completely identical twins have different fingerprints.

nineteenth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At the 19th week, the length of the fetus is 15 cm, and the weight is 255 grams. The muscles of the neck and back are sufficiently developed to support the head.

At the same time, the bones of the spine, chest and shoulder are strengthened. The skin of the fetus remains thin and wrinkled. It has a reddish color, because blood vessels are visible through them.

The female fetus develops female reproductive organs- fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina.

Twentieth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

The twentieth week marks the end of the first half of pregnancy. The size of the fetus exceeds 16 cm, and the weight is about 32 grams. At this stage, you can often feel the movements of the fetus.

In addition, fetal movements can be seen during the ultrasound examination. The skin of the fetus is covered with a waxy mass that protects the delicate and thin skin of the fetus from amniotic fluid. In addition, this coating facilitates the passage of the fetus through the birth canal during childbirth.

At this stage, the placenta reaches its maximum thickness. As the fetus develops, a pregnant woman feels more and more pressure on her lungs, stomach, kidneys, and bladder. In this case, the stomach increases significantly in size, and the woman often feels short of breath.

twenty-first week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

By the 21st week of pregnancy, the length of the fetus reaches 17 centimeters, and the weight is about 380 grams. He becomes more mobile; moreover, these movements, breathing and heartbeat are cyclical, that is, the fetus has certain periods during the day when it sleeps or is awake.

Unfortunately, these cycles do not always coincide with the mother's cycles: the fetus may begin to actively move late in the evening, when his mother is about to go to bed.

At this time, some important events are noted, namely, the fetus acquires the ability to swallow, which allows it to consume glucose and amniotic fluid water. However, the main nutrients continue to flow through the placenta. Although the liver and spleen remain the main suppliers of blood cells, gradually the fetal bone marrow takes over the functions of hematopoiesis.

twenty-second week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

By this time, the limbs of the fetus (arms and legs) become more proportional in relation to the body - the fetus resembles a miniature child. The length of the fetus by the 22nd week of pregnancy is 19 cm, and the weight is 460 grams. By the middle of pregnancy, the weight of the child is 7-8 times less than the weight of the newborn, that is, the baby still has significant growth and development.

In a male fetus, the testicles begin to move from the abdominal cavity towards the scrotum. In a female fetus, the uterus and ovaries fill with immature eggs, and the formation of the vagina begins. The surface of the skin of the fetus is covered with a thin fluff, which allows you to keep the surface protective mucous lubricant.

By this time, it becomes possible to communicate with the fetus, which begins to respond to the rhythm and melody. It is believed that after birth, the child reacts to the same songs and melodies that he heard in the prenatal period.

twenty third week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At the 23rd week, the fetus significantly gains weight (more than 70 grams). The next 5 weeks is a period of intensive growth. At this time, the convolutions of the brain begin to form.

Other parts of the brain are also formed, which are responsible for emotions, feelings of hunger, sexual desire, balance and other basic instincts and impulses. Around this time, the so-called rapid eye movement (REM) phenomenon occurs, which is characteristic of adults in the sleep state when dreams occur.

twenty-fourth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At this stage, the length of the fetus is 20 cm, and the weight is 630 grams; the cardiovascular system, in particular the blood vessels of the lungs, is actively developing. The skin continues to be transparent, and superficial blood vessels are visible through it. The eyes also develop and a series of hand reflexes appear.

At the 24th week, there is an active preparation of the lungs for independent breathing in the extrauterine state. In particular, the lungs begin to produce a substance called surfactant, which during exhalation prevents the walls of the alveoli, the microscopic lung cavities that allow breathing, from sticking together.

By the way, children born prematurely at this stage have a certain chance of survival, thanks to modern methods of intensive nursing of newborns, which includes, among other things, the use of a surfactant.

twenty-fifth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At this stage, the main parts of the fetal body are considered to be sufficiently formed. In particular, the hands, although small in size, already have a characteristic appearance.

However, hand movements remain insufficiently coordinated due to the fact that the connection of nerves with the brain is still undeveloped. At the 25th week of pregnancy is active development of the brain, in particular its cortex, which is responsible for conscious functions, emotions, planning, causation and the ability to solve problems.

The development of the brain is accompanied by the addition of a series of convolutions and folds, which contributes to the expansion of the total area of ​​the cerebral cortex, providing interactions between nerve cells and nerve fibers.

The result is that future child responds more adequately to external stimuli, in particular, to various sounds. The fetus may begin to kick due to loud noises. Also on ultrasound examination you can see how the fetus puts its miniature hands to the ears.

twenty-sixth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

The size of the fetus at this stage is 23 cm in length, and the weight is 820 grams. The future baby can already hear external sounds, as well as have taste sensations and recognize various smells.

Scientific studies have shown that if some sugar is added to the amniotic fluid, it will cause the fetus to swallow more of this fluid. Conversely, the introduction of substances with a bitter taste leads to the fact that the fetus swallows less amniotic fluid.

It should be noted that substances that you eat, such as garlic, are able to "flavor" the amniotic fluid in which the fetus is located. At 26 weeks, the eyelids of the fetus, which were previously tightly closed, can now open and the future baby is able to view the space around him.

Despite the small age, the lungs of the fetus become quite developed. Alveoli become pronounced - microscopic sacs that make up the lungs, and which, after birth, will be responsible for the exchange carbon dioxide to oxygen.

The skin of the future baby has many folds and wrinkles, which allows fat to accumulate under it. The brain is actively developing at this stage and begins to consume a significant amount of energy - about 50 percent of all energy consumed by the fetus.

twenty-seventh week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

The 27th week means the end of the second semester of pregnancy, as well as the beginning of intensive growth and development. At this stage, the size of the fetus is 3 times larger than when it was 12 weeks old.

The bones of the fetus are already quite strong, but so far they are weakly interconnected due to the fact that the tendons and ligaments remain undeveloped. At the same time, the bones, together with the muscles, allow the fetus to actively move inside the uterus.

The coordination of the muscles is sufficient for the fetus to be able to suck a finger, but this is not something to worry about, since this reflex allows the muscles of the jaws and cheeks to develop, which is important for the unborn baby when he is born and begins to suck at the breast. At this stage, the development of the lungs and the immune system, which is designed to protect against bacteria and viruses, continues.

twenty-eighth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

The third trimester of pregnancy begins, and you can breathe a sigh of relief. The fact is that babies born at the 28th week of pregnancy have an almost 90 percent chance of surviving without any subsequent physical and neurological complications. At this stage, the length of the fetus is 25 cm, and the weight is about 1000 grams.

The eyes of the fetus are already quite developed; they have a retina, which is a cluster of nerve cells - the so-called visual rods and cones. The optic rods provide vision in low light, while the cones allow us to see colors. Thus, the future baby is already showing the ability to respond to light of varying intensity, despite the fact that he is still in the womb, where the light does not penetrate.

It is interesting to note that most often the eyes of the fetus are either brown or blue. However, eye color (especially blue) tends to change after birth, as eye pigmentation is finally formed as exposure to outside light.

twenty-ninth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

Since at this stage there is an active accumulation of subcutaneous fat, wrinkles in the fetus begin to smooth out. Adipose tissue is an important source of energy for the growing allod, and will also help maintain the required body temperature after birth.

Before birth, the function of maintaining body temperature is performed by the placenta, due to which the temperature of the fetus is slightly higher than after birth. The bones of the fetus are fully developed, but they remain somewhat flexible and continue to harden.

The future baby is able to actively breathe, but does not do this until it is born. At the 29th week, the fetus can already cry, releasing tears. He also becomes a small acrobat by performing somersaults inside his mother's womb.

thirtieth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At this stage, the length of the fetus is 27 cm, and the weight is 1300 grams, while vision and auditory functions are actively developing. In particular, the fetus begins to blink frequently, due to the ability to respond to light and darkness, and can also distinguish between high and low sounds.

This allows the future baby to better perceive different voices and even enjoy the singing of the expectant mother. Blood cells in the fetus are produced primarily by the bone marrow.

Although not yet supplying oxygen, the lungs of the fetus play an active role in its metabolism. The lungs are filled with a special fluid that is different from amniotic fluid. This liquid will allow the future to empty its lungs after birth in order to prepare for the first breath.

thirty-first week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

The respiratory rate of the fetus at the 31st week of pregnancy is 30-40% of the frequency that is necessary for full breathing in the newborn. The bones continue to harden. In order for the bones in the fetus to develop sufficiently, the expectant mother needs to take in sufficient quantities calcium, which is a building substance for bones.

Calcium is found in significant amounts in dairy products, especially fermented milk. At this stage, there is also an intensive development of the brain. From this age until birth, the weight of the fetal brain will double.

At the 31st week of pregnancy (approximately the 29th week after conception), there is an active preparation for future generations due to the fact that the fetus is increasingly showing sexual characteristics. If it is a boy, then the testicles descend into the inguinal region in order to be accommodated in the scrotum.

If this is a girl, then the clitoris is quite distinguishable in the fetus. At the same time, the endocrine glands of the adrenal glands develop, which are able to produce hormones such as steroids, which contribute to the formation of the genital organs.

thirty-second week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

Although it is still early before birth, the body of the fetus is already actively preparing for birth. Red blood cells (erythrocytes) are entirely produced by the bone marrow. The hairline begins to disappear, at the same time hair begins to grow on the head.

The length of the fetus is 28 cm, and the weight is 1700 grams. As the fetus grows further, the internal space in the womb becomes more and more limited.

For this reason, the fetus draws the legs more and more towards the abdomen, acquiring what is usually called the intrauterine position. At this time, the toenails become clearly visible.

thirty third week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At this stage, the fetus's facial features become more and more pronounced, cilia and eyebrows appear. He looks more and more like a newborn baby. The number of convolutions of the brain continues to increase, and at the same time its functions become more developed.

The centers of the brain responsible for vision, smell, hearing function, speech and walking are formed. Although such complex functions Since memory and imagination remain undeveloped, the brain is able to control the rhythm of breathing, the contractile function of the digestive organs, and body temperature, which is extremely important after leaving the womb.

The bones of the fetus continue to harden. The exception is the bones of the skull, which is still underdeveloped. The skull of the fetus consists of five unconnected flat bones - plates.

Such a structure of the skull ensures its flexibility during passage through the birth canals - it can slightly decrease in diameter and lengthen, and then return to a rounded shape after birth. In a newborn baby, a soft area called the fontanel is found on the top of the head. It usually "overgrows" within a year after birth.

thirty-fourth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

Although the movements of the fetus are still not very noticeable, by the 34th week its dimensions become quite impressive: the length is 30 cm and the weight is 2100 grams. There is less and less space for him in the womb. The future baby begins to excrete urine, which, with sweat and other biological fluids, enters the amniotic fluid.

Fortunately, fetal urine is sterile. In addition, the amniotic fluid is completely renewed every 3 hours. The nails become fully formed so that the future baby can even scratch himself.

At this stage, the fetus usually takes the final position ready for birth - head down. A pregnant woman may feel some pressure on her cervix. If delivery occurs at 34 weeks of gestation, the newborn has an excellent chance of survival, as the lungs and immune system are considered fully developed at this stage of development.

thirty-fifth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

The main task of the future baby now is to gain as much weight as possible (lucky!). For these recent weeks intrauterine life, he will add 400 - 500 grams weekly. There are two types of adipose tissue that accumulates in the fetus.

The first type is the so-called brown fat. It makes up only 5 percent of all fat, but contains a large number of the so-called mitochondria, which are responsible for energy production. They ensure the maintenance of a normal temperature in a newborn, protecting him from hypothermia. Usually, brown fat accumulates on the back and shoulders of the unborn baby and newborn.

Another type of adipose tissue is the so-called white fat. Thanks to him, the kids look chubby, especially on the cheeks, arms and legs. As children age, they lose this fat.

The skin of the fetus is increasingly covered with a special lubricant. It acts as a moisturizer, protecting the delicate skin of the fetus. Lubrication also facilitates the passage of the fetus through the birth canal.

thirty-sixth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

At this stage, the fetus is increasingly losing the fluff that covered its skin. His cheeks become even plumper due to the accumulation of adipose tissue, as well as the development of muscles, which will subsequently provide a sucking function, which is extremely important for a newborn, whose main nutrients come through breast milk.

It is known that those foods that consume future mom, to a large extent affects the taste preferences of the unborn baby. Therefore, it is important to monitor nutrition, especially in the last weeks of pregnancy.

thirty-seventh week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

If the baby was born this week, then it is considered that he was born at term. Its weight is 2500 grams. At this time, the unborn baby has a sufficient amount of fat accumulations that provide warmth. Its internal organs can function independently. At this stage, he assumes the final position ready for delivery - usually head down.

The future baby hears well and can learn and recognize voices. That is why, after birth, he can give preference to the voices that he recognizes. He can also recognize lullabies that he heard while still in the prenatal period. Amazingly, a newborn can even recognize texts that were read aloud when he was still in the womb and distinguish them from new information.

thirty-eighth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

Very hard to predict exact date the birth of a child. The term calculated by the obstetrician-gynecologist is only approximate. In 95 percent of cases, childbirth occurs 2 weeks earlier or 2 weeks later than expected.

The most striking thing about what happens after birth is that the newborn begins to breathe after 9 months of pre-natal period with little to no air. In the fetus, blood does not enter the lungs, despite the work of the heart and the presence of pulmonary blood vessels. Blood enters the lungs only after the first breath, followed by a fall blood pressure in the lungs, allowing blood to move into the blood vessels of the lungs. At the same time, some blood vessels begin to close, which provided blood circulation to the fetus in the prenatal period.

The center of the brain responsible for breathing begins to give signals that allow the muscles of the diaphragm to contract and the chest to expand. These processes are harmoniously coordinated, which will allow the unborn baby to breathe normally after birth.

thirty-ninth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

If by this time the future baby does not move much, this is simply because there is not enough space for movement. The weight of the fetus at this stage averages around 3200 grams, but the weight usually varies significantly in many future babies. The hair down practically disappears, but usually remains on the back and shoulders.

In boys, the testicles must descend completely into the scrotum, and in girls, the vagina is formed. The placenta continues to supply the unborn baby with antibodies that protect it from bacteria and viruses for up to 6 months after birth.

By the end of pregnancy, a newborn's brain is one quarter of its final size. It consists of about 100 billion neurons - the main nerve cells. This is almost the final set of nerve cells, the number of which will no longer increase. Brain neurons are connected via nerve fibers to 200,000 nerve cells located in various parts of the body, creating the most extensive network in the body, which ensures the coordination of its main functions.

Fetal development:

fortieth week of pregnancy

Fetal development:

If the baby has not yet been born, then this will happen very soon. Pregnancy in terms of physical sensations and experiences is perhaps the most amazing period in a woman's life. The same can be said about the future baby. Imagine that for 9 months he was in warm conditions, immersed in a liquid.

All of a sudden, all this disappears as the amniotic fluid ruptures and the amniotic fluid flows out. Uterine contractions begin, stimulated by oxytocin, a brain hormone. At the same time, the cervix dilates. Contractions of the uterus compress the bodies of the fetus, pushing it out of the womb.

After a while, the baby enters a completely new environment. Moreover, all organs - the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys, should immediately start working. The blood flow must change its course, entering the lungs and supplying oxygen from the outside air. Nervous system begins to respond to a huge flow of information coming from outside, especially through vision. Air enters the lungs for the first time, and the newborn cries out - the new life. Congratulations to mom - you created a miracle!

How to eat in your pregnancy according to the recommendations World Organization health care

Increasing Calories:

  • +200 kcal for 7-9 months

Legumes, meat, fish, eggs, nuts:

  • 2 servings per day.

Prohibited Products:

  1. Raw or undercooked eggs
  2. Raw or undercooked meat, poultry, and fish
  3. Cold smoked meat: salami, prosciutto, chorizo ​​and pepperoni
  4. Liver
  5. pates
  6. Raw milk and dairy products from raw unpasteurized milk
  7. Soft cheese with soft rind: brie and camembert cheese, chevre
  8. Soft blue cheeses: Danish blue, Gorgonzola and Roquefort.
  9. Fish oil and other sources of vitamin A
  10. Prohibited fish: shark, swordfish and marlin


  1. Tuna no more than 140 g cooked or 170 g raw fish per week
  2. Fatty fish: no more than two servings per week. Fatty fish: salmon, trout, mackerel, tuna and herring.
  3. Caffeine: up to 200 mg per day.
  4. Herbal and green teas: up to 4 cups per day
  5. Do not use licorice root in medicines
  1. Folic acid (vitamin B 9). Eat foods rich in folate. It's spinach, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, green beans and fortified cereals. Women in a particular risk group for folate deficiency may need to take additional 400 micrograms (0.4 mg) of vitamin B 9, but in any case, you should consult your doctor first.
  2. Iron: lean meat. Some green leafy vegetables, beans and peas also contain iron. To get this metal from plants, eat foods rich in vitamin C or folic acid at the same time (i.e. fruits, drinks, bell peppers, tomatoes, kefir). Tea and coffee decrease iron absorption, so drink them between meals rich in metal.


  • Forbidden

The conception calculator is a simple program that will be useful to all women without exception: very young girls with a not yet established menstrual cycle, those who plan or, on the contrary, want to avoid pregnancy, as well as expectant mothers. Let us consider in more detail the situations in which the conception calculator is most welcome to calculate.

Monitoring the menstrual cycle. Gynecologists do not get tired of repeating that every woman should keep a calendar and accurately mark the dates of menstruation in it. Firstly, this is necessary in order to notice any deviations in reproductive health in time (reduction or vice versa lengthening of the cycle does not mean anything good). Secondly, in time to understand that pregnancy may have occurred. This is important for those who yearn to become parents and for their "opposites".

The conception calculator helps you calculate your ovulation by entering the correct average length of your cycle and the first day of your last period. In addition to ovulation, the program suggests which days are also potentially favorable for the onset of conception. That's when you need to especially "try". Those who do not want to have children yet, on the days marked in orange and green, it is better to do without sexual intercourse. Although, it is not at all a fact that this will help to avoid pregnancy. The calendar method of contraception has long been called low effective. So, it is better to use the online conception calculator for less responsible purposes, so to speak, and in conjunction with other means.

You can more reliably determine ovulation using 2 methods at once: for example, the calendar method and measuring basal temperature. And even easier and more reliable - ovulation tests. On the days that our conception calculator highlighted in green and orange flowers tests should be done. But first read the instructions carefully. It is similar to the usual pregnancy tests, but there is still some difference. As, for example, ovulation tests at the most likely time for conception, it is better to do 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening, so as not to miss the right moment.

Another conception days calculator will serve well for expectant mothers who want to know the most accurate due date. Pregnancy lasts about 280 days. So, you can safely add to the day allocated orange, 280 and get an estimated due date. Why approximate? The fact is that the duration of bearing a child depends on many factors. For example, a woman may give birth prematurely due to the nature of the cervix, or the amniotic fluid may break prematurely. Physicians may also medical indications induce labor a little earlier. Situations are different.

Knowing the day of conception, you can set yourself the exact gestational age. It will be approximately 2 weeks less than the doctors will put. The fact is that gynecologists calculate the obstetric gestational age, and for this, an online conception calculator is not needed. It is only necessary to know the first day of the last menstruation, it becomes the first day of the obstetric gestation period. But sometimes you need to know the gestational age quite accurately, for example, when the doctor begins to suspect a post-term pregnancy, or if early term the uterus is too large in size or vice versa small. In general, in order to identify a possible pathology, you need to know the approximate day of conception. But who is watching this? So it remains only to calculate the conception calculator.

Even for those who do not bother much with questions - how to get pregnant as soon as possible, but are already planning parenthood in the very near future, our calendar will also come in handy. The fact is that the baby's body, or rather all its organs, are formed in the very first days and weeks after the implantation of the egg in the uterine wall. And it is at this time, while there is no placenta, that the baby is most susceptible to any negative influences. smoking, taking alcoholic beverages, some drugs, etc. can lead to miscarriage or serious pathologies of fetal development. And the calculator of the days of conception will clearly show you approximately from what time you need to “take up your mind” (if you haven’t done this before) and remind you about the delay in menstruation.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June August September October November December 2019 2020 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Calculate

In the images you can see a rough illustration of the development of the baby inside the womb for each week. To the left of the images is short description fetal growth for a given week. For more complete and detailed information, you can find by clicking on the "More" link, which is located under each description.

Weekly pregnancy calendar is very handy.

Knowing how pregnancy goes by week is not only interesting, but also very useful! The pregnancy calendar will help you with this. It is designed to keep the mother informed of all the events of intrauterine development, to help adjust nutrition and lifestyle during different periods of pregnancy. In addition, the pregnancy calendar allows you to calculate the expected date of birth.

Weekly pregnancy calendar

It will facilitate medical supervision of the expectant mother and her baby, and will also provide answers to the most important questions, which will certainly stand in front of you: when the stomach begins to grow, why it makes you feel sick during pregnancy, how to recognize the first movement of the fetus.

Thanks to this calendar, you will not forget that the time has come to undergo screening, take tests, go for a scheduled ultrasound. And with the approaching date of childbirth, such a weekly calendar will help you prepare in the best way for the long-awaited event.

This pregnancy calculator will allow you to calculate how long you are now, the date of the future birth, the date of conception, and even the zodiac sign of the future baby and his zodiac animal according to Eastern calendar. You can also determine the age of the fetus, its weight and height, and how much time is left before delivery. To do this, you need to enter the date of the first day of your last period and the length of your menstrual cycle. In addition, our calculator generates a very convenient and practical weekly pregnancy table. Using it, you can navigate which week of pregnancy you are currently in, as well as track the height and weight of your unborn child.


Monthly pregnancy calendar.

By month

Monthly pregnancy calendar will be your guide for all 40 weeks of pregnancy. Every expectant mother will be able to leave her reviews, observations, share experiences and useful information. Together we will monitor how quickly our kids grow and develop! And give advice on the right way of life, the way of eating and the safe treatment of all sorts of ailments.

Every month of pregnancy is characterized by serious changes in the development of the child: he achieves more and more success in physical and mental development, the baby’s brain grows intensively, muscle mass grows stronger, vital organs and systems are formed, and even the first natural skills! The pregnancy calendar by month will acquaint you in detail with these events at each stage.

Personal pregnancy calendar

Every woman can keep a personal pregnancy calendar. Moreover, it is welcome and recommended. You are in a very special state right now. Many sensations are new to you, and can even cause excitement and fear - the body of a pregnant woman undergoes tremendous changes, both in a physiological sense and in a psychological one.

The weekly and monthly pregnancy calendar has been compiled with an attempt and purpose to explain each of them.

You can have a personal pregnancy calendar in a separate notebook, which you will decorate in accordance with your mood, tastes, feelings, as well as who you expect: a boy or a girl. Such an album will be a great start to a family chronicle or a chronicle of the life of your heir.

Interactive pregnancy calendar

But in addition, modern expectant mothers resort to the services of the Internet and choose an interactive pregnancy calendar for observations. It's convenient, easy to use, accurate, practical, informative, and completely free!

You can resort to its help when you need to quickly determine the date of birth or accurately determine the current gestational age (using a special calculator for this), divide your pregnancy into trimesters, months or weeks.

Online pregnancy calendar is becoming more and more popular. Women want to know more about this special period: what are the first signs of pregnancy, how to avoid miscarriage, what to do with increased uterine tone, how to find out the first harbingers of childbirth, how to determine the sex of the child. The calendar contains articles, tips, explanations, and a calculator for determining the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of delivery.

You can conduct personal monitoring of your own pregnancy, your condition and that of your child, and carry out the calculations that interest you.

Online pregnancy calendar - at your service! Keep your finger on the pulse of the most important events in your life!

Knowing how pregnancy goes by week is not only interesting, but also very useful! The pregnancy calendar will help you with this. It is designed to keep the mother informed of all the events of intrauterine development, to help adjust nutrition and lifestyle during different periods of pregnancy. In addition, the pregnancy calendar allows you to calculate the expected date of birth.

Weekly pregnancy calendar

Weekly pregnancy calendar is very handy. It will facilitate medical supervision of the expectant mother and her baby, and will also give answers to the most important questions that you will certainly face: when does the stomach begin to grow, why does it feel sick during pregnancy, how to recognize the first movement of the fetus.

Thanks to this calendar, you will not forget that the time has come to undergo screening, take tests, go for a scheduled ultrasound. And with the approaching date of childbirth, such a weekly calendar will help you prepare in the best way for the long-awaited event.

By month

Monthly pregnancy calendar will be your guide for all 40 weeks of pregnancy. Each expectant mother will be able to leave her feedback, observations, share experiences and useful information here. Together we will monitor how quickly our kids grow and develop! And give advice on the right way of life, the way of eating and the safe treatment of all sorts of ailments.

Every month of pregnancy is characterized by serious changes in the development of the child: he achieves more and more success in physical and mental development, the baby’s brain grows intensively, muscle mass grows stronger, vital organs and systems are formed, and even the first natural skills! The pregnancy calendar by month will acquaint you in detail with these events at each stage.

Personal pregnancy calendar

Every woman can keep a personal pregnancy calendar. Moreover, it is welcome and recommended. You are in a very special state right now. Many sensations are new to you, and can even cause excitement and fear - the body of a pregnant woman undergoes tremendous changes, both in a physiological sense and in a psychological one.

The weekly and monthly pregnancy calendar has been compiled with an attempt and purpose to explain each of them.

You can have a personal pregnancy calendar in a separate notebook, which you will decorate in accordance with your mood, tastes, feelings, as well as who you expect: a boy or a girl. Such an album will be a great start to a family chronicle or a chronicle of the life of your heir.

Interactive pregnancy calendar

But in addition, modern expectant mothers resort to the services of the Internet and choose an interactive pregnancy calendar for observations. It's convenient, easy to use, accurate, practical, informative, and completely free!

You can resort to its help when you need to quickly determine the date of birth or accurately determine the current gestational age (using a special calculator for this), divide your pregnancy into trimesters, months or weeks.

Online pregnancy calendar is becoming more and more popular. Women want to know more about this special period: what are the first signs of pregnancy, how to avoid miscarriage, what to do with increased uterine tone, how to find out the first harbingers of childbirth, how to determine the sex of the child. The calendar contains articles, tips, explanations, and a calculator for determining the duration of pregnancy and the expected date of delivery.

You can conduct personal monitoring of your own pregnancy, your condition and that of your child, and carry out the calculations that interest you.

Online pregnancy calendar - at your service! Keep your finger on the pulse of the most important events in your life!