Radik meaning of name and character. Meaning of the name radik

The male name Radik has several variants of origin: it is either a form Greek name Radium, which meant “sun ray”, either came from the English name Radiant, which is translated as “radiant”, or is Slavic, having at its root the word “rad”, meaning “joy”, “joyful”. In Russia, the name Radik is rare.

Characteristics of the name Radik

Radik’s character can easily be called violent, although this man knows how to control himself, skillfully masquerading as balanced and reliable. IN childhood parents are wondering: where is this boy’s motor? They make a lot of efforts to pacify and calm him down, because little Radik does not sit still for a minute, grabs onto everything, and because of his restlessness, he cannot concentrate on his studies. But the owner of this name is always good with sports, which is why we can advise his parents to develop this love in him, “dumping” at the same time the excess energy that sits in Radik. Adult Radik is brave, easy-going, easily carried away. It is worth saying that he is far from a fool, so he builds his life carefully and carefully. At work he is quite responsible, with friends he is cheerful and open, which overall makes Radik’s character very likable.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Radik is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Aries, that is, from March 21 to April 20. Aries is similar to the owner of this name in activity and determination, it will make him impulsive, friendly, enterprising, ready to take risks, sometimes aggressive and impatient with others.

Pros and cons of the name Radik

What positive and negative aspects can be noted in the decision to name a child Radik? The advantages of this name are its simplicity, rarity, and also the rather strong and pleasant character of its owners. As for the minuses, the main one can be called the diminutive sound of this name, which is a little strange and does not quite sound well with Russian surnames and patronymics (you must agree that Radik Petrovich or Radik Stanislavovich does not sound the best). In addition, to the name Radik because of its ready-made diminutive form It’s hard to find abbreviations or terms of endearment.


Radik’s health is good, especially since many owners of this name are actively involved in sports and generally lead a healthy lifestyle. But in old age, Radik may suffer from arthritis or rheumatism.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Radik shows his good side. He is a wonderful husband, very attentive to his wife, whom he usually chooses because of her gentle, calm character. It is important for him that the house is always clean and comfortable. Radik loves children, pays them a lot of attention, tries to instill in them a love of sports, and develops fighting qualities in them.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Radik demonstrates responsibility and good ingenuity. An active job is suitable for him, for example, a doctor, pharmacist, official, landscape designer, manager, police officer, photographer, journalist, athlete or sports coach.

Name day

Radik does not celebrate his name day, since this name is not on the church calendars.

In this material you will find information about the meaning male name Radik, his origin, history, learn about the interpretation options for the name.

Full name - Radik

Synonyms for the name - Rafik, Radiy, Radislav

Origin - Greek, "sun ray"

Zodiac - Leo

Planet - Sun

Color - Gold

Animal - Eagle

Plant - Cedar

Stone - Topaz

Scientists offer us three options for the origin of this name. The first is that it is a form of the Greek name Radium, which translates as “sun ray.” The second is that it became a derivative of the English Radiant, which is translated into Russian as “radiant”. Well, the third, Slavic version says that the name has at its root the particle “rad”, meaning “joy”, “joyful”. In Russia, boys are rarely called this; it mostly happens in Muslim families.

Love named Radik

Radik, in love, is a romantic and a dreamer. He is ready to stand for hours in front of a girl’s window, sing serenades, or even challenge an opponent to a duel. Well, what girl can refuse him? The guy is happy about every connection, from this he receives only positive emotions and experience. And thus he finds his only one and calls her to the registry office.

Sexuality of the name Radik

Here the young man feels like a leader. In intimate terms, he is impatient; as soon as he meets a girl, he is not averse to dragging her into bed. But he understands that this is indecent and he has to endure it for several days. His connections are not fleeting; he is more prone to long-term relationships.

An experienced partner is preferable for a man. He has not the slightest desire to teach anyone intimate techniques. Radik has a strong imagination and therefore tries to bring all his fantasies to life.

Marriage and family named Radik

His family does not experience financial difficulties; the man keeps a watchful eye on this. He devotes a lot of time to work, but tries to devote every free minute to his family. Still, home turns out to be more important to him. Especially if his wife praises him, cooks deliciously and respects him.

Radik serves as an example for children and cultivates in them leadership skills, and develops self-confidence. The innate cheerfulness of the owner brings an atmosphere of fun, kindness and warmth to the family. They have guests and noisy companies. The man is indifferent to alcohol, drugs, smoking and gambling.

Business and career

IN professional activity gives preference to active specialties that require constant movement and ingenuity. Will do an excellent job in the field of medicine, journalism, management, entrepreneurship or sports training.

Radik devotes his attention to his professional activities great importance. Having creative talents, he can become a famous jeweler or designer. The routine at work irritates and angers him. But he is interested in the dynamic desire to move on, the use of communication skills, and the ability to quickly make an important decision. In such a job he will be quickly noticed, and he will move up the career ladder.

Working in a team is important for a man, he needs to be admired, he is fueled by praise and works even better. Personal business will go fine, but he will definitely take unjustified risks, which is why his business may fail. Adventures and acquaintance with the criminal world are unacceptable for a man both in work and in life.

The meaning of the name Radik in character

The nature of this young man You can call him violent, but he knows how to control himself. Outwardly, he tries to seem like a balanced and reliable guy. But this is far from true. All his irrepressible energy and aggression can be absorbed sports activities. Radik loves to run, jump or wrestle. After training, he will not have the strength to think bad thoughts, and he will not commit rash acts.

He takes on any work with caution, and if he decides to do it, he applies all his strength and knowledge and treats the assignment responsibly. With friends he is cheerful and open, always ready to help. He likes coziness and cleanliness in the house, although he himself sometimes throws his socks or shirt on the floor or leaves a plate on the dining table.

The guy’s health is excellent, especially since he actively plays sports and tries to lead a healthy lifestyle. In old age, Radik may suffer from rheumatism or arthritis.

Teen Radik

Parents are always wondering where this child's motor is. They make incredible efforts to calm him down and put him to sleep, but after 15 minutes he is already rushing around the apartment again. Radik cannot sit still for a minute, he grabs onto everything, takes on several assignments, but in the end does not complete a single one. Because of his restlessness, the guy can’t concentrate. Academic performance suffers from this, and behavior in class could also be much better.

Radik is friendly and sociable. He is happy to go to kindergarten or school. He is interested in the fact that his peers are there, with whom he can play or just run around on the street. A child’s poor appetite upsets parents, and they will go to great lengths to get their beloved child to eat a cutlet or a piece of meat. Even after tiring walks, the child does not feel hungry. But soon it will pass.

As a young man grows older, traits of perseverance, if not stubbornness, appear in him. His diary is replete with notes from teachers who complain about their behavior and academic performance.

His classmates choose him as an informal leader, and all because Radik’s imagination for various pranks does not dry out. He always comes up with something and puts it into practice, the guys take part in his pranks and don’t get bored.

Radik is principled and straightforward. At this age, he begins to have problems due to disagreement with others. He defends his point of view and believes that he is already old enough.

Successful people and stars:

Radik Yulyakshin - musician

Radislav Gandaras - business coach

Radif Zaripov - musician

Rafik Mukhametshin - scientist

Rafik Ramazanov - politician

Ideal compatibility: Anastasia, Ulyana, Evgenia, Olesya, Miroslava, Nika.

Full name:

Similar names: Radium, Radiant, Radif, Radomir, Radimir, Radzimir, Radmir, Radoslav, Radislav, Radslav, Radzislav, Radosav, Radivoy, Radivoe

Church name: -

Meaning: radiant, radiant

Middle name: Radikovich, Radikovna

The meaning of the name Radik - interpretation

The name Radik has many versions of origin. The first says that its origins lie in Greek, where there was another form of the name - Radium. If you believe this, then you should take the translation “sunbeam” as a basis. Historians have also found evidence that the original form may have been another name - Radiant. Then the translation will be somewhat different, although close: “radiant”, “radiating”. The third version implies that the first form is Radif. It is translated as “younger” and is common among Arab peoples.

Years later

Little Radik has a lot of friends - he is an extremely sociable child who loves to spend time in noisy company. He always finds something to do, he can misbehave a little, but he behaves within the framework of the rules that his parents taught him.

Radik also likes to spend time in the company of adults, especially men. He likes to listen to their conversations and observe their behavior. The boy intuitively senses which example will be right for him, so from childhood he copies the appropriate image.

He has a close connection with his father and really needs his attention. He loves his mother and always tries to help her. The child almost never lies, and is always very responsible about the simple work that his elders have entrusted to him.

Radik tries to study well, but it doesn’t always work out. He experiences failures at school or university badly, so parents should support him in everything. He will find harmony when he finds something important for himself that he wants to devote his life to.

He is in good standing with his peers, often spends time with friends, and has a good sense of humor. He is popular with girls, but tries not to hurt other people's feelings. He is smart, well read, interesting companion and has a craving for extraordinary people.

For your information, Radik has a magnificent imagination, but tries to hide any emotional outbursts behind politeness, as he is very afraid of being deceived. Not a supporter of lengthy discussions, prefers to find compromises.

The owner of such a name rarely achieves unprecedented heights. He occupies a good position in life, but does not strive for more. He also doesn’t like to take risks, so he will always choose the bird in his hand. It’s always calm and cozy with this person.

He knows how to enjoy the little things, enjoy every new day and be grateful for what he has. A man is always polite and delicate with all people, but he not only does not allow rudeness and rudeness, but also does not forgive.

If necessary, Radik can safely enter into conflict and take the side of the person who is close to him. He tries very hard to objectively judge the rightness of other people, so he actually never makes his worst enemies.

Character of Radik

Radik is distinguished by such excellent qualities as responsiveness, commitment, accuracy, and attention to detail. He likes to think for a long time and only then make a decision. This allows you to avoid many mistakes in life.

If a man offends someone, he will very quickly ask for forgiveness and try to establish contact. The owner of this name cannot sit idle; he constantly needs to do something useful and important. Always persistently pursues his goals.

At times, this man can be too active and active, which puts other people on edge. Radik often suffers because of his gullibility, because he measures everyone by his own standard. Life often hits him over the head for this.

If this man is captivated by some next fantastic idea, then he may take a careless approach to his main responsibilities. Thus, we can state the fact that at times it quickly burns out.

Radik's fate

The life of a person with this name flows smoothly, does not upset with shocks, but does not please with big gifts. Although Radik himself considers himself lucky and is quite satisfied with everything that happens to him. It’s easy for everyone with this person: relatives, friends, colleagues, new acquaintances. He is undemanding towards people, never expects any actions or words from them. From a young age, the owner of this name understands that the world is complex and multifaceted, so everything cannot be divided into black and white. Such prudence helps him in life.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

Radik is unlikely to become a businessman or a great leader. But this is a worthy worker, whom bosses always stick to.

He will be a good doctor and journalist. Since it works well, there will never be problems with money. A man can adequately provide for himself and his family.

Marriage and family

Radik puts a lot of effort into his family. It is important for him that the household communicate well with friends - such a team should turn out to be a large and cheerful company. He teaches everyone that they need to support each other, protect each other.

It is thanks to this man that many people find reliable support in life and will definitely not feel lonely. Radik tries to raise truly worthy children for whom they will never be ashamed.

Sex and love

During his life, Radik falls in love several times and each time he thinks that this is forever. Capable of deep, sincere, pure feeling. He always respects his chosen one and places her interests high. Looking for a woman who will be affectionate and energetic at the same time. He will not be able to maintain a long-term relationship with a boring person who has no interests of his own.

He must develop in relationships, otherwise he very quickly begins to look for someone else. In sex, Radik has an irrepressible imagination, which sometimes frightens his partners. But if you set certain boundaries for him, he will never break them.


The owner of this name rarely gets sick, plays a lot of sports, eats well and strengthens himself. But occasionally it makes sense to visit a doctor, at least for the sake of diagnosis.

Physical activity is a natural part of life for him. A man should be wary of injuries and colds, which can lead to negative consequences for the body.

Interests and hobbies

Radik plays a lot of sports, but does not strive for any serious achievements, as well as for the career of a professional athlete. He just does it for himself and for his own pleasure.

A man spends his free time with friends - any setting suits him for this: be it a picnic in nature or hanging wallpaper together.

Origin of the name Radik

Radik is a less common name with several versions of its origin. According to the first version, it is a diminutive form of the Greek name Radium, which can be translated as “ray of the sun.” According to the second, it is associated with the Arabic name Radif, meaning “younger”. Finally, the name seems to have a Slavic root -rad-, meaning “joy”, “happiness”, “contentment”. Some generally consider this name to be a short form of the names Radomir, Radoslav, Rodion. According to the most unpopular version, it came from the name Radiant. The latter is common in the UK but has Latin roots, meaning "radiating". On the territory of Russia, the name Radik is more often found in the republics of Bashkortostan and Tatarstan.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Radik

A child with this name is very active, constantly getting into some kind of trouble. Parents have to make efforts to direct his energy in the right direction. He is stubborn: having decided something, he will always go to the end. Radik is a neat and fastidious boy. He doesn’t need to be forced to tidy up the room for a long time: rather, even he will reprimand the household for a slight mess. He studies satisfactorily, the main reason for this is restlessness. Teachers have to constantly interest him, and if this is not done, then Radik may not even attend lessons. Radik is a sociable boy. His friends respect him for his firmness and loyalty to his word. He was the main ringleader in the company of the yard boys.

Radik chooses a specialty based on his liking, and not on prestige. He is always passionate about his work, infecting his colleagues with enthusiasm. More often than not, he does not reach career heights, but if he succeeds, then the love of his subordinates is guaranteed.

This man is always surrounded by representatives of the fairer sex, disarming them with his sincerity and fun. Radik is every woman’s dream, because he is a wonderful family man. Throughout his long married life, he manages to maintain romance in his relationships. He always helps his wife, not disdaining to perform “women’s” duties around the house. Radik's wife should not contradict him, otherwise he may quickly explode. Children under any circumstances are his pride. Radik takes their physical education very seriously.

Radik himself has loved outdoor sports since childhood, but does not achieve great heights in them due to impatience. His parents have to force him to study in classes because he quickly loses interest. He is an ardent opponent of alcohol, although he can sometimes smoke. At a more mature age, he needs to pay attention to the state of the cardiovascular system.

Name day


Diminutive version

Radya, Rad, Radium



According to church








Stone talisman





cedar, ginger

Totem animal


Character traits

sociability, stubbornness, efficiency

Name number


Actors, celebrities, scientists, famous and famous people named

Radik Yamlikhanov ((born 1968) Soviet and Russian football player, known for his performances for Uralmash and Fakel Voronezh), Radik Kulievt ((1915 - 1971) real name - Ibrahim Ali ogly Kuliev; sculptor, People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR ( 1955), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1949)), Radik Martirosyan ((born 1936) Armenian scientist, president of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia), Radik Buharmetov ((born 1958) head of the administration of the city of Salavat from 2009 to 2011), Radik Khasanov ((born 1986) Russian mixed martial arts fighter), Radik Zakiev ((born 1987) Russian hockey player, forward), Radik Zalyaev ((born 1936) innovator in construction, pipe-layer. Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the order Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal. Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, and medals. Honorary Citizen of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny (1999).

Origin of the name Radik. Name Radik Russian, Slavic, English, Muslim, Greek.

Name synonyms Radik. Radium, Radiant, Radif, Radomir, Radimir, Radzimir, Radmir, Radoslav, Radislav, Radslav, Radzislav, Radosav, Radivoy, Radivoye.

Short form of the name Radik. Radya, Rad, Radium.

Name Radik has several versions of origin. According to the most common version, the name Radik comes from the Greek name Radium, which means "ray of sun", so the name is often considered Radik identical to the name Radium, that is, both names are forms of each other.

According to the second version, the name Radik came from English name Radiant, which has Latin roots, is derived from the word “radiante”, which is translated as “radiant, radiant”.

According to the third version, the name Radik– this is the form Arabic name Radif meaning "younger". It is quite possible that the name Radik appeared among the southern peoples of Russia precisely from the Arabs. Although, it is quite possible that through the European part of Russia.

According to the fourth opinion, the name Radik- this is a modern modified form of Slavic names that have the root word “rad”, meaning “joy”, “joyful”, “one who is welcome”. Related names are Radim, Radekh, Radko, Radomir, Radoneg, Radoslav, Radosul, Radogost, Radobrat, Raduzh, Radota, Radosvet and others.

Name Radik used as a short form of the Russian names Radiy, Radomir (Radimir, Radzimir, Radmir) and Radoslav (Radislav, Radslav, Radzislav, Radosav), as well as the Czech name Radivoy (Radivoye). Also name Radik is an independent name.

Radik has a big family. He is not the only child. Since childhood, he has been very active, stubborn and courageous. The owner of such a name often directs his energy into sports. But he rarely achieves any significant results in it.

Radik is sociable. He is always surrounded by friends. He is always obliging and never gives up in a difficult situation.

The owner of this name is a man of action. Work becomes his favorite pastime, where Radik reaches significant heights. He's a savvy guy. Colleagues are amazed at his high efficiency. At the same time, he may miss his chance by failing to make the right decision in a timely manner. Often Radik chooses rather rare professions for himself. He may become a chaser, a goldsmith or a cabinet maker. Among people with this name there are journalists, doctors, translators and even fashion designers. Whatever you do Radik, he will always be passionate about his work.

IN family life he proves himself to be a wonderful family man. The wife really values ​​these qualities in her chosen one. In addition, Radium never shows addiction to alcoholic beverages.

Radik, who celebrates his birthday in the winter months, is always temperamental and emotional. These are the most talented representatives of this name. Despite their temper, they quickly move away. They often make mistakes in people because of their addiction to flattery. Radik needs people around him who always try to please him in everything. The wife of such a man, first of all, should be economical and contradict her husband as little as possible.

Spring Radik in turn, a balanced and self-possessed person. He has excellent control over his feelings and emotions. Shows caution in life. To his characteristic features can be attributed to neatness and disgust. Guests are always welcome.

At his core, a person with this name is a romantic and a dreamer. He is full of energy and desire to do things. However, it is better for him to try to avoid risky ventures. Running his own business is unlikely to bring him significant profit. He is much better at fulfilling management assignments. At work, he shows himself to be a confident employee.

Radik's name day

Radik does not celebrate name day.

Famous people named Radik

  • Radik Yamlikhanov ((born 1968) Soviet and Russian football player, known for his performances for Uralmash and Fakel Voronezh)
  • Radik Kulievt ((1915 – 1971) real name - Ibrahim Ali ogly Kuliev; sculptor, People's Artist of the Azerbaijan SSR (1955), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1949))
  • Radik Martirosyan ((born 1936) Armenian scientist, president of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia)
  • Radik Buharmetov ((born 1958) head of the administration of the city of Salavat from 2009 to 2011)
  • Radik Khasanov ((born 1986) Russian mixed martial arts fighter)
  • Radik Zakiev ((born 1987) Russian hockey player, forward)
  • Radik Zalyaev ((born 1936) an innovator in construction, a pipe-laying installer. Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal. Awarded the Order of Lenin, the Red Banner of Labor, medals. Honorary citizen of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny (1999). )
  • Radif Akchurin (world champion in kuresh; on June 12, 2010, he became the absolute champion-winner among kuresh players at the “Salavat yiyyn” holiday in the Ishimbay district of the Republic of Bashkortostan)