Name day November 19th for men.

02.08.2019 Jurisprudence

Men's and women's name day September 19 to church calendar! Who is celebrating Angel Day today? Full list female and male names and their meanings in Orthodox calendar 2019!

Men's name day September 19

AvivJewish male name. Meaning: “mature ear.” The name of the first month of the Jewish calendar. Martyr Aviv, deacon.
AndreyThe name is of Greek origin. Meaning: "courageous." Memory of two martyrs Andreev.
Arkhip (Arkhip)Meaning: “master of the stable” or “chief horseman.” Male Greek name. Memory of the Monk Arkhipp.
DavidThe name is of Jewish origin. Meaning: "beloved." Memory of Saint David.
Denis (Dionysius)Roman version of the name Bacchus. Means "dedicated to Dionysus."
EvdoxiyComes from Greek. Means "blessed". Martyr Eudoxius.
ZenoGreek male name. Meaning: "divine".
Kiriak (Kiryak)It is of Greek origin. Means "day of the Lord", in some cases interpreted as
"born on Sunday" Martyr Kyriakos.
KirillThe name is of Greek origin. Means "lord". Memory of the Hieromartyr Cyril, Bishop of Gortyn.
KalodotComes from Greek. Translated as “giving good.” Martyr Kalodot.
Makar (Makariy)Greek name. Translated as “happy”, “blessed”. Martyr Macarius
MichaelName Jewish origin. Translated, it means “like God.” Archangel Michael. Memory of the miracle that happened in Khoneh.
RomilGreek name, translated meaning “strong”, “strong”. Martyr Romil.
Sarapavon (Sarapamvon)The name is of Greek origin. Translated it means “dedicated” Egyptian god Serapis." Martyr Sarapavon.
Faust (Favst)The name is of Latin origin. Translated as “happy.” Memory of the Hieromartyr Faustus, presbyter.
FeoktistComes from Greek. Means "created by God." Memory of the martyr Theoktistos.

Holiday in honor of the icons of the Mother of God: Arapetskaya and Kiev-Bratskaya.

Icon Holy Mother of God Arapetskaya is one of the oldest. No information has been preserved about the time and place of her appearance. It has two more names: “O All-Singing Mother” and “Arabian”.

Miraculous icon Mother of God“Kievo-Bratskaya” was revealed in 1654 and was located in the city of Vyshgorod in the Boris and Gleb Church. During the war with Poland, after the temple was desecrated and destroyed, it was sent along the Dnieper in order to preserve it in this way. She washed up on the shore of Podol in Kyiv, where she was transferred with great honor to the Brotherhood Monastery.

Each day in the Orthodox calendar is marked with the name of a saint who accomplished a feat in the name of Orthodoxy, therefore each baptized person has his own heavenly patron and angel day. Name day on November 19 is celebrated by Alexandra, Anatoly, Arseny, Vasily, and some other names. The name leaves a special imprint on the fate and character of people, so it is important to know its characteristics and meaning.

Characteristics of Alexandra

Translated from Greek language Alexandra means - "Defender", "Courageous." Holy patroness of the name- Alexandra of Corinth (martyr).

Advantages of Anatoly

Translated from Greek it means “East”. This is how in ancient times the inhabitants of Anatolia, later called Asia Minor, were called.

Characteristics of Arseny

Owners of this name also celebrate name day November 19. The male name Arseny translated from Greek means - "Courageous".

  • As a child, Arseny was a very kind and affectionate boy. Does not cause trouble to his parents, does not conflict with peers. Vulnerable and sensitive. At the insistence of his parents, he is forced to study music. He loves animals, has dogs, but does not like to look after them.
  • He only does what he likes. Capable of lying and therefore ends up in awkward situations. Arseny is a leader by nature, prudent, hardworking and careful. Friendly, but not disinterested. Likes sport.
  • Arseny has a habit of making plans that are distant from reality. He is touchy, but cannot take the first step towards reconciliation. Often repeats the fate of his parents.
  • By profession he can become a doctor, coach, driver, architect, lawyer, artist or cook.

The name comes from Greece. Means - “Royal”

  • As a child, Vasily was his grandmother and grandfather's favorite. He always stands up for the defenseless and loves animals very much. Communication with friends comes first. For this reason, he may come into conflict with his soul mate.
  • Vasily must be careful, there is a danger of becoming addicted to alcohol.
  • An avid fan of football and hockey teams.
  • A true knight in dealing with women. He loves it when this quality is appreciated in him. He does not allow thoughts of divorce, even if his wife is a bad housewife with a bad character. Vasily accepts everyday problems with humility and does not complain about fate. The birth of a child plays a big role in life. His love for children can be compared to his mother's. He's careful with his mother-in-law, but he finds it easily mutual language with father-in-law.

Victor's character traits

God's warrior Gabriel

Hebrew name meaning "God's Warrior"

  • Life is easy for Gabriel, he easily overcomes difficulties and obstacles. But in personal relationships he fails, forgives the endless betrayals and antics of his wife.
  • In childhood, he is often more and more withdrawn. Obedient, loves to read. He took after his mother in character, who dotes on him. He is selfish, but this does not affect his attitude towards people. He has an analytical mind - he will think first before doing anything. Kind and hospitable, but not intrusive. Patient, balanced, but at the same time very vulnerable and secretive.
  • Collects antiques or paintings. A leader by nature. Prudently approaches any task. Listens to other people's opinions, but always acts in his own way.
  • Can study foreign languages ​​or build a career. Optimist. Likes sport.
  • A good father and husband.

Features of Constantine

Translated from Latin - “persistent”, “permanent”

Nikita the winner

An ancient Greek name meaning “Winner”. Patron Saint - Nikita the Confessor.

  • A man with this name is proud, purposeful and selfish. Despite everything, he achieves his goal. Vulnerable and sensitive, stubborn and persistent. His character is like his father's, his appearance is similar to his mother's.
  • Unhappy in marriage, but not ready for divorce. Loves children very much. A caring and loving son.
  • A leader by nature, he loves to argue. He is not sociable, so he has few friends.
  • He is a merry fellow, loves dancing and noisy parties. Popular with women. Loves car trips.
  • He thinks through everything down to the smallest detail and is hardworking. He is distinguished by his sociability and ability to communicate with people. An individualist, he does not know how to work with a team and adapt to others.

The meaning of the name Nikolai

Name comes from Ancient Greece, means “Conqueror of Nations”

  • As a child, Nikolai was distinguished by good health. Doesn't cause any trouble for parents. Good student. Strong, active, savvy. He copes with all difficulties himself.
  • Hardworking and balanced. Nikolai can handle any profession. He makes good money. He gets along with the team and is friendly, but in a leadership position he may seem like a tough and tyrannical boss. Dangerous in anger.
  • He quickly becomes interested in women, after several dates he is ready to propose, not paying attention to the opinions of others. Passionate in love, but very jealous. He does the home improvement work himself. Helps his wife with housework.
  • It is better for Nikolai to take care of his health and refrain from alcohol abuse.

Royal Nina

Greek name means “Great”, “Royal”.

  • As a child, Nina was a stubborn and disobedient girl, but she always stood up for the weak. He persistently achieves his goal. He doesn’t allow himself to be among the laggards, so he studies well. He can stand up for his honor.
  • The opinions of others are important to her. She is friends with her peers, but sometimes she is arrogant. She is responsible and punctual in her work.
  • Possessing positive qualities, he easily finds himself good husband. Shows excessive zeal in creating an ideal family. Her children attend various sections and clubs, but do not experience much pleasure from it. She is picky about her husband in family matters.
  • Monitors health, has a predisposition to be overweight.

Magnificent Seraphim

Owners this beautiful name Name days are also celebrated on November 19th. Female name Seraphim Hebrew origin, means “fiery angel”. Her heavenly patroness - Holy Martyr, Virgin Seraphim of Rome.

  • Seraphim is distinguished by perseverance and perseverance. Talented and erudite.
  • The family has a strict and faithful wife, a fair and caring mother. Hardworking, good cook. In the event of a divorce, fearing for the fate of the children, she prefers not to marry again.
  • He has good intuition and lives in some kind of world inaccessible to others.

Paul's character traits

Translated from Latin, the name Pavel means “small.” Heavenly patron of this name is St. Paul, Patriarch of Constantinople.

  • Pavel is by nature a family man and a homebody. Difficult to cope with difficulties and problems. At the same time kind and sincere. Depends on the opinion of society, in connection with this he may sacrifice his goals and desires. In public he shows himself to be a confident person with his own opinion.
  • As a child, Pasha was a problem-free, obedient child. He studies with pleasure. He is a merry fellow and an entertainer, seeks the favor of his peers, but leadership qualities does not have. Intelligent and erudite. A creative person who can become interested in music, poetry or drawing.
  • When choosing a profession, he prefers a good income; everything else is secondary for him. A responsible employee, you can always rely on him. Can work as a driver, bank employee, programmer.
  • Pavel has high self-esteem, but no willpower. Afraid of responsibility. Quickly forgives and forgets insults. Very romantic in his youth. As a wife, he prefers a beautiful, sexy, strong and strong-willed woman who will manage and lead through life. Pavel takes care of his appearance, always looks fashionable, bright and stylish. Easily seduces and charms women. Generous, sensitive, affectionate and passionate lover.

Pavel is not in good health. He should strengthen his immunity, beware colds and nervous exhaustion. Pasha's parents should help him develop his character, the ability to work, achieve his goals and understand people. In this case, he can count on a long and happy life.

Attention, TODAY only!

The name Amalia is popular in so many countries that it is difficult to trace the origins of the name. It is still believed that this name is ancient German and in translation means “worker”, “hardworking”. This name is also considered Teutonic and is translated as “protector,” and the Italians call Amalia a woman of hard work. The name is especially popular in Spain, England, America, Germany, France and Portugal.

Somehow it happened that this name is associated with a not very easy fate. It is unknown where such myths come from. If we consider the name with the help of Kabbalah, it turns out that Amalia is truly a saint, God’s chosen one, moving towards happiness.

The owner of the name, born on September 19, is entrusted with a mission that she must fulfill. You shouldn’t open a bicycle and look for a great prophet within yourself - the mission can also be to sell something with talent. But Amalia is characterized by lofty dreams; she can reach the top in any activity.

On her name day, Amalia can make a Name Charm for herself by taking silk threads of six colors: blue, yellow, red, green, pink, white. The threads must be twisted into a rope, six knots are tied on each thread - according to the number of letters of the name. This bracelet should be worn on the left wrist. The name amulet calms and relieves mental stress, giving you the opportunity to rest and relax.

The first letter of the name, made in the form of a pendant, will help you move forward without deviating from your goal.

Letters of the alphabet seen in a dream will indicate that very important changes in life are ahead. Breaking, burning or collapsing letters indicate that a period of difficulties is coming, while multi-colored, sparkling and flowered letters predict unprecedented success. The purple color of the letters foreshadows passion, blue - new things, green - acquaintances.

Dreams come true for Andrey, David, Kirill, Makar, Mikhail.

Letters of the alphabet in a dream on name day night predict vanity. Some words often have a symbolic meaning. For example, the word "arrest" rarely predicts prison. Most often, this Name Day Dream indicates a situation that will take too much time.

Dreams come true for Ivan and Makar.

A bucket full of water predicts profit on September 19th. A bucket full of vodka promises disappointment. To dream of a cracked bucket means that there is a person nearby who drives the dreamer crazy. Often such a Dream on a name day warns of ill health.

Arkady- March 19 is the name day of Arkady. The name Arkady in the Christian naming book correlates with several early Christian saints: the Venerable Arcady of Cyprus, monk; Venerable Arcadius of Palestine, also a monk; Saint Arcadius, revered by the Greek Orthodox Church.

Konstantin in in the Christian naming book correlates with many early Christian saints, but above all with Constantine I the Great, the Roman emperor, revered as Equal-to-the-Apostles (along with his mother Helen). He founded the new, Christian capital of the Roman Empire - Constantinople; thanks to him, Christianity became the dominant religion of the empire.

Maksim translated from Latin means the largest, greatest. Maxim is a male name of Latin origin. Roman family name. In Russia it was popular among the common classes in the 19th century; came into widespread use again from the early 1970s. There is also a female version of the name - Maxima, which is practically not used in Russia, but is known in Western European countries.

Fedor - this name in Rus' has traditionally been one of the popular names; The calendar has long contained quite a few days of commemoration of saints with the name Theodore, which predetermined the wide popularity of the name. In addition to the early Christian and Byzantine saints with this name, in Orthodox tradition several princes from the Rurik family were revered as saints

Julian- a male name, of Latin origin, derived from Julius. Means “of the Julian family” or “Julian” (soldier or supporter of Caesar’s party). Another form of this Latin name in Russian is Iulian. The Russian form of this name in common parlance is Ulyan, from which the famous surname Ulyanov comes. There is also a feminine form of this name: Juliania (Ulyana) or Juliania.

Julius- male name. Comes from the name of the legendary Roman hero Iulus Ascanius, the son of Aeneas and Creusa. The meaning of the name is supposedly taken from the Greek language, in which it means "fluffy-bearded"

Angel Day March 19, 2018 for women

Elena- in ancient Greek mythology - the most beautiful of women, whose beauty even goddesses envied; according to one version of the myth, she was the daughter of Zeus and Leda. The king of Athens, Theseus, kidnapped Helen, but her brothers Dioscuri (Castor and Polydeuces) freed her; then all the numerous suitors, on the advice of Odysseus, who also wooed Helen, took an oath to protect her and respect her choice. Helen became the wife of the king of Sparta, Menelaus. However, during the dispute between the goddesses Aphrodite, Hera and Athena over the apple of Eris (with the provocative inscription “most beautiful”), Aphrodite promised Helen the Beautiful to the Trojan prince Paris, who was supposed to award the “apple of discord” to one of the goddesses. Paris gave the apple to Aphrodite and soon, endowed with the spell of seduction, kidnapped Helen again. Paris's daring act gave rise to the Trojan War; True to their oath, all Greek kings and heroes took part in it. At the end of the war, Helen returned to Sparta, where she was given divine honors.