Taurus man and Aquarius girl discussion. How to find a common language in a couple: Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

24.08.2019 Health

If Taurus and Aquarius want to live like on a volcano, then they can create a love duet. But it is worth noting that they will only dream of peace, although this is unlikely. A rare case when the compatibility of Taurus and Aquarius in love can be wonderful. Taurus will "remake" Aquarius in their own way, which is already a stupid thing to do.

Taurus Man and Aquarius Woman

A pair of Taurus man and Aquarius woman may seem strange, and it really is. But when there is love, and they are both willing to compromise, a relationship can give each of them a lot. Although their lifestyles are different, they have enough in common that the romance is a lot of fun.

It is easier for partners to get along if both take into account the characteristics of each other. The Taurus man is sensual, he loves physical signs of attention - caresses, touches. The more tenderness she gives him, the more he wants. The Aquarius woman should take into account that her chosen one appreciates comfort, he will not tolerate her quirks if they create physical inconvenience for him. Also, he is unlikely to like the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhaving a lot of unusual friends and girlfriends around, as Aquarius loves. And, of course, surprises and surprises do not attract him, because he prefers stability and predictability. For example, if she decides to change her hairstyle, it makes sense to hint to him once or twice in advance. In addition, men zodiac sign Taurus is often jealous, so the Aquarius woman should never give him cause for suspicion. For his part, he must understand that his life partner needs freedom, you should not control her too tightly, as Taurus sometimes do.

The Taurus man has such great qualities as reliability, practicality, responsibility and hard work. He knows how to make money, knows how to distribute it rationally, so that his beloved will always feel confident in financially. With this man, the Aquarius woman can build a solid foundation for the future, create a strong family and raise beautiful children. They are both representatives of the fixed signs of the zodiac, their love relationships and marriage often last longer than many others.

In an Aquarius girl, Taurus is attracted by a feeling of lightness, which he himself really lacks. Beloved becomes for him a breath of fresh air. She does not complicate life for herself or others, and for a guy this is very important. The fact is that representatives of many other signs of the zodiac tend to use the ability of the calf to find a way out of any situation, and some of them are completely inactive next to this responsible and generous person.

On the one hand, the calf is easy next to her chosen one - she is always in a good mood, does not find fault with trifles, does not burden him with her problems. If it were not about the body, but about another person, the girl would be appreciated. The problem is that the feeling of stability, which is so important for a guy, will completely leave him next to the chosen one. She is unpredictable in many ways, often does not think about the consequences of her actions, so a young man will not be able to completely relax next to her.

The Taurus guy is reluctant to make any changes, so his lover will have to push him periodically. It may seem that it is difficult for him to make decisions, but this is only a delusion. If a girl expects initiative from him in the transition to new stage relationship, but he does nothing, then his behavior is an alarming sign. Most likely, he has already decided everything, and this couple has no future.

An interesting situation where two very different people but, whose energy is so different that at first glance, they have no chance. We are talking about a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman, whose compatibility, oddly enough, is predicted by the stars as quite promising.

Taurus man and Aquarius woman is an interesting case when two people, not being opposites in classical understanding of this word, are still so different from each other that after a while they themselves will be incredibly surprised how they were able to develop their relationship.

The compatibility of a Taurus guy and an Aquarius girl in love is quite favorable, the stars believe. But not in all cases. The fact is that Taurus are reliable, stable men who initially strive to find a like-minded woman who will cook deliciously, keep the house in perfect order and, of course, take care of him, the body.

And Aquarius is a rebel by nature and often rejects the classical family as a phenomenon. The girl will not show her dissatisfaction with the views of her partner openly. In any case, at first. But then she can directly state that she is bored, and she is not averse to having fun, and not spending a precious day off on wallpapering.

The Taurus guy may not understand such a strange, in his opinion, attack, however, he will calmly survive him, take a breath and do the work on his own, while his missus will take a walk, no one knows where, no one knows with whom.

All this is the scenario of their possible family future. As for relationships, mutual interest and even strong sympathy quite often accompany the tandem of a Taurus guy and his Aquarius girl. The fact is that he is looking for a person a little more fun than himself, so that modest thoughts about earthly things are sometimes illuminated by her ideas, ringing laughter and almost childish direct behavior.

Taurus is unusually attracted to Aquarius by his easiness, sociability, open, sociable character and other human qualities that he, Taurus, does not have. But the guy of this zodiac sign has many of his charms, which are quite enough to create all the prerequisites for favorable compatibility of partners in love relationships. Taurus is reliable, patient, calmly endures the change of mood that Aquarius will have every minute.

Sometimes it may seem that he is a wise father who calmly endures the mockery of a mischievous girl, knowing full well that the time will come and she will understand everything. And the time really comes when she understands everything and ... really falls in love with this strong, noble man who has every chance of creating a strong family with her.

But any girl will appreciate the stability and reliability of a partner, right? The fact is that for the weaker sex these qualities are so attractive that the troubles and misunderstandings that arise every now and then are nothing more than trifles.

Conflicts between Taurus and Aquarius are theoretically possible because of anything. It’s just that Taurus is the owner and can show a flash of strong jealousy if Aquarius for some reason disappeared at the most inopportune moment. And a day later it suddenly became clear that she was pulling another friend out of the arms of depression. Such situations in such relationships will arise frequently. And in general, the calf will endure and forgive a lot, but he really wants the missus to be there.

And when Aquarius understands all the charm of a stable man who really gives confidence in the future, their relationship will become truly harmonious.

Even an Aquarius with a calf may have a problem associated with the intransigence in the characters of both. In principle, Aquarius does not care what color his tie will be on her birthday. As for issues of behavior, Aquarius can perceive any criticism in his address as a threat to personal freedom. In this case, the girl will immediately fight back - in appearance, he may seem soft and diplomatic, especially if she is in a good mood that day. But in fact, she will make it clear that with her an orderly tone is simply unacceptable.

And this is just the case when the intractable calf will have to give in as a man. There is simply no other way out - otherwise the conflicts will be constant, and this will greatly spoil their ties. In general, the relationship between a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman is a kind of test for compliance. When someone still manages to persuade a partner, such a day can be safely made red on the calendar - this is a very incredible event: to influence the opinion of a calf or Aquarius.

Marriage compatibility: disputes only on the surface

Taurus chooses partners, friends and loved ones for a very long time. And the point is not so much in the natural slowness of these people, but in their thoroughness. How can you take a dubious, unverified person as your wife? This is exactly how the Taurus argues, and it is difficult to disagree with him. Therefore, the very fact that he introduces the girl to his parents, and even more so makes her an offer, can be safely regarded as an unambiguous signal: he made his decision, and you are destined to be together.

The fact is that Taurus rarely changes his mind, and even more so for such important issues like marriage. The most interesting thing is that Aquarius will agree. Despite the fact that this is the most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac, the girl will feel such care and tenderness around her that she simply cannot resist. It’s generally difficult for Taurus to refuse something, because he knows how to ask, haven’t you noticed?

Here the couple crossed the threshold of the registry office, and now the satisfied guests are shouting: “Bitter!” The fact that after the wedding they will begin new life- This is true. Taurus is an excellent family man, and approaches marriage extremely responsibly.

After all, this is a new level of relations, like the transition of the team to the big leagues. So you need to play by the new rules, he is convinced. And for Aquarius, to be honest, little can change, although Taurus will largely arrange for her to remain the same perky girl and please him with her mere presence. In this amazing story of two different people, the reasons for the rather favorable compatibility in family relationships that the stars promise them.

The good influence of the strong personality of the calf on the rather windy Aquarius will begin to especially affect marriage: after all, it is under a common roof that a girl will appreciate all the benefits of this family comfort. She will just feel on herself how good it is when you are tidied up, and you always have someone who is always waiting. Of course, she will continue to leave the house to help her beloved friends. True, this will become less common. And at some point, she will certainly feel how she is drawn home. You can be sure that for Aquarius such a feeling will be a real discovery, which will further strengthen her union with the calf.

That is why all the disputes that will occasionally visit this house will not harm the cause of family building. It's just that they will be on trifles and, possibly, from old memory. But in general, the compatibility of a Taurus man and an Aquarius woman in marriage will be very strong.

Compatibility in bed: stability and innovation

Taurus is a very sexy man, and this could not help but catch the eye of Aquarius already on the first date. Yes, sex is not for her great importance as for a partner. True, she is also unlikely to refuse assertiveness and an amazing charge of inner strength, which, as it were, implicitly comes from the calf. This guy speaks a little, trying to show all his thoughts with behavior and specific actions. And such mystery is the surest way to conquer Aquarius, who generally loves any riddles and puzzles from her faithful. Of course, soon he will find the key to her, and it will all end with stormy nights, which both will remember for a very long time.

In sex, as in life in general, Taurus appreciates stability, but after all, any habit will get bored sooner or later, right? It is here that Aquarius will enter the scene, which is enough to bring a couple of new ideas that will delight the calf. That is why the compatibility of the Taurus guy and his Aquarius girl in bed is also quite harmonious.

Compatibility at work: hit or miss

As for compatibility at work, both partners will be able to make a good alliance, or they may not work together even in a trifling matter. It all depends on which direction they will look. If Taurus and Aquarius sincerely agree with each other on some working issue, you can be sure that they will solve it very quickly and efficiently. Aquarius will give the idea, and Taurus will help the partner to consistently implement it.

Taurus man and Aquarius woman are so different and at the same time together. Why not? The stars give many reasons for a favorable development of events.

According to statistics, the union in the compatibility of the Aquarius woman and the Taurus man more often than others ends in divorce. The Aquarius woman and the Taurus man are so different that they seem to have no common ground at all. But, at the same time, they are able to be happy if they truly love each other and strive to save the family. In this case, their differences will be a great addition to each other.

For the Taurus man, the Aquarius woman will forever remain an unsolvable puzzle. She is constantly drawn to "disguise", she needs new impressions and adventures like air. Therefore, surprises, surprises, surprises will be regular guests in this family.

Unlike his partner, the Taurus man needs to stand firmly on his feet, be confident in a secure future and lead a sedentary lifestyle. . She has a vivid, vivid imagination. She is constantly visited by sudden thoughts, sometimes really original, but more often dubious and frivolous. Therefore, a practical Taurus man constantly has to “land”, real, useful. In addition to the fact that the Taurus man has to cope with the Aquarius woman herself, who does not want to do housework in any way, their house is constantly “attacked” by her endless friends and girlfriends.

It is worth noting that Aquarius and Taurus have excellent sexual compatibility. In bed, they forget about all their differences. But, you can’t build a family on this alone, so you need to look for other points of contact, otherwise the relationship will come to a standstill.

Compatibility female Aquarius - male Taurus - PLUSES

A pair of Aquarius woman and Taurus man is based on mutual respect and the preservation of personal freedom. Both partners understand that they are very different from each other and firmly believe that a caring attitude towards each other and a certain distance that can be maintained for many years will help them save the family. Very often, people around notice their emphasized politeness to each other, conversations are discussions on abstract topics. Each of them has the right to personal time and some freedom. In society, they are perceived as a calm and pleasant couple. Together they accumulate their material well-being. But, their distance and alienation continue only until fate throws them a test. That's when both realize how close and dear they have become during this time. After that, they no longer need to keep their distance. After the difficulties experienced in the Aquarius-Taurus compatibility pair, the fear of losing each other, the hidden tension, disappears, both finally feel relieved and can afford to relax.

Compatibility female Aquarius - male Taurus - MINUSES

Despite the strong physical attraction of the Aquarius woman and the Taurus man, difficulties in their life together a lot. The problem of the compatibility of the Aquarius and Taurus zodiac signs is that it is very difficult for them to find a common language and understand each other. This is especially true for a young couple. After all, at this age it is so important to have a like-minded person next to you, ready to share all the joys and difficulties. The Aquarius woman sees that she cannot share conversations with her. And the Taurus man is really completely incomprehensible how the Aquarius woman can worry about what is not, and what is unlikely to ever be. What matters to him is what exists in real time in the material world, and not in the abstract ideas of the Aquarius woman.

Their differences in outlook on life are manifested even in the smallest everyday situations. For example, when gathering guests, it is important for the Aquarius woman how to seat the guests, to classify according to the principle known to her alone. And the Taurus man will only care about whether there is enough barbecue and dessert for everyone. Both will be unhappy that the partner cannot share his feelings and emotions about this with him.

Horoscope Aquarius-Taurus - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Taurus, in order for their family to have harmony, both spouses should evaluate those qualities of a partner that, in their opinion, are shortcomings. So, the Aquarius woman should stop criticizing her husband for excessive pragmatism, because many beautiful things would have remained your fantasies if the Taurus man had not given them a material form. in the material world. And here is one of the tasks of the Aquarius woman, to help him see more. Since the Taurus man sees only what is next to him, and it can be touched, sooner or later he may be at an impasse. Usually this happens closer to middle age and is very painfully experienced by Taurus. The Aquarius woman can show him the obvious connection between the material world and the world of ideas, thereby she will not only improve family relations, but also help her husband cope with a difficult period.

To make it pleasant for a Taurus man to communicate with you, do not discuss very abstract things with him. The Taurus man will understand you faster if you discuss with him the connection between the material and the ideal. For example, you can explain to him how important it is to properly seat guests. After all, if you do not take into account their interests, then they will be bored, they will be dissatisfied, upset and, most importantly, they will not appreciate the culinary efforts of the owners.

How can an Aquarius woman conquer a Taurus man?

The Aquarius girl from the first minutes will attract the attention of the Taurus guy. He will be drawn to her on a subconscious level. He needs a woman who can give him stability, and at the same time will not let him get bored. And the Aquarius woman, like no other, perfectly combines these two qualities. The Taurus man may not even notice how he fell in love with the Aquarius woman. But, the Taurus man does not like change. He can love a woman for years and not tell her about it. Therefore, the biggest difficulty is to move from one stage of the relationship to another. If an Aquarius woman is seriously thinking about living together with a Taurus man, then she should take the initiative into her own hands. Just do not use pressure and pressure - this will not lead to anything good. The Taurus man is afraid to change his life and he needs to be gently pushed to take a decisive step. For example, ease of communication and an abundance of acquaintances will help hint to the Taurus man that he will miss his chance at happy life if you don't hurry. This change of losing his beloved will frighten him more than the change in the form of starting a relationship.

Aquarius Woman and Taurus Man Friendship Compatibility

An Aquarius woman and a Taurus man can be great friends if they find common ground with each other. Basically, their interests lie in the field of work or discussion. family life each other. The Aquarius woman can be great friends with all the signs of the zodiac, and the Taurus man also does not experience male superiority over women. In friendship, both appreciate constancy, devotion. Friendships can end because of a quarrel over money that an Aquarius woman can borrow and not return, or break a thing that a Taurus man cherished and not even understand why he was so upset about some trinket.

Compatibility of Aquarius Woman and Taurus Man in Business

An Aquarius woman and a Capricorn man can make an excellent business alliance if both are interested in the result of labor. In this case, they can "move mountains." But, since these signs are stubborn, they can start pulling the cart in different directions and not achieve any results.

When an Aquarius woman and a Taurus man are colleagues or partners. To this pair succeeded, they need to assign roles. The Taurus man is very conservative and does not like anything new and unknown. And the Aquarius woman, on the contrary, is constantly busy looking for new ways. If they understand the advantages of this cooperation, they can perfectly complement each other. So, the Aquarius woman can take on goal setting and the choice of methods, and the Taurus man can take over the technical support of the work. In another case, the Taurus man will close in on himself and do everything in his usual way, and the Aquarius woman will not understand what is happening at all and will only interfere with her innovations.

When the Aquarius woman is the boss, and the Taurus man is the subordinate, such an alliance rarely brings good results. The Aquarius woman and the Taurus man have too few points of contact. The boss-Aquarius always sets new, and besides, original goals or requires the use of new methods in work. And it is not only difficult for a Taurus man to work in a new way, but he is also not able to understand these original goals and ideas of his boss.

When the Aquarius woman is a subordinate, and the Taurus man is the boss, this union is also rarely successful. The Taurus boss loves stability, familiar ways of working. In addition, he completely controls his subordinates and does not give them much freedom. And the Aquarius woman hates control and often shows love of freedom, which naturally does not please the authorities.

Such couples are more common than one would expect from the characteristics of these signs. The beginning of their relationship, as a rule, is distinguished by romance, originality, often one of the partners is not free before it. Both are so different from each other that it is very difficult to find what they have in common. Famous for conservatism, moderation and stability, Taurus does not understand the adventurer of Aquarius at all, who at the same time is often passive in terms of setting certain life goals, preferring to go with the flow. She loves to communicate outside the home, and the Taurus man, who is quite satisfied with the tête-à-tête vacation, is annoying.

As soon as these people decided to start a family, then it would be reasonable for the Taurus man to leave a certain part of the freedom to the partner in order for her to realize herself in the profession or in public life. Feeling happy and successful, his companion will be more attentive to the house and family members, giving Taurus himself love and attention. In a pair of male Taurus - female Aquarius, the husband's mission is to provide material comfort, while Aquarius brings optimism, dynamics, and flexibility to these relationships.

Despite their different outlooks on life, both signs of the Zodiac are characterized by sincerity and love of pleasure, and it is in this plane that they should seek a common language, making compromises on issues that have differences, because only in this way can they live together happily ever after. From time to time, crises occur in relationships - most often, when the Taurus man goes too far in perseverance, and the Aquarius woman is in windiness, but both are wise, therefore they are able to intelligently overcome the conflict. They are encouraged to be as open friend for a friend, to adopt new qualities from a partner, to learn to live according to a different model - everyone will benefit from this.

Aquarius Woman and Taurus Man Compatibility

According to statistics, the union in the compatibility of the Aquarius woman and the Taurus man more often than others ends in divorce. The Aquarius woman and the Taurus man are so different that they seem to have no common ground at all. But, at the same time, they are able to be happy if they truly love each other and strive to save the family. In this case, their differences will be a great addition to each other. For the Taurus man, the Aquarius woman will forever remain an unsolvable puzzle. She is constantly drawn to "disguise", she needs new impressions and adventures like air. Therefore, surprises, surprises, surprises will be regular guests in this family.

Unlike his partner, the Taurus man needs to stand firmly on his feet, be confident in a secure future and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Aquarius is a good dreamer. She has a vivid, vivid imagination. She is constantly visited by sudden thoughts, sometimes really original, but more often dubious and frivolous. Therefore, the practical Taurus man constantly has to “ground down” the Aquarius woman and encourage her to engage in more practical, real, useful things. In addition to the fact that the Taurus man has to cope with the Aquarius woman herself, who does not want to do housework in any way, their house is constantly “attacked” by her endless friends and girlfriends.

It is worth noting that Aquarius and Taurus have excellent sexual compatibility. In bed, they forget about all their differences. But, you can’t build a family on this alone, so you need to look for other points of contact, otherwise the relationship will come to a standstill.

A pair of Aquarius woman and Taurus man is based on mutual respect and the preservation of personal freedom. Both partners understand that they are very different from each other and firmly believe that a caring attitude towards each other and a certain distance that can be maintained for many years will help them save the family. Very often, people around notice their emphasized politeness to each other, conversations are discussions on abstract topics. Each of them has the right to personal time and some freedom.

In society, they are perceived as a calm and pleasant couple. Together they accumulate their material well-being. But, their distance and alienation continue only until fate throws them a test. That's when both realize how close and dear they have become during this time. After that, they no longer need to keep their distance. After the difficulties experienced in the Aquarius-Taurus compatibility pair, the fear of losing each other, the hidden tension, disappears, both finally feel relieved and can afford to relax.

Despite the strong physical attraction of the Aquarius woman and the Taurus man, there are many difficulties in their life together. The problem of the compatibility of the Aquarius and Taurus zodiac signs is that it is very difficult for them to find a common language and understand each other. This is especially true for a young couple. After all, at this age it is so important to have a like-minded person next to you, ready to share all the joys and difficulties. The Aquarius woman sees that the Taurus man absolutely does not understand her and cannot share conversations with her. And the Taurus man is really completely incomprehensible how the Aquarius woman can worry about what is not, and what is unlikely to ever be. What matters to him is what exists in real time in the material world, and not in the abstract ideas of the Aquarius woman.

Their differences in outlook on life are manifested even in the smallest everyday situations. For example, when gathering guests, it is important for the Aquarius woman how to seat the guests, to classify according to the principle known to her alone. And the Taurus man will only care about whether there is enough barbecue and dessert for everyone. Both will be unhappy that the partner cannot share his feelings and emotions about this with him.

According to the compatibility horoscope of Aquarius and Taurus, in order for their family to have harmony, both spouses should evaluate those qualities of a partner that, in their opinion, are shortcomings. So, the Aquarius woman should stop criticizing her husband for excessive pragmatism, because many beautiful things would have remained your fantasies if the Taurus man had not given them a material form. Taurus, like no one else, is well versed in the material world. And here is one of the tasks of the Aquarius woman, to help him see more. Since the Taurus man sees only what is next to him, and it can be touched, sooner or later he may be at an impasse. Usually this happens closer to middle age and is very painfully experienced by Taurus. The Aquarius woman can show him the obvious connection between the material world and the world of ideas, thereby she will not only improve family relations, but also help her husband cope with a difficult period.

To make it pleasant for a Taurus man to communicate with you, do not discuss very abstract things with him. The Taurus man will understand you faster if you discuss with him the connection between the material and the ideal. For example, you can explain to him how important it is to properly seat guests. After all, if you do not take into account their interests, then they will be bored, they will be dissatisfied, upset and, most importantly, they will not appreciate the culinary efforts of the owners.

Compatibility of signs, where the Taurus man and the Aquarius woman is unpredictable. The Aquarius girl is very special, and she needs a man with special patience, most likely Taurus. He will be intrigued by her mystique. Aquarius creates an atmosphere around him that defies definition. She is true to herself and the rules she has created for herself, both in love and in everything else. Such honesty and integrity attract the Taurus man, despite the fact that he has to be tolerant of what does not suit his inclinations.

Problems and misunderstandings

The Taurus man sees that this girl is moral and reliable. In fact, it is, if you look deeper into her heart, you can see that behind external uncertainty lies a good organizer who knows how to save.

However, he will not support her in the habit of keeping a large number of old unnecessary rubbish, because he himself likes everything to be solid and of high quality. So this will be a cause for quarrels. In general, a conflict between them may arise due to the fact that one of them suddenly explodes when the other does not expect it at all. She will explode more often and without warning, such is her character.

Both the Taurus man and the Aquarius woman love different old memories, while he believes that they are useful. Both of them can accumulate a lot of excess. It costs her a lot of effort to keep promises and not be late for the appointed time. She will always be true to her beliefs and this is worth admiring. However, Taurus will not know what to do with her eccentricity. He is calm, predictable and does not like sudden changes in life at all.

Close relations

In one conviction, they agree for sure: live without disturbing others. She, who does what she pleases, not paying attention to the reaction of others. And he who likes to sometimes grumble if something doesn't go according to plan. The main thing at the same time is that the partners do not make fun of each other's personal beliefs.

The Aquarius girl does not have such a strong and deep sexuality as her Taurus man. She is more curious than sensual and erotic. She has a complex perception of love - too "airy", while his - the usual earthly one. There is something warming her soul in the warmth loving man Corpuscle. And in her honest and open love there is something that encourages the Taurus man to tenderness and patience, thanks to which he becomes even stronger.

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