Why dream of choosing a beautiful dress. What does a dress mean in a dream (interpretation according to Magini’s dream book)

If you dream that you are choosing a dress, it is very important whether it is new or not. New clothing prophesies new acquaintances or a change in social circle, maybe in professional activity. By choosing from other people's things, you expose yourself to the danger of becoming a liar or an envious person. If the dress you choose is white or a wedding dress, it means that you will not escape misfortune soon. If you do not make this choice for yourself, the other person will have troubles due to your indirect fault.

According to Freud

This dream book claims that choosing a dress in reality means being unsure of the correctness of your behavior in a particular environment. Perhaps you are being insincere with someone in order to arouse more interest in them. Or, on the contrary, you think that your usual behavior will not interest your chosen one, and you try to play someone else’s role. Consider your behavior before it is too late to change it.

According to Miller

According to this interpretation, you can understand why you dream about choosing a dress by figuring out what kind of dress it is. If you abandon the old-fashioned style in favor of a modern one, you will have a new environment or love affair. Choosing a white dress, including a wedding dress, is unlucky. Choosing a dress from someone else's used clothes means deception awaits you. They may deceive you, but there is a possibility that you will also hide something. If in a dream you choose a dress for yourself because you have no other clothes, then in reality you will have to restore your reputation.

According to Juno

If you dreamed of choosing a dress, this may mean that you will soon communicate with new people about whom you know nothing. If there are many dresses in front of you, and you don’t know which one to choose, you may be unfairly slandered.

According to Tsvetkov

If you have a dream where choosing a dress is pleasant and interesting, this means that you will soon achieve respect in professional circles. If you chose and bought a dress without enthusiasm, you will soon envy someone equal. Perhaps this is an employee or a rival. Try on a lot of dresses, but don't buy them - bad sign. This means either you will compare yourself too much with others, or you will completely copy someone else, abandoning your own personality. Don't make these mistakes.

Such stories are often dreamed of by girls who love to go shopping and constantly choose clothes for themselves. They can make such a choice in their sleep, so it is not surprising that during a night’s rest they continue to actively search for outfits, which has nothing to do with prophetic dreams.

If you are thinking about which dress to choose and continue to do the same in your dream, the dream book does not interpret the dream.

If the dreamer does not face such a problem, then what does such a night vision mean? Here's what modern interpreters write about it.

General meaning of the symbol

Clothes in a dream indicate changes, a change in image and behavior. It can also indicate the material level of one’s life, the transition from wealth to poverty and vice versa.

For a girl, an outfit indicates a chance for changes in life or behavior, the ability to present herself beautifully and interestingly.

Therefore, try to remember what dress you chose in your dream, and what your mother or friend advised. It also matters whether it was new or not. If the toilet was not new, remember who it belonged to.

Not only the price of the outfit matters, but also the material from which it was made, the size and character. A luxurious evening dress is dreamed of for an important event or some kind of celebration. If your activity involves using such outfits every day, the dream book indicates that you will take on a new role.

For some girls, such a dress predicts a holiday, a date or an invitation to visit. The size indicates whether events that will happen in your life belong to the past or future.

If the outfit turns out to be small or inappropriate for your age and style of clothing, the dream means that you will not be able to accept the change. Fulfillment of a wish late will not make you happy.

And, conversely, a large outfit means that you have not matured to an important moment in your own life and cannot take advantage of the circumstances. The price shows how ready you are to accept change and act in response to circumstances.

In the shop

New outfits symbolize opportunities to improve your situation, to acquire something important and necessary. A dream in which you choose a dress for yourself indicates that you want to change something. The wardrobe and variety of clothing indicate the new horizons that life provides the dreamer.

If the store’s products are pleasant and you like them, then soon the girl will have a chance to change her own life. She can not only grow up and change her outlook on life, but also acquire important and necessary skills.

For example, get a job Good work, start a hobby that will eventually become a profession or accept the courtship of a new guy. If the choice in the store was small or there were no clothes in your size, this dreams of a monotonous life, lack of opportunities, especially if you don’t like the outfits.

When interpreting a dream about dresses, you should pay close attention to the image, color and style of the outfit.

It hints not only at the circumstances of your life, but also at how the girl will present herself, including how she will behave with men.

Choosing an outfit for daily wear in a dream means changes in your usual life. A strict and business dress indicates isolation and a new job, which will have a strict dress code.

But if such a turn is unlikely in the dreamer’s life, such a strict dress symbolizes a closed and non-sexual manner of communication. Especially if your mother insists on such a purchase, and you actively resist. When you dream that a seller is imposing such a dress, you will have to hide your feelings. Sometimes such a dream predicts grief, great experiences and poverty. Choosing a knitted and sexy dress for daily wear means a desire for comfort, constant and warm relationships. Such a dream symbolizes the desire to build relationships with loved ones, warmth and attention.

But if the outfit turns out to be too heavy and uncomfortable to wear, beware of lung and heart disease. If a teenager who is accustomed to revealing and sexy short dresses has such a dream, circumstances will force him to grow up early. Your views on many things can change dramatically.

If you dreamed that you chose a short and bright dress, this means a desire for attention. Choosing such an outfit to your liking is a sign of change. The girl dreams of sexual relationships, a new admirer, looseness and reciprocal love.

But if you were not comfortable in such an outfit, although a friend actively recommended it, do not try to change yourself. In life, such attire will not bring good luck. Does it matter whether you bought the dress at the market or in a store? Yes.

Dresses from a fashion boutique predict an easy and prosperous life for you.

Choosing clothes at the market is a sign of gossip and gossip. Most likely, others will judge you. Sometimes a dream indicates that you need to not listen to anyone and form your own opinion.

Nature of choice

Dreaming of an evening dress signifies changes in personal life. But if your profession is related to artistic activity, a new dress indicates a happy turn of events, a fresh contract or events that will give you a lot of joy. Buying a dress you like without trying it on means a hasty decision.

Modern books indicate that you will be unhappy with what is happening or try to eat the forbidden fruit.

If you dreamed that you chose a sexy lace translucent dress for the evening, expect to fall in love and romantic feeling. Such a dream indicates joy, love and pleasant changes in your personal life.

Choosing clothes for some occasion is a sign of change. Most often, such dreams reflect your worries and worries, fears of not living up to the celebration.

Buying a dress for prom, if you are not concerned about any problem, is a sign of growing up soon. Such a dream is a dream about a close date, new love or the fulfillment of a wish. Sometimes a dream symbolizes the fulfillment of an old dream or a new aspiration and desire.

If you choose a long and expensive dress, this is a sign of growing up soon. But if the clothes you like turn out to be the wrong size or too expensive, this means trouble and failure to fulfill your desire.

Stealing it from a store is a prohibited action that will not be approved by others. Sometimes unmarried girl this dream predicts an affair with a married man.

Use and choose a silk or satin evening dress for a luxurious life or a celebration. Remember its color and style. A long one predicts a celebration, an invitation to a holiday and bright events in life, a short one predicts love and sexual relationships, especially if it is lace and red.

A scarlet festive dress is dreamed of for the attention of others. You will be able to express yourself and show your best abilities. If your favorite color is pink or crimson, the dream foreshadows light flirting and coquetry. Especially if your shoes are the same shade.

A silver and gold outfit signifies vanity. Buying it and wearing it means you want to stand out from the crowd. Such a dream does not predict changes in your personal life and in the material sphere, but indicates the envy of others.

A white dress hints at purity of thoughts and the desire for tenderness. If it looked like a wedding, then you will be happy.

A black outfit symbolizes severity, solemnity, closeness and mourning. Wearing it means isolation and protest. But if you liked the dress in orange, lemon or blue color, look forward to relaxation and entertainment.

A store with such bright clothes symbolizes tempting offers that may confuse you. Dark shades make you withdrawn and reserved, and clothes in sand and brown shades predict illness, especially if it is unpleasant for you.

Someone else's dress

Secretly taking someone else's dress from the closet is a sign of imitation. Sometimes a dream indicates that you will seduce someone else's boyfriend or man. If your sister or friend catches you in the act of a crime, beware of exposure. The dreamer's secret thoughts and plans will be revealed.

Trying on the dress and the story in place means abandoning your intentions. To decorate it is to take advantage of someone else’s happy occasion or favorable circumstances. Such a dream indicates victory in competition.

If a friend or another girl secretly tries on your dress, beware of her envy. Dreaming of stealing clothes foretells meanness, betrayal of a loved one, and troubles. If the dress was returned to its place, victory will be on your side.

A summer sundress indicates romance and tenderness. Trying it on brings good memories. Such a dream symbolizes relaxation and entertainment in nature.

If the sundress doesn't fit or you don't like it, expect disappointment in love. This also means a dream in which you were disappointed in a dress that you considered beautiful and pleasing to the eye.

Almost every woman has dresses of different colors and styles in her wardrobe. In dreams, a girl can also see multi-colored outfits. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember what the dress from the dream looked like.

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    Key dream meanings

    A dream in which a woman had to choose an outfit can have very different and sometimes unexpected meanings:

    • Choosing a dress in a dream and immediately putting it on is a good omen. This promises unexpected profits, prosperity and success in the professional field.
    • According to modern dream book choosing a dress but not having time to try it on means a new romantic acquaintance, which could end with a marriage proposal.
    • Taking a long time to choose a dress in a store, getting lost in the assortment of goods, is a sign that the dreamer is unsure of herself. She needs to work on her self-esteem.
    • If in a night vision a girl decides to choose a beautiful evening dress made of expensive fabric, then in the near future she should expect a sharp rise up the career ladder. Another meaning of this dream foreshadows a stormy and passionate romance with a handsome and courteous man.
    • Seeing a new beautiful garment in a store window and admiring it means speedy execution a cherished dream or receiving good news from relatives.

    If the item of clothing you saw was dirty, shabby and in holes, then the dreamer should be more careful with her close circle. Someone is very jealous of her and will try to tarnish her reputation. Ripping apart your piece of clothing in a dream means unexpected material waste.

    Trying on clothes made of paper means profit; trying on clothes made of matting means disappointment. If a woman dreamed that the outfit she liked had too much neckline, then this foreshadows new things at home or the beginning overhaul housing.

    If you dreamed of wet clothes, then this indicates that the girl will find herself in an awkward situation. Putting on a crumpled outfit - the dream foretells the dreamer meeting a new man who will look after her beautifully.

    According to esoteric dream book a dress infested with fleas is not auspicious sign what's in close surroundings The dreamer has many gossipers and envious people. You should not tell strangers about your plans or desires.

    If a man dreams of his beloved putting on a new outfit, then this promises a big scandal with one of the dreamer’s relatives. Wearing women's clothes yourself is a sign of deception and disappointment.

    If a woman dreamed that she deliberately went on a diet and lost weight in order to wear Nice dress, then this foreshadows victory over a secret rival. This woman wants to destroy the dreamer's relationship with her lover.

    A wedding dress, despite all prejudices, promises the dreamer success and prosperity in all matters, especially in relationships with her beloved man.

    Losing a dress means unexpected expenses on a large scale. Taking off your outfit is a sign of an illness that can be diagnosed in time and serious complications can be avoided.

    Why do you dream about a long dress?

    Long dress in a dream promises a pleasant surprise. A woman will be surprised by someone's action or gift.

    According to psychological dream book a long outfit is a symbol of inner growth and spiritual enrichment. A girl should think about starting to practice yoga, study astrology, feng shui, and esotericism.

    If the chosen dress had a medieval style, this is a sign of the dreamer’s strong moral and physical fatigue. She should get proper rest. This will help you make a decision important issues with new forces. Seeing a carnival or ancient outfit in a dream means that an unexpected event will soon happen that will leave Nice memories.

    Buying an outfit in the style of the 60-70s means you may meet an unpleasant person from the dreamer’s past, whom she is trying not to remember.

    If you had a dream in which the dress was long and with beautiful embroidery elements, then this promises good news for the woman.

    What does the color of clothes mean?

    If a girl dreams that she chooses a certain dress color range, according to the dream book this may have a special meaning:

    • A multi-colored outfit portends a long journey.
    • A polka dot dress is a symbol of the fact that the girl is defenseless against the intrigues and gossip that envious women spread about her.
    • If the selected item of clothing was green, then the dreamer should believe that a white streak in life will soon come, and all troubles will be left behind.
    • A brilliant evening dress embroidered with gold promises a woman an acquaintance with a rich groom who will beautifully woo her. Subsequently, this man will become a reliable support and support for the dreamer.

    Why do you dream of a yellow dress?

    Dreaming with yellow dress portends a girl meeting an interesting person who will be close to her in spirit.

    According to the modern dream book, a yellow outfit is an unfavorable sign. This promises deception and betrayal on the part of close friends or a loved one. If a woman dreams that she is returning yellow clothes to the store, then this foreshadows a break in relations with her significant other.

    If you dreamed of a blue outfit?

    If a girl dreams of a blue dress, she should be wary of deception and fraud. According to English dream book a blue dress portends deep romantic experiences and a feeling of falling in love.

    What does the pink dress mean?

    If a girl dreams of a pink dress, then the night vision tells the girl that in her immediate circle there is a person who will always help out in difficult times. Therefore, it is worth taking a close look at the people with whom the dreamer often communicates.

    A pink dress in a dream promises a quick promotion up the career ladder, and accordingly growth wages. According to Miller's dream book, a pink dress means the dreamer's victory over her internal complexes and increased self-esteem.

    Other colors

    If the dress in a dream was gray, then this promises a woman hard work to ensure her financial independence.

    Many girls dream of a red dress. The interpretation of a night vision with a red dress depends on the emotions that arose in the dreamer. If she looked at him with admiration, then a fateful romantic meeting awaits her soon. If the outfit caused a feeling of anxiety and fear, then this warns the girl that she should avoid casual acquaintances.

    Thanks to the outfits I dreamed about of blue color, the girl will understand that she needs to learn to be more down-to-earth and look at things realistically. This will help avoid bitter disappointments in the future.

    A black outfit indicates that in the near future the girl may be overcome by blues and depression. In order to overcome sadness, apathy and fatigue, you should rest more.

    Clothes in light beige colors promise a long and harmonious relationship with your soulmate, which will end with a trip to the registry office.

    A white toilet promises an acquaintance with a very promising man.

    An orange dress portends rapid advancement up the career ladder.

    What does sewing a new outfit portend?

    If a woman dreams that she is sewing a festive outfit and it turns out to be extremely beautiful, then this is a favorable sign that promises changes in life for the better.

    If a woman sewed a black robe, then this indicates her lack of confidence in herself and her strengths. It is worth seriously working on increasing your self-esteem.

    A girl is sewing a dress, but she can’t achieve the desired result? Soon the dreamer will face obstacles that she will be able to overcome thanks to the support of her loved one.

    Sewing a wedding dress for an unmarried dreamer predicts nice meeting you with a young man who will soon become her husband. Married woman such a night vision portends a calm and harmonious family life.

    If in a dream a woman sees how a new dress is being sewn for her, but she does not like it at all, then this promises bitter disappointment and betrayal of her significant other or problems in the professional sphere.

    Sewing a short dress is an unfavorable sign that can foreshadow problems at work, in the family, with friends. To sew decorations to the floor - a dream warns a woman that she will soon be unfairly accused of something.

    According to the modern dream book, sewing a dress that turns out to be crooked is an unfavorable sign, foreshadowing changes for the worse. In order to withstand all adversities, you will need to spend a lot of time and effort.

    If a woman had to cut a dress rather than sew it in a dream, then this is a warning that the dreamer will soon have to sort out her relationship with close relatives or her beloved man.

    If you happen to try on a tailored outfit, this is a sign that the girl is surrounded by a rival and envious person who is trying to interfere with the dreamer’s plans.

Dreaming someone else's dress in a dream - to seduce a person who does not belong to you. Such a connection will not bring anything good.

Lots of dresses According to the dream book, there will be no end to the gentlemen, you can be sure.

The dress is too big- I want more from my loved one, reliability and stability. Small- you have already outgrown this stage of the relationship, you are cramped within this framework and want changes. Children's– irresponsibility and defenselessness, the position of a small child.

What happened to the dress in the dream

See yourself in a dress according to the dream book, it means to have some kind of relationship, details of which can be found out by interpreting the symbols accompanying the dream.

Put on a dress (put on)- have a relationship with a man. Take off- separation.

Trying on a dress (measuring, fitting) in a dream - desire a relationship with a guy. Choose a dress(in a store, for example) - soon you will be faced with a choice of which gentleman you should prefer.
Buy a dress (buy, purchase)- Magini’s dream book assures: rest assured, your charms made the proper impression on the desired object.

You in a dream gave a dress (receive as a gift)- someone will introduce you to interesting person. Give a dress- to spend a little time as a “pimp” yourself.

Steal dress - to take away someone else's passion.

Search dress in a dream - in reality you are in search of a soul mate. Lose- take the wrong step, which will suddenly cause a breakup.

Sew outfit - interpretation according to the dream book - make efforts to conquer a representative of the stronger half of humanity.

Wash dress - trying to restore a damaged reputation and a good relationship. Ironing is a change of place of residence and/or social circle.

Dance in a dress - make love. If the hem develops in beautiful waves in the dream, sensual passion will give you great pleasure.

Other dreams about a dress

Man in a dress female dreams of non-standard manifestations of feelings or “unmasculine” actions on the part of the stronger sex.

If you had a dream about inside out dress, then such visions mean washing dirty linen in public, revealing secrets that should not be made public.

See in a dream dress on a woman- there is gossip about your personal connections. I dreamed about it girl in dress (girl)– look at the interpretation of the accompanying symbols. Girlfriend in a dress– your last novel caused jealousy or envy.