Why dream of hammering in fallen nails? Why do you dream of pulling out nails?

02.09.2019 Documentation

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 18th lunar day. Dreams dreamed on the night of today come true on the 20th day.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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NAILS – Miller's Dream Book

If you see nails in a dream, this means that quarrels and grief await you. If a woman dreams that she is hammering nails, this is a sign that she will defeat her rival. If she hits her finger while hammering nails, she will be in serious trouble.

NAILS – Modern Dream Interpretation

Seeing a nail(s) in a dream means achieving your goal soon.

You dream of nails in a box, in a drawer, in your hands - this dream is a sign of quarrels and grief, you will “hammer nails” into someone and they will “hammer nails” into you. Another interpretation of the dream: you have to work a lot, but you will get paid in crumbs.

You see in a dream that, while hammering a nail, you hit your finger - serious troubles await you.

A woman dreams that she is hammering nails - this woman has a rival who cannot withstand the confrontation and admits herself defeated; You shouldn’t finish her off; it’s much wiser to make friends with her.

You dream of rusty nails - this means illness.

Hammering nails is a sign of strengthening your position.

Hammering nails into a fence means that you will ensure that nothing disturbs your happiness.

NAILS – Slavic Dream Book

Driving in is the right decision; to see is an opportunity; find - happiness; pulling out is failure (the size of the nail is the size, scale of knowledge, opportunity, happiness or misfortune).

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Dream book online Nails

Nails seen in a dream draw the dreamer’s attention to his relationships with others. This sharp object indicates that the situation, which was heating up quite long time, will become unbearable, especially if the nails in the dream were red-hot and red.

If in a dream you saw a lot of scattered nails, it means that you will have to go through a rather difficult period of misunderstanding with others.

Perhaps you will be reminded of old grievances. Or they will loudly criticize the new thing you already love in front of everyone.

if you dreamed of nails

In popular interpreters, you can most often find two points of view on what such an image comes to in a dream. The first is based on the fact that this object is sharp and cold, which means quarrels and cooling of relationships with loved ones are possible.

And the second says that nails dream of good luck and quick achievement of goals. Because the possession of this material makes a person capable of independently building everything he needs.

It is very important to remember what kind of nail appeared in the dream: its color, size, shape (you need to pay attention to the unusual shape of such an ordinary object - a special head or sharpening). For interpretation, you also need to analyze how and why nails were used in a dream.

Opinions from different sources Exists folk sign , according to which, finding a nail on the street brings good luck in all endeavors. Slavic traditions

tend to respect any metal and products made from it, so such dreams were considered a good sign, says the traditional folk dream book.

European traditions are more wary of sharp cold objects. The psychological basis on which Miller’s dream book was created looks into the very essence of the object - the metal is cold, and the leg is pointed, which means the dream promises trouble.

People's dream book - success Signs, beliefs and long-term observation of various phenomena played a very important role in the formation of a folk dream book. This source believes that a nail in a dream is a promise of success in the business you have started.

But for this you need to work long and hard, tirelessly.

The dream book created by an American psychotherapist believes that nails do not mean anything good in dreams. This is a series of troubles that will follow one after another, and quarrels, and cooling between lovers.

But, in order for the interpretation to be complete, it is important to take into account the gender of the dreamer.

If a woman dreams of nails

If a woman dreamed

Seeing such an object in a dream is not very good for a young woman. good sign. You guessed what the next showdown with your lover could lead to. Although they hoped that he would not go to seek solace in the arms of others. This dream warns that the rival is not far beyond the horizon, but is already very close.

  • To score and get hurt - the scandal will be very large, and the relationship will be bad for a long time after it. If you dream that it is stuck in your leg, you will have to reconsider your life priorities. And in the body, only true Christian patience will help preserve this relationship.
  • Holding it in your hands means you have undeservedly offended someone close to you. Although you have long forgotten about this, you still have no idea what his revenge could lead to.
  • If you dream that you had to buy them, you will encounter fraud.
  • If you pull out something that has just been hammered, you will destroy with your own hands something that you value very much.
  • Score and be satisfied with your work - no one can stand in your way.

Symbol in men's dreams

For a man, this symbol is more positive than negative. These are new opportunities, exciting things that require a special, creative approach.

If a man dreams that he is selling nails, it means that he is enterprising and can achieve significant success.

Vanga's dream book - relationships

Vanga's interpretation is most focused on relationships between people. The Bulgarian soothsayer believes that this item, which is very necessary in construction, means bonds or attraction between people.

  • Seeing it in your hands means you will have to apologize for your arrogance.
  • Hammering a lot of nails - having your own opinion on any issue is good. But you knew exactly what imposing it on other people would lead to. After a while, accusations of all imaginable and unimaginable sins will rain down on you.
  • If you dream that you are trading them, you will have a difficult choice: money or relationships.
  • Hammering something (a picture or a mirror) into a wall to hide it - a person with a bright, pleasant appearance can cause you excruciating pain.
  • Rusty, bent or broken - old grievances can manifest themselves as physical ailments.

Personality and the use of nails in dreams

What did you do with the nails?

In order to most accurately interpret such a dream, it is necessary to compare the individual’s attitude towards objects of this type and its intended use in night dreams.

So, if the dreamer is always ready to repair and show creativity in any mundane and everyday matters, then this means this is a very positive symbol for him.

Especially if you had to see how he worked hard and got a satisfactory result in the end.

If a person is not particularly inclined to organize his life with his own hands, but gravitates exclusively towards official duties, then the interpretation of such a dream can be ambiguous. On the one hand, these are the barbs of colleagues who are jealous and want to unseat you. On the other hand, there is a deterioration in family relationships due to your dedication to work.

Your mark:

American dream book

Carpenter's nail - to get to the bottom of the issue (“to make a hole in the head”).

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream of a Nail in a dream according to the dream book?

Nail - such a dream warns: you will have to work hard to get your daily bread.

If you hammer nails, it means that you will not strive to achieve a high social position.

Selling nails in a dream means an interesting job, which, however, will not bring the expected income.

Bent and rusty nails mean illness and failure.

Idiomatic dream book

“The nail of the problem, the program” is the main thing; “sleep like on nails” - severe anxiety; “hammer the last nail” - the final decision, to finish the job; “to drive a nail into the coffin” - to wish death on someone; “to forget about it” - to remain indifferent to the matter, the person; “to score” - to take a place.

Lunar dream book

Drive in a nail - the right solution will be found; to find or see - happiness; pulling out is a failure.

Maly Velesov dream book

Nail - success in business / resentment, sadness, failure; to score - wedding, profit, success, right decision; find - happiness; pulling out is a failure.

Newest dream book

In a dream, what does the Nail mean?

Nail - to diseases of the feet, ankle joints.

Nail - to a clearly expressed production problem; if you hammer a nail, you will be a participant in an illegal act; pull out - free yourself from this obligation.

Family dream book

Nails - dream of quarrels and grief.

If a woman dreams that she is hammering nails, she will be able to defeat her rival.


Slavic dream book Nails - for promotion; just find - to speedy execution


Seeing a nail in a dream is a sign of achieving the desired goal; hammering nails into the walls of a single person - portends marriage and happy life, and for a married man - an increase in his family and wealth.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about a Nail?

Seeing nails in a dream means hard work for unworthy remuneration.

Hammering nails - the dream says that you will engage in noble work, despite your humble position.

If the nails are bent and rusty, illnesses and failures in business will overtake you.

Selling nails in a dream means that an honorable job awaits you (even if it brings a small reward).

Hammering something with nails in a dream, working with a hammer - means trouble, annoyance, and grief due to your straightforwardness and perseverance.

Nailing boards means strengthening relationships, stability in the family and at work.

Repairing the floor with nails promises you unprecedented success on a very reliable basis; nothing will knock out a solid foundation from under you.

To see in a dream how someone hammers nails, deftly driving them right into the head with one blow, portends good luck in business and success in love.

Hammering nails yourself is a sign that you will leave your rival high and dry.

However, if the nails do not fit, are bent or break, and you keep hitting your fingers with a hammer - such a dream foretells trouble for you.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A nail is a reflection of the desire to connect parts into a whole (also the necessity or possibility of this). Reflection of the desire to get to the essence of something (also the need or possibility of this). Reflection of the possibility of “the truth emerging” (also the fear of this).

Dream book of the 21st century

Why did the Nail appear in a dream?

Seeing iron nails in a dream is a harbinger of soon achieving your desired goal.

Hammering a nail in a dream means accepting correct solution in reality, hammering nails into the wall for a single person - to an upcoming happy marriage, for a married person - to an increase in wealth and the birth of children.

The size of the nails determines the significance of upcoming events.

Finding a nail is fortunate, pulling it out with pliers is bad luck.

Azar's Dream Book

Hammering nails is a success.

Dream book of the future

Nails - resentment, sadness, failure.

Dream book for lovers

Nails that a woman dreams of promise her victory over her rival. However, if she gets hurt while hammering a nail, difficulties are possible in her relationship with her loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Carpenter's nail - symbolizes the fastening piece needed for a larger structure. Nails tie together the various parts of the project. Are all the pieces needed for the big project of your life in place? Are you getting to the heart of the matter by “driving the nail in to the head”? If not, then it's time to change your life plans and goals. This symbol may indicate that you may be “nailed” or caught red-handed. If you are engaged in any secret activity, this may serve as a warning to you to be careful. You may be exposed.

The expression “spitting out nails” means an extreme degree of irritation. Is there a problem in your life that is driving you crazy? Breathe deeply. Cool down. Get someone's objective opinion.

Dream book for a bitch

Hammering nails means victory over your opponent.

Scattered nails are a slight malaise.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Nails in a dream symbolize directness, determination and sharpness.

Hammering them in a dream is a sign that decisive actions can lead you to success and significantly strengthen your position.

Bent nails, on the contrary, warn against being too harsh and direct - in this way you will not achieve anything and will only harm yourself.

Rusty nails indicate that you seem to be taking too long to make some important volitional decision.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Hammering a nail means dealing with the enemy.

To nail a nail is to deal with the enemy.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you see yourself hammering nails in a dream, you will make a decent fortune for yourself.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Hammering a nail means getting married soon.

Miller's Dream Book

If you see nails in a dream, this means that quarrels and grief await you.

If, while driving a nail, she hits her finger, serious trouble awaits her.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see a Nail in a dream?

Seeing nails in a dream means that discord and grief await you in your family.

Hammering nails means success, good luck in business, you will defeat your rival by occupying a high social position.

Finding nails means fulfillment of desires; straightening them means frugality.

Buying iron nails means you will achieve your desired goal; buying wooden nails means family happiness.

Hitting your fingers or hand while hammering a nail means serious trouble awaits you in reality.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Hammering nails is good luck in business.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Seeing nails in a dream means quarrels and grief.

If a woman dreams that she is hammering nails, this is a sign that she will defeat her rival.

If, while driving a nail, she hits her finger, serious trouble awaits her.

Solomon's Dream Book

Nail - resentment, sadness, failure.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: A nail in the dream book?

The nail is the final decision; The main thing.

Nails - arguments, thoughts, reasons (idea: “the nail of the program”).

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed of nails, it means you have a secret admirer.

In a dream you were hammering nails - you will soon fall in love.

You dreamed that you were pulling out nails - you will soon lose your loved one.

Buying nails in a dream means making acquaintances.

You were selling nails - in the near future you will quarrel with one of your old acquaintances.

Freud's Dream Book

Like any long and sharp object, nails symbolize the penis and sex life.

A large number of nails indicates intense sex life.

Rusty nails indicate a loss of strength and possible impotence.

Crooked and broken nails indicate various disorders, diseases or disorders in the functioning of the genital organs.

Missing nails means that you overestimate your sexual attractiveness.

If they borrow nails from you, someone wants to steal your sexual partner.

If you buy nails, you are used to living an intense sex life and are always planning your adventures.

If you want to borrow nails from friends, you may have an affair with a person you haven’t consciously thought about yet.

If you put nails in your pocket, you are striving for group sex.

Hammering nails means there are no disorders or deviations in your sex life.

Hammering nails and hitting your finger - be careful, as unexpected sexual dysfunction or sexually transmitted diseases are possible.

If a woman falls on a nail in her clothes or is scratched, this symbolizes the loss of innocence, or unplanned sexual contact, possibly associated with violence or coercion.

Why you dream of a nail is discussed in many dream books; most often the descriptions are the same, but, of course, the prediction will mainly depend on the nuances.

The nail itself symbolizes the problem; like a splinter, it does not allow you to relax and think about something other than it. A very good sign: if you drive a nail in a dream, it means that a way out of the current difficult situation will be found. And the deeper you drive the nail, the sooner everything will be resolved.

If you see someone else taking up the job, then rest assured that you will have a patron who will have enough influence to intervene and resolve some sensitive issues. Well, if you dreamed about how you or someone else pulls out an already hammered nail, regardless of who hammered it, then you should think about doing some work; perhaps you are doing something wrong, and the task will have to be redone .

Errors in work or even judgment may be indicated by a dream of hitting with a hammer. In a dream, you drive a nail into a surface and accidentally hit your hand with a hammer, your consciousness is trying to warn you, you are walking on the edge of a knife and as soon as you stumble, a fall is inevitable.

We often dream about stores and how we buy something from them. So, being in a hardware store and buying iron nails means you are confident in your actions and you will definitely achieve your goal. If the nails you purchase are made of a different material, wooden or, for example, plastic, then you should think about your family, take care of your loved ones, and if your family consists of only one person - yourself, then soon you will meet your soulmate.

Nail according to Miller's dream book

In this interpretation, seeing a nail in a dream means conflicts and unpleasant conversations, perhaps you have a strong competitor who is also fighting for a promotion. If a girl has a dream, such a dream means that she has a rival; she needs to be on her guard. Therefore, hammering nails at night promises victory over all enemies; you will gain the upper hand in any situation. But if you hit your finger at the same time, then you should not rush to rejoice, minor complications are possible. While you were trying your best not to lose face and to reach the finish line first, someone spread a bad rumor about you.

Nail according to Hasse's dream book

According to this dream book, a nail is the personification of negative energy, insults inflicted on you, failures in business, etc. And therefore, driving a nail into the floor with force means getting rid of everything that can oppress you. Take a deep breath and take on a new business with a clear conscience, because your previous mission will soon be completed.

Nail according to the French dream book

A cloud hangs over your good name if a metal nail appears in front of you in a dream. Gossip can ruin your reputation and create difficulties. Having seen such a dream, you can consider this a warning; if you start acting immediately, many problems can be avoided.

Nail according to the eastern dream book

A rather interesting interpretation is offered by the dream book of the East; according to it, seeing a nail in a dream means achieving success, but at a very high cost. Hard physical labor in reality will promise a nail to anyone who sees it. And by killing them in a dream, you yourself refuse a high position and reject the desire for career growth.

If in a dream you had to sell nails, then this may mean getting an interesting and risky job. Your ambitions will be satisfied, but make sure that your business does not go bankrupt due to an absurd accident.

Nails seen in a dream foretell your participation in quarrels, as well as the opportunity to experience grief. If a woman is hammering nails in a dream, it means that in real life she will be able to defeat her rival. If she hits her fingers while hammering nails, she will actually be in serious trouble.

Khamidova's Dream Interpretation

Nails in a woman’s dream are harbingers of her victory over her competitor. At the same time, if she injures herself while hammering nails, in real life a tense, difficult period will begin in her relationship with the person she loves.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

If you drive a nail in a dream, in reality you will be able to make the right decision. If you just saw a nail in a dream, the subconscious mind tells you about new opportunities, that you will find your happiness. Pulling out a nail in a dream means experiencing failure in reality. Much depends on the size of the nail. It symbolizes the size, scale, significance of probable opportunities and chances for happiness.

Dream Interpretation of Semenova

As a rule, nails dream of possible friction, discord, and grief. If a woman sees herself hammering nails in her dream, it means that she has every chance of defeating her rival. If as a result of these actions she hurts herself by hitting her finger, then she will have to deal with unpleasant things.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Nails in a dream represent the difficulties that have been created artificially and which come from the side of the so-called deviation monitor. On the other hand, such an image can signal the likely development of pathologies.

Chinese dream book

Did you dream about the process of hammering nails? This means that you will be able to make the right decision on a matter that is important to you. If you notice a nail in a dream, in reality you will have an opportunity. If you find a nail in a dream, you will be lucky. Pulling out a nail means failure. In this case, you should pay attention to the size of the dreamed nail, since it directly depends on the categories of happiness, opportunities, plans, etc.

“The nail of the problem, the program” is the main thing; “sleep like on nails” - severe anxiety; “hammer the last nail” - the final decision, to finish the job; “to drive a nail into the coffin” - to wish death on someone; “to forget about it” - to remain indifferent to the matter, the person; “to score” - to take a place.

Seeing a nail in a dream is a guarantee that you will be able to find the right solution. If you find a nail or just see it, it means that happiness will actually visit you. But pulling out a nail is an unfavorable sign: failure will knock on your door.

Correct dream book

A dream in which nails appear indicates that you will have to work hard to get food. Hammering nails in a dream means not really trying to achieve high social status. Your view of this situation is simple: you think that the most important thing is to be an honest man, have your own principles and value system, and also act nobly. If in a dream you are engaged in selling nails, in the near future you will acquire