Evening makeup for a yellow dress. Yellow dress: choosing makeup.

18.06.2019 beauty

A girl in a yellow dress is simply doomed to everyone’s attention - after all, it looks very positive, festive, bright. However, you need to be prepared for scrutiny: every detail of the image must be thought out to the smallest detail. This applies to shoes, hairstyles, accessories, and makeup, of course..

Makeup and yellow dress

Makeup for a yellow outfit should be done so that the face does not appear too pale against the backdrop of dazzlingly bright clothes. At the same time, it should look quite natural and not provocative.

Yellow color is quite insidious, especially if it dominates the image. Therefore, makeup must be flawless. This is especially true for the skin - a yellow dress exaggerates every flaw. Pay due attention to cleansing your face. Don't neglect the base. Conceal dark circles under your eyes. Using corrector and tone, give your skin a perfectly even tone.

Keep in mind that the tone of the powder or foundation should not be too golden: the closer it is to your natural skin color, the better. Otherwise, your face will acquire an unhealthy yellowness, shaded by the dress.

It is better to emphasize cheekbones with a coral, brown, or beige shade of blush.

The girl is pure gold

Makeup in shades of gold, combined with a yellow dress, will add luxury and sophistication to your look. Use brown eyeliner to draw flirty wings and make your eyes more expressive.

To such a make-up would be better suited brown mascara, not blue-black. Highlight the outer corners of your eyes with a darker shade of gold. Highlight the area under the eyebrows with a small amount of sparkling white shadow. Paint your lips with coral gloss.

Keep in mind that excess gold and glitter in makeup in combination with a yellow dress is unacceptable. Firstly, shiny shadows tend to emphasize wrinkles on the delicate skin of the eyelids. Secondly, thanks to such a combination you will glow like a copper penny, and this is not always good.

Mysterious blue

Yellow + blue is one of the brightest and most harmonious color combinations. Makeup in shades of blue and a yellow dress will emphasize the freshness and harmony of young beauty.

Using a blue eyeliner, highlight the eyelid line and apply blue and light blue eyeshadow. Mascara – black. You should not overuse the blue color, choosing, in addition to eyeshadow, mascara of a similar shade. The lipstick color is as neutral as possible. Ideally, a transparent sheen.

Natural beige

Natural look is always trendy, so you can safely wear makeup in brown and beige tones without fear of missing a beat. Use a brown pencil and brown mascara to make your makeup even more natural.

When doing makeup in similar shades, you can focus on your lips by highlighting them with fuchsia lipstick. You should not do absolutely neutral makeup - in combination with a yellow dress, it will make you pale and deprive you of your natural colors.

Girl spring

The color of fresh greenery will harmonize perfectly with a dress of a lemon or golden hue. Green shadows will give the look openness, sincerity and flirtatiousness. Just choose really bright and fresh shades of shadows. Swamps in in this case not recommended. Lipstick – neutral beige, golden or transparent. One look at you will improve the mood of those around you.

Properly selected makeup will help you create a wide variety of looks based on a yellow dress - from flirty-feminine to downright sexy.

American artist Burnett Newman owns the phrase: “Women’s clothing is painting.” We will say more: not only clothes. Dress, makeup, hair color, time of day, event you are going to - all this needs to be managed wisely. In this article we will touch on the sphere of classic color combinations and talk about how to choose makeup to match the color of the dress.

White dress

White color is usually associated with such special events as graduation, wedding, diploma defense, and so on.

On the background white dress discreet makeup will look ideal, because this color is associated with purity and innocence.

You can safely experiment with white color, because almost the entire color gamut is combined with it (this color in the spectrum is the sum of all colors).

Make-up artists name purple, blue, beige, golden, and gray shades among the most advantageous.

The more natural the makeup looks, the better. It is important to consider skin color here. You shouldn’t overuse it with blush either. Avoid another extreme: foundation should not be too light. Lipstick: Try natural pink and beige tones. Dark and bright - with caution.

If you are a brunette, then it will be especially easy for you to achieve spectacular image. The foundation is selected as close as possible to your skin color; you can try applying it one shade darker. Add warm shades of blush and matching lipstick (to harmonize). It is advisable to apply eyeliner on the eyes to define the eyelid line.

For blondes, a foundation one tone lighter than your skin tone is suitable. Blush - peach color. Discreet makeup is achieved by combining pearlescent shadows and dark eyeliner. The highlight of this ensemble will be graceful arrows. It is better to take mascara in a brown or gray shade, which will help achieve more naturalness.

Black dress

Not only is a black dress an example of elegance, it is also visually slimming.

Under black dress Perfect for evening makeup. The image of a vamp woman is a classic, which includes two classic colors: red and black. This makeup looks especially good on brunettes and those with brown hair.

Add a couple of touches, for example - arrows and something else. This will take you to the unattainable heights of individual style. At the same time, you should not overdo it with rich shades of shadows, so as not to burden the image.

Natural makeup is an option for every day. It lies in the fact that, on the one hand, it would not be clearly noticeable, and on the other hand, it would give you a hidden charm a la nature. To do this, use a light version of foundation, which is evenly distributed over the skin.

It is better to take a shade one tone lighter than your natural color or the same as yours.

The eyebrow line is emphasized with shadows or a contour pencil that matches the hair color. Eyelashes are painted in one layer.

If you have time for more complex options, use shadows. If we are talking about daytime makeup, then there is nothing better than white or light beige shadows (shading goes over the entire upper eyelid). For evening, there are even more options: in this case, gray or black shades are a win-win; the use of shades of lilac gives excellent results. Distribute the light shade over the entire upper eyelid. The eye is marked dark along the outer corner, light at the inner corner, and the average values ​​are taken along the curve of the upper eyelid.

Beige is also suitable for a black dress. A beige-brown shade is for every day, bronze shades are for a holiday.

Eyeliner with black arrows is the simplest and fastest way to look impressive when wearing a black dress.

It is better to avoid blue color, as it will add unnecessary frivolity, and brown will look faded against the background of a black dress.

The thickness and shape of the arrows depends on the shape of the eyes. Straight - for a narrow cut. The almond-shaped incision implies a large number of options, here you can experiment. Round eyes go well with wide, slightly curled arrows. If you try to apply different shades of eyeshadow, you can achieve the “smoky eye” effect.

Blue dress

It all depends on the season and the format of the event. Let's argue by contradiction. Eat general rule What to avoid:

  • Heavy makeup
  • Leave all these matte lipsticks with two layers of gloss, shadows on the entire surface of the eyelids for another occasion. Heavenly color loves lightness;
  • Bright colors
  • No golden lipstick, orange eye shadow or copper blush;
  • Gothic make-up
  • Dark lipstick, extravagant makeup... not in this case. Unless you're going to a themed party.

For special occasions, make-up in neutral tones is suitable.

Peach blush, red-coral lipstick. For everyday use, discreet blush is good - pink or tea rose color. Natural pink lipstick. For the summer period, blush and lipstick are chosen to be natural, not pretentious.

Blue dress

What do you associate with blue vestments? With wizards and wizards? We also. In addition, blue has a calming effect and puts you in a philosophical mood.

In order not to destroy the magical charm, when applying makeup, be guided by the color of the dress.

Saturated blue - the makeup should be bright, blurred blue, blue-white - then the makeup should be soft and natural colors. Even out your complexion with mousse and concealer. A thick blue dress looks especially good against a dark complexion. It’s also a good idea to make the arrows with black eyeliner. Bright red lipstick will suit a brunette.

When choosing makeup for a blue dress, the principle of contrasts works. Orange color- the antipode of blue, it extinguishes excessive coldness. Gray shadows look good with a blue dress.

When choosing shadows, pay attention to golden, reddish, terracotta, peach shades. Colors for blush: dark, burgundy, cold pink (depending on skin tone). You can try pearlescent shadows.

It’s good when lipstick and lip gloss are the same color as the eye shadow. The following colors are not recommended for lips: lilac, sand, dark brown. Welcome: ruby ​​and soft pink shades.

A blue dress suits not only blondes and brunettes, but also brown-haired women. Makeup for a blue dress for a brown-haired woman can be in moderately warm shades (muted cherry, golden, peach-brown). You can apply blue mascara to the tip of your eyelashes; lining your lower eyelid with blue eyeshadow won’t hurt either. To give your eyes extra depth, add pearlescent shadows under the arch of your eyebrows and blend. Suitable colors for lips: carrot, brick, caramel.

Yellow dress

Yellow color is the sun, it is a holiday, it is a celebration of life. He is merciless to flaws and negligence of make-up, to skin flaws that you overlooked.

Blush in brown, beige, pink, and coral shades is suitable. Yellow, brown mascara and pencil, in combination with a yellow dress, will give your eyes a new character. For a dark yellow dress - shades of brown. The light and golden shades of the dress correlate with the peach color and the color of fresh greenery. Pay attention to the color of your eyes, try it yourself, when you try applying makeup, look in the mirror to see if it suits you or not. When doing makeup for a yellow dress, play with contrasts: cold shadows (pearly white, pale yellow) plus the warm color of the dress. Lipstick in coral and peach colors.

If you are a brunette, experiment with a vamp style, use bright red lipstick, or even move to the darker part of the spectrum. The dress can be in different shades of yellow. Makeup for a yellow dress for blondes will benefit from experimenting with shadows in a soft lemon shade. Apply them to the moving part of the upper eyelid, enhanced by a thin brown eyeliner.

Mint dress

Light and at the same time cold color. Make-up can emphasize romance, or it can emphasize inaccessibility. The color is good for brunettes and blondes. Other options are also possible.

The mint color will especially draw attention to your face. An excellent option is shadows in silver shades. The expressiveness of the eyes is emphasized by black arrows. As for mascara - black and only black.

Natural shades are good for lips. Blush will only be needed if your skin is pale. Pink color It can liven up your look and will go perfectly with a mint dress. Before applying makeup, use a mask with a peeling effect.

Purple dress

There is a secret in purple, and it attracts men with it. The best concept for makeup is inseparable tenderness and femininity.

This color will suit different skin tones. Light pink skin is beautiful, but it is also the most vulnerable against a purple dress. If you have dark circles under your eyes, use concealer. Blush in pink and peach shades. Eye shadows: beige and silver shades for brown eyes, purple and pink colors for green and blue flowers. In the case of a purple dress, shades of identical shades will also work to your advantage. Don't apply them too thickly as this can make your look look painful. Little tricks: a little white shadow under the eyebrows will make your eyes larger and more expressive, and if you apply shadows of the same color to the inner corners of your eyes, you will look even more mysterious. Now about the lipstick. Bright and dark colors - in flight. An ideal and win-win option is a transparent lip gloss. Lipstick in soft pink and coral shades. A gray or black pencil is suitable for outlining the eyelid line.

Beige dress

Beige color is quite sensitive and at the same time universal for all skin tones and any hair color.

If you are a brunette, you need the minimum: black eyeliner and bright red lipstick. To accentuate your hair and outfit, stylists recommend nude makeup. To prevent makeup from blending into the color of the dress, add glitter. Matte shadows in neutral shades will help highlight the eyes. It is better to choose lipstick in non-bright colors. Dark colors are suitable (but not brown). Yes, and if you plan to wear precious jewelry or jewelry, avoid lip gloss. Shadows of brown and chocolate shades. For makeup under a beige dress, it is good to use blush in natural colors. For an evening out, you can experiment with contrasts: beige with blue or purple.

Burgundy dress

Luxury and nobility. Relaxation and self-confidence.

For make-up, the following are rejected: flashy colors, nude. Mustard tones for the day and gold for an evening out. It is enough to lightly highlight the eyes with a contour pencil and black mascara. Eyeshadow in beige tones. The lips are the center of attention. Berry shades, purples, wine tones. Otherwise, the rules of natural makeup apply.

If you want less pathos and more bliss, you can wear a fuchsia (purple) dress instead of burgundy. In this case, make-up in lilac-pink tones, lips - wine, plum, cherry. For the eyes we also choose from this palette. Blue arrows for the eyes. Light beige blush.

Let us conclude this article, which we hope will be useful for you, with the words of the poet Charles Baudelaire from his treatise “In Praise of Cosmetics”: “A woman is right and even seems to be following her duty when she tries to look magical and supernatural. It should charm and surprise. She is an idol and therefore must adorn herself with gold in order to inspire worship. She must resort to any tricks to rise above nature, in order to more easily win hearts and encourage the imagination.”

Have you purchased a beautiful dress in a sunny color? Bold decision! But you need to choose the right makeup for a yellow dress! Only then will your image truly “shine”!

Let's be honest, putting on flawless makeup for a yellow dress is not an easy task. First of all, we will tell you about the restrictions that are prohibited from being violated.

  • Don't let your makeup be too pale, otherwise, against the background of a bright outfit, the face will simply “get lost.” Be sure to highlight the eyes or lips to place the accents correctly.
  • Don't make your makeup too bright, otherwise the image will be provocative. An abundance of shadows on the eyes along with rich lipstick will look too bold in combination with an airy outfit.
  • A yellow dress suits tanned skin perfectly. But this does not mean that fair-skinned beauties need to completely abandon the sunny color. Just choose a lemon or saffron shade. The color of eye shadow and lipstick may vary slightly depending on the shade of the yellow dress.

It is necessary that all the details of the makeup be quite expressive and natural at the same time. How to achieve this? We offer you six successful options.

Perfect makeup in golden yellow tones

  • The skin must be perfect. This is an important rule! And it is unlikely that you will be able to get around it. Yellow color focuses attention on the skin, emphasizing all existing imperfections. Everyone knows that the condition of the skin must be taken care of constantly. And in the case of a yellow dress - especially! Carry out the facial cleansing procedure in a timely manner.
  • Dark circles under the eyes must be carefully disguised.
  • Even out your skin color. Use quality foundations. Choose a tone that is close to natural. You just need to avoid golden shades so that the skin color against the background of the dress does not look dull and unhealthy. But gold will not be superfluous for centuries. Read about this in the continuation of the article.

  • Use blush brown, beige or light coral color to make your face sparkle with health.
  • You can't do without eyeliner. Moreover, brown color is better. This way you can create an expressive contour that will be quite acceptable both during the day and in the evening.
  • Shadows in golden yellow tones harmonize perfectly with the overall look. Color the moving eyelid with brilliant yellow shadows. Apply dark brown with gold shimmer to the outer corners of your eyes. Lightly touch the area under the arch of your eyebrows with a brush of shimmering white eyeshadow.

Don't use just one yellow tint for eyes. It is necessary to make a beautiful transition by adding brown or olive yellow. This is the only way your makeup will look beautiful.

But remember that an abundance of golden shadows and too much glitter on your eyes will not do you any good. The yellow dress itself will provide brightness and glow. And too noticeable shine can add artificiality to the makeup.

  • Mascara It’s better to choose not charcoal black, but brown or black-brown.
  • Perfect lipstick color- fresh coral with a slight gloss.

Golden brown makeup is the most common, but not the only one. It is suitable for both fair-haired girls and brunettes. And for any occasion: an everyday look, a festive feast, a graduation or a concert.

Natural look in beige and brown tones

This is a universal win-win option for lovers of natural makeup! We use beige shadows, pencil and mascara Brown. Makeup in natural tones matches fashion trends of the year.

It is necessary to focus on the lips so that the image is not boring and faceless. Fuchsia or coral lipstick will do.

Spring look in shades of green

The choice of green shade should be made individually, taking into account skin tone and eye color. For example, olive or greenish-yellow eyeshadow is suitable for brown eyes. Be sure to clearly draw a black pencil along the lash line.

Lipstick should be a universal beige or golden shade. This option will be an ideal solution for fair-haired and dark-haired girls.

Evening makeup for a yellow dress

As an evening option you can make a simple smoky eye in brown tones. It is bright and bewitching, and this is what you need for a festive yellow dress. Smoky makeup is perfect for any eye color. He will instantly turn any girl into the queen of the celebration. You just need to skillfully choose a tone from a rich palette of brown shades.

In makeup, the emphasis is on the eyes, so lipstick should be a neutral color.

Makeup for a yellow dress for brunettes

Silver-black makeup is an excellent alternative to the famous smoky eyes. First of all - for dark-haired girls. If there are not too many layers applied to the eyes, then the lipstick can be a bright red color, as in the photo.

However, makeup with an expressive emphasis on the lips is suitable for both red-haired girls and blondes. Only in this case there should be a minimum of shadows. Add just a little silver color to the eyelid. Then outline the contour of the eyes with black eyeliner, apply lengthening mascara to the eyelashes.

For brunettes who want to experiment with blue eyeshadow, we recommend choosing silver-blue shades for a yellow dress.

Makeup under a yellow dress for blondes

For lovers of contrasts We suggest trying makeup in blue tones. First of all, it is excellent for fair-haired women.

Stylists often combine these two colors in clothing and accessories. The look is incredibly fresh and light.

Use dark blue eyeliner, blue and light blue shadows for makeup. Color your eyelashes with black mascara. Be careful when choosing lipstick. You can't ruin your makeup with a random bright red or purple color. Apply a neutral gloss to your lips. This will be quite enough for a harmonious image. As a last resort, choose another shade that is as natural as possible.

There are many makeup options for a “capricious” yellow dress. So you have the opportunity to look not just attractive, but dazzling!

A girl in a yellow dress is simply doomed to everyone’s attention - after all, it looks very positive, festive, bright. However, you need to be prepared for scrutiny: every detail of the image must be thought out to the smallest detail. This applies to shoes, hairstyles, accessories, and makeup, of course..

Makeup and yellow dress

Makeup for a yellow outfit should be done so that the face does not appear too pale against the backdrop of dazzlingly bright clothes. At the same time, it should look quite natural and not provocative.

Yellow color is quite insidious, especially if it dominates the image. Therefore, makeup must be flawless. This is especially true for the skin - a yellow dress exaggerates every flaw. Pay due attention to cleansing your face. Don't neglect the base. Conceal dark circles under your eyes. Using corrector and tone, give your skin a perfectly even tone.

Keep in mind that the tone of the powder or foundation should not be too golden: the closer it is to your natural skin color, the better. Otherwise, your face will acquire an unhealthy yellowness, shaded by the dress.

It is better to emphasize cheekbones with a coral, brown, or beige shade of blush.

The girl is pure gold

Makeup in shades of gold, combined with a yellow dress, will add luxury and sophistication to your look. Use brown eyeliner to draw flirty wings and make your eyes more expressive.

Brown mascara is better suited to this make-up, rather than blue-black. Highlight the outer corners of your eyes with a darker shade of gold. Highlight the area under the eyebrows with a small amount of sparkling white shadow. Paint your lips with coral gloss.

Keep in mind that excess gold and glitter in makeup in combination with a yellow dress is unacceptable. Firstly, shiny shadows tend to emphasize wrinkles on the delicate skin of the eyelids. Secondly, thanks to such a combination you will glow like a copper penny, and this is not always good.

Mysterious blue

Yellow + blue is one of the brightest and most harmonious color combinations. Makeup in shades of blue and a yellow dress will emphasize the freshness and harmony of young beauty.

Using a blue eyeliner, highlight the eyelid line and apply blue and light blue eyeshadow. Mascara – black. You should not overuse the blue color, choosing, in addition to eyeshadow, mascara of a similar shade. The lipstick color is as neutral as possible. Ideally, a transparent sheen.

Natural beige

Natural look is always trendy, so you can safely wear makeup in brown and beige tones without fear of missing a beat. Use a brown pencil and brown mascara to make your makeup even more natural.

When doing makeup in similar shades, you can focus on your lips by highlighting them with fuchsia lipstick. You should not do absolutely neutral makeup - in combination with a yellow dress, it will make you pale and deprive you of your natural colors.

Girl spring

The color of fresh greenery will harmonize perfectly with a dress of a lemon or golden hue. Green shadows will give the look openness, sincerity and flirtatiousness. Just choose really bright and fresh shades of shadows. Swamps are not recommended in this case. Lipstick – neutral beige, golden or transparent. One look at you will improve the mood of those around you.

Properly selected makeup will help you create a wide variety of looks based on a yellow dress - from flirty-feminine to downright sexy.

The best choice for an attractive girl or a stylish woman would be a yellow dress. This is definitely a spring or summer outfit that will attract attention and make you feel irresistible. A girl in such a dress is the personification of optimism, a symbol of sun and warmth. Psychologists say that wearing yellow clothes makes a person self-confident, and also helps to open up and remain oneself.

Choosing makeup

A yellow dress is a bright, bold, charming outfit that is sure to attract attention. Many girls prefer to stand out from the crowd and catch admiring glances. But here they are in danger, because... This outfit will highlight all the strengths and weaknesses of your face.

Therefore, makeup for a yellow dress must be carefully selected, because... this bright color will highlight any negligence or mistake. It is worth choosing natural, natural colors, make sure that cosmetics lie well on the skin. Let's consider what kind of makeup suits a yellow dress

Natural makeup

If you plan to wear this dress for a walk, a date or to the office, then you can do without flashy makeup. However, it won’t work without makeup at all, because... yellow highlights all the flaws of the face, it should look flawless. You can do natural makeup:

  • eye shadow – we don’t use it, or we choose light shades;
  • mascara – dark brown, not black, otherwise it will turn out too bright;
  • pencil – also brown;
  • lip gloss – transparent or slightly pinkish;
  • foundation – light powder.

Focus on the eyes

This makeup can also be catchy, because... considered evening. Makeup with an emphasis on the eyes goes well with bright yellow dresses. The eyes should be emphasized as much as possible. Makeup will look expressive but stylish:

  • eye shadows – shimmering silver, dark gray, black;
  • eyeliner – a clear line with arrows or “smoky eye”, dark brown outline;
  • lips – nude or neutral lipstick.

Emphasis on lips

Only those women who know their worth and are not afraid to shine in public can afford this makeup. Its basis is classic red lipstick:

  • shadows - in small quantities;
  • mascara – dark;
  • lipstick – red.

How to do makeup

  1. Transparent base. The layer of this foundation is small, and its color must match the complexion. Otherwise, all your mistakes will be visible, because... they will be emphasized by yellow color. Therefore, no spots or streaks, unevenness or extra layers of foundation or powder.
  2. Blush. If you use blush, you should choose natural shades: pink, coral, beige, brown. They can be applied to the cheekbone area. A yellow dress will make your cheekbones more prominent and high.
  3. Eyeliner, mascara. Even if you love bright colors When wearing this dress, forget about them. Choose mascara and eyeliner in yellow or brown.
  4. Pomade. It is best to choose a coral or peach color. If your dress is made of shiny and iridescent fabric, it is better to use matte lipstick. If the fabric is calmer, then shiny lipstick will enliven the image.

A simple brown smoky makeup would also go well with the dress. You can watch the video to see how to do it.