What does it mean if you hit in a dream? They beat you in a dream: why do you dream of a fight with an enemy, spouse, or stranger?

13.07.2019 Animals

Dream Interpretation - why do you have a dream?

HIT Hitting a person or animal in a dream means family scandals.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

HIT someone in a dream. Hitting a person means loss. Hitting a child means profit. Beating your wife or husband means a long life family life. Beating subordinates is good.

French dream book

Seeing Beat in a dream

Hit - If you dream that you are hitting someone, the dream warns you about the need to restrain your impulses, otherwise you may harm yourself. Beating your husband in a dream is a sign that his love for you is sincere and deep. Hitting your lover (mistress) in a dream is a harbinger that your secret affection will soon be revealed to others.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Dream Interpretation: What does hitting mean?

To beat someone - to a fair decision, reconciliation and agreement in personal matters; being beaten is fear.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Seeing Beat in a dream

As the dream book says, to beat someone means to give someone your strength. What does this mean? That in reality you give a lot of strength and energy for someone, someone draws strength from you.

Your convictions, persuasion, any expenditure of energy on someone is a return of strength. Think about whether you are wasting a lot of yourself on another person?

If you are a boss and you dream about how you beat your subordinates, know that your power is very great, they are afraid of you. Maybe this means that it is worth becoming more humane, earning respect, and even love, in addition to fear?

The dream was about a woman

Why dream of Beating someone - to reconciliation and internal harmony; they hit you - good luck. Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

You hit someone - your negative emotions are looking for a way out, you are ready to take your anger out on others. Your fears and phobias are hitting you. We need to change the situation and relax. Dishes - depending on what exactly. In any case, your emotions will ruin everything.

Miller's Dream Book

They beat a sleeping person - it’s not good, family troubles, disagreements;
hitting a child - you have unfairly gained an advantage over someone.

Seeing yourself beaten means a date.

To beat - to beat someone in a dream - to miss a dear friend.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about hitting the dream book:

Beating your wife is infidelity; subordinates - obedience; strangers - an unknown villain, and beating yourself is expensive; to be beaten from subordinates or the dead - illness, loss, mourning.

Dream Book of the Wanderer. Why do you dream about Beat?

To beat someone yourself - to reconciliation and internal agreement; they hit you - good luck.

Chinese dream book. Why do you dream about Beat?

People hitting you with a mallet portends illness. An official beats you - portends mourning for your parents.

Dream Interpretation of Kananita. Why do you dream about Beat?

You slaughter a ram or beat a ram - illness, misfortune.

If married woman she dreams that her husband beats her in a dream - this means that in reality she should be careful, because... some unpleasant circumstances will cause family troubles.

Difficulties in business that you will overcome brilliantly are predicted by a dream in which you were hit in the face strong wind. Such a dream encourages you not to deviate from your intended path at all costs.

Probability of dreams coming true

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and others to the influence of the Sun, you can choose which system suits you best.

Today is the 23rd day of the month. The dreams you had last night will soon come true.

Today is the 19th lunar day. Dreams that occurred on the night of today are true and open in 8 days.

Today is Saturday. Saturday is strictly a day of Saturn, the planet of fate, rock, and trials. Saturn dictates laws, limits us, so dreams for Saturday will tell us about the rules that we must obey, show what we will have to limit ourselves to, what to give up in the near future. Often these dreams contain information about the prospects for the implementation of plans, about the sequence and connection of upcoming events.

If Saturday's dream is colorful and pleasant, it means that no serious restrictions are foreseen, and much of what was planned can be easily implemented. But if the dream is gloomy, black and white, with pictures of high walls, various obstacles or crosses, then plans will come to life only as a result of hard work, that is, nothing will come easy in the near future. On Saturday night you can learn about your fate or the fate of other people.

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BEAT - Miller's Dream Book

If you see in a dream that someone in a fit of anger rushes at you and starts hitting you, this is not a good sign. You can expect family troubles and disagreements with loved ones.

Beating a child means that in the near future you will take advantage of some advantages that you have received undeservedly.

BEAT – Modern Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you got into a fight with your wife or husband, then peace and harmony will reign in your family. Receiving or giving a slap in the face in a dream means the same thing. For single people, such a dream predicts a quick love interest and reciprocity.

If a husband beat his wife in a dream, then he will soon receive evidence of infidelity. Sometimes such a dream tells a woman that she is afraid of her husband.

For a wife to beat her husband in a dream is a harbinger of an imminent illness and betrayal of her husband. If she beats her lover in a dream, then she will face a scandal because of this connection and the end of her relationship with him.

If you beat someone in a dream, this is a decision that you have long wanted to make, but have been putting off, you will finally make it, and it will be correct. If you need to resolve a conflict, your trial will be fair.

You beat a child - in reality you should be careful in your relationships with people. With a careless word you can humiliate someone. It will not be easy for an offended person to forget him.

A dream in which you brutally beat a person or animal to the point of bleeding, predicts great losses, emotional distress, grief and tears.

If in a dream a dog attacked you and you beat it, then the dream predicts a certain victory over your embittered enemies. If it was not a dog, but a cat, then you will be disappointed in love, false promises and a quick separation from your lover. Perhaps forever. Killing a snake in a dream is a sign of victory over your enemies. Fighting a ferocious beast in a dream is a sign that your path to success will not be easy.

Beating (slaughtering) cattle in a dream is a harbinger of imminent failures, damage and losses.

Beating yourself in a dream is a sign that your conscience is unclean and repentance will help you achieve your desired goal. Sometimes a dream foretells you repentance and success in business.

If you were beaten in a dream, then do not be alarmed. Such a dream foreshadows you successful outcome business, luck and receiving good news. If in a dream you were beaten with sticks or rods, then you will begin to spread false gossip about someone, thereby earning the censure and condemnation of others. Seeing yourself beaten in a dream, but without wounds or blood, is a harbinger good changes after many failures.

If you were beaten before your eyes stranger, then you will regret your frivolous behavior and hasty adoption of an important decision.

If in a dream you intend to beat someone, then you have a great desire to restore justice. Such a dream warns you that you may be involved in legal proceedings.

For an adult man to fight with a young man in a dream and defeat him is a harbinger of the imminent death of someone among his relatives whom he will have to bury. If the young man defeats him in battle, then the man must beware of a serious illness that will make him completely helpless. For a young man to dream that he has defeated a strong man means quick success in business and respect from others.

A dream in which you wanted to beat someone and did it means victory over your enemies and success in business.

The same goes if you beat your subordinates.

Beat up the strong one and important person in a dream - a bad omen, foreshadowing losses and troubles.

If you dream that someone kicked you, then you will have to fight strong enemies.

A dream in which you punched someone in the ear means that you will have a happy marriage with your loved one. Sometimes for single people, a dream predicts meeting a person who will awaken the best feelings in him and earn his sincere respect. In addition, the dream predicts victory over your enemies, no matter how strong they are.

To defeat your opponent in battle is a sign of victory and success.

BEAT – Slavic Dream Interpretation

Someone - a fair decision, reconciliation and agreement; being beaten is fear.

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The one with whom you fought really wants to meet or communicate with you, this is the generally accepted interpretation of the dream. Fight - someone will “get killed”, that’s how they interpret it night story grandmothers. But this meeting cannot take place just like that. There are certain obstacles that a person who wants to meet you must

overcome. But the dream is not always so easy to decipher.

What does it mean: with friends

If you hit a friend or several of your comrades, it means that a conflict is brewing in your circle of close friends. Usually it is the person(s) who participated in the fight who is the main character in the upcoming events. Behind your back, ill-wishers throw mud at you, which your friends desperately oppose. Depending on how the events developed in the dream, you can understand whether the comrades will cope with conflict situation. If you are a winner, then your good name will not suffer. If you are beaten, you will have to join the fight with your comrades. If you simply beat a friend who does not resist you, it means that he will soon bring you very good news.

Fight with enemies in a dream

If you are beaten by an ill-wisher, expect trouble. It is especially bad if you could not fight back to the offender. After this, you should not start new things, you need to take a break, since you have no chance of coping with negative circumstances. with enemies and win - you will have to defend your positions in reality. Your strength is enough to win complete unconditional victory!

Fight with a member of the opposite sex

For a man to beat a woman in a dream, it means shame. For a beautiful lady to beat a representative of the stronger sex - to new love. As long as he doesn't return the blows. Gives back - to an awkward situation. Hitting children is a shame.

Fight with animals in a dream

Hitting a dog means trouble among your friends. Getting into a fight with a wolf means you need to protect your interests. If your opponent is an animal, it means that you have a serious fight with enemies. Victory is on your side - the same will happen in real life. The cats have gained the upper hand - there is no need to enter into open confrontation now, it is better to start preparing and

thinking through your actions. What does it mean to fight with an unknown animal in a dream? This image comes to hint to you that life will present you with a problem that you have never faced before. Your wisdom and ability to quickly respond to changing circumstances will determine what results you can achieve in the near future. In addition, this dream predicts new life experiences that will undoubtedly be useful to you in the future.

Prepare for a fight

If you are just about to enter combat, life will throw you a test. If you run away, you will not pass the strength test. Look at the fight from the outside - you will rake in the heat with someone else's hands.

Fighting with inanimate objects

If you have to fight with clothes or other objects in a dream, it means that you are too constrained by all sorts of rules and regimes. It is necessary to reconsider yours and find time for freedom of action. That is, from time to time you need to live according to the dictates of your heart, forgetting about hard work.

Beating the dreamer or another person in a dream characterizes the mental and mental state of the sleeping person. Such an aggressive plot is a sign that you should at least briefly turn your gaze inward and reflect on the reasons for your actions. In order to correctly interpret a dream, it is worth paying attention to the details, from which its meaning may change to the opposite. If dreams about being beaten are repeated too often, you should seek help from a psychologist to restore peace of mind.

Who is the dreamer beating?

If the dreamer acts as an aggressor, you need to pay attention to who is the victim. Beating a loved one speaks of doubts about him. The dreamer is haunted by the question of whether he should continue the relationship with him. Beating up an ex or ex - to some kind of mistake that will entail Negative consequences.

Beating a friend or just a girl, especially by a man, means internal inferiority. Anyone who wants to achieve something in life should seriously work on themselves. Hitting your boss is a sign of promotion; beating a guy for cheating is a sign of helplessness and lack of self-confidence.

If you dream of beating your wife’s lover or your husband’s mistress, this means pleasant surprises. Beating a neighbor in a dream means visiting guests. Punishing a child through assault means pangs of conscience.

  • Hitting a cat means victory over your enemies.
  • Hitting a dog means provocation from ill-wishers. It is worth treating such attempts with all composure and steadfastness.

Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

Beating by another person

If the victim of the beating is the dreamer himself, then it is worth taking a closer look at the one who delivers the blows. If the father hits, there is a possibility of dissatisfaction on the part of the older generation, the boss means demotion.

If a woman hits a man, it means that she wants to get closer, so you should wait for a date. The dream can be of a mystical nature when the dead person acts as the aggressor. This portends an unexpected situation, which only ingenuity and resourcefulness will help you understand.

If they beat you loved one, then this is good sign- you will be able to get rid of internal conflicts. If a teacher hits a child, then this means new important work.

Seeing a fight on the street promises a dangerous journey. A blow that draws blood promises obstacles in work. Seeing a beaten husband portends material wealth. If you dreamed that your father beat your mother, this means minor problems on the personal front. Someone beat a girl - you should expect bad news.

Witnessing violence from law enforcement officers suggests that you should think first and speak later. Watching from the sidelines the beating of a cat or dog foreshadows some kind of drama that will not affect the dreamer in any way.

Interpretation in different dream books

Women's dream book claims that being beaten in a dream means the imminent loss of something important. Grishina's dream book interprets the appearance of blood as the arrival of relatives. According to Tsvetkov, becoming a victim of beating promises improvement in financial affairs. According to Hasse’s interpretation, beatings dream of family squabbles.

Freud considers such a dream to be a sign that the dreamer has hidden sadomasochistic desires. According to Miller, if a beaten person in a dream is a friend, then soon the dreamer will receive unjustified honor, but a scandal may occur in the family. According to the sensible dream book, a fight promises success in all matters. A dream book XXI century interprets victory in conflict as success with the opposite sex in real life.

A fight in a dream indicates that a person has been accumulating negative emotions, resentment and anger for too long. Without fully understanding it, he began to lose control of his thoughts, words and actions. And here the subconscious mind rushes to give a signal that it’s time to change from within, reconsider your attitude towards people and circumstances, learn to forgive and accept other people’s shortcomings. It also doesn’t hurt to learn how to get rid of aggression in real life through meditation, sports, psychological trainings. If dreams have become too frequent and cruel, do not neglect the help of a psychologist.

Our ancestors loved to have fun with fights. They measured their strength. But today you can even go to jail for a brawl. Fighting has become shameful and is treated with contempt. But in reality, the ideas of the ancestors were preserved. You can often hear that “a man must know how to fight.” Therefore, it is not surprising that dreams of fighting lead to victory.

What if you dream about hitting a person?

It’s good to fight, to see in a dream that when you beat a person, you win a real victory and get satisfaction - it’s psychologically very good, it portends career, good luck at work. And it doesn’t matter at all who is interested in why they dream of beating a person. After all, this is an equally good prediction for a girl. And psychology in this regard clearly gives a verdict that all the negative energy came out of a person in a dream. After all, many people know the fact that in Japan there is a room where workers can scold and even beat up a mannequin that looks like a boss. A way out for such accumulated aggression can also be found in a dream. Sleep tends to take away excess negativity from a person, which threatens to bloom in the body with a bouquet of diseases. If, when you beat a person, blood is visible, this sign predicts an early meeting with relatives or news from them.

In the case when you dream that a person beats an acquaintance who causes a lot of trouble in reality, then it is this person who will win a moral victory over his enemy in reality. But beating a weak person, a child or a woman in a dream is not good. Predicts loss of strength.

From the point of view of Eastern philosophy, the dreamer has accumulated a lot of male yang energy. This energy, like a pure substance, dissolves in the sky and represents light. In addition, yang personifies the warmth, the creative Sun. Yang can manifest itself through this dream as the all-conquering principle that the dreamer possesses. The ancestors called the Sun Yaril - a person experiences rage in a fight. People notice that when they wake up after such a dream, they feel an incredible surge of strength. If the opposite happened and the enemy won in the dream, this may also portend some failures. A man fighting with his brother in a dream, and a woman fighting with her sister is a good omen. This dream predicts a strong friendship with these people in reality. In the same way, a dream predicts a good relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend.

What does it portend?

If a wife beats her husband in her dream, then this indicates that the husband’s attitude towards this woman is very sincere, he loves her. It is very good if a boss in his dream beats the person who in reality is his subordinate. In his reality, this boss will earn authority and great respect from those he has to lead. There is, of course, an opposite interpretation of this dream. It looks like a reversed card in a tarot deck. If you show aggression, if when you hit a person you experience the lowest feelings, this may foreshadow conflicts and losses in reality. Fear, which gives rise to anger, and strong bitterness can harm the personality. From Freud's point of view, dreams are associated with sexual energy who is looking for a way out. You need to pay attention to your own psyche so as not to acquire a tendency towards sadism.

Psychologists say that anger is the same resentment to which children react with tears. Giving vent to your anger, giving vent to rage is great for the psyche. If a person has such energy in a dream, this indicates that depression or apathy is practically not characteristic of him.

So, to the question of why you dream about hitting a person, there are two answers. One portends the best, the second speaks of negativity. You should pay attention to your own psyche, but you should not be upset about the dream, because its meaning is in any case favorable for the individual.