Is it easy to find a job? Working in a hospital. How to find a good job and where to start looking

14.09.2018 Career and Work

So, imagine, you arrived (or flew) to Moscow, found an apartment, settled in, and what next? And then you need to find a job that will not only feed you, but also provide the opportunity to enjoy all the delights of Moscow life (go to theaters, cinema, cafes, exhibitions, buy things, etc.).

In fact, find Good work not difficult, fortunately labor market in Moscow much more than in other regions. To date, about 72 thousand vacancies in Moscow are posted on the Headhunter website, about 56 thousand on the SuperJob website, and this figure is growing daily. Believe me, this is more than enough. Based on my own job search experience, find a good job in Moscow possible in about one month. During this time, you can have time to go to at least 5-6 interviews, evaluate the pros and cons and choose the place of your future work.

What is the correct conclusion?

In many companies, this is the personal profile of the candidate who makes the decision to hire or reject. Many people question whether a bachelor's degree adequately prepares them for their professional lives. Completion of a postgraduate program varies by sector.

While economists and engineers, for example, do well, mathematicians or computer scientists require at least one master's degree to score with an employer. This often depends on the ability and ability of the job. In the case of very practical professions, undergraduate students also have good cards. If, however, more theory is required, a master's degree is usually required.

  1. While still in your hometown, monitor vacancies in your specialty, find websites, newspapers and magazines for job searches. Based on the vacancies found, determine the price range of your salary expectations: set for yourself a minimum below which you do not consider vacancies (calculations of minimum expenses in Moscow per month plus a small margin can help you with this). Think about what salary concessions you are willing to make if suddenly the job turns out to be interesting for you, and the salary is slightly lower than the level indicated in your resume. In any case, I always advise you to set your salary a little higher than desired, because, I know from personal experience, that Moscow employers often try to lower the “bar” when it comes to newcomers (“they say, he came from another city, play by our rules, work for pennies”).
  2. Compose and post your resume on leading job search sites in Moscow. Until the right moment, you can keep your resume in closed access. This function, for example, is available on the Hh and SuperJob sites. This is necessary in order to find housing in the first week, and then look for a job, since combining these activities is incredibly difficult, and most importantly, ineffective in both cases.
  3. Once you have your resume open and employers can see it, you need to update it daily. This is a very important point that many people do not take seriously. But in vain! Imagine how many people every day looking for work in Moscow and post their resume on job sites. Thus, your resume “shifts” lower and lower and eventually leaves the top pages on the second day. And, conversely, with daily updating, your resume is always “in sight” for the employer, who will be able to pay attention to it if he is interested in your candidacy. When I was looking for a job, I updated my resume every 4 hours (while sitting at home, in the subway and in a cafe where there is Wi-Fi) - the Hh and SuperJob sites have this option. That is why there were more than enough views and suggestions.
  4. Subscribe to the vacancy newsletter indicating the parameters that are important to you; now many job search sites allow you to do this. Review vacancies daily and respond to those that are more interesting to you.
  5. Buy newspapers for job search in Moscow, every morning look through and call all the vacancies that interest you. Feel free to find out details about the proposed vacancy by phone; if something alarms you in the employer’s response or the vacancy is not suitable at all, look for others, do not go to interviews just like that.
  6. Time your interviews. Moscow - Big city over huge distances. Employers don't like people who are late for interviews. As a last resort, if you’re already late, try to pretend to be innocent and justify that you’ve only recently been to Moscow, don’t yet understand the areas, and couldn’t correctly calculate the travel time. But even in this case there is a good counter-argument: leave early. Therefore, I advise you to schedule no more than two interviews a day, otherwise there is a risk of not getting a good job because of a trifle.
  7. Beware of Network Marketing! There is plenty of it everywhere: in the regions, and even more so in the capital. Identifying “networkers” is not difficult. Typically, such advertisements are written something like this: “Work in Moscow, possible without experience and pensioners. The salary is high. Education. Career" When you try to call and find out details, they cannot even tell you the name and type of activity of the company (because, usually, such organizations are “heard of” and no one goes to them). My advice to you, do not have any illusions about such vacancies, this is not your luck - this is an elementary scam! Don't waste your time!
  8. Job search in Moscow– it’s not an easy matter. To find a good job, you need to be active in your search. Remember that the employer has dozens of candidates and interviews per day. In addition to finding employees, there are other things to do. Therefore, update your resume daily, send out mailings for vacancies that interest you, and call back on the offers you sent! And then you will be able to find an interesting job within a timeframe acceptable to you! Good luck!

Finding a job in a metropolis like Moscow is not that difficult. First of all, you need to study vacancies in newspapers like “Work and Salary”, “From Hand to Hand”, etc. It is much more difficult to decide where you really want to work: on the street, in an office, in a factory at a machine or at a computer. Your earnings will depend on your choice. In addition, earnings depend on knowledge and the ability to present oneself correctly.

But the output is also not decisive for the success of the application. The results of a study conducted by the Association of German Academicians and information system higher education, published by Der Spiegel, confirm that staff have other priorities.

Postgraduate studies: practical experience

As mentioned above, with applications the emphasis is on practical experience. Direct career entry is usually only possible if the skills acquired by graduates through internships are sufficient. However, many jobs require a practical phase after graduation that prepares graduates individually to work in a company.

Is it easy to find a job in Moscow? For young, hardworking and active people who have a great desire to work and strive for it, nothing is impossible, even taking into account their schedule. It is important to learn for yourself that you should not have high hopes for easy money. For non-residents who do not have registration in their passport, for example, earnings will be much lower than for citizens who have such a document. However, this is not a fact yet - having the qualities and skills required by management, having qualifications in one of them, any citizen, and not only from Moscow, can count on a good, well-paid job.

In the funds sector mass media this is often done in the context of voluntary service, which requires newspapers, radio and television stations so that graduation can be completed after training. Business sciences often offer internship programs that make it easier to enter a company. Over 50 year olds are unlikely to find work.

There is a new trend in the labor market: more than 50 people are likely to be released than before. "Equal opportunity for over 50 years." In fact, the CMO lost his position due to restructuring. 53-year-old man has been searching for over a year: This is a big disappointment.

Newspapers almost always require workers such as a driver, a janitor, a manager, a cook, a waiter, or a salesperson. Therefore, those for whom the goal of finding a job in Moscow is a priority should pay attention to this category.

How to find a job in Moscow - stories from readers

Editor's note: we have slightly edited the stories: errors, vocabulary.

For Pascal Scheywiller, managing director of Lee Hecht Harrison, this is not surprising. That's clearly higher than that age group's share of the working-age population, which is a healthy 30%, says Scheiwiller. This is new: until recently the risk of leaving in old age in Switzerland was quite small. This also explains why the unemployment rate and unemployment rate are still comparatively low for the 50s at 3.1% and 2.6% respectively. Like the unemployed, not only the registered unemployed, but also those who would like to get a paid job, but do not have one.

Timur (came from Uzbekistan): Although they say that only newcomers work in Moscow, it is very difficult to find a job without registration. Education, skills, work experience, personal qualities, all this ceases to interest the employer when he finds out that you came from Uzbekistan.

They offer second-rate jobs and pay an order of magnitude lower than local ones. I got a position as a loader in a supermarket “inherited” from a fellow countryman, but they took me on a probationary period and always put me on inconvenient shifts. After a while, I got used to it and became a gym worker, but here I was helped by speaking Russian without an accent, but for many this is a problem.

The new trend will soon be eaten up in numbers. The worsening situation is already evident among the long-term unemployed. While 23% of all unemployed people are over 50 years of age, the share of long-term unemployed is already 41%. The one who saw the development is Tino Cenoner. The main reason for the trend reversal is experts in the globalized labor market. Swiss companies today have fewer restrictions on replacing older employees with younger ones, often from abroad. This is the shadow of the globalized labor market, says Scheiwiller.

Changes in industry or function are often necessary. Employers are categorically against it. This is because they can now search for candidates who have almost a 100% match in their search profile. Firms are always found because Switzerland is a magnet for foreign workers. Basketball professor George Sheldon also noted: Companies prefer to invest in young as well as older workers.

Much depends on the personality of the employer, a good relationship with management is the key to career growth!

Working as a manager in Moscow

Evgeniy (recently graduated from university, manager): Even before receiving my diploma, I began to monitor the job market and was sure that I would find a job without any problems. But when I received the treasured document in my hands, I was disappointed. First of all, on several sites, and lost two weeks waiting.

It's more interesting from their point of view. Globalization is much more likely to mean that generation 50 is left behind. "Look, it's all over with 60." If older applicants want to find work, they should lower their price, says headhunter Helmut Zimmerli-Menzi. It also shows how he has been convincing his clients about a candidate for over 50 years.

Mr. Zimmerli, when was the last time you recruited a candidate over 50? This happens quite often because we are recruiting, so usually people who have professional experience. We also have 38 year olds and over 45 year olds on the market. How do you convince your clients of a candidate of over 50 years?

Then he began to look for suitable options among the available vacancies on the same sites. Several times I came across dubious employment agencies, sometimes I met real companies, but the text of the advertisement differed from the actual working conditions and salary offered. I even went for an interview a couple of times, but to no avail.

Most companies want a minimum tenure of 5 to 10 years. If we subtract this from retirement age, we will reach a maximum age of 55 years. At this point, many hiring managers recognize that it makes sense to hire a 57-year-old woman. When you discuss company profiles: How important is age?

Age is a criterion for each of our mandates, in addition to education, experience, experience, language skills and personality. Companies can and should define purpose. The problem, however, is that vintage is often understood as the reason for cancellation, even though it was not decisive. If a 55-year-old candidate between the ages of 30 and 50 has changed positions such as Mick Jagger, his women, then the employer simply lacks the prospect of permanent employment. Of course, it also happens that employers reject their candidates because of their age without saying so openly.

Without work experience, it is impossible to get a job with decent pay, and gaining experience for pennies is not at all the prospects that I outlined for myself when I studied for five years at a university in the capital. As a result, my mother’s friend hired me, which is strange for a metropolis where labor flocks from all over the country and from abroad.

Working in a hospital

Katya (came from Saratov): the salaries of public sector workers in our country are pitifully low, but they also vary in different regions. In my native Saratov, I worked at 0.7 as a nurse and no improvement in my financial situation was expected. After hearing stories about exorbitant earnings in private medical institutions in the capital, I decided to change my place of work.

Is it unfair if age restrictions disappearing from job advertisements? Yes, this is what political correctness gets wrong. If an employer tells me that he is looking for a man at least, and one is under 50, then there is no point in inviting a 57-year-old woman for an interview.

Is age responsible for role recruitment? My younger colleague, however, might suggest that a 58-year-old candidate cannot afford the same amount as he could at a younger age. What other prejudices do employers over 50 have? For example, they are less flexible. Which is absurd in the sense that a 55-year-old person is more flexible in time than a twenty-year-old candidate. The children ran away and he should not appear at the family table for dinner at 18. Higher wage older workers also scare companies.

But no one was waiting for me in Moscow. An old medical college diploma was not enough to meet the vacancy; courses to confirm qualifications were required. But in the city hospital there was a vacancy for a junior medical worker, a nurse, to put it simply. The work may not be as prestigious, but the salary for 8 shifts a month is more than 20 shifts before lunch in Saratov.

This is partly justified. Anyone over 50 years of age has great experience. Therefore he should earn more. Older workers are mistaken if they assume that wages are a one-way street with only one direction, namely up. They should have said: I am now in my investment phase; The children's education is financed and the bond is amortized. Every applicant knows: if he has a choice between two products that offer the same service, but at different prices, then he decides on the more profitable one.

The same goes for the labor market. A 55-year-old man must lower his price to maintain his ability to function in the labor market, including price. Experience alone does not make up the difference. Do you understand that candidates consciously accept such losses? There are some, yes, but too few. And too few senior applicants are opening up to models that don't qualify for 100% fixed monthly salary jobs. Look, it's all over with him. You have to forget that you will ever find a new classic.

With the permission of management, I swapped shifts and worked two days after six. I rented an apartment in the region and went home once a month.

Half a year later, with the help of management at the expense of the hospital, I took the same courses and transferred to the position of a nurse. The money is good by Moscow standards, but very large for the provinces. Now you need to work in this hospital for three years, and then you can try your luck in a private clinic.

There is 80% pence. This model has a future, but it also needs an employee who has that kind of chance, the company reacts to that opportunity and doesn't just wait to get kicked out with 62. The company boys prefer that they don't have to fire equally if it doesn't fit ?

There is no doubt that the company at 56 years of age has more doubts to fire him. The quilt pattern also helps here. For example, a senior candidate might suggest in an interview: If you don’t want to put me on payroll today, we’ll try a six-month collaboration. When we notice that we agree, we sign an employment contract.