Which section should I send a 5 year old girl to? Top sports sections for girls

28.06.2020 Technique

The task of every parent, first and foremost, is to raise a full-fledged personality. From a young age, the child should be provided with opportunities motor activity and useful expenditure of energy.

Is there a need for a sports section for boys?

When communicating with peers in sections and in the yard, the ability to achieve set goals is manifested and developed. There are at least two reasons to attend sports sections for boys - physical development and development of the sports spirit.

Physical development of the child

With the development of humanity and modern technology, we have to spend less and less physical effort on performing certain tasks.

In the same way, parents have fewer and fewer reasons to involve their children in physical work - there is not much of it left at home.

Statistics show that at least half of boys preschool age have at least one chronic disease. And the child’s immunity largely depends on his physical activity, and this often depends on visiting the sports section for boys.

The erudition of modern children often depends on the sufficiency of parental attention; character is less susceptible to family influence, but sport develops its positive aspects. The role of parents is great in shaping the place for sports in a child’s life.

Firstly, they are the ones who set an example for the boy; only with the encouragement of his father or mother will the son begin to do this. Secondly, it is the parents who can see the talents of their baby and determine his preferences.

Physical activity has a huge impact on the formation of a child’s body. Both general and local immunity are established in the first years of a boy’s life; at 7-8 years of age the process of development progresses most nervous system, but the development of musculoskeletal mass continues up to 25 years. And during this period, visiting the sports section for boys at any time will be useful. This will ensure the health of all the child’s organs and systems and build the body’s endurance.

Fostering respect for sports

Sections for boys give them the opportunity to grow not only physically, but also psychologically.

And here it is important to understand the differences between the presence of physical education and sports in the lives of children.

From a young age, children are characterized by playfulness, mobility, and restlessness. Literally until late school age, a child needs several hours every day for active pastime - this can be yard games with children or adults, attending physical education and sports sections, and spending active weekends. With this approach, most likely, even in adulthood, young men will pay attention to their physical fitness, understanding the role of physical activity for the body from childhood.

The desire to achieve set goals is fostered; competitions and victories are important here.

In any case, sport has a huge impact on the formation of leadership qualities, discipline and determination, team spirit and responsibility, willpower and endurance, as well as confidence in one’s own strengths and abilities.

What should you consider when choosing children's sections for boys?

Currently, parents have huge selection sports sections for children. Be that as it may, you should proceed from the child’s preferences.

It should be noted that too heavy loads in childhood do not bring any particular benefit - at a minimum, the child will not become interested in the chosen sport, in the worst case, he may be injured.

Consult with a trainer or physical therapist, and also consult with your doctor. Communication with parents from the selected section will also be useful - you will be able to find out at what age they started classes, what difficulties arose and ways to solve them.

Age for boys to play sports

  • 3 years is the lowest threshold for starting sports activities. The use of modern techniques makes it possible for children to get involved in figure skating, rhythmic gymnastics, swimming.
  • Sections for a 4-year-old boy include either gymnastics or swimming. All these sports are very beneficial for a growing body.
  • When choosing a section for boys aged 5, you can already think about various types martial arts These include: judo, karate, wushu, aikido.
  • When choosing a section for a 6-year-old boy, know that at this age you can choose any of the sports listed above.
  • From the age of 7, boys are taken into sports dance, acrobatics and table tennis groups.

Please note that weightlifting is absolutely contraindicated for boys under 10 years of age.

We can conclude that from the age of 6-7 years old boys can engage in most sports. Professionals believe that before this age, the baby’s body is not yet fully strengthened, and the character is not yet sufficiently formed to benefit from sports.

Before reaching the “sports” age, parents should instill a love for active pastime in their child - you can teach him to ride a bicycle, roller skates or skate, do exercises together in the morning, set up a sports corner at home, spend a lot of time moving on the street with peers.

How to instill a love for sports in a child?

When choosing sports sections, it is important to take into account his desire and interests. At the same time, you need to consider whether he will need such loads in the future and how they will affect his well-being, and only then focus on the baby’s inclinations.

You can take risks and choose a section that interests your child - be that as it may, if the child categorically does not like something, you can try other sports. At the same time, children's interests are not yet an established value, and they can change. After attending trial classes, parents will definitely select the optimal sections for boys.

Features of individual sports for kids

Attentive parents should take a closer look at their child as soon as he turns 3 years old - it is their observations of the child’s character that will help him find a suitable sport.

  1. Team games - football, basketball, etc. are suitable for sociable kids who can easily find mutual language with other children.
  2. Hyperactive children will be helped to direct the fountain of their energy in the right direction, and will also be taught how to concentrate in various martial arts and
  3. Tennis and gymnastics will appeal to little leaders who want to achieve their goals.
  4. Equestrian sport is suitable for absolutely everyone, but for introverts it will help bring their emotional and psychological state back to normal.

How character changes in sports

Keep in mind that just as certain sports require certain character qualities, these same qualities will be developed in your child in order to achieve success:

  • Martial arts and martial arts develop coordination, flexibility, accuracy of movements and speed of reaction, self-esteem and perception of the child’s capabilities.
  • IN team games muscles are strengthened, exercises contribute to the development of reaction, coordination, communication skills, cooperation skills and the achievement of a common result.
  • Swimming maximally develops the muscles of the body and forms correct posture.
  • In cycling, running, mountaineering they develop in leadership skills boys, the desire to be first grows.
  • Figure skating, like gymnastics and dancing, promotes the development of artistry, coordination, and plasticity.
  • Rhythmic or artistic gymnastics and ballet require great dedication and discipline from the child, developing flexibility and grace.

The characteristics of individual sports can be used as a guide when choosing a section for boys, but still the final choice must be made taking into account the child’s physical capabilities and his interests. In addition, any section should be not only interesting, but also safe.

For the child’s comprehensive development, achievements and health, parents choose sports sections for boys: football, gymnastics, swimming or another type of children’s training. Enormous benefits for the body, training in discipline, self-realization, increased self-esteem - this is the result of your child’s sports activities, provided that the direction is chosen correctly.

What sections are there for boys?

Each type of sports activity has its advantages and disadvantages. Sections offer many opportunities, but they also come with certain risks. The variety of workouts can make it difficult to choose the perfect sport for a boy. Football is for active guys, dance clubs are for artistic kids, gymnastics is for dexterous and flexible children. Karting, rowing, badminton, luge or swimming? Try to understand the offers of modern children's sports.


The football section for boys is the best choice if your child is fast, sharp and agile. Slow guys will not look natural on a children's football field; it is better for them to choose a different type of training. When playing football, physical strength and agility are strengthened, teamwork skills are developed, and a sense of desire to win is fostered. The health benefits are also undeniable. active games in the fresh air. Among the disadvantages, high morbidity is noted. Comfortable sports shoes will help reduce risks.

Martial arts

It is important for boys to stand up for themselves and their friends, which is why martial arts are widely in demand. Classes contribute to the development of flexibility, accuracy and coordination of movements, reaction. Training in martial arts will teach you to rely on your own strengths and not get lost in difficult situations. One of the disadvantages of the classes is the high risk of injury. Popular destinations include the following:

  • aikido;
  • judo;
  • freestyle wrestling;
  • boxing;
  • sambo;
  • karate


One of the few sports sections in which there are no obvious contraindications is dancing. The child will learn to “hold his back” and move beautifully. During ballroom, sports dancing or another type of dancing, an ear for music and the muscular system develop. Rhythm classes, during which the baby will be taught the simplest movements, can be attended from the age of 2-3. During this period, dance styles have no shortcomings. Over time, the cost of costumes and travel will fall on the parents' shoulders.

Sport games

For boys of school and preschool age, sports games will be an excellent pastime. Training will not only improve your physical fitness, but will also teach you how to work as a team. Volleyball, basketball, baseball and other team sports also train logical thinking and reaction. Sport games– a great opportunity for a child to undergo social adaptation. Parents' expenses in this segment of training sessions are small. The only disadvantages include a relatively high risk of injury.

Water sports

The maximum employment of children is noted in these activities, because many people know about the benefits water procedures. Children are often signed up for swimming, but children also do water skiing and diving. Systematic training helps improve blood circulation, strengthen the nervous system, and increase immunity. Aquatic species also have disadvantages. Swimming in chlorinated water can harm the respiratory system. Sometimes, instead of benefiting the child’s body, swimming does harm: a constant runny nose occurs, colds become more frequent, and the risk of allergic reactions increases.

Winter sports

A young athlete, interested in figure skating, hockey, skiing, increases physical endurance and discipline. Winter sports available all year round thanks to indoor training facilities. A harmonious combination of training and hardening has a good effect on the baby’s health. During training, immunity increases and health improves. You should not send children suffering from asthma, severe myopia, or chronic lung diseases to such training. In terms of injury rates, the most dangerous of the winter sports types- hockey.


When visiting this section, boys increase endurance, accuracy of movements, and grace. Training will help make your figure slim, fit, and your posture correct. A gymnastics section for boys can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Bruises, strained muscles, dislocated joints - this is an incomplete list of the likely consequences of high-impact gymnastics training. Gymnastics classes are contraindicated for children with severe curvature of the spine.

How to choose a section for a child

Many parents ask the question of choosing a sports section for a boy. When you decide on the sporting direction in which your child will move, consider several factors:

  1. Interest on the part of the child. Enjoyment from exercise is the main condition for good results from training. Sometimes you can only understand whether a boy likes the chosen direction through trial and error. This does not mean that after the first lesson you need to leave. Agree on a reasonable period of time; if no interest has arisen within a certain period, look for a new direction.
  2. Physical features. A chubby kid will not be comfortable on the football field or in track and field, and a boy with poor motor coordination will have difficulty getting into the basketball hoop. In the hope of correcting physical deficiencies, parents send their child to a section that is not at all suitable for him. As a result of this choice, ridicule from more successful peers can lead to a lot of complexes.
  3. Health status. Many sports activities have contraindications. Consult your doctor before sending your son to one or another section.
  4. Location. It will be more convenient for both parents and children if the gym is located close to home. 40-50 minutes is the maximum time that can be spent traveling to the training site.
  5. Material side. Sports activities will become an additional expense item in the family budget. For some classes, expenses are limited to travel costs and section fees. For dancing you will need expensive costumes, for hockey - equipment. Consider these features when choosing.

Where to register your child

Another important criterion that you need to focus on is the age of the child. Some sports for boys are suitable for children who have just turned 2 years old, while other activities are best not taken up before the age of 14-15. The figures below are often approximate. Training can begin earlier or later, depending on the child’s abilities and characteristics. Due to the characteristics of a fragile body, experts do not recommend professional sports for children under 5 years old. Excessive physical activity can lead to improper muscle development and curvature of the spine..

Sports for children from 2 years old

For the younger age group, choosing a sports direction is the most difficult. The choice of parents is limited to swimming, choreography, and some areas of gymnastics. All classes are aimed at developing agility, flexibility, endurance and other basic physical skills. Serious exercise will not begin until 4-5 years of age. A basic gymnastics course will help to develop posture, choreography will help develop an ear for music, and swimming will help strengthen all muscle groups.

For children from 3 years old

The optimal age to send a child to sports acrobatics and gymnastics is from 3 years old. In addition to these sports, children's sections for boys from 3 years old include swimming. At this age, the baby is not always able to listen to and carry out the trainer’s instructions, so few take on group classes with such little ones. Dance styles are a choice for boys who show artistic abilities.

From 4 years

Children's sections from the age of 4 for boys rarely become a serious sport. In order not to harm the fragile musculoskeletal system of the baby, gentle training and a competent approach are required, which only a good trainer can organize. From the age of 4 you can already practice figure skating if the boy shows extraordinary talents in this sport.

From 5 years

The choice of activities at this age expands significantly. Boys may be interested in group sports: hockey, volleyball, basketball. They often attend children's sections from the age of 5 for boys, such as martial arts. From this age, you can offer your child athletics classes: running, long jump and high jump. Such training increases endurance and improves the development of musculoskeletal tissue.

From 7 years old

Sports for school-age boys should be chosen based on the child’s wishes and preferences. A grown-up child can independently decide on activities that interest him. Listen to the wishes and encourage the boy's hobbies. At this age, a child has a huge selection of sections:

  • water skiing;
  • tennis;
  • Athletics;
  • cycling;
  • trampolining and others.

Sections for teenagers from 14 years old

Older guys can also be recommended to engage in such complex sports as boxing, rowing, rock climbing, and weightlifting. You can give preference to tennis, equestrianism or volleyball. It's not too late to start classes. Sailing is an excellent choice for budding teenage athletes. The formation of strong-willed qualities, character, and self-confidence is what is needed during this difficult transition period. Karting, cycling, archery, fencing are sections for boys in which teenagers can find themselves.


If you still haven’t chosen a new hobby for your child, read and decide.

Individual sport

For many years, sport has remained the most popular way to develop a child - in addition to physical fitness, it trains coordination, attentiveness and self-discipline.


Gymnastics can be sports or artistic. Girls are sent to gymnastics at the age of 3–4 years, boys at 5–6 years. If a child has excellent stretching, does the splits, or easily throws his leg behind his head, then gymnastics is your option. They are happy to take active children there, but they demand that they unquestioningly fulfill all the requirements of the coach and expect that the children will

Figure skating

IN figure skating children are sent at 3–4 years old, so that the child learns to stand on skates from a young age and hone his skating technique. But this is all for professionals. If you want to send your child to such a section for his pleasure, then you can do this at the age of 5, 12, and 16. Figure skating often involves strong children who are short and, most importantly, have good coordination and healthy knees (this is necessary for jumping).


Athletics combines five sports: running, race walking, jumping (long, high, pole), throwing (hammer, javelin, discus), shot put, track and field all-around. Originally ancient Olympic Games consisted only of track and field events. They perfectly maintain the body in tone, contribute to the harmonious formation of the muscular skeleton, develop endurance, breathing, and strengthen the vascular system of the body. So if a child can run and jump for two hours without stopping, then athletics is for you.


The least dangerous sport. Swimming strengthens the muscular skeleton, promotes rapid growth and proper breathing. In addition, the ability to swim correctly and stay confidently on the water will come in handy for your child more than once in the summer during a vacation at sea, for example.

Team sports

If your child is active, sociable and has good contact with peers, then team sports can develop useful qualities in him, including leadership.


The most popular game on the planet. Millions of boys and girls dream of becoming as famous as their idols: , . Football is about running, which means keeping your body in excellent physical shape. The child will also learn to play in a team for the sake of common victory. And one more thing: if your son becomes a football star, then a comfortable future is guaranteed for you.


If you think that it’s too early to play basketball at five years old, then you are deeply mistaken. The difference between children's and adult basketball is the size of the court, the diameter of the ball and the height of the basket. At the age of five, the child’s physical fitness is first strengthened, and later they master simple techniques of dribbling and passing the ball. Jumping and special exercises help accelerated growth, harmonious muscle building and reaction development.


This is the most dangerous sport! But if your child becomes a hockey player, he will never need karate, Greco-Roman wrestling, or boxing, because hockey very well strengthens the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and legs, and also improves reaction. At the age of five, children are taught to stand on skates, hold a stick correctly, start sharply and brake sharply. Of course, the sticks, pucks and protection are sized for children.

Intellectual circles

Developing a child physically is good, but you can also send him to an intellectual circle. Such sections will improve mental abilities, as well as instill a love for the exact or natural sciences, which will not hurt in the future.

English language

Would you like your child to know three or more languages? If yes, then you need it. If a child begins to learn a second language at the age of 3–5 years, he will develop a figurative perception of language. The child will not have to memorize or memorize vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation, he will simply perceive and understand most languages ​​on an intuitive level.


Many people think of chess as a sport for retirees, but they are wrong. Chess is an interesting logical board game. It fosters excellent imagination, promotes the formation of cause-and-effect relationships, the development of analytical thinking, and the ability to focus and concentrate. The acquired qualities will help the child more easily master the exact sciences at school and university.

Technical clubs

Robotics, radio electronics, aircraft and rocket modeling - this is not the entire list of technical circles. Such sections give the child simple physical and mathematical knowledge, develop design and modeling skills, and contribute to a better understanding of modern technology.

Creative sections

Loving parents will notice their child's talents because Creative skills especially evident by the age of five.


A harmonious combination of art and sports. Here the child receives the development of grace, plasticity, sense of rhythm, artistry, as well as incredible emotions and a great mood. Since dancing has become very popular recently, you can find desired style to suit your child's temperament will not be difficult. It is better to give kinesthetics (people who perceive the world through feelings and tactile sensations) to the dance direction - it will be important for them to express themselves with the help of movements and touches of a partner.

Art school

Art school has a great impact on the abilities of visual learners (people who perceive the world through vision). They gain good imaginative thinking, imagination and visual skills. Evaluating your own work and the work of your peers contributes to the formation of your “I”, which will certainly be useful in the future.

School of Music

Musical music is best suited for auditory learners (people who perceive the world through sounds). This direction will contribute to the development of hearing and vocal abilities. The child will learn to understand beauty, from birdsong to organ works. Children who study music usually grow up to be kind, affectionate, sociable and not afraid.

There are many components to a child’s health. This includes nutrition, daily routine, and fresh air. And also, of course, movement and optimal exercise stress. And if the teenager already knows which section to enroll in, then the kids go to the gym “at the behest” of their parents.

Where should you give your 4-7 year old child so as not to harm his health and awaken the athlete sleeping in the child?

Figure skating

Age limits. The optimal age is from 4-5 years (if you want to study professionally). It’s possible after 6, but raising a professional athlete will be more difficult.

What's the benefit?

  • Training of coordination of movements, eye, ligaments, flexibility.
  • Strengthening all muscle groups.
  • Increased endurance, immunity, performance.
  • Improving blood circulation, respiratory and cardiovascular systems.


  • The risk of injury is unfortunately very high.
  • Figure skating is an expensive sport! Get ready for serious expenses if you decide to send your child to professional sports.
  • Finding a good coach is not an easy task. But it depends on him exactly how the child will “get on” the ice (it will be impossible to correct the mistakes of an illiterate coach later), whether the child will like the lessons, and whether he will want to overcome difficulties, of which there will be a lot.


  • Serious stage of flat feet or club feet.
  • Nervous system problems.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Disorders of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Asthma, lung diseases.
  • Recent illness.

  • Tracksuit (for skating on an indoor skating rink).
  • Thermal underwear, overalls (for outdoor riding).
  • Gloves, socks.
  • Directly skates and covers for them.
  • Additional/protective equipment. That is, knee pads, elbow pads (thin, not restricting the child’s movements) and a helmet. This point is only for kids taking their first steps on the ice. For training, these protective equipment are superfluous.
  • If desired: protective shorts (note - protection of the tailbone, hips due to special inserts).
  • For performances: costume.


Optimal age to start - from 4-10 years. Moreover, at 4-6 years old, training is more likely to be health-improving and developmental activities with “elements” of tennis. Starting from the age of 7, tennis is played in pairs and more seriously.

What's the benefit?

  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • Development of speed, coordination, reaction, flexibility and endurance.
  • Prevention of the development of myopia.
  • Improving blood circulation and activating the respiratory system.
  • Development of intuition, attentiveness, strategy and tactics.
  • Minimum trauma!


  • The presence of problems with the spine (especially in the cervical region), intervertebral hernia.
  • Myopia, other visual impairments.
  • Peptic ulcer of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Disturbances in the development of connective tissue.
  • Problems with joints, musculoskeletal system, blood vessels and heart.
  • Problems in the field of neuroscience.
  • And flat feet.


  • High cost of classes. And even more so with a personal trainer.
  • Difficulties finding a professional trainer.
  • The risk of developing scoliosis due to illiterate distribution of the load on the child’s body.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • Sports uniform. Usually a T-shirt and shorts (T-shirt and skirt). Lightweight, cotton, not restricting movement.
  • Sneakers.
  • Headdress.
  • Racket and case.
  • Additional equipment: balls (for training outside the gym), racket strings, wristbands, etc.


Optimal age to start - at 4-5 years old. It’s possible earlier, but for such little ones, activities are not a sport, but pleasure and overall health improvement. It is better to go into sports at a more or less conscious age. The pool is indicated for obesity and scoliosis, diabetes and myopia.

What are the benefits:

  • Prevention of spinal diseases.
  • Prevention of colds.
  • Hardening, increasing immunity.
  • Strengthening the immune system and developing all body systems.
  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Treatment of injuries and assistance with rehabilitation after operations.


  • Unfortunately, not all swimming pools are perfectly clean and safe. Water purification is taking place different ways, and not always of high quality.
  • Chlorinated water can lead to allergies.
  • At first, you experience a runny nose and cold (especially if you don’t follow the rules of the pool - for example, when you jump out into the street after a workout with undried hair).
  • Chronic rhinitis (approx. - professional “sore”) or skin problems often develop from constant contact with chlorinated water.


  • Heart problems (such as heart disease).
  • Intestinal disorder.
  • Skin diseases.
  • Viral infections.
  • Allergies and ind/contraindications.
  • Dislocation of the hip/joint, as well as joint diseases.
  • Kidney and heart failure.
  • Cramps.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • Swimsuit or swimming trunks.
  • A swimming cap is a must.
  • Washable flip-flops with non-slip soles and (to avoid eye irritation) swimming goggles.
  • Well, in addition - soap with a washcloth and a towel.


Optimal age to start - 5-6 years. But you can put your child on skates and train endurance from the age of 3-4 years.

What's the benefit?

  • Development of endurance, coordination of movements, sense of balance.
  • Strengthening the immune system, bones, ligaments and musculoskeletal system.
  • Nervous system training.
  • Increased blood circulation.
  • As well as the formation of responsibility, discipline, self-organization.


  • High risk of injury.
  • High cost of equipment.


  • Visual impairment.
  • Heart disease.
  • Instability of the cervical vertebrae.
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.
  • As well as flat feet and club feet.
  • Asthma.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • Hockey stick.
  • A set of special skates.
  • A helmet with a mask and leg protection are required.
  • Elbow pads.
  • T-shirt with leggings.
  • Special gloves.
  • Pants and a shell (note - to protect the chest).
  • Thick gloves.
  • Thermal underwear.

Martial arts

Optimal age to start - 6 years. It is at this age that the child will be ready to listen and obey. There are groups of younger ages, but they involve more of an easy game program for general training.

What's the benefit?

  • General hardening of the body and active physical development.
  • Gaining self-defense skills (which is extremely useful in our time).
  • Overcoming fears, phobias, timidity.
  • Cultivating courage and bravery.


  • Choosing a coach is the most important moment! It depends on him whether the child will become a pugnacious and aggressive blockhead or a self-possessed, courageous and strong leader who understands the essence of martial arts.
  • Not every type of martial arts is suitable for a child who has never played sports.
  • There is still a risk of injury. Most often these are sprains and torn ligaments.


  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Any “sores” are in the acute stage.
  • Diseases of the spine, vision and kidneys.
  • Problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • For starters, a tracksuit that does not restrict movement.
  • Then everything depends on the chosen sport. For example, a kimono, special trousers and a belt. The investment is small.


Optimal age to start - 5-6 years. From this age they are already accepted into sections. And at 3 years old you can start with rhythm and play dancing.

What's the benefit?

  • General development of the body, coordination of movements and increased immunity.
  • Development of flexibility, musicality, plasticity, grace.
  • Development of taste.
  • Formation of beautiful posture and figure.
  • An excellent opportunity to lose excess weight.
  • Development of the respiratory system and prevention of colds/diseases.


  • Risk of injury. Usually these are sprains, dislocations and fractures.
  • Strong competition. Not always healthy. Alas, there is a lot of envy and anger among competitors in dancing.
  • Extremely high (almost sky-high) prices for costumes, as well as for participation in competitions.


  • Severe flat feet.
  • Vertebral hernias.
  • “Advanced” problems with the spine.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • High quality shoes.
  • Suits for training, Czechs.
  • Costumes and shoes for performances.

general physical training

Optimal age - from 4-5 years old. These lessons (note - general physical training) are carried out in many schools and clubs.

What's the benefit?

  • Development of flexibility and endurance.
  • Prevention of many diseases, strengthening the immune system.
  • Strengthening muscles, spine, improving the functioning of all body systems.
  • Excellent preparation for school.

General physical fitness is indicated for problems with posture, hyperactivity and frequent colds.


It is worth noting that there are practically no contraindications to general physical therapy. And if they are available, instructors simply reduce the load and select the desired program with elements of exercise therapy.

Equipment - what should you buy?

A comfortable tracksuit and quality shoes will suffice.

Exercise therapy

Children are sent here from the age of 5 according to indications. As a rule, with disorders of the neuromuscular or musculoskeletal system.

What does exercise therapy provide - what is the benefit?

  • Proper development of the body, increased immunity.
  • Activation of metabolic processes.
  • Development of the respiratory system, as well as improvement of the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Relaxation and calming effect.
  • Increased mobility in joints.
  • Prevention of scoliosis and flat feet, gastrointestinal disorders and bronchitis, developmental/growth retardation.


They are usually short-term and/or relative:

  • Muscle clamps due to curvature of the vertices/axis of the body.
  • Nerve root entrapment.
  • Severe pain syndrome.
  • Diseases in the acute stage.
  • Impaired blood supply in the cerebral/vertebral vessels.
  • Oncology.
  • Progressive pathologies of irreversible nature.

What to buy?

You will need comfortable cotton clothing that does not compress organs and does not restrict movement at all.


Children are usually taken into kickboxing after 10 years of age. But if the child is really interested, and the coach is loyal, and health allows, then you can come to classes from 6-7 years old.

What's the benefit?

  • Cardio and strength training.
  • Successful fight against excess weight.
  • Building strong muscle mass.
  • Improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Reducing the risk of fractures.
  • Improved flexibility, posture, reaction, coordination.
  • Relief from stress, negative emotions, fears and timidity.


  • Joint problems.
  • Spinal diseases.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • Shorts and T-shirt. Cotton, comfortable, loose.
  • Helmet (approx. - with reinforced top/part).
  • Boxing gloves and elastic bandages.
  • Inguinal concha (approx. - regardless of gender).
  • Protective bandage - for girls.
  • Footwear with a closed heel (rarely sneakers).
  • Protective jersey/knee pads, plus elbow pads and definitely shin braces.


Optimal age to start - 6-7 years. However, there are no strict limits here. This martial art can be practiced at the age of 5 or 20.

What's the benefit?

  • Muscle development through stretching, acrobatics, martial arts and gymnastics.
  • Necessary cardio and strength training.
  • Development of endurance, coordination, flexibility, plasticity.
  • Stretching of joints, spine, whole body.
  • Active fat burning.
  • The opportunity to play sports at any weight, height and physical fitness, and even with the whole family!
  • Martial arts without aggression and anger! A lot of positive emotions, a game, a unification of rivals!
  • Fighting fears, timidity, shyness.


  • Low percentage of professional trainers.
  • It's hard to find the shape. You have to order it and “catch it.”
  • Professional sports involve not only studying martial arts, but also playing music/instruments, etc.
  • Traveling outside the country will require a lot of money.


  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Diseases for which physical activity is not recommended.
  • Injuries.

Equipment - what should you buy?

  • For starters, a regular sports or “fitness” suit.
  • Comfortable shoes with thin soles.
  • You will need the form later, and the coach will tell you where to get it.


What's the benefit?

  • Harmonious and correct development of the body.
  • Increased metabolism.
  • Improvement of mental and mental activity.
  • Optimal use of children's excess energy and activity.
  • Training all muscle groups.
  • Getting rid of childhood clumsiness, training the vestibular apparatus.


  • High risk of injury. Usually - sprains, bruises from a fall.


  • Scoliosis.
  • Severe myopia.
  • Problems of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Asthma and epilepsy.
  • Cardiovascular diseases.

Equipment - what should you buy?

Nothing special is required. The main thing is that the clothes “breathe” and do not hinder the child’s movements.

From the age of 4 you can already visit the pony club. And for serious horse riding - only after 6 years.

What's the benefit?

  • First of all, this is “hippotherapy,” which many people don’t even know about. Riding a horse and the very communication with the animal contributes to rapid recovery from injuries and strengthening of a stable mental state. There are many disabled children and children suffering from autism and cerebral palsy in equestrian sports.
  • Improved balance, gait, and well-being.
  • Relaxing powerful effect.
  • The ability to exercise even with physical limitations.
  • Strengthening the activity of the nervous system.
  • Development of back and leg muscles, balance and coordination.

As for the disadvantages sports - there are none.

But there are still contraindications:

  • Heart diseases.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Diseases of the OMT and groin area.

Equipment - what should you buy?

If you decide to go into professional sports, then look for...

  • Tight-fitting leggings (approx. - with a flat inseam).
  • Shoes with small heels and smooth soles.
  • A jacket or sweater that helps the coach control the child’s position.
  • Helmet.
  • Gloves.
  • Protective vest.
  • Special/equipment for the horse (not immediately, but will be needed).

If you liked our article and have any thoughts on this matter, please share with us. It is very important for us to know your opinion!

Here you can practice yoga with your child; listen to an interesting lecture or take part in creative master classes on creating interior items, accessories and toys; start painting from scratch or strengthen your skills; listen to a concert or watch a play with the whole family. Developmental classes for children are also held.

2. Trilingual Metland Kids Club
From 1.5 to 7 years

The club operates on the basis of the Metland English Language School. Here you can practice capoeira, combine work in an art studio with Spanish lessons, English lessons with music and Portuguese lessons with capoeira. The club also opened a group “English for Moms”. Club address

3. Mom's Sadik Seasons
From 0 to 6 years

An absolutely wonderful space for mothers with babies belongs to Seasons Project. Since 2014, the project has been located in a separate wooden house right on the playground of the Hermitage Garden. The Sadik hosts classes for mothers and babies, photo shoots, performances, concerts, and on weekends – children’s birthday parties and family parties in the spirit of Seasons magazine festivals. There is also a café and a hairdresser for children at Mama’s Sadik. Sadiq's address

4. CitYkids Family Center in the Bauman Garden
From 0 to 6 years

Creative workshops are open at CitYkids; you can come here for yoga or a children's play, a music lesson or a psychology seminar. During classes, the baby can be left under the supervision of a teacher in the company of peers. The center's schedule includes: yoga for newborns, music with mom, fairy tales, dancing, art therapy. And right next to the club there is an amazing playground “Inhabited Fence”. Address CityKids

5. Children's club "Shardam"
From 2.5 to 12 years

In the classes of Tatiana Krasnova's Creative Workshop, children from 2.5 years old are introduced to the basics of painting, graphics and design using handy tools, which will allow them to expand their own creative experience and understanding of fine art. Shardam address

6. Project “Concertini” (CONCERTiny)
From 1 month

The new project “Concertini” gives children their first acquaintance with the world of classical music. Mothers come here with babies. Professional musicians from famous Moscow orchestras and laureates of international competitions perform for the audience. The program is designed for the musical tastes of sophisticated adults and at the same time adapted for children's perception (from 0 years). During concerts, babies can lie on pillows, crawl, play and communicate with peers.

7. Project “Together with Mom”
From 1 month

This project is a “veteran” of the Moscow children’s movement; classical music concerts for mothers and babies have been organized here since 2009. Adults listen to music, and children dance and play tambourines and maracas with the musicians. Sitting quietly in your seats is not at all necessary. The project also conducts English classes, yoga, image master classes, joint summer holidays at the seaside or in the Moscow region, family discos, and a mother’s council. There are also courses for children together with their dads and a children's theater for the little ones.

8. Musical and educational project “SemiNotka”
From 2 to 12 years

The family project of the Turchin musicians is also well known to Moscow families. Nastya and Alexander come up with cycles of musical meetings and conduct them at different venues. These are not boring lectures, but a real creative interactive experience. Among the programs of “SevenNotes” are “His Majesty the Organ”, “Princess Violin and Her Family”, “Royal - both Forte and Piano” and others. A special series of classes “What does nature sing about?” for children from 2 to 6 years old, it is built around the four elements - water, fire, earth and wind. For children from 1 year old there is a cycle “Musical Years”.

9. Early development studio “Mozart effect”
From 1 year to 12 years

Another musical project for kids, where you can listen to classics. The project is already 12 years old. During classes in the studio, live classical music is performed by professional musicians and soloists of the best orchestras in Moscow. Children draw and sing, and also try their hand at playing children's instruments. Kids get acquainted with masterpieces of classical music by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bach, Vivaldi, Prokofiev and many others, and try to play along with the musicians on their own. Children from 4 years old need to pass an audition to enter the studio. Studio address

10. Babyconcert project
From 0 years

Children from birth to school age enjoy the melodies of Mozart, Brahms, Tchaikovsky, Strauss, Gershwin and other outstanding composers performed by the best musicians of Russia. Concerts take place in the “Sea Inside” cafe in Sokolniki, on the basis of the CityKids project and in other pleasant places in Moscow. The kids are not forced to sit still - at meetings, children dance and sing, walk freely around the hall and look closely at the instruments.

11. Jewish Cultural Center on Nikitskaya (JCC)

From 2 years

The ECC has many interesting studios for children and adults. Children from 2.5 years old can attend classes in the “Read-Play” literary club. Children's theater on English languageshows in the Center a series of interactive performances in English for children from 2 years old. There is also a wonderful development center “Tapuz”. You can bring your child for the whole day, here he will be fed, taken for a walk, and the baby will have many interesting activities: in-depth study Russian, English and Hebrew languages, acquaintance with fairy tales and literature; choreography and music, solfeggio and rhythmics, yoga and fitness, ballet and choreography. ECC address

12. Baby Contact Club
From 3 months to 3 years

The club conducts dance classes for mothers, fathers, grandparents and children. The main goal of the classes is to establish contact between mother and baby. Through special techniques, close contact, elements of dance, dance movement therapy, round dances and games, mothers learn to better hear and understand their child. During classes, the baby is in your arms, in a sling, or just next to your mother. Club address

13. Children's space "Dvigalki"
From 0 to 5 years

A hall in the center of Moscow, specially equipped for movement, creativity and harmonious development of children. Children under 3 years old study together with their mothers. Classes are based on the principles of orf pedagogy and dance-movement psychotherapy. The youngest participants, aged 0 to 12 months, study in the BabyContact dance and movement psychological group, which is described above. Hall address

14. BrightFamily Positive Lifestyle Center
From 0 to 5 years

The main direction of the center’s work is the parenting practices of Birthlight (Birthlight™, UK, Cambridge), developed by the founder of Birthlight, Francoise Friedman, in the 80s of the last century. The course is based on a combination of Eastern wisdom and advanced Western scientific developments. BrightFamily presents the following areas of yoga: yoga for pregnant women, aqua yoga, baby yoga from birth to 4 years, children's swimming programs (from 1.5 months). Center address

15. Workshop “Little children and great art”
From 2 years

The workshop is run by Moscow sculptor and mother Lisa Lavinskaya. In a playful and exciting way, children get acquainted with the history of art, visit museum exhibitions, draw, sculpt, and do ceramics. Typically, classes begin with a short lecture on the history of art; for the little ones it can be a ten-minute fairy tale or a short cartoon. Children get acquainted with the works of artists from different times, and then create their own. The Workshop also offers a course for adults. Workshop address

16. Child Center"The Golden Cockerel"
From 1.5 to 17 years

The Golden Cockerel children's center has been operating in Moscow since 1987. At the center, children from 1.5 to 17 years old can study in a comprehensive program that combines the basics of music, choreography, visual and theatrical arts. Classes are taught by professional musicians, directors, artists and choreographers. The Golden Cockerel Center cooperates with Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, Russian Institute of Cultural Studies and State Slavic Academy. Center address

17. Early development center in English Gymboree Play&Music
From 0 to 6 years

Children are taught here using the Gymboree early development method, which was invented more than 35 years ago. It is assumed that every child has the inclinations given to him by nature. If you start to develop them correctly and on time, abilities will appear. Today the company implements its training programs in 33 countries and in more than 700 centers operating under a franchise system. All classes at the center are held in English: “Play and Learn” from 0 to 3 years; Music (6 months - 6 years), art(18 months - 6 years); Sports (3-6 years); Family activities(0-6 years); School skills (3-6 years). Center address

18. Early language development club Baby Bilingual Club
From 1 year

Classes are taught only by native speakers and early development specialists. Main principle The work of the club - active communication in the TPR (Total Physical Response) way - implies that during classes students use all organs of perception and constantly change types of activities. Children learn English through games, music, creativity and reading or listening to books in English. The youngest (1.5-2 years old) come to lessons with their mothers. Club address

19. Family eco-club “Drevo”
From 9 months to 7 years

The club operates an Early Development School, where children get acquainted with the world around them, play with designer handmade toys and communicate with peers. Among the interesting programs it is worth mentioning the School of Etiquette and the School of Rescuers. The sports block is represented by the Krepysh fitness studio, rhythmoplasty and dance studio, yoga classes and self-defense lessons. In addition, the club has a children's playroom and a library with an extensive collection of children's literature.

If you didn’t find your favorite place for kids in the review, write to our editor about it: editor@site.