Guessing if I'll get married on Christmas. Divination for marriage - when and with whom will you go down the aisle

13.07.2023 Education

Christmas is perhaps the most anticipated holiday. It is filled with magic and magic. Previously, people devoted this time to various rituals that allowed them to look into their future. Especially popular among unmarried girls were love divination and rituals to attract her. Many of them have survived to this day in their original form, they are easy to perform, safe and accurate, and easy to carry out at home.

Christmas divination for love

Divination for Christmas for love is very popular with unmarried women. With their help, you can quite simply find out the future of further relationships with the chosen one.

There are many such rituals. In most cases, they are absolutely incapable of harming the fortuneteller and are distinguished by ease and accessibility. The attributes that are used to carry them out will always be at hand. And the predictions received at this time are distinguished by veracity.

It is customary to tell fortunes for love and for the betrothed on the night before the Nativity of Christ (January 6-7) or at Christmas time, which lasts from January 7 to 19. During this period, otherworldly forces willingly answer all the questions of fortunetellers, and the predictions received on Christmas Eve are always very accurate.

On coins

This is a very simple way of divination, which will require ordinary coins, a couple of candles and a photo of a loved one. Need to:

  • place the photo in the center of the table;
  • light candles on the sides of it;
  • mentally ask the question: “What is fate in store for us? »;
  • throw ten coins with your right hand, aiming at the image;
  • count how many heads and tails fell out.

By candle flame

This simple love divination should be done during the festive meal on Christmas Eve. It is intended to clarify a joint future with a beloved man.

During dinner, you need to light a consecrated church candle, put it near it and carefully observe the flame:

  • calm and even radiance promises mutual feelings and a strong union;
  • when wax flows from only one side - the chosen one hides something from the fortuneteller or impersonates another person;
  • if the wax flows down in streams, quickly filling the candlestick, this portends constant difficulties in relationships;
  • black smoke and crackling are a bad sign that heralds a breakup.

By the hairs

This divination is also very easy:

  • at exactly 12 o'clock at night, you need to fill any container with water;
  • add a pinch of sugar and salt there;
  • stir a little;
  • wait for the salt to settle to the bottom;
  • throw one hair of your beloved and your own into the water;
  • leave the bowl until the morning;
  • get prediction.

If the hairs are woven together by morning, then the wedding is ahead. Hair that has gone in different directions predicts parting. If one of them drowned, then the person to whom it belongs will face illness and trouble.

With the help of cards

Cards are often used during the January holidays for divination for love relationships. All they need is a new deck of playing cards, and even a person ignorant of magic can make a deal. The result is often quite accurate and reliable.

four jacks

If a girl cannot make a choice among several applicants for her hand and heart, then she should tell fortunes on four jacks. You will need an unplayed deck, with which it is easy to find out the intentions of each of the men, as well as to make a forecast of further relationships. It should be noted that the results of this divination are stored for exactly one year. In the following Christmas holidays, the alignment will have to be repeated. It is necessary to adhere to this principle:<

  1. Select four jacks.
  2. Name each by the name of one of the familiar men.
  3. Mix them up and arrange them face down in a row.
  4. Shuffle the remaining 32 cards.
  5. Divide them into four equal piles.
  6. Under each of the jacks, lay out these packs from left to right. The content of each of them will tell about the prospects for further relations with the mysterious young people.
  7. Next, you should evaluate the current situation according to the dominant suit (for example, evaluate all cards of the same suit under the jack of hearts). This is the main characteristic that shows what kind of relationship a girl can have with a particular young man. And only after that you can interpret the rest of the cards. At the same time, worms show sincere feelings, tambourines - material wealth, peaks report joint children, and clubs predict frequent quarrels and experiences.
  8. A man who did not fit the fortuneteller according to a number of indicators, along with a stack of cards corresponding to him, should be removed from the layout.
  9. The three remaining jacks, together with the cards related to them, are mixed and laid out again on the table, following the algorithm of actions described above.
  10. Then again remove one of the unsuitable suitors from the alignment.
  11. Repeat the whole process with the remaining candidates until only one remains.
  12. The cards from his pack should be interpreted in order to find out whether the union with this person will be successful and promising. Each card is interpreted separately, and not in combination with others:

One card per

This fortune-telling will allow you to fairly accurately assess the prospects for a joint future with your loved one. For the layout, new playing cards will be required. They must be thoroughly mixed, and then remove part of the deck with the little finger of the left hand and put it down.

The next card after the shift will tell about the feelings of the chosen one and about the future next to him. The meaning in this ritual is not only the suit, but the card itself:

  • worms - love;
  • cross - problems;
  • tambourines - happiness;
  • peaks - difficulties;
  • six - lead;
  • seven - good events;
  • eight - disappointment in a partner;
  • nine - a passionate kiss;
  • ten - happy relationships;
  • jack - real feelings;
  • lady - rival or lover;
  • the king is a friend who will help in love affairs;
  • ace - a strong and long-term marriage, mutual understanding and consent in a couple.

With ring and paper

This is an easy divination method using a ring. In addition, you will need a candle, a coin and a woolen red thread. Necessary:

  • take one candle and light it;
  • tie a thread to the ring;
  • place a coin near the candle;
  • hold the ring on a thread above the coin, while trying not to move your hand;
  • formulate a question of interest about the chosen one and further relationships.

The fixed ring warns of the untimeliness of the question asked. When it sways in different directions, the answer is yes. Swinging like a pendulum means "no", moving in a circle indicates the need to ask a question in a different way. In the latter case, it is undesirable to repeat the ritual again on the same day, it is necessary to wait a while and perform it again.

To conduct this Christmas rite you need:

  • Take a few small pieces of paper.
  • Write on them the names of young people you know.
  • Arrange them randomly on the table.
  • Thread a thick woolen thread into the golden ring.
  • Lead decoration over pieces of paper with names. The name on which it begins to swing strongly belongs to a man who has true love for a fortuneteller.

For the next Christmas divination you will need: paper, compasses, pen or pencil, ruler. Necessary:

  • draw a circle on the sheet with a compass;
  • divide it into separate sectors using a ruler, each of which will correspond to the letters in the name of the chosen one;
  • enter each letter in its segment;
  • add your own name to the circle, but if it contains more letters than sectors in the circle, then you do not need to write it down in full;
  • compare all paired vowels and consonants;
  • get prediction.

If there is no such combination, then the relationship has no future. If there are two such segments, love will end quickly, three means mutual understanding in a couple. A larger number portends strong love and a happy marriage.

Another fortune-telling with paper - by the hour. It will help to find out if the girl will meet true love in the new year. It is necessary to draw a clock on a sheet, make an arrow using improvised materials, for example, from a pencil. Twist, without looking, the arrow, then see what number its tip points to. If the arrow stops between two numbers or exactly in the middle, you need to choose the one that is larger.

with egg

To perform the ritual, you will need a bowl of water and a raw egg. Necessary:

  • separate the protein from the yolk;
  • pour it into the water;
  • put the container in the oven or oven;
  • wait until the protein coagulates;
  • get a prediction on the formed figure.

A ring or dome promises a wedding, love, harmonious relationships with a partner. A geometric figure, for example, a triangle, speaks of parting, failures. A ship or boat portends a marriage with a foreigner or a person from another region, as well as a possible move after marriage. A squirrel that has sunk to the bottom indicates loneliness in the near future.

Rituals for love

Christmas Eve is filled with mysterious mystical power. The rites performed on this night work much faster and more efficiently and act intensively over a long period of time. Rituals that help to find love and maintain mutual understanding, happiness and peace in the family have special power.

One of them is held on Christmas Eve, he helps single girls meet their loved one and marry him. At 12 o'clock at night, you need to go to the church and walk around it twelve times. Such a ritual destroys loneliness and attracts new love.

You can also attract love into your home with a Christmas spell. It can be pronounced by both married and unmarried women, it has a beneficial effect on all family members, helps to build relationships, find true love. You need to read it in front of the icon of All Saints, which is also an excellent amulet for the house: “I will become a joy, I will become a reward, I will become ringing gold, I will become a clear sun for everyone who appreciates me, loves, will not change.”

On the eve of the Nativity of Christ, on January 5, you need to throw out your old slippers and, without wasting a minute of time, go to the store for new ones. You need to choose new ones in a good mood, imagine yourself together with your future husband, think about his appearance, character, profession, etc. Buy two pairs - for yourself and your future spouse, who will definitely appear soon after this ritual. After paying for slippers, you need to get them out of the package and put them in your bag so that they are nearby. At home, you should immediately try on your pair, and put the men in your bedroom with your heels to the door, and your socks to the bed and say the magic words: “I'm waiting for you, my beloved! Come quickly to my house! »

You need to repeat the plot three times. These slippers will be a good talisman for attracting a soul mate to the life of a girl. The same rite is used to strengthen existing relationships. In order for everything to be fine in a couple, you need to do this ritual in the same way, but read such a slander on slippers: “Like heaven, water and earth, always be with me! »

How to tell fortunes for a betrothed on Christmas?

The methods of Christmas divination are very diverse. They help to find out the necessary information about the future husband: name, age, external data, financial situation, character, profession, etc.

Most of the rituals are simple and safe. But there are those that are not recommended for nervous girls, since they can cause irreparable harm to the fortuneteller in case of incorrect actions.

With ring

This rite will allow you to consider the image of the narrowed one in the water. To conduct it, you need to take a glass uncut glass two-thirds filled with water and a pre-cleaned ring. You can borrow an engagement ring from someone close to you. You should put it in water, pour a little sugar there, shake it slightly.

As soon as the water calms down, carefully look into the middle of the ringlet. The silhouette of the future spouse should appear soon. In addition, you should pay attention to how much sugar was in the center of the ring. If more than half, then life with a spouse will be rich and happy. If less, then the marriage will not be strong. If equally, then the union will bring both joyful moments and sorrows.

Another fortune-telling by five rings, which will tell you the financial situation of the future husband. It is necessary to get five rings - gold, silver, copper, with stone and plastic. Throw them in a bowl with millet or buckwheat, mix and without looking get any of them to get a prediction:

  • golden ring - a wealthy and generous person;
  • silver - middle-class, but with a position in society;
  • plastic - poor, but hardworking;
  • copper - poor and lazy;
  • ring with a stone - rich and stingy.

The next ritual should be performed by three unmarried girls. For him you need:

  • put a hook woven from wire, a piece of bread and a ring on the floor;
  • cover all items with a scarf;
  • hold hands;
  • close eyes;
  • dance around a scarf;
  • turn around five times;
  • remove the scarf;
  • each pull out, without looking, any little thing.

Whoever gets the ring will soon marry for love. Bread promises a girl a marriage with a wealthy and generous man. But the hook is a bad symbol, the future groom will work all his life, but this will not bring him wealth.

On the maps

This is a very simple version of divination for four kings. Under the pillow, before going to bed, put kings of all stripes from a card playing deck and say: “Betrothed, mummers, come to me in a dream.” The king of spades means that the future husband is much older, the clubs - a widower or a military man, the hearts portends a wealthy and handsome chosen one, and the tambourine - a loved one.

You can also try this way:

  • take four kings out of the deck;
  • hide under the bed
  • lightly press down on them with shoes;
  • utter a conspiracy: “Narrowed-mummer, I am waiting for you dressed up. Come, show yourself, look at me."

Fortune telling with kings and jacks should be carried out in this way:

  • take out all the kings and jacks from the new deck;
  • shuffle them;
  • lay out all eight cards face down under the pillow;
  • say a conspiracy: “My fiance, dream to me in a dream and tell about yourself”;
  • Go to bed;
  • in the morning, take out one of the cards and judge the future husband by it.

The king means the husband, older in age, the jack - young or the same age. The suit can also help in the interpretation: worms - narrowed from the immediate environment, spades - a wealthy person, clubs promise an unexpected meeting with the groom, and tambourines - acquaintance will happen through close people.

With papers

This method is considered easy and safe. With it, you can find out the name of the future groom. Need to:

  • cut a sheet of paper into small notes;
  • write any male names on them;
  • fold each in half;
  • put under the pillow for the whole night;
  • in the morning, take out the first one that comes across;
  • find out the name of the betrothed.

To meet the fiance

This divination option will help you find out if the girl will meet her soul mate this year. For this you need:

  • prepare five identical cups;
  • put one item at the bottom of each - a ribbon, a ring, an onion, a pepper and a candy;
  • then stir the cups;
  • close your eyes and take any at random;
  • see what is in it.

The ribbon means meeting with the betrothed on the way somewhere or while traveling. The ring promises a quick wedding. The bow portends sadness, since the meeting will not take place soon. Pepper speaks of the complex nature of the betrothed, but he goes to the fortune-teller. Candy - the meeting will take place at a holiday or some fun event.

With a mirror and candles

This fortune-telling is one of the most exciting and dangerous. There are many variants of such a ritual, but the most mysterious is the ceremony with two mirrors. The best time for him is 12 o'clock at night, and you need to perform the ritual all alone. Necessary:

  • take two mirrors of the same size;
  • put them parallel to each other;
  • light two candles and illuminate the formed mirror tunnel with them;
  • stare into the reflection
  • after the betrothed appears, shout: “Chur me and this place” to interrupt fortune-telling;
  • put out the candles, cross yourself and go to sleep.

It is important to remember that in the image of the betrothed, the devil or the devil comes. It is necessary to be extremely careful and in any dangerous situation to ward off the evil spirit with amulets: “Chur me and this (this) place” in order to drive away evil spirits.

On bulbs

When a girl has many contenders for her hand and heart, she can perform a ritual on the bulbs, which will tell the name of the one who is destined for her by fate. On Christmas Eve, you should take several bulbs and write the name of one of the men on each. Bulbs should be even and without flaws.

Then you need to place them in a container with water or earth and wait until they germinate. The first onion with sprouted green sprouts will tell you the name of the person for whom the fortuneteller should marry.

Before bedtime

To look at the betrothed in a dream, you should sleep all alone, while you need to put on a shirt inside out, and turn the sheet and pillow face down. You need to go to bed on the day of divination in the direction opposite to the usual. There are many affordable and safe ways to see a prophetic dream:

  1. Place a mirror or comb under the pillow and say: “Come, come. Brush it, brush it. Look at me, show yourself."
  2. Braid the braid, thread a small padlock into it, lock it with a key and read the plot: “Narrowed-mummer, come to me to ask for the key, unlock the lock.” Hide the key. In a dream, the groom will ask him to give.
  3. Put soap and a comb under the pillow, while saying: “My betrothed, mummers, come, wash and comb me.”
  4. Before going to bed, place a comb or comb under the pillow and say: "Narrowed-mummer, come comb me." This evening you can not comb your hair and braid it.
  5. Make a bridge out of twigs, put it under the pillow and say: “Who is my mummer, who is my betrothed, he will take me across the bridge.”
  6. Put a jug of water and a glass at the head of the bed. At night, say these words: “You will get tired from the road, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I will give you a drink.”
  7. Make a well out of ordinary matches and say: “Narrowed-mummers, come and drink water.”
  8. At night, mix a little salt with water, swallow the mixture and say: "Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is mummers, will give me a drink."
  9. Put a saucer with jam near the bed, which you should cook yourself. Before going to bed, read the slander: "I have all the sweetness." In addition to the groom who appeared in a dream, after this simple ritual, the girl will have no end to the suitors.
  10. From the festive feast, leave a piece of bread, put it under the pillow and say: "Betrothed-mummer, come to me for dinner."

street divination

Not all Christmas divination can be done at home. There are also those for which you have to go outside:

  1. On Christmas Eve, a girl should leave the house and throw her boot over the fence. Then look in which direction he points, and her future husband lives there. If the toe of the boot is directed towards the house, this year she will not be married.
  2. Throw a handful of snow in any direction and say: “Zalay, zaly, doggy, inquire, inquire, betrothed.” Then wait on the other side of the barking dog. If he is rude, then the fortuneteller will marry an old man, sonorous and boisterous - for a cheerful and young, muffled - for a widower or divorced.
  3. Fall into the snow late at night, get up and leave without looking back. In the morning to see what happened to the snow print. If the snow is smooth, then the spouse will be kind, dotted with dashes speaks of a jealous person. If the trail is completely covered, it will take a long time to get married. Too deep speaks of several marriages.
  4. Go out at midnight to the crossroads and listen to the sounds. If a bell ringing is heard, the fortuneteller will marry very soon, and the union will be long and happy. A loud male voice will tell you about the marriage proposal. A quarrel and swearing will tell you that you won’t be able to get married next year.
  5. At midnight, go out into the street and ask the name of the first passerby. That is what will belong to the future husband.

with a log

This method is suitable for those unmarried girls who live in the village. To tell fortunes in this way, it is necessary in the evening, when it becomes completely dark on the street, to go into an unlit woodpile and randomly select the first log that comes across. By its quality and form, one can judge who is to be married:

  • a smooth log - a kind and handsome groom;
  • rough - ugly;
  • with a thick and good bark - rich;
  • tattered in places - a beggar;
  • thick log - physically strong;
  • with knots - predicts a fortuneteller a large family, and their number will tell how many people will be in it;
  • crooked - the groom will be older.

If a girl lives in a city, then finding a log is very problematic, but it can be replaced by any tree in the yard, park or forest. The fortuneteller needs to be blindfolded, unwind on the spot and, without looking, choose any tree at random. All the characteristics that are used in divination with a log are also applicable to the ritual with a tree.

If you eat a pinch of salt at night and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink,” then you will recognize your future groom in a dream. It is he who will give you a mug of water in a dream.

In villages or in the country, where there is a stove, such fortune-telling is appropriate. We must go to the woodpile and pull out a log at random. And then consider it carefully. A smooth log - there will be a handsome groom; rough bark - unsightly; thick and good bark - rich; tattered in places - poor; without bark - completely beggar; thick - strong; with bitches - to be a big family.

To find out how many children there will be, you need to lower the ring into a small container of water. Put it in the cold. When the water freezes, carefully inspect the surface of the ice. No tubercles - childless life; there is - look better: a tubercle is a son, a dimple is a daughter. Count how many there are.

Take a clean white towel and hang it out the window, pinching the window. Say: “Betrothed, come to me!” Check the towel with your urine: if it’s wet, then you will definitely get married this year.

Take the key with the large ring, put it in a thick book, leaving the key hole out. Bandage the book to keep the key secure. Hang it all on a hook or nail. When the book hangs still, state your name. If the book starts spinning, she will get married.

Tie the edge of the nightgown in a knot and say: “I will see the house of the betrothed, where I will live!” At night, you should dream of the house in which you will live when you get married.

If you "ask" the cat to cross the threshold of the room and make a wish, then you will know if it will come true. Desire depends on which paw she steps over the threshold. If left, then everything will come true, if right - no ...

Place a glass jug or a glass of water on the table, three lighted candles around it on three sides, and a mirror behind them. Look in the mirror through the decanter. What you see will come true.

This fortune-telling for marriage is held on Christmas Eve or Epiphany Eve. With a lit candle in your hands, go around all the rooms clockwise. If the candle does not go out, the plan will come true.

Two thin needles should be lowered into a glass of water. Grease them first. If the needles sink - a bad omen. If they come together, it promises marriage. If the needles have diverged, there are obstacles to the wedding. If at all they went in different directions, this couple most likely will not work out.

Take a large plate and a piece of paper. Crumple the sheet and place on a plate. Light the paper and wait until it burns out. Light a candle and turn off the light. Turn the plate carefully and see what shapes you get on the white wall. Patterns will prompt you the answer to your questions. Here are some meanings of the images: Home - a family will appear. Bear, dog - a new love or friend will appear. Mountain will overcome many difficulties. Table - there will be many guests. Road - short and long trips. Tree - study, knowledge of the new.

Pour into a glass of the purest spring water and set in the cold. When it hardens, put the ring and chain on the ice. Then see what will fall to the bottom first: a ring - to be married soon; chain - waiting.

Throw a pinch of ash, a pinch of salt and the same amount of sugar into a bowl of water. Put there the hair of your loved one and yours. Look in the morning: if the hair is intertwined or lies side by side, you will live together. If someone's hair is sunk, he will get sick, possibly seriously. If the hair is floating at different ends of the bowl, then he will walk, if he has not already changed.

This ancient divination is carried out in complete solitude. Place a mirror on the table, on the sides are two burning candles, fixed in glasses with millet. Place the second mirror opposite the first - they should be reflected in each other, forming an endless corridor. Speak all the time, looking intently in the mirror: “Narrowed-mummer, come to me dressed up.” As soon as you see the face, say “Keep away from me!” And quickly knock over one of the mirrors.

In a bucket filled with water, wooden marked spoons are lowered and the water is shaken. Whose spoon moves away from the edge of the bucket, that girl will certainly get married this year.

If you eat a few pickles at night, then the future groom will dream. He will give water. Just do not forget to say: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink."

At night, you can put a tambourine or other king under the pillow and guess the person you are passionate about. If he dreams, he will become a husband.

Melt the wax and pour into a bowl of water. If the wax solidifies in the form of elongated candles, a building or a ring, there will be a wedding. If it settles at the bottom in the form of a pancake, it will take a long time to wait.

The desire to know the name of the betrothed is irresistible and fully justified. Girls need fortune-telling for marriage in order to dream and understand the inner feeling, and women want confidence and predictability, although everything girlish is not alien to them. And I also want to know his appearance, and it would not be bad to get at least a drop of information about his character. Yes, and the date of the wedding would not hurt, because you need to prepare. It is only important to understand one thing: not all fortune-telling is useful.

What fortune-telling for marriage are

If you carefully wander around the Runet, you can collect about 20 solid types of fortune-telling for the betrothed and the date of the wedding. All the rest are some kind of parodies, created to have more garbage on the network. On the other hand, even these 20 variants mostly have the same roots. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following list:

  1. Divination with spruce paws
  2. Using playing cards in a deck of 36 pieces
  3. With cards in a deck of 52 pieces
  4. Option using multi-colored threads and needles
  5. Ritual on a stack of rye straw
  6. On beads
  7. With the use of sleep: "Forty bows to the earth"
  8. With the use of sleep: "Introduction of the Virgin"
  9. With candles and water
  10. With salt
  11. With a towel
  12. With ring and book
  13. with a log
  14. And about 10 less traditional and vague folk rituals

The first 8 can be called the most popular, but for a complete picture and a conscientious approach, it is necessary to explore all possible ones. In this way, it is possible to choose the most appropriate way to find out the future about family ties. You should start with an overview of the simplest and most dubious ones in order to immediately weed them out.

Doubtful types of divination

The fortune-telling for marriage considered below is free, possible at home and combined into one section, because they have a fairly simple approach, sometimes they require funny actions, and, most importantly, they do not have a serious connection to reality and power of action, except, perhaps, self-hypnosis.

It should not be argued that the listed fortune-telling for marriage is 100% not true. You can try out some suggestions as a first step before resorting to more serious things like praying before bed.

The character of the future husband

Torch burning speed

Divination, which is said to be of Old Russian origin, reveals the type of spouse. It is necessary to wet a torch (it is also an ordinary sliver or a long match) in water and light it. Then it remains to observe the speed of its flare-up. With fast - a good character, with a slow - bad.

First, wet - everything is clear here. Secondly, the concepts of slow and fast are very vague and subjective. Thirdly, most likely, such a ceremony should be carried out without understanding the meaning of “slow / fast”. This is explained by the fact that knowing in advance what the burning rate means, the girl can intuitively (subconsciously) choose a torch for a certain result.

Burn crackers or popcorn

To perform this rite, you will need to add some water (for safety) to the pan, put some crackers on it (you can replace it with popcorn) and set fire to these ingredients. Just set it on fire. If a steady crack is heard, then wait for the grumbler's husband. If the fire does not cover these components or goes out too quickly, then your life will be accompanied by a drunkard.

Nowadays, it is difficult to find crackers that will burn, not to mention that they will absorb water. You will have to dry it yourself out of bread. As for the mention of popcorn, this thing is quite modern and hardly belongs to something old Russian - someone fashionable decided to be smart. It is also worth mentioning the method of ignition: how do you need to set fire to the bread so that it starts to burn? A blowtorch comes to mind. In conclusion, it is necessary to be surprised at the too little variability of the recipe, because the poor fortune teller will definitely have either a drunkard or a grumbler. There is no third.

Ring, bread, brush, cigarette

The following fortune-telling on her husband seems to be a very elegant girlish entertainment. For the ceremony, it is proposed to use a piece of bread, a ring, a brush and a cigarette. Cover each of these items with something (rag, plate, etc.). Next, call the girls and let them take turns pointing to one of the objects. Thus, it is believed that every girl will guess her married fate. If a girl gets a ring, she will be married to a dandy, a dandy. If bread is granted from above, then the husband will be a new Russian (we will assume, meaning rich). If a brush falls out, it means that you are destined to be chosen by a simple person, but a cigarette will be a sign that you will have to share happiness with a smoker.

It seems that any smart girl and woman will notice one awkwardness in such fortune-telling about her husband. It lies in the fact that the choice is narrow enough. After all, there are so many diverse characters left behind. After all, one can assume that if you hide a glass and the girl chooses it, then there will be a drunkard, and if the pen is a pilot. In addition, it would be fairer to let each of the girls choose the same hidden object than they would choose from the rest.

On the other hand, most likely, the beginning of this type of fortune-telling could be laid in a remote outback, where there were only 4 young people in the whole village. So, one of them smoked, the other was rich, the third was a dude, the fourth was not remarkable. And so that the young girls do not quarrel, but according to fate they disagree, they were offered to play such a “roulette”. If so, then there can be nothing to do with fortune-telling here, since this is an elementary case. Even from natural selection is very far away, and runs counter to the foundations of the strict norms of ethnic communities, such as the Old Believers.

Video: fortune-telling with matches

In the video below, the girl performs the ceremony of divination for marriage with matches. Two types of fortune-telling are used, of which the second can be expanded by adding variables, for example, to tell fortunes which of the two girls the guy will choose.

A very strange first divination in which matches are set on fire and thrown into the water. Actually, as you throw, so they will lie down. Another thing, maybe the fingers are sweaty and the match flies anywhere. More interesting is the second option, where the matches are stuck into the foil. If you are conducting such an experiment for the first time, then the result is really unpredictable, but if you have trained, then you can easily place matches in the positions you need. The fingertips feel the structure of the wooden product and after, say, a hundred or two matches, you will accurately guess the result of the arson.

Divination for marriage with a log

This fortune-telling is most suitable for girls who are often in the country, in the village. The meaning of fortune-telling is to go to the woodpile and randomly pull out any log. Next, you need to carefully examine it.

  • Smooth log - handsome groom
  • Rough - unsightly groom
  • Thick bark - rich groom
  • Skinned - poor groom
  • Without a bark - a beggar groom
  • Thick log - strong groom
  • Crooked log - the groom is ugly, or with physical disabilities
  • Log with knots - a big family

Suppose that this fortune-telling is able to reveal fate, but then we have two options. If a girl has never seen what kind of logs are thrown into this warehouse, then she will pull it out completely at random and get a setting for a certain action.

If the girl saw the logs, maybe even peered into the woodpile, say, sitting by the window, but did not attach any importance to this and did not remember where which log lay, and then she went and pulled out the log, then we can more likely say not so much about what kind of husband will be, but about what the girl wants. Because at the moment of stretching, the subconscious mind will work, which remembers everything.

By the way, there is a similar divination by spruce paws. The interpretation of the values ​​is the same, but the conditions are slightly different. It is necessary to pick up an armful of spruce branches in the forest, bring it home and lay it out in front of you. Shutting your eyes, say “Herringbone, Christmas tree, what will my hubby be like?” and pull out one branch.

Where to expect the faithful

Ashes will tell you where it will come from

Take a sufficiently long and thin wood chips, place it in a vertical position, for example, in a piece of plasticine, bread, or stick it in the sand. It is necessary to achieve its location at 90 degrees. Then set it on fire and watch which side the ashes fall on. On the other side, according to legend, one should wait for the arrival of the groom.

Absolutely no complaints. A simple, non-committal overnight adventure. Even if the side where the good fellow will come from is determined, the more accurate coordinates are not clear (at least the distance has yet to be determined). And if you throw a stick in that direction with sufficient force, then you can expect that after flying around the Earth, it will hit the fortune-teller in the back of the head.

Cockroach in a shirt

The following suggests that the girl should try to catch a cockroach and tie it in the sleeve of her nightgown, while saying “Cockroach-cockroach, show me the tower where I will live!”. According to popular rumor (maybe the inventions of contemporaries), such fortune-telling should lead to a dream in which the girl will see a house where she is destined to spend her whole life, having found her soul mate.

In general, if a girl dares to grab an insect and, most importantly, if she succeeds (a cockroach runs, after all, at a speed of about 5 km / h), then it is quite possible that she will dream of a house. Here one can trace a strong installation by a person of himself to reproduce an object. There is only one limitation: the human brain can only work with what it has ever seen. That is, he is not able to come up with a house unknown to him, give it a color, shape (if it is a healthy brain and without hormonal changes). Another thing is that everything gets into the brain, often bypassing consciousness. Therefore, it may seem that I dreamed of something that I had never met. Why not use it?

Various dubious fortune-telling about her husband

Under Christmas

Light a candle at 19:00 on December 25 (Christmas according to the Julian calendar), and go around all the rooms with it, making wishes. Be sure your bypass must be clockwise. If, after going from start to finish, you were able to prevent the candle from going out, then all your plans will come true.

Another way to get a little self-motivation. During the act of walking around the apartment, a person focuses on the things that are most important to him, fishing out of the common porridge what he intends to implement. It’s not even self-hypnosis that plays a big role here, but the fact that a person separates the grain from the chaff (true desires from all the wishes), makes a decision for a set period of time, while concentrating on keeping the fire in the candle. Well, in addition, a drop of suggestion. A completely acceptable way, if the subject of fortune-telling is aware of how it works.

Will there even be a wedding?

The next fortune-telling for marriage can even predict celibacy. One caveat is that the girl should hold this event not for herself, but for her friend, who wants to take a look at the future. For this method, you need to take two thin needles and rub them with lard. Here the needles represent a boy and a girl. Next, the metal is gently lowered into the water (in a glass) and observation takes place. A bad outcome of fortune-telling may be that both needles will sink (it is not explained what exactly this means). And if attracted, it means to be a wedding. In the case when the needles are at a distance from each other, then something is interfering or may interfere. Well, there will be celibacy if the needles are pressed against the walls of the vessel.

We can say that a multifactorial dependence can be traced in this fortune-telling for a wedding. Firstly, the latent negative (envy, self-interest, self-indulgence) attitude of a friend can affect how these needles are rubbed. Or maybe they'll go to the bottom. This is a paranoid look. Secondly, the needle on the water is a magnet known from school, no matter what it is wrapped in - try even putting it on a piece of paper. Therefore, it would be worth seasoning such fortune-telling with advice: take only glass containers. We will not remind you that the turn of the needles will always be to the north. Thirdly, all conventions are at the mercy of the observer. For example, how much to observe, what “bad outcome” means, whether to take needles from different boxes. Because if you watch long enough, sooner or later the needles will wash ashore.

Ring, chain and earring

To carry out the rite of divination, it is necessary to draw clean spring water into a cup, which should be frozen. After some time, it is necessary to put a ring, a chain and an earring on the ice at the same time and observe which of these objects touches the bottom first. If the ring fell, then expect an imminent wedding. If there is a chain, then the long wait for the husband cannot be avoided. And if an earring - to be a misfortune in the house.

There are absolutely no objections here. Only a small addition: the metal in the products must be of the same density. Gold in one means gold in all the rest. And the same test. However, the ring must always break through the ice faster than the rest of the jewelry. Because it is usually larger in its physical parameters - the area of ​​​​contact with the environment and ice is larger. Yes, by the way, spring clean water should be because the ice should be transparent and uniform, and not like on a river - in cracks. Solely for the mental balance of the researcher, it would be worth excluding the earring altogether.

Rice and decorations

Divination with rice that suggests true luck. In order to learn about marriage, you need to take a deep plate and pour a lot of rice into it. Next, throw a ring, brooch, hairpin into the rice. Make a wish and take out the first thing that comes across from the rice. If it has become a ring, a wedding is coming soon. If a brooch - expect the death of a loved one. The hairpin will lead to long loneliness.

Unfortunately, this advice is not fully explained. In our opinion, it would be better if someone else did this fortune-telling for you. The fact is that it is necessary, logically and fairly, to bury the decorations inside the rice. And if you do it yourself, you will roughly understand where and what is in this pile. So it will not be difficult for you to pull out the most suitable future. Again, we advise you not to throw a brooch into rice in order to save yourself from the painful question (and, God forbid, self-hypnosis) that someone must die. If everything is done as we see it, then it only depends on the case what thing you pull out. This means that what is meant by fortune-telling among a wide audience is quite feasible.

Fuck me!

They say that this divination is one of the oldest. It should be carried out in complete silence, darkness and loneliness. As accessories we need:

  • Two candles fixed in salt;
  • Two mirrors;

The mirror is placed on the table, and burning candles are placed on both sides of it. The second mirror must be placed opposite the first one so that they create a bewitching illuminated corridor of infinity, reflected in each other. After all the preparations, sit down next to the mirror and begin to carefully peer into it and say: "Betrothed-mummers, come to me dressed up." If you suddenly see a face in the mirror, at the same second say “Keep away from me!” and immediately knock over the mirror prostrate.

This is a fortune-telling from the category "If you suffer for a long time, then something will work out." In addition to inconvenience, there is hardly anything that prevents this ritual from being carried out. Although these manipulations with the word "Chur me!" and urgent overturning hint us at evil spirits. As for the veracity of fortune-telling about marriage from the point of view of psychology / psychiatry, then if a person looks at one point for a long time, the truth will be able to see some images. It's all about the meditative practice of this event, and this is a very powerful thing, especially for children and adolescents. If the trance state is given too easily, then it is time to visit, for starters, a neurologist.

As for the emerging images, they are most likely to be derived from the most disturbing phenomena of the subconscious. Yes, including the features of a person, animal, structure, and so on. But more often you should expect only blurry, colored shapeless figures, on which, by its human nature, the girl will plant something from reality.

Video: horror story about divination with mirrors

Why you should not guess on the mirrors and what is their true power - the essence is briefly described in this video. Despite the fact that from a physical point of view there are no prerequisites to beware, nevertheless the mirror has a great psychological effect. Why? The answer is simple: people are not created for mirrors, from the point of view of evolutionary anthropology, this is an invention alien to humans.

Divination for marriage with spoons

One of the simplest options for fortune-telling about marriage in general is that you need to draw water into a tub (bucket, barrel), and then lower wooden spoons with girls' marks on it. You need to shake the water and see whose spoon moves away from the edge, that girl will definitely get married this year.

It will be interesting to have such a fortune-telling for an inquisitive mind: “What if fortune-telling is carried out on December 31?”, “What if all five of them lose their spoon for fortune-telling?”, “And if the fortune-tellers are 10 years old?” and similar kind. In fact, such a rite does not inspire confidence either from the point of view of common sense or from a psychological point of view. This approach is more like having fun in the countryside, where teenagers have nothing else to do. It would have been justified in the last century.

pickles before marriage

Fortune telling that will allow you to recognize your future groom in a dream. He will come to give you a drink, because the essence of this tradition is to eat a few pickles and fall asleep, before having time to say "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will give me a drink."

Like most of these ceremonies, self-hypnosis can take on power, but with one limitation: the image of the betrothed can emerge only from those personalities whom the girl once contemplated, even subconsciously. However, this may help to find, perhaps not the one who is dreaming, but a person close to the ghost in spirit.

card king

This sacrament requires any king from the deck of ordinary cards. You need to put it under the pillow and think of a person who is sweet to the soul. If he appears in a dream, then wait for his husband soon.

And, on the contrary, this ritual cannot have any power, because during divination no hypnotic phrase is pronounced, no effort of will occurs. Thinking of a person and putting the king under the pillow is like putting on slippers. There are big doubts that such fortune-telling could be generated by our ancestors, who carried the experience of hundreds of years.

Wax will tell about the wedding

There is a belief that if you melt the wax and pour it into a bowl of water, you can learn something about the wedding. As the rumor informs, if the wax hardens, resembling a structure, a ring or elongated candles, then this is definitely for the wedding. If the wax went to the bottom, then there will be a long wait for family life.

You can mention the lack of prediction in the "what if ..." part. For example, a figure may turn out to be different from the one listed, and then what should a fortune teller do? But if you look from a professional point of view, then a certain uncertainty of the final moment (the duration of the wait, or the date of the wedding) makes it possible for the mind to enjoy the moment and create a comfortable emotional background, from which the everyday business will argue, and the internal setting will not be destroyed in case of failure predictions.

Key and book - fortune-telling for marriage

If several girls have gathered in the company, then you can spend your free time with interest, and at the same time try your luck and find out which of them will get married. For divination, you must have a door key with a large hole that fits in a thick book. Note that the key hole should be peeking out of the book. The next step is to bind the book so tightly that the key is securely and firmly held in one place.

Hang the rewound book on the wall (for example, on a nail) and let it find its balance so that it stops moving. After that, the girls can come up in turn and voice their questions, naming the name. If the book came into motion at the time of the question, then this girl will marry.

Divination with a towel

A good hostess always has a white and clean towel in the house. It is he who must be hung out the window and secured so that it does not fly away. Press the window - it's easier. At the same time, say the phrase "Betrothed, come to me!".

Check the towel the next morning. If the towel gets wet, then this year the wedding cannot be avoided.

This fortune-telling will help those young ladies who just want to make sure once again that the existing chosen one will not run away anywhere. Because the towel in the morning will always be saturated with moisture. Basically, because the apartment is warmer than outside, and the air passing by the towel will carry drops of water from the home, which will remain on the towel. But in general, early in the morning you are always provided with a wet towel according to the same principle as dew appears on the grass, the wall of the building, the glass of the windows.

Not only for the husband, but also for the children

If you want to know something about your future children, then take an engagement ring and dip it into a glass of water, putting the latter in the cold. Wait until all the water passes into another state of aggregation and start guessing on the surface of the ice. Each bump speaks of a boy, and the hollow speaks of a daughter. The quantity will also match. If the ice remains smooth - wait for the fate of the childless. Well, if there are children, then the husband will turn up.

The only thing that can be advised is to ignore the absence of depressions and tubercles. This can give the wrong installation to a strongly convinced person. After all, everything depends not only on the metal that you lowered into the water, but also on itself and the rate of freezing of water.

Find out how your lover feels about you

Fortune-telling, which will allow you to find out how a person who is not indifferent to you treats you. You will need 10 pieces of paper, which you will then roll into tubes. But first, write the name of your loved one on one of them. Then put the folded leaves in an opaque container (bag, saucepan, etc.). Fortune telling begins from the moment the papers are pulled out. In total, you can withdraw three pieces of paper in turn. Each pulled out note after reading is returned back. If a friend got a piece of paper with a name, then, unfortunately, he is not interested in you.

Fortune-telling, which is almost completely hidden from the explicit and secret intentions of the fortune-teller. In fact - a standard lottery, let's call it "3 out of 10". Combinatorics will help you.

You will see marriage by the level of the water

As indicated, it is necessary to collect an incomplete bowl of water and put it under your bed at night. It is only necessary to mark the level of collected water in this dish with a felt-tip pen. In the morning, when you wake up, look: if there is less water, you will be idle for a long time. And if there is the same amount of water, then by all means get married.

Water always evaporates, so it is foolish to expect that it will remain the same. Here it is necessary to conduct laboratory experiments in order to identify whether the water evaporated faster or slower - this will become an indicator of other factors. Relatively speaking, if it is cool under the bed, then maybe the girl received a weakening of the kidneys, from which her appearance will be less attractive, which means that she will not be married so quickly.

Into the mouth of water

Cheerful fortune-telling can create a good mood in the company. Girls must take water in their mouths, go out into the yard and run to the mark (wicket, pole, tree). Whoever runs to the door faster and does not swallow water, she will marry faster than the rest.

In this case, the setting to achieve the goal is not given - it already exists. This is what helps overcome obstacles. You can call this competition "Who wants it more." That is, there is no prophecy here.

Candle boats

Divination for marriage is often associated with candles and water separately. But this divination allows you to combine the two elements. Fortunetellers need to prepare a shell from walnuts (or from other material), which will serve as the basis of a swimming facility. In such a boat it is necessary to place, well fixed, a candle. Further, all boats are lowered into a basin of water, candles are lit and observation takes place. Whose candle burned out earlier, she will jump out faster in marriage. And if it drowns - to be an old maid.

In general, one should also recommend a closed room and a basin with high walls, or cover the container with a glass dome. So that completely pure fortune-telling passed. There is no psychological reason here, except for the fact that if all variables are equal, but some candle burned out faster, then the girl gets a solid increase in her own confidence and purpose. If there was one at all.

Basic Divination: When Will I Get Married

Next, we will consider some types of wedding divination, the origin of which goes back to the time of the creation of a deck of cards, based on many years of observations of ancestors, as well as the experience of some people whose life is only made up of predictions and divination. Here we include those divinations that are difficult to dispute.

Find out the exact date of the wedding cards

For fortune-telling on marriage on cards, a girl needs to take a deck of ordinary playing cards of 36 pieces and shuffle it. Next, it is with the left little finger to remove the upper part of the deck and place it on the very bottom. The third step is to focus on your desire, namely on the question that you mentally need to say: “When will I get married?”. The next steps look like this:

  1. Choose any nine cards from anywhere in the deck;
  2. Arrange them in three piles of three: left, center and right pile.

The first pack in which you put three cards will reveal the secret of the wedding day. The second will indicate the month of the wedding. The third will tell the year when the long-awaited event will take place. Expand the first pile and count what number the sum of the cards forms. The numerical values ​​of the cards are as follows:

Numerical value of low cards:

  • Six - 6
  • Seven - 7
  • Eight - 8
  • Nine - 9
  • Ten - 10

Numerical value of high cards:

  • Jack - 1
  • Lady - 2
  • King - 3
  • Ace - 11

Let's try to count. Let's say, in the left pile of cards (wedding day) we have dropped out: jack (1), six (6) and ten (10). In the middle (responsible for the month): king (3), seven (7), ten (10). Well, in the right (talking about the year) we got the following cards: six (6), queen (2), ace (11). We summarize:

  • 1 + 6 + 10 = 17 (day)
  • 3 + 7 + 10 = 20 (month)
  • 6 + 2 + 11 = 19 (year)


You may have noticed that counting the number of the month resulted in a number greater than their actual number in one year. In this case, it is necessary to do this: we sum up the two numbers that were shown to us by the sacrament. In our case, this is 2 + 0 = 2. So February will be the wedding day. Thus, the date of this marriage divination is February 17, 2019. By the way, it will be Sunday.

But it may turn out that the cards will show the past year. Perhaps this is the year that was close in your destiny. To find out after all the future, and not the past, take another card from anywhere in the deck and attach it to the left pile. Its value should be added to the value of the previous year. Do this until the cards show the coming year or the current one. You should not add cards in the same way if it shows the past day or month - only the year.

Repeated divination

And now for the curious: a different date during repeated fortune-telling is explained by the butterfly effect. Its essence is that any change in you or your environment completely changes the entire line of life. Therefore, repeated guessing leads to a different result.

Here are some interesting facts:

  1. From the point of view of manual therapy, the little finger of the left hand is responsible for the work of the heart, despite the fact that massaging the pad of this finger promotes the work of the intestines. Science has not fully proven such a connection, however, psychologists always advise improving hand motor skills to increase the activity of certain areas of the brain. And it is with the left little finger that we are offered to move the deck in this rite - to perform the first important action.
  2. It is also interesting that, according to modern traditions, weddings are preferred to be held on Fridays. This is very reasonable, because now Friday is a relaxed day with minimal business activity the next day. It is worth questioning the prescription of this fortune-telling, since in Rus' it was forbidden to arrange weddings on Wednesdays and Fridays. Not to mention the fact that most weddings were played from the end of September to November. So, either there should be a reservation that this fortune-telling does not determine the date of the wedding (as a celebration), but conventions, such as registration of marriage, or one should not treat this as an ancient fortune-telling.
  3. It is a pity that so few explanations have survived to this day. For example, why should numbers outside of acceptable ranges be added and not continued? Say, instead of adding 2 + 0, you could calculate 20-12 = 8 and find out the 8th month from the current date. I would like to believe only in one thing: that wisdom passed through observations and experience, and therefore this fortune-telling can be applicable.

This video discusses the type of fortune-telling for marriage on playing cards with the difference that four ladies are used - each for their own social status. Including: fortune-telling for a husband for a widow, for an aged woman. With the help of this fortune-telling, the year when the lady will marry is determined. At the end, some explanations are given regarding the neighboring cards and their meanings.

Divination on figurines of bread

From 2 or more girls must participate in fortune-telling. Each of them must mold figures from bread. Then you need to call the dog and see: whose product will be eaten first, she will marry faster.

It has long been proven that each person has an individual smell. Pheromones emanating from our body can easily remain on the figurine. Therefore, the dog here, like a litmus test with millions of olfactory cells, is able to show whose smell and taste she likes best. But this is not evidence that a man will also like these characteristics. There is no proven connection or similarity of smell in animals and humans. Some animals are able to eat both cacti and the most repulsive-smelling flowers. But this fortune-telling has potential, especially since a specific date or appearance is not declared. Simply: who will leave first.

Divination on a stack of straw

You need to be physically ready for this fortune-telling, but the main thing is to find a stack of rye straw. The complexity increases even more because the rite is performed exactly at midnight, which is difficult to do in modern civilization. However, if you are determined, then go to the haystack, stand on your left foot, and then dash around this bulk three times, constantly saying "Damn place - hell with you." Please note that you need to keep the direction against the movement of the sun.

Once the full third circle is completed, close your eyes and pull three straws out of the stack one by one. Pulling out each reed, say: “Tell me, don’t lie, tell me, don’t hide who I, a girl, will marry: rich, or average, or poor?” The interpretation of the fortune-telling results is as follows:

  • A straw with a spikelet and a grain - the husband is very rich
  • A straw with an ear, but without grains - the husband is not rich, but he will not let him live in poverty
  • A straw without an ear - the husband is poor

If all the straws are different, it means that you need to look at the last one. Ali is more than straws of one kind, then this will be narrowed.

Deep self-hypnosis, on the verge of hypnosis, which is enhanced by an erroneous psychological attitude exclusively towards a positive result. Whatever the outcome, taking into account physical exercises, courage, determination, a person will receive an incredible dose of conviction as a result of the ceremony that everything will be so. Long-term affirmations also contribute to this. Therefore, it is necessary to be properly tuned in case of a less expected result (not everyone needs a rich one).

Minus the repetition of the phrase "Say, Not lie…” is that during self-suggestion particles “not” are forbidden, because they are not heard by the subconscious. Therefore, if you want to take a chance, then repeat better “Tell the truth, tell me honestly, show me the truth, whom I, a girl, will marry ...”.

Fortune telling on the date of the wedding

Cards have always been the most important intriguing, mysterious tool in the activities of fortunetellers. And often it was necessary to use only a new deck, which was explained by the absence of traces of someone else's energy, so as not to distort the forecast. This divination also requires a new (mandatory!) pack of cards.

Conditions for preparing for divination:

  • Divination for marriage occurs only on a new deck of 52 cards
  • Fortune-telling is carried out 1 time in 2 months
  • Divination is held until 18:00
  • If a young girl is guessing, then a lady of diamonds corresponds to her
  • If an adult woman is guessing, then the queen of hearts corresponds to her

Shuffle the deck of cards and select 20 cards from the top of the deck. Look at these cards and if they saw your card among them, then you will get married in the next year. Otherwise, continue the ceremony.

In case a card corresponding to your status has not arrived, then take the remaining deck and divide it into 5 approximately equal parts. The next step is to start in turn, from left to right, to open the cards in piles. The results may be as follows:

  • If your lady is in the first pile - expect a wedding in the next 2 years
  • If in the second - within 3 years
  • If in the third - within 4 years
  • If in the fourth or fifth pile, then, alas, but not soon you will tie the knot

Cards are the result of the work of a card making company. If you know the order in which thin cartons with drawings are stacked at the factory, this is your only chance to somehow (even subconsciously) try to choose what you need. Otherwise, you should not be upset if it didn’t happen what you expected, which is likely to happen, because this type of fortune-telling will be used by those who are waiting for a great event.

Fortune telling in a dream with a prayer

With the exception that divination and the church are completely different sides of the barricades, divination using sleep is a form of communication with the subconscious. However, the first fact is serious enough to study. After all, as soon as a believing girl (more often this happens on Slavic land) finds out that the church does not accept this kind of sacrament, then bad thoughts can begin to visit her.

Most often, nothing special happens, but if you don’t let go of the feeling of a misconduct before the Lord, then you should go to church. From the point of view of psychology, religion, faith are the same instruments of influencing the (un-)conscious, only much more deeply rooted inside, more often useful. And if so, then, let's say, one of the usual pictures begins to be pushed out - the struggle of two sides inside a person. Therefore, if a person is deeply religious, then prayers and requests will be closer to him.

Ritual for the Day of Catherine the Great Martyr

The Day of Catherine of the Vvedenskaya (aka the Great Martyr) is a church event celebrated on November 24th. For the event, before going to bed, turn to the east, cross yourself and bow 40 times. As soon as you finish, say: “Holy Martyr Katherine, take me to the temple where I will be married, and show me who I will be engaged to.”

After that, you can lie down on the bed and fall asleep sweetly, and during sleep you will see your future husband. Both a clear image and a fragmentary one can come. In the event that elements of clothing are shown, intermittent outlines, then you already know this person. And if a whole man was shown, then this person is not familiar to you yet.

Let's not forget that a dream shows some things that are inaccessible to us in reality. But also the brain cannot reproduce something it has never seen before. It's like wardrobes. A blouse cannot appear out of thin air in them - only if you put it there. So, if you saw the whole man, then now remember where you could meet him before. However, this is the purpose of this divination - to encourage you to achieve a result that best suits your inner comfort.

Ritual for the day of the Introduction of the Virgin

Another type of quite effective fortune-telling can be a set of events for November 21 - the Day of the Virgin Mary. The difference from Catherine the Great Martyr is that the first phrase, after bowing 40 times to the east, it is necessary to say the following prayer: “Theotokos Virgin Mary, full of the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with you. Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of Thee, because You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Then comes the time to say three times: “Mother, the Most Holy Theotokos, lead me into the temple in which I will be married, and show me the groom with whom I will be engaged.” The next step is to put your ring on the icon of the Virgin right before falling asleep.

In a dream, you will see a view of the church in which the wedding will take place. By feeling, you can understand the time of the year when everything will happen, and, of course, there will be an image of a person dear to the heart.

Equally with the previous one, this divination can also have a strong effect thanks to the concept from psychology - visualization. During the utterance of a prayer, the supplicant imagines the events as a fait accompli, which is a strong setting signal. In addition, there is an affirmation in the form of a request to show the temple. Thus divination, whether it be a prayer, but an image may come.

IN Christmas Eve pious believers do not eat food, and by ten o'clock in the evening they go to the temple, where they celebrate the feast of the Nativity. Only when the first star appears - a symbol of the star of Bethlehem - is it allowed to taste sochivo (lean dish, which is a wheat or rice broth with honey and fruits). Hence the name of this day - Christmas Eve. The holiday of Christmas itself symbolizes the triumph of the reconciliation of man with God.

The day of the strictest fast is the eve of the feast of the Nativity of Christ, called Christmas Eve or Christmas Eve. However, despite fasting and superstition, Christmas night has long been considered one of the most successful for divination.

Magic and the mystery that is inextricably linked with it has always aroused great interest among people. This science appeared many thousands of years ago and improved over time, replenishing its baggage with new methods. Magic is traditionally divided into black, gray and white.

Black magic includes witchcraft, sacrifices, love spells and the like.

Gray magic is the magic of harmony. Evil and good principles merge in it, thereby maintaining balance. The gray magician can cause both good and evil.

White magic is the highest rung in the hierarchy of magic. It is a symbol of wisdom and purity. From white magicians comes the energy of goodness, light. It is among the white magicians that you can meet real healers, endowed with a natural gift to help people.

Why are people so attracted to divination? After all, if you think about it, the answer to any question can be obtained by inference - to predict the course of future events based on previous ones. The fact is that in addition to the causal relationship, there is another, closer and deeper connection. It can be called differently: similarity, analogy, affinity. This type of connection was pointed out by Hermes Trismegistus (a magician and scientist who lived in Egypt five thousand years ago) expressing it in the law “What is below is similar to what is above. What is above is like what is below.”

Fortune-telling is rightfully considered one of the most important branches of the hermetic sciences. It is a sure way to change the unfavorable course of upcoming events. Some people mistakenly believe that divination is a prediction. This is not so, because the answer to the questions is inscribed in the subconscious, and divinatory symbols bring it to the conscious level. Guessing, a person receives information about the most likely events, therefore, knowing what to expect can change the course of these events. Sometimes it is difficult to immediately understand the information presented and systematize it into a single whole. But the road will be mastered by the one who walks, and over time, the fortuneteller masters all the subtleties of the interpretation of fortune-telling. Using the information received correctly, you can avoid many mistakes and troubles, prevent possible difficulties, and find the most correct ways out of the situations that have arisen.


Divination on mirrors

Since ancient times, girls have used this method as a fortune-telling for a betrothed. They usually guess at midnight on two mirrors, one of them should be large, the other smaller. They should be installed so that an endless corridor is formed and that a ray of light or a candle is reflected in a large mirror, and the first mirror in a small one. Next, you need to say "Show yourself, my betrothed." As soon as you see the figure in the mirror, immediately say "Chur, me!" - and flip the mirror.

Divination on the coals

Focus and throw a handful of salt on the coals. There will be a sign. If he is bright< то это добрый знак, темный — предупреждение об опасности. Красивый дом или замок — добрый знак, предсказывает финансовое благополучие и успех в делах. Деревья символизируют крепкую семью, рождение ребенка. Дикие звери — новости издалека. Лошадь или какой-либо транспорт — путешествие. Колокол — известие о свадьбе. Колыбель — известие о рождении. Рука, протянутая к гадающему — просьба о помощи. Сердце — большая любовь. Колесо — перемены. Домашние животные — друзья, новые знакомства. Кинжал или ружье — ссора.

Fortune telling on onions, bread and a wedding ring

At least two people must participate in this divination. For divination, three glasses are used: an onion is placed in one glass, bread is placed in another, and a wedding ring is placed in the third. Put the glasses on a tray and cover with a towel, so that the one who is guessing does not see what is in which glass. Then the one to whom they are guessing asks: “What awaits me this year?” and chooses one of the glasses. If there is an onion in the selected glass, then this year the questioner will cry a lot; bread - success and financial well-being await him; wedding ring - marriage or marriage.

Divination with a thread and a wedding ring

This method of divination is used by unmarried girls. For divination, you will need a thread, a faceted glass and a wedding ring. To start fortune-telling, you need to hang the wedding ring on a thread and hold it so that it is in the glass, but does not touch it. Next, you need to ask the question: “At what age will I get married? ". After these words, the ring on the thread begins to swing and beat against the walls of the glass. Count how many times it hits. This is the age at which you will get married.

➠ Before guessing at a wish, a white rose is placed on the table and a bowl of clean water is placed.

Divination by the book

This is a very simple way of divination. Any book (except scientific) is suitable for him, it is best to take poetry. You should ask a question of interest and open any page at random, without looking, placing the index finger of your right hand on any of the lines of text. The content of the selected line will be the answer to the question.

Divination by the ring

For this divination, you will need a glass filled with any liquid and a ring, previously rubbed with wax. Dip it in a glass and ask any question of interest. If the ring sinks, then the answer is positive, if it does not sink, the answer is negative.

Divination for a future husband

Put four card kings under the pillow, they say: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummers, dream about it." If you dream of the king of spades, the husband will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts symbolizes the young and rich, the crosses symbolize a military or businessman, and the tambourine symbolizes a loved one.

Divination for marriage

On Christmas night, go to the crossroads and, thinking about the question of your future groom, draw a circle. Then, standing in it, listen carefully to what is going on around you. If you hear laughter and singing, it means that you will soon get married; if you hear crying, swearing, lamentations, it means that the year will be unsuccessful and marriage is not expected.

Fortune telling on the gender of the unborn child

For this divination, you will need a ring or a needle. Then, slowly lower the object suspended on a hair or thread near the hand of the one you are guessing at. If an object (a ring or a needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often a boy), if pendulum-shaped - a boy (less often a girl), if the object does not move, there will be no children.

You can put a comb under the pillow, saying: "Narrowed-mummer, comb my head." The betrothed should appear in a dream and comb your hair.

➠ First, the ring must be lowered into a glass of water, and a woolen cloth should be pierced with a needle.

Divination on small objects

In the evening, young men and women gather, take a tray, pour on it some - a ring, some - a cufflink, some - an earring, some - a button, a coin, and other small things. They cover the tray with a towel, sing a melody well known to everyone over it, shake the tray under the towel several times, throw off the towel, and, without looking, everyone drags one of the things lying on it with their left hand.

The one who gets, for example, a coin will get rich, who gets the handkerchief will grieve in the new year, who gets the key will get a new home, and the one who gets the ring must roll it on the floor, while observing which way it will roll: if to the door - this year a wedding awaits it.

➠ The girls cut the threads of the same length and set them on fire. Which girl's thread burns out first, that one will be the first to be married. If the thread went out immediately and less than half burned out, marriage will not take place soon.

Divination on spoons

In a tub of water, put wooden spoons according to the number of relatives, remembering which one belongs to whom. Then shake the water. Evaluate the result in the morning. If all the spoons are in a pile, then no one will leave the city for a year. If someone is lying separately, then it is this family member who will change their place of residence this year.

Fortune telling on an egg

For this divination you will need a fresh egg. Make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. When the squirrel curls up, according to the shape it has taken, you need to guess your future.

The church means a wedding, the ring means betrothal, the ship means a business trip for a man or the return of a husband from a business trip for a woman. If the protein has sunk to the bottom, be careful.

Candle divination

If the desire is for the achievement of any goal, take a red candle for this divination. Yellow color symbolizes warmth, spirituality. You can guess with a yellow candle for any positive desire. An orange candle should be used for divination in case you need to arouse someone's sympathy towards yourself. Green is the color of life, therefore, if the desire is for career growth or well-being, this color should be chosen. Blue color symbolizes calmness, peace. Having chosen a blue candle, feel free to make a wish for protection from trouble. A purple candle will help to cope with ailments. A purple candle is used in divination to solve the problem of excess weight and other health issues.

Further actions during fortune telling should be as follows:

- on a clean piece of paper, briefly and clearly (unambiguously) write a desire;

- put a sheet of paper on an empty table and put a new candlestick on it (you can use the old one, but if you want everything to go smoothly, you should get a new one);

- put on the table a small saucer with any vegetable oil, it is desirable that it be on the right hand;

- take a candle in one hand, lightly dip the fingers of the other in vegetable oil;

- connect your imagination. When rubbing oil into a candle, one must clearly imagine that the wish made is impregnating it. The fingers should move from the middle to the top, then to the base;

- dip your fingers again and repeat everything;

- insert the candle into the candlestick and dry your hand;

- light a candle and, concentrating your thoughts as much as possible on the wish, look at the flame (not at the fire itself, but a little on top or on the sides);

- after a while, feeling tired, focus for the last time and imagine what you lit the candle for;

- after mentally pronouncing the words written on paper, take out the note and burn it;

- blow out the candle, wrap it in clean paper and hide it until the next time.

➠ Before starting fortune-telling, the following words should be said: “A candle burning in the night, a magical flame! My energy was sent to fulfill a secret desire. Light in the darkness! Spirit of fire! Reveal your face to me! Turn the wheel of human destiny fortunately. Let the darkness perish - a vile enemy! One, two, three - so be it!"

Divination with a key

For this divination, take any key, preferably an old one, lay it with a beard between the sheets of a bound book, which you then tie tightly. The pinched key must be securely fixed between the pages of the divination book. Next, hang the book on a rope attached to the ceiling by the ring or shackle of the key, guess which of the girls present will get married this year. Then, in turn, name the names of the girls present. If the book has so far hung motionless, then at someone's last name it will turn over, which will serve as a sign that the girl under whose name the book made the movement will marry this year.

Fortune telling on beans

For fortune-telling, you need 41 beans.

Next, arrange them on the table into nine piles in three lines. At first, make only piles of 41 beans without counting, by eye. Next, count 4 beans from the first, which you put aside as follows: from the first pile, set aside 4, 3, 2 and 1 beans, the last one will serve to form the first pile of the second row. Then take the second pile of the three original ones and do with it the same way as with the first: attach the remainder to the second line to form a second pile in it. Thus, in the first row of divination, there should be three piles, each of which should contain no more than 4 beans. The second row of fortune-telling is built from those piles where the beans were counted in 4, all these beans should also be decomposed into arbitrary three piles for fortune-telling.

Next, you need to form a third row for fortune telling, only it is not counted, but is compiled by dividing the entire remainder of the first two lines into arbitrary last three heaps. At the same time, you should repeat the words to yourself: “I wish, I hope it will come true!”

In the first row of divination, the middle of the three piles is symbolically called the head, the third pile - the hand, the middle one with the second - the heart. In the third, the third pile - with a foot in the campaign. These are the main piles, therefore, when guessing, they choose the one that comes closer to the question. The head contains answers to questions about the mind, abilities and character; the hand symbolizes the estate, wealth, poverty; heart - sadness, joy, feelings, love; foot on a hike - travel, road, letters, departure.

As soon as the question of fortune-telling approaches one of the four piles, look at how many beans are in it: if the number is even, then something unfavorable is ahead, and if it is odd, on the contrary, it is favorable. You should also compare the number of beans with the first pile of the same line or row where the answer to the question is visible, since an odd number in a pile is a symbol of prosperity, and an even number in the first pile of the same row means the achievement of the goal.

➠Before starting fortune-telling on beans, you should hold them in your hands so that they are charged with the fortuneteller's energy.

Divination with a torch

If a person wants to know how successful his affairs will be this year, then, picking up a birch torch for divination, he goes to a spring, river or well, wets this torch and, returning home, lights it from the fire. If the torch lights up quickly, then this is a sign of financial well-being, if it burns with a bang and not particularly evenly - minor financial difficulties.

Fortune telling on a headdress

This fortune-telling is resorted to if they want to know what will happen this year. They take three things for divination: any accessory of a headdress, a piece of bread and a piece of wood. Put all three divinatory things in an empty, clean pot. Further, closing or blindfolding, they approach the pot and take the first thing that comes across. If a headdress fell into the hand, this is a sign of marriage, a piece of bread is the former life in the parental home, and a piece of wood is trips, meetings.

Fortune telling on eggs

In Russian villages, they still use an old rite that allows you to find out the sex of the child even before birth. The pregnant woman must take out the egg from under the mother hen, break it and see what gender the fetus is. It is believed that the sex of the unborn chick is the same as the sex of the unborn child.

Fortune telling on eggs is a method of predictions associated with the recognition of silhouettes.

Pour warm water into a glass and dissolve the egg white in the water. If the protein sinks to the bottom of the glass, this portends trouble: fire, loss, deceit, betrayal. It is believed that for unmarried girls, this sign portends loneliness.

But usually the protein remains in the center of the glass and, curled up, takes the form of various figures, which are interpreted as follows:

- the church portends the girl a quick wedding;

- a ship with sails symbolizes the imminent arrival of a husband for a married woman, a girl portends marriage and departure to another country, a young man - a long journey.

Thus, all the resulting images should be interpreted by association.

➠ For fortune-telling on eggs, it is advisable to use eggs of domestic chickens, because those bought in a store are unlikely to be suitable for this purpose.