Forecast for the end of September lev. If something does not suit you, then do not dismiss your thoughts, but do not immediately start sorting things out.

10.08.2019 Documentation

Astrological forecast for September 2017.

September this year is a very favorable month, especially its first half.

The tone is set by the energy-saturated positive Full Moon on 09/06/2017, but the New Moon on 09/20/2017 will open the way for other energies, lower the bar of vitality and the rules of decent behavior. The dissatisfaction of everyone, everyone, and everything - will hang in the air and turn into quarrels, conflicts, deceptions, intrigues, illegal actions.

The transit of purposeful Mars and reasonable direct Mercury in the business sign of Virgo will create a creative atmosphere throughout the month, stimulate specific business activity. The search for a better job, further business development, the laying of new projects, the restructuring of relations with partners - all this will be relevant and solvable.

It is important not to miss the favorable time and, with care and constructivism, get down to business. Investments based on accurate and detailed information will bring success. Absent-mindedness and disbelief in oneself can bring everything down, therefore, self-discipline, consistency and perseverance in achieving results are simply necessary.

Rationality is the key word of this period!

Spiritual aspirations will be tested by everyday life, earthly reality. It is useful to learn how to combine subtle psycho-emotional states with practical earthly affairs, with effectiveness. Harvest, make repairs, write poetry ... Let's remember A. Pushkin and his amazingly productive "Boldino Autumn".

Earthly efforts not only do not contradict, but fix the spiritual state in the right proportion. Communicating with the elements, bodily oriented practices (yoga, wushu, dance ...) will help improve health and energy potential for the coming winter period.

After the difficult New Moon on September 20, 2017, the Equinox and the transition of the Sun into Libra, the Earth's biosphere will sway towards the negative state. Contradictions in business, politics, partnerships, in personal relationships with loved ones will come out and become aggravated.

The desire for independence, combined with anarchy and the difficulty of making the right choice, will aggravate the international situation, clash internal political forces in unstable countries, up to armed conflicts, provocations, and terrorist attacks.

Technogenic accidents and natural disasters, as well as strikes and mass discontent among the population, will force government and social structures, as well as ordinary people, to tense up.

Family conflicts can lead to a wave of divorces, so it is important to humbly and wisely endure temporary difficulties, not to succumb to illusions. More music, painting, dancing and diplomacy in personal relationships -

Sun in Libra welcomes this!

So, the September training ground has prepared for us a powerful energy bookmark, creative acceleration and a test period for strength, for earthly viability, combined with high spirituality. These processes will capture someone more or less (according to the personal horoscope), but they will affect all of us.

It should be taken into account that monthly horoscope reveals only the general tendencies of the influence of the planets and does not show their influence on personal planets in the chart given at birth, in natal chart. There are many planets in the horoscope, they form many aspects. Some of them can be beautiful, others are extremely difficult, so the interpretation of aspects in the text may contradict each other. Interpret these contradictions dialectically - each aspect has its pros and cons, and it all depends on what area of ​​​​life you are interested in at the moment.

For example, if you want to go on a trip, on a business trip, then look at the aspects of Mercury, if money is important at the moment, look at the aspects of Venus and Jupiter. Aspects of Mars will show in which sphere of life energy can be directed, and the lunar horoscope will indicate primarily family and household affairs. If you know your natal chart, know in what sign and home there are personal planets, then planetary transits according to the signs of the Zodiac will indicate the most significant areas of life this month.

Aspects of the Sun - a significant area of ​​\u200b\u200blife

Until September 23 inclusive Sun will follow sign of the zodiac Virgo. During promotion sun by sign Virgin either spiritual needs or a craving for material values ​​may increase. Character traits such as planning, prudence and criticality may appear. But at the same time, efficiency, diligence and responsibility will increase. This is a favorable period for scientists, teachers, accountants, chief accountants, literary critics, critics, art historians, as well as for people who are busy serving other people.

Trine Sun Pluto can give extraordinary and hitherto hidden abilities. Someone can see prophetic dreams, for someone the veil between the conscious and unconscious world will fall, for example, the ability to telekinesis, telepathy or the gift to heal diseases may appear.

All this gives self-confidence and penetrating power. This time should be used to solve difficult problems, as the possibility of solving problems will increase many times over. During this period of time, non-traditional treatment, mental or hypnotic influence can be successful. Sexual potential may increase.

At the same time Sun opposition to Neptune marks a period of illusions, mistakes and misunderstandings. At this time, people will tend to be deceived or deceive others, they may be tormented by internal contradictions, and desires for the most part may not correspond to their capabilities. In search of answers to eternal questions, people may try to establish contact with other world which could end badly. Poisoning or accidents involving water or other liquids are possible during this time.

The above aspects will be in effect in mid-September and will primarily affect the signs of the earth element - Taurus, Virgo And Capricorn.

From 6 to 21 September Sun square Saturn may give any restrictions or obstacles. Saturn "cuts off" everything superfluous from a person and points to the right direction in which to go, to the framework within which one must act. The quadrature itself does not allow you to calm down and stand in one place, i.e. does not allow to turn into a "swamp", and stimulates development. The aspect will affect primarily mutable Zodiac signs - Twins, Virgo, Sagittarius And Fish last decades.

Full moon will take place on September 6, 2017 Moon in Pisces. The energies of the lunar month will be valid until the next new moon, which will take place on September 20 at Moon in Virgo .

Transition Moon for signs and phases, see lunar calendar, and description, meaning and influence lunar day you can see in the tab Lunar day today. And don't forget about Moon without a course .

Aspects of Mercury - the sphere of thinking, contacts and travel

Until September 10 Mercury will be in the sign Leo, and then move into the sign Virgo, while on September 5 it will change its backward movement to a direct one.

Mercury conjunct Mars speed up all metabolic processes. There will be many urgent matters that need to be urgently addressed. It will be difficult to find anyone on the spot, everyone will be on the move, issues will be resolved on the run: on a trip, at a meeting or somewhere else. The ability of people to concentrate on a task and at the same time keep in mind possible options and coordinating with other performers will contribute to success.

Favorable trine Mercury with Uranus Until September 10, it will incline to insights, original thoughts and ideas, an unusual creative approach to solving many issues. Everything that will happen these days will happen suddenly, without warning. The solution of problems or the implementation of ideas can be helped by a happy accident, an unexpected turn of events, new information, changing positions, changing laws, etc. Aspects will affect primarily the signs of the earth element - Taurus, Virgo And Capricorn first decades.

From 17 to 22 September Mercury will be in opposition to Neptune, which can give mood swings, capriciousness, forgetfulness, confusion of thoughts, inability to concentrate on anything. Work on such days may not stick, the number of errors will increase. Aspect is unfavorable for mutable signs - Twins, Virgo, Sagittarius And Fish middle decades.

From 20 to 25 September Mercury aspect to Pluto. At this time, special insight, ingenuity will appear, deep knowledge may awaken, which a person may not be aware of until events occur that raise them from the subconscious. At least in the minds of many these days may truly appear Napoleonic plans, which will be within the power of those who have the appropriate indicators for this in natal chart. The aspect will primarily affect the signs of the earth element - Taurus, Virgo And Capricorn middle decades.

From 23 to 28 September Mercury will be at a disadvantage aspect with Saturn. These days, there may be a delay or lack of information, the loss of important papers, the inability to fully concentrate on one's duties or fatigue - all this will affect productivity and the quality of work. Documents and business papers may show more errors than usual. Unpleasant incidents on the roads are possible - more than usual.

Aspects of Venus - the sphere of love, relationships and financial affairs

Until September 20 Venus will be in the sign of the zodiac a lion. At this time, there will be a strong desire to get all possible joys from life, many will be happy to have fun, play, indulge in idle rest and love. These days, the number of romantic meetings, intimate dates, light, non-binding intrigues may increase. There will be no desire to think about problems, all the more you will not want to work.

There will also be a lot of money spending: for gifts, pleasures, entertainment. People can be more generous, pamper their children with gifts, actively participate in drawings and lotteries. The chance to win will increase, but mainly those who have indicators for this in their natal chart. Possible small profits, occasional unexpected money.

From 9 to 16 September Venus will be in favorable aspect with Saturn, which will bring balance of feelings, peace of mind, self-control, a sense of order and justice, as well as a sense of duty, in connection with which you can take on any obligations. A business can bring a stable, albeit small, income. Business ties will be strengthened, although it is better these days to deal with old, time-tested partners. Aspect is favorable for signs fire element - Aries, a lion And Sagittarius middle decades.

From 11 to 20 September auspicious aspect of Venus with Jupiter promises a good mood, optimistic mood. If negotiations, speeches to the public or an educational audience are scheduled for these days, there is no doubt that success and recognition await. At this stage, it is possible to open new prospects and considerable financial profit. You can expect financial support from influential people. Business with foreign partners is favorable at this time. The aspect is favorable for the following signs - Twins, a lion, Scales, Sagittarius, Aquarius last decades.

From 14 to 21 September auspicious aspect of Venus with Uranus will greatly excite the world of feelings and passions: love at first sight is possible, however, most often fleeting, new interesting acquaintances, unexpected gifts. Established couples will also feel this transit - something new will appear in the relationship, partners will look at each other with different eyes, they will become more interesting to each other.

This transit is especially favorable for creative people, people of art. Public life may become more active, proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation or participation in a financially beneficial project may be received. Unexpected financial gains are possible. The aspect is favorable primarily for the signs of the fiery element - Aries, a lion And Sagittarius last decades.

September 20 Venus will go to zodiac sign Virgo and greatly cool the ardor of love. Passion will be replaced by restraint and reasonableness. People will be less emotional, everything will be analyzed and weighed. On the one hand, this impoverishes feelings, on the other hand, it warns against mistakes in choosing a partner. Relationships that began during the passage of the sign of Virgo by Venus may indicate that the partner can be quite critical and selective in choosing and very demanding, but reliable, caring, with a well-developed sense of duty.

From September 26 Venus opposition Neptune can confuse all kinds of relationships, lead to deceit and abuse of feelings. At this time, you should also be careful about everything that relates to money. Possible financial errors, miscalculations, shortcomings, waste Money. You can suffer due to absent-mindedness and excessive gullibility. At conjunction of Venus with Mars from September 27, established relations may collapse. The aspect will affect primarily mutable signs - Twins, Virgo, Sagittarius And Fish middle decades.

Aspects of Mars - the sphere of energy, activity and determination

Mars from September 5 will be in sign of the zodiac Virgo. Mars in Virgo will rush to put everything in order, put everything in its place, calculate, audit and record. A business that begins with Mars in Virgo may move slowly, be moderately profitable, but will be constantly subject to change for improvement and may get bogged down in trifles.

At this time, issues related to employment, advanced training, retraining, increasing labor productivity, product quality, improving working conditions, and preventing diseases will become topical. A healthy lifestyle will be promoted, new diets and weight loss systems will appear. Doctors, nutritionists, healers, herbalists - everything during this period will work with an increased load, the flow of visitors will increase many times over.

Until September 9 auspicious Trine Mars Uranus will promote initiative, entrepreneurial spirit, unexpected luck, extraordinary decisions, and a creative approach to business. Uranus is distinguished by the suddenness of manifestation, it “turns on” unexpectedly and for a short period of time. At this moment, you can feel a powerful surge of strength and confidence in the correctness of your actions. The aspect will act primarily on the signs of the fiery element of the last decades - Aries, a lion And Sagittarius, as well as signs of the earth element - Taurus, Virgo And Capricorn first decades.

From September 17 until the end of the month will work Mars opposition Neptune, which can cause internal discontent, disappointment in life and people, which can manifest itself on the external plane either in the form of aggression or in antisocial behavior. Things these days may not go well, agreements can be broken for unknown reasons, and plans can be upset. Unpleasant facts may be revealed, past mistakes and omissions may make themselves felt. The aspect will affect primarily mutable signs - Twins, Virgo, Sagittarius And Fish middle decades.

Since September 24 auspicious Mars aspecting Pluto can give a powerful surge of energy, increase activity, cause a desire for change. At this time, such qualities as the ability to take responsibility, fearlessness, endurance, stamina, the will to win, the ability to stand up for oneself can be in demand. The most difficult questions these days can be solved if you persevere. The aspect will be favorable primarily for the signs of the earth element - Taurus, Virgo And Capricorn.

Aspects of Jupiter - sphere of expansion

Jupiter square Pluto, which led to problems and conflicts due to joint finances, corporate funds, taxes, inheritance, will fall apart on September 6th. Until that time, it is better not to use other people's money and the money of business partners, not to borrow or lend money. Extremes should be avoided, one should not enter into an argument on religious, philosophical themes, it is better to beware of categorical statements and conclusions, sharp criticism of someone's judgments, manifestations of arrogance, imposing one's worldview.

Jupiter sextile Saturn until September 26 marks one of the best periods of time for starting new and continuing long-term business and enterprises that may require seriousness and concentration of thoughts, prudence, etc. This is the time when progress can be made in matters, especially those related to long-term goals, it will be possible to receive higher education to move up the corporate ladder. Projects can get a new powerful impetus or successfully complete.

At this time there will be Jupiter opposition Uranus, which can also cause negative changes. These can be unpleasant incidents, eccentric acts, adventures bordering on a crime. The desire of Uranus for freedom of manifestation and the lack of control of Jupiter is not the best combination. During this period of time, one should beware of large transactions and dubious enterprises, be careful with various kinds of guarantees, do not lend money, try not to spend it recklessly.

Travel and travel can be financially burdensome, and engaging in psychological and occult experiments, astrological practices can lead to incorrect results. The aspect will primarily affect the cardinal zodiac signs - Aries, Cancer, Scales And Capricorn last decades.

These are the energies, according to astrological forecast waiting for us in September 2017. Good luck to you and favorable energies of the planets!

In September 2017, general programs for personal, social and professional development are included. The preparatory period for the transition of Jupiter into the sign of Scorpio - October 10, 2017.

Mars enters Virgo on September 5, 2017. good time for summing up the preliminary results of the summer period, placing accents, the main tasks for the fall of 2017. The period of active organizational work. Difficult weather conditions will require protective measures for agricultural workers.

At the end of September 2017, Pluto returns to direct motion. A period of movement, restoration of projects and undertakings frozen for the summer. With accurate setting of goals, it is likely that you will find solid ground under your feet, a basis, a platform for entrepreneurial, industrial activities. Support activities at the state level.

September 1, 2017– the harmonious interaction of the planets determines the creative beginning of the new school year. You may be visited by promising ideas and plans that can be turned into reality. In the foreseeable future, these initiatives will bring significant results. Record all the thoughts and ideas of the day. Otherwise, you may lose the prospect of intensive development of your project, activity, career.

3 – 5 September 2017- Mars moves into Virgo, Mercury returns to direct movement. The days are full of various events. The combination of the energies of Mars and Mercury in conjunction opens up real horizons for many, concretizes goals and objectives for the entire period of autumn 2017. This is a period of a creative breakthrough in the main areas of development and self-realization, a period of professional, career development. The direction of stabilization of the financial sphere also emerges.

September 6, 2017- Full moon. Moon in Pisces, Sun in Virgo. Aspects of the Full Moon to Selena, the White Moon put on the agenda issues of ecology both on the material and on the spiritual level. The period of getting rid of illusions, delusions, addictions. The period of building the latest ideological doctrine in society on the basis of the achievements of socialism will continue. The process of recreating a socially just society begins.

September 9, 2017- a difficult psychological day. Lots of choices. And it's easy to make the wrong choice. The influence of Lilith, the Black Moon, sounds strongly. Try to act and make choices slowly, calmly and confidently, taking into account the whole complex of facts and external factors. On such days, there is a strong pressure from outside. Someone from your inner circle may try to solve their problems at your expense. Be careful.

September 10, 2017 Mercury returns to Virgo. The period of solving small, but significant issues and cases. Day of putting things in order in affairs, in the workplace, in documents and contracts. Houses will also require putting things in order, solving urgent issues in the communal, domestic sphere. It is possible to purchase, update the situation in the house, furniture, household appliances. Minor vehicle repairs.

13 - 17 September 2017 Jupiter enters autumn opposition with Uranus. On the agenda - a change of job, type and type of activity, the development of a new profession. This is the time when one way or another we will strive for change, changing our lives at all levels. This is an unconscious desire for a freer work schedule, creative activity. The speed of the reaction now does not hurt. Events can move quickly.

September 20, 2017- New Moon in the sign of Virgo. Venus moves into the sign of Virgo. special attention the health sector will require. A difficult day in partnerships, both business and personal. The influence of the planets implies the breakdown of agreements, contracts. Legal claims from former partners are likely. A period of another clowning is likely on the world political arena. Loud revelations, compromising evidence leaked, resignation of leading political and economic figures.

September 22, 2017- the transition of the Sun into the sign of Libra. Time aimed at harmonizing personal relationships. The beginning of the autumn season in nature. Weather contrasts in autumn 2017 will be as strong as in spring. Likely continuation of weather anomalies, sudden changes in temperature, weather conditions, sudden cooling with abnormal, early snowfalls and critical effects, storms, hurricanes. There is a large-scale, planetary climate change.

September 26, 2017- the tense position of the planets requires attention to preventive and recreational activities. It is necessary to start preparing for the winter season. A good time for a fruit and vegetable diet, cleansing the body. A good effect will give a set of physical exercises in nature, a tourist, sports lifestyle.

September 28, 2017- Pluto returns to direct motion in the sign of Capricorn. The period of development of the newest entrepreneurship will continue. Environmental projects will receive special support. In world geopolitics, the period of critical, crisis events and effects pointing to weak links modern monocapitalist civilization. There is a need for an alternative to the crises and chaos of the capitalist system.

September 30, 2017 Mercury is moving into the sign of Libra. Velvet autumn period. Lots of commercial trips and negotiations. Enhanced control over small details. Decision time in partnerships.

At the end of September 2017, the energies of the transition of Jupiter from the sign of Libra to the sign of Scorpio already sound bright - October 10, 2017. With the transition of Jupiter into the sign of Scorpio, a period of bright, large-scale changes will begin at all levels of life.

I don’t even know how to start, somehow a lot of things at once. Here is the beginning of a new academic year, and the turn of Mercury into direct movement in the first decade, in general, such a powerful upsurge of energy, which, thanks to the mixture of the elements of fire and earth, this time will certainly not be wasted.

Let's start with a quote from Stephen King. - "Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest just get up and go to work", - it is more suitable in meaning to the transition of Mars into the sign of Virgo (09/5/2017 12:34:44).

In general, Virgos will be in great demand this month, however, until September 20 more, as irreplaceable specialists. Mars will give them, and indeed all representatives of the elements of the earth, energy, initiative and even a desire to fight! Why not? It is good at this time to direct the ardor to work, especially increasing one's efficiency and productivity, improving health, improving the condition of the physical body through diet, sports training. But do not become a workaholic during this period and do not self-medicate.

During the period of Mars in Virgo, there may be exacerbations of such diseases as dysentery, gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, typhoid hernia, cholera, appendicitis, pinworms, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and also, for example, unpleasant manifestations of disorders such as mysophobia - these are fear of dirty hands, which is often subject to representatives with a disharmonious Virgo in the natal chart, Cameron Diaz, for example.

09/5/2017 at 14:28:46 Mercury will finally become direct and gradually begin to pick up speed. I think many have already taken shape with their thoughts, ideas, and you can begin to implement your projects. And now they can say with confidence - go ahead!

On September 10, 2017 at 05:52:00, Mercury passes into the sign of Virgo, and Venus on September 20, 2017 at 04:15:20. Did you think that dirty hands would be the biggest problem this month? You are greatly mistaken. A strong and filled sign of Virgo in the sky (or in the chart) can make everything a problem, or rather one that needs improvement! After all, everything will now be viewed through a magnifying glass, and so many details will come out into the light that you can forget about a quiet life, because now there are so many things to do! The apartment has become terribly dirty, the ends of the hair are just creepy, the rest of the body must also correspond to the golden ratio, but love? What are you speaking about? Which real love possible to an imperfect person?

Venus, Mars and Mercury in Virgo will strive for perfection in everything, and this, of course, is good for improving your life on all fronts, and it does not matter what you strive for at this time, for physical perfection or for spiritual perfection, if you are hardworking , responsible, capable of a critical look not only at the world, but first of all at yourself, then the month will be very productive for you. But, in case of excesses, and they are inevitable with such zeal, there is a risk of manifestations of excessive criticism and perfectionism.

The greatest success will come from initiatives and projects related to crafts, land, gardening, pharmaceuticals, education and all matters related to medicinal plants, hygiene, diet and scientific research. Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn and those who have important points in these signs should roll up their sleeves and use this time to achieve career or personal heights.

09/22/2017 at 23:01:49 the Sun passes into the sign of Libra, and from that time an eventful life will begin, and the activity of the representatives of the air element, especially Libra, will increase. They need to catch luck by the tail, while the benefactor Jupiter is in their sign, and they really get lucky.

From this period, the need for justice and harmony will increase, however, everyone will understand it differently, or how it will be more beneficial for the elite strata. But still, from now on, hope for help grows. higher powers in search of a fair solution, well, or no less fair retribution.

From the third decade of the month, success awaits workers in the field of art, jurisprudence, and in marriage agencies queues of those eager to find their soul mate will begin to gather (for those who are sure that life alone is not a joy for them).

Significant other

Phenomena close to our soul

Often reflects a verse.

He fixes the aspirations,

A simple ordinary moment:

The dreary bird's cry by the sea,

Random train, toast on the way

And a sad sigh in a moment of grief,

Suddenly burst out of the chest.

Nobody knows about Destiny

Although prophets are not new,

But everyone is looking on Earth-

One's soul mate.

Among the looks of lean and random,

For us, the look is warm as success.

And suddenly the unexpected excites the blood,

Sly, cheeky female laughter...

The look sees and does not want to believe:

Passed with a smile Beauty!

I still hear the rustle of clothes,

The scent is fragrant!

Nobody knows about Destiny

Although prophets are not new,

But everyone is looking on Earth-

One's soul mate.

At least once to see - that's the desire,

I rush after her without pretense,

And I don't see what's in the subconscious

The traffic light flashed purple.

I want to see and remember

I look like I'm not myself.

My wish will be fulfilled

But part of the soul will take with him ...

Nobody knows about Destiny

Although prophets are not new,

But everyone on Earth is looking for

One's soul mate…

Let's start with a quote from Stephen King: "Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest just get up and go to work"- it is more suitable in meaning to the transition of Mars into the sign of Virgo (09/5/2017 12:34:44).

In general, Virgos will be in great demand this month - however, until September 20 they are more like irreplaceable specialists. Mars will give them - and all representatives of the elements of the Earth - energy, initiative and even the desire to make war! Why not? It is good at this time to direct the ardor to work, especially increasing one's efficiency and productivity, improving health, improving the condition of the physical body through diet, sports training. But do not become a workaholic during this period and do not self-medicate.

During the period of Mars in Virgo, there may be exacerbations of diseases such as dysentery, gastroenteritis, typhoid fever, typhoid hernia, cholera, appendicitis, pinworms, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, and also, for example, unpleasant manifestations of disorders such as mysophobia - this fear of dirty hands, which is often subject to representatives with a disharmonious Virgo in the natal chart, Cameron Diaz for example.

09/5/2017 at 14:28:46 Mercury will finally become direct and gradually begin to pick up speed. I think many have already taken shape with their thoughts, ideas, and you can begin to implement your projects. And now they can say with confidence - go ahead!

On September 10, 2017 at 05:52:00, Mercury passes into the sign of Virgo, and Venus on September 20, 2017 at 04:15:20. Did you think that dirty hands would be the biggest problem this month? You are very mistaken :). A strong and filled sign of Virgo in the sky (or in the chart) can make everything a problem, or rather, something that needs improvement! After all, everything will now be viewed through a magnifying glass, and so many details will come out into the light that you can forget about a quiet life, because now there are so many things to do! The apartment has become terribly dirty, the ends of the hair are just creepy, the rest of the body must also correspond to the golden ratio, but love? What are you speaking about? What true love is possible for an imperfect person? :)

Venus, Mars and Mercury in Virgo will strive for perfection in everything, and this, of course, is good for improving your life on all fronts, and no matter what you strive for at this time - physical perfection or spiritual perfection, if you are hardworking, responsible, capable of a critical look not only at the world, but, first of all, at yourself, then the month will be very productive for you. But, in case of excesses, and they are inevitable with such zeal, there is a risk of manifestations of excessive criticism and perfectionism.

The greatest success will come from initiatives and projects related to crafts, land, horticulture, pharmaceuticals, education and all matters related to medicinal plants, hygiene, diet and scientific research. Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn and those who have important points in these signs should roll up their sleeves and use this time to achieve career or personal heights.

09/22/2017 at 23:01:49 the Sun passes into the sign of Libra, and from that time an eventful life will begin, the activity of the representatives of the air element, especially Libra, will increase. They need to catch luck by the tail, while the benefactor Jupiter is in their sign and they really get lucky.

From this period, the need for justice and harmony will increase, however, everyone will understand it differently or how it will be more beneficial for the elite strata. But all the same, since that time, the hope for the help of higher powers in search of a fair solution has been growing ... well, or no less fair retribution.

From the third decade of the month, success awaits workers in the field of art, jurisprudence, and in marriage agencies queues of those eager to find their soul mate will begin to gather (for those who are sure that life alone is not a joy for them)).

Significant other

Phenomena close to our soul
Often reflects a verse.
He fixes the aspirations,
A simple ordinary moment:
The dreary bird's cry by the sea,
Random train, toast on the way
And a sad sigh in a moment of grief,
Suddenly burst out of the chest.
Nobody knows about Destiny
Although prophets are not new,
But everyone is looking on Earth -
One's soul mate.
Among the looks of lean and random
For us, the look is warm, like success.
And the blood excites suddenly unexpected
Sly cheeky female laughter ...
The look sees and does not want to believe:
Passed with a smile Beauty!
I still hear the rustle of clothes,
The scent is fragrant!
Nobody knows about Destiny
Although prophets are not new,
But everyone is looking on Earth -
One's soul mate.
At least once to see - that's the desire,
I rush after her without pretense,
And I don't see what's in the subconscious
The traffic light flashed purple.
I want to see and remember
I look like I'm not myself.
My wish will be fulfilled
But part of the soul will take with him ...
Nobody knows about Destiny
Although prophets are not new,
But everyone on Earth is looking for -
One's soul mate...