How can I find out if I have a curse? How to find out who caused damage, the most powerful ways

16.08.2019 State

A curse- like a chronic disease that surprises a person’s energy field and attracts negative energy to it. The specificity of the curse is that it does not deplete with the death of the cursed, but can destroy each of its family.

You will need

  • Bowl or glass of water
  • Thin church candle
  • Matches
  • Egg
  • Beeswax, the best of all, is beeswax.


1. Test with a church candle: If everything is falling out of hand and it seems that life is controlled by someone’s unfriendly freedom, if a person catches himself doing things unusual for him or doing something sincerely destructive, as if contrary to his freedom, then before dealing with clairvoyants of all types, it makes sense to perform the following actions: Buy a thin wax candle in the church, light it and move it around the body. Observe the behavior of the light. If it suddenly crackles, becomes smoky, and the wax flows as if in large drops - “tears” - it is possible that there really is an evil eye, damage or a curse. It also makes sense to walk through each house with a candle, only if it is removable. Perhaps the fire will indicate that the curse lies specifically on the home, and the person falls under the negative primitively because he lives in the wrong place.

2. Test with matches: Fire is a cleansing element, capable of revealing what is hidden, and its interaction with water reveals many secrets. Associated with this interaction is an old pagan method dating back to the nineteenth century to find out if there is a curse - burn three matches to the very end, completely, and throw the burnt thing into a glass of water. If there is a curse or a strong evil eye, the matches will sink; if not, they will remain floating on the surface.

3. Egg test: An egg is a symbol of the universe; with its help, diseases are “rolled out”; it can also help determine whether a person is under a curse or is simply being haunted by a streak of bad luck. Take a glass of water and carefully release it there a raw egg, being careful not to damage the yolk. Raise the glass above your head and move it as if drawing circles around your head for several minutes. If the egg white seems to curl up and stretch like white threads, then there is a curse; if everything remains calm, as it is, the person is clean.

4. Wax casting: The most common method to find out about a curse is wax casting. In order to try this method, you need to melt approximately 150 grams of wax, place half a cup of water in front of you and, concentrating, pour the wax into the water. Observe the casting carefully. If it is smooth, then everything is in order, but it happens that the casting forms circles - this is an indication of damage or a ring of failures. A slight damage or evil eye is indicated by bumps or a wavy surface at the bottom of the casting, but the most alarming sign is wax frozen in icicles, and the longer and sharper the icicles, the more dangerous the curse imposed.

The evil eye is a superstition, the meaning of which is to disrupt a person’s energy field through divination or evil thoughts. People exposed to such negative influences may experience spontaneous weakness and apathy, their sleep is disturbed, and illnesses occur. You can check for the presence of the evil eye by looking at some signs.

You will need

  • - matches;
  • - cup;
  • – water;
  • - gold;
  • – church candle;
  • – saucer;
  • – wheat;
  • - egg.


1. Pour water into a glass and read the Lord's Prayer to cleanse the space around you. After this, burn three matches one after another and throw them into a glass of water. If they remain on the surface, there is no evil eye, if they become vertical in the water, there is a small evil eye, and if they sank to the bottom, an evil eye or even damage has been cast on you.

2. Swipe pure consecrated gold over your face. If after this a dark streak appears on the metal, you are most likely jinxed. For this purpose, use only pure gold, without additives, the purity of which is not lower than 585.

3. Place a glass of water on the top of your head and crack a raw egg into it. After this, lower the dish and observe its contents carefully. If the yolk calmly sank to the bottom without staining the water, there is no evil eye. And if there are streaks or silvery balls in the glass, someone has disturbed your energy.

4. Find out about the presence of the evil eye with help church candle. Let a relative or someone close to you light a candle and slowly bring it around you from head to toe. If the candle smokes heavily or cracks at the same time, the evil eye has been cast on you or they have wished evil on you.

5. At dawn of any day other than Friday, take the saucer and thoroughly wipe it with a clean white cloth. After this, pour a little wheat into it and say the following: “As I am, so is the wheat. Just as they looked at me, the birds look at the wheat. Amen". After this, place the saucer outside and cross it three times. When the sun goes down, look at the saucer. If every wheat remains, someone has jinxed you.

6. Listen to your feelings. If, after meeting or communicating with some person, you suddenly begin to feel unwell, or your health suddenly changes without any special reason, most likely, it negatively affects your energy. It's better to stay away from such people.

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Today, it may seem obscurantist to someone that one person is trying to damage another. Unfortunately, black magic still exists; moreover, it is a fairly common phenomenon. Is it possible to independently determine that a person has been damaged, and if so, how to do this?

Sometimes it happens that all sorts of misfortunes begin to fall on a person or an entire family. Your health fails, and very seriously, problems begin at work - right up to dismissal or the initiation of a criminal case, pipes burst at home, equipment breaks down, and a fire may even break out. Of course, it is possible to attribute all these phenomena to the onset of the so-called “black streak”, but it is possible that in fact the person was damaged.

How can you find out on your own whether there is damage on a person?

Damage is a very significant negative influence aimed at harming the subtle bodies of a person. If no measures are taken in a timely manner, then powerful damage can literally bring a person to the grave. Consequently, if there is any doubt that you have been damaged, it is necessary to diagnose and remove it as soon as possible; on the contrary, everything may not end well. In order to independently determine whether there is damage to you, you can use a church wax candle. You need to light it and baptize yourself with the burning candle from top to bottom. If it crackles, smokes and flares up, scattering sparks around itself, this is correct sign that negativity was directed at you. Black streaks on the candle indicate the same thing.

Find out about the presence of spoilage - a method using eggs

Another very effective method for determining whether damage has been caused to a person is using fresh chicken egg, cooler than anyone - straight from the chicken. For this method, take a glass of water and carefully break an egg into it so as not to damage the yolk. A glass with water and an egg is placed on the head of the person being tested for the presence of damage, and held there for five minutes. Later, the contents of the glass are observed observantly. If transparent threads stretch upward from the squirrel, then damage has been caused to you, but not very serious - to tears, to lack of money. The thicker these threads are, the more serious damage has been caused. If there are bubbles on the threads, then obviously a specialist acted. If, in addition to bubbles, there are also black dots, then the damage is done to death and it urgently needs to be removed. If each yolk has turned black, then the person is actually dead, and only the urgent involvement of a magician will save him.

What to do if, based on diagnostic results, a person is damaged?

If you have conducted a self-diagnosis and found that you have been damaged, then as soon as possible, look for a practicing expert in the field of magic. It is virtually unthinkable to remove damage yourself, and the damage it can cause is irreparable. There are not many really powerful magicians, but there are such people, and their contacts are not difficult to find.

Blessings and curses are verbal programs that people “put” on someone else’s life. Scenarios of angry or kind-hearted wishes “work” not only in the lives of the recipients, but also in the lives of those who are the author of such scenarios. How does this happen?

The influence of the word is associated with the work of the mechanism of curse or blessing in the life of an individual, a family clan, and even an entire nation. Consequently, knowledgeable and intelligent people warn: “Watch what you say and how you say it.”

A curse- This is an angry wish, spoken and imprinted in verbal form. By combining the energy of angry wishes with words, a person can cause harm to another person and “set” a negative life program. It is extremely unsafe if the curse “falls” on prepared ground in the form of negative emotions, angry disposition, and misconduct in actions. A curse sent from outside gradually forces a person to do ruinous work in his own life and in the lives of loved ones. The picture is complemented by the woeful incidents and fatal circumstances that are built around the life of such a damned person. The result of such a process is loneliness, illness, physical and moral damage, misfortune and even death. The curse does not bring happiness to anyone, and the sent “black” energy, having done its destructive work, intensifies and returns to the one who sent the curse, like a boomerang. Consequently, wishing misfortune for others, a person falls under his own curse, and retribution occurs - the correction of honesty in accordance with the universal law. It is the curse, sent “in the hearts” to the hated person, that, when returned, can provoke a whole chain of misfortunes and serve as the reason for the curser’s life accident.

Blessing“works” on a similar thesis. What is a blessing? This wish is good-natured, also pronounced, imprinted in words that can be perceived and realized. The energy of the wish is good-natured, combining with words, it sets a positive life program. Such a program works productively on “fertile” soil, in the life of a person with positive character traits and creative actions. But the matter does not stop there. A blessing is capable of “correcting” mistakes on a subtle level, in other words, having a healing effect on negative processes in the life of one or another person. In other words, to make it better, cleaner, more good-natured. Like a curse, a blessing sooner or later, intensifying, returns to the “author” of the blessing, bringing creative metamorphoses and positive events into his life. By openly wishing to be kind to others, a person improves his own life.

The relationships in people's lives are difficult, sometimes confusing, and invariably interdependent. Bad wishes come back, as do good wishes. Consequently, following easy logic and healthy sense, it is worth thinking: to curse or to bless? By wishing kindness even to an enemy, we are able to make him nicer and reduce evil. At the same time, wanting to be angry, we multiply this evil and attract it into our own lives and the lives of our loved ones. This is where wisdom lies - to keep your tongue from making crappy wishes towards other people. Bless each other.

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Casting wax and cleansing with a candle can remove a mild curse. If you remove a curse on someone using this method, then read the prayer to the “Life-Giving Cross” and “Jesus Christ from Damage” during the process, and after the ritual, wash your hands up to the elbows with cold water.

Helpful advice
Before any action, you need to read the “Our Father” prayer three times.

We inherit from our parents good or bad genes that are responsible for our appearance, character, beliefs, tendency to be overweight or have problem skin, and much, much more. We often hear about the similarity of the eyes with the mother or the gait with the father. Some of the comments make us happy, others make us sad. A generational curse is, one might say, the same inherited gene passed on from generation to generation. The negative action of your ancestors can cause great damage to your life. How to Tell If You're Under the Influence generational curse and find out the possibilities of removing it?

The concept of generational curse

The generational curse is one of the most powerful and powerful effects of black magic. If ordinary damage haunts only one person, then this spell affects his entire family. You have to pay for the misdeeds of your ancestors, and then your descendants will have to pay the same.

It is sent by offenders out of strong anger and hatred, with the goal of causing significant harm. This curse has special power when it is sent to a person in last minutes his life.

Signs of a generational curse

The indicators by which active generic damage can be identified are varied. The following main signs are identified, read them to find out the truth:

  • Negative events have been haunting you and your family for a long time. It could be a financial crash serious illnesses and even the death of relatives. If you recognize this situation, you should immediately contact the healers, otherwise the dark chain of tragedies will continue.
  • In your family, relationships are tense to the limit, you constantly quarrel and break ties with your closest relatives. Such conflicts can lead to the complete disappearance of your family.
  • Among relatives there are many representatives with drug or alcohol addiction. Alcohol addiction is often attributed to stress and problems at work, but a very likely cause is a generational curse.
  • Serious diseases are passed on from generation to generation. These include cancer, infertility, mental disorders, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Maybe it's not just bad genetics?
  • Young family members, including small children, die at an early age or suffer from serious illnesses since childhood.
  • Strong and friendly families fall apart due to ridiculous reasons.

Ancestral curse on the female line

Such curses are popular for many reasons. Women perceive it a little differently the world, their feelings have a strong influence on their actions and sometimes cloud their judgment. An increased emotional background often leads to turning to black magic in order to get even with ill-wishers. Here characteristic features curses on the female line:

  • They greatly affect children, regardless of gender. They are born weak, suffer from serious illnesses, and sometimes have abnormalities. Infant mortality is common. Some children escape the curse so that the family can continue.
  • A woman gives birth to a child without a husband, and she has to raise him alone.
  • Financial instability, manifested in a constant lack of funds to support children.
  • Diseases affecting the female part leading to infertility.
  • Dependence on alcohol, tobacco, drugs. The consequences of these bad habits can be fatal.
  • A woman becomes pregnant not from her husband, but from other men.

A mother can place an incredibly powerful curse on her child, which will be passed on to subsequent generations (most often this happens through the female line). When this happens, the person faces a huge amount problems, serious health problems and even premature death. To remove such a curse, it is not enough to carry out a simple conspiracy.

Removal of maternal damage occurs within three years. A person is obliged to regularly attend church, attend services, give alms to the poor and disadvantaged, and sincerely read prayers. This curse has no expiration date, which means it will continue until it is lifted.

Ancestral curse in the male line

The curse of the male line is less common, but very strong. A man, unlike a woman, does not take the signs of a generational curse seriously, and for a long time deceives himself with excuses. If he continues to turn a blind eye to all unfortunate circumstances and misfortunes for a long time, then the consequences can be fatal, up to the extinction of the family. There are a number of signs by which you can find out about a family curse and avoid an unwanted fate:

  • A man is not able to successfully complete any of his undertakings. He becomes a loser, changing job after job, losing his masculinity and self-confidence. He ceases to control his emotions, loses self-control and the respect of others.
  • A person is susceptible to chronic diseases, serious diseases threaten death at an early age.
  • Because of the curse, a man leaves his family for no apparent reason and dooms himself to live alone for the rest of his days.
  • Passion to alcoholic drinks, regular drinking, which will lead to death - from cirrhosis of the liver, drunken brawl or drowning. Lacking the willpower to resist the drug craving, he drowns out the problems in alcohol.
  • At an early age, a man can lose his mind due to severe stress or a difficult life situation.
  • High probability of death in a car accident.
  • Suicide is a strong consequence of the curse, when men full of strength and energy, successful at work and in personal life, kill themselves.

How to remove a generational curse

Rite No. 1

To identify the relative who caused the family curse, you need to conduct a ceremony in the church. Order a prayer service in the church for the removal of generational damage. Prepare in advance a list of all dead relatives you know up to the third or fourth generation and light candles for each of them. When lighting a candle, mentally address it to your relative, try to remember each of them and keep it in mind.

When one of the candles begins to crack, this indicates the person from whom misfortunes and troubles came in your family. If they all continue to burn smoothly, then you yourself are the object of the curse, and it was brought upon you by a living person. Read the prayer and do not stop until all the candles have burned down to a third of their length.

Buy another candle and place it in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. While reading the text of the prayer, think about liberation from the curse, ask him for healing. When finished, say the following words:

“Let my sins burn away! Give them, Lord, peace! Thank you, Lord!”

After this, it is recommended to order a prayer service for all deceased relatives at whole year. If the culprit is announced and it's not you, here's what you need to do. Go to his grave, take a memorial in the form of vodka, black bread and boiled eggs and read this text:

“You (name) have no bread, take your curse for yourself!”

If this method helps you and the ancestral curse disappears, then you will feel a surge of strength and relief, things will begin to improve, and problematic situations will disappear.

Rite No. 2

This ritual is performed on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, at 12 o'clock. You need to prepare candles and holy water in advance. Stand in front of a mirror and place another mirror behind you. You must wear underwear that you have worn for at least two days. It is advisable that it be a T-shirt or a combination.
Light three candles, and, looking into your eyes, read the text of the prayer from memory, trying not to blink (or blink as little as possible). Speak in a confident, even voice, without stammering or peeking.

“I look into clear eyes, I’m not afraid of anyone. No demon, no thief, no evil man. The Lord is with me, the Holy Spirit is with me, Mother is with me Holy Mother of God. It’s not a mirror in front of me, it’s the shield of God in front of me. It’s not the mirror behind me, it’s the shield of God behind me. I will defend myself with a shield, I will defend myself with a shield, I am not afraid of anyone. God the Lord is with me, an angel behind me, the Mother of God in front. Amen."

Take a container with pre-prepared holy water and dry your face using a T-shirt without taking it off. Stand in front of the mirror as long as you want. Do not extinguish candles until they burn out.

Rite No. 3

Sometimes relatives are the worst enemies. Various disputes, in particular regarding the division of property, can lead to a family curse when the dissatisfied party finds a way to take revenge. IN in this case will help church prayer. The person who caused the damage must repent of his sins and give alms. At dawn you need to read these words:

“A simple-haired girl was walking, and the holy elder Simeon met her. “Where are you going, simple-haired girl?” - “I’m going to the dry swamps to collect rotten moss.” - “Why do you need rotten moss?” - “Twist the ropes.” - “Why do you need ropes?” - “Catch wild ducks.” - “Why do you need ducks?” - “Milk.” How not to make ropes out of rotten moss, how not to catch wild ducks with these ropes, how not to milk milk from ducks, how not to spoil, not to curse the servant of God (name), baptized, born, brought into the world by God’s will, by the Lord’s mercy. The Lord creates, the Lord gives birth, the Lord protects. Get away, cursed word, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Sometimes parents condemn their child to corruption without performing any ritual. This happens when a mother and father constantly scold and humiliate their child, calling them “backbiter” or “parental misfortune.” The curse itself will stick to the child and doom him to an unhappy life. Therefore, parents should keep their mouths shut and not insult in any way. Of course, you can scold, but without malice.

How do you know that the ritual to induce damage, the evil eye or a curse has worked? Here we have given the main features of all these energetic influences.

Damage - This is a deliberate intervention in the fate of a person with the sole purpose of causing harm.

Damage cannot be done by an ordinary person. An ordinary person can accidentally cast the evil eye or even intentionally curse, but only a magician, sorcerer or witch can cause damage using special magical rituals and actions. In some cases, a person himself can damage himself and suffer from this and suffer.
Damage cannot be inherited. It is aimed only at a specific person. If damage is directed at a family, then it still works through one person - the one who first came into contact with its powerful negative energy.

The weaker a person is psychologically and emotionally, the easier it is to damage him, and the more terrible the effect of damage on his life will be.
There are many types of damage. The main ones include:
- for illness;
- for poverty;
- for infertility;
- to loneliness;
- alcoholism and drug addiction;
- to death;
- for fear and depression;
- on house;
- to suffering and melancholy;
- mental insanity and others.

Guidance methods are also very diverse:
- through food and drink;
- through things belonging to a person;
- through things given as gifts;
- through a sharp, charmed object, often a pin - they throw it, try to prick or fasten it to clothes, needles;
- through cemetery soil, water from the deceased, flowers from the cemetery and twigs from under the deceased;
- through candles;
- using spells;
- through hair and nails;
- through photography;
- through a volt doll, possibly rag dolls;
- using the power of thought.
Sometimes good master It is enough to simply write a person's name on paper and burn it with certain words and the person will get sick.

Signs of damage:

1. During an illness, medical tests are good, but doctors cannot determine a diagnosis or determine many diagnoses, but there is no help from treatment, and you are drying up before your eyes.

2. For a long time, there has been a constant loss of strength, there is no desire to live, move, work, and thoughts about leaving life have appeared in my head.
3. A woman cannot get pregnant, despite the fact that everything is normal with her from a medical point of view.
4. Sudden loss (gain) of significant weight without any particular reason within a short time.
5. A long “dark streak” has come in life.
6. Fear of people or enclosed spaces.
7. In a family, frequent scandals arise over a trifle.
8. A man begins to be annoyed by his own wife and children, he begins to drink alcohol more often, and behaves aggressively with loved ones.
9. Pets do not like you, run away from you or bristle.
10. A girl dates guys (or a guy meets girls), but can’t get married..

Evil eye - can be intentional or unintentional.

An unintentional evil eye can be inflicted by almost any person, even one who does not necessarily have strong energy or witchcraft abilities. It can be sent accidentally by an ill-wisher, an envious person, or someone who has uttered a careless word, thought or emotion at you. In addition, there are people from birth who are very envious and glaring, who send evil eyes left and right, sometimes without realizing it. Accordingly, ruining the lives of others. If at this moment you are upset about something, are in a state of emotional imbalance, suffer from unhappy love, are sick and do not have any magical protection with you, then you are easily susceptible to an unintentional evil eye.

There are people who understand perfectly well that they can easily jinx them. And they do it intentionally. There can be a lot of reasons: envy, anger, revenge, jealousy, resentment or some other goal, even the desire to destroy a person. Casting a deliberate evil eye can take the form of directly wishing evil in the eyes or in the wake of a person. Or it may be carefully disguised. Be very attentive to those people who, when communicating with you, are as kind, affectionate, flattering as possible, and are not stingy with compliments.

Signs of the evil eye:

1. Increased fatigue. I don't have enough strength for anything.
2. Drowsiness, lethargy. Reluctance to do even the most necessary things.
3. Insomnia.
4. Dizziness, pressure changes.
5. Inability to withstand the direct gaze of the interlocutor.
6. Uncertainty, indecisiveness, constant excuses to everyone.
7. Sudden change in habits, attitudes, tastes.

A curse – this is the most terrible negative magical effect.

It entails many complex problems in all areas of human life. The result of the curse is considered to be tragic events in life, the inability to marry, infertility, the birth of freaks in a family, the death of infants, and illness. From the moment it is cast, the curse begins to take effect either immediately or after many years. It always manifests itself at the most unexpected moment and finds itself in the most vulnerable, most sensitive, unprotected and painful place in a person’s life.

It is passed on from generation to generation, at least up to the seventh generation, sometimes even up to the ninth. Moreover, with each subsequent generation, the manifestation of the terrible consequences of the curse becomes stronger.
A curse can be inflicted by an ordinary person in a state of passion - an extremely tense emotional state. This is expressed by verbal wishes for death, illness, ruin, etc.

Very often, at a moment of heightened emotion, the curser makes some sudden movement, for example, hitting the table, an unexpected sharp gesture, or pointing a finger at the victim. Due to its unexpectedness, this causes a short-term shock, during which natural protection disappears for a moment, and the person becomes as vulnerable as possible.
But there are curses that can only be done by a specialist and are magical in nature. They are the most dangerous. In this case, the victim does not know about the curse and does not even guess. It is almost impossible to determine it in yourself, since a curse is always very cleverly disguised as natural manifestations of external events. A person will explain troubles and problems with anything but a curse.

It is done for a person, for an entire family, for real estate, and even for a certain area. A curse on real estate or terrain is usually used in unfair competition. A curse on a living space carries disastrous consequences for everyone in that house. First, flowers begin to die, then animals begin to get sick, and then people start to get sick.
Signs of a curse:

1. Nothing goes well in life. Everything is falling out of hand. A person always ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Chronic loser.
2. The feeling of hopelessness, confusion, and uncertainty does not leave.
3. Fear of life, the desire to place responsibility for absolutely everything, including one’s own life, on another person.
4. Frequent traumatic situations, accidents.
5. Death of several wives (husbands) in a row.
6. Child mortality by gender.
7. Severe hereditary diseases.
8. Hereditary alcoholism.
9. For women - loneliness, infertility, prostitution.
10. In men - aggressiveness, cruelty, riotous lifestyle, contempt for women.

A curse is dangerous not only for the cursed person, but also for his loved ones, even if they are not relatives. With prolonged contact with the cursed, it is as if an infection with a curse occurs, and it is introduced into the life of another person. The consequence is the beginning of failures in life. Even just being near the damned is extremely dangerous. To avoid serious problems in life, never listen to other people’s complaints about life and do not sympathize with those who like to discuss their misfortunes. At this moment they share them with you in the most literal sense.

Curses - for those who believe in them - are different. They curse for death, for infertility, they curse for luck, money, family relationships, they curse for health, they curse for drunkenness.

For a believer, there can be only one reaction to a curse: “bless those who curse you,” as the Apostle Paul advises. No curse has power over a person until he himself gives up this power - he believes that now everything will be bad.

The most terrible is considered to be the maternal curse, the signs of which are the exacerbation of a person’s internal problems, right up to early death from all kinds of diseases. Indeed, a person experiences a rude word from a mother the hardest and reflects on it for the longest time.

No matter what age you are, you should not bring your relationship with your parents to the point of mutual curses. But if this has already happened, there is no need to look for signs of a curse on the person who was cursed, or signs of a return curse on the one who cursed - you need to forgive each other all insults and try to make peace.

The Gypsy curse, the signs of which are inevitability and inexorability, is generally a myth, for the creation of which, it seems, the Gypsies paid well to the authors of brochures and websites about the curse. They say, if you have already been caught by a gypsy, she covers you with any words and robs you of everything - it is better to be a submissive lamb, otherwise it will be worse. Don't be afraid of anything. Gypsies in mystical terms are the same people as everyone else, there is no “karmic cover” on them. Do not succumb to their manipulations and calmly move on your way.

The so-called curse of death, the signs of which are loss of strength, poor health, illness, is a reason to go not to dubious individuals who proudly call themselves magicians and healers, but to a doctor. If it doesn’t help, see a more qualified doctor. And think about what needs to be changed in your lifestyle, because almost all diseases begin with poor nutrition, incorrect work-rest ratio, bad habits and other similar things that we are accustomed to not paying attention to.

Healers may “see” signs of being cleared of the curse in you after their session, but in reality all your problems will remain with you.

Signs of a curse in women

It is believed that signs of a curse in women are loneliness, infertility, prostitution, and alcoholism. If this is a family curse through the female line, the signs will be as follows: stillbirth of children, widowhood.

Infertility, and especially the loss of a long-awaited child, is very difficult. But in such a situation, searching for “whether someone has cursed you and how to remove it” is futile. We need to find out what exactly is wrong with a woman’s body - and maybe her man’s too. If it can be treated, great; if not, but you really want children, maybe you should think about adoption?

Signs of a curse in men

“Signs of a curse” in men are cruelty, riotous lifestyle, contempt for women. If this is a family curse in the male line, the signs will be: drunkenness, getting into car accidents, suicide attempts.

Each of these problems must be dealt with separately. The easiest way to say it is: I drink because I am cursed. But what will this life position lead to? To the point that the situation will continue to roll along the same rails - downhill. But you can honestly admit: I drink because I’m afraid of such and such problems and I’m trying to get away from them; help me deal with this.

There are narcologists, psychotherapists, and Alcoholics Anonymous. There is a God who helps everyone who wants to improve their life. And then there is a whole life that can bring a lot of joy to both you and your loved ones. There will be fewer car accidents with drunk drivers, and fewer suicides due to the meaninglessness of life.

Signs of a Family Curse

All kinds of “healers” consider the curse to be the most terrible negative program in black magic. They say that its peculiarity is that the curse is almost always passed down from generation to generation, from parents to children - up to seven generations.

This is the so-called generational curse, the signs of which are as follows: the family does not honor the dead, there are stillborn children or infants who die before the age of three, there are people with scoliosis, mentally retarded people, many widows and widowers, infertile marriages, ectopic pregnancies, poverty, alcoholics and drug addicts, people who deny God, families go to court, blood relatives divide inheritance, relatives do not visit each other, they envy each other, they quarrel.

They say that if there are three or more signs of a family curse from this list, the curse is one hundred percent, it must be removed, or you can’t expect anything good in life. But if you think about it, it becomes clear that three signs from this list are present in almost every family. It is clear that there is nothing good in family quarrels or there are no diseases, but they should not be treated in a “magical” way. We need to learn to love our neighbors, to be with them mutual language, pay attention to them.

“Magicians” claim that with a generational curse, a person already knows by a certain age that he is a failure. Such people are characterized by hopelessness, confusion, uncertainty, fear of life, and the desire to place responsibility for everything and for their lives on another person. In fact, this is a psychological problem, the root of which is infantility. To prevent this from happening to a person, you need to instill in him responsibility for his life from childhood. Sport section, tourist camp, volunteering, military service - reliable prevention of the “ancestral curse” among young people.

The “curse of loneliness,” the symptoms of which are constantly emerging obstacles to relationships or marriage, most likely needs treatment from a psychologist or, for a believer, from a priest. The crowns of celibacy and shrouds of loneliness most often turn out to be the inability to build relationships and the fear of losing one’s imaginary freedom.

Many people daily wonder how to find out if I have damage. It's quite normal.

People who do not have magical practice, who do not know how to see the aura, get lost in the flow of information. How does it usually happen?

The poor man has heard enough stories from friends and acquaintances, scoured the Internet to be sure, and is immediately overcome by doubts. Various thoughts come into my head.

The symptoms of spoilage are well described. Only there is no clear symptom that distinguishes damage from the usual “black streak”.

And such a thing cannot exist. After all negative program disguised as real events. Otherwise, anyone can easily get rid of it.

And black magicians and the egregors led by them need to receive the energy of the victim. So they come up with ways to mask the damage.

But white magicians are not asleep either. There are rituals that allow you to understand the human condition. Let's talk about them.

How to find out if I have damage: 4 effective ways

On the one hand, you can get sick or get into trouble at work, on the other hand, this damage is already taking effect. A simple ritual with matches will allow you to understand exactly what is happening.

  1. Pour water into a glass. Read the Lord's Prayer.
  2. Light a match and cross the water with it.
  3. Keep it until it burns halfway.
  4. Carefully grab the match by the burnt end and wait until it is completely charred.
  5. Throw it into the water.

This must be done three times.

Now read the plot. It is like this:

“Mother, Holy Mother of God! The water you poured will show me who cast a spell, who wished me harm, who did not eat or sleep! Amen!"

Look at the location of the matches. If everyone floats on the surface of the water, you have nothing. A bad mood or illness caused the illness.

If at least one drowned, there is an evil eye or damage. The more matches on the bottom, the stronger the impact.

This test is very accurate. Be sure to carry it out so that you don’t worry about trifles.

How to find out if I have a spell of loneliness

To answer the question about the possibility, you will have to perform a more complex ritual. One of them is wax casting.

  1. Melt the wax in a spoon and pour into a bowl with water.
  2. While it begins to melt, mentally or out loud ask why you don’t have a mate, what is the reason for loneliness.
  3. Remove the wax from the cup and examine it.

If there is a through hole in it (like a donut looks like), there is damage. If there are several of them, it means that a lot of people wish you harm. Negativity needs to be removed. It won't just go away.

Sometimes “arrows” made of wax indicate damage. They form along the edges of the figure and are clearly visible. There is no need to write anything. The arrows stand like a stockade. This is gossip and evil envy that spills out like this.

When the wax pours out in several lumps, it indicates a curse on the relationship. Until you take it off, no force will give you true love.

Small droplets that break off from a solid lump are interpreted as unborn children. This is also a sign of damage that does not allow procreation.

Buy a church candle. In the evening, light it and look at the wick. You have to look for a long time, watching how it spins. Monitor your condition.

Damage works in such a way that after a short period of time, pain will appear in the eyes. It can be very difficult for a person to look at the light.

Tears will flow, dizziness or nausea will begin. This is a serious symptom.

It happens that the wick shows the result. Just watch him carefully. If you see the Devil’s face, then there is definitely damage. Any figures can appear. Everything depends on the imagination.

But don’t be afraid or doubt, you will see exactly what you need.

If you notice a snake curling among the flames, it means that a woman has attacked you.

Others: if the energy is not clean, then the candle will smoke. This usually happens in the first minutes.

Be alert and don't get distracted. After all, the evil eye does not exclude damage. They can coexist in any aura.

How to find out if I have damage or a curse

This is a more serious impact. It is not as easy to define as the evil eye. The fact is that the curse or ancestral damage is hidden so deeply that it does not appear during an ordinary ritual.

“Is there any damage or curse on me?”

Place the deck on the table in random order, face down. They can simply be placed like chips. Now take out seven cards, laying them out in a row in front of you.

Look carefully at the result. The major arcana will show damage. Namely the Moon in combination with the Magician. This is obvious damage. If both cards are reversed, then you have a curse.

If the combination is complemented by the Three of Swords (broken heart), then it most affects the relationship. Such a person, without lifting the curse, is doomed to complete loneliness.

If the three of swords is in an inverted state, it means that the curse has not yet begun to fully take effect (dormant).

How to find out if I have damage using an egg

Often . This product, like wax, is an excellent conductor of negativity.

You need to hold a fresh egg in your hands while reading prayers. It doesn’t really matter which ones. Everything is your choice.

As a rule, people read the Lord's Prayer.

After about fifteen minutes, break the egg into a glass of water.

Look at the result right away. A torn yolk will clearly show spoilage. If the egg turns out to be rotten, then it’s a disaster. The damage is very strong.

Blood in the egg also indicates negativity. You should know that it appears when a person is wished for death.

If the protein rises in peaks to the surface, it means that you do not have damage, but the evil eye. The more such “peaks”, the stronger the negative.

Of course, you shouldn't leave it like that. Read Psalm 90 and place a glass of egg at the head of your bed. In the morning, look again at what happened. If the protein sank to the bottom, then the evil eye is gone.