June 11 female names. Name days for men and women in June, birthdays according to the church calendar

17.07.2019 Society and culture

Psychologists say that June girls are kind and optimistic. Sometimes they can't control their bright character, they can be quick-tempered, but quickly forget the insult. Babies born in June are persistent, gentle, ambitious and not without pride. Neutral names should be chosen so as not to upset the balance of softness and hardness of temperament.

How to name a girl born in June according to the Orthodox calendar

Recently it has become popular to name children according to church calendar. List of June birthday girls:

Anastasia -1, 9;
Susanna - 2, 19, 20;
Lily -2, 19, 20;
3, 8, 10: Alena, Elena;
Sofia - 4, 17;
Maria - 5, 11, 15, 17,20, 22, 24.
Euphrosyne - 5, 25;
Fedora, Theodora - 9;
Faina - 11;
Feodosia -11;
Christina - 13;
Vera - 14;
Juliana (Julia) - 15;
Ulyana - 15;
Martha, Martha - 17, 22;
Thekla - 19, 22;
Valeria, Zinaida, Kaleria - 20;
Marianna - 22;
Anna - 22, 26;
Pelageya - 26, 30;
Alexandra, Antonina - 26.

In June, girls of two zodiac signs are born: Gemini and Cancer.

Girls- Twins They won’t let you get bored in their company: they easily maneuver between people, emotions, and moods. It is unlikely that the Twins will be able to deceive - girls easily pick up the slightest fluctuations and their inquisitive mind does not leave a single detail unattended. Geminis all their lives follow the principle: “Who owns the information, owns the world.” Energetic in everything, Gemini babies can do several things at once, are comprehensively developed, but are not distinguished by perseverance. They easily get carried away by something new, although it is difficult to force them to study one thing thoroughly. The names that suit Gemini well are: Angela, Alice, Alina, Anastasia, Evgenia, Oksana, Ksenia, Dinara, Christina, Nadezhda, Margarita, Olga, Inessa, Pelageya, Marfa, Claudia, Elsa and Glafira.

Girls- Cancers- these are typical mother’s daughters: they copy their mother in everything and accompany them everywhere without letting go for a moment. Attachment to the family and parental home remains with them for the rest of their lives. Therefore, the parents of such a girl should be extremely careful - after all, the daughter will exactly copy their model of behavior in her family. Cancers are very domestic, girls are homemakers. Children are very attentive to the emotions of others, they will always support and listen. This is why their friends appreciate them. They have innate perseverance and balance - they can entertain themselves on their own, without the need for company and noisy leisure. Extremely touchy and impressionable, inclined to embellish reality.
The following names are suitable for soft Cancers: Julia (Yuliana), Milana, Olesya, Elena, Elizaveta, Serafima, Diana, Bogdana, Praskovya, Lilia, Yana and Louise.

This is such a nice puzzle for the happy parents of the little princess who was born at the beginning of summer! And also for her grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters and all her relatives and friends, who with enthusiasm and delight help solve a difficult problem: what to name a girl born in June.

Choosing a name for a little person is a very interesting, creative and responsible activity. It is responsible, because the name is given for life. Therefore, it is worth considering all the nuances: how it will be combined with the middle name and surname, whether it sounds affectionate, how others will perceive it, etc.

For girls, a good choice is especially important because of the tenderness of girlish nature. The desire of parents to give the baby a super-original name can cause the child many unpleasant moments before the daughter grows up and is able to appreciate the creativity of her father and mother.

There are many selection options. Some choose according to their horoscope, some look for a patron saint for their daughter according to the calendar, some have family or memorable names. By the way, if dad and mom can’t come to a common opinion, you can use a double name - this is a trend in last years intensifies. Or try to combine the names of the parents in the daughter’s name, if they are combined - Vladlena, Nicole, etc.

Features of June children

June babies are already positive based on their date of birth. The sunny, warm summer generously shares its energy with them, charging them with optimism and joy. Flower names are very suitable for June girls: Lily, Margarita, Rose, Violetta, Iya, Laura, Camilla.

Names associated with the sun will become symbolic:

  • Elena,
  • Alyona,
  • Alina.

You can choose soft and warm-sounding Mila, Yulia, Yana, Nelly, Olya, Lyubov, Taya, which are perfect for your little charmer.

Sociable, open and emotional June girls can choose more energetic names:

  • Alexandra,
  • Victoria,
  • Yaroslava,
  • Christina.

But if parents want to choose a name that corresponds specifically to the baby’s date of birth, then they should pay attention to her zodiac sign or the church calendar for June.

Astrologers claim that names have their own energy and influence on a person’s destiny. A name that is correct from an astrological point of view can favorably adjust character traits and ensure the favor of fate for its owner.

If you choose names for girls born in June according to the horoscope, then you should take into account the zodiac sign. Until June 21, Geminis are born, and from June 22, they are already Cancers.


According to the horoscope, your Gemini daughter will not let you get bored. Bright, curious, sociable Geminis are always in the center of events, involving everyone around them in the cycle. Be prepared for the insatiable curiosity of the little “why”, as well as for the rapidly increasing number of friends and acquaintances. Add indefatigable imagination, interest in everything at once, the desire to do several things at once, a constant need for communication, creative inclinations, easy adaptation to change - this is exactly the kind of fireworks that the horoscope promises.

But hobbies will not last long, the ability to be the life of the party will not develop into leadership, and a rapid change of interests will force you to quit halfway. A fickle and flighty nature can prevent Gemini from achieving serious success in life.

A correctly chosen name can give Gemini reliability, slightly ground their creative nature, and make their attitude to life more serious. According to astrologers, the following names are suitable for Gemini:

  • Anastasia,
  • Alice,
  • Oksana,
  • Ksenia,
  • Hope,
  • Evgenia,
  • Olga,
  • Glafira,
  • Margarita,
  • Inessa.


But for Cancers, the stars promise a different type of character. This will be a mother’s daughter who prefers the quiet comfort of home to a noisy company. These are no less creative people than Geminis, but they do not need a constant audience for self-affirmation. And they are not inferior to Gemini in strength of character, they simply do not consider it necessary to demonstrate it without a serious reason.

Self-sufficiency is inherent in them from childhood. Calmness and balance, attention and sensitivity to other people attract people to them, although Cancers themselves do not really need this. A family circle is enough for them, which they value very much and take care of throughout their lives.

Cancers don’t like temperament and arguments, but not because they don’t have their own opinion - they just don’t see the point in imposing it. They are diligent, which will greatly help them in their studies. They are non-conflict and flexible, which will help them in any team.

But these qualities are logically complemented by excessive impressionability and gentleness, which others can use to their advantage. Cancer girls can be very emotional and touchy. This must be taken into account when choosing names for girls born in June.

To protect a girl from possible insults, astrologers advise choosing a strong, strong-willed, even tough name, imbued with energy:

  • Anna,
  • Elizabeth,
  • Maria,
  • Valentina,
  • Varvara,
  • Ulyana,
  • Natalia,
  • Christina,
  • Elena,
  • Julia,
  • Sophia.

Names according to the church calendar

Saints - lists of martyrs and saints revered Christian Church. In the church calendar of Orthodox and Catholics, each saint has his own date. It is believed that when a child is baptized church calendar he acquires a patron saint who will help and protect the person throughout his life.

For a child, they usually choose the name of a saint whose day on the calendar coincides with the birth of the baby. But this is not a mandatory rule - if you don’t like the name, you can choose another one, preferably from subsequent dates. According to church rules, if you choose the name of a saint who was born in previous days, she will not be able to protect the baby.

If the baby’s birthday fell on a day on which there is no calendar holy name, then according to church rules the name is chosen from the next eight days. It is allowed to use variations of names: for example, Madeleine is a derivative of Magdalena. There is another possibility - you can use female version male name from the calendar: Alexandra from Alexander, Valeria from Valery, etc.

If the day of honoring the saint whose name the baby is named does not coincide with the child’s birthday, then the girl’s name day is celebrated on this day in June.

June calendar offers big choice female names in June, it remains to decide which name is suitable:

Name in the calendarMeaning of the nameHonor Day (June)
Alinaalien, noble, sunny14, 16
Annabeneficial25, 26
Antoninaopposing23, 26
Faithtruth, faith14
Dianadivine9, 10
Elenashining, sunny3, 7, 10
Magdalenanative of Magdala22
Mariadesired20, 22, 24
Matryonanoble, mother of the family2
Pelagiamaritime26, 30
Susannalily2, 19
Ulyanafrom the Yuli family6
Emmafaithful, precious4
Julianiafrom the Yuli family15


Choosing a name for a girl born in June is both troublesome and joyful. After all, you want to choose the best, as bright, sunny and warm as the beginning of summer. You can use horoscope tips, seek advice from an astrologer, look through the calendar, remember family traditions.

Or you can choose a name that mom and dad simply like and which, in their opinion, is worthy of a little princess. But still, before making your final decision, try to imagine whether your daughter will be comfortable growing up with him - after all, she will have to go through her whole life with him. Health and family happiness you and your loved ones!

How did you choose a name for your daughter? We are waiting for your comments!

The appearance of a baby in a family, as God’s creation, is associated with the need to choose a name for the baby. In accordance with Christian traditions, the name of the child is given by the priest in the church at baptism. Parents can choose a name for the newborn themselves, focusing on the veneration of the saint, whose name day is celebrated in June according to the church calendar.

Today, associates of Orthodoxy in our country are increasingly turning to the traditions of Russian Christianity, striving for the return of true values Orthodox faith after several decades of the atheistic period. The trend has also affected the choice of a male or female name for a child; for Christians, this procedure is simplified by turning to the calendar.

Saints are a list of church events by month and day of the year related to the feat of life of Orthodox saints, especially revered by the church. The chronology of spiritual books is presented in calendar sequence, each day of which is marked by the commemoration of a specific canon, which is why the calendar is also called the calendar.

Any baptized person according to the church calendar, he can determine the day of his name day, which is timed to commemorate the saint of the same name. In the month's book you can also find a description of the canon's fate, information about his spiritual feat, and in the obverse calendar there is an image of the saint. Naming according to the Orthodox rite is necessary for remembrance through prayers, confession and communion, weddings, as well as funeral services.

If the parents named their child not according to the calendar, during the sacrament of Baptism the priest selects a second name from the church calendar in order to manifest the soul of the newborn before God. Names not specified in the month's word are not supported by the ritual.

Influence of the Christian tradition

From a Christian point of view, naming a child not only demonstrates the parents’ reverence for the Orthodox faith, but also affects the character and fate of their child. In addition, this is an important aspect of the educational process, the key to national self-identification. At the stages of growing up, a person realizes that he belongs to a great nation, takes part in the fate of the country, which contributes to the formation of a correct civic position and the cultivation of patriotism.

Children born in June are distinguished by the trepidation of a vulnerable soul, painfully enduring an avalanche of any failures. People in need of protection and support are often considered weak-willed by others, but at the peak of their life situation, those who celebrate their name day in June are capable of courageous actions to make an important decision. It would also be useful to get acquainted with the interpretation of the name chosen according to the calendar, since it can have an impact on the formation of certain character traits.

Name days in June: what names according to the calendar are offered for children

Most main woman Orthodoxy considers the Virgin Mary to be the one who gave life to Jesus Christ. By turning to the church calendar for June, the parents of a newborn girl have the opportunity to choose a heavenly patroness for their daughter. According to the women's calendar, a choice of naming is made, which will determine the future fate of the child.

Guided by the church calendar for boys born in June, you can choose a unique name for a canonical saint. Although people of all genders have equal value before God, men's name days in the calendar, or monthly calendar, there are much more than women's calendars. The revered canon will become the newborn's protector for life.

If only male names come up on a girl’s birthday, she is allowed to choose the female modification of the male name of the canonized holy father.

June 2018: name days of the main saints and Orthodox holidays

On the pages of the church calendar you can find not only the biographies and dates of commemoration of canonized saints, but also a calendar of events celebrated in June church holidays. June 2018 marks more than 100 solemn dates associated with the life of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, the commemoration of holy martyrs and reverend fathers, and Orthodox icons.

Church holidays of June

June, days of the monthWhat church event is celebrated in 2018Who is Angel Day dedicated to according to the church calendar?
1 On the 5th day of Trinity Week, parishioners honor the memory of the Blessed Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy, who died in 1389 on this very dayA pious Christian and an outstanding commander, he strove to unite the Russian lands. The prince became famous for his victory in the Battle of Kulikovo, so those with a male name celebrate their name day on this day in June
2 On the 6th day of Trinity Week, Orthodox Christians commemorate the martyrs along with Thalaleos and AsteriusAccording to the calendar, the most modern male name will be. The martyr glorified God until his execution; his head was cut off on this very day, which became the name day according to the calendar
3 On the last day of Trinity Week, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is veneratedThe holy face recalls the salvation of Moscow from enslavement by the Tatars. It is also the day of the angel Constantine in honor of the king who established the Christian religion in the Roman Empire. His mother, Equal to the Apostles, became famous for finding the Life-Giving Cross; the day according to the calendar became Elena’s name day
4 Beginning of Petrov's (apostolic) fastLent precedes a holiday dedicated to the holy apostles Peter and Paul, who spread the Christian faith and gave their lives for it. Angel Day is celebrated by people whose names are chosen according to the church calendar
6 Saint Xenia of Petersburg is commemoratedThe day of the female angel is associated with the feat of blessed Xenia, who distributed her property to the poor and devoted all her strength to the construction of the temple at the Smolensk cemetery. According to the church calendar, the date of June became Ksenia’s name day
7 On the sixth day of Peter's Lent, the discovery of the truncated head of John the Baptist is celebrated.After the beheading of the Forerunner had taken place, his body and the vessel with the holy head were buried in different places. During the persecution of Christians in 850, the head was discovered again, so the date became the day of the angel John (Ivan)
10 They honor all the saints who shone on the top of Mount AthosThe main name days of this day in June are celebrated according to the calendar, in honor of the preacher of the same name, who called for the veneration of holy icons
11 On the eighth day of the apostolic fast the icon is venerated Mother of God, called “Helper of Sinners”According to the church calendar, this is the day of the angel Theodosia, the martyr of the same name, who accepted death for the Christian faith. Ivan's name day is celebrated in honor of the holy fool John, who suffered from bullying for asceticism and tireless prayers
18 Orthodox Christians remember Grand Duke Igor of ChernigovThe name day in June of the bearer of the name according to the church calendar is associated with the veneration of the passion-bearing prince, who died without guilt from the revenge of the indignant Kievites

The remaining dates of June are associated mainly with the celebration of the Council of Holy Fathers from different churches, venerable wonderworkers and some icons. Recently, parents are increasingly turning to choosing a name according to the calendar, because they believe in the intercession of the saint in whose honor the child is named.

What icons are venerated in June 2018

June, days of the monthName of the saintBrief information
3 Mother of God of VladimirIt is believed that the face of the Mother of God patronizes the Russian people. In June, the holy image is venerated in honor of the victory (1521) over the hordes of Tatars who tried to capture Moscow
11 The Unsleeping EyeThe image, as a symbol of the Christian universe, is called miraculous after numerous healings. It also helps to reveal human abilities
24 Merciful (It is worthy to eat)People turn to the miraculous face of the Mother of God and the Child for healing from serious illnesses and finding family happiness

The child’s name should be chosen consciously, with full responsibility, understanding that naming is given for life. If your baby was born in June 2018, you can choose a name yourself according to the calendar or entrust this mission to a priest who will select the correct name based on the date of birth.

How to choose according to the church calendar

If, when choosing a name according to the church calendar, you focus on the saint’s name day, on the day of blessed memory whose baby was born, this saint will become the child’s guardian angel. There are no strict rules for choosing names from the month book, but you should focus on the date closest to the person’s birthday and choose a saint whose name day falls on that date.

Those who celebrate name days in June are under the auspices of Mercury, which endows them with the brightness of a vivid imagination, not excluding the presence of internal contradictions. June birthday people strive for spiritual improvement, are able to survive under any conditions, and are not devoid of ambition and sociability.

How to choose the correct name according to the calendar for someone born in June:

  • chosen from the canons whose name day falls on the baby’s date of birth;
  • if the names are not suitable, turn to the list of saints indicated on the 8th day of life;
  • you can choose a name corresponding to the 40th day after the baby is born.

The tradition of celebrating the celebration of the naming ceremony (name day day) is associated with the eighth day of the baby’s life. On the fortieth day after birth, Orthodox Christians were supposed to bring the child to the temple to perform the rite of Baptism, which manifests the soul of the newborn before God. Using the church calendar, adults can find out when they are supposed to celebrate their name days and which saint they are associated with.

According to some Christians, birthdays are not considered a reason for celebration; Orthodox Christians celebrate only name days - the date of commemoration of their spiritual patron according to the church calendar. When choosing a naming according to the calendar, you should pay attention to its combination with the patronymic and surname, so that the tandem does not look comical and does not become the cause of unpleasant situations for the wearer.

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>>June names for girls

Names for girls born in June. June names for girls by day of the month

Distinctive character traits of June girls

Girls born in June are very creative and active by nature. They can enjoy embroidery, knitting, weaving and other types of needlework. They have good intelligence, good wit, a lively mind and have a fairly strong thirst for knowledge.

Girls born in June love to talk and are fun and interesting companions. However, when talking to another person, they prefer not to listen, but to talk and often chat incessantly. It's hard for such girls to be alone, because... they have a hard time with loneliness.

Girls born in the first month of summer are kind and sympathetic; they forgive insults quite easily and do not seek revenge. For them, it will be much easier and preferable to give in and end the confrontation than to insist on their point of view. This does not mean that they give up their opinion and accept someone else's. They just don’t like to impose their opinion.

June is characterized by the fact that children born during this period have a frivolous, frivolous nature. Therefore, girls born this month easily switch attention from one thing to another and can do several things at the same time. They adapt quickly enough to changing external conditions and changes in life do not frighten them.

When choosing a name for June girls, it is not advisable to choose names that are too harsh and rough, but it is also not recommended to give names that are too soft, because... Such girls are already too soft by nature and you should not unnecessarily emphasize this softness.

What were the names of girls born in June, based on the dates of the month? Meaning of names

  1. Anastasia (from Greek "resurrected")
  2. Angela (from Greek "angel")
  1. "lily")
  2. "noble woman" 2. from Latin: )
  1. "solar", "torch"
  2. Elena (1.from Greek 2.from ancient Greek "Greek"
  3. Ilona (1.from Hungarian “bright” 2.from Greek "solar", "torch" 3. derivative from the name Elena)
  4. Olivia (from Latin "olive Tree")
  5. "modest")
  1. "wise")
  2. Emma (1.from German "universal" 2.from Latin "precious" 3.from Arabic "faithful, reliable" "God is with us")
  1. "joyful, cheerful")
  1. Polina (this name has many variants of origin 1. from ancient Greek "solar", "dedicated to Apollo" 2.from Greek "meaningful" 3.from Latin "small" 4. from Greek "liberated" 5. from ancient Greek "strong")
  2. Paula, Pavla, Paulina, Peacock (from Latin "modest")
  3. Susanna, Suzanne (from Hebrew "lily")
  4. Ulyana (Juliana) (1.from Latin "belonging to the Julius family" 2.Russian form of the name Yulia)
  1. Alena (1. Slavic, from the name of the Slavic tribes Alyonov 2. from ancient Greek "solar", "torch" 3. derivative from the name Elena)
  2. Elena (1.from Greek "fire, torch", "sunny, shining" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3.derived from Helios, the ancient Greek god of the Sun)
  3. Ilona (1.from Hungarian "light" 2.from Greek "solar", "torch" 3. derivative from the name Elena)
  1. Anastasia (from Greek "resurrected")
  2. Pelagia (from Greek "sea")
  3. Theodora (from ancient Greek "gift of God")
  4. Diana (from Latin "divine")
  1. Amalia (1.from Old German "hardworking" 2.from Latin "rival" 3.from Arabic "expectation, hope")
  2. Diana (from Latin "divine")
  3. Olivia (from Latin "olive Tree")
  4. Cecilia (from Latin "nearsighted, blind")
  5. Elena (1.from Greek "fire, torch", "sunny, shining" 2.from ancient Greek "Greek" 3.derived from Helios, the ancient Greek god of the Sun)
  1. Karina (this name has many variants of origin 1. derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of sorrow Karna 2. from Latin "looking ahead" 3.from Italian "beautiful, dear" 4.from Arabic "generous")
  2. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  3. Paula, Pavla, Paulina, Peacock (from Latin "modest")
  4. Faina (from ancient Greek "light, shining")
  5. Flora (from Latin "blooming")
  1. "opponent", "opposing" 2.from Latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Antony's daughter")
  2. "bitter grace" 2.from Hebrew "outraged" 3.from Latin "belonging to Mary" "sea")
  1. Christina, Christina (from ancient Greek "follower of Christ")
  1. Alina (1.from Latin "stranger" 2.from Old Germanic "noble")
  2. Vera (Russian, literally "faith")
  3. Elvira (1.from Old German "all truthful" 2.from Arabic "patriot" 3.from Latin "bright, sunny" 4.from Spanish "protective")
  1. Alice (from English "from a noble family")
  2. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  3. Ulyana, Juliana (1.from Latin "belonging to the Julius family" 2.Russian form of the name Yulia)
    Julia (1.from Greek "curly" 2.from Latin "July" 3.from Hebrew "divine fire")
  4. Ermina (1.from Latin "native" 2.from German "courageous")
  1. Alina (1.from Latin "stranger" 2.from Old Germanic "noble")
  2. Paula, Pavla, Paulina, Peacock (from Latin "modest")
  3. Ustinya (1.from Latin "fair" 2.from the ancient Slavic word of the mouth, literally "speaking")
  1. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  2. Martha (1.from Syriac "madam, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  3. Paula, Pavla, Paulina, Peacock (from Latin "modest")
  4. Sophia, Sophia (from ancient Greek "wise")
  5. Teresa (from Greek "protector", "huntress")
  6. Emilia, Emily (1.from Latin "passionate, strong" 2.from Latin "rival" 3.from Greek "affectionate")
  1. "honoring God")
  2. Paula, Pavla, Paulina, Peacock (from Latin "modest")
  3. Eliza, Elsa (1.from English "swan" 2.from German "noble maiden" 3.derived from Elizabeth, in Hebrew meaning “oath to God”)
  1. Susanna, Suzanne (from Hebrew "lily")
  2. Thekla (1.from ancient Greek )
  1. Valeria (from Valerius, from Latin "strong, strong, healthy")
  2. Elizabeth (from Hebrew "honoring God")
  3. Zinaida (1.from ancient Greek "dedicated to Zeus" 2.from Latin "Thoughtful" 3.from Arabic "beautiful")
  4. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  5. Susanna, Suzanne (from Hebrew "lily")
  6. Hellina (1.from Greek "Greek" 2.derived from Helen, meaning "shining, bright")
  1. Magdalena (1.from biblical "native of Magdala" 2.from Hebrew "hair curler")
  2. Marianna, Maryana (1.derivative from the combination of the names Maria and Anna, literally "bitter grace" 2.from Hebrew "outraged" 3.from Latin "belonging to Mary" 4.derivative from Latin "sea")
  3. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  4. Martha (1.from Syriac "madam, mistress" 2.from Hebrew "sad")
  5. Thekla (1.from ancient Greek "God's glory", "divine")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew )
  2. Antonina (1.from ancient Greek "opponent", "opposing" 2.from Latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Antony's daughter")
  3. Tatyana (1.Latin, derived from the name of the king "Tatius" 2.from Greek "organizer, founder")
  1. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, bringing good")
  2. Mary (1.variably translated from Hebrew: "miserable", "beloved, desired", "mistress" 2.derived from the ancient Slavic goddess of winter Mara)
  3. Nora (1.from Latin "ambition, honor" 2.from Old Norse "fortune teller" 3.from Scandinavian "cold" 4.from Arabic "light" 5.diminutive of Eleanor, etc.)
  4. Euphrosyne (from the ancient Greek "joyful, cheerful")
  1. Anna (from Hebrew "merciful, bringing good")
  2. Antonina (1.from ancient Greek "opponent", "opposing" 2.from Latin "spacious, wide" 3.from ancient Greek "Antony's daughter")
  3. Alexandra (derived from the male name Alexander, translated from the Greek meaning "protecting people")
  4. Akulina (from Old Russian or Latin "eagle")
  5. Pelagia (from Greek "sea")
  1. Jeanne (derived from John, derived from the masculine John, or Ivan, translated from Hebrew means "gifted by God")
  2. Madeleine (derived from Magdalena)
  3. Emma (1.from German "universal" 2.from Latin "precious" 3.from Arabic "faithful, reliable" 4.from the Hebrew Emmanuel meaning "God is with us")
  1. Teresa (from Greek "protector", "huntress")
  2. Euphrosyne (from the ancient Greek "joyful, cheerful")
  3. Matryona (1st Russian, literally: "noble woman" 2. from Latin: "venerable lady", "mother of the family")
  1. Angelica (derived from Angelina, from the Greek "angel")
  2. Emma (1.from German "universal" 2.from Latin "precious" 3.from Arabic "faithful, reliable" 4.from the Hebrew Emmanuel meaning "God is with us")
  1. Pelagia (from Greek "sea")

    Girls born in June are similar in character to summer - sunny, warm and cheerful. They are always full of optimism, they have an innate sense of tact and style. They can always present themselves correctly and make a good impression. They love home, comfort, but clubs and parties are not for them. Names: Elena, Christina, Kira, Nelly, Akulina, Claudia.

    June is the first month of summer, so girls born in June grow up smart, sweet and cheerful. They look at the world openly, enjoy life and have a sociable character. Therefore, it is better to choose a name for such a child that is open and cheerful, corresponding to the child’s character. In addition to the traditional names mentioned at Christmas time, such as Elena, Masha, Ulyana and Anya, flower names Rose, Viola, Lilya or Margarita are perfect for June girls. The names Natasha and Olya are also popular this month. The main thing in choosing a name is that the parents like it and the child likes it. Therefore, you should not give it to June girls old names or the names of relatives - such children should be bright in their individuality.

    Girls born in the most beautiful summer month of June are special, because an insane amount of positivity, warmth and sunshine emanate from them, as if they were dandelions, large and fluffy, of which there are a lot of them in clearings and lawns this month and they delight the eyes and soul.

    Therefore, the warmest names like:

    Julia, Milena, Milana, Anastasia, Tatiana, Daria, Maria, Love, Elena, Margarita, Irina, Ashy; Nna, Arisha, Aliana, Alina.

    Girls born in June were lucky with their names; famous Russian and foreign people with beautiful names, which will be harmonious in any country.

    Among them are the magnificent singer, owner of a gorgeous voice Olga Kormukhina, American actress Angelina Jolie, athlete Elena Isinbaeva, Daria Dontsova, Natalie Portman.

    These names have their own patron saints and these names are on the church list of names, so there will be no problems when baptizing a child.

    Those born in June do not become recognized leaders, but they have a very romantic character, which makes them attractive to others.

    If you want to choose a good, suitable name for a girl who will be born in the month of June, then I recommend choosing from names starting with the letter Y. The most common of these is probably the name Yana. Maybe Yaroslav. There is also a beautiful Belarusian name Yadviga. The owners of these names will never experience financial difficulties; in this regard, fortune favors them.

    June girls are very wise, sweet, and charming. They get carried away with everything they can, they take on a million things at the same time, but... they don’t bring any of them to their logical conclusion. So when naming such a girl, let's give her strong name: Alexandra, Victoria, Nora, Albina, Elsa, Alla, Christina, Agata, Balla, Janine.

    The name given to a child at birth has a great influence on his entire life in the future. Therefore, parents need to take the choice of a name for their newborn very seriously.

    The following names are very suitable for girls born in June: Kaleria, Anna, Elena, Alena, Nellie, Feodosia, Valeria, Kira, Christina, Efrosinya, Maria, Akulina, Fekla, Claudia, Antonina, Ulyana.

    It is best to name the girl the name that corresponds to her birthday. This must be done so that the child is always lucky and happy. For example, if a girl was born on June 3, then she name would be suitable Elena. And if June 5, then Euphrosyne. If the girl was born on June 20, then she can be named Kaleria, Valeria or Maria.

    Female name for June

    Here is a small list of names for girls born in the first month of summer.

    Elena (Alena),





    Of course, some names are quite extravagant and before choosing them, compare the first name with the last name and patronymic and make sure that the combination is good.

    Names according to horoscope

    You can also look at horoscopes when choosing, because for each sign there is a special suitable names. So in June, in the first half of the month, twins are born on the 9th to the 20th) and names for girls: Nellie, Lenochka, Valeria. Then already there's a sign coming cancer and the appropriate names Olga and Emma.

    Name day in June

    If you trust Orthodox calendars, then the names of June are:

    Elena 3rd number

    Euphrosyne 5th

    Mary, Martha 22nd

    Anna 25th

    Girls who were born in the summer, and especially in June, are often tender and extremely sensitive. But sometimes they are hot-tempered, although they do not remember grievances for long. Neutral names are suitable for June girls, for example, Elena, Alna, Nellie, Sofia, Feodosia, Ulyana, Claudia, Valeria, Maria, Kira or Irina, Marfa, Antonina, Anna, Christina, Akulina , Thekla, Kaleria.

    For girls born in early June, the name Elena, which means light, is perfect. She will be a home child, and among her hobbies she will choose sewing, knitting, and embroidery. At school she will be smart with a good memory. Psychologists are confident that girls of this month will grow up to be very gentle, sensitive and responsive women. They are always cheerful, emotional, with a well-developed imagination.

    But, despite their softness, June girls can be stubborn, proud, purposeful, and quick-tempered.

    Also suitable for June girls are the names Ulyana, Nellie, Alena, Christina, Anna, Maria, Kira, Antonina.