The most popular Russian name for a boy. Russian male names

Incredible facts

The developers of the popular online dating application Tinder decided to analyze male names and identify which ones are considered moreattractive for partners.

Thanks to the information collected, they created their own top 10 male names that are most attractive to women.

It is worth noting that not only foreign names were analyzed, but also those that are popular in the post-Soviet space, and in Russia in particular.

The most popular male names

According to the developers, in USA Guys with the names Lucas, Ryan and Matthew have a better chance of picking up a girl.

In Great Britain: Harry, Jay and Thomas.

In Australia: Keys, Ollie and Luke.

1. Dmitry

Dmitry is a strong personality with a strong character. He stands out for his energy and penchant for self-development. Dmitry is a perfectionist who tries to achieve success in all his endeavors. His life is full of ups and downs, but much of his life depends on the time of year when he was born.
Dmitry - the meaning of the name

2. Timofey

Timofey is a fair and thoughtful person. He is modest and logical in his actions. Emotions cannot prevail over rationality. He creates a plan and strictly follows it. Whatever the circumstances, he will not allow them to throw him off track. It is worth noting that his trust is not easy to win, since Timofey is not always ready to trust anyone.
Timofey - the meaning of the name

3. Bogdan

Bogdan is a persistent and balanced person. Several contradictory qualities are concentrated in him, but they do not lead to internal conflict, since Bogdan is able to keep everything under control. He tries to think logically and does not give free rein to his feelings. He can also be hot-tempered and stubborn.
Bogdan - the meaning of the name

4. Maxim

Maxim is a versatile person. He is very talented and hardworking, which allows him to achieve his goals.
Maxim - the meaning of the name

5. Yaroslav

Yaroslav is a wise and strong person. He often shows persistence and tries not to rush. However, he is also characterized by one specific trait - he can show rigidity and indifference, although this is only a mask under which a sensitive person is hidden.
Yaroslav - the meaning of the name

6. Andrey

The main character traits of Andrei are extravagance and calmness. He can be either cheerful or strict and concentrated. Many character traits can be better understood if you know the time of year when he was born.
Andrey - the meaning of the name

7. Pavel

Pavel is a very controversial person. He boasts a flexible mind, which is both a plus and a minus. His mind can drag him into an unnecessary adventure, or, on the contrary, help him get out of a difficult situation.
Pavel - the meaning of the name

8. Anton

Anton is charming and sociable. This is a balanced person who, however, can be very vulnerable and overly romantic. He likes to plan everything ahead, takes a responsible approach to business and shows hard work, which ultimately gives good results.
Anton - the meaning of the name

9. Konstantin

Konstantin is an extraordinary person. He is confident and attentive. In addition, he combines kindness and responsiveness, which is why people are drawn to him. It is better not to test his patience, so as not to bring out his most negative sides.
Konstantin - the meaning of the name

10. Yuri

Yuri can be described as a changeable nature. He can be a philosopher and talk about the eternal, or he can suddenly spin in a whirlpool of passions. When you need to give advice or help with something, Yuri can be calm and reasonable, but when it comes to himself, he can become restless and restless. This is a contradictory personality, and many things can influence his character, including the time of year in which he was born.
Yuri - the meaning of the name

It is worth noting that in an online application, one of the main factors influencing the choice of a male interlocutor is the details of his profile.

For example, a smile and a confident look in your main profile photo can significantly increase interest in to a stranger by 14-20%.

It will be interesting to note that thanks to the Tinder app, the word "swipe" ("swipe" or "slide") has become incredibly popular in Russia. In the application, if you swipe left, it means that the photo stranger don’t like it, but swiping to the right means that you like the photo and you wouldn’t mind meeting a stranger.

The birth of a child in a family is always an extraordinary event. For the vast majority of incredibly joyful mothers and fathers, this is the quintessence of family life, procreation, the highest moment of happiness. Moreover, if a boy was born - such centuries-old traditions are accepted in our society. The obvious question that parents will sooner or later face is what to name their wonderful baby? Annual statistics will help you answer this question; the data was taken to compile a ranking of the 20 most popular male names for children in 2018.

Therefore, the advice is this: it is enough to find data from civil registry offices for cities or regions of the Russian Federation, for the entire country, and then make a choice based on the overall picture in the region of your residence.

This is a relatively good way to appropriately name your little one, like a “cheat sheet” for those who are not looking for something complicated or ancient, but want to follow trends, choose something “fashionable” that is in demand in society.

Moreover, the most prudent citizens think about this long before the birth of children. Some people consult with older relatives, relying on family traditions. Those who respect faith use religious calendars. The majority do not pay any attention to the “rules” for choosing names, but are guided solely by personal sympathies.

The first step when analyzing the most popular names for last decade, the craving for traditions is striking: Alexandra, Maxima, Artem, Danila, Ivana, Dmitry take precedence among newborns from year to year.

The same picture is observed among girls - statistics claim that over the last quarter of a century, starting from the collapse of the USSR (1991), Anastasia was born most of all. Significantly inferior, but also in the lead: Polina, Victoria, Daria, Sofia.

The second feature is the renaissance of ancient (Greek, Slavic, Jewish) names. This list includes: Bogdan, Makar, Stepan, Savva, Demid, Eremey, Elisha and Rodion.


Globalism, which is winning all over the world, dictates its own laws. Communication via the Internet through social networks requires simplicity and versatility. It will be easiest in these conditions for children whose names are the same as their peers abroad. So, for example, Mikhail is easily replaced by Michael, Alexander becomes Alex, and Georgy becomes George.


The crazy speed of modern life does not leave time for auditory enjoyment of such beautiful “music” as Maximilian, Benjamin or Constantine. The future obviously belongs to Max, Ben, Kostya.

You will probably find it strange that some parents are indifferent to the gender of their future child. There are even those who, on the contrary, fundamentally do not want to know about this until birth.

Universal options will come to the aid of these originals - Valery (Valeria), Evgeniy (Evgeniya), Renat (Renata), Kamil (Camilla), etc.


In an effort to make their child unique, to name him catchy, provocatively or generally unique, some of our fellow citizens often go too far.

Of course, such wonderful combinations as Dmitry-Amethyst, Sofia-Bettina, Arkhip-Ural are not fatal - their appearance can be attributed to the exaltation of the parents.

The desire to christen your offspring Lucifer, the abbreviation BOCH rVF 260602, or Nicholas II causes mass bewilderment, which fortunately has even reached the State Duma deputies. In April 2018, Russian legislators passed an act prohibiting from now on calling children by titles, curse words, as well as numbers and alphanumeric combinations.

TOP 20 male names, fashionable in 2018

Now - directly to the rating. Its main feature lies in the Slavic, Greek, Jewish origin names This is not surprising, because according to statistics as of January 1, 2017, more than 81% of the population of Russia are Russians. It is quite obvious that for a number of regions of the Russian Federation this list will be somewhat different. In the Caucasus, the Volga region, and some Ural and Siberian regions, Turkic, Caucasian, Persian, and Arabic are also in use. In general, statistics for individual regions have almost no effect on the overall picture.

The list of popular male names in 2018 is compiled in order of increasing “fashionability” in Russia from twentieth to first place.

20: Denis – Dionysus

Once upon a time it was only a common abbreviation for the full church Dionysius, which meant “belonging to Dionysus,” the god of Olympus, who was responsible for winemaking, natural fertility, and inspiration.

Denises (Dennises, Denises) are widespread in European countries. They can be conveniently shortened to Dena in modern times.


  • poet, hero of the War of 1812 Denis Davydov;
  • poet, writer D. Fonvizin;
  • Dutch football player Dennis Bergkamp;
  • Minister of Trade Denis Manturov.

19: Timothy – a worshiper of God

The ancient Greek option, which our contemporaries readily choose for their sons. In Europe, it is also in demand in the following form: Timothy - for English-speaking countries, Timoteo (y) - for Romance-speaking countries. It can be easily shortened to a convenient one - Timo, Tima, Tim or Timi.

Famous people:

  • Timothy Leary – writer, psychologist, “guru” of the psychedelic era;
  • T. Mozgov is one of the strongest players in the Russian Federation, center for the Brooklyn Nets;
  • T. Bazhenov is a reporter, TV program presenter.

18: Yaroslav or Slava bright

The name was very common in Rus'. It was assigned to newborn boys as if in advance, clearly expecting that they would grow up and then cover themselves with unfading, bright glory through heroic deeds.

Personalities who achieved fame:

  • Grand Duke of Kyiv Yaroslav the Wise;
  • author of the immortal “Schweik” J. Hasek;
  • World champion in athletics Y. Rybakov.

17: Venerable Sergei

Sergei also does not go out of fashion. Sergestus was the name of one of the friends of Aeneas, the hero of the Trojan War, the main character of Virgil's Aeneid.

In Rus', for a long time this name was “usurped” by the clergy. A number of famous martyrs and righteous people were called this way; just remember Sergius of Radonezh.

In the 19th century, Sergei was among the top 10, as representatives of the Romanov dynasty loved their children.


  • S. Rachmaninov, S. Prokofiev - brilliant composers;
  • Sergei Yesenin - the main peasant poet;
  • Sergei Korolev is the “father” of the Soviet space program.

16: Roman - Roman

Many nations have analogues of the name Roman. “Romanus” translated from Greek means “Roman”, “living in Rome” - quite simply, at the same time - noble.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the prevalence of Roman began to decline, but over the past 25 years, children have been called this again more and more often.

Outstanding Novels:

  • director R. Polanski;
  • humorist R. Kartsev;
  • billionaire R. Abramovich.

15: Alexey is ideal for football defenders

Another gift from generous Hellas. Alexey goes back to the ancient Greek words - “defend”, “reflect”.

For some time it was rare, until the second tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Alexei Mikhailovich, was baptized this way. Good shortcut – Alex.

Famous personalities:

  • A. Ridiger - Patriarch Alexy II;
  • A. Berezutsky - Russian football player, defender by role;
  • A. Panin is a famous actor and brawler.

14: Ilya – my god

This is the Russian version of the very eloquent biblical concept "Eliyahu", which is a shortened form of the unpronounceable name of God. Its Arabic version, often found among us, is Ilya. The following forms are accepted in European languages: Elias or Eli.


  • valiant hero Ilya Muromets;
  • painter I. Repin;
  • Elijah Wood plays Frodo Baggins.

13: Brave Andrey

The name Andrey has always been popular, from the times of ancient Rus' to modern times. This is not surprising - who would voluntarily refuse to call their boy brave and courageous?

Its wide spread was also influenced by numerous saints and martyrs: the patron saint of Russia, Andrew the First-Called, A. Kritsky, A. Rublev.

This beautiful name worn by many princes, as well as church leaders.

12: Vladimir – owner of the world

Everyone already knows everything about this name. It was, is, will be worn by the majority of the country’s rulers, starting from Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus', continuing with the leader of the world revolution, Lenin, ending with the current President of the Russian Federation, V. Putin.

The meaning of the name Vladimir is famous throughout the world. Its European analogue is Voldemar.

11: Matvey is God's gift

An ancient Hebrew “relic” from biblical times, which has become extremely widespread in Russia in recent years in the wake of the “antique” fashion.

Matthews are “people of God.” Foreign analogues: Matteo, Matthew, Mateus.


  • the legendary Cossack ataman Matvey Platov;
  • author of “Katyusha”, “Football March”, composer Matvey Blanter.

10: Egor

The top ten names are revealed by Egor, one of many phonetic variants of the classical Greek George, meaning “a man who practices agriculture.”

Over time, they began to call Yegors without regard to their origin from George.

Famous personalities:

  • politician, economist E. Gaidar;
  • singer Egor Creed.

9: Michael, who is like God

One of the most common male names on Earth, highly revered among Russians. Comes from the Archangel of the same name, the leader of the angelic army.

Its English counterpart, Michael, firmly ranks second among Americans.

World history knows many famous Michaels: Byzantine emperors, Grand Dukes of the Romanovs, church leaders, kings of Poland and Bulgaria.

8: Victorious Nikita

This is one of the most popular boy names in 2018 from among the temporarily forgotten ones. Last years“Nikita” has been revived with renewed vigor - Russians are increasingly choosing the name, based on its euphony and meaning. Nikita is a winner.

Significant persons:

  • hero N. Kozhemyaka;
  • film director N. Mikhalkov;
  • statesman N. Khrushchev.

7: Lord Kirill

Traditional church name of Greek origin, which has become very fashionable among our fellow citizens over the past 25 years.

Kirill means “lord” or “sovereign” and is best suited for clergy. By the way, it is among them that it is worth looking for its famous carriers.

6: Ivan

Ivan ( God's grace) - widespread among Russians, as well as other Slavs. The fashion for Ivan has long penetrated both states Latin America, and to the Anglo-Saxons.

Among the famous Ivans: Russian princes, tsars, emperors.

Main features: contradictory character, good disposition and a keen sense of justice, knows how to forgive insults and will not let you down in a difficult situation.

TOP 5 leaders

The list of the most popular boys' names among Russians in 2018 is traditionally topped by:

  1. Alexander
  2. Artem
  3. Maksim
  4. Danila
  5. Dmitriy.

Their prevalence is so great that it somehow even becomes offensive for the great many other beautiful names.

Danil (Danila) comes from the prophet Daniel (God is a judge). Artem means “perfectly healthy.” They call them Dmitry, recalling the goddess of fertility Demeter, and Maxim, in general, is “the greatest.”

The rating is headed by Alexander. The fashion for Alexander has never passed, and it is unlikely to pass, because he is a man, a protector, a patron. Hundreds of great kings, generals, popes, scientists, writers, starting with Alexander the Great himself, made it fashionable.

Choosing a name is always a labor-intensive, responsible, and quite complex process, because deciding on the choice of name form for a newborn child is very, very difficult. But we will tell you what the most popular Russian male names are in our name book today, and thereby, we hope, will make the selection process easier for you...

So, the most popular Russian male names at the moment are such name forms as:

— Artem (Artemy) is the most famous Russian name for boys, but it has far from Russian roots. It first appeared in Ancient Greece, and in the process of evolution it reached the Russian lands, albeit in a slightly modified form.

— Alexander is another name of ancient Greek origin for newborn boys. Like all the most popular Russian male names, this variation also has strong energy and quite interesting significance. By the way, translated it means “defender”.

- Maxim - today it is considered one of the most popular, although thirty years ago it was practically not found in the territory modern Russia. Interpreted as “greatest”, “greatest” or “big”. Ancient Roman.

- Daniil (Danil, Danila) - and this is essentially a Jewish name, but in demand exclusively in the territory of the former Soviet Union. At the moment it has become less popular, but literally twenty years ago it was one of the most popular.

— Dmitry (Dima, Dimitri) is one of the most interesting nominal variations. Being a product ancient greek culture, it is still in demand in Greece today, at least with the form “Dimitri” the boy is called in every 6-7th family, while in our country it is used in the standard sound.

— Ivan is a Hebrew name, but the whole world associates its meaning exclusively with Russia. “Russian Ivan” is the image of a real Russian person. It is considered one of the most popular in the world. Like all the most popular male Russian names, it has strong energy and can bestow a huge amount of good things on a boy.

— Kirill is another variation of Greek origin that has a good meaning, but is found only in Russian lands. However, centuries ago it was also found in European countries, only in modified forms, for example, Cyrus, Kirius, or Kirel.

- Nikita - almost all of the most popular Russian male names have foreign roots, and Nikita is no exception. Came to us from Greece. Interpreted as “victorious”. It promises, according to legend, a military nature.

- Mikhail - has Hebrew roots and is considered one of the most revered. Its patron saint is Saint Michael. Interpreted as “equal to God.” It has the strongest energy and a favorable aura, like many of the most popular Russian and foreign names.

- Egor (Yegory) - according to the main version, it is considered a purely Russian name, the meaning is interpreted as “farmer”. At the moment it is less common than it was twenty years ago, but is still on the list of the most popular.

- Matvey - unfortunately, the history of the origin of this name remains unknown even today, but still, this does not affect its popularity in any way. Its meaning is interpreted as “God’s gift,” and its energy can bestow a boy with a huge number of important characteristics.

- Andrey - perfect for a modern boy, and by the way, is popular in countries former USSR for many decades now. The interpretation of this name sounds like “brave” and “courageous”, and this name promises something corresponding.

- Ilya - and this name, like almost all the most popular names for a boy, also owes its origin not to Slavic culture, but it is popular only in Russian-speaking countries. Never seen in Europe or the West. Means "the power of God."

— Alexey – well, this variation needs no introduction at all. The source of origin is considered to be the name book Ancient Rus'. To name a boy Alexey means to give him a lot of good characteristics. By the way, this name has many patron saints.

- Roman - and this name came to us from Ancient Rome. The first variety is considered to be the name form Romulus. Interpreted as “strong” and “strong”. True, in in this case It is more difficult to predict the list of qualities promised to a boy than in the case of most other names.

As you can see, the list is quite extensive, and this despite the fact that only the first fifteen variations, the most popular, are named, while the list is actually much wider, and consists of at least five dozen titles, which include the most famous, and even the most unsolved. Of course, you, as a parent, will have to make your own decision about what to name the boy, but if you want to give your child good traits and strong energy that promises happiness, then try again to go through the most popular names for a boy and choose one that will match with its symbols and patrons specifically for your child - in your choice, be sure to take into account the birthday, month, zodiac sign, and patronizing Chinese calendar animal.

Choosing a name for a newborn child is an important and responsible matter. The future fate of the baby depends on the decision of the parents. When choosing names for boys, you should take into account that the name should reflect natural human qualities, be harmonious, goes well with middle name. In the old days, children were given names according to the calendar. Nowadays, some religious parents adhere to this, others often name their children based on family traditions and personal preferences.

The name given to the baby determines the character and fate of the child. Since ancient times, the naming of a baby has been given special significance. There are many different beliefs and customs associated with the name. It is believed that you cannot give a baby the name of a deceased relative; you can repeat his fate. However, in many families there are traditions of naming a child after his father, grandfather. The main thing is that the ancestor was a worthy person, so that the child takes an example from him and grows up to be a good person.

You should take into account the meaning, sound, intuition, combination with patronymic, traditions, preference. How to choose a name so that the boy calls it with pride, so that it evokes a friendly reaction from other people. Ancient sages linked the boy's fate with his name. Given name became a kind of amulet, the true was hidden from everyone until a certain time. A fictitious middle name was given to the baby so that the child would not be jinxed and his best happy life would not be taken away from him.

The name may indicate affiliation little man to a certain nation. Depending on the character, it can highlight the talent and dignity of its owner. Some names form masculine traits, emphasize power, strength, others express the love of parents for children, connection with nature. There are different approaches for selection. Some people look at the calendar, others at popularity; each nation has its own traditions. When a person is happy with a name, it helps him achieve his life goals. When choosing, the following points are taken into account:

Many parents choose names following fashion. The most common and popular male names These days the names considered are:

  • Maksim.
  • Nikita.
  • Daniel.
  • Artem.
  • Andrey.
  • Egor.
  • Kirill.
  • Yaroslav.
  • Sergey.
  • Alexei.
  • Alexander.
  • Novel.
  • Egor.
  • Matvey.
  • Semyon.
  • Ruslan.

The child himself likes such names, and he says his name with joy. Many parents prefer to call their kids established, time-tested old names. Long names are shortened. Preference is given traditional names. The religious factor also influences the popularity of the name. Easy-to-understand names are becoming common. The fashion for names for boys can change the established ratings. But such names as Alexander, Alexey, Vladimir do not go out of popularity.

Beautiful names for boys exist in every nation. Use your intuition and common sense when choosing a name for your child. So that it is euphonious, you should say it out loud, listen to how it will be combined with the patronymic and surname. You should think about a middle name that future man will give it to your children so that it does not sound extravagant to the ear.

An overly unusual name may result in ridicule at school. It should be remembered that when the child grows up and possibly takes a leadership position, will be contacted by full name . A favorable combination of first name and patronymic plays an important role. An adult man is addressed by his first name and patronymic. You need to choose a combination that is easy to pronounce.

If the middle name is of medium length, the name will do same in size. If you have a long middle name, it’s better to choose short name. For example, Lev Evgenievich goes well. Nationality must be taken into account. Some parents name their sons after a famous actor or famous historical hero. It's better not to do this. Each person lives his own destiny.

You should not call a boy the same name as his father. This is not the best combination. Repetition enhances the energy of the name and the properties inherent in the character of the spouse. This creates confusion when communicating when 2 people have the same name.

Since ancient times, people with certain names have been hardy, strong, reached peaks in life. These qualities are valued at any time. Therefore, modern parents are looking for strong masculine names for their children. These include:

TO strong names include: Igor, Ruslan. Evgeny, Kirill, Dmitry. They are combined with a patronymic, are beautifully pronounced and have powerful energy.

Some parents choose too original and extravagant names for their children. In pursuit of popularity parents come up with unusual names, without thinking about their meaning and how a boy can live with him. Parents call the child so that even the registry office employees refuse to register him under that name. The Muscovites who were born received such unusual names as Mir, Justin, Cosmos, and Elka. Choosing names for boys, sometimes parents are guided by astrology and numerology and name their child after famous actors and literary heroes.

In the USSR, at the dawn of communism, strange names were given. Tractor, Kim. Unusual names invented in those years are unlikely to be used. For example - Vladlen in honor of Vladimir Lenin, Pofistal - meant: The winner of fascism Joseph Stalin. There is a real boom in unusual names in the USA. What you should know when choosing rare names, what recommendations there are from psychologists, nuances, you need to think about this. Some rarely seen names resonant and reflect energy and meaning.

  • Lubomir (loving peace).
  • Yaroslav (bright glory).
  • Damir (giver of peace).
  • Bronislav (armor, protection).

Choosing the right name is important factor influencing future life path child.

According to Orthodox Church, from birth the child is protected by a Guardian Angel. In Rus' it was accepted naming a child after that saint, on whose memorial day the baby was born. Parents often choose the names of prominent historical figures. Slavic princes were called by such names as Igor, Vyacheslav, Rostislav. Some beautiful Orthodox Russian names:

  • Ivan is the grace of God.
  • Nicholas is the winner of nations.
  • Georgy is a farmer.
  • Fedor is a gift from God.
  • Pavel is small.
  • Peter is a stone.
  • Alexey is a defender.

Russians are closer to Russian traditions. Often boys are called Yaroslav, Elisha, Svyatoslav. Nowadays, we are increasingly turning to the origins of Russian history, remembering the names of the ancient Slavs who became part of it. Russian names have good meaning and understandable to anyone.

The birth of a child is a significant event for all family members. Choosing a name is a crucial moment. Today in the arsenal great amount names for boys from Orthodox to modern and unusual in sound. The information provided will help you find correct solution. And you chose names for boys: strong, cool. The most Russian name, or some others? Read more about names below.

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We regularly tell you what names were in this or that month, as well as about the most bizarre and exotic names that parents chose for their babies. And no, no, and one of the siblings will write: but in our class three boys were called Slava - I wonder, is that what they call them now?

Indeed, I wonder what names were popular in those years when we were called? Our parents? Our grandparents? We would really like to find such statistics for all of Russia, but, alas, we did not find them - even if they were kept, they were not digitized. But we found very detailed statistics for the last 115 years for the Moscow region! We believe that it can (with a certain error, of course) be considered uniform for all major cities in the country. What names were popular in what years?

Top 10 most popular male names of the 20th century

No. 1. Alexander

The true Russian name is not Ivan, but Alexander, which has become a common noun. Due to the fact that boys' parents turned out to be more conservative and more often than girls' parents gave popular names to their sons, the name Alexander became not only the most popular male name of the century, but generally the most popular among newborns of both sexes. Almost 5% of children - every twentieth child of the 20th century! - became Alexander.

The popularity of Alexanders has gradually increased since the beginning of the century, reaching a peak in the mid-50s: then 7.4% of all newborns received it. The second peak of popularity of Sasha, Sankov and Shurikov (although not so bright) occurred in the eighties.

These days, this name ranks second in frequency.

No. 2. Sergey

Who replaced Alexander? Sergey! From 1960 to 1976, this name was the most popular among newborn boys. The peak of popularity occurred in 1961 - then 6.8% of newborns received it.

Today the name Sergei, of course, is not exotic, but quite rare - 13-15th place. Moms, maybe take a closer look at this name?

No. 3. Vladimir

Aren't you surprised? And rightly so! After the death of Vladimir Lenin, the popularity of the name skyrocketed - it was the most popular among boys from 1932 to 1949. The peak of popularity was reached in 1947 - then little Vovochka among newborns was 6.8%.

After 1950, the name sharply lost popularity - it did not become a rarity, but parents definitely lost their liking. A small surge of interest occurred in 1970 (probably boys began to be named after their fathers?).

Today Volodka is located at the end of the second ten of the top popular names.

No. 4. Alexei

This name was not the most popular for long - 1977-79, it was then that parents got tired of calling boys Alexanders and Sergei, diluted with Alexei, appeared among the kids.

The name reached its peak frequency in 1975 - 5.3% of all newborns, but - a paradox! - it was then that it was not the most popular, boys were called Sergei more often. Then the frequency of these two names began to decline, but the name Sergei was abandoned more sharply, so that with the decline in popularity, Alexey became the leader.

In our time, the name has not been forgotten, but it no longer has its former popularity - in the sphere of parental preferences, it is somewhere on the border of the top ten names for boys.

No. 5 Nikolay

It would seem that the name of the deposed Tsar Nicholas II should not have attracted the liberated proletarians, but no - it was from 1920 to 1931 that this name was the most popular in the country. The peak of popularity occurred in 1927 - 4.5% of all newborns. In fact, boys were named no less often after that - in 1949, for example, the same 4.5%. But the sharply increased interest in the names Vladimir and, especially, Alexander did their job - Nikolai lost his leadership position.

Today, not a trace remains of their former popularity - Kolenka is sad in the third ten of the top...

No. 6 Andrey

The name has never been the most popular, and even the silver champion - in best case scenario third. It is interesting how the popularity of this name grew - until the early 50s it was used very rarely, but from 1952 to 1962 its popularity increased fivefold! Most often this name was given in 1970 - 3.9% of newborns.

Nowadays, Andrei is located on the border of the 10 most popular names, alternately with Alexei closing this list of champions.

No. 7 Victor

We believe you will not be surprised that the popularity of this name increased sharply in the 40s, because its meaning is “winner”. Most often they called Vityami in 1946 and 1947 - then it was third in popularity after Vladimir and Alexander.

Note to future mothers of boys: today this beautiful and once popular name is given very rarely - it is not in the thirty most common names for boys. But its female variety - Victoria - on the contrary, is liked by parents more and more and in 2015 entered the top 5 for the first time.

No. 8 Mikhail

Nothing could affect the popularity of this name - throughout the 20th century it was given with approximately the same frequency. It was this stability in total that brought the bears 8th place - the most popular name never existed, but what’s more, it even made it into the top five popular names only at the beginning of the 20th century, and that’s all! Most often, parents remembered him in 1958 - 6th place and 2.2% of newborn Teddy Bears.

Today in some regions the name is even more popular than before - in 2015 in Moscow it took 4th place among boys' names. But in Novosibirsk, the Mishutkas have disappeared...

No. 9. Yuri

As in the case of Victor, the peak of the popularity of the name is obvious - 1961, the flight of Yuri Gagarin, the first earthling in space. However, having paid tribute to the hero, the parents quickly switched to other names - the peak was indeed a peak, five years later the popularity of the name had halved! The name would not have made it onto the list of the most beloved if it had not been for another peak of popularity - in 1937 boys were called Yurami even more often than in 1961. And we don’t know why!

Today you can safely call your son Yura and not be afraid that you will meet many namesakes. In terms of popularity, the name is well into the third ten...

No. 10. Dmitriy

The name Dmitry was literally “remembered” in the 60s. If in 1961 0.68% of newborns received it, then in 1969 - 3.2%. From 1969 to 2000, Dmitry was invariably in the top five most popular names, and from 1989 to 1997 this name was even the second most popular after Alexander (and at the same time it was losing popularity, retreating under the onslaught of “Old Russian” names).

Today Dmitry is doing well, sharing 7-8 place with Egor and Nikita. A good choice: not too rare and not too common, not too exotic and not too cliched!

100 popular names and their years of glory

To give you a better idea of ​​how popular this or that male name was (or is), we have collected the most common names of the 20th century in one table.

Place in the top 100 of the 20th century Name
1 Alexander 4,7% 1954-56 1
2 Sergey 6,8% 1961 1
3 Vladimir 3,5% 1947 1
4 Alexei 2,5% 1975 2
5 Nikolay 2,4% 1927 1
6 Andrey 2,0% 1970 3
7 Victor 1,9% 1947 3
8 Michael 1,8% 2015 4
9 Yuri 1,7% 1937 3
10 Dmitriy 1,7% 1976, 1985 4

90 more names under the spoiler

Place in the top 100 of the 20th century Name What percentage of newborns received this name in the 20th century? The year of the greatest popularity of the name

What place did the name occupy in the top 15 names?

in the year of greatest popularity

11 Eugene 1,3% 1984 6
12 Anatoly 1,3% 1939 2
13 Igor 1,2% 1964 5
14 Ivan 1,1% 2005 2
15 Valery 0,93% 1939 7
16 Oleg 0,88% 1967 8
17 Vyacheslav 0,79% 1940 8
18 Basil 0.79% 1927 6
19 Paul 0,76% 1988 7
20 Boris 0,65% 1937 8
21 Maksim 0,57% 2015 2
22 Gennady 0,56% 1940 10
23 Konstantin 0,51% 1972 15
24 Vitaly 0,50% 1970 13
25 Novel 0,48% 1977 7
26 Peter 0,44% 1920 8
27 Denis 0,43% 1980 8
28 Ilya 0,38% 2000 and 2002 11
29 Valentine 0,35% 1937 9-10
30 Leonid 0,34% 1933 and 1938 was not in the top 15
31 Anton 0,33% 1985-86 8
32 Vadim 0,32% 1967 was not in the top 15
33 Artem 0,26% 2015 1
34 Kirill 0,26% 2008 12
35 Vladislav 0,26% 1995 10
36 Stanislav 0,25% 1988 was not in the top 15
37 Georgiy 0,25% 1997 was not in the top 15
38 Gregory 0,23% 1916 11
39 Nikita 0,23% 1999 2
40 Ruslan 0,17% 1998 was not in the top 15
41 Fedor 0,17% 2007 was not in the top 15
42 Edward 0,16% 1968 was not in the top 15
43 a lion 0,14% 1933 and 1937 was not in the top 15
44 Egor 0,12% 2007 6
45 Daniel 0,093% 2015 4
46 Arkady 0,089% 1929 was not in the top 15
47 Arthur 0,089% 1990 was not in the top 15
48 Stepan 0,080% 2008 was not in the top 15
49 Semyon 0,078% 1907 was not in the top 15
50 Albert 0,067% 1936-37 was not in the top 15
51 Timur 0,060% 2010 was not in the top 15
52 Marat 0,057% 1969 was not in the top 15
53 Timofey 0,053% 2015 12
54 Yakov 0,052% 1903 was not in the top 15
55 Yaroslav 0,051% 2015 was not in the top 15
56 Hermann 0,051% 1937 and 1962 was not in the top 15
57 David 0,046% 2005 was not in the top 15
58 Gleb 0,045% 2005 was not in the top 15
59 Danila 0,044% 2002 14
60 Rustam 0,042% 1982 was not in the top 15
61 Rinat 0,038% 1965 was not in the top 15
62 Mark 0,035% 2015 was not in the top 15
63 Vsevolod 0,038% 1924 was not in the top 15
64 Matvey 0,033% 2010 14
65 Shamil 0031% 1957 was not in the top 15
66 Ravil 0,029% 1959 was not in the top 15
67 Philip 0,029% 1994 and 1996 was not in the top 15
68 Arseny 0,028% 2010 was not in the top 15
69 Robert 0,026% 1937 was not in the top 15
70 Renat 0,025% 1981 was not in the top 15
71 Armen 0,025% 1968 was not in the top 15
72 Joseph 0,024% 1907 was not in the top 15
73 Benjamin 0,023% 1929 was not in the top 15
74 Ali 0,022% 1957 was not in the top 15
75 Efim 0,022% 1908 was not in the top 15
76 Magomed 0,021% never ranked in the top 100
77 Rashid 0,020% 1955-56 was not in the top 15
78 Svyatoslav 0,020% never ranked in the top 100
79 Nail 0,018% 1957 was not in the top 15
80 Bogdan 0,016 never ranked in the top 100
81 Artemy 0,015% 2004 was not in the top 15
82 Rafik 0,015% 1952 was not in the top 15
83 Rudolf 0,014% 1937 was not in the top 15
84 Danil 0,014% 2000 was not in the top 15
85 Ashot 0,014% never ranked in the top 100
86 Seraphim 0,013% 1904 was not in the top 15
87 Samvel 0,013% never ranked in the top 100
88 Afanasy 0,012% 1902 was not in the top 15
89 Henry 0,012% never ranked in the top 100
90 Wang 0,010% never ranked in the top 100
91 Tagir 0,0090% never ranked in the top 100
92 Rashit 0,0076% never ranked in the top 100
93 Makar 0,0060% never ranked in the top 100
94 Isaac 0,0058% never ranked in the top 100
95 Moses 0,0055% never ranked in the top 100
96 Abram 0,0055% never ranked in the top 100
97 Kuzma 0,0054% never ranked in the top 100
98 Nahum 0,0049% never ranked in the top 100
99 Aaron 0,0048% never ranked in the top 100
100 Samuel 0,0037% never ranked in the top 100