What does the name given mean for a girl. What does the name Dana mean?

24.08.2019 Psychology

Simple Dana, direct and positive is usually the center of attention. This is an exemplary wife and mother, caring and gentle, honest and optimistic.

Girl Dana may seem rather modest at first. However, this does not prevent her from attracting a lot of attention. The multifaceted nature is explained by the ambiguous origin of this name.

Choosing Dana a name for a girl, many parents wonder what such a name can mean, because there are many versions of its occurrence:

  • How Slavic name it is translated “bestowed, given” from Latin, which can be interpreted as “ given by God". In this sense, it intersects with the name of Bogdan, although briefly its owner can also be called Dana.
  • The Bulgarian and Serbian version of the name Dana - Danitsa - is a form of the Slavic word "daylight", which translates as "morning star" and refers to the planet Venus. Such a name was popular in these countries in ancient times. Today, although it has lost its original meaning, it remains used among modern families.
  • Another version of the origin is "Danuta" or "Goddess of the Moon". This is how the name was interpreted in ancient Belarus, the Czech Republic, Poland. Perhaps the reason is the translation from Lithuanian “daughter of heaven”.
  • The Hebrew version of the name Dana is a shortened form of Daniel. Translated like Hebrew male name Daniel - "God is my judge."
  • Another version of the origin of the name Dan is the ancient Celtic language: the Celts had a goddess of creation, who was also called. It was she who was considered the foremother of the Danu tribe of gods. Today in Ireland this name sounds like Dana.

It is obvious that literally in all languages ​​the word "Dana" has a divine origin or belonging to the gods, whether it be the Goddess of love, the moon, or in general the progenitor of all gods.


“Given given by heaven”, according to numerous translations of the name, is clearly a divine phenomenon, which is why the meaning of the female name Dana is reduced to heavenly origin. This is the “morning star”, and the “daughter of the sky”, and the “goddess of the moon”. Despite existing opinion about the fact that Dana is a female variation on the theme of the name Daniel, Danila, in fact, it is the female sound that has a lot of translations from different languages. Accordingly, their meaning is also multifaceted and varied.

For example, muslim meaning the name Dan is different from the Slavic or Jewish:

  • From Persian, the word is translated as "brilliant, wise."
  • In Arabic, this sound is understood as "a large pearl."
  • The Turkic language gives its own version of the translation - "glory".

But most often the name Dana is perceived as a short form of such forms as Bogdana, Daniela, Danae, Dayana, Daniel, Danuta. However, it all depends on how the parents write the girl on the birth certificate. Then you can argue what character and what fate they will give to their baby with this name.


The meaning of the name Dana for a girl is of interest to all parents who are still in doubt about exactly how to name a newborn daughter. It will seem to someone that Dana sounds too masculine, rude and even militant, but someone still hears gentle and beautiful notes in this form of name.

Mostly honest and straightforward, Dana is quite verbose. Many say that she talks more than she actually does. But she is capable of achieving considerable success. The owner of this name knows that her every achievement is the result of her own efforts. It's not luck or luck. Dana is working on her own success.

She can search for herself all her life. Not getting satisfaction, Dana withdraws into herself, believing that she is confused and cannot find her place in life.

Throughout her life, Dana sees the limits of what is permitted, rarely crosses their boundaries. However, capable of immoral act which can justify the hopelessness of the situation.

Dana can be superficially submissive, tolerant, but often this is just an illusion to achieve the goal. She will more often lead others to get results than do it herself. The hostess of such an unusual name is well versed in psychology, she has good intuition and she makes good use of it.

Dana will be successful in such professions as an accountant, programmer, hairdresser, investigator, cook or music teacher.

In relations with men, the owner of this name usually remains a goddess: she knows how to be submissive, mysterious, innocent and naive. Of course, she often plays her role, attracting the chosen one that she needs, but men do not notice such falsity, especially since Dana knows how to use her appearance.

She can choose a life partner for a long time, and quite often attempts family life fail: its demands are quite high. If Dana finds her only one, she will be happy, especially since she longs to become a mother quite early.

The "goddess" is never afraid of housekeeping and copes with it perfectly. Dana loves her children. She gladly receives guests and usually does it luxuriously.


From childhood, Dana manifests herself brightly and unforgettably: she grows up as a mischievous girl, causing a lot of anxiety to her parents. She quickly converges with the boys, doing without friendship with her peers. At the same time, she can quickly win new friends, but after a while lose interest in them and switch to new acquaintances.

The owner of this name is distinguished by good sports training, she is strong, not afraid of stress. At the same time, she is self-confident, sometimes harsh, sometimes even cruel.

Her character also depends on the time of year when the girl was born:

  • Dana, born in winter, is more determined. She is stubborn and direct. At the same time, she is quite amorous and often commits rash acts. Her emotionality sometimes backfires, but Dana never regrets anything.
  • The autumn owner of the name is more pragmatic: she is not threatened by excessive emotionality. It is this Dana who is able to become a leader and remove any of her bosses.
  • Girls who celebrate their birthdays in spring and summer are less self-confident, but they also strive for noisy companies, love success and attention.

Dana can be restrained and emotional, sociable and modest, bold and indecisive. It combines rather contradictory qualities that manifest themselves in different situations.

Among the shortcomings that others usually highlight are touchiness, rejection of criticism, an overly jealous attitude towards a loved one.

name day

Dana celebrates her name day on April 8, although some sources claim that the owners of this name do not have a name day at all.

Name color

The name Dan corresponds to blue and crimson colors. If blue is a shade of wisdom and tranquility, then crimson is a chaotic and restless color. Dana can also be so contradictory, which is not surprising: there are so many meanings in her name that it is difficult to understand which one takes over.

name flower

Violet is considered a flower named after Dana - diverse, ambiguous, fabulous and attractive. Some people like her, some don't. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find the same flowers. There are many variations in the colors of such buds, which corresponds to the ambiguity of the nature of the name Dana.

Name translation

On different languages the name Dana sounds the same, although its translation is varied:

  • "given" from Latin;
  • "morning star" from Old Slavonic;
  • "daughter of heaven" from Lithuanian;
  • "wise" from Persian;
  • "big pearl" from Arabic;
  • "glory" from Turkic.

Full name, abbreviated and affectionate

Dana - full name if the parents want it. Often this form is used as a short form for the names of Danut, Daniel, Bogdan. Although Dana herself can also be officially a full name.

Briefly and affectionately, the girl can be called like this: Danya, Dada, Danechka, Danochka, Danusya.

What patronymic is suitable

The name Dana will sound harmoniously with the following patronymic options: Alekseevna, Aleksandrovna, Viktorovna, Vladimirovna, Dmitrievna, Evgenievna, Kirillovna, Leonidovna, Konstantinovna, Maksimovna, Sergeevna.

Name Compatibility

It will be successful living together Given with Sergey, Peter, Ilya, Pavel, Efim, Vladimir and Andrey.

How to decline

The name Dana is declined as follows:

  • Dana is nominative.
  • Dana is genitive.
  • Dane is dative.
  • Danu is accusative.
  • Dana is creative.
  • Dane - prepositional.

Notable people with this name

Despite the fact that the name seems uncommon, in fact, the list of famous women is quite large. And here is just a small part of it:

  • Dana International is a famous transsexual singer, winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 1998.
  • Dana Borisova is a TV presenter.
  • Dana Brozhkova is the world champion in orienteering.
  • Dana Burke is a singer.
  • Dana van Dreven is DJ Lady Dana.
  • Dana Wells Delaney is an American actress.
  • Dana Zatopkova is an athlete from the Czech Republic who set a world record for projectile throwing in 1958.
  • Dana Ivey is an American actress.
  • Dana Houghton is an American singer who sold over 2 million albums at the age of 12.
  • Dana Rosemary Scallon is an Irish singer who won the 1970 Eurovision Song Contest.

Obviously, Dana was born to be talented, active, successful. Giving the newborn such a name, parents should understand that she has an eventful life ahead of her, and they will not have to wait for peace, as well as the husband of a sincere and faithful wife, friends of a rather sensitive and sometimes insecure, loving and devoted mother Dana.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Dana


The main task is not to arouse spontaneous antipathy in anyone. Therefore, you should pay Special attention the unity of style, the softness of the lines and, no less important, the general external neatness. An inappropriate detail in clothing produces the same unpleasant impression as well-worn, stale, any part of the costume. Try to learn to understand styles. Otherwise, the desire for a certain average type can lead to the fact that you will look like a "gray mouse".

Dana name compatibility, manifestation in love

Love for you is an urgent, everyday necessity, sometimes unconscious. Therefore, in your attitude towards your partner, tenderness, often quite burdensome, and caring, sometimes bordering on obsessive obsequiousness, prevail. However, you remain in unshakable confidence that you are doing everything right and require an adequate, from your point of view, reaction to your actions - gratitude and admiration. Kara, you are easily vulnerable, suspicious and touchy, often get into a state of irritation for no apparent reason. With a long absence of a partner “within reach”, you are visited by a feeling of abandonment, uncertainty that you are happy. All you really need is to find a person who will like both your touching affection and your selfless devotion. Then the union will be long and harmonious.


You are attracted by beauty and harmony in all manifestations. Therefore, the fundamental basis of your spiritual aspirations is the desire to keep them around you. Therefore, any actions that may result in a violation of the usual order of things are contrary to your nature.

But you will not “fight” with those who are trying to create such an imbalance. A “bad peace” is always “better than a good quarrel” for you, which means that the enemy should be turned into a friend, showing tact and diplomacy.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that you have many friends, but practically no enemies. You are always able not only to find a compromise solution, but also to “wake up the best feelings” in a person who is negative towards you.

However, just knowing what to do in a given situation is not a choice. Opinions need to be backed up with action. And this is where your indecision often fails you. This is not timidity or fear of consequences. Just hesitation in the process of searching the best option. Life experience will help to get rid of them.

What does the name Dana mean?: given, received (the name Dana is of Jewish origin).

The name Dana has several variants of origin at once. So, according to the first version, the meaning of the name Dan is “God is my judge.” This Jewish name, which has become a derivative of the male name Daniel. The second version says that Dana means "bestowed" or "given", if we take into account the literal translation. Also, the name Dana is an abbreviated form of the names Danica and Denica, meaning "morning star". In Serbia and Bulgaria, the name Dana means the planet Venus. In addition, historians say that earlier the name Danuta was used instead of Dana. It was especially common in Belarus and Poland, meaning in Latin "given, bestowed" or from Lithuanian - "daughter of heaven."

Another version indicates that the name Dana was popular in Ireland, where the Celtic goddess Dana was revered, considering her the progenitor of the tribe of the same name. According to legend, after the defeat in the war with the sons of Mil, the Danu tribe went to live in the underworld and over time turned into goblins, fairies, elves. So, Dana herself became their patroness. You can often find the interpretation of the name Dan as Dane.

Zodiac named after Dana: Sagittarius, Pisces.

Angel Dana Day: not celebrated, since the name Dan is not listed in the church calendar.

Characteristics of the name Dana

Positive traits of the name Dana: Increased intuition, strong will, Danuta's curiosity are manifested in the concrete embodiment of ideas. In a society of peers, Danuta tries to take a leading position. She has a quick reaction to events, turning them to her advantage. At the same time, she retains openness and cordiality, a subtle sense of humor.

Negative traits of the name Dana: The propensity for risk, dependence on mood cause many conflicts when communicating with Danuta. When she is pissed off, she becomes dangerous. In her work, Danuta does not spare herself, therefore, more than once in her life she is on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The nature of the name Dana: What does the name Dana mean? The meaning of the name Dana is determined in numerology by the number 4, which indicates a person with abilities in science and technology. It also symbolizes stability, reliability, honesty. Dana, as a rule, has many friends, in life she seeks recognition of her merits and talents. It is also very useful in extreme situations, because it quickly reacts to various events or phenomena, and it is at this moment that all the traits of her character are best revealed.

The meaning of the name Dana often depends on the season in which her birthday falls. For example, if Dana was born in winter, then she will be stubborn and determined, and will not allow herself to be offended. She is very amorous, but she chooses her husband for a long time. Although, given that, under the influence of feelings, Dana is capable of rash acts, then her marriage may not last long. Danes born in the autumn period are more prudent and pragmatic. This helps them in building a career. A girl with that name likes noisy companies, but at the same time she practically does not drink strong alcohol.

Dana and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: The union of the name with Artem, Vilen, Vladislav, Vladlen, Izyaslav, Martin, Sumorok, Cheslav is favorable. Complicated relations of the name are likely with Abram, Alfred, Vavila, Herman, Parfyon.

Love and marriage: Danuta is ready to yield in many ways, while maintaining her inner independence.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: As for the choice of profession, Dana often becomes an economist or an accountant, a programmer, a music teacher, a cook, a hairdresser.

Danuta has a deep mind, occupied with vast plans. She is able to convince her interlocutor of her innocence, knows how to make an impression, and her lively, rich imagination and artistry help Danuta to succeed in the field of creativity. She is capable of the most painstaking work, and if she were instructed to untie the "Gordian knot", she would cope with the task. Danuta can also try his hand at organizational work, politics, business, and entrepreneurship.

Business and career: the name Danuta knows how to make money, although he often takes unjustified risks. Basically, luck and success accompany her, but she tends to spend the money she earns quite unexpectedly.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Dan: Danuta's health depends on her ability to self-control. Periods of imbalance, depression, diseases of the heart and organs of the digestive tract are possible. Stimulants, drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited.

As a child, Dana is distinguished by poor health. As a rule, she often gets sick, especially with a cold. Naturally, ailments are reflected in nervous system named Danv, and she becomes overly irritable on many occasions. She is also known to be a very mischievous child and brings a lot of distress to her own parents. Dana simply converges with people and just as easily parted with them if she loses interest in them. In the company she is loved, again, for her sociability and sense of humor. Although it is worth saying that sometimes the latter borders on sarcasm, because of which Dana can inadvertently offend a person.

The fate of Dana in history

What does the name Dana mean to male destiny?

  1. Dana Brozhkova is a Czech Olympic orienteering champion who won a gold medal in 2008 in long distance. Plays for Scandinavian clubs.
  2. Dana Burke is known as Donna Burke. She is a private entrepreneur, announcer and singer. She has been singing since the age of 10. Today he performs songs at concerts of rock, jazz, classical, folk music. In addition, her voice is known on the Tokaido Line in Japan, where it is used to announce stations on shinkansen (high-speed trains).
  3. Dana International is an Israeli transgender singer who won the Eurovision Song Contest in 1998 with the song "Diva".
  4. Dana Borisova is a Russian TV presenter.

The female name Dana today can be heard in many European countries, which is not surprising. It sounds great in different languages, has good meaning and gives the named girl good compatibility with most male name forms ...

History and origin of the name

The topic of the meaning and origin of the name Dana has not been touched by researchers for a long time, because it was found out a long time ago where it came from and where the source of its formation is located. And there is only one version - it says about belonging to the Slavic culture ...

It turns out that the source of this name form is located precisely in the Slavic cult. Translated from her language, it means "bestowed" or "given". It is believed that the primary sources are such names for newborn girls as Denitsa and Danitsa. Meanwhile, in Belarus it sounds differently, and is found in the form of Danut.

Another, but unofficial opinion - allegedly belongs to the Irish and appeared among them before anyone else, but it is not confirmed by official sources, and therefore is not taken into account in the process of interpretation as such. But it is known for sure that it promises the character of the named one many interesting and important characteristics.

The meaning of the name Dana

This is a purely Slavic name, its translation speaks of “bestowed” or “given”, apparently by God. The question of the meaning of the name Dana, in contrast to the origin, conceals much more information, but specialists had to spend quite a lot of time on solving it. So, it has now become known that in one hundred percent of cases it bestows such traits as prudence, mental thinking, a tendency to analyze and calmness.

At an early age, this is an obedient and kind child, pleasing his parents and respecting their opinion in everything, no matter what the matter concerns. He does not contradict his father and especially his mother, listens in everything, does not indulge, does not show signs of debauchery and is not a ringleader by nature. She behaves approximately, well-mannered and balanced, reasonable, responsible and loves to spend time with her family. It is more pleasant for her to help her mother around the house, to manage, than to indulge with her peers. She is not capricious and does not throw tantrums from scratch and for no reason - other parents often set her as an example to their children, but she herself perceives this negatively and considers herself an unworthy example. He develops quickly, as he learns to read, easily copes with all new tasks and loves to improve his skills. But with age, everything changes, and already at the teenage stage, this name can give a girl other qualities ...

Despite the apparent softness and resentment, in her heart she only dreams of gaining strength and changing herself. She is talented and smart, has a developed imagination and a craving for creativity, knows how to compose and invent her own stories, and at school in Russian language and literature she is always the best among her classmates, but she is too receptive. Any criticism or a harsh statement in the direction of her works can "send" her into depression - because of this, she is embarrassed to show her works to her classmates. But with the right influence of the season, she can become later and stronger, stronger and tougher - then she will no longer care about criticism ...

There is a strong inclination towards psychology - he loves to help people with the power of speech and words, an attentive listener and adviser, he will always delve into the problem of a complaining person and help in any way he can. She likes to help, but does not like it when her help is criticized - any bad statement can make her angry.

Later, as an adult, he will turn into a strong personality with such self-sufficiency and self-confidence, which can be envied. Then she will not give a damn about criticism and any assessment of her deeds. An adult woman, Dana, is a psychologically strong lady - she cannot be broken, neither morally nor mentally. At the same time, she is sociable and easily gets along even with those who she clearly does not like. Although she does not want to spend time in the company of friends and acquaintances, she prefers to spend time calmly, in the parental circle.

Short form of Dana. Denichka, Denka, Dena, Danka, Dada, Danya, Dats. Synonyms for Dana. Bogdan, Jordan, Jordan, Vladan, Loredan, Vidan, Danae, Denmark, Daniil, Danut, Daniela, Denitz, Danitsa, Dane. Origin of the name Dana The name Dana is Slavic, Jewish, English. The name Dana has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Dana is a Hebrew name, one of the forms of the male name Daniel, and means "God is my judge." According to the second version, the name Dana is a Slavic name, meaning "bestowed" (literal, literal translation - "given"). The name Dana is a modern form of the names Denitsa, Danitsa, formed from the common Slavic "daylighter", meaning "morning star". This name was common among the people of the planet Venus. In this meaning, the name Dana was used in Bulgaria and Serbia. It is also possible that the name Dana came to Russian as a short form female name Danuta. The name Danuta was used in Belarus, Poland, possibly from the Lithuanian "daughter of heaven" or from the Latin "donata" - "given, bestowed." According to the following version, the name Dana is an Irish name, derived from the name of the Irish (Celtic) goddess of creation Danu, who is considered the progenitor of the Danu Tribes (tribe of the gods). This divine people, according to legend, once ruled Ireland before the arrival of the Sons of Miles (people), the ancestors of the modern Irish. After the defeat in the battle with the Sons of Mil, the tribes of Danu moved to the underworld of Ireland and eventually transformed into elves, fairies and goblins, and Dana became the patroness of elves and fairies. In this interpretation, the name Dana is pronounced as Dana. Also, the name Danna is found in the Kazakh language, it can also be written as Dana. The Kazakhs translate it as "wise, knowledgeable." Most often, the name Dana is used as a short form of both female names (Bogdan, Jordan (Jordan), Vladan, Loredan, Vidan, Danae, Dayana, Denmark, Daniel, Danuta, Daniela), and male names (Daniel, Danakt, Bogdan). There is also a male name Dana. Dana is a rather mischievous child in her childhood. His behavior often delivers a lot of experiences to his parents. With boys she finds faster mutual language than with girls. She quickly converges with people and also easily parted with them. Dana is athletic and bold. It is often sharp. If she doesn't like someone, she can play an evil joke on him. The winter owner of such a name is characterized by determination and stubbornness. She will never let herself be hurt. This girl is a loving person. Under the influence of feelings makes rash acts. Dana doesn't tend to regret anything. She chooses her husband for a long time. As a result, marriage most often ends unsuccessfully for her. Dana, who celebrates her birthday in the summer, is usually softer and more tolerant. She is happily married. Autumn Dana is characterized by pragmatism and prudence. Such qualities help her through life. It does good career. The girl loves noisy companies, is the ringleader in them. She is not a fan of hard liquor. He prefers champagne and wine. By profession, Dana usually becomes an accountant, programmer, investigator, hairdresser, cook or music teacher. On the one hand, this name gives the impression of something courageous. Rough and brave, and on the other hand simple and beautiful. Its owners tend to think about everything. Despite the fact that Dana may seem modest at first glance, she will never allow herself to be forgotten. She is quite a real person. Her character traits can be called contradictory. She strives to please others, and at the same time shows restraint. In search of his own peculiarity and individuality, he can get confused and withdraw into himself. She often lacks confidence and courage. At the same time, a highly developed sense of duty helps her to cope with all the difficulties and achieve visible results.