What is Capricorn's zodiac sign? Description and characteristics of the zodiac sign Capricorn

18.08.2019 Jurisprudence

Capricorn 10th zodiac sign, cardinal sign earthly element. The sun enters Zodiac sign Capricorn December 22, when winter comes into its own and this is when the longest nights and shortest days occur. And this cold season is reflected in the character of people born under the zodiac sign Capricorn. Typical Capricorns are often stern and reserved. Date (dates) of the beginning and end of the sign Capricorn: 22.12 - 20.01.

One of the main characteristics of the Capricorn zodiac sign is serious attitude to life. Even in their younger years, Capricorns are noticeably different from their peers; they are more comfortable being in the company of more mature people.

The best qualities of Capricorn's character are manifested in work. For the sake of career advancement, typical representatives of the Capricorn zodiac sign are ready to work tirelessly. They understand that to achieve success in any business, it takes time and patience.

Typical Capricorns usually have a sense of pride; they take themselves too seriously. And apparently as a result of this, they take defeats hard. After a failure, the state of stress for Capricorn can drag on for quite some time. long time. But to get out of depression, the best medicine is, again, work.

Although serious failures for Capricorns are very rare, because... People of this sign tend to “test the waters” in advance; a typical Capricorn will not take risks “putting everything on the line.” Capricorns know how to plan their lives and current affairs.

Negative characteristic The sign of Capricorn is that very often people of this sign are pessimistic, there is little that pleases them in this material life. And life itself is perceived by Capricorns, if not in black, then certainly in gray tones. Capricorn can experience the greatest pleasure when he is appreciated, his merits are recognized, when he is praised and set as an example.

To the people around Capricorn may seem quite cold and distant. But the external restraint and equanimity of a person with the zodiac sign Capricorn is only an appearance. Capricorn has many fears in his soul, which he tries to hide from other people. Even to those close to them, Capricorn is afraid of appearing weak; he will not open his soul; he does not need pity. By showing pity for Capricorn, you can even humiliate him by doing so.

Typical Capricorns uncommunicative and withdrawn. Capricorns are cautious people; in order to win Capricorn over, you need to prove your devotion to him more than once. Capricorn values ​​time-tested relationships. Most of the contacts for a person with the Capricorn zodiac sign are at work. Friendship with Capricorn will be easier to establish if there are some common or business interests.

Capricorns have great ambitions and the main fear that gnaws at Capricorn is to find themselves unsuccessful in life, to achieve nothing, to not achieve a certain position in society. For Capricorn, there is nothing worse than remaining unrecognized.

People of the zodiac sign Capricorn, of low spiritual level, can be soulless and insensitive to the needs of those around them. All warm human feelings are alien to these Capricorns, they are indifferent, “go over their heads” for the sake of their goals, they are only interested in personal ambitions and the desire to achieve power and position at any cost.

If a person of the Capricorn zodiac sign is at a high level of spiritual development, then this irreplaceable person, who can be entrusted with work of any complexity. Such a Capricorn has enviable endurance, stamina, and for him there are no unsolvable tasks.

Capricorn, like other signs of the earthly element, is attached to everything material; he really evaluates life, his capabilities and abilities. And Capricorn's abilities are much above average. Typical Capricorns have excellent memory, a rational mind and surprise with their perseverance.

In the negative version, the earth element also gives Capricorns self-restraint. Capricorn sets certain boundaries for himself, beyond which he does not allow himself to go. Capricorn’s principles, which he cannot step beyond, significantly hinder his capabilities and self-realization.

Life for Capricorn is often not easy. Overcoming external obstacles, their internal complexes and fears, the main thing for Capricorn is not to become embittered at the whole world. With positive development, difficulties strengthen the soul of Capricorn, but do not make it callous, and over the years Capricorn becomes wiser and kinder.

The planet that rules the zodiac sign Capricorn is Saturn

Planet ruler zodiac sign Capricorn– Saturn. Saturn in astrology symbolizes limitation, compression, and life is often perceived by Capricorns as a heavy burden. Saturn can limit the needs of people of this sign. Typical Capricorns are often ascetics and are content with little.

Saturn - God of time, Kronos. And people of the Capricorn zodiac sign know the value of time better than all other signs. Capricorns are punctual, focused and know how to organize themselves.

Saturn makes Capricorns good strategists; they carefully think through their plans and keep them secret. Typical Capricorns are generally taciturn people; they quietly and calmly do their work, focusing on results. Capricorns know how to work hard and fruitfully. The main motto of Capricorn is “patience and work will grind everything down.”

The planet Saturn gives Capricorn good position in society only with age and on the condition that Capricorn achieves everything himself, with his own work and shows diligence.

Characteristics of the career of the zodiac sign Capricorn. Professions most suitable for Capricorns.

Typical Capricorn sends the message into the world that he can do anything, and as a rule, Capricorn is entrusted with the most difficult and most responsible work. No one can organize their own better than Capricorn workplace. When starting any work, Capricorn will thoroughly study all available material, bringing the process itself to automatism. To avoid mistakes, Capricorn keeps everything under control.

You can always rely on Capricorn at work; he takes a very responsible approach to completing any task entrusted to him. People of the Capricorn zodiac sign can be excellent performers, but still, most Capricorns strive to occupy a leadership position, especially for men.

Service in any government institutions is suitable for Capricorn. People of the Capricorn zodiac sign know how to work well in the system, they intuitively feel the hierarchy - everyone does their own thing in their strictly designated place.

Capricorns have a set of qualities that are simply necessary for career advancement. It is easy for Capricorns to discipline themselves, they steadfastly endure all the difficulties that they encounter on their way to the top, and Capricorns are ready to wait for their finest hour. They have a lot of patience, sometimes Capricorn may even look a little slow, but his work will always be completed on time and perfectly.

People of the Capricorn zodiac sign are good at doing different things. scientific research, because they are able to work in one direction for many years.

In astrology, the zodiac sign Capricorn symbolically rules the 10th house. The 10th house is responsible for career and all the highest achievements in life. Therefore the most best job for Capricorn - to lead and organize. Although the boss from Capricorn will turn out to be quite demanding and strict.

Characteristics of the financial sphere of the zodiac sign Capricorn. Capricorn's attitude towards money.

Capricorn takes material matters, as well as other areas of life, seriously. Capricorn spends money sparingly and has savings for a rainy day. Typical Capricorns prefer to invest their accumulated funds in reliable, practical things.

Capricorn's ambition makes him a true professional in his field. And, as you know, the work of a good specialist with deep knowledge is highly valued and well paid. Capricorn knows the main secret of success - do your job for the sake of the business itself, and not for the sake of money. This knowledge is inherent in Capricorn from birth. And, as a rule, Capricorns are rarely poor.

With negative development, people of the Capricorn zodiac sign can show greed and cunning in financial matters.

Sometimes, a “low” Capricorn may feel sorry for money even for his own needs.

What the zodiac sign Capricorn needs to learn.

Capricorn's pessimistic attitude attracts difficulties and problems to him. Capricorn needs to take life easier, consciously cultivate optimism in himself and tune in to the best. Capricorn needs to try not to completely block all his feelings and find time for personal life

. Otherwise, devoting all the time to work, Capricorn risks being left in splendid isolation.

The surrounding reality is our reflection and Capricorn should remember that when you smile yourself, the world will smile back at you. Article publication date"" 18.02.2013

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zodiac sign Capricorn

Characteristics of the intellectual abilities of the zodiac sign Capricorn, what kind of mentality does Capricorn have? All their lives people try to understand themselves and their human nature in general. For this there are many in various ways and directions. One of them is a horoscope. In this article about such a zodiac sign as Capricorn. From when to what date does he dominate, what can be said about such people and what are the characteristics of their character - read about all this below.

What should you talk about at the very beginning when considering the Capricorn zodiac symbol? From what date to what date does he rule? So, he starts work on December 22 and continues to “work” until January 20. People born at this time can consider themselves representatives of this zodiac sign.


However, this is not all. Having figured out when Capricorn dominates (from what date to what date), it is also worth saying that representatives of this zodiac sign are divided into three huge subgroups:

  1. Born in the first third, from December 22 to January 2. These people were born under the influence of the planet Saturn, therefore they are calm. However, they are also very calculating. Throughout their life they can experience several ups and downs. Lucky years of life: 30 and 57.
  2. Born in the 2nd third: from January 3 to 13. These representatives are under the influence of militant Mars, but in themselves such people are domestic and to some extent even boring. They can also be poor role models. The key years in their lives are 16, 24, 30 and 33.
  3. Born in the last third: January 14 to 20. These people were born under the auspices of the Sun. They are hardworking, endowed with great inner strength, and always find a way out of difficult situations. current problems. Key years of life: 21, 30, 31, 41, also 50 and 57.


What should you definitely talk about when considering such a horoscope symbol as Capricorn? Temperament, character, stones, numbers - these are the things that must be mentioned. What fundamental things should Capricorns know?

  1. The most suitable day of the week for them is Saturday.
  2. The most successful number is 3 (three).
  3. Colors that bring success: black and greenish.
  4. Flower that brings happiness: poppy.
  5. Smells to give preference to: bergamot, incense, cedar, sandalwood, cypress, juniper.
  6. The element of these people is Earth.
  7. The main planet in their life, which mostly controls them, is Saturn.

Talisman stones

So, the zodiac symbol is Capricorn. A characteristic, a talisman, a stone - this is what you need to talk about. What stones should be preferred by representatives of this sign of the zodiac circle?

  1. Turquoise is the very first and main talisman for Capricorn. It’s perfect to wear a stone in a lead frame, put it on your little finger, and don’t take it off on Fridays. This stone is able to tame anger and kill evil thoughts. It is also worth remembering that turquoise should accompany Capricorn throughout his life (blue - in youth, greenish - in old age).
  2. Another talisman for Capricorns is aventurine. It should only be worn for one lunar phase, since it will continue to change its energy. This stone helps to maintain good spirits, a joyful mood, and also have clarity in thoughts and judgments.
  3. And another very important talisman for Capricorn is the “tiger eye” stone. He is able to tame the strict temperament of Capricorns and also bring good luck good people. Indispensable for those who are too jealous - it helps to cope with this negative feeling.

About children

Having figured out when Capricorn rules, from what date to what date, it is also worth talking a little about what the children - representatives of this horoscope sign - will be like. So, if such a kid is shy and gloomy around strangers, then at home he is a lively manager. It is very interesting to watch such children, because according to their own specific, and not always understandable, system, they master the world and gain valuable, relevant experience. Such guys take life very seriously and simply do not accept their mistakes. It is very important for parents to be close to their children during difficult situations and difficult periods; at this time, little Capricorns are capable of “breaking down”. It is also necessary to remember that children of this sign are warned of dangers more often than usual. They are especially associated with stairs and heights. Kids have few friends - one or two friends, and that’s completely enough for them. These children are smart, but very lazy. Failure in school occurs only for this reason. As they grow up, Capricorns become more and more confident within themselves and their strengths, which is why their ability to work blossoms at a young age. Such kids want to prove to everyone that they are better than those around them. And at the same time, they do not disdain various ways to achieve their goals.

About the character of such people

Let's continue the description of the Capricorn sign. What can be said about the character of such people? So, these are individuals who live their quiet lives. You can often see information that astronomers advise dividing these people into two huge subtypes:

  1. Workaholics who will invariably achieve their goals and achieve great results.
  2. Homebodies whose ambitions are not too high. Such individuals are very difficult to lift; almost no one can move them.

However, despite all this, Capricorns are distinguished by great patience and the ability to wait. With strangers, such people are most often cold and unfriendly. But in their usual circle, they relax and can support the company without any problems. As for personal properties, Capricorns are good at subordinating emotions to reason, so they never commit frivolous acts. Also, representatives of this sign are practical and calculating, which helps them always stay afloat (even in the most difficult situations).


Having told you from what date Capricorn comes into its own, I would also like to tell you about the characteristics of people born during this period. Such personalities often look very distant, as if they are floating in the clouds, not noticing anyone. However, this is only an external manifestation. Thus, representatives of this sign simply make it clear to others that they do not want to come into contact with them. Also, these people are very secretive, they do not accept open behavior, they never tell anything unnecessary about themselves and their family. All quarrels and troubles remain within the walls of the Capricorn house. Well, as a result, such people have very few friends, but also few opponents.

Negative character traits

What negative traits has nature endowed such people with? They are selfish. There are often very stubborn and even callous representatives of this sign. Among Capricorns there are also hardened materialists who have become so hardened in their views that they simply cannot look at the world from a different point of view. Quite often such people are stingy.

Capricorn Man

  1. This is a very pleasant person to talk to. Such people can be called gentlemen.
  2. The Capricorn man is a patron and protector. He will always be a support for his family and close friends.
  3. These are reliable men who will never let you down or betray you. However, they will not arrange surprises and sing serenades under the window.
  4. Such men are always responsible for their words. Their actions do not differ from their speeches.

Capricorn Woman

Having figured out the date on which Capricorn comes into its own, I would also like to know a little about the characteristics of the ladies - representatives of this zodiac sector.

  1. These are amorous and very erotic personalities.
  2. From the outside, such ladies can be called ladies without any problems. They are strict and unshakable. However, under this outer coldness there is always a hot temper and a volcano of passions.
  3. Capricorn women are very reserved, so sometimes it is impossible to understand how they relate to a person.
  4. It is important to say that such ladies lack coquetry and feminine softness.
  5. Their style is discreet classic. They do not accept experiments with their appearance.
  6. Representatives of this zodiac sign strive to be an authority for others. This is very important for them.

Work and career

We continue to learn the description of the sign. Capricorn - what can you say about the career and work of such people? Thanks to their diligence, representatives of this sign often reach various heights. These people can work in hard and dirty jobs if they know for sure that this will bring them some prizes in the future. The peculiarities of Capricorns are to find a way out of any, even the most difficult situations. Therefore, they are excellent team players who are highly valued by employees. It is also important to say that such people can occupy leadership positions without any problems: they know how to organize work and set priorities correctly.


Again, I would like to remind you of what number the Capricorn symbol begins and what number its reign ends. So, this is the period from December 22 to January 20. What can be said about the attitude of such people towards money? So, these are very practical individuals who will not spend their income on trifles and unnecessary things. Capricorns are prone to hoarding because they simply cannot afford to depend on others.

About achieving success

I would also like to say a few words about how representatives of this sector of the zodiac circle can achieve success. Let’s say right away that it’s not that difficult for them to do this. After all, they are prone to cold-blooded calculations. A rational approach and lack of emotions are the main trump cards of representatives of this sign. It is also important to know what Capricorn’s lucky number is. This is a three. Using this figure for your own purposes, you can achieve even greater success not only on the personal front, but also in the work field.


Knowing what date Capricorn (zodiac symbol) begins, I also want to know what kind of health people born at this time will have. So, it is important to clarify that the spirit of such individuals is even stronger than the body. The peculiarity of Capricorn is that he eats little and sleeps relatively little. The lack of desire for physical activity, especially among homebodies, often leads to obesity and the emergence of problems against this background. The ailments that most often occur in representatives of this zodiac sign are rheumatism, osteochondrosis, and urolithiasis. And although Capricorns do not have excellent health, they often turn out to be long-lived. For such people, walks in the forest are recommended; tourism is useful. The medicinal herb is cypress, and the beneficial chemical substances are calcium and magnesium. An excellent preventative against illnesses is laughter and a good mood.

About love and marriage

How do Capricorns behave in love, what do they become in marriage? As for the ladies, they are very amorous natures, who, however, are not inclined to show their emotions in public. They are often in thought about what to choose: what the soul wants or what the norms of decency require. Therefore, Capricorn women almost always seem cold and uninteresting on the outside. A man, a representative of this sign, will always pursue the lady he wants and will not let her leave. When it comes to marriage, men are faithful spouses and good fathers. Ladies can often cheat on their lovers, constantly afterwards tormented by doubts about whether it was worth doing this.


Let's study further the zodiac symbol Capricorn. Symbols and talismans - this has already been fully reviewed. What has not yet been said is the compatibility of representatives of this sign. With whom is it best for them to form alliances, and who should they avoid?

  1. Impeccable partners: Taurus ( common feature- practicality and hard work), Virgo (people will be brought together by the desire for a simple life, healthy food and great sex); With Libra, Capricorns also expect a harmonious life.
  2. Pisces and Cancer promise smooth relationships for Capricorns.
  3. Negative partners and friends for representatives of this zodiac sector will be Leo and Aquarius. These are people who are very different from Capricorns in temperament and outlook on life.
  4. The antipode of Capricorn is Gemini. Such people have no common ground at all.
  5. In all respects, Aries is not suitable for Capricorn. He is capable of incinerating representatives of this sign with his fire and unbridled energy.

Ruling planet:♄ Saturn. Element: Earth.

Capricorn character

Have you ever met people who outwardly looked modest and compliant, but when it came down to it, they unexpectedly demonstrated their strong will and unbending character? Most likely it was Capricorn. It is this zodiac sign that gives people extraordinary perseverance in achieving their goals, but this perseverance is not of a warrior, but of a diplomat.

The character of Capricorn leaves an imprint on both his appearance and his lifestyle. It is not surprising that Capricorn looks soft and pliable, because he really is not going to engage in battle with anyone or hastily rush forward, pushing his opponents with his elbows. Oh no, never! Instead, he will systematically move towards his goal, and on this long journey, time is his friend, not his enemy. While his colleagues are in a hurry and waste their energy in the fight, Capricorn calmly and confidently moves forward, and as a result is able to leave his zealous competitors far behind.

In general, these qualities - calmness and confidence - are inherent in Capricorn in almost everything. He tries to stay away from conflicts and quarrels, but when this fails, he is able to maintain composure and even become an arbitrator.

The practical and conservative nature of Capricorn is alien to impulsive decisions and unjustified risks. In any question, he tries to take into account all the pros and cons, which is why mistakes are practically eliminated. However, despite his thoughtfulness, Capricorn cannot be called indecisive. He is able to quickly make a strong-willed decision, and will not back down from it, taking full responsibility upon himself.

The flip side of Capricorn's tenacity is his enormous stubbornness. His vanity and pride often prevent him from admitting defeat in an argument, and even more so in business. That is why Capricorn is able to defend his point of view to the last, without even admitting to himself that he is wrong.

Capricorns are considered ambitious people, and in many ways this is true. They are truly convinced that life is a movement not only forward, but also upward, and, imagining their future, they see themselves standing a step higher than in the present.

Capricorn in all areas of life - in work, in finance, in love - knows how to set worthy goals and achieve them. He is very hardworking, knows how to concentrate and is capable of painstaking work. In addition, he is excellent at both obeying and subjugating. It is not surprising that all these qualities usually help him achieve the heights to which he strives so hard.

Capricorn's element Earth is responsible for ensuring that he stands firmly on his feet, and his planet Saturn makes him take everything very responsibly and seriously.

Confident and hardworking, calm and unbending, Capricorn has the strength to overcome all obstacles in its path. Slowly and without turning back, he rises higher and higher, and over time is able to reach the highest peaks.

Planet Capricorn

The patron saint of Capricorn is Saturn. According to ancient Roman mythology, Saturn was the father of many gods and goddesses who later reigned on Olympus, in the seas and in the underworld. And in order not to cede power to a new generation of celestials, he devoured his own children.

Those born under this sign want and can achieve success and power. But it is not for nothing that the planet Saturn in astrology is called a “supervisor”: it limits a person to the rigid framework of internal rigor and discipline, not giving a person ease and will.

Capricorns stick to traditions and are quite reserved. Always try to think carefully about the problem and use common sense.

Element of Capricorn

Capricorn Element - Earth, therefore, like everyone else earth signs, it is practical, firmly on the ground. Capricorn is the most business-oriented sign of the zodiac. He prefers to stay where he is and devotes his time to work.

Although Capricorns become overly mercantile over the years, they are too proud to get involved in hoarding. Supporters of tradition and restraint, they strive to be polite and friendly.

Capricorns, as a rule, confidently climb the social ladder. They move towards the goal steadily, because they are convinced that there is only one goal and it must be achieved by any means.

He determines his goal in life early and slowly but steadily achieves it.

Capricorns rarely change jobs; they do not chase fame, but strive to gain true power.

The paradox is that from the outside it seems that others have advantages, but Capricorn has no chance of winning. But in the end he wins. Allows others to come forward, but ultimate goal comes first against all logic. Capricorn in this sense resembles the tortoise from Aesop's fable, which decided to run a race with the hare. And although the hare ran much faster, in the end it was the tortoise that won.

Those born under this sign are happy, if they can spend the whole day at work, knowing that there are many such days ahead of them before they reach the top. But this is not a problem for them. Capricorns are ambitious and confident that they will reach the top. Those who provide them with services along this path will always be adequately rewarded. If Capricorn encounters failure, he will be able to fend off the blow, standing firmly on his feet.

Capricorn is very complex for understanding, because he keeps a lot inside and tells about himself only to those whom he completely trusts. Along the way, he does his job and is satisfied with any outcome. For Capricorn, of course, the result is important, but he cannot imagine himself outside of activity. He almost always works with gusto, whether he likes the work or not.

They are interested in art, theater, and are attracted to intellectual people. However, Capricorn will never become the soul of society and will not shine with wit.

Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01

The zodiac sign of Capricorn begins on December 21st, but for another seven days, overshadowed by the influence of the previous sign, does not fully come into its powers until the beginning of December 28th. In the period until January 20th, Capricorn is in full strength, and at the end of the period, for seven days, it gradually loses its power due to the emergence of the strengthening sign of Aquarius.

People who were born between January 20th and 27th take the influence of both Capricorn and Aquarius traits, the same rule applies to all people born within the transition periods of any zodiac signs.

Influence: Saturn, Mars.

Symbol: goat, ladder, tower clock.

Colours: dark green, black, ash grey, blue, pale yellow, dark brown and all dark tones.

Stone: ruby, onyx, garnet, moonstone, lapis lazuli. ...

The reign dates for the Capricorn zodiac sign are from December 22 to January 20. This sign is influenced by two planets - Saturn and Mars. The element of the zodiac sign Capricorn is Earth. Like other signs of the earthly trine - Taurus and Virgo, the horoscope sign Capricorn is distinguished by high efficiency, survival and determination.

Character of the zodiac sign Capricorn - dates of birth from December 22 to January 20

People born in the zodiac sign Capricorn, on the dates from December 22 to January 20, have a cold, reserved character. Their distinguishing feature– an internal core that allows them to be strong and achieve their goals.

Many of them are not above using despicable methods to get what they want. Having encountered an insurmountable obstacle, having suffered defeat, people according to the date of birth of the zodiac sign Capricorn, withdraw into themselves, fence themselves off from the entire world around them.

Reclusion leads to conflicts with colleagues and...

Strong planets: Saturn, Uranus, Mars

Weak planets: Moon, Jupiter

Element: Earth

Symbol: the head and front part of the body of a goat, and the back part of a fish

Color: black, ash gray, brown

Metal: lead

Landscape: mountains

Favorable numbers: 7, 3, 25

Unfavorable numbers: 2, 5

Happy Days: Tuesday, Saturday

Characteristics of Capricorn

Capricorns born in different decades are different from each other.

Capricorns born in the first decade - from December 22 to January 2, – are under the influence of Jupiter. These are calm, independent, wealthy people with diplomatic and organizational skills.

Important years: 30, 57.


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Sexual horoscope of Capricorn

Looking at Capricorns, it is impossible to doubt that they are pragmatic people, rarely allowing storms of emotions to overwhelm their mind and heart. They are not susceptible to immersing themselves headlong in love passions, so the rare Capricorn is capable of giving their sexual partner an avalanche of feelings. They are more interested in building a career, making money; it is not in vain that this sign of the Zodiac is the ruler of the House of Success. However, big money and a successful career do not always give him positive emotions and joy. Being people prone to despondency, they spend a lot of time in apathy and depression.

Capricorns are people born between December 22 and January 19. They are subject to the influence of Saturn, their symbol according to astrological horoscope- goat. The lucky number for Capricorns is 8, as well as numbers that are multiples of 8. Their colors are light yellow, rich brown,...

The zodiac sign of Capricorn begins on December 21st, but for another seven days, overshadowed by the influence of the previous sign, does not fully come into its powers until the beginning of December 28th. In the period until January 20th, Capricorn is in full strength, and at the end of the period, for seven days, it gradually loses its power due to the emergence of the strengthening sign of Aquarius. People who were born between January 20th and 27th take the influence of both Capricorn and Aquarius traits, the same rule applies to all people born within the transition periods of any zodiac signs.

These people are usually ambitious, their lives born under this sign are marked by a single-minded pursuit of their destiny and destiny. Capricorns have a clear vision of their goals and great faith in their own abilities and infallibility.

People born in the sign of Capricorn are usually self-confident and spiritually strong, but as a rule, they are generally not understood by other people. They...




Capricorn is reserved, calculating, patient, uses cunning rather than force, and strives for security; he is acquisitive, disciplined, determined, and will not miss his chance.

RULING PLANET Saturn, Roman god of sowing and harvest. In ancient times it was considered the most distant planet. In astrology, Saturn represents obstacles, restrictions, prohibitions and discipline.

SYMBOL Capricorn is an animal with strong hooves, capable of climbing to peaks using every ledge. Capricorn makes his way through obstacles.

GLYPH (GRAPHIC SYMBOL) xxx A pictogram depicting the wedge-shaped beard of a goat and the curved tail of a Pisces (the Sea Goat is an ancient symbol of Capricorn). The second meaning is the human knee and patella (Capricorn rules this part of the body). The glyph consists of two...

December 22 - January 20

Characteristics of the Zodiac sign Capricorn

Motto, lucky numbers, days and places of Capricorn

Capricorn Motto "I use". The ruler of those born under the sign of Capricorn is Saturn. Element of Capricorn – Earth. Have a good day For Capricorns, according to astrological characteristics, days such as Tuesday and Saturday are days, but on Monday or Thursday they need to count on a successful coincidence of circumstances much less than on other days of the week.

Good places for them are mountains, ponds, ruins, rocks and, no matter how strange it may sound, cemeteries. Lucky numbers for Capricorns - those that are divisible by 8, as well as the numbers 3, 5, 7 and 14.

Stones, metal, flowers, symbols, colors, talisman and Capricorn temperament

By temperament, most Capricorns are melancholic. But at the same time, according to astrological characteristics, they are also...

Capricorn is the zodiac sign of those people who were born between December 22 and January 20. Such people always know how to achieve the goals they set for themselves. Capricorns have an excellent memory. Such people have a shy and sensitive character, but they hide this behind ostentatious arrogance. Like everyone else, Capricorns have their drawbacks. They can be both cruel and stubborn. Sometimes they don’t even forgive minor mistakes, either to themselves or to other people.
Capricorn children already have willpower from an early age. If they don’t want something, then no one and nothing will force them to do it. Also, these children like to have all their things lying where they think they belong. Little Capricorns prefer family over frolicking with peers. These children have no problems with their studies. They study very well and perform homework Firstly. At first glance, you might think that this is an adult scientist, only of small stature. Special attention Capricorn children...

In this article we will tell you exactly what date the reign of the zodiac sign Capricorn begins. His patron planets are Saturn and Uranus.

Capricorns are usually intelligent, reserved and ambitious individuals. At the same time, they are critical of both themselves and others.

Outwardly, people born under the constellation Capricorn are cold and dispassionate. But in fact, most often they are understanding, emotional and generous. However, natural modesty and shyness force them to hide the sensual side of their nature.

They usually have well-developed intuition and the instinct of self-preservation (at first glance, Capricorns may seem like cowards). They rarely brag and flaunt their virtues. In addition, they rarely make comments or praise the interlocutor. But, as we have already said, representatives of this zodiac sign are very critical of people’s actions. They can, seeing an action that is wrong, in their opinion, remain silent, but draw conclusions for themselves...


However, this is not all. Having figured out when Capricorn dominates (from what date to what date), it is also worth saying that representatives of this zodiac sign are divided into three large subgroups: