Name day on April 8, women's names according to the church.

08.09.2019 This is interesting

Every year on April 8 Orthodox Church celebrates the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Larisa Gotfskaya. This young virgin, with her courage and boundless faith in Christ, gained the crown of holiness and, together with other saints of God, was awarded eternal life. On this day, congratulations are accepted by all women bearing the name Larisa - Orthodox Christians usually celebrate name days on the day of remembrance of their heavenly patroness.

A young Christian girl from the land of pagans

In the 4th century, the Goths lived on the territory of modern Romania, and their entire country was called Gothia. They were under the rule of the Roman Empire, in which Christianity had already won. Despite the fact that most of the Goths were pagans, the Christians who lived among them enjoyed sufficient freedom to build churches and worship in them.

However, the hidden hatred of pagan fanatics at times broke through. Hard times for Christians began with the coming to power of the Gothic king Athanaric. He hated everyone who believed in Christ and subjected them to all kinds of persecution. At this time, there lived in Gothia a young beautiful Christian girl named Larisa. The name day on October 8 is celebrated on the day of her memory.

Threat to Christian lives

Larisa's parents were Christians, and from childhood they instilled in her a love for the true God and the idea that for His sake one could sacrifice everything in the world, even life itself. When, in 375, the persecution of Christians took a particularly harsh form, it became dangerous to attend divine services. However, Larisa, having cast aside her fear, continued to go to church regularly.

And then one day, when she came to the temple and, standing at the very entrance, indulged in prayer, the doors suddenly swung open. Turning around, Larisa saw a warrior standing on the threshold. Behind him could be seen a cart in which stood the figure of the pagan idol Wotan. The warrior shouted to the entire temple that everyone who came out to worship the idol would remain alive, and all those who refused would immediately die.

Death in the name of God

Seeing Larisa and being amazed by her beauty, he invited her to freely leave the church without any conditions. However, the courageous Christian woman, seeing that none of those present in the temple had moved, chose to die along with everyone else for the glory of the name of Jesus Christ. The enraged warrior slammed the door, after which the church was set on fire. Three hundred Christians inside, as well as Larisa herself, died in the fire.

The Holy Orthodox Church honors the memory of all who gave their lives for the glory of Christianity. Larisa's name day is April 8. This is one of the days on which they are remembered during the service bright names. The Holy Great Martyr, having found eternal life at the Throne of God, became a guardian angel for those who received her name in holy baptism. Therefore, Larisa’s name day is celebrated on the day of her memory. This is a tradition spanning centuries.

When celebrating Larisa’s name day, it is impossible not to turn to the heavenly patroness herself in prayer and ask for her blessing and help in everyday affairs. It is generally accepted that it protects against committing rash acts, and thereby relieves many disappointments in life. In addition, as a saint of God, standing at the Holy Throne, she can pray to the Lord to send down everything that will be for the benefit of people.

History of the name Larisa

The origin of this name itself is known that it is derived from the name of the city of Larissa, which was once located on the territory of Greece. It is known from mythology that this was the name of one of the nymphs - the granddaughter of the god of the seas Poseidon. There is a legend that one day she was playing ball and, having stumbled, fell into the Penei River. On the spot where this happened, a city was built, named in her honor.

This name means “swallow” in Greek. It is known that in Rus' Larisa, as well as the owners of all other names, began to celebrate their name days only in the 17th century. Statistics over the last two centuries show that in Moscow, approximately three girls out of every thousand newborns were so named at birth, in other cities there were slightly more - about seven, and in rural areas their number increased to ten.

Qualities inherent in Larisas

Speaking about what qualities are most characteristic of Larisas, it should be noted that the owners of this name, as a rule, are distinguished by a submissive character. It often helps to avoid conflicts in family life and in the production team, but at the same time it often becomes the reason for actions that later have to be regretted, which could have been avoided by showing firmness. First of all, this applies to issues of personal life.

Women named Larisa are often successful in fields such as philology, linguistics and programming. This is explained by their extraordinary creative talent. One more characteristic feature is their love for children, to whom they are able to devote their entire lives. In this case, it is important to note that we are talking not only about our own children, but also about others.

Thanks to this quality, women with this name often become good teachers and educators. And although Larisa’s name day is celebrated only once a year, their heavenly patroness abundantly bestows upon them the love and patience that are so necessary both for working with children and for personal happiness.

The name Alla comes from Greek word“Allos” means “other”, “next”.

In our perception, the name Alla is associated with the Eastern term “scarlet color”. Scarlet color- a symbol of victories and love. The principle of dominance inherent in the name often leads to the fact that many perceive Alla with hostility, believing that she is walking over corpses.

But scarlet is not only the color of aggression. The scarlet flower from the fairy tale was also scarlet. So there are two sides hidden in the owner of the name - on the one hand, she appears as an aggressive and business-like lady, and on the other hand, she is like a delicate flower, the more beautiful of which there was nothing in the world. Which side Alla will turn to the world depends only on her, her desire and mood to be, to create, to create. But if Alla is gloomy and unsociable all the time and complains about her hard life, it means that her aggressive side has prevailed in her.

Alla can make a name talisman called “alusha”. The origin of the name Talisman is due to the fact that it is made on red fabric. The meaning of the Talisman of the name is to attract friendship not only to Alla, but also to those people to whom she gives the Talisman of the name. Alla should do it on the full moon, dressed in robes the color of a crimson sunset. At night, she must sew two scarlet beads on scarlet silk, imagining how friends are heading towards her or to the person for whom she is making a name Talisman. Then roll the silk so that it forms a small ball. That's it, the name Talisman is ready.

The more Talisman names Alla gives, the more goodness will return to her.

Red flowers dream of good luck.

Larisa - translated from Latin as “seagull”. Like a bird, Larisa tries to soar to the skies, bypassing the laws of gravity and gravitation. Not everyone remembers “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” by Richard Bach and often, towards the end of their lives, are unable to even dream - their hearts seem to “grow with a crust”, so it is difficult for Larisa to have girlfriends in their mature years. Larisa becomes indifferent to many things, people seem boring, and loneliness seems like a normal state. Attempts to break out of the vicious circle rarely lead Laris to the occult - they remain materialists until the end of their days.

Name Day Meditation with the help of a constellation will help Larisa get rid of tense situations Bird of Paradise. To gain strength, you need to imagine this constellation. Larisa can feel how the rays of the constellation destroy bad energies and impart good powers. Along with inhalation, light rays penetrate the soul, and with exhalation, dark rays leave.

After a 15-minute presentation of the constellation, you need to return from space to earth.

A rabbit pendant made of silver or a stone that matches the horoscope will help Larisas navigate life and see their endeavors through to completion. The time of the rabbit is from the new moon to the full moon, the last two days before the full moon are especially strong; on these days Larisa is lucky in everything.

The name Albert comes from the Old German Athalberht or Adalbert, pronounced "adalbert". The root Adel is translated as “noble, bright”, aBerht - as “shining”.

The complex name consists of two popular names - the female Adele, Adela, translated as “noble”, and the name Bert, Bert, which has a masculine and feminine form. The name Albert includes the power of three whole names: Bertha, Bertha and Adele.

A name consisting of several names has enormous energy and indicates nobility of origin. But in modern England the name is considered “farmer”, as boys and girls from the suburbs are called. Alberts and Albertines often have no idea what a noble name their parents gave them.

On your name day, you need to buy a wooden ring and write your name on it - such a ring will help you overcome difficulties.

Such a Name Amulet increases the importance of a person in one’s eyes or, on the contrary, allows one to look at oneself objectively; contemplation of letters gives strength and relieves fatigue.

Wooden products with mantras inscribed on them will help you avoid dangers.

The letters of the alphabet in a dream on name day night are an indicator that Albert is making an important choice that will affect his entire life. Black letters on April 8th bring failure and boredom, warning of illness - burning with flame. Other colors are favorable. Red - for love, green - for the fulfillment of dreams. Multi-colored letters are very good dream on name days, they portend happiness.

Dreams come true for Anna, Vasily, Larisa, Stepan.

If you dream of a fireplace with a fire burning in it, you should expect prosperity.

Names April 8th to church calendar(saints)

8/21 April

Agav - locust (ancient - Hebrew);
Asinkrit - incomparable, incompatible (Greek);
Erm (Erm, Ermiy) - messenger, support;
Hermes (god of shepherds, cattle breeding, god of trade and patron of travelers, messenger of the gods) (Greek);
Herodion (Rodion, Rodivon) - hero, hero, heroic or song to the Lord (Greek); pink (lat.);
Kelestin - good man (Greek); heavenly (lat.);
Niphon (Nifantius) - reasonable, sober, chaste (Greek);
Pausilip - quenching suffering; stopping grief, sadness (Greek);
Ruf - golden yellow, red (lat.);
Sergius (Sergei) - tall, venerable (lat.);
Phlegon - burning, scorching, blazing, burning, illuminating (Greek).

Do you know that...

On Holy Week In cities and villages, believers are preparing for Easter. These days it is customary to restore order on the streets and in houses. Previously, in Rus', through the common efforts of the village community, fences, fences, entrance gates, and wells of the village were repaired, garbage was removed, and streets were swept.

According to old traditions, believers performed cleansing rituals on these days. For example, on Tuesday at dawn, “juiced milk” was made - a mixture of crushed flaxseed and hemp seed infused in water (according to legend, such “milk” cured livestock from all diseases).

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Name day April 8


Origin of the name. Some scientists believe that this beautiful name refers to ancient Greek language and its meaning is translated as "other", "different" or "resurrection" (from the word "alle"). Another group of linguists is confident that the secret of the name is hidden in the ancient German language (Alla); it is a short form of female names containing the prefix “al”, meaning “all”, “all”.

Short form of the name. Alka, Ala, Alya, Alyunya, Alyusya, Allochka.


Origin of the name. The Christian name Anna came to us from the Hebrew language. Translated from Hebrew, Hannah means “mercy”, “strength”, “grace”, “courage”. Catholics and Orthodox Christians have another meaning - “God’s grace.” The secret of the name is that it is the most popular in the world. In Russia it is also in demand among young parents.

Short form of the name. Anya, Ana, Annochka, Nyura, Anechka, Annushka, Annusha, Annusya, Annyusya, Asya, Annyunya, Nyunya, Anyura, Nyurasya, Nyurasha, Anyusha, Anusha, Nyusha, Nana, Anyuta, Nyuta, Anusya.


Origin of the name. The name Basil comes from the ancient Greek "Basileios", which means "royal, royal". Its origins are sometimes associated with the Persian Wars. At the same time, the meaning of the name Vasily is interpreted as “king”, “prince” or “ruler”. In Great Britain it has the form Basil, in France - Basil, in Spain - Basilio, in Portugal - Basilio.

Short form of the name. Vasya, Vasilyok, Vasyuta, Syuta, Vasyonya, Vasyunya, Vasyura, Vasyukha, Vasyusha, Vasilyushka, Vasilka, Vasilko, Vasyanya, Vasyakha, Vasyasha


Origin of the name. The male name Gabriel is of Hebrew origin. It was formed from the name Gabriel and translated into Russian means “ strong man God”, “God’s warrior”, “God’s supporter”, “God’s helper”. The folk form is Gavrila. This name was borne by one of the seven archangels.

Short form of the name. Gavrilka, Gavrya, Gavrik, Gavryunya, Gavryusya, Gavryukha, Gavryusha, Ganya, Ganyusya, Ganyukha, Ganyusha, Gaganya, Gavsha, Gasha.


Origin of the name. Some researchers believe that the name originates from the Latin word “larousse” and is translated as “fortress”, “seagull”. However, there are other names that can be taken as the word-formation basis for the female name Larisa. This is the ancient Greek “laros”, which means “pleasant”, “sweet” and the Latin “laris” - “guardian spirit”.

Short form of the name. Lariska, Lara, Larusya, Larunya, Larulya, Laura, Larya, Risa, Lesya, Lyalya, Lyalenka, Lyalechka, Lyalunya, Lyalusya, Lyaluska, Risya, Risenka, Risechka, Risyunya.


Origin of the name. The origin of the name Praskovya has ancient Greek roots. It was formed from the name Paraskeva and means “preparation”, “waiting”. Some sources mention that the meaning of the name Praskovya can be interpreted as “fifth day”, “Saturday eve” (in the sense of Friday).

Short form of the name. Paraska, Kunya, Panyusha, Pana, Panya, Para, Paranya, Parasa, Paraskovyushka, Parasya, Parakha, Parasha, Parunya, Parusha, Pasha, It's time, Praskunya, Praskuta, Pronya, Keva.


Origin of the name. Stepan (Stefan) – traditional calm male name. Its origin is associated with the ancient Greek name Stefanos, which translated means “crown”, “wreath”, “crown”, “diadem”.

Short form of the name. Styopa, Stepasha, Stesha, Stepunya, Stepanka, Stepanya, Stepakha, Stepura, Stepukha, Stepusha, Stenya, Stenyusha, Shchepek, Shchepan, Fane, Steph.

Signs for April 8

  • What is the weather like on April 8, is the same on October 8.
  • In which part of the sky the stars shine the most, from there the wind will blow in the morning.
  • If there were frosts today, it means that spring will be cold and long.
  • There is snow on the roofs - it will not melt for another 30 days.
  • Bright sunrise - you can put away the sleigh, since there will be no more snow.
  • Lapwing cries in the evening - for clear weather.
  • The water in the ravines flows and freezes again - towards the average harvest.
  • In which direction the animals go to sleep with their backs, the wind will blow from there.
  • The fox terrier howled for no reason at all - indicating rain.
  • If the bird cherry tree turns green, it’s time to plant early potatoes.
  • Frosts on Archangel Gabriel - spring will be long and cold.
  • The bird cherry has turned green - you can plant early potatoes.
  • The willow has bloomed - it’s time to put the bees in the apiary.

Orthodox holidays April 8

  • Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel;
  • memory of the Hieromartyr Irenaeus, Bishop of Sirmium (Sremsk) (304);
  • memory of the martyrs Vafusia and Verka, the presbyters, the venerable martyr Arpila, the martyrs Avib, Agna, Reas, Igafrax, Iskoy, Silas, Sigits, Soniril, Suimvla, Fermat, Philla and the martyrs Anna, Alla, Larisa, Moiko, Mamika, Uirko, Animais (Animaids ), Gaatha, queen of the Goths, and Duclida (c. 375);
  • memory of Saint Malchus of Syria (IV);
  • memory of St. Basil the New, Constantinople (c. 944);
  • memory of the martyr Paraskeva Kochneva (1939);
  • Meletinskaya Icon of the Mother of God.

Horoscope for those born on April 8

If you were born on April 8, then your zodiac sign Aries. Look at yours