The chicken breast is juicy. How to Make Chicken Breast Soft and Juicy

04.03.2018 Food and drink

Poultry meat is a tasty, healthy product and, most importantly for you and me, dietary! Chicken breast will become an excellent basis for the diet of a girl who is losing weight; all that remains is to cook it correctly and tasty.

1. The most optimal way to cook chicken breast is boiling. But here there is a danger of making the meat dry and tasteless. It is best to cook the breast in vegetable broth with the addition of spices to your taste. Place the meat in an already boiling salted broth; the scale should be removed in the first few minutes as soon as the meat begins to boil. Then reduce the heat, close the lid and cook for 20-40 minutes. The time varies depending on whether the original product was frozen or just chilled; if it is a broiler chicken, then it will cook in 20-25 minutes, but if it is a domestic adult chicken, then it will have to be cooked for an hour and monitored for readiness. When you are sure that the meat is cooked, turn off the heat and leave it in the broth for some more time so that it is saturated with liquid and the aroma of spices.

2. Another great way to cook fillets is on a grill rack in the oven. You take a whole, unfrozen fillet, you can prick it with a fork in several places, add salt, season and put it on the grill, not too high, so that it has time to bake without burning. If you sprinkle the fillet with apple cider vinegar just before putting it in the oven, the taste will be even more tender and piquant. Meat prepared in this way is especially tasty and does not contain a single gram of excess fat.

3. Also great way It's delicious to cook dietary meat - bake it in foil. Fillet or other part of the chicken (first remove the skin and remove all visible fat, remember!) salt, pepper, season with your favorite herbs and spices, you can coat it with mustard - this will give the meat an indescribable aroma, wrap it in foil and put it in the oven for 20-30 minutes . Meat pre-marinated in honey turns out very tasty; the taste and aroma are magical. Meat in foil is particularly juicy and delicate in taste and, again, is cooked only in its own juices, without additional fat.

As you can see, there are many ways to cook chicken deliciously. A diet based on chicken will allow you to lose weight and at the same time eat tasty and nutritious food. Love yourself and be beautiful.

The fact that chicken meat is very healthy has not been a secret for a long time. It is clear that almost any meat has some kind of value, the main thing is to cook it correctly so that it is not dry and does not “fall” into your stomach like a heavy stone. After all, then the “poor thing” will suffer and digest what you swallowed so hastily, so that only you would not be tormented by hunger. Much healthier is the one that is cooked correctly, and it is this kind of meat that is usually always juicy, easily digestible and certainly tasty. All these qualities are easily united by juicy chicken breast. You must know how to cook it, and there are certain secrets that will help you cope with this task.

Juicy chicken breast. How to make it exactly like this?

Of course, in order for your breast to turn out juicy, you need to adhere to a certain recipe and, in addition, you also need to know some subtleties. If you leave everything to chance (just throw a piece into the frying pan and wait for the result), then the breast may turn out tough and overdried. So, it is imperative to monitor the cooking process of any dish.

There is a completely simple recipe that will help you get juicy chicken breast. It's very simple but works just fine. We will do everything based on a kilogram of breasts. We carefully cut them into small pieces, then salt these pieces and mix them with baking soda and these last two components will need to be taken in a teaspoon each.

After such a short exposure, roll the pieces in flour and fry them as usual. It is better to do this with vegetable oil. When you fry these pieces of chicken breast, they will gradually swell, and in the end they will turn out juicy and very tasty.

Three ways to make chicken breast juicy

Soy sauce is a great helper to make chicken breasts juicy. This can be achieved quite simply by simply soaking the meat in this. Of course, you shouldn’t soak whole breasts in the sauce; it’s always better to cut them. Should not be crushed the best option This is to cut this part of the chicken into 4 pieces, or, if you want larger pieces, then into 2.

Another option for cooking juicy chicken breast

The last option for today is to preserve all the juices in the chicken breast. We will cook again in the marinade. We break two and plus you will need to add some more ingredients to them - mayonnaise (three tablespoons), wheat flour (the same amount), plus salt and, if you wish, spices (to your taste).

  • Let the marinade sit for now, and we’ll get to the chicken breasts. Take two breasts and remove all the skin from them. Then we simply divide them by bone, that is, each into two parts. Of course, we remove the bone.
  • We have prepared the breast, now we put its pieces into a plate with the marinade. Be sure to cover the plate with a lid and set it for two hours. This time will be enough for the marinade to thoroughly saturate the pieces of chicken breast.
  • Then we start cooking. We will do this in a frying pan. You will need to warm it up thoroughly and pour vegetable oil into it. Now fry the breast pieces on both sides, without covering the pan with a lid.

Here is another option for preparing a marinade for juicy chicken breast. Let's watch this video.

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Chicken meat is particularly tender and has a very interesting taste. How to make chicken breast soft and juicy in the oven and spend a minimum of time? How to make guests and everyone at home surprised how soft and juicy the chicken breast is. Oven in in this case is not assigned the very last role. It is important that the equipment works properly so that nothing burns in it. It is also necessary to choose the optimal cooking mode. The chosen marinade is also of great importance. Before baking, it is recommended to marinate the breast so that it becomes soft and tender. It is better not to use vinegar for this. This product is used only for softening rough pork meat and large poultry. The most common marinade is lemon-garlic. Garlic gives the chicken a special flavor, and lemon juice softens the consistency of the meat fibers.

To prepare the marinade, you need to mix the juice of a large lemon with salt and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. You also need to add ground black pepper and other spices to taste to the marinade, crush a few cloves of garlic. It is best to use a special device to chop the garlic to the desired size, and not just cut it. You need to coat the chicken breasts with the prepared mixture, place them in a bowl and leave for 1.5 hours at room temperature. You can marinate the breasts in the refrigerator, but in this case the holding time of the semi-finished product will increase to 3 hours. To make the breast especially tender and tasty, you can pound it before cooking. To do this, it is better to use a large wide knife or a special wooden hammer. You need to beat the meat with the back of the knife.

The bird turns out to be very tasty when curry is added to the marinade. This seasoning has a specific taste and aroma, so very little seasoning is required to marinate the breasts. For a kilogram of semi-finished product, it is enough to use only 1 teaspoon of curry. Spices must be mixed with vegetable oil, lemon juice, salt and coat the bird with the mixture. The product can be baked after 2 hours. Instead of vegetable oil, many housewives use mayonnaise. But professional chefs recommend refraining from using this component in the marinade. During heat treatment, trans fats are formed in it, which are very harmful to the human body. Tomato sauces are not suitable for marinating chicken. In order to highlight the taste of the bird, it is permissible to add chopped ginger root to the marinade. It is better to grate it on a fine grater. You can also use dried ginger in powder form.

The chicken becomes tender and juicy if you first soak it for 1 hour in honey-mustard sauce. To prepare the marinade, you need to mix 2 teaspoons of mustard and half a glass of liquid honey, and also add salt and pepper to taste. After the semi-finished product has softened, you can start baking. The chicken will turn out tender and juicy if you cook it not on an open baking sheet, but in a special sleeve-bag. The roasting sleeve preserves the unique aroma of the product and allows you to cook the bird in its own juices. Approximately 5 minutes before the end of cooking, the sleeve bag can be opened. This is necessary so that a golden brown crust forms on the surface of the breasts. Beginning housewives should remember that the taste of the finished dish very much depends on what semi-finished product was used to prepare it. Frozen breasts must be thawed before marinating.

Chicken breast is rightfully considered the most valuable part of the bird carcass. This meat contains high-quality animal protein, but there is almost no fat, which allows us to call this product dietary. The calorie content of skinless chicken breast is only 109 kcal per 100 g. This meat is included in the diet of athletes, diabetics, people losing weight, as well as everyone who adheres to a healthy lifestyle. However, it is the low percentage of fat in this product that often causes dry chicken breast. Not only restaurant chefs, but also every experienced housewife knows how to make chicken breast soft and juicy.

There are many recipes for cooking chicken breast. For example, stuffed fillet can become a real decoration festive table. Chilled breasts need to be washed and blotted with a paper towel. Then make transverse cuts on each piece with a knife, without cutting the meat all the way, at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Place the fillet in a deep dish and sprinkle with your favorite seasonings and soy sauce. Also add a little mustard. Mix everything well and leave for 1-2 hours. Marinating is necessary to ensure that the breasts are juicy. Then the breasts should be placed in a baking dish and pour the marinade that has not been absorbed on top.

Cut the onion into half rings and insert into the slits on the breasts. In a blender, mix a few cloves of garlic with sour cream, bell pepper and ground black pepper until smooth. Pour over the sauce chicken fillet and cover the top with a sheet of foil. Heat the oven to 200 degrees and place the form with meat there. Bake in foil for 40 minutes, then open the pan and wait for the dish to brown. You can serve stuffed breasts with fresh vegetables or mashed potatoes, for example.

There is an easier way to prepare this product. You can simply fry the meat in a frying pan. However, it is important to observe certain conditions, thanks to which the chicken breast will turn out soft and juicy. So, the cooled, washed meat needs to be cut into portions, sprinkled with lemon juice and allowed to brew for at least five minutes. This procedure will provide a film on the surface of the meat that prevents juice from leaking out during cooking. The frying pan needs to be put on fire, sprinkled with vegetable oil and heated. Fry the breasts until an appetizing golden crust appears. Usually the meat cooks quickly - 3-5 minutes on each side.

Another popular recipe for how to cook chicken breast is to bake it in foil with pineapples. Sweet and sour pineapple juice will add freshness to the dish and make the meat tender and soft. Each breast should be cut lengthwise into 1 cm thick slices and lightly beaten with a mallet. Sprinkle with salt and your favorite seasonings. Peel fresh pineapple, remove the core and cut into rings. Place the fillet on a baking sheet lined with foil, place the pineapple rings on top and cover with a sheet of foil. Baking the dish takes about 40 minutes.

For happy people not inclined to recruit excess weight, you can offer a higher-calorie dish - juicy breaded chicken breast. The meat needs to be cut into pieces 7-10 cm in size. Make “pockets” in each fragment with a knife and place a piece of butter there, so that the “pocket” closes and the butter is placed in the center. Now the meat should be placed in the freezer for 30-60 minutes. At this time, you need to beat 2 eggs with salt and prepare breadcrumbs. Cooled chicken pieces should be dipped in eggs, then rolled in breadcrumbs and fried in a hot frying pan for 5 minutes on each side. Butter will give the meat a delicate texture and original taste.

Many gourmets prefer to cook breasts in kefir. In this case, you get juicy chicken breast, which is suitable for dietary nutrition. The chilled meat must be cut into small pieces, salt and pepper and pour kefir over it. Peel the onion, cut into half rings and pour into a container with breasts. Stir the mixture and leave to marinate for 2-3 hours. The lactic acid contained in kefir will soften the meat, and onion juice will give it a unique aroma. After the allotted time for marinating, the meat must be simmered in a saucepan directly in the same sauce until cooked. The calorie content of this culinary masterpiece does not exceed 120 kcal per 100 grams. product! This dish can be served with buckwheat, rice and any other side dishes.

Kurogrudka is a wonderful dietary product, thanks to the low content of animal fats. It is quite nutritious and very healthy due to its high content of magnesium and B vitamins. Therefore, it is juicy chicken breast that forms the basis of nutrition in dietetics.

It forms the backbone of the diet not only when creating an ideal body composition, but also in case of malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract. Make chicken breast juicy will not be difficult, despite complaints from ordinary people that this part of the bird is not suitable for frying and baking.

However, after studying several simple rules, you can prepare an incredibly tasty, aromatic and satisfying dish in a few minutes. Thinking about how to make the breast soft and juicy, you probably tried dozens of options.

But the simplest of them is ordinary, slightly salted water. Make a longitudinal cut on the thick part of the chicken breast and place the bird in cool salted water for 1-1.5 hours. Then dry the meat, cut into portions and boil, fry, bake or steam.

You can also succeed by using various acidic marinades. Anything can be used: lemon, lime, orange, pineapple, grapefruit, wine vinegar, cream, kefir and even yogurt.

Most often, the sour and oil components are added to the 1x1 marinade during cooking, but many cooks recommend using a minimal amount of oil. You can also make chicken breast juicy using soy sauce marinade.

Also, try roasting the bird with lots of meaty vegetables, such as pumpkin, tomatoes or zucchini. The meat will absorb vegetable juice and become juicy and aromatic.

But you will have to abandon the classic combination of chicken and potatoes. First, potatoes contain little juice. Secondly, baked potatoes have a high glycemic index, so if you are losing weight you will have to avoid them altogether. When choosing cooking options, give preference to baking in a sleeve or in foil.

Try not to use convection when baking chicken breast on an open baking sheet, otherwise the meat juice will evaporate too quickly. If you fry the meat in a frying pan, first fry until golden brown on all sides over high heat, then turn on low heat, cover with a lid and cook for 5-7 minutes until done.

At the same time, you can get juicy chicken breast by cooking it with cheese and creamy sauces. When you decide to cook it, use only low-fat cream or milk, and choose hard cheese with 20% fat content. Use in milk sauces butter instead of vegetable.

Tender chicken breast

You will need:

  • 450 gr. chicken fillet
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 orange
  • 1-2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil
  • salt, spices - to taste

Prepare juicy chicken breast using this recipe in just half an hour. To do this, rinse the chicken under running water and place it in a weak saline solution (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water) for 15-20 minutes. Remove the chicken from the water, dry it, cut into small pieces. Squeeze the juice from lemon and orange, mix with olive oil and pour over the chicken.

Now, how to make the breast soft and juicy: place the meat in a hot, dry frying pan and fry on all sides until golden brown. Cut one piece: if the meat is a uniform pinkish color, it is ready to serve.

A more saturated pink hue of the bird indicates insufficient readiness. In this case, cook the chicken for a few more minutes on low heat. Serve with a side dish of stewed, baked or fresh vegetables.

For an option for preparing the most tender breast, watch this video: