Online logic games frogs in the swamp. Outdoor game “Frogs in the swamp” for children of primary preschool age

05.08.2019 Education

This is a game for fans logic games, the game Frog in the Swamp will help you develop logical thinking and just help you have a good time. At first glance, the game will seem easy to you, but then various difficulties will appear. To win you need to make sure that the frogs jump over each other and switch places. At first there is nothing complicated, but there is only one free pebble, and the frogs can only jump over one, and this is where the whole difficulty lies, how to make sure that they all end up in their places. This game has a very good effect on mental abilities and makes you think about the game. If you like challenging tasks, then this game is for you. Control is carried out only with the mouse; use it to click on the frogs and they will start jumping. And if you get stuck and can’t continue the game, start all over again using the little red arrow, which is located in the bottom left corner. Click on this arrow and your path will start over. Before you start the game, think carefully about your moves, and you will definitely find the most correct solution. This is a flash game that will not leave you indifferent and you will want to play and play it constantly. We wish you good luck in this exciting game Frog in the Swamp.

The game Frog in the Swamp is controlled with the mouse and keyboard

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Elena Chuvilina

Outdoor game “Frogs in the swamp”

Purpose of the game. Teach children to walk forward on all fours and turn around and go back.

Material. Rubber, plastic or paper frogs, picture (little frogs).

Progress of the game.

The teacher invites the children to sit on the chairs. Then, at a distance of 4 meters from the children, he draws “Swamp”. The swamp lays out baby frogs around this. Then the teacher shows the children a picture about frogs. Asks the children: “What is shown in the picture? Who is this?" To consolidate what he saw, the teacher asks the children a riddle about frogs:

Summer in the swamp

You will find her

Green frog.

Who is this?. (Frog.)

The teacher invites the children to play with baby frogs. They get down on all fours, get to the “Swamp”, take the frogs, repeating “Kwa-kwa” and start playing with them. The teacher monitors the children so that when crawling on all fours, they do not forget to alternate the movements of their legs and arms, and arch their backs. Having played enough in the “Swamp”, the children leave their frogs and continue on all fours, returning back to the teacher. When children learn to perform game actions, “Swamp” can be laid out using materials: ribbons, ropes, gymnastic sticks, etc. But the task becomes more complicated for children. They will have to carefully crawl over the obstacle without hitting it. The game is repeated at the request of the children.

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Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

How to play - rules and description

Night, a swamp, six frogs on six stones!.. No, friends, this is not some kind of horror movie, this is a seemingly simple puzzle, but in practice, as it turned out, a complex puzzle. Look. There are 6 frogs, and 7 stones. On the left are three green frogs, on the right are three brown ones (real seasoned toads, probably).

Toads want to get on the frog stones, and the green ones dream of being on the toad stones. So what should I do? How to swap them? Try to guess! Frogs can jump onto the next stone in front or over each other, but only one at a time and through one at a time. None of them can jump back, they are simply not taught. So think about it. What else can you do at night in the swamp?!

Can download game FROGS IN THE SWAMP on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because it is always available here, you just need to open this page.

Take a break and play Online Games , which develop logic and imagination, allow you to relax pleasantly. Relax and take your mind off things!