Everything will be fine Natalia Pravdina year. Dear friends, Happy New Year! Attract love and creative success with the help of a four star

02.07.2019 This is interesting

Natalya Pravdina - famous astrologer and feng shui specialist. Her predictions for 2017 will help you choose a favorable time for important events in your life and avoid possible troubles.

December - last month in the year, the time of preparations for the New Year. Natalya Pravdina advises before the onset New Year's Eve complete a 10-to-do list. Completing the list will help you change your life for the better next year.

feng shui and positive thinking

According to the predictions of Natalia Pravdina, in 2017 of the Fire Rooster, everyone will be able to find a calling and decide on a life path. This will directly depend on the state of harmony with yourself and others, as well as on understanding what exactly you need and what is important.

Techniques for getting rid of negative thinking will help to achieve harmony and peace of mind. Control over your thoughts and words will help you gradually completely renew your energy, getting rid of the negative. This will help improve life in all aspects.

Global changes are possible not only in private life, but also on a national scale: the year of the Fire Rooster is filled with energy of movement and rapid change, so it is likely that not everything will be possible to consistently follow the plan.

To smooth out possible abrupt changes, you need to try to work on your life, making it happy and calm: your positive energy will affect those who are nearby and spread further. Remember that ultimately your fate and the fate of people close to you depend on your personal attitude, state and self-confidence.

What will help improve your life in 2017

To change life for the better in the new year of the Fire Rooster, you need to attract the energy of this symbol and live on this wave all year. The energy of the Fire Rooster requires movement and constant self-improvement in the chosen area.

A few tips from Natalia Pravdina can help you achieve significant financial success, love, happiness and prosperity in 2017.

Be creative in any job. Whether you work as an accountant, teacher, journalist, or engineer, creativity can be found in any profession. Find something that will cheer you up and interest in your work, and go ahead, achieve success.

After some time, you will be surprised to see how your attitude towards your work responsibilities, colleagues and superiors has changed.

Find something joyful every day. This healthy habit will help you defeat negative thinking and completely change the way you think about your own life. Yes, there are difficult and tragic days when grief obscures everything else, but in fact there are not so many of them.

Conspiracies from longing will help to cope with grief, and the rest of the time, do not let minor troubles destroy your positive energy, and everything will be fine.

Try to understand your loved ones and relatives. Nothing is more unsettling than quarrels and disagreements with the closest people. After such episodes, the emotional state and energy are restored for a very long time. Try to understand your loved ones by putting yourself in their place.

It may not be easy at first, but once you start looking at the situation from different angles, it will become much easier for you to solve problematic situations without exhausting quarrels and scandals.

It is good to meet the New Year 2017 will help folk signs for good luck. We wish you a Happy New Year and only good mood. Smile more often and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.12.2016 06:02

The correct arrangement of furniture in the house is the key to a favorable distribution of positive energy in the room. From...

Thanks to the horoscopes of the famous feng shui master Natalya Pravdina, many were able to achieve dizzying success. Its forecasts are highly accurate and contain helpful tips for each.

In October, the planets will be favorable. Thanks to their positive energy, everyone will be able to start new life casting aside doubts. In order to succeed in your personal and business life, use proven feng shui talismans that will attract good luck to you.

Finance and career

The forecast for October is more than positive. Thanks to the flows of positive energy this month you will be able to start developing your own business, participate in conferences and congresses, start implementing your ideas and ideas. You can bring all ideas to life by following the 10 rules of Feng Shui. However, you should be careful with people you don't know. You should not trust people with whom you have not yet dealt, and start risky projects with unpredictable results.

In October 2017, you will be able to safely start working with finances, purchase securities, invest money for their further growth. Feng Shui practitioners advise not to miss the energy of wealth and go to success in stages. In addition, in October, the energy of the planets will help you, which will be favorable to those who work hard and do not deviate from the intended goal.

Love and relationships

The energy of stability and prosperity will allow in October to develop activity both in business and in personal life. This month will be rich in new acquaintances, business proposals and cooperation. You need to devote time to a family that will support you in difficult times. Feel free to ask your mentors for advice, because the opinion of experienced people will help you choose the right partners for doing business.

Changes are expected on the personal front. In October, love energy is strong, so this time will be rich in terms of dates, acquaintances and interest in your person. If you are not in a relationship, use feng shui to attract your soulmate into your life. For couples who have taken place in October, a period of calm and joy will come. New news and events are possible that will turn the page of your life. This may be news about the replenishment of the family or a marriage proposal.

Health and emotions

The emotional background in October will be stable, and largely due to the successful aspects of the planets. However, mood swings are possible in the middle of the month. In order for the whole month to pass successfully and on a positive wave, do not forget about attracting good luck and prosperity. In October, such rituals will be especially effective, as the approaching change of weather generates energy surges.

In terms of health in October, improvements await people who fell ill earlier. You will be able to find a competent specialist, successfully transfer surgery. Without exception, the Feng Shui master recommends to lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to a healthy diet and do not forget about physical activity.

In October, the planets will be favorable. Thanks to their positive energy, everyone will be able to start a new life, casting aside doubts. In order to succeed in your personal and business life, use proven feng shui talismans that will attract good luck to you.

Finance and career

The forecast for October is more than positive. Thanks to the flows of positive energy this month you will be able to start developing your own business, participate in conferences and congresses, start implementing your ideas and ideas. You can bring all ideas to life by following the 10 rules of Feng Shui. However, you should be careful with people you don't know. You should not trust people with whom you have not yet dealt, and start risky projects with unpredictable results.

In October 2017, you will be able to safely start working with finances, purchase securities, invest money for their further growth. Feng Shui practitioners advise not to miss the energy of wealth and go to success in stages. In addition, in October, the energy of the planets will help you, which will be favorable to those who work hard and do not deviate from the intended goal.

Love and relationships

The energy of stability and well-being will allow developing activity in both business and personal life in October. This month will be rich in new acquaintances, business proposals and cooperation. You need to devote time to a family that will support you in difficult times. Feel free to ask your mentors for advice, because the opinion of experienced people will help you choose the right partners for doing business.

Changes are expected on the personal front. In October, love energy is strong, so this time will be rich in terms of dates, acquaintances and interest in your person. If you are not in a relationship, use feng shui to attract your soulmate into your life. For couples who have taken place in October, a period of calm and joy will come. New news and events are possible that will turn the page of your life. This may be news about the replenishment of the family or a marriage proposal.

Health and emotions

The emotional background in October will be stable, and largely due to the successful aspects of the planets. However, mood swings are possible in the middle of the month. In order for the whole month to pass successfully and on a positive wave, do not forget about attracting good luck and prosperity. In October, such rituals will be especially effective, as the approaching change of weather generates energy surges.

In terms of health in October, improvements await people who fell ill earlier. You will be able to find a competent specialist, successfully transfer surgery. Without exception, the Feng Shui master recommends to lead a healthy lifestyle, adhere to a healthy diet and do not forget about physical activity.

Natalia Pravdina

Wish fulfillment calendar for 2017. 365 practices from the Master. Moon calendar

© Pravdina N., 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

With the help of this calendar in 2016, I was able to fulfill my cherished desire. Surprisingly, everything came true, and very quickly. I will definitely buy a calendar for 2017.

Lyudmila, Moscow

You need to work with this calendar - to carry out the practices that Natalya writes about. I thought it would be difficult, but the practice brings such pleasure - immediately the mood becomes better. And this is already half the success!

Hope, Murmansk

It's amazing how life changing these practices! The most important thing in them is a positive attitude. As soon as I began to look at the world joyfully, everything came true by itself. Very simple!

Elizabeth, Penza

Very simple and clear calendar. Everything is scheduled by day. You don't have to do something every day. But even a ritual once a month gives a result.

Natalia, Novoulyanovsk

Onward to the fulfillment of desires!

Before you is not easy moon calendar with the usual instructions. This is a guide to working with the energy of your dreams, which is closely related to the energy laws of the stars, the Sun, the Moon. Some of them turn out to be favorable for us, others are neutral or even harmful.

Therefore, the practices in this calendar are chosen to provide you with powerful support and the most beneficial effect on you and your life. Thanks to them, you can strengthen the positive energy of the day and protect yourself from negative and harmful ones, direct the energy of the day to the realization of your most cherished desires. If you want wealth, your desire for prosperity will surely come true. Strive for career advancement - no problem. Looking for love - consider that you have already met a soul mate. Want to have good health - everything is in your hands!

In total, you will get a real storehouse of practices - 365 rituals, exercises, recommendations and meditations. Use it and enjoy great results!

Remember that the most important thing in the fulfillment of desires is your positive attitude and your thoughts! The energy of the universe is open to you. It remains to learn how to convey your wishes correctly. Each of us is able to clothe our dreams in a material form. Daily practices will help you change your life, achieve your goals, attract the right people, successfully cope with difficult situations, fill your life with love and harmony. Miracles will become the norm of your life.

I'm sure you will succeed! Just trust my experience and that of my many clients and readers.

How to use the calendar

As you know, every day of the year has its own energy laws. They can both reinforce your actions and hinder the achievement of the goal. Sometimes it is better to rest and meditate altogether, sometimes to be persistent and decisive. Magical practices will help you tune in to the lunar energy of the day, which should be performed strictly in accordance with the indicated recommendations.

So, you open the calendar and look for the right date. Next to each lunar day you will find the following:

The motto of this day, which will help you tune in to the right wave.

A general description of the merits or demerits of the day.

If one practice per day is not enough for you, I will specifically give additional rituals of similar days. You can choose among them the recommendations that suit you and maximize your monetary energy. Additional rituals are not required. Do them at will and inner feelings. If you are full of energy and ready to move mountains, then you can resort to several practices. If you are tired or feel weak, then you can limit yourself to only one recommendation. It will be quite enough, because in accordance with the energy of each day, I have selected the most powerful rituals. Very soon you will see positive changes in your financial life!

Neutral day!

Use new knowledge!

Insights will help bring you closer to the fulfillment of desires today. Listen to your inner instinct.

What should be done

1. You will need an amethyst.

2. Light a candle and lightly heat it on the flame.

3. Apply the amethyst to the center of the forehead and stay in this state for a while.

4. After such meditation, the Universe will definitely give you a sign.

See January 30, March 1, March 30, April 29, May 28, June 27, July 26, August 24, September 23, October 22, November 21, December 21.

Neutral day!

You are successful!

Your money desires today are easily realized. Use the Golden Haze Ritual.

What should be done

1. Choose some beautiful object that attracts the eye - it should be an attribute of wealth (jewelry, luxurious fabrics, precious metal products, etc.).

2. Imagine that a golden haze hovers over your chosen luxury item.

3. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Inhale this haze and direct the energy of wealth to the region of the heart chakra - anahata.

4. Repeat this exercise 3 times.

Additional ritual days: see January 31, March 2, March 31, April 30, May 29, June 28, July 27, August 25, September 24, October 23, November 22, December 22.

Happy day!

Your life is in your hands!

Only you can change your life and no one but you. Believe in yourself and your abilities.

What should be done

1. Just say throughout the day: " I get everything I want".

2. Speak: "I get everything I want" when you go to a meeting, go on vacation, go fishing or bet at the casino. Train your brain to produce biocurrents of calmness and luck, and then you will soon notice that, in fact, everything starts to go smoothly, like clockwork.

Additional ritual days: see February 1, March 3, April 1, May 1, May 30, June 29, July 28, August 26, September 25, October 24, November 23, December 23.

Happy day!

Radiate positivity!

The brighter your eyes glow, the more positive energy you attract. A little trick will help to give the look a special freshness.

What should be done

In the morning, wipe the eyelids with ice, then lightly press the damp skin with the pads of your fingers. This area needs a nourishing cream containing vitamin A.

Additional ritual days: see February 2, March 4, April 2, May 2, May 31, June 30, July 29, August 27, September 26, October 25, November 24, December 24.

Neutral day!

As you have probably noticed, dear friends, each star has its own character, and not always positive. Three is the last negative star, and in the future we will only talk about how we activate positive energies.

And now - about the Troika. The troika is known for the fact that in the easiest case it can bring discord between people, and in the worst case it can bring to life such troubles as litigation, persecution, etc. It is clear that it is better to take all possible measures so as not to awaken such events in life.

In 2017, the Troika, which carries the forces of the tree, loses part of its negative energy due to the fact that it falls into the western sector, which has the energy of the metal. According to the circle of creation theory of the five elements, wood is controlled by metal and depleted by fire. We will take these postulates into service in order to cope with the energy of quarrels, scandals and interpersonal problems that we do not need.

Especially subject to the scandalous energy of the star Three will be the inhabitants of the western bedrooms and residents of houses with a western front door. In this case, even hidden problems can come to the surface and bring a lot of trouble. Of course, Feng Shui offers us ways to remedy this situation.

Protective Talismans

The traditional way to pacify the "scandalist" Troika is the so-called "flaming sword". It can be purchased at a specialized feng shui store. Such a sword will be very useful to you, especially if you have a door facing north or a bedroom located in the northern sector. The "flaming sword" symbolically contains two elements - fire and metal, which we simply need to fight the Troika.

Elementary red candles, bright lamps are also a good antidote to the aggressive energy of the Three star.

Pictures in which red color predominates will also be very appropriate.

A red lava lamp where red hot bubbles pop up and fall can also be a good solution for you.

If your Entrance door faces west - place all possible talismans and red objects there to protect yourself from unnecessary quarrels and scandals. I also recommend that you turn on a bright light in the western sector in 2017.

Pacifying the "Grand Duke"

One of the most powerful annual energies is the "Grand Duke" or Tai Sui. Every year he changes his residence. The residence of the "Grand Duke" always coincides with the location of the astrological sign of the year. 2017 is the year of the Rooster, so Tai Sui is in the west and occupies 15?° in the center of the western sector.

What you need to know about the "Grand Duke"? Firstly, this is a very strong annual energy that can do much harm or, conversely, support you if you apply your knowledge correctly. In order not to provoke the wrath of the "Grand Duke", you should follow simple rules:

Never sit facing the direction in which the "Grand Duke" has his residence.

That is, in 2017 you can not sit facing the west. Attention those who belong to the western group! Even if the west is your favorable or even the best direction, in 2017 you cannot look to the west! This is especially true for work. And in ordinary life, too, you should not sit facing the west for a long time, even if you just watch TV.

In 2017, you can’t make noise, knock, start and end repair work in the western sector. If you neglect this rule, you will incur the wrath of the "Grand Duke", which can have very unfavorable consequences. It is best to avoid this at all costs. If you have already begun repairs, then make sure that the start of work does not coincide with the western sector.

In order to take advantage of the tremendous power of Tai Sui, you can pacify him. To do this, try to sit more often with your back to the west, that is, facing east. In this case, the "Grand Duke" will be behind you and will be able to provide you with symbolic support. This may manifest itself in the fact that you will make a powerful breakthrough in your career this year.

The mythical creature Pi-Yao has the amazing ability to turn the fury of the "Grand Duke" into mercy. In order to appease Tai Sui, I highly recommend that you purchase a Pi Yao figurine and place it facing the west. This is especially necessary if you are carrying out repairs and are not sure whether you have disturbed the peace of the “Grand Duke” or not. Don't forget to check if Pi-Yao is standing correctly in your home, as often children and other household members can change the direction in which Pi-Yao is facing.

In order to turn Tai Sui into a powerful friend and patron, you can place the image of any influential man in the western sector. If you want to use feng shui figurines for this purpose, then your best bet would be: Kuan Di, the god of wealth, one of the three star elders, or even Hottei. Place the figurine facing east, back to west. This will symbolize the fact that friendly help is constantly coming to you from the right direction.

If you follow these tips, you can significantly improve the quality of your life. You will notice that you will often begin to be helped, and a powerful patron may even appear in your life. If this happens, be sure that you have done the right feng shui transformation in your home.

Let's maximally activate the star of wealth and prosperity - the figure eight!

Many years of successful experience in the use of feng shui activators and antidotes suggests that there are several ways to activate a favorable star.

1. We apply the element that generates the element of an auspicious star. For example, fire gives birth to earth. Therefore, fire will be favorable to the earth energy of the Eight.

2. We transfer our activity to the sector where the favorable star of the current year is located. Yang activity - laughter, music, dancing, hosting, children's pranks, pets, feasts with friends. All these actions are recommended to be carried out in favorable sectors.

3. We place wonderful feng shui talismans in the respective sectors, which carry a powerful positive charge and work both on the subconscious and on the symbolic level.

In 2017, the most auspicious star Eight flies to the east. The ratio of energies is far from perfect. The energy of the Eight, personifying the earth, is dried up by a tree, since it is this element that the eastern sector represents.

In other words, the east initially drains the energy of the beautiful star Eight so much needed! In a symbolic sense, this may mean that in 2017 it will be more difficult for people to “make money” than in the previous 2016. So we all just need Feng Shui help!

Let's turn to the three points above and start applying them consistently to improve the chances of good financial luck.

First of all, luck comes to those of you, my dear readers, whose front door faces east. Invite guests, show hospitality, turn on a bright light at the door. Every time people cross your threshold or even the door just opens, consider that Lady Luck comes to your house!

If your bedroom is located in the east sector, you are also very lucky, because even just relaxing in your bedroom, you will activate auspicious energy. It can be advised to be more in the eastern bedroom in 2017.

It is great if your living room is located in the east, as in the living room you will be able to fully activate the favorable energy of the star Eight.

Talismans that bring good luck

A traditional talisman that activates the positive energy of the earth is a crystal or stone ball. The effectiveness of the talisman increases if light is directed at it. Of course, that your crystal or stone ball must be spotlessly clean, then the flow of money in life will be constant.

Masters also recommend using crystal or decorative apples made from natural stones to activate positive monetary energy. The fact is that an apple is a symbol of receiving money. the easy way, without complications. Crystal or stone apples are also better illuminated by a beam of light directed at them.

A favorite talisman of good luck and happiness - Hottei can also be a great talisman, especially if it is made of natural stone. A golden Hottei in red clothes will also be very useful.

Given that the energies of the stars come to us from compass directions, the east direction will also be very successful in 2017. Those of you, my dear readers, who belong to the Eastern group will especially benefit from this. Position your desktop so that you can work facing east. It will bring you great money luck in 2017!

Awakening the luck of the star of accomplishments - nines

Magnificent, bringing great luck and prosperity in the future, the Nine settled in 2017 in the southeast.

As we can observe, the ratio of the elements of the sector and the star in it are in balance. The element of the Nine - the fire is fueled by the element of the southeast - the tree, increasing its strength. However, the energy that the Nine can give us can be even more activated. And without connecting the knowledge of Feng Shui, we will not be able to cope with this task.

If your office is located in the southeast sector, your activities will bring you long-term benefits that you will reap with pleasure in the future.

Talismans that bring good luck

A wonderful talisman for awakening the beneficial power of the Nine star will be nine healthy plants that you can put in the southeast sector of your apartment. It would be nice if you hang three Chinese coins on each of these plants, tied together with a red ribbon depicting a woven mystical knot. This composition is sure to help you be energetic throughout the year and make money with your innovative ideas.

The image of nine birds brings constant success. Birds always bring good luck and good news, not without reason they are called heavenly messengers. It can be a picture or figurines of nine birds.

If you are lucky and find the image of nine dragons, then there is simply no better energizer of the Nine! The image of nine dragons in itself brings great luck to the owner, and placed in the sector where the annual Nine is located is just a direct hit on a lucky target!

"Three killers" are in the East!

During the new year, it is very important to carefully check and establish where the so-called "three killers" are located. In 2017, they move east and occupy 45?°, that is, the entire eastern sector. If you accidentally disturb them and awaken the negative power of the "three killers", then unexpected illnesses, accidents and sudden loss of money are likely.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences associated with the aggressive energy of the "three killers", please observe the following rules:

Do not carry out repairs or construction works in the east side of the house. Even if you really want to hang a picture, you should not drive a nail into the eastern wall, because with this simple action you will incur the wrath of the "three murderers"!

Check how your desktop is positioned and don't sit with your back to the east this year. The fact is that the “three killers” should in no case be located behind the back of a seated person. They must be in front of him. Therefore, it is better if you turn your table in such a way as to face the east. Moreover, in the southeast there is a favorable star Nine.

Close eastern doors and windows after sunset to protect your home.

Protective talismans

A proven means of protection against the "three killers" are the figures of three defenders - dogs Fu, Chi-Lin (dog-dragon) and Pi-Yao (lion-dragon). They should be in the eastern sector, facing east, in order to symbolically protect the house from the penetration of the poisoned breath of the "three killers".

Another excellent means of protecting the house from the "three killers" are the figures of three star elders. They should also be placed in the eastern sector, facing east.

If you follow all these simple rules and recommendations, you will quite effectively protect yourself from penetration. negative impact"three killers" to your house.

We activate the magical power of the star of heavenly patronage - the six

The pure and exalted star of heavenly patronage - the Six is ​​in the north this year.

You may have noticed, dear friends, that many energy sectors are counteracting each other this year. Here, in the northern sector, water dominates, and the element of the Six is ​​​​metal. Water depletes the metal, which, when interacting with it, consumes its strength and is weakened in the process.

The energy of Star Six is ​​extremely auspicious. It brings people incredible and unexpected luck in money projects, heavenly patronage, authority and even power.

If your front door is in the north or your bedroom is located in the north sector, then expect great news, because you will activate the energy of the Six Star - the star of heavenly patronage and incredible good luck every time the front door opens and closes. Of course, if you spend time in your bedroom, you also come under the influence of the beneficial vibrations of the Six star. You will be surprised how often your wishes will come true and amazing events will happen!

In order to enjoy the wonderful opportunities that this noble star gives us, we need to increase its energy in 2017. We strengthen the energy of the earth in order to strengthen the Six.

Talismans that bring good luck

Probably the most effective talisman that activates the star of heavenly patronage will be a porcelain vase depicting eight immortals from the Chinese epic. Porcelain is the energy of the earth, and 8 immortals represent the favor of heaven.

The impact of crystal or stone balls will be very positive. Better if it will be 8 balls. The Earth will be able to actively give birth to metal, showing the best qualities of the star Six.

The traditional talisman for activating the Six is ​​six beautiful Chinese coins with benevolent calligraphy. You can purchase these coins at any shop selling Feng Shui souvenirs. Put these coins in the northern sector, and you will find influential friends, all your projects and undertakings will be more successful, and difficulties will be smoothed out.

Activate the Six, and you will see how the doors of new opportunities begin to swing open before you. And how to take advantage of these opportunities is entirely up to you!

Attract love and creative success with the help of a four star

To the attention of creative people and those who dream of finding their ideal partner! Star Four energy is just what you need!

In 2017, the Four arrives in the northeast. Note that, again, her energy is not very strong, since the west is the element of the earth. Four is the element of wood. The tree controls the earth, which drains its strength.

In accordance with the theory of the interaction of the five elements, water gives birth to a tree. However, in the case of the Four, one should be warned against attracting water. The fact is that a large number of water can symbolically flood a tree and, as a result, bring sexual conflicts and scandals to life. In order to avoid this and to attract only the most positive aspects of the Four star - this is the creative and emotional upsurge, academic success and romantic luck - we will act differently. First of all, if you are dreaming of love, then spend as much time as possible in the northeast sector, arrange your bedroom there, or simply sleep in the direction of the northeast. By doing this, you will already activate the energies of love and romantic relationships.

Talismans that bring good luck

From ancient times to this day, the image of a phoenix and a dragon has been considered a favorite feng shui talisman to enhance marital luck. Unlike money talismans, which cannot be placed in the bedroom, the image of the phoenix and the dragon will be very favorably placed in the bedroom. This will attract a harmonious relationship with a man into your life.

Another traditional talisman for strengthening interpersonal relationships is the hieroglyph for double luck or double happiness. If you want a strong and satisfying relationship, then use this sign wherever you can. It is considered very auspicious to wear gold jewelry with the image of this symbol of love - a ring, a pendant, etc.

An excellent romantic talisman is the image of two doves, birds, fish, swans, etc. You can place these images in the northeast sector to attract love luck into your life.

For those who are studying or working hard on any project, it will be very useful to place a crystal globe or rock crystal pyramid in the northeast sector to enhance attention and creative forces. The same talisman will come in handy for your children who are currently studying.

To attract love luck or admirers, I recommend that you use the incredibly effective peach blossom formula.

Peach Blossom Formula

Use the list below to identify your "peach friend" and place the figurine with his image in the appropriate sector, preferably in your bedroom.

If you were born in a year: Rat, Monkey, Dragon

Your "peach friend": Rooster in the western sector

If you were born in the year: Snake, Rooster, Ox

Your "peach friend": Horse in the southern sector

If you were born in a year: Rabbit, Pig, Sheep

Your "peach friend": Rat in the northern sector

If you were born in the year: Tiger, Horse, Dog

Your "peach friend": Rabbit in the eastern sector

This formula is for those who want to attract fans and new love into your life.

And if you want to strengthen your relationship with your husband or friend, then I offer you another version of this formula, which is also very effective.

Peach Blossom formula to strengthen existing romantic relationships.

Each astrological sign has its own sector:

Rat - north 2

Bull - northeast 1

Tiger - northeast 3

Rabbit - East 2

Dragon - southeast 1

Snake - southeast 3

Horse - south 2

Sheep - Southwest 1

Monkey - Southwest 3

Rooster - West 2

Dog - northwest 1

Pig - Northwest 3

From the first formula, you can find out who your "peach friend" is. In order to improve your relationship with your partner, take your "Peach Friend" figurine and a figurine that symbolizes your own astrological sign. Then tie them together with red ribbon and place them in the sector corresponding to your own astrological sign.

For example, you were born in the year of the Dragon. Your "peach friend" is the Rooster. Take a figurine of a dragon and a rooster, tie them together and place them in the southeast sector 1. It is better that the figurines are in the bedroom.

Astrological forecast for 2017

Year of the Red Rooster

The sonorous and bright Rooster simply exudes cheerfulness. This symbol represents the beginning of something new, because it is this bird that wakes up even before sunrise and notifies everyone around about the onset of a new day.

The Rooster marks the time of the birth of Yin Fire, which symbolizes an explosion, which means that the year of the Rooster is especially vulnerable to incidents related to fire and explosions.

In the system of the Four Pillars of Destiny, the Rooster is perceived as the "flower of romance", so it will provoke an increase in activity in the field of entertainment, show business, as well as great amount interesting events in this area. On the other hand, thanks to the Rooster, it is likely that there will be "sex" scandals among famous people in various circles, including political ones.

The rooster also represents Yin Metal, a delicate, decorative piece of jewelry. That is why 2017 is conducive to growth and development in the field of cosmetology, skin care, as well as advertising business, PR, etc.

The fiery heat endows the Rooster with seething energy and temperament. This year requires us to exert maximum efforts in proportion to how much only he himself can give. In 2017, ambitions will sharply increase for many, vital activity will increase, and there will be a desire to play for high stakes.

The power of human thought, consciousness is very great. This is now being talked about and written about. Therefore, strive to focus 100% of your attention on a prosperous future for yourself, your family and the entire planet Earth as a whole. Avoid watching negative, apocalyptic end-of-the-world movies. Don't keep up the talk of ostensibly coming gloomy events. Remember that in many ways we create our own life and our world. The more positive people who think about the good of themselves and everyone, the more positive our common future will become.