Interesting facts about human psychology. You didn't know this about yourself! How to determine the psychology of human behavior by facial expressions and gestures

13.10.2019 Career and Work

Human psychology- this is a series of actions and inactions that can tell both about the character and about possible reactions to various situations.

Knowing what a certain movement or gesture means, you can easily find mutual language with your interlocutor. After all, it will immediately become clear what his character is, how he can react in any situation.

The simplest thing that can be understood by behavior is whether your interlocutor is lying to you or not. Certain gestures and facial expressions will immediately show you that you should not trust the story. Typically, this behavior is indicated by frequent blinking, looking away, reddening of the cheeks, and beads of sweat on the forehead.

It’s very easy to predict a person’s character by their behavior. Shy people try to hide their hands during a conversation, often cover their faces, and look away from the interlocutor. Such a person will stand with his legs crossed and his arms folded on his chest, thereby protecting himself as much as possible from the outside world.

It is very easy to predict how any person will react in a given situation. Having studied the psychology of gestures and facial expressions, after just a couple of minutes of conversation you will know everything about the possible outcomes of communication. You will also understand what mood your opponent is in, what is best to say and what is not worth saying. The main things you should pay attention to first of all are:

  • sight;
  • smile;
  • eyes;
  • gestures;
  • voice timbre;
  • facial expressions.

A strong, self-confident person can be seen immediately. He will have broad shoulders, a confident gait, with his arms crossed behind his back and a relaxed gaze that clearly concentrates on a specific object.

You can learn about a person’s aggressive mood very quickly; this is indicated by clenched hands and clearly expressed dissatisfaction on the face. At such moments, it is better to stop the conversation completely and try to say goodbye without getting nervous.

Don't like being deceived? Of course not. After all, everyone is more pleased to hear the truth, whatever it may be. But is it as easy to say as it is to perceive? Once you lie once, it is impossible to stop. Getting used to living in an imaginary world, deceiving someone becomes the goal and meaning of the coming day. Since it so happens that modern world cannot live without lies, try to learn to recognize them. Lies accompany us everywhere. Starting from family and friends, ending with TV screens. Of course, it is difficult to understand when a news announcer is telling a lie, because it is his job to read a text that has already been invented by someone. But when communicating with friends, a salesperson in a store, or just random people you meet, you can practice. A deceitful person will try in every way to convey to you that he is right. Usually, such a narration can be very brief, because this story still needs to be remembered, so as not to give yourself away in the future. The conversation can also be in a slow rhythm, so that the liar has the opportunity to think out how else he can deceive or embellish the events.

You can cheat in different ways. You can simply say the opposite, you can embellish negative events. Many people believe that if they did not tell something, then it is not considered a lie. On the contrary, keeping silent about an event is the most popular deception among the population. This can also be understood very simply. If you guess that they are not telling you, start asking leading questions. If the interlocutor tries to avoid answering, looking away, starting to get nervous, know that he is hiding something serious from you.

As you begin to study how most people react to different types of conversations, you will begin to notice many signs in yourself. When this is clear, you will be able to control your gestures, facial expressions, and no psychologist will understand what you really are like. Human behavior consists of a series of habits that he repeats day after day and, as a result, no longer notices many of his reactions to what is happening. When you try to control yourself, you will understand that it is not at all necessary to cross your arms or scratch your head when talking. You can absolutely calmly listen to your interlocutor, immediately putting together a complete picture of his character and future behavior. This way you will be able to find an approach to anyone, because everyone likes it if they are spoken to in a manner similar to theirs. And having won over a person, it is very easy to achieve the desired outcome of the conversation.

A truthful person will not be ashamed of his story, he will talk without stopping, because he will not have to invent anything during the course of the story. Of course, if the truth turns out to be not as sweet as everyone would like, there will be little joy on the face, you will notice a lowered gaze and hands hidden behind the back. But you can understand that this story is not a lie from the first minute.

Learning to determine behavior by gestures and facial expressions will be useful to you almost every day. After all, the same deception awaits you everywhere. At the market, in a department store, in the news, in a friend’s story about a caring husband, and in many other situations.

When the interlocutor is always busy with some extraneous things during a conversation, this is the very first sign of disrespect and reluctance to communicate with you. In this way, he shows that it is better for you to shut up and not continue, because he does not like what you are saying.

Knowing all the possible reactions to individual situations, you can calmly manipulate people, achieving the desired result and the necessary information from the conversation. Therefore, it is worthwhile to approach any communication more carefully, firstly, so that they cannot deceive you or impose their opinion, and secondly, so that time is not wasted and the conversation is not in vain.

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Human psychology very complex and mysterious. People don't always say what they really mean.

Various conditions force them to hide their true feelings: fear of losing a job or friendship, desire to gain benefits, etc.

In order to understand the true intentions of an individual, it is enough to study the basics nonverbal communication, that is, the language of gestures and facial expressions.

What it is?

Body language, gestures and facial expressions refer to means of nonverbal communication.

It has been scientifically proven that a person can speak up to 40 thousand words every day.

However, it is very difficult to communicate only with words. Gestures and facial expressions reinforce human speech, and sometimes completely replace it.

Nonverbal communication is involuntary, it cannot be controlled. Therefore, an attentive interlocutor will always be able to notice falsehood in communication. Gestures and facial expressions contain the following types of signs:

  1. Physiological. This is redness, trembling, excitement and other reactions that are not subject to consciousness.
  2. Unconscious gesticulation: shaking the leg, rubbing the face, etc.
  3. Conscious signals: gestures, facial expressions used to convey information.

Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication in psychology is called non-verbal communication, that is, communication using facial expressions, gestures, intonation, and body movements.

Knowledge of nonverbal language allows you not only to better understand your interlocutor, but also to find out his attitude to what was said even before he expresses it in words.

Thus, non-verbal communication performs the following functions:

Nonverbal communication is of the following types:

  1. Kinesic. This is a unique set of gestures, poses, and facial expressions that must be interpreted unambiguously. These signs are an expression of a particular culture.
  2. Tactile signs. These are touches that are used in fairly close communication (friendly, loving, professional).
  3. Sensory perception. Communication is based on the perception of smells, tastes, colors, etc.
  4. . Involves the expression of voice timbre, intonation, and rhythm of speech when communicating.
  5. Proxemics. Communication is assessed in terms of the distance between interlocutors. Distance can be personal, professional and public.

In everyday communication, a person tries to understand his interlocutor, first of all, by gestures and facial expressions. The science that studies such communication is called physiognomy.

Ambiguous body language

Why is body language ambiguous?

In the process of communication, a person perceives not individual words or gestures, but complete picture.

What the interlocutor is not saying can be understood by his facial expression or movements.

However, sign language not always clear. For example, crossed arms in psychology mean secrecy and distance. But a person can simply freeze, so he wraps his arms around himself.

If a person rubs his nose or forehead, this is interpreted as him lying. But he may just have a headache or an itchy nose. Yawning is not always a sign that you are bored. Perhaps there is simply not enough oxygen in the room.

Also, many scammers have learned to use nonverbal means to deceive. A sincere and open look, a smile bribes the victim and misleads him.

At the same time, a person in an unfamiliar environment may behave stiffly and strictly, and may hide under arrogance, but this does not indicate his bad attitude towards others.

The meaning of gestures

Interpret gestures and facial expressions correctly you can learn.

This will require some experience and theoretical knowledge.

If we discard some nuances, then in psychology there is a certain interpretation of gestures and facial expressions, by which one can draw conclusions about the interlocutor and his attitude.

Human leader

A leader can always be identified by his non-verbal signs. His gestures are always unambiguous, precise and expressive.

Basic psychological signs of a leader:

  1. Firm handshake. A confident person's hand is always on top; he is the first to finish the handshake.
  2. Various attributes. Leaders very often hold a pen in their hand with which they point.
  3. Gestures of dominance. If a leader crosses his arms, his thumbs will always point up. This is a testament to his leadership position.
  4. Clear and monosyllabic gestures. A confident person never picks his nose, rubs his forehead, or straightens his clothes. His movements are clear and monosyllabic.

Signs of deceit

How to detect a lie by facial expressions and gestures? That the interlocutor is insincere, certain signs indicate:

  1. Rubbing your nose and eyes while talking.
  2. Relaxation of scarf, collar.
  3. Looking away to the side. A sincere interlocutor always looks another person in the eye.
  4. A trembling, uncertain voice or, on the contrary, rapid speech, as if in a rote manner.
  5. An involuntary smile is out of place, which betrays excitement.
  6. Fussy movements, shifting objects on the table.

Communication between a man and a woman

Perhaps most often, nonverbal means of communication are used in communication between a man and a woman. This happens unconsciously because people liking each other, express it in words.

Some gestures and facial expressions are innate; they were used by distant ancestors to attract the opposite sex.

Ways to express male sympathy

What are a man's gestures if he likes you?

Men are secretive and shy creatures. Often they do not express their sympathy for a woman out of modesty or fear of rejection.

A woman can understand that she is by the following non-verbal signs:

  1. Constant presence nearby. In some incomprehensible way he finds himself in in the right place and at the right time to help.
  2. Smile when meeting. If you like a girl, then a man cannot contain his joy when he sees her.
  3. Observation. Men love with their eyes, so they constantly look at the object of their affection. However, upon seeing that he is caught, the young man looks away out of embarrassment.
  4. Changing speech. A person in love will speak hesitantly, stammer or speak out of place.
  5. Nervous behavior. When communicating, a man will fidget with his tie, rearrange objects on the table, and straighten his clothes.
  6. Reduced voice tone.
  7. Violation of personal space. A man tries to be closer to a woman, to touch her. He strives to help pack things and give coats.

Reading Women's Secrets

Women are much more likely than men to use body language and facial expressions. This happens due to the belief that a girl should not be the first.

Therefore, they often send various signs, provoking young man for the first step. She sends some signs unconsciously, while others quite consciously.

However, especially shy girls will hide your attitude in every possible way. You can understand that they have warm feelings for a man by some signs:

  • avoiding meetings, looking away;
  • deliberate rudeness, demonstration of indifference.

Examples of signs

Why does a person gesture when talking? To understand people and establish interpersonal relationships, it is important to know what gestures mean. If an individual during a conversation gesticulates vigorously, this means his emotional mood.

He is trying to enhance the meaning of his speech, to convey information to people's consciousness. Gestures are usually used when words alone are not enough.

Arms open for a hug signal a joyful mood. Aggression expressed through sharp short movements.

Basic speaking gestures used when communicating:

Sign language very versatile and interesting. It helps to better understand your opponent, build trust, or prevent danger.

After analyzing the movements and facial expressions of an individual, you can easily calculate his next actions. Non-verbal communication is often used by scammers and swindlers.

However, everyone can apply the acquired knowledge in everyday life. You should also reconsider your own habits. Perhaps the manner of keeping your hands in your pockets does not mean anything, but the interlocutor may interpret it incorrectly.

Let's say you don't know what to give your girlfriend. At the same time, you want to please her. What should you do to avoid making a mistake with a gift? There is a way out - the psychology of human behavior! Say that you have already bought a gift, but ask them to guess what it is.

Did you know that people with brown eyes can they love two people at the same time? Wherein blue eyed girls and men are capable of falling in love in just a few minutes.

According to statistics, in sports, judges more often punish athletes who wear black uniforms. Interesting?

In this case, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with 40 facts that will definitely be useful to you. Knowledge of psychology simplifies life and improves mutual understanding. Don't worry about forgetting them, because the human brain can remember about 300,000 memories in a lifetime!

Psychology of behavior - 40 interesting facts

First, let's look at the differences in the psychology of men and women, and start with the representatives of the “weaker sex”. This is interesting:

  1. Girls only need 45 seconds to evaluate a stranger;
  2. When in a store, women first pay attention to the shelves and then to the hangers. Subconsciously it seems to them that there is something interesting in any disorder;
  3. Women are better at parking cars than men;
  4. Statistics indicate that on average women have 4 sexual partners in their lifetime;
  5. Women don't scratch their heads because they don't like to show their confusion;
  6. It is easier to influence a girl if she experiences several emotions at the same time. For example, you will scare her with a loud “stop”, and then tell her in a calm voice that she has dropped something...
  7. Girls often have nightmares about caterpillars, spiders and worms. They are afraid of them, even the beautiful caterpillars;
  8. During sexual intercourse, any girl worries about how she looks;
  9. Girls need respect and recognition no less than men;
  10. When a woman feels bad, it’s enough to just listen. Then it will calm down, like a wave, and there will be calm. With hints and phrases: “you’re worried about nonsense,” you can end up in a tornado!

  1. 49% of men mistakenly believe that their girlfriends never pretend during intercourse;
  2. A half-dressed girl excites a guy more than a naked one;
  3. There is a stereotype that men pay attention to girls who are spoiled by attention. This really only applies to guys who don't have an opinion;
  4. Guys find it more difficult to do several things at once. Therefore, it is unlikely that a man will date several girls at the same time;
  5. All guys are scared by the phrase “we need to talk”;
  6. If it weren't important for girls appearance, most would wear the same clothes or no clothes for the rest of their lives;
  7. Not many guys understand transparent hints like: “go away,” when in reality you need to come up and apologize;
  8. If a man gets what he wants on the first date, the likelihood of a relationship is minimized;
  9. You can’t break up with a man trying to hurt his dignity. We will consider this as a challenge. It's better to propose marriage. Like “the wind will blow away.”
  10. After another quarrel, just tell them what’s bothering you. We don’t know how to read minds, so we won’t accept offense in any way.

Sometimes, there is a very lack of knowledge and understanding of gestures, facial expressions and movements. Hence the mistakes, deception, manipulation:

  1. If a person hides his eyes and wipes his nose, he is probably lying;
  2. If a person looks into your eyes and tries to remember something for a long time, he is trying to lie;
  3. If a person hesitantly pronounces a statement, and then looks sharply into the eyes, checks the reaction;
  4. A confident voice and correct presentation do not mean that they are telling you the truth. Watch your hand movements. When a person speaks the truth, he does not touch his face;
  5. More attractive people are less likely to commit crimes. There is a relationship between appearance and behavior;
  6. If someone rubs their ear when you speak, it means that they are not interested or unpleasant in listening to you;
  7. If a person scratches his arms, strokes his legs, looks at his sweater, looking at you, it means he has something to say, but does not dare;
  8. When a person tries to deceive, an internal conflict arises. This is clearly reflected in facial expressions. You will definitely notice. But sometimes mistakes occur due to looking too closely. Remember that your interlocutor may feel mistrust. In this case, you can no longer look at his gestures;
  9. On average, people lie 3 times in a 10-minute conversation;
  10. Actors are taught to lie. They can lie by straightening their palms, looking at the floor, without giving any signs of lying. Even fool the detector!

Understanding the psychology of human behavior is a complex, multi-stage process. But at the same time, he is incredibly curious and entertaining. Psychology, in general, is an amazing science: continuously developing, it never ceases to amaze with unexpected facts about human behavior. And delving deeper into this topic, many are ready to realize that we are not as aware of ourselves as we assume. As evidence, the site offers 15 irrefutable facts of this statement.

Psychological features of human behavior: facts for the curious

1. When people are tired, they become much more honest.
2. According to research, when modern man suddenly loses his phone, he panics so much that it can be compared with the experience of those people who experienced clinical death.
3. If someone feels rejection towards you, it can cause a feeling comparable to pain.
4. Today, dependence on social networks In some countries it is officially recognized as a mental disorder.
5. According to psychologists, people dream with their heads in the clouds 30 percent of the time. But this is actually a good thing, since it has been found that people who love to daydream are usually better able to cope with problems and, in addition, they are more creative.
6. Incredibly, blind people are not susceptible to developing schizophrenia.
7. Our subconscious, in fact, already knows all the answers to the questions that arise in our minds. You just need to learn how to carefully delve into its “storages”.
8. It turns out that when reading, it doesn’t matter at all to a person in what order the letters in words are arranged. The main thing is that the first and last letters of the word remain where they should be.
9. You may never have noticed this, but almost 80 percent of our communication is spent complaining.
10. A person feels much happier when he has something to do. And since being busy actually makes you feel positive, try to always find something to do!
11. Paradoxically, a person’s brain is better tuned to creative activity when he is tired.
12. It’s hard to believe, but our thoughts become more logical and orderly when we speak or think in a language that is not our native language.
13. Even positive events, such as graduating from college, a new job, or registering a marriage, can plunge us into the abyss of depression.
14. Contrary to popular belief, a person is not able to do several things at once, since our brain can only focus on one predominant function at a certain point in time. This indicates that we are still not given the ability to think about two different things at the same time.
15. Expert observations indicate that people with different colors eyes and fall in love at different speeds. So, blue-eyed people can have their hearts broken within a few minutes, brown-eyed people can fall in love with two people at once. But for Cupid’s arrow to hit the heart of the green-eyed, it takes a lot of time, often years. It is also known that people with all other eye colors are able to fall in love in only an hour.

There is much we still don’t know about ourselves. And the human psyche remains one of the most mysterious entities in the world. Despite the fact that today it is even possible to predict our behavior based on certain rules, a large layer of information about the psychology of human behavior still remains beyond the bounds of knowledge. Scientists continue to reveal themselves to us.

Why does this person act this way and not otherwise? What is behind his words? What is he really thinking about and what does he intend to do? What can you expect from him? Is he telling the truth? Can he be trusted?.. The man is mysterious... WAS. RECENTLY. Everything has changed.

Human psychology... Does it give an understanding of why people act this way and not otherwise? What's behind their words? What does each person really think about and what does each person intend to do? What can you expect from him? Is he telling the truth? Can he be trusted?..

The man is mysterious...


Everything has changed. You can see right through a person, literally reading his thoughts. The psychology of a person’s behavior from the first minutes of communication allows us to know all his ins and outs, including his sexuality: from how sexually active he is to the amplitude of coital movements he makes during sexual intercourse.

Oh yes, you can even know things about a person that he himself cannot even imagine. And you don't need to be clairvoyant for this.

I'm not kidding. Not mysticism. Not telepathy, not extrasensory perception, no. This is a reality that became possible thanks to the revolutionary discoveries of System-Vector Psychology - psychology about man and for man. This is the psychology of relationships between a man and a woman, the psychology of guys in relationships, child psychology and all other areas of human relationships.

Consciousness is just the tip of the iceberg of a psychic person. A person’s actions are a consequence, the causes of which are deep in the unconscious.

Human psychology is incomprehensible without understanding the unconscious, just as the effect is inexplicable without understanding the cause. It is in the unconscious that all programs and innate desires, called vectors, are hidden. And it is the vectors that determine the essence of a person, his destiny, way of thinking, sexuality, values ​​and place in society.

By recognizing this or that vector in a person, you learn almost everything about him. A simple and understandable psychology of relationships, whether it is a man or a woman in front of you, a friend or a boss, a child or an adult, will help both in a difficult situation and in solving simple and ordinary little things.

Eight Dimensional Reality

There are 8 vectors, 8 measures that distinguish us from each other. Psychology of behavior each individual person is determined precisely by his mental properties - vectors. Internally, we are as different from each other as externally a fish is different from a monkey, and a monkey is different from a bird. A bird man cannot act like a fish man. The psychology of relationships between men and women previously did not allow us to understand this, which is why it was almost impossible to solve problems and avoid troubles.

Because what is characteristic of one person is not characteristic of another. It is useless to compare a person with someone else, to demand from him what is unnatural for him. Previously, for girls, the psychology of guys in relationships was mysterious and incomprehensible; the idea of ​​it was built on their own experience, which often interfered with the success of new relationships and did not protect against past mistakes.

It is foolish to expect a person to do things that he cannot do by nature. System-vector human psychology allows you to understand all this and learn how to interact correctly with people, be it the development of relationships between a man and a woman or raising children.

Roots of the unconscious

comes, the relationship with them changes for the qualitatively better. Many problems disappear, such as children's thefts, uncontrollability, constant lies, stubbornness, inhibition;

the ability to prevent a child’s suicidal state, schizophrenia;

opportunity to protect a child from... You will recognize a pedophile at first sight;

there is an understanding of how you can realize yourself in society, what profession to choose;

relationships in marriage are improved - psychology of men and women, psychology family relations provide an opportunity to improve them;

the feeling of dissatisfaction with life disappears;

Heavy grievances go away, relationships with loved ones improve.

Still in doubt? See for yourself - free introductory lectures are already available. And you can start reading the first basics of what the psychology of relationships between a man and a woman provides online right now.

Proofreader: Valeria Starkova

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»