Slavic name Anna. Anna - the meaning of the name

10.08.2019 Documentation

Anna is a name whose origin is ancient Jewish roots. It means "grace", "strength", "courage". According to the Christian religion - mother Holy Mother of God Virgin Mary, wife of Saint Joachim. Her name is mentioned on the pages of the Bible. She gave birth to her daughter after many years of suffering and a childless marriage. That is why the origin of which is rooted in the Bible), also has the meaning of "God's mercy." Affectionate diminutive forms: Anechka, Anyuta, Nyuta. Zodiac signs, suitable for girls with this name, it is Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo.

"Character" named after Anna: childhood

Anya is an uncompromising, truth-loving person. Since childhood, she has shown a very strong, imperious character. She is very sweet, always radiates light and kindness. This is one of her main features. As a little girl, she cares for pets with great pleasure and devotion, and when playing with dolls, she imagines that they are her little children.

The nature of its owner

Growing up, she continues to help the elders, is always ready to help and help out in difficult times. This girl is a believing, merciful person. She will always understand her neighbor, help the sick, the weak or the person who has lost interest in life. Anna is a real warrior. She is able to fight for justice to the last. A girl with this name is always in the center of events, loves attention to herself. Everything that happens around her invariably excites her. Anya likes to carefully monitor her appearance, dress beautifully and tastefully. It is almost impossible to see her sloppy, in dirty clothes or worn shoes.

Choice of profession

Based on the characteristics of the inner world of this girl, we can say with confidence that a teacher, a nanny, will suit her. She is very sacrificial, completely devotes herself to work, without demanding a large material reward for this. Anna has a highly developed intuition. In adulthood, she may show the ability to see what others cannot.

Love and marriage

In relations with men, Anya is always faithful, behaves nobly. She is a patient enough person, but she will never forget betrayal. Betrayal of a loved one can lead to very lingering emotional trauma due to her vulnerability and tenderness. Sometimes she may prefer to forgive adultery than to be left alone, but Anna is unable to forget her. Just the fear of loneliness is sometimes stronger than her. This sweet lady is a very good hostess, her house is always a full bowl. Anna is a name whose origin has Jewish roots, and one of its meanings is "devoted wife". He does not like noisy companies, he prefers quiet family celebrations. Having appreciated this woman, the spouse has every chance for a happy and strong family. But in a nervous situation, with misunderstanding and unfair criticism against her, Anna withdraws into herself, waiting for a more successful period in her life.

Name Compatibility

Happy Anna can be married to Eugene, Alexei, Konstantin. You should not associate her life with Alexander, Ruslan, Grigory. The girl is more suitable for such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Pisces. Anna (a name we know to be of Hebrew origin) is the Latin form of Hannah.

There are so many women, girls and girls in the world with a beautiful and noble name Anna. It will be interesting to know the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its owners. In this article will be discussed about it.

Meaning of the name

The name Anna came to us from ancient times. Also in Old Testament this name is mentioned. That was the name of the Mother of God. Also known is the prophetess Anna, who, together with the elder Simeon, predicted to the world about the birth of the Savior of the world (this was on the Candlemas, when the Holy Virgin Mary brought the baby Christ to the temple).

Anna is now a fairly common name. Translated from Hebrew, it means - the grace of God, mercy, merciful, pretty, pretty. By the name itself, one can guess the character and fate of its owner. For girls and beloved women, there is an abbreviation of this name: Anya, Anechka, Anyuta, Annushka, Nyura, Nyusha, Nyusya, Asya and others.

Anna's name day is celebrated nine times a year. Because there are many saints, reverends and martyrs with this name. It is popular not only in our country, but also in foreign countries. There are quite a lot of heroines of famous novels by classics and modern authors.

Everyone knows that naming their daughter with a certain name, for example Anna, parents, knowing the meaning of the name, lay in her a special character and destiny. Even health also largely depends on the chosen name. Therefore, it is important to know all the information that carries a particular name.

The character of the owner of the name Anna

Kindness and decency, mercy and patience, meekness and quietness - these are the main features of Anna's character. The meaning of the name fully confirms the character of its owner. Therefore, the fate of a child with this name will have mercy.

A girl named Anna from an early age will show mercy to others. She will take pity on a homeless kitten, feed a hungry puppy, give the last to her friends, pity the offended. She will always obey her mother strictly. She will grow up to be a little helper.

Anechka has been an ideal hostess since childhood. She is always neat, tidy, cleanly dressed. In other people, she will not tolerate slovenliness. Anna loves to cook, wash, clean up. She is always hospitable, will be able to feed and receive even uninvited guests.

Anna is naturally artistic. She knows how to read poetry with expression, to portray this or that acquaintance. All this is brilliant for her. Many of them become professional artists.
The bearer of this name will always come to the aid of friends in need. You don’t even need to ask her, she herself will feel that trouble has happened to her loved ones. This is all thanks to his transcendent intuition. Anna is ready to give her neighbor the last thing she has.

A woman with this name knows how to persuade, persuade to her side. She brilliantly defends her point of view.

But along with the positive qualities, Anya, of course, has her drawbacks. This is dominance, resentment. She is prone to excessive activity, knows no limits. Anna highly values ​​her own self-realization. Therefore, she often faces a choice between career and family life. If she failed to realize herself in life, then she places these hopes on her children.

Anna is very demanding of herself and others. She has a heightened sense of duty. She can never act against her conscience.

Among other things, Anna is a laugher. She has a great sense of humor, she loves to joke and laugh.
Usually women with this name are charming, attractive. They fall in love early and begin to live a stormy sex life. She has many fans. Anna loves male attention. If she comes across a husband with a phlegmatic temperament, then the marriage promises to be strong.

Anna has multiple talents. She either sings, or dances well, or knows how to draw beautifully. There is no such woman with the name Anna, who would be deprived of some kind of talent. You just need to be able to open them in time.

Anna has been a born leader since childhood. This is recognized by everyone, both classmates and teachers. She loves to defend her point of view and severely punishes those who disagree with her. Anya prefers to take revenge on her offenders than to endure and forgive. Everyone should recognize her authority in society, otherwise they will feel bad.

The fate of women named Anna

Anna, thanks to her indefatigable temperament, starts love affairs early. But it's all for love. If she does not like a man, she will never enter into a love affair with him. She can meet with several men at once. Thirst for adventure and seeking true love can often force Anna to cheat on her husband. Moreover, she is not at all embarrassed by the fact that she is deceiving her husband. Anna will be happy to tell friends and relatives that she has both a husband and a lover. She does not feel guilty at the same time, because she is faithful to both of them!

But if her husband suddenly decides to cheat, Anna will never forgive. Sometimes even she can decide to commit suicide. Therefore, the first marriage of women with this name is usually short-lived. She will start subsequent relationships with great care. Burnt in milk, he will blow on the water, if you follow the saying.

Anna, according to the meaning of her name, the character will have a caring attitude towards loved ones. And fate will smile at such a man who took her as his wife. For her child, she will sacrifice everything, talents, career, personal life.

Her household will be happy, seeing next to them the troublesome mother of the family. She always succeeds. Children and husband are always tasty fed, cleanly dressed and well-groomed. This is a very caring mother and wife!
Anna is a real Russian woman, the image of which was sung by poets. She "stops a galloping horse, and enters a burning hut!" She has a compassionate and sacrificial nature.

Annas, who were born in the spring, are rather narcissistic personalities, capricious and romantic. They are well suited for the professions of a secretary, music teacher, saleswoman, director and critic.
Women with this name, born in the summer, are very kind, merciful. They usually become doctors, nurses, educators.

Autumn Annas have endurance, sensitivity. Professions are suitable for them: teachers, models, artists, sculptors. And, finally, Annas, born in the winter, are reasonable, fair, a little cruel. They make good engineers, conductors, actresses.

Among the actresses, there are quite a few women named Anna. These are: Anna Samokhina, Anna German ( famous singer), Anna Pavlova (ballerina), Anna Esipova (pianist), etc. There are poetesses and writers: Anna Akhmatova, Anna Dostoevskaya (writer's wife and memoirist), Anna Knipper (writer, civil wife of Kolchak). Anna Golubkina is a famous sculptor. As you can see, among the representatives of this name there are quite a few servants of art. This confirms that Annas are always endowed with some kind of talent.

There are also rulers in history with the name Anna: Anna Ioannovna, Anna of Byzantium - the wife of Prince Vladimir. Their dominance and authority were fully revealed.

Anna's health

Anna's health is generally good, but she may have problems with her eyes as a child. Vision often deteriorates younger age. It is necessary to consult with an ophthalmologist. She can not sit close to the TV screen, less to be at the computer. Can't read in bad light. Ani often wears glasses.

Sometimes there is a curvature of the spine, flat feet. In such cases, it is worth showing little Anya to an orthopedist. Anyuta is also prone to diathesis. Therefore, it is necessary to limit the amount of sweets from an early age. Occasionally encountered in childhood respiratory tract: whooping cough, bronchitis. They can even develop into asthma in adulthood.

Ani also have fragile bones and joints. Arthritis and arthrosis are diseases that torment Anna in old age. They usually tend to be overweight, so you need to follow the diet. Eat less sweet, starchy foods, include more protein foods in the diet.

Anna's compatibility with others

Anna, according to the meaning of the name, has a caring and kind character, and those who tied their fate with her will not be able to complain about the lack of compatibility after. But sometimes Annas, contrary to the meaning of the name, show an imperious and impatient character. This especially happens when people refuse to pay due attention to it, listen to it and understand it. Waiting for her happy fate with some name compatibility.

Her relationship with men who have rather rare names will be bright and unforgettable. Such as: Innokenty, Rodion, Abraham, Emelyan, Vsevolod, Panteley, Timofey. If Anna can meet the owner of such rare name, insane happiness is provided to her. But, oddly enough, marriage bonds with these men, she was not destined to contact.

Not all male names suit her. Anna should avoid men with names: George, Stanislav, Alexander, Sergey, Lev. According to the meaning of the name and character, Alexey is most suitable for her. If she connects her heart and fate with Alyosha, she will have a prosperous marriage and a happy peaceful family life, like with no one else.

Also possible family bonds with men named: Stepan, Evgeny, Konstantin, Zakhar. If her husband has a calm, phlegmatic temperament, he will be able to balance the stormy character of his wife. But if the husband is also quick-tempered, angry, not humble, the spouses will face big problems in the family. This should also be taken into account when choosing a life partner.

Family for Anna is everything. She can sacrifice anything for the welfare of her household. Anna often leads her husband, but as if unnoticed by him. She is a loving and caring wife, a respectable mother, a good mother-in-law.

The secret of the name

Anna- grace, merciful (Hebrew).
The name is loved in all countries, it has always been common in Russia and is now in the top ten names.
name zodiac: Virgo.
Planet: Ceres.
Name color: red.
Talisman Stone: female ruby.
auspicious plant: rowan, pink aster.
name patron: hare.
Happy day: Wednesday.
happy season: summer.
Diminutive forms: Anya, Anya, Annochka, Annushka, Anka, Annusya, Nyura, Nyusya, Anusha, Nyusha, Anyuta, Nyuta, Annette, Nega, Asya.
Main features: sacrifice, love of truth, justice.


Anna Adrianople, martyr, November 4 (October 22)
Anna Vifinskaya, reverend (reverend, labored in a male form), June 26 (13), November 11 (October 29).
Anna Gotfskaya, martyr, April 8 (March 26).
Anna (monastic Euphrosyne) Kashinskaya, Tverskaya, princess, schema-nun, June 25 (12), October 15 (2).
Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Fanuilov, February 16 (3), September 10 (August 25).
Anna the Prophetess, mother of the prophet Samuel, December 22 (9).
Anna Rimskaya, virgin, martyr, February 3 (January 21), July 18 (5).
Anna of Seleucia (Persian), martyr, December 3 (November 20).
Anna Righteous, mother of the Most Holy Theotokos, August 7 (July 25), September 22 (9); December 22 (9) - the conception of St. Anna. On this day, from their aged parents, the righteous Joachim and Anna, through their fervent prayers, the Most Holy Theotokos was conceived.
Anna Novgorodskaya, princess, reverend, 23 (10) February. Blessed Princess Anna of Novgorod was the wife of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise. She gave a truly Christian upbringing to all her children, who were distinguished by strong faith in God, diligence, truthfulness and learning. Her son Mstislav subsequently became the Grand Duke of Kyiv, and her daughters became queens of Western European states. Leaving the world, the blessed princess went to a monastery, where she ended her days in prayer and strict obedience in 1056.


December 22, on the conception of St. Anne, pregnant women - fasting. They are not allowed to do any work during the day.


Anyuta is a calm child, not capricious. He often suffers from diathesis, but endures all his pains patiently. Anya is usually the eldest of the children, so she becomes her mother's assistant early. Having got used to being listened to from childhood, she will forever retain in her voice, on the one hand, maternal notes, on the other - imperious, commanding. Anya is artistic, likes to imagine herself as the heroine of a book she has read. She has good taste, she loves everything really beautiful.

Anya does not give in to someone else's influence, she acts herself, as she sees fit. Very kind, takes care of puppies, kittens, brings into the house, birds that have fallen out of the nest. Already in childhood, she can console the crying.

At school, Anya seriously resists everything that she considers wrong, unfair. Anya constantly argues with teachers, quarrels with peers. But at the same time, teachers find reliable support in her, and children respect her and recognize her leadership.

Adult Anna gives the impression of a person with some kind of secret knowledge able to foresee the future. She has a wonderful intuition, she anticipates, guesses, envelops you with her charm. But she is proud, vindictive, conflict. She has a lot of internal energy, a strong will, she strives to have everything right now. Believes only in himself. Thanks to his innate good looks, charm and pressure, he can win anyone over to his side, even a person who has come to actively interfere with the intended case.

Anna's field of activity is quite wide. She is hardworking, completely devoted to work, not thinking about the material side of the matter. Can be an experienced engineer, teacher, educator, work in various fields of medicine. Anna is neat, attentive, friendly, often works as a referent, critic, director. She is very artistic, knows how to read fables, humorous stories from the stage, be an entertainer, TV presenter various programs. In some cases, she is a barmaid, a salesman, a conductor.

Anna is a sacrificial nature. She can fall in love with a sick person or a drinker, an obvious loser or a psychopath, and carry her cross throughout her life, not at all regretting such a share. Loyal wives, loving mothers and good mothers-in-law are all Annas. Caring for family and friends is always her concern. People around often abuse this, Anna understands this. But filled with some kind of unfeminine inner strength, it leaves everything as it is.

Anna chooses her own life partner, and no one can convince her otherwise. In love, she is passionate and gives herself all. But at the same time he can have a husband and a lover, believing that he is faithful to both. If she encounters her husband's betrayal, rudeness or rudeness, then she withdraws into herself and patiently waits for better times. Divorce for her is a disaster, it can even lead to suicide attempts.

Anna knows how to sew well, dress beautifully, get along with children. She is not only a mother to them, but also a comrade, a friend. In the family, she approves traditions and customs, and can change them at her discretion. She is very selective in her choice of acquaintances, she accepts friends well, some people who are undesirable for her will not go further than the front.

Anna's marriage is strong if her husband is phlegmatic, balancing the constantly active, troublesome wife. Anna's marriage is successful with Alexei, Boris, Evgeny, Zakhar, Konstantin, Stepan.

P.A. Florensky believes that the name Anna corresponds to the male Alexei.

"The name Alexei does little to promote the manifestation of masculinity, at least in the world, among the worldly conditions and tasks of life, and is most perfectly expressed in renunciation of the world, that is, when there is a rise above the psychology of sex and, consequently, a natural approach to the area, which is also characteristic of and femininity. Therefore, it is also natural to expect that the female name Anna corresponding to it is more adapted to life, as more corresponding to the elements of its sex. But it must also be foreseen that in this name there is a basic discrepancy between the subconscious basis of the personality and the layer of consciousness inherent in the male counterpart of this But this discrepancy, as more characteristic of feminine nature, no longer inhibits or does not inhibit to the same extent the vitality of the bearer of the name in question.

In Anna, the main thing is her subconscious soil, which most often lies not on a rock, but on such subsoil layers, with which the bearer of this name goes into the bowels of being. And these bowels, according to the highest task of the name, are the bowels of grace, as the etymological meaning of the name also says. When the higher plan is not reached by the personality, it receives an influx of grace-filled forces through the elemental basis of nature, and consequently, it can absorb these elemental-mystical energies together, and perhaps even mix them, the conductors of grace, with grace itself.

Having knowledge not from the mind and fed up with its knowledge, it neglects the intellect, its intellect. On the other hand, the depths of nature are too directly open to her in order to have a need and an acute need for art, the main function of which is to strip the positivistic veils from being and help in direct contact with its depths. What art gives is, in a sense, much deeper and more fully known to Anna than can be obtained through art; and besides, the use of art requires the development of conscious self-activity, self-education, which Anna eschews not only because she does not want to be active, but also because self-education seems to her artificial. Art is foreign to her. Particularly alien is that branch of it that presupposes the greatest preliminary independence, and in mind has the most ugly and mystical touch on being: music. Exactly what music could give, Anna already has as much as she wants, and, moreover, without difficulty.


Anna Yaroslavna (1025 - after 1075) - the daughter of Grand Duke Yaroslav Vladimirovich the Wise, the second wife of the French King Henry I. Henry sent an embassy for the princess in 1048 and got married on May 14, 1049 in the Reims Cathedral. Wanting to have an heir, Anna made a vow to build and provide a monastery with capital. When her first-born son, Philip, the future king of France, was born, Anna actually built a monastery in Senlis. In addition to Philip, Anna had two more sons, one of whom became the ancestor of the royal branch of Vermandois.

The royal couple lived, apparently, very friendly: on many state acts can be read: "with the consent of my wife Anne", "in the presence of Queen Anne". King Henry died in 1060, and Philip I took the throne, under the tutelage of his mother.

Two years later, Anna remarried Count Raoul III of Valois, then the most powerful lord of France. He was a close relative of the late Henry, had a wife. For this, Pope Alexander II excommunicated Raul from the church and declared his marriage to Anna Yaroslavna invalid. The proud feudal lord paid no attention to this and lived happily with her for twelve years, dying in 1074.

Anna returned to her son's court. It is known that she was one of the most beloved queens of France. French kings for several centuries took an oath upon accession to the throne on the Reims Gospel - a handwritten book in Old Slavonic, brought by Anna Yaroslavna from Kyiv. There is a royal charter of 1075, signed by Philip I together with his mother - Anna Yaroslavna.

The name Anna is rightfully considered the most popular and famous in Russia. However, it can also be found in many other countries. Given to a girl at birth, the name leaves an imprint not only on her character, but also on her fate. It determines the merits or negative qualities, contributes to the choice of a profession, affects relationships with loved ones or strangers. Therefore, it is very important for attentive parents to know its meaning.

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    The origin of the name and its meaning

    The name Anna has been known since ancient times, and its origin is attributed to the Hebrew language. The meaning of the name Anna literally translates as "merciful" or " God's grace”, “graceful”, “pretty”.

    In the early period in ancient Judea, its decoding meant courage and courage, but over time its meaning has changed, and “grace” has been added to it, the roots of which originate in the Holy Scriptures. Even in the Old Testament there is a mention of this name, because the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary's name was Hanna - an analogue of the name Anna. The soothsayer Anna is known, who, together with the elder Simeon, predicted the birth of a savior to the world. This happened on the Meeting, on the day when the Mother of God brought the baby Jesus to the temple. In those distant times, even men were called Annas.

      In Rus', it became known only after the adoption of Christianity. That was the name of the wife of Prince Vladimir, who baptized Rus'. Since then, the tradition has gone to give this name to noble persons. So they called the daughter of Grand Duke Yaroslav the Wise, and Anna Ioannovna from the Romanov family, and the queens of France, Anna of Breton and Anna of Austria, the wife of King Louis XIII.

      Currently, this name is considered the most common and popular not only in Russia, but throughout the world. There are many abbreviations of this name: Anya, Anyuta, Asya, Anechka, Annushka, Annochka, Anka, Anusya, Nyura, Nyusha, Nyusya, Anusha, Nyuta, Neta.

      In other countries, there are also many analogues of this name, and in sound it is similar to the Russian version:

      • on Spanish– Ana;
      • in Italian - Anna, Anita;
      • in English - Ann, Annie;
      • in French - Annette;
      • in German - Enne;
      • in Dutch - Eni;
      • in Georgian - Ani;
      • in Hebrew and Polish - Hannah;
      • in Belarusian and Ukrainian - Ganna.

      The fate of many literary heroines, both in the works of classical literature and in the works of modern authors, is connected with the name. The heroine of Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina was named that way. Many famous women, whose life went down in history, were also named by this name: Anna Pavlova - the greatest Russian ballerina, Anna Akhmatova - a poetess, Anna German - a singer with a unique timbre of voice, etc.

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      name day

      Anna's birthday is celebrated ten times a year. Because the fate of many holy martyrs is connected with this name:

  1. 1. Anna the Righteous, mother of the Virgin Mary, name days are celebrated on August 7, September 22, December 22 - the day of the conception of the Virgin from seventy-year-old parents - the righteous Joachim and Anna.
  2. 2. Anna of Adrianople, martyr - November 4.
  3. 3. Anna of Vifinskaya (saint in a male image) - June 26, November 11.
  4. 4. Anna Gotfskaya, martyr - April 8.
  5. 5. Anna Kashinskaya, Tverskaya, princess, schema-nun - June 25, October 15.
  6. 6. Anna the Prophetess, daughter of Phanuilov - February 16, September 10.
  7. 7. Novgorod princess Anna Blessed - wife of the great old Russian prince Yaroslav the Wise - February 23.
  8. 8. Anna the Prophetess, mother of the prophet Samuel - December 22.
  9. 9. Anna of Rome, virgin, martyr - February 3, July 18.
  10. 10. Anna of Seleucia (Persian) - martyr, December 3.

Positive and negative traits

The advantages of this name include:

  • kindness
  • altruism and readiness to help everyone in any difficult situation;
  • developed sense of duty;
  • great willpower;
  • faith in yourself;
  • unbending disposition, which helps to withstand any adversity;
  • the ability to anticipate trouble and developed intuition;
  • the gift to positively influence others;
  • sharp mind, excellent memory and a high degree learnability;
  • outstanding creative abilities;
  • economy, tidiness.

Apart from positive traits, Anyuta also have certain disadvantages:

  • authority;
  • excessive emotionality in all spheres of life, affectation of feelings;
  • excessive seriousness, which is not always appropriate;
  • cynicism;
  • the desire to solve all problems at once, which sometimes leads to nervous breakdowns;
  • too demanding attitude towards themselves and their children.

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Influence on character

Choosing a name for a girl, parents endow her with a special character and destiny from birth. Even the state of health largely depends on the name chosen for the child. Therefore, before naming your baby, you should study all the information as much as possible.

Despite its conciseness, the name Anna is very deep, multifaceted and controversial. As a child, Anechka is a calm and non-capricious girl. She is prone to diathesis and scoliosis, but she endures all her suffering patiently and without tears. She loves to help her mother, as well as read books and imagine herself in the place of the main character. Despite the complaisant character, he shows arrogance and authority in communicating with his peers. Often takes pity on homeless animals, brings them into the house, takes care of them.

At school, Anyuta reacts violently to everything that she considers wrong and unfair. She is prone to arguments and conflicts with teachers and classmates. Young Anya never follows other people's advice and does not recognize any authorities. She chooses her company very carefully and often becomes a leader in it. Growing up, she becomes very charming and is always in the spotlight. Anya has excellent intuition, almost the gift of foresight, which makes her mysterious and enigmatic. At the same time, she is vindictive and proud. She has a lot of energy, she strives to get everything at once.

Mature woman wearing given name, has a calm and open character. Kindness is her middle name, but this does not prevent her from being changeable in mood and capricious. Anya is a sacrificial nature, overly compassionate and attentive to others, sometimes even to the detriment of herself. It is absolutely not a burden for her to take care of loved ones or strangers, even if they abuse her disinterestedness and good attitude.

Despite her docile disposition, she possesses tremendous willpower. He makes all decisions independently and copes with life's difficulties alone, always relying only on himself. By nature, she is an introvert and does not give in to other people's influence, although she herself can perfectly manipulate other people.

Anna has an analytical mindset, she is gifted with a good sense of humor, and has an excellent memory. In work, he is diligent and conscientious. She is too emotional, not shy about expressing her feelings violently. Girls with this name have great taste, they know how to dress elegantly, they are very neat and attentive to detail.

The bearer of this name makes high demands on men, preferring to choose them herself. It is useless to seek her location and mutual feelings. Anna is a non-confrontational person, but sometimes harsh and cynical. Despite the fact that she is surrounded by a significant number of admirers, having fallen in love, she becomes indifferent to most of them in the first years of marriage and gives all her attention and care to her beloved husband and children. Anna is a good and diligent hostess, her house is always in perfect order.

Anyuta, who was born in winter, has been smart and reasonable and fair since childhood. Among peers, he is a leader, although he can be tough with them. "Autumn" Anna is more stable in relations with others. Women with this name, born in the summer, are kind, but closed, and those born in the spring are very romantic.

How is the fate of women named Anna?

The owners of this name get a difficult fate in terms of personal relationships. Anya is a very passionate person, she loves male attention, compliments, and this weakness makes her start relationships and romances on the side. Forgiving betrayal to herself, she is not able to forgive their spouse. Perhaps that is why in most cases the first marriage of women with this name ends in divorce, after which they become closed for long time for new relationships.

Have you ever thought about what the name Anna means, which is confidently included in the top 10 most popular female names not only in Russia, but throughout the world? Indeed, the name is international. In Germany, France, Hungary, Poland, Spain, Azerbaijan, and many other countries, there are variations and forms of it. Let's try to figure out the etymology and find out what character traits the girl will have, whom her parents call Anne, Ana, Hanna, Annie, or “in our opinion” - Anya, Anechka, Anyutka.

According to tradition, it came to the Russian language from Greece, but its roots lead us to Ancient Judea. The modern variation of the name Hannah (as it is pronounced in Hebrew) comes from the Hebrew Hannah, which translates as "grace, blessing, favor."

“God favors me, he favors me” - this is how the Jews interpret the meaning of the name Anna.

In Orthodoxy, it appeared as a result of the Latin translation of the Vulgate - Holy Scripture based on the writings of Jerome Stridon. Since then, it has been classified as biblical. The name with the strongest energy is mentioned 13 times in the book of Samuel.

Its owners are characterized by sacrifice, they tirelessly fight for the truth and are distinguished by a sense of heightened justice - in history these qualities have been proven and confirmed by the greatest representatives of this name:

  1. Anna the Righteous - the mother of the Most Holy Theotokos and the grandmother of Jesus Christ - a devout and pious parishioner, who only at an advanced age was given the opportunity to conceive a child. All her life she stoically withstood the ridicule of those around her, who considered childlessness a grave vice, and did not stop praying to God for a child. Today, believers all over the world come to the face of St. Anna with prayers for healing from infertility and other ailments.
  2. Blessed Princess Anna of Novgorod (she received this name after taking monastic tonsure) - the wife of Prince Yaroslav the Wise. Even during her lifetime, her piety and virtue were legendary. Today it is generally accepted that it is she, along with Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga, who stands at the origins of Russian female holiness.

In addition, this noble name was borne by many royal persons, for example, the French Queen Anna of Breton, Empress Anna Ioannovna from the Romanov family, and others.

Some researchers tend to associate the origin of the name with Anu, the Sumerian god of the sky, the strongest and most ancient, who led the host of gods. But this is just a hypothesis with no scientific basis.

What does the name mean for a girl

Onomast scientists have long proved that the name chosen at the birth of a baby largely affects his future fate and character. Therefore, for parents who want to name their daughter Anyuta, it is important to understand how the name Anna will “turn out” for the girl at different stages of her life.

Early age

Anechka is a calm, sweet baby who, from infancy, demonstrates independence and strives to become her mother's most important assistant. Having broken her knee, Anya will steadfastly endure the pain, not allowing others to see a single tear of hers. Having met a homeless little animal on the street, she will bring it home without hesitation in order to surround her with attention and care.

From childhood, the girl shows a love of reading and demonstrates her natural artistic talents to the family. Parents should pay close attention to this ability, because with the right approach and timely efforts, a girl’s artistry can be developed to a serious level.

Anyuta loves when the attention of loved ones is entirely devoted to her! And despite the fact that her name is translated “grace”, she has no shortage of perseverance in early childhood. This personal quality will accompany the girl for the rest of her life.

Endurance and remarkable willpower, the ability to console your neighbor and kindness, artistry and perseverance - this is what the name Anna means for a girl.

School years

Any science is easy for Anya, she grasps everything on the fly. Calm, reasonable, fair - the girl easily gains authority among her peers and sympathy among teachers. Children love her for her responsiveness and readiness to help in any situation. Unfortunately, these qualities are often used with selfishness, and Anyuta experiences betrayal for a very long time and painfully, tirelessly trying to find the cause and the “root of evil” in herself.

At school age, Anna clearly shows the ability to defend her own opinion. In this matter, she is uncompromising, sometimes even stubborn, hence the frequent conflict situations with others. At the same time, the constant desire to restore justice will be a good helper for Annushka in the search for real, time-tested friends.


A young girl strives to be individual, not like others, which arouses interest in the male and envious hostility in the female. When choosing fans, her tendency to self-sacrifice is already beginning to appear, she is able to give preference to a bully or a loser, firmly believing that she can change him, re-educate and turn him into an “ideal” man. Having suffered a fiasco, Anya does not leave her chosen one, perceiving him next to her as "her own cross."

In her youth, the girl's intuition begins to work perfectly, onomasts tend to believe that she is even capable of clairvoyance. Is it really? – the question remains open. And here's what girl aspires to be the queen of everything, no one doubts that Anna, who is growing up, meticulously selects her social circle, takes a leading position in the company of friends, scrupulously monitors her appearance, and does not allow herself to make mistakes in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife. Anya also meticulously “studies” the actions and behavior of others. It would be good for parents to encourage her abilities in analytics and psychology and help develop them at a professional level.

Mature age

“And he will stop a galloping horse, and enter a burning hut”- it is precisely such an imprint that the female name Anna leaves on its mature owner. She does not succumb to difficulties, enthusiastically grabs the most difficult cases, quickly losing all interest in them. The reason lies not at all in frivolity, simply adult Anya is impressed by any project only at the stage of implementation, but not at all at the stage of completion.

Countless fans and a constant need for male attention - this is how you can describe the relationship of a mature Anna with a male. She loves sex, but does not accept intimate relationships, not having romantic feelings for a man.

A pleasant conversationalist, an excellent hostess, a woman with a strong will, emotional, at the same time rational and able to hide her true feelings - this is what the meaning of the name Anna may be.

Character and fate associated with the name

Anya is a harmonious name, evoking positive associations with something kind and bright. Letter analysis in combination with an astrological factor indicates a complex interweaving of qualities and character traits in a girl who was named Anechka.

Among the main ones:

  • self-sufficiency: Anna is a true introvert, not amenable to other people's opinion and influence;
  • justice;
  • exactingness to oneself and others;
  • kindness;
  • conscientiousness;
  • balance and the ability to perfectly control your emotional background.

If we talk about negative character traits, which are found in the owners female name Anna is pride, vindictiveness, dominance, sometimes capriciousness and cynicism.

The fate of the bearer of this name is quite complicated. She tries in vain to find her calling - the inability to complete what she started and the quick, but fleeting, passion for all kinds of hobbies provoke constant disappointment in herself and the world around her. At the same time, the owner of the name Anya takes life too seriously, therefore she does not know how to fully enjoy the gifts of fate.


Annushka is no different in Siberian health. Bronchitis, malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, disorders in the activity of the cardiovascular system, bone fragility and frequent fractures are weak points that parents should pay attention to. Annas are often inclined to be overweight, so the diet in their life is not the last.

Family and Children

A woman with this name has a well-developed maternal principle, she is practically an exemplary, but also an overly demanding mother. No matter how high her child reaches, in the endless race for the ideal, Anya will still be dissatisfied with the results.

A similar situation is observed in relationships. Her marriage simply must be strong, reliable, so that, as they say, "they live happily ever after, and die on the same day." The slightest mistake of a spouse - betrayal or simple flirting with another in front of Anna - everything, consider, the family is destroyed.

In general, husband and children, and later grandchildren, for Annushka are the subject of tireless love, care and guardianship. It can be compared with a nimble, hardworking bird, tirelessly making its nest.

Profession and career

Despite high level intelligence and an excellent ability to analyze, the owners of the name Anya rarely choose work related to mental activity. They are more impressed by the opportunity to help people, share experience and knowledge with them, give warmth and care. That is why most often Annas become doctors, teachers, social workers, psychologists, veterinarians. Creative professions are also suitable for them - a journalist, artist, designer, actress - innate artistry allows you to fully realize yourself in this area.

Whatever specialty Anna chooses in the end, she will work conscientiously, she will definitely achieve success in this field and the respect of her colleagues. But the money earned will be spent entirely on their loved ones, constantly denying themselves something.

When Anna celebrates her name day

By church calendar Angel Annushka Day is celebrated up to 20 times a year. The most revered of them are the days of memory of the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos. They fall on August 7 and September 22.

Determining the date of your name day is simple: should be found in Orthodox calendar commemoration day of the namesake saint, next after your birthday. This will be the personal Day of the Angel, and that righteous Anna, whose memory is revered on this day, will become the heavenly patroness (for example, the prophetess Anna, the martyr Anna of Goth, the righteous Anna, etc.). Other days of memory specifically for this saint are considered "small name days."

Middle name compatibility

Experts call this name unique, because it sounds soft and beautiful in combination with almost any middle name. The most popular options are Anna Alekseevna, Andreevna, Aleksandrovna, Pavlovna, Borisovna, Vladimirovna, Denisovna, Sergeevna.

What male names will have a happy family life

The researchers came to the conclusion that Anya can have the most vivid feelings and stable relationships with the owners of rare male names - Eric, Robert, Abraham, Elizar.

Stormy romances await Anna with Alexei, Mikhail, Arkady, Maxim.

Anyuta is promised a happy and lasting family life by an alliance with:

  1. Evgeny. A man with this name is a monogamous who is kind to family values, so a warm, trusting atmosphere will reign in the house. This is exactly what Anya needs, who values ​​fidelity and a reliable shoulder most of all in a man.
  2. Constantine. This marriage is considered almost perfect. Kostya does not restrict his wife's freedom, perfectly combines social roles, and with pleasure assumes the function of a breadwinner.
  3. Alexey. A man in such an alliance is an unspoken leader and an excellent diplomat who knows how to get around all the "sharp corners", which is why such a marriage is very strong.
  4. Oleg. Partners undividedly trust each other, putting loyalty and honesty at the head of the family.
  5. Vladimir. The foundation of such a union is love, fidelity, mutual understanding, similarity of life views, when human relations prevail over material values.

It is better to avoid representatives of the stronger sex, called Sergey, Lev, George, Alexander, Stanislav, Annushka - they do not bode well for her.

Talismans and amulets for girls named Anna

Symbols recommended by astrologers for Anyut as security talismans:

  1. The stones are opal and ruby. The first symbolizes compassion, the second - gives energy.
  2. Animals - lynx and hare.
  3. The tree is rowan.
  4. The flower is an aster.
  5. Berry - blueberry.
  6. The metal is copper.

A happy day for Anyuta is Wednesday, a good time of the year is summer. The planet patronizing her is Proserpina, the cosmic patron is the stubborn and inventive Uranus, the element is fire, the sign of the zodiac is Virgo, the talisman number is 5.

Summing up, it is worth mentioning the energy of the name. Although Anna cannot be called a very strong personality, no other can be compared with her in terms of stamina. There is little that can disturb Anya's inner balance. Her middle name is stability, it is she who helps the girl endure any troubles in life without any problems.