Emma games online. Games about baby emma

30.06.2019 Food and drink

At one time, Tom the cat gained enormous popularity among players, so it is absolutely not surprising that numerous and very successful additions began to appear for the game, one of which you are seeing here in front of you. Here is the same virtual pet simulator, only aimed more at girls, however, there is no need to treat it badly, the male audience should also like this in any case. It cannot be said that the game has a clear gender division, and most of the entertainment that you can watch here will be suitable for a female audience, but nothing more.

As in most other similar simulators, you will get your hands on a funny pet, which you will need to take care of in the future. You need to walk your pet regularly and feed it. And also provide for all his other needs, and your ward will have a lot of the latter. So you will need to tinker with them a good portion of the time.

Initially, you will have a small kitten, but if you take good care of it, it will quickly grow into an adult cat. Of course, as in many similar simulators, you will have many opportunities in terms of changing the appearance of your ward; you will be able to buy for her a variety of clothes and accessories that will significantly change her appearance and will make the kitten extremely attractive just for you. Download My Talking Cat Emma for Android, you can do it solely for the sake of such opportunities, if you love virtual simulators, then you definitely won’t be able to remain indifferent when you see something like this.

In order to be able to buy a variety of things for your kitten, you need to take care of your internal currency reserves. You can get money in the game in one way, namely by playing numerous mini-games. They have been collected here for literally every taste, which is the main feature of the game; you can always find additional entertainment to suit your taste. It should also be added that, of course, you will have to try to accumulate the required amount of domestic currency to buy the most expensive things, but in any case it is quite possible to save money.

In terms of external design, the game turned out to be excellent, both the graphics and sound were very well done. good level. In addition, the game can please you in that it turns out to be absolutely undemanding; you can play it fully using even frankly old devices, without experiencing significant inconvenience in the process. So you can quickly see for yourself that it is worth your attention.

If you are a big fan of this wonderful game series about talking pets, then you definitely know about Oscar and Emma. When you can download My Pregnant Talking Cat Emma for Android, you will find out very unexpected news, because these two pets will soon acquire small wonderful kittens. Now Emma is pregnant and she will really need your help and care. Please take care of her so that her future offspring develop in complete comfort and then you will learn more about talking pets. In addition to Oscar and Emma, ​​there will be a lot of other characters from this famous line of games. You will need to regularly take Emma to the doctor to inquire about her health and start collecting gifts in advance; the babies that will appear in the near future will be very happy. Try it for yourself, experience all the difficulties of being pregnant with a cat. Get unlimited amounts of enjoyment and enjoyment from this game with your pets. There are a variety of animals here, ready for new adventures. Help them, communicate with them and learn a lot of new things. Now all the comfort and convenience of pregnant Emma will depend only on your caring hands and love.

Emma the cat is pregnant

A pregnant talking cat needs a good friend more than ever, and that could be you if download My Pregnant Talking Cat Emma for android. With each new time, the gameplay about talking animals becomes even more interesting and exciting. A lot of new things are happening in their lives and Emma was no exception. Now this beautiful and kind pet will be able to give birth to three babies who will be affectionate and kind. The main thing is to provide the cat with care and attention during pregnancy. Together with her, you will need to visit doctors, and do an ultrasound and many other checks that will show the condition of the cat and future offspring.

Take care of your pet

If you download My Pregnant Talking Cat Emma on Android you can get great amount a variety of functions and entertainment options. This way you can talk to this cute cat on any topic, and she will repeat everything you say, but in a funny voice. Thanks to this, you can cheer yourself up and laugh. While waiting for the replenishment, the player will have to collect gifts and surprises that the born kittens will receive and, of course, on this occasion they will need to throw a luxurious party.

- a game in which you can feel like parents while caring for your baby. Play with the little girl, bathe and feed her, go to the doctor together. A cute child will appreciate your affection and reciprocate your affection

Video available:

Do you want to be mom or dad? Do you want to take care of your child, dress the baby beautifully and play with him? This game will open up these possibilities for you and more. As the girl grows up, new opportunities will be available to you - watch how the baby transforms.
Game process
Your task is to take care of the little girl and play with her. The game takes place in five locations: bedroom, kitchen, bath, playground and doctor's office. You will perform all parental responsibilities: feed the baby, put her to bed, bathe her, take her to the doctor and entertain her with educational games. There are also exciting mini-games to keep you entertained. Slice fruit in a Fruit Ninja style game, decorate cupcakes, catch a mole and solve puzzles - these arcade games will keep you entertained

Game Features:
simple and clear controls;
child development and maturation;
playing with the baby, buying toys and clothes;
entertaining mini-games;
bright graphics.
If you are already parents, install the My Emma game on your child’s tablet. It will develop your child's sense of family and motherhood, especially the game will interest girls - expectant mothers.
Stylish update
There is now a wide choice in the game fashionable clothes for your baby. Buy her Nice dress and choose stylish accessories. The game will form the makings of a child’s sense of style and taste.
Unlock new levels and get unique prizes - the baby deserves the best: warmth and affection.

My Talking Cat Emma is a game made in the genre of a pet simulator, here you will have to take a cat under your wing, and then care for and educate her. The game is far from the first in the series, if anyone didn’t guess, it appeared first talking tom, but since it turned out to be extremely successful, the creators did not waste time and created many similar games.


You won’t see a special plot in the game; you just get your pet, which is quite helpless and cannot survive without your help. In this regard, you simply won’t see any differences from dozens of similar analogues, but at the same time, let’s speak frankly, they are not needed here, people love pet simulators, frankly, that’s not why.


The game was more designed for a female audience, and therefore the entertainment here was mostly intended for girls. You can take care of your pet, dress him in a wide variety of outfits, bathe him, feed him and just play. As in many similar games, if you stop caring for it regularly, your pet may even die. There is also something like a beauty salon where you can give your pet a great hairstyle and makeup. Girls already exclusively for the sake of such an opportunity download My Talking Cat Emma for android totally worth it. In addition, in the game you can purchase a wide variety of accessories, decorating both the home and the pet itself. For many purchases you will need internal currency, but it is not particularly difficult to get it. To do this, play numerous mini-games and for completing them you will receive internal currency. For some particularly expensive purchases, it will be quite difficult to save money, but it is quite possible.

Features of My Talking Cat Emma

The game boasts excellent graphics, it is cartoonish, but very cute, you will not find any serious flaws here. The soundtrack matches the game, it is very cheerful and quite pleasant, it has no flaws. The variety of mini-games is also pleasing; they turned out to be very different from one another, so some are perfect for small children, while others will appeal even to adults. The game has a lot of possibilities, so it can drag on for a long time, unfortunately, in addition to the advantages, there are also disadvantages, which cannot be ignored. The main disadvantage is that although the game is shareware, there are many paid features. Moreover, they, as a rule, look quite nice, so children may not be able to resist spending money on them; it is better for parents not to forget about such a danger.

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. Therefore, be patient. Everything will be loaded soon :)

Baby Emma at play I finally received my own amazing room as a gift from my parents! But, since the events in the game are developing in modern times, the baby is ready to actively participate, not only in calling a virtual master, who is a room designer, to the house, but also in many other things! Little ones will see many interesting game categories, each of which should be looked at more closely! The heroine of the game is already ready to meet the little ones in her own new paradise at my parents' estate. Maybe this little girl would also like to give designers some advice? In any case, you shouldn’t disdain them, since every master should have respect for tiny clients. After all, children are no different from adults, especially in modern times! To decorate this amazingly beautiful children's room, you can use a lot of decorations and interesting furniture.

Participants of the game will find everything that can please their hearts! A mirror in a women's room is a must-have element of the interior, isn't it? The same can be said about lamps, cabinets and paintings. In general, in the most diverse departments of the game, girls will be able to find, quite possibly, even more than they expect. Participants in the game should like modern furniture. After all, this interior really looks stylish and fashionable, which is why you can create any atmosphere in the room that your little ones want!

We must not forget that good paintings can turn any room into an example of coziness and comfort. So you shouldn’t deprive the heroine of the game of pleasure, to enjoy looking at the masterpiece of art hanging on her wall in the children’s room! You just need to choose the one that can excite beyond belief the imagination of the participants in the game. You should also not forget that some objects can narrow space, while others, on the contrary. In any case, a table in such a room is a must, because kids love to be creative! And where there is such a cool table, you also need a comfortable chair! IN game - baby Emma You can liven up your room with amazingly beautiful plants. In general, here little ones will find everything they need to create impeccable decor! And let that pleasant smile never leave Emma’s face! It’s so nice to have your own corner in the house, like a baby, already quite an adult, and with the same rights as your parents, and not like a bird!