What is the totem animal of Aquarius? Totem animals according to zodiac signs

31.07.2019 Finance

Each zodiac sign has its own special characteristics and energy, and they also have their own symbols, including totem animals that personify the character of a person of a particular sign. Let's find out which animal could represent your zodiac sign!

1. Aries: Dog

The most suitable animal for Aries is a loyal and brave dog. You've probably watched dogs trying to dig something out of the ground or get a toy from under the sofa: they will never stop until they get their way. Dogs are also brave protectors and very loving creatures who will always come to the aid of their loved ones.

2. Taurus: Turtle

The bull and the turtle have more common features than it might seem at first glance. They are both slow, clumsy and have an amazing gift for coping with all problems - albeit long and leisurely. Taurus, like the turtle, cannot quickly change the direction of its actions, but will approach the ideal solution step by step.

3. Gemini: Dolphin

The dolphin, as an animal with high intelligence, as well as a desire to be in the company of its fellows, is ideal for this sign. Dolphins swimming alone are very rare, as they are very vulnerable on their own. The same can be said about Geminis, who are terribly afraid of being left alone.

4. Cancer: Penguin

Penguins, like crustaceans, have a strong bond with their home and loved ones, which helps them travel long distances to food and shelter. The ability to create and maintain coziness and comfort even in the most difficult circumstances is a plus developed intuition– these are the main advantages of Cancer.

5. Leo: Wolf

The wolf is a strong and strong-willed animal. Lions and wolves are social animals, they are able to recognize a leader and they themselves know how to manage a pack. Wolves, like lions, are in constant motion, they need active activity, and they can always control the situation around them.

6. Virgo: Raccoon

The raccoon is a very curious and intelligent animal. This little animal always knows exactly what he wants, and most often he gets it. Despite the fact that he has a couple of questionable habits, he is very careful and selective, for example, when it comes to food. And the way he carefully washes his paws very well reflects Virgo’s desire for cleanliness and order.

7. Libra: Otter

A suitable animal for Libra is the otter. Otters often sacrifice themselves for the sake of their offspring, which reflects Libra's tendency to neglect themselves in favor of others. Interesting fact is that in nature, otters help maintain the ecological balance in a body of water, which is also very similar to Libra in their desire to bring everything into harmony and balance.

8. Scorpio: Cat

The most suitable animal for Scorpio may be a cat. Our cat friends, like Scorpios, often behave mysteriously, persistently and even arrogantly. But as soon as they realize that you are worth their attention, they will show you all their tenderness and kindness.

9. Sagittarius: Parrot

The parrot is the cutest and very smart bird. They can adapt to any circumstances and conditions. They are sociable and friendly. And the ability of these birds to fly (and sometimes fly away, breaking out of the cage) reflects Sagittarius’ desire for constant movement and freedom.

10. Capricorn: Owl

Owls in mythology, like Capricorns, are considered very wise creatures. They maintain inner peace and can give practical advice. An owl will always find without outside help The best way, how to take yours. In addition, these birds are dispassionate and unemotional, just like Capricorns, who hide their emotions deeply, so it is sometimes difficult to understand what they really feel.

11. Aquarius: Unicorn

The unicorn is one of the most original and unreal creatures, living only in fairy tales and myths. His rebellious spirit, poise and independence fit perfectly with the qualities of Aquarius. Sometimes it may seem that Aquarius himself is living in his own myth, however, like this mysterious creature, he often makes sacrifices for the benefit of those around him.

12. Pisces: Chameleon

As you know, the chameleon has the amazing ability to completely adapt to its environment and merge with it. Being a fickle sign, Pisces acts in exactly the same way, pretending to be who other people want them to be, and skillfully disguising their true self.

There is a subtle, invisible connection between people and the animal world. According to the beliefs of our ancestors, each person had his own patron, who protected him and endowed him with strength. In this article I will talk about the totem animal according to the zodiac sign.

Astrologers have not come to a consensus regarding the comparison of the date of birth and the patron from the world of wildlife. You can find a variety of options on the Internet. I will give here one of the most common horoscopes.

FORECAST FOR 2019 - now available on our website. It is compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will also receive an individual calendar of successful and bad days 2019.

How to make contact

How to establish contact with your spirit animal? There are many ways:

  1. Buy a keychain with an animal figurine.
  2. Place a figurine or painting in a prominent place.
  3. Set wallpaper on your computer or smartphone with a photo of an animal.
  4. Carry a piece of an animal with you - for example, a wolf fang or a piece of lion fur.
  5. It is also beneficial to wear clothes made from the fur of an animal or with its image.


The zodiac sign is strong, courageous and brave by nature. Therefore, his patrons are:

  • Deer is a mighty forest animal that fits perfectly with the character of the zodiac sign.
  • The sheep is the symbol of the Aries sign. This animal will be an excellent assistant in creating a strong family and a cozy home.
  • The lynx is another totem animal according to the horoscope for Aries.


  • Owl - endows the wards with patience and wisdom, helps to concentrate the energy of the Cosmos. As a rule, Taurus people adore cute owls.
  • A cow is a symbol of family wealth and prosperity, a life full to the brim of a prosperous and delicious life.
  • Turtle - she is somewhat slow, like Taurus. Sometimes she seems clumsy, but she is able to overcome any difficulties and emerge victorious from any situation.


  • The dolphin is the smartest animal, loves to be in a school with other relatives, and is excellent at making contact. The embodiment of the best qualities of the zodiac sign.
  • The crow is a cunning bird and has a great interest in understanding the world. Geminis are shown talismans made from crow feathers.
  • The elephant is heavy, but at the same time graceful and agile. He will give Gemini strength - not only physical, but also spiritual. It is recommended to buy a keychain or figurine with an elephant.


  • Penguin - despite extreme living conditions, they are able to create comfort in their settlements and are very attached to their relatives.
  • The crab is a crustacean that is one of the symbols of the zodiac sign. Endows wards with activity and fortitude.
  • A hamster is a small rodent that can be kept as a pet; it will give Cancers peace of mind and a sense of harmony.

a lion

  • Leo is without a doubt the main totem of the zodiac sign. Endowed with powerful strength, endurance and a proud disposition.
  • Ladybug - symbolizes summer, warmth and joy, brings back memories from childhood. She balances the character of Leo. Wearing a talisman with the image of a ladybug is very favorable.
  • Wolf - has a strong will, a predator. A very social animal, like the sign Leo.


  • The raccoon is a smart and curious animal. By nature he is neat and picky in his choice of food. Always monitors hygiene and diligently washes its paws.
  • Swallows and siskins are songbirds that balance Virgo's critical nature and give a good mood.
  • A dog is a loyal and intelligent animal. She is very sensitive and always protects her family from strangers.


  • Bee - these insects live in a large and complexly organized society, where everyone acts according to the rules. Libras are like that, they love to be among people. This zodiac sign should get a cute keychain with a bee.
  • The tit is a charming bird; it attracts attention with its plumage.
  • The goose is a poultry that will help Libra find the desired harmony and tranquility. A goose feather is suitable as a talisman.


  • The cat is an important totem of the zodiac sign. The cat walks by itself, it is moderately cunning, moderately mysterious, moderately arrogant. Qualities characteristic of .
  • Scorpio - this arachnid is a symbol of the sign, which also has a poisonous “sting”. If necessary, he can resist any opponent.
  • An alligator is a dangerous animal. Scorpio himself is not afraid of danger and knows how to find a solution even in force majeure situations.


  • Elk - symbolizes wisdom combined with strength. Our ancestors revered him. It was considered a good omen to see an animal in the forest; it was a sign of family happiness and prosperity.
  • A parrot is a smart bird. She loves communication and is ready to carry on a conversation. Parrots are friendly and adorable, just like Sagittarians.
  • The partridge is a brood bird that awakens in the soul of Sagittarius peace and the desire to create their own cozy nest.


  • Antelope is a persistent and swift animal. She has a lot of will and energy.
  • Black cat - you can often hear that it indicates bad luck. The same is said about Capricorn. However, this is misleading! Life forces Capricorn to be strong and achieve goals even in harsh conditions.
  • The goat is a symbol of the zodiac sign. Will bring prosperity and health to Capricorns. Be sure to have a figurine of this animal in your home.


  • The unicorn is a mythical animal endowed with a rebellious spirit. The inner world of Aquarius also sometimes seems unreal, as do their ideas. This is the beauty of the zodiac sign.
  • The dove is a bird that symbolizes world peace. Aquarius is a global sign; he is interested not only in his immediate environment, but also in politics and sociology. The dove will bring him good luck.
  • The Horse is freedom-loving and rebellious, like a true Aquarius. He is friendly towards people and can be a loyal ally and friend.


  • The snail seems fragile and vulnerable, but in reality it can adapt to any living conditions. Gives the sign of Pisces calm and good mood.
  • Chameleon - miraculously merges with environment, changing depending on the situation. A similar ability of Pisces often helps them out in difficult situations.
  • Aquarium fish - you should definitely have them at home so that peace and a sense of harmony with the whole world will settle in your soul.

Thus, contact with a totem animal according to your zodiac sign is favorable and allows you to gain additional strength. Patrons from the animal world will share their energy and power with anyone who really wants it.

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Each person on the subtle plane has a totem animal accompanying him. By determining which of them corresponds to your Zodiac Sign, you can get to know yourself better and gain the help of your totem throughout your life’s journey.

Each of us has a protective animal. “Get acquainted” with him and get to know him better - the right way change your life and find answers to many questions. One of the most simple ways Dating with your totem animal is considered to be determined by date of birth. Esotericists claim that the Zodiac Sign directly influences which particular totem will accompany a person throughout life.

Totem animals of the fire Zodiac Signs

Fire Signs are considered the most temperamental and energetic. The inner flame supports the will to live and great achievements. All Signs corresponding fire element, have a strong will, adhere to their code of honor and are persistent in their desire to achieve success in their chosen profession.

Aries stubborn to the point of stubbornness. If Aries is right, no one and nothing can change his line of behavior. This quality helps Aries in career growth and personal success, but it can be harmful if Aries believes in false ideals.

Most often, the patrons of Aries on the subtle plane are: Bull, Dragon, Lynx, Cat.

Lions have the ability to switch from one task to another without losing efficiency. With the right choice of life path, Leo becomes extremely respected and known to a wide circle of people. Leos love to be recognized as being right, and this can become a way of manipulation if Leo does not notice in time that they are trying to use him.

Totem animals of Lviv: Lion, Deer, Elephant, Tiger.

Sagittarius They are like the bright saving light of a beacon, leading others along. They are sociable, easy-going and generous. Healthy competition only raises the morale of Sagittarius, and overcoming difficulties strengthens their will.

Sagittarius' totem animals are often: Fox, Coyote, Eagle, Panther.

Totem animals of earthly Zodiac Signs

Earth Signs Zodiac signs are the most stable, balanced and calm. Having chosen the path, they confidently move towards their goal. Everyday storms and adversities are experienced by these Signs with calm wisdom, because who, if not the earth, knows that sooner or later everything will pass?

Virgo harmoniously combine the spirit of adventure and care for the home. The inner core of Virgos is extremely strong and helps them get out of unpleasant situations with honor. It is important for all Virgos that after the next blow in life they can return to a safe haven and restore their strength.

Virgo totem animals: Bear, Wolf, Swan, Eagle Owl.

Taurus in any life situation they stand firmly on their feet and make every effort to achieve success in all endeavors. Loyalty to ideals is undoubtedly positive feature of this Sign, but people can manipulate honest Taurus, knowing their weaknesses and principles.

Totem guardian animals of Taurus: Elk, Sable, Squirrel, Falcon.

Capricorns They have an incredible energy reserve, the ability to renew and restore their energy, as well as the talent of Contemplation. The path of this Sign is often thorny, but life’s troubles are perceived by Capricorn with optimism.

Totemic patrons of Capricorn: Buffalo, Caracal, Ermine, Swan.

Totems of the Air Zodiac Signs

The element of Air influences intuition, the gift of words and creativity. All air signs have a talent that can be developed with some effort. The inconstancy and frivolity of representatives of the Air element is compensated by their charm and ability to quickly adapt to any situation.

Twins All their lives they stand at a crossroads: every day they make their choice, not always the right one, but always from the heart. After some time, constant uncertainty begins to be perceived by most Geminis as an integral part of the Path, and it is then that the opportunity arises to radically change their lives.

Gemini totems: Vole Mouse, Hawk, Owl, Raccoon.

Scales is the only Zodiac Sign represented in the form of an inanimate object, but this in no way diminishes Libra’s craving for life and its pleasures. Libra is reasonable, cautious and pragmatic, but the element of Air sometimes takes its toll, and then Libra begins to sorely lack change and adventure.

The totem animals of Libra are: Marten, Otter, Dog, Tit.

Aquarius- inspirers and natural intuitives. Information comes to them as if from thin air, so representatives of this Zodiac Sign are extremely difficult to deceive. Lightweight and fickle temperament Aquarius often prevents him from achieving great success in his chosen profession, but this rarely becomes a big problem for Aquarius.

Aquarius totems most often become: Hare, Wolf, Sparrow, Raven.

Totem animals-patrons of the Water Signs of the Zodiac

Water Signs Zodiac signs from the moment of birth are highly sensitive and emotional. Representatives of the element of Water understand early on that all words and actions carry consequences, and unconsciously learn to live according to the laws of the Universe. This often helps them gain respect and recognition in the second half of their life.

Cancers- the most emotional and unstable of all Water Signs. The vulnerability and sensitivity of this Zodiac Sign often forces Cancers to pretend to be callous and soulless, saving their inner world from supposed pain. Anyone who recognizes and loves Cancer will be devoted to him with all his heart.

Cancer totem animals: Cancer, Wild Duck, Stork, Dolphin.

Scorpios strong and cunning: representatives of this Sign stand firmly on their feet and adhere to the chosen path. Own principles are extremely important for any Scorpio, and he is ready to defend them even at the cost of personal losses.

Scorpio totems: Pike, Alligator, Scorpio, Snake.

Fish often endowed with the gift of foresight from birth, and this helps them avoid danger and difficult situations. Most often, Pisces know exactly what they want and achieve what they want with relative ease. Representatives of this Sign can only be prevented from achieving their goal by their inherent daydreaming, which takes up the lion’s share of time.

Pisces totem animals: all Pisces, Snake, Dove, Seagull.

Totem animals can not only protect and protect a person throughout his life, but also directly influence his character and destiny . As you prepare to get to know your totem, listen to your heart and look inside your essence.We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, be happy!

Each person on the subtle plane has a totem animal accompanying him. By determining which of them corresponds to your Zodiac Sign, you can get to know yourself better and gain the help of your totem throughout your life’s journey.

Each of us has a protective animal. “Meeting” him and getting to know him better is a sure way to change your life and find answers to many questions. One of the easiest ways to get to know your totem animal is to determine it by date of birth. Esotericists claim that the Zodiac Sign directly influences which particular totem will accompany a person throughout life.

Totem animals of the fire Zodiac Signs

Fire Signs are considered the most temperamental and energetic. The inner flame supports the will to live and great achievements. All Signs corresponding to the fire element have a strong will, adhere to their code of honor and are persistent in their desire to achieve success in their chosen profession.

Aries stubborn to the point of stubbornness. If Aries is right, no one and nothing can change his line of behavior. This quality helps Aries in career growth and personal success, but can be harmful if Aries believes in false ideals.

Most often, the patrons of Aries on the subtle plane are: Bull, Dragon, Lynx, Cat.

Lions have the ability to switch from one task to another without losing efficiency. With the right choice of life path, Leo becomes extremely respected and known to a wide circle of people. Leos love to be recognized as being right, and this can become a way of manipulation if Leo does not notice in time that they are trying to use him.

Totem animals of Lviv: Lion, Deer, Elephant, Tiger.

Sagittarius They are like the bright saving light of a beacon, leading others along. They are sociable, easy-going and generous. Healthy competition only raises the morale of Sagittarius, and overcoming difficulties strengthens their will.

Sagittarius' totem animals are often: Fox, Coyote, Eagle, Panther.

Totem animals of earthly Zodiac Signs

Earthly Zodiac Signs are the most stable, balanced and calm. Having chosen the path, they confidently move towards their goal. Everyday storms and adversities are experienced by these Signs with calm wisdom, because who, if not the earth, knows that sooner or later everything will pass?

Virgo harmoniously combine the spirit of adventure and care for the home. The inner core of Virgos is extremely strong and helps them get out of unpleasant situations with honor. It is important for all Virgos that after the next blow in life they can return to a safe haven and restore their strength.

Virgo totem animals: Bear, Wolf, Swan, Eagle Owl.

Taurus in any life situation they stand firmly on their feet and make every effort to achieve success in all endeavors. Loyalty to ideals is undoubtedly a positive feature of this Sign, but people can manipulate honest Taurus, knowing their weaknesses and principles.

Totem guardian animals of Taurus: Elk, Sable, Squirrel, Falcon.

Capricorns They have an incredible energy reserve, the ability to renew and restore their energy, as well as the talent of Contemplation. The path of this Sign is often thorny, but life’s troubles are perceived by Capricorn with optimism.

Totemic patrons of Capricorn: Buffalo, Caracal, Ermine, Swan.

Totems of the Air Zodiac Signs

The element of Air influences intuition, the gift of words and creativity. All Air Signs have a talent that can be developed with some effort. The inconstancy and frivolity of representatives of the Air element is compensated by their charm and ability to quickly adapt to any situation.

Twins All their lives they stand at a crossroads: every day they make their choice, not always the right one, but always from the heart. After some time, constant uncertainty begins to be perceived by most Geminis as an integral part of the Path, and it is then that the opportunity arises to radically change their lives.

Gemini totems: Vole Mouse, Hawk, Owl, Raccoon.

Scales is the only Zodiac Sign represented in the form of an inanimate object, but this in no way diminishes Libra’s craving for life and its pleasures. Libra is reasonable, cautious and pragmatic, but the element of Air sometimes takes its toll, and then Libra begins to sorely lack change and adventure.

The totem animals of Libra are: Marten, Otter, Dog, Tit.

Aquarius- inspirers and natural intuitives. Information comes to them as if from thin air, so representatives of this Zodiac Sign are extremely difficult to deceive. Aquarius' easy and changeable disposition often prevents him from achieving great success in his chosen profession, but this rarely becomes a big problem for Aquarius.

Aquarius totems most often become: Hare, Wolf, Sparrow, Raven.

Totem animals-patrons of the Water Signs of the Zodiac

From the moment of birth, Water Signs of the Zodiac are highly sensitive and emotional. Representatives of the element of Water understand early on that all words and actions carry consequences, and unconsciously learn to live according to the laws of the Universe. This often helps them gain respect and recognition in the second half of their life.

Cancers- the most emotional and unstable of all Water Signs. The vulnerability and sensitivity of this Zodiac Sign often forces Cancers to pretend to be callous and soulless, saving their inner world from supposed pain. Anyone who recognizes and loves Cancer will be devoted to him with all his heart.

Cancer totem animals: Cancer, Wild Duck, Stork, Dolphin.

Scorpios strong and cunning: representatives of this Sign stand firmly on their feet and adhere to the chosen path. Own principles are extremely important for any Scorpio, and he is ready to defend them even at the cost of personal losses.

Scorpio totems: Pike, Alligator, Scorpio, Snake.

Fish often endowed with the gift of foresight from birth, and this helps them avoid danger and difficult situations. Most often, Pisces know exactly what they want and achieve what they want with relative ease. Representatives of this Sign can only be prevented from achieving their goal by their inherent daydreaming, which takes up the lion’s share of time.

Pisces totem animals: all Pisces, Snake, Dove, Seagull.

Totem animals can not only protect and protect a person throughout his life, but also directly influence his character and destiny. As you prepare to get to know your totem, listen to your heart and look inside your essence. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, be happy and don’t forget to press the buttons and

The energetic connection between people and animals was noticed in ancient times. Each Zodiac Sign is protected by a totem animal, which helps a person in life and brings good luck.

In pre-Christian times, our ancestors worshiped totem animals. Depending on the time of birth, a person acquired a patron animal, to which he addressed his requests and desires. It was believed that the totem animal accompanies a person throughout his entire life, protects him from troubles and helps him realize his abilities. The Slavs made amulets with the image of their patron from the world of animals. Such a talisman attracted good luck to the owner.

A person’s totem animal is determined by the location of the Sun in one of the constellations at the time of his birth. Accordingly, each Zodiac Sign has its own patron animal.

For those born under the sign Aries, patronizes the bull - a powerful and wise animal. He has enormous strength and equally large-scale stubbornness and temper. It perfectly reflects the impulsive nature of Aries.

Totem animal Taurus- bear, wise owner of the forest. In ancient times, the bear was revered as one of the most important animals, a guardian family hearth and protector of the home. The bear rarely attacks on its own, but if you anger it, it will show its enormous power. A similar line of behavior is characteristic of Taurus.

Gemini corresponds to the vole mouse. The mouse has always symbolized material wealth and family values. Unlike many animals, voles live in pairs and remain faithful to each other throughout their lives.

For representatives of the sign Cancer The totem animal is the beaver. Beavers are calm, hardworking and able to adapt to almost any conditions. This animal enhances the positive aspects in the character of Cancers.

Leos, of course, corresponds to a lion. Few other animals can compete with the king of beasts. Leo is peaceful, full of dignity, reserved and calculating. Representatives of the zodiac Leo are also endowed with charm and the ability to calculate their actions.

Virgos patronized by the dog. A dog is a devoted friend and protector. She protects the house from intrusion by strangers and senses a person’s emotions. This totem animal is very suitable for Virgos, who are distinguished by empathy and constancy.

Totem of the representatives of the sign Scales- bee. Bees are hardworking, active, intelligent animals, organized into a society. Strong in their unity. This is also typical for Libra, who show their considerable abilities when they feel the support of the people around them.

Patron animal Scorpios- cat. The cat family is characterized by mystery, independence, and a tendency to independently choose its owner. Such external emotional restraint, thoughtfulness and closeness are characteristic of Scorpios.

Sagittarius corresponds to the elk - one of the totem animals most respected by our ancestors. The moose embodies strength, wisdom and power over circumstances. He gives family happiness and is the patron of motherhood. It was believed that seeing a Moose from afar was a lucky sign.

Totem animal Aquarius- horse. The horse has always been considered an indispensable helper and friend. There has always been a special connection between this animal and man. Aquarians are also able to have a beneficial effect on others and provide assistance at the right time.

Capricorns patronage is provided by the antelope - an elegant, swift and energetic animal. They do not live alone and are very shy. Capricorns are also characterized by increased activity and realize themselves in society.

Pisces patronizes the snail. The snail has high degree survival and adapts to almost all conditions. In addition, it is believed that snails carry the energy of calm and friendliness - and indeed, they are the most harmless animals. Representatives of the Pisces sign share this energy with others.

Your guardian animal accompanies you at every stage of life. A talisman with the image of a totem animal will protect you from adversity and bring prosperity. We wish you success and don't forget to click on the buttons and

07.10.2015 01:10

People often associate themselves with some animal. Some people feel like a gray mouse, while others feel like...