Natalya Grossman weight loss. Diet of Galina Grossman - “Lose excess weight without fasting and physical activity”

12.08.2020 Sport

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Galina Grossman is a successful information businesswoman who makes money by selling video courses on weight loss. In them, a woman gives recommendations regarding proper nutrition and physical activity (mainly dancing), which is used for weight loss, healing and rejuvenation of the body. The price of Galina Grossman's video courses starts from 10 thousand rubles.

Principles of losing weight

Galina Grossman does not have a medical education, so her publications, books and video tutorials contain a lot of nonsense. For example, a woman states that:

1. Cannot be consumed a large number of crushed food, because it penetrates the gallbladder and forms gallstones there.

2. Light physical activity for losing weight is more effective than heavy physical activity because it forces you to subcutaneous fat burn, turning it into carbon dioxide and water. At the same time, during heavy loads, fat does not burn, but goes to the muscles, which provokes a feeling of hunger in a person.

3. Cucumber is absorbed by the body and goes to build tissue. But cucumber with mayonnaise does not have this ability, because it is unhealthy food. The body throws it into the “trash can”, which is located on your stomach.

However, despite the nonsense that Galina Grossman writes, the basic principles of losing weight are correct. A cucumber is really healthier for your figure than a cucumber with mayonnaise, albeit for a different reason.

The basis of weight loss according to Grossman is:

1. Healing and energy sessions.
2. Diet.
3. Low and medium intensity physical activity (gymnastics, yoga, dancing).

The goal of energy therapy sessions is to correct eating behavior. The diet is aimed at limiting the intake of calories into the body. Physical activity is necessary, according to Galina Grossman, to improve blood circulation in tissues and trigger the fat burning mechanism.

Diet principles

Galina Grossman's diet is divided into two stages: main and additional. During the main stage, a person normalizes weight.

An additional stage allows you to consolidate it, avoiding a relapse of obesity. Diet rules:

1. Meals – 4 times a day. Moreover, this must be done strictly according to the clock. Breakfast - from 9 to 10. Lunch - from 13 to 14. Dinner - from 17 to 18. Another dinner - from 21 to 22.

2. The basis of the diet is protein products, vegetables, fruits, broths. Foods rich in fats and carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet.

3. Most food will be eaten during the first half of the day (two out of four meals). Evening meals have extremely small volumes, and these meals are aimed only at reducing the feeling of hunger.

4. If you miss the time of your next meal, you can no longer eat. Wait for your next meal.

5. Every Thursday is a fasting day.

Diet menu

The calorie content of the diet is significantly reduced, which is the basis for the effectiveness of the diet. Here sample menu Galina Grossman's nutrition plans for every day:

Breakfast. You need to eat 150 g of protein food, 250 g of non-starchy vegetables and 30 g (one slice) of bread. You can diversify your breakfast at your discretion. You can eat meat, fish, dairy and seafood as protein foods. You can also take any vegetables - tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, cabbage.

Dinner. Two glasses of low-fat broth. To prepare it, it is advisable to use chicken breast. You will eat it tomorrow morning. You can’t add anything to the broth except greens. For the second you can eat 100 g of raw vegetables, 150 g of kefir or yogurt and a teaspoon of muesli.

Dinner. In the evening you can eat 200 g of any fruit except bananas.

Second dinner. Half a glass of kefir and dried fruits (for example, prunes or dried apricots - 5 pieces).

Doctor's review

Undoubtedly, Galina Grossman’s diet will be effective. In combination with physical activity and correction of eating behavior, strict restriction of caloric intake will lead to a gradual normalization of the figure. Of course, this will only happen if you strictly follow all of Galina Grossman’s recommendations and do not abandon the diet after a week from its start.

Is it worth buying her weight loss course? Yes, if you are ready to put into practice the techniques discussed there. Treatment of obesity according to Galina Grossman will proceed as follows:

1. They won’t let you eat.
2. You will be forced to exercise.
3. They will convince you that eating a lot is bad.

If you expect that they will offer you some unique weight loss techniques that will allow you to lose weight by eating bread rolls in front of the TV, you will be disappointed. Ways to lose weight will be the most common - diet and exercise. True, motivation will be increased. Still, you have to pay 10-20 thousand rubles for several video lessons in which the rules of healthy eating will be explained to you.

Galina Grossman's diet does not offer anything new. You can learn about equally effective diets on the website completely free of charge.

The name of Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann is becoming increasingly popular among those striving for slimness and health. Most often, these are grateful admirers of her talented efforts to alleviate our lot as overburdened beings: overloaded with food, work, stupidity in the head and quirks in habits.

She managed to find relief from this fate. Not only quick and fairly easy weight loss, but also rejuvenation, a return to the freshness and lightness of a young and healthy body - these are its basic results, based on long-term research into the mechanisms of aging of the body. Her energy sessions have a positive effect on the mental and physiological functions of our body, launching the processes of restoration and rejuvenation.

Thousands of people passed through her caring hands and tried her rejuvenation method. She has been conducting them for more than 25 years with amazing results. Her research in medical biology has been published in many scientific journals and presented at conferences.


Galina Nikolaevna grew up in a remote Estonian village. I've been interested in it since childhood traditional medicine and the healing abilities of other people.

She studied as a biologist at Krasnoyarsk University and later defended her dissertation. She began her scientific career at the Institute of Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. She took part in the Institute of Experimental Biology of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Since 1996, he has headed the Center for Human Biology and Ecology in Estonia, where he continues his research and practical activities. She regularly conducts sessions on rejuvenation of the body and losing excess weight.

Galina Nikolaevna has been dealing with the problem of losing weight and normalizing weight for many years. She has helped many people overcome the disease of overeating and painful excess weight. She has recorded a large number of video courses, regularly conducts trainings, master classes and webinars, and gives consultations. Her attitude towards excess weight is based on an understanding of human nature and recognition of the fact that we are one in essence and perfect in origin. They just got a little lost in their earthly hobbies and burdened themselves with many unnecessary things: excess biomass, bad habits for us and artificial attitudes in the head and consciousness, leading to diseases and disorders.

Her main task (as I understood, in any case, after becoming more familiar with her methods) is to return to a person the understanding that initially we were all created perfect and full-fledged, self-sufficient in order to live our lives cheerfully and effectively, to go through it easily and cheerfully, dancing . And it’s not for nothing that one of her trainings is dedicated specifically to dance. She teaches us the opportunity to dance our lives: both externally and internally by tuning in to dance.

What is dance? This is an expression in the movement of Beauty - that perfect and Primordial Beauty on which the entire living natural world, all living matter rests. To express this Beauty with your movements, your thoughts, feelings, gestures and actions is the co-creation of a person with the Eternal and Unfading World of Life, Truth, Harmony and Perfection. And any person has the power to learn this and follow this rhythm of Life. Only he needs to believe in himself and his capabilities, remember his original potential and give a little work to show it in Everyday life. And Galina Nikolaevna, like a real sorceress, helps us remember this in us and, in fact, be reborn to a new life. And the kind and sometimes even enthusiastic reviews of many of her admirers and students are the clearest confirmation of this.

Her Center uses different weight loss methods. One of them is lipolytics– developed by Galina Nikolaevna. Lipolitics combines dancing with simple, accessible overweight women movements, and special sessions. By increasing the internal tone of a person’s consciousness, lipolytics promotes fat burning and shows excellent results in weight loss and restoration of health.

Although the basis for losing weight is still the nutrition system. The diet she developed is based on a wide variety of diets and is aimed primarily at ordinary people who are accustomed to eating everything: meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, etc. If you are a vegetarian or even a raw foodist, you may be prejudiced against this approach.

But Life is rich in the variety of forms of its manifestation, firstly. And besides, all people also vary greatly in their capabilities, characteristics and details. And if a fruitarian can feel great, eating only fruits and juices for years, this only means that this is his path and his current task in life. The other has different goals in life and, most importantly, a different internal baggage; he still needs to resort to heavier food.

And Galina Nkolaevna offers a wonderful way out precisely for such people, for those who are a little lost in their own nature and body and cannot find the saving path to health and bodily well-being. For most people, eating behavior is instinctive. Overweight people have suppressed natural food instincts, and the process of eating itself is perceived on an emotional level: food becomes almost the only source of pleasure. When a healthy eating scenario is activated, such people’s pathological appetite disappears, or as people say - stomach pit . They begin to instinctively choose healthy foods and reject unhealthy ones. This is the first step to losing weight. And the topic is directly related to the problem of diseases and, as a consequence, aging of the body.

And the body ages not at all for genetic reasons (although those also influence it). We all live under constant external stress. Our body and our feelings, nature, are constantly negatively affected by environmental factors that are incompatible with life. As a result, we spend almost all our internal strength, all our resources to resist these destructive factors: from the chemical composition of water and food, which are far from natural, to the psychological attack of harsh aggressive vibrations, almost deliberately thrown into the atmosphere by means of the media industry and the media in order to keep us under control and prevent us from spreading the wings of our internal capabilities. Eating them, somehow breaking away from this oppressive influence is becoming almost a narcotic habit among many, if not all, modern inhabitants of Mother Earth, who wished us a completely different fate, who gave birth to us for completely different meanings and fulfillments.

Therefore, most people live much less than what is inherent in our genetic program. Galina Nikolaevna’s rejuvenation sessions and the technique of removing the age complex help reduce the influence of negative factors, prolong a person’s life, and slow down the aging process. Rejuvenation session(if we talk about details) it is required to be performed every day for 2 weeks. Then it is repeated once a month for 3 months. Then sessions are carried out as needed. Good practice self-discipline.

Among the methods of our sorceress there is one method for facial rejuvenation. It consists of two stages. At the first stage, you restore youthful skin, at the second, you continue to keep your face in this condition for a long time. The basis of the technique is full awareness of your face. It's already psychological training, a type of meditation. At a subconscious level, we build the image that we want to have for ourselves.

Galina Nikolaevna even has a technique for reduction of face shape. Well, her video sessions activate metabolic processes in the body, in particular, in fatty tissues in the abdominal areas, and accelerate the process of burning fat on the buttocks and thighs.

How old is Galina Grossmann?

Well, now I’m ready to answer the main question of our article: how old is Galina Nikolaevna Grossmann? I don’t think I’ll be original if I say that a woman (and not only her - this also applies to men) is as old as she looks or wants to look. And Galina Nikolaevna looks beautiful, both in soul and body. To do this, just look at her photo again. Well, if someone still needs numbers, then I can give one hint.

Since 1974, she worked at the Institute of Biophysics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, in Krasnoyarsk. And since 1988 at the Center for Medical Biological Problems and Human Ecology in Tallinn. I graduated from Moscow University in 1977 and I am 60. The last action of this arithmetic problem is for you homework. Perhaps it will work with the answer at the end of the textbook. But where is that textbook...

Background. She has been professionally involved in dancing and fitness for almost 12 years. I studied 4-6 hours a day, without thinking about my diet. Vesla is 59 kg with a height of 169, she always received compliments on her figure, so without a twinge of conscience she ate candy, cookies, fried potatoes, etc.

During my pregnancy with twins I gained 27 kg. After she stopped breastfeeding, she repeatedly tried to lose weight using various diets and fitness at home, but the weight constantly returned to 69 kg...

I accidentally came across a video by Galina Nikolaevna Grossman, got inspired and started looking for information.

Diet Galina Nikolaevna Grossman is part of the technique weight loss (its other components are energy sessions and lipolytics)

Meals by the hour. 4 times a day.

Fatty foods, starch, sugar and baked goods are completely excluded from the diet.

How closer to sleep, the less we eat and drink.

For breakfast (8-9 am) be sure to have protein (lean meat, cottage cheese, egg) + vegetables

At lunch (13-14 hours) broth and vegetables + yogurt with muesli

First dinner (17-18): fruits or vegetables

Second dinner (20-21): drink + prunes or apricots.

And no snacks!

Weight loss without hunger and exhausting physical activity

Intestinal function has normalized (previously several years of chronic constipation)

In order to strengthen willpower and give up fatty foods, sweets, baked goods, and simply stop overeating, it is suggested energy sessions.

Let me make a reservation right away that the information is very “spread out” across various videos on the Internet. This is done so that people purchase everything they need in a “set” for money.

It was easy for me* to search all over the Internet and watch three-hour webinars in which Galina Nikolaevna answers questions (20 minutes) and conducts an energy session (5 minutes), and the rest of the time they offer to sign up for paid courses (Well, as we wanted. ..)

* Not difficult, but with great joy I would receive all the information as a gift

Although, none of my overweight friends wanted to lose weight using this system... Someone did not find Galina Nikolaevna herself pleasant... Someone was afraid of “suggestions”...

I trusted and am now very GRATEFUL to Galina Nikolaevna Grossman, not so much for the 6 kg I lost (I didn’t do water days), but more for complete indifference to fast food, cakes/pastries and other unhealthy foods!

P.s. Losing weight doesn't have to be permanent! Follow the diet for 4-6 weeks. Then stabilization (rest and adaptation of the body to the new weight) - about a month.

Proper nutrition is also necessary during rest. Only 2-3 “holidays” are allowed, when you can eat whatever your heart desires. The rest is everyday life

During the diet, you need to exclude “heavy” fitness.

Happy Weight Loss!

We scoured the entire Internet to find negative reviews about Galina Nikolaevna Grossman and the Grossmann Center- a unique center for weight loss and rejuvenation. We wanted to expose this woman, but it didn’t work...

Fortunately or unfortunately, we never found not a single openly negative review about the methods of Dr. Galina Nikolaevna Grossman!

Yes, there were some negative comments on forums and on YouTube, and they mainly related to organizational and technical aspects of training at the center. For example, some of the subscribers and students were unable to download a book on Biolifting, see, someone did not receive an email or the email ended up in spam, the site did not work, they could not connect to the webinar, someone was not answered on time in the support service and other points.

There were also unfounded and inadequate comments and messages on forums from people who, for example, called Galina Nikolaevna “grandmother” or “ old woman" This is stupid and shows the disrespect of such “clever people” for a person who has devoted her whole life to studying the structure of the human body and the laws of health, youth and harmony. You shouldn’t pay any attention to such comments at all, they are not to the point and are written by slackers. We will tell such “smart guys” - let’s see what you will look like at 80, 70, 60 and even at 50, if you live, of course, and if we live))

Regarding Grossman’s diet, there were comments regarding the fact that in order to lose weight you need to give up confectionery and sweets. Yes, this really is in the diet. But at the same time, the diet itself gives simply fantastic results (below, see photos of girls and women BEFORE and AFTER the diet).

But we didn’t find any directly negative reviews about Galina Grossman, her methods of weight loss and rejuvenation, and her training center on the Internet!

We must understand that we are all human and we all have failures. Moreover, being the head of such a huge weight loss and rejuvenation center as the Grossmann Center is not easy. The center is actively developing and every month teaches thousands of people around the world to become young and beautiful, lose excess weight without heavy physical exercise and stress, rejuvenate their face and whole body through proper nutrition and energy.

By the way, if you still haven’t downloaded Galina Grossman’s book “Biolifting of the abdomen” and video lessons on losing weight and rejuvenating the body, then do it right now on the official website of Dr. Galina Grossman!

Also, download and watch the unique video course “6 Steps of Healthy Weight Loss” from Galina Grossmann right now:

The technique described in the book “Biolifting of the abdomen” and in the video course “6 Steps of Healthy Weight Loss” allows you to lose 8-15 kilograms in a month or look 5-10 years younger without heavy loads, pills and diets. You don't even have to use willpower!

According to this method, you don’t have to run in the morning or go to the gym to lose weight and become slim and young. Yes, we are all different and each person initially has individual physiological data, different weight, metabolism, lifestyle, but practice has shown that by studying according to Galina Grossman’s method, you can lose an average of 8-15 kilograms in the next month and will be able to look younger 5-10 years in the near future. The results of people of different ages - from 20 to 80 years old - confirm this! Try it too!

At Galina Grossman's /Grossmann/ There are many programs aimed at skin rejuvenation, weight loss, elimination of cellulite, etc., but we advise you to start your path to a beautiful, healthy, slim and young body with the free book “Biolifting the Abdomen.” Download the book and start losing weight today!

The only thing is that you definitely need a period of stabilization after losing weight. I didn’t go through it and after a month the 4 kilograms began to come again... and the skin began to turn red, as before. But my mother underwent stabilization. And now her weight rests on the right level and floats a maximum of a kilogram here and there. No more. Mom looks great! And it’s been two years since the diet!

Now I’m losing weight again according to Galina Grossman’s program with the intention of going through all stages of the diet))

I highly recommend watching Galina Grossman’s video. I’m only telling you about the diet, but you also need to write a program for yourself, watch an energy session, a session for a water day, Grossman lipolytics...

Above I posted BEFORE and AFTER photos. These are the only photos that I have after Galina Grossman’s weight loss program. The quality is not very good, but it is enough to see: THERE ARE WEIGHT LOSS RESULTS!

This review and photos were left by a user of the site “Megala”

Comment from a women's blog:

Galina Nikolaevna, I listen to you and am getting younger before my eyes, I really want to look young and will always be with you. Thanks a lot!

Nina, 2013

Review of Galina Grossman's diet:

I tried Galina Grossman’s diet a couple of years ago, when I was on maternity leave. The choice fell on the diet of Galina Nikolaevna Grossman, since her diet is not stressful for the body, is designed for a long time and you can eat a wide range of foods. In the first month of the diet, I lost 5.5 kg, my waist decreased in size by 7 cm, and my hips by 5 cm. My overall health improved, my weight dropped, the load on my joints decreased, and my knee stopped hurting.