Seeing yourself cheerful in a dream. The meaning of a dream about fun, joy

09.09.2019 Finance

Seeing that you are cheerful and joyful, that you are having fun with friends, portends satisfaction from the good behavior of your children, from the successful conduct of business.

If there is even a slight discord in a cheerful society, this means that in the future, sorrows and joys will alternately accompany you, replacing each other.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

What do dreams mean? Fun

To be cheerful in a dream is a harbinger of grief and disappointment. Watching fun is good news. Taking part in it and at the same time having a reason for this is a sign that big troubles await you. Seeing cheerful people is a sign of a good period in your life. Seeing acquaintances cheerful is a sign of meeting friends. If after this meeting something bad happens to you after such a dream, then your friend is insincere with you or is planning something bad against you. Having fun at lunch is a sign of ill health. Reading funny stories in a dream means receiving good news. See interpretation: joke, anecdote.

Organizing fun predicts that you will soon take part in a social event that will bring you many pleasant moments.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does Fun mean in a dream?

To experience a feeling of fun, lightness and carelessness means that in reality your children and husband will bring you joy or a successful course of business. Seeing cheerful people means good events will happen in the house.

Spending lunch in the company of cheerful guys means illness. If during this cheerful mood suddenly darkens, it means that good and bad events will accompany you alternately. Read funny books - experience happy hours with friends. A cheerful holiday, joyful faces, but at the same time you are sad - in reality danger awaits you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Meaning of the dream Fun

If in a dream you were having fun and rejoicing with friends, in reality you will receive satisfaction from the good behavior of your children or from the successful conduct of business.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What does Fun predict in a dream?

A new job will bring you pleasure and profit.

Imagine as clearly as possible all the details of the environment in which you had so much fun. Try to remember the people who had fun around you. Imagine that your best friends were with you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does it mean to see Fun in a dream?

If you saw in a dream that you are cheerful and joyful, you will receive satisfaction from your affairs - both domestic and work.

If there is even a slight discord in a cheerful society, then in the future sorrows and joys will alternately accompany you, replacing each other.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Interpretation of sleep Fun

If fun and joy are not excessive: they foretell that in reality you will not be sad.

It is most favorable if in a dream you see yourself in a calm, elevated mood or observe calm fun from the side and share it.

If the emotions of joy in your dream are too strong: this is most likely a compensation of your consciousness for grief in reality. In this state, it would be best for you to somehow balance your emotions.

Interpretation of dreams from

Grandmothers say that such a dream foreshadows tears. Laughing in a dream means crying bitterly in reality. Is this always the case? Do all sources agree with this? It turns out that not everything is so bad. Gypsy Seraphima is convinced that this is very positive dream. Laughing in a dream is advice to be more carefree, to see the positive side of your life. Then a bright light will decorate its flow, attracting honest and kind people to you.

Carefree laughter

If you were happy about some event or reacted to a joke with laughter - what does such a dream mean? Laughing in a dream means achieving success in entrepreneurship. This cheerful image will also predict that your affairs are in perfect order. The ancient dream book interprets this dream differently. According to this source, laughing in a dream means tears. A night of fun in life may be followed by sad events that will greatly upset you. Grandmother’s dream book says that this dream will predict that you will lose peace. Life will gallop forward like a galloping horse, alternating bad and good events, like in a kaleidoscope. You will have to spend a lot of effort to have time to react to everything: get rid of negativity, catch luck.

Other people laugh

Witnessing someone else's fun - what does this dream mean? Laughing in a dream in a company means having a pleasant time. Just seeing people laughing means you are being discussed. If the fun is kind and affectionate, it means that you are praised in conversations. When you see that the laughter is malicious or evil, terrible gossip is circulating about you. Take a closer look at the people you trust with your secrets. Not all of them are pure and sincere with you.

What does it mean to laugh at someone in a dream?

The meaning of this vision depends on who caused ridicule from you or those around you. If you are - to shame or disappointment. A person you like is discussing yours behind your back. friendly relations or love affair. These conversations will not bring you anything good, as they are conducted with “evil tongues.” And when they laugh at your ill-wisher, what does such a dream mean? Laughing at an enemy in a dream means a collision with him. The “fight” will be unexpected and brutal. Most likely, victory will remain yours. If you laugh at yourself, expect shock.

Hysterical laughter

This dream indicates that you are very tired. Lately your nerves have been on edge, which naturally affected the state of your entire body. You need rest. And why laugh too nervously? Hasse interprets this image as a warning: someone wishes you harm. Caution should be your constant companion for some time.


If you see it on the faces of others, it means that your good name is under threat. They are thoroughly throwing mud at him behind your back. We need to bring out the spiteful critics clean water so as not to suffer from their efforts. Giggling yourself means awkwardness in communicating with superiors. You may make some mistake, which will later come back to bite you. Try to behave more modestly.

As you can see, not all dreams about laughter lead to tears! But the best dream, according to all sources, is one in which happy children’s laughter sounds. It promises prosperity and good luck!

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

To be cheerful in a dream is a harbinger of grief and disappointment. Watching fun is good news. Taking part in it and at the same time having a reason for this is a sign that big troubles await you. Seeing cheerful people is a sign of a good period in your life. Seeing acquaintances cheerful is a sign of meeting friends. If after this meeting something bad happens to you after such a dream, then your friend is insincere with you or is planning something bad against you. Having fun at lunch is a sign of ill health. Reading funny stories in a dream means receiving good news. See why you dream about an anecdote.

Organizing fun predicts that you will soon take part in a social event that will bring you many pleasant moments.

Why do you dream of fun according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

Fun, to see in a dream from the side - to tears; if you dreamed of a party, it means a headache; meet in a dream New Year- get a profitable offer.

Seeing that you are cheerful and joyful, that you are having fun with friends, portends satisfaction from the good behavior of your children, from the successful conduct of business. If there is even a slight discord in a cheerful society, this means that there will be sorrows and joys in the future...

Sleep Online - Fun

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In the covered part of the yard there is mourning.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Fun?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

You are cheerful - that means you have an upbeat mood and a light heart. What brought you to this state of mind? State of mind?

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Fun?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Sadness, troubles.

Fun - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To be in joy means to have immediate trouble.

What does a dream about Fun (a big cheerful society) mean?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Disappointment and sadness.

Fun - dream interpretation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you see that you are cheerful and joyful, you will receive satisfaction from your affairs, both at home and at work. If there is even a slight discord in a cheerful society, in the future sorrows and joys will alternately accompany you, replacing each other.

The essence of sleep is Fun

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Having fun in a noisy company in a dream means sadness in reality.

What does a dream mean - Fun

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To be cheerful in a dream is a harbinger of grief and disappointment. Watching fun is good news. Taking part in it and at the same time having a reason for this is a sign that big troubles await you. Seeing cheerful people is a sign of good...

The meaning of a dream about fun, joy

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To sadness, disappointment or literally. Too strong - trouble, illness, accident.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Fun?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Unfortunately, actually.

If you see “Fun” in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If in a dream you were having fun and rejoicing with friends, in reality you will receive satisfaction from the good behavior of your children or from the successful conduct of business. If there is even a slight hint of discord in the circle of people having fun, this means that in...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Fun?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreams of cheerful people foretell a modest life. A cheerful lunch means well-being.

Dreaming of Fun - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing someone's fun, a cheerful company, or people's joy about some event in a dream means well-being, success, and joy. To rejoice excessively yourself leads to sadness in the future, to disappointment.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Fun?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Undesirable problems with the musculoskeletal system are possible.

Dreaming of "Fun" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

A new job will bring you pleasure and profit. How to improve the meaning of sleep? Imagine as clearly as possible all the details of the environment in which you had so much fun. Try to remember the people who had fun around you. Imagine that your best friends were with you.

Modern interpretation of dreams comes down to psychological aspects human life at a time when ancestors associated dreams with the search for “keys to the future.” It was believed that the soul of the sleeping person goes to travel to other world, which contains information about everything.

The influence of the Moon on our sleep

Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the Moon we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent 26 billion dollars to fly to this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect it at all?

Signs and beliefs associated with dreams

Do you always want to get enough sleep and see good dreams? Meet folk wisdom relating to dreams and passed down from generation to generation.

Men are more likely than women to have erotic dreams

Dreams are the eternal companion of man. Dreams have been studied by scientists at all times. Many facts have appeared and been refuted, but there are eternal facts that are undeniable theorems. One of them reads: “Men are much more likely than women to have dreams with erotic content.” The question automatically arises: why?

Why do you dream of Fun?

Fun in a modern dream book

A dream in which you are completely absorbed in joyful fun in the company of friends foreshadows moral satisfaction from participating in charitable projects and your own generosity. The desired news is coming to the dreamer contemplating a fun pastime strangers. Joyful, happy faces are a sign of the onset of a favorable period in your life. Dreaming of shining familiar faces symbolizes a meeting with friends. If unpleasant events happen to you during the dream, it means that your friend is hiding evil intentions under the mask of virtue. His friendly disposition is hypocrisy and falsehood. A dream in which you read short funny stories and anecdotes are harbingers of good news. By organizing a mass celebration in a dream, in reality you will become a participant in the event and will enjoy spending your leisure time in pleasant company. A dream in which general fun will be replaced by a quarrel, a public showdown, indicates that not everything will be fine in your life. Periods of success will alternate with disappointment.