Find a rusty nail in the apartment. Damage to a nail for a serious illness - how to do it

25.08.2019 Sport

Happy omens surround a person everywhere. You can meet them in the morning without getting out of bed, or you can find them one after another all day. The most important thing in this business is to believe in the good and notice the interesting moments that occur in everyday life.

Our distant ancestors firmly believed that finding a coin on the street is a lucky omen. Of course, there are some nuances here: the money should be heads up, it is best if it is a coin worth 5 kopecks. Never take anything from crossroads, this rule also applies to coins, because it is in such places that you can take with you damage or other misfortune sent by black sorcerers.

Each sign of happiness has its distant roots. So, it used to be considered a good sign to find an old horseshoe, which you had to bring to your home and hang it above the front door. At present, it is hardly possible to meet a horseshoe on the streets of the city so easily. Times have changed but folk beliefs are also passed down from generation to generation.

happiness under your feet

If you like to walk in the fresh air, then happy finds are not excluded for you. Not everything that lies on the streets can be a harbinger of well-being, but still a lot.

Rusty old nail. Such a find in the old days was valued almost worth its weight in gold. Found Rusty Nail served to nail the same old horseshoe over the door. It was believed that all this could bring double prosperity to the house, drive away uninvited guests and rivals.

The key is old and rusty. Found an unnecessary key can be a good acquisition. If you bring it into the house, then harmony and joy will settle in the family. This key will not allow people with bad intentions to enter your house, it will simply make them turn around and leave.

Dung heap. This sign of happiness has two sides of the coin. Firstly, in order for the dunghill to bring you happiness, you must certainly step into it with your left foot, and secondly, do it completely by accident.

Clover with four leaves. If you are lucky enough to find such a plant, then this is not a guarantee that happiness will visit you at that very moment. In order for the sign to work, you will have to eat these 4 leaves and make a wish.

People are the creators of their own happiness, and the world is an active assistant, ally and protector. If you want to attract as many positive events and joyful moments as possible to yourself, then you can do it without much effort. You just need to know and believe in the following signs:

  • Beating dishes means attracting happiness;
  • To see a fly floating in a glass - soon find unexpected happiness;
  • Touching the belly of a pregnant woman - find happiness in relationships with the opposite sex;
  • Not being able to see one of the moles on your body is fate;
  • To accidentally find a stone with a hole made inside on the seashore - to great luck and happy love.
  • Go around every room of your apartment with bread and salt - invite prosperity and happiness into the house;
  • To see a bright star fall from the sky and make a wish during its flight is a very happy omen. And the desire will be fulfilled, and life will improve;
  • If unexpectedly and for no apparent reason, the right eye itches - this is a great joy;
  • The left palm suddenly itched - this is to receive a large sum of money;
  • If you see that a newborn baby has long hair, then you can safely prophesy a happy fate for him.

In the age of technological progress and the development of civilization, we still remain superstitious to a greater or lesser extent. Who among us has not knocked on wood, trying not to frighten off luck, or has not sewn a button "on himself" with a thread in his teeth? For a reasonable educated person, all this is nonsense, not noteworthy, but the signs transmitted from the lips of grandmothers in childhood deeply penetrate the heart and, regardless of the age and status of a person, manifest themselves on a subconscious level. There are many beliefs that warn of imminent danger or illness. But let's not talk about the bad. There are, after all, signs of happiness. It is about them that we will tell in the article.

Lucky signs of fate

Signs for happiness and good luck:

  1. The rusty nail found must be brought home - this way you will bring prosperity to the house.
  2. A fly that has fallen into your glass is not the most pleasant, but a sure sign that you will catch a profit.
  3. The bird flew into the house - luck flies out the window.
  4. We got out of bed without hesitation, on the right foot - everything will go well.
  5. Stumbled with your left foot - these are evil spirits leading you astray, you need to move on,
  6. A responsible meeting is coming, and it is raining outside - the case will be winning.
  7. A four-leaf clover or a 5-leaf lilac flower will bring good luck if eaten.
  8. Meeting a person carrying full buckets indicates that time will not be wasted.
  9. Is the cat crossing the road in front of you tricolor? The day promises to be auspicious!
  10. Found 5 kopecks lying on the road with the coat of arms up will bring prosperity.
  11. If you sit down in front of the road, luck will concentrate around the departing person.
  12. The frog will bring prosperity to the house.
  13. Growing eyebrows will bring good luck to the person.

lucky signs

It is quite possible to attract well-being by observing simple rituals, carefully observing the surrounding signs and believing in folk omens for luck. Favorable changes will occur in the family if:

  • met a pregnant woman and stroked her belly;
  • a stork or a swallow has built a nest on the roof of your house;
  • a glass accidentally broke - for good luck;
  • a ladybug sat on her shoulder;
  • a spider has settled in the house;
  • cereal crumbled - there will be many children in the family;
  • hibiscus grows in the house - a symbol family hearth- or spathiphyllum, bringing female happiness;
  • several flowers bloomed at the same time indoor plants(the baby will be conceived soon);
  • homeless kitten nailed to the house;
  • dreamed of a rainbow or children.

Lucky signs for students

With special trust, and sometimes reverent awe, the signs that bring good luck are students. Literally in every university, and even in a group, there are beliefs and traditions that will certainly bring good luck and help you pass the exam. Here are the most common happy omens:

  1. Leading in the ranking of signs that help overcome exam questions is the belief that you can’t wash your hair before the exam, as all knowledge will be washed away. For the same reason, students do not cut their hair, do not wash and do not shave on the eve of the test.
  2. You need to go to the assessment of knowledge in the same “happy” clothes. At the same time, never erasing it - luck can be washed away.
  3. When preparing for an exam subject, you can’t leave textbooks and notes already read open - nothing will be remembered.
  4. The secret that before testing knowledge you need to sleep at night on textbooks, parents share with the younger generation - this sign has been helping students for decades. Thus, knowledge is better absorbed and not forgotten until the morning.
  5. In the evening you can not open a record book. And it’s better to catch the “freebie” in the window and fasten the record book with an elastic band or a paper clip so that this very “freebie” does not run away.
  6. You need to go to the institute for an exam only along a familiar, more than once passed route, so that knowledge is not lost along the way.
  7. On the way to the university, you definitely need to find the number 5 somewhere. It can be the bus number five, the change is 5 rubles, the fifth turnstile in the subway.
  8. You can not step on the manholes - they attract bad luck.
  9. While waiting for your turn near the office, you definitely need to touch a classmate who passed with “excellent”.
  10. Sneezed before the exam - luck is on your side.
  11. You need to enter the office with your left foot, take a ticket with your left hand and sit down at the table again from the same side.
  12. It is impossible for the physical education exam to be the first in the record book - Bad sign for the following credits.

Talismans for good luck and happiness

Huge energy that brings good luck and happiness to a person is possessed by various talismans. Such ancient spiritual teachings as Feng Shui and Kabbalah use hieroglyphs, pentagrams, runes, symbols to give talismans strength. In Christian customs, the greatest energy is possessed by Orthodox cross, Hope, Love. And in folk rituals great importance attached to the ancient symbol of protecting the gates of the house - a horseshoe that brings good luck.

good luck

Many people know about such a sign that brings good luck, like a horseshoe. But not everyone understands how to properly hang a talisman. It should be noted that a horseshoe from a souvenir shop does not carry any energy. To attract happiness and good luck, you need an old horseshoe worn by a horse, preferably black. Only such a symbol can protect and fill the house with positive energy.

Before hanging a horseshoe, it is necessary that each member of the family hold it in their hands. Thus, the favorable effect of the talisman will affect all household members. Hang a horseshoe on a wooden door upside down or upside down. With the ends lowered, the horseshoe will become a reliable guard of your home - good luck and happiness will not flow out of the house. With raised ends, the amulet, like a magnet, will attract well-being.

If you hang a horseshoe outside front door, the talisman will protect from the "evil eye" and evil spirits. The amulet inside the house will retain positive energy. You need to attach the horseshoe to the twine.

Handmade talisman

Signs for happiness will help you notice a favorable aura, and your personal talisman be able to save and transform it. Any thing dear to the heart can become an individual amulet. It can be a soft toy or a great-grandmother's family ring, baby tooth and sea pebble. The main thing is that the thing should have positive energy, charge the owner positive emotions gave strength.

You can make your own talisman. A self-made amulet is a very strong energy magnet. Everyone can make a talisman for good luck. This will require a little creativity, knowledge of symbolism, sincere desire and faith.

Natural materials have the greatest power: wood, stone, clay. The shape of the mascot should not have sharp corners. Preference should be given to the circle and the oval.

Lucky talisman made of stone

Each sign of the zodiac is suitable for certain stones:

  • Aries - amethyst.
  • Taurus - agate.
  • Gemini - pomegranate.
  • Raku - emerald.
  • Leo - ruby.
  • Virgo - jasper.
  • Libra - a diamond.
  • Scorpio - cat's eye.
  • Sagittarius - turquoise.
  • Capricorn - malachite.
  • Aquarius - sapphire.
  • Pisces - moonstone.

The stone can be placed in jewelry, sewn into clothes or made into a keychain. The main thing is that the thing is always with you.

Runic talisman for good luck

To make such a talisman, you will need a small piece of strong wood and the ability to work with a jigsaw. Shape the piece of wood without sharp corners. Then carve a rune on it that brings good luck. It looks like the English letter F, only short dashes need to be placed just below the top edge and at an angle upwards. Varnish. Cut a hole for the rope and wear the talisman around your neck.

To believe in signs or not is the choice of each person. The main thing is to share a good mood with others more often and treat life with humor. Then luck and happy moments will become constant companions of your life.

Finding a nail, a button, or someone else's handkerchief is not good. And a pin lying on the road with a tip towards you says that there are intrigues against you. But a coin with an eagle up portends happiness, and a girl who loses a hairpin from her hair will soon lose her fan.

If a Russian person is going to visit, he always prepared a gift. When choosing a gift, it was taken into account that giving silver - to tears, and gold - to happy outcome business, but iron - to trouble. Punching and cutting objects as a gift could lead to a quarrel. To avoid a quarrel, if you still have to make such a gift, you need to prick the person to whom you give it in your hand or take a copper coin in return. Wallets, bags, caskets and everything that can be filled with something empty should not be given, otherwise life will be empty.

Rings other than wedding rings - to separation, pearls - to tears. Flowers are always presented in an odd number, and if one of the donated flowers breaks, then the one to whom it belongs will suffer illness or death; you can’t give flowers in pots - they won’t grow; stolen flowers last the longest. To give a handkerchief - to tears., Gloves to a woman can be given either by a husband or a close relative, and to take them from an unfamiliar man means to be captured by him. Give candles or candlesticks - to the dead.

If you choke on a visit, then in a year you will again be in this house, rather, a visit to the same place promises clothes pinched at the door of someone else's house. Spilling a glass at a holiday means soon to be at a feast.

Many signs are associated with trade. The first buyer must not miss the trade will not; Items that fall off the shelf will be sold first. but if you accidentally cheat someone, you will lose three times as much money.

The signs associated with the exam are so studied by modern students that it is difficult to find one that would be unknown today. There are also a number of signs for players visiting casinos, gambling houses. All of them came to us from the past. It is useful to remember that when playing, regardless of the chosen player, ways to attract good luck, the tenth honor of winning should always be given to the poor; otherwise, luck will turn away from the player.

Finally, we come to one of the main sections in which we will talk about the person himself, his fate, life and death, or rather about the signs associated with all this.

In order to determine whether a seriously ill person will live, you need to put celandine on his head. If the patient ache - to death, cry - to recovery. For the same purpose, nettles were put into the patient's urine. If it turns black, the person will die. There were many more ways to determine the fate of the patient and get rid of diseases. All these signs are not unnecessary superstitions, but are based on knowledge traditional medicine and properties of various plants. This once again confirms the practical wisdom laid down by the people in signs and beliefs. How to remove warts, soothe a toothache, stop hiccups, stop bleeding, cure lichen and much more, folk signs say. Also, many physiological patterns can be gleaned from them, i.e. dependence of human character on certain facial features. For example, hanging eyebrows indicate that a person has an evil character, the owner of thin lips is considered by the people to be a cunning and crafty person, while the owner of thick lips is sensual.

Particular attention should be paid to the so-called witches. Almost every village had its own witches. Of course, much among the people is exaggerated about them, but it is a fact that there were and still are female people with certain features and abilities. Perhaps they do not fly to the Sabbaths on a broom or a shovel, but they can tell fortunes, know conspiracies and successfully inflict damage or “heal” people. Among the people, witches even have a classification: they are divided into natural, involuntary, and “training”. Training witches are girls who sold their souls to the devil, i.e. those who received their power from someone voluntarily, not free - received this power from some dying old woman with special qualities, while natural ones are those who were born with these abilities. And the fact that witches have certain traits such as evil eyes and long thick or red hair, an absurd character, etc., is perhaps somehow connected with human bioenergetics. It is known that hair is a conductor of cosmic energy. Believe that this is not a prejudice. After all, it is a woman with her thick long hair since ancient times, it was considered the bearer of something mysterious, unearthly, wise and mysterious, something to which the path to a strong and powerful man was closed. Maybe evil eyes, which have only 4% of the earth's population, are a magical symbol associated with the characteristics of the human biofield. Arguing on this topic can go deep into the jungle of bioenergy and thereby move away from our topic. But the fact that witches are dedicated to many signs and fears, legends and fictions exist in reality and do their dirty deeds. Such women can be called whatever you like, but the fact that they have a special bioenergy force remains a fact.

A special place in folk signs, as well as in the life of a Russian person in general, has always been occupied by the family, which means love, wedding, married life and children.

In order for grooms to woo, according to popular belief, it is necessary to wash the first one who woos the toes of shoes with water, then wash their hands with this water and even wash the bride, saying: “A hundred grooms will follow your trail.”

In order to test the integrity of the girl, yellow lily stamens were discreetly placed in the food. If she is not a virgin, she will go into a stupor. And here, the well-known sign about sitting at a table on the corner says not only that you will sit in girls for seven years, but also that the groom will be with a corner, i.e. with a house or apartment, as well as the fact that seven years of love is not reciprocated. And the sign of oversalted food came from a love slander on salt: as people love salt in food, so would (name) love me - said a woman who added salt to food prepared for her beloved. Many girls in our time are guessing on a chamomile, saying: “loves, does not love, spit, kiss, press to the heart, send to hell, call her own, erase into powder - on which word the last petal remains, it will come true.” Very diverse and numerous signs are associated with the wedding, because. A wedding is the most solemn and important holiday that determines the fate of a person.

For example, a marriage concluded during haymaking was considered unhappy, so weddings were not played in Rus' at that time.

If during the wedding the bride drops her handkerchief, and the groom picks it up, then he will not live long, in order to protect the young from the evil eye, salt is thrown under their feet. Whoever steps on the rug first at the wedding will be the head of the family. If a church crown is put on the bride's head - the marriage will be strong, if they are held in the air above the head, being afraid to wrinkle the veil or hairstyle - the marriage can be unsuccessful. Well, after that, how not to believe in folk signs. After all, on the day of my wedding in the church, too heavy a crown was held over my head and my marriage turned out to be unhappy and short-lived. I lived with my husband for five years and he found another lover; as a result, my three-year-old daughter and I were left alone. But I only recently found out about this sign. Of course, this may be a mere coincidence, but after such coincidences, you still trust the wisdom accumulated over the centuries by the Russian people more.

This effect of black magic is quite strong, but does not lead to the death of the victim. But it causes a lot of pain. Black damage to the nail is aimed at sending serious illnesses to the enemy, destroying his physical health.

Signs and diagnosis of magical damage to the nail

I note that it is unlikely that the spoiled person will have any, most likely, the victim will suffer from something indefinite, undiagnosable. However, such an unstable physical state due to damage to a rusty nail will significantly reduce the standard of living of the victim.

Damage to a nail for a serious illness - how to do it

To make damage to the nail yourself, you will need the victim's hair. In addition, for the ceremony, you must have chicken blood, a bottle of lamp oil and 13 church wax candles.

They act like this. They go to the cemetery and find a grave with the name of the victim and a wooden cross. The enemy's hair is wound around two nails. If the hair is short, you can roll it into wax balls and attach it to two nails on the cross. There are no magic formulas. Having done the work for which they came, they leave the churchyard without looking back.

Returning home, they do damage through a nail from a cemetery for free

Chicken blood is mixed with lamp oil in a ratio of 1/3, starting with a list of demonic names. Then they say: “I sacrifice chicken blood to you, I take for a bad deed, for spoiling a fierce slave (name of the victim) a cross nail. Amen".

The next day they return to the grave, pull out both nails with hair and bring them into the house. On a table covered with a black tablecloth, 13 candles are placed in a circle, and a bowl filled with oil and blood is placed in the center of the circle. Both nails are placed on the right hand outside the circle. Exactly at midnight, candles are lit and looking into the bowl.

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They speak on their own the words of a strong conspiracy to damage with a nail

“You go out the door, you stumble, you step out the gate, you hurt yourself, you get down to business - you can’t do it. You will be in the house like an owl, you will sit, you will be ill, emaciated, dry, wither. You will tear your hair, you will not know happiness or joy.

Then right hand they take graveyard nails and throw them into the bowl, saying: “My word is strong as a rock. It will be as it is said. Amen".

After that, the candles are extinguished, the nails are taken out of the bowl and wrapped in black cloth. Now you need to wait for the right moment to drive them somewhere in the victim's house, preferably in the threshold or door frame. After the nails are driven in, the oil and blood must be poured under the door of the spoiled one, and the candles must be taken to the church. You won't have to wait long for the result, because severe damage sticks to a nail from a cemetery quickly.

In today's bustling world, few think about what surrounds us. And we are talking about the most banal trifles. Today, in spite of the skeptics, the fact has been proven that all objects that a person uses acquire a particle of the energy of their owner.

And this is very important, because even the most ordinary small carnation carries a lot of information received from a person.

On this occasion, there are a number of folk signs associated with nails. For example, earlier during the construction of a house, the first hammered nail had to be consecrated in the church, not earlier than 7 days before the start of construction.

If the nail went askew, it meant that trouble had happened at the construction site earlier, and most likely there would be no place for happiness in this house. If the nail broke at the first blow of the hammer, it promised trouble, most likely the house would burn down or collapse.

Hammering a nail that was not consecrated in the church was also considered a bad omen. In this case, it is no longer worth taking it out, but you need to pray every time before starting work, until the construction is completed.

The master, before creating a masterpiece, for example, painting a picture or sculpting a statue, inserted a carnation into an easel or blank, and then prayed. Such an action carried a certain symbolism, denoting the Lord's blessing (As you know, Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross). Very bad sign it was believed that this carnation would fall out or, even worse, be lost. Signs promised in this case - the creation will not bring success to the author, and work on it stopped.

Almost everyone knows that it is impossible to pick up a found knife, watch, pin, but few people know that finding a nail is a good omen especially if it is bent and rusty. In this case, happiness will double for you. Such a nail is carried with them or placed on the lintel in the kitchen.

However, there are also magic spells on nails. Sometimes they are used to put a curse on a person, for this they wrap a nail with a red or black thread, pouring wax on a candle brought from the church, while saying a special conspiracy. Then such an "amulet" is thrown to a person who is wished harm. The curse can deprive a person of good luck and lead to serious illness, depending on the rite.

Nails are a very strong energy magnet that absorbs energy environment: voices, mood, emotions, etc. At the same time, it is believed that the impact with the human biofield is made through the sharp end of the nail, and all information is stored in its blunt head.

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