How to make a waist in a month at home. Why do we gain weight around the waist? Possible options for weight loss in the waist area

01.09.2018 beauty

Almost all women who have given birth believe that they will not be able to regain their hourglass shape again and that this is the price they had to pay in order to give birth to a child. To reduce the waist and make it narrower, you need to follow proper nutrition and perform a set of exercises that can be done at home, for this it is not necessary to visit Gym. In this article, we will figure out how to make your waist thin at home with the help of simple exercises.

Sufficient diet and exercise for the abdominal muscles. A flat stomach and waist is the dream of every woman. Unfortunately, nothing is free. But if you start exercising your abdominal muscles regularly, after a few weeks the splint will disappear, but after a few months your abdominal muscles will be strong and even slightly tight. How to make your stomach flat? Exercise, but smart!

If you want to have a flat stomach, you dream of wearing a waist at night, but instead of seeing a few folds of fat in your mirror, you should divide your stomach into three steps. The first dump has some fat, the second starts with abdominal exercises, and the third adds weight. If you start exercising your abdominal muscles right away, it may happen that you get your muscles, but the fat layer remains on them, so your stomach will be larger. That's not the point, is it?

Why is the waist getting thicker? The fasciae become stronger and larger during pregnancy, as their main function is to support the abdomen, and after childbirth, they mostly remain in the same shape. Sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of overweight in the abdomen and reduce the waist circumference.

The following set of exercises is also suitable for those women who experience constant bloating and gain weight in this particular area of ​​​​their body. To get rid of a bulging belly, use a set of exercises for a narrow waist, which was developed by a professional fitness trainer. These tips on how to reduce the waist can help any woman regain her former shape even at home.

Flat Stomach Exercises: Three Steps

The only abdominal exercise in the first stage may be turning the rim. Losing fat will also help you with proper diet and daily cardio exercises. On the other hand, the abdominal muscles come to the point where they are a little thinner. Since belly fat is deposited mainly as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, it should last for 2-3 weeks of intense walking or running, so most of him leaving. Start flat stomach exercises without stress. This will help you burn the rest of the unwanted fat.

Why do we gain weight around the waist?

Weight gain, in general, is associated with a variety of factors, including poor nutrition, stress, hormonal imbalances, stress eating, lack of adequate rest, and a sedentary lifestyle. Even when visiting the gym, the focus is on the muscles of the buttocks, legs and other parts of the body, but the waist is often forgotten.

Some Rules Regarding Abdominal Exercises

In the next step, you can start with load exercises. It is important to practice all parts of the abdominal muscles - we often practice the upper parts, forgetting about the lower ones, while the lower abdominal muscles perform many important functions. Exercises with smooth movements, in the second stage - quite quickly, but without strong movements or jerks, because they reduce muscle tension. The third stage is rather slow. Every time you have to check flat stomach exercises for the back muscles, otherwise you may have problems with the spine or hip joints.

But why do extra calories strive to take their place in the abdomen? All of the above factors can undeniably contribute to the appearance of unnecessary deposits in the waist area, however, there is a connection between human physiology and gravity and its effect on the spine, as well as on connective tissue.

Over time, gravity and the weight of our upper body causes the space between the ribs and hips to shrink and contract, resulting in a shortening and thickening of the waist. Because of this, all the muscles, tissues, organs, skin and fat begin to bulge to the sides, and we begin to feel and look fatter than we actually are. And this, in turn, affects digestion, metabolism, blood circulation, blood oxygen saturation, as well as organs and their normal functioning, as a result, there are problems with digestion, excess weight, bloating and much more.

So after a few tummy tuck grids lay on your back and raise your head and chest without the help of your hands - do so many sets with as many reps as your tummy. You may initially suffer from muscle pain lasting up to several days, effectively preventing further exercise. You can't completely avoid sourdough, but you can reduce it by taking a long, hot bath after your workout. Some exercises for the abdominal muscles are hard on the neck, and blows in this area are extremely unpleasant.

Exercise 1: Upper Abs

Since it is difficult to immerse yourself in the bath for half an hour, and you will completely immerse it in the neck, it is better to rub it with ointment and wrap a smooth scarf. Lie down on the mat so that your head is directly under some characteristic point on the ceiling, because throughout the exercise you must look at this point. Legs bend at the knees, clasp hands around the neck, spit air. Raise your head, shoulders and torso as high as you can while exhaling. Drop them, taking the air into your lungs. First do three sets of 10 repetitions, then gradually increase the number of repetitions.

When there is enough space in the abdomen for the normal functioning of organs and blood circulation, the waist becomes thinner, the tummy becomes pleasant appearance, the amount of energy in the body increases, the body seems to be reborn.

We often neglect the beauty of waistlines in our Everyday life: we spend a lot of time sitting, slouching, driving a car and working at a computer. We are always tense, preoccupied or worried about something. During my training in structural integration, I had to analyze a lot.

Exercise 2: Upper Abs

Take a minute break between each series. In the third step, do this exercise in the same way that you do not wrap your arms around your neck, but hold it on the weights and keep it upright all the time. Do the same as exercise 1, except that on last step Rotate your torso so that your left elbow touches your right knee and vice versa.

Exercise 3: Lateral abdominal muscles

This is an important exercise if you want to have a beautiful waist. Stand in front of the mirror in a light divorce, legs and back straight, arms lowered along the trunk. Make the nose once to the left, right to the right, bending as much as possible, but do not bend forward, the back should be straight, otherwise the exercise does not make sense. Start with 3 series of 10 slides in each direction. Then make it difficult for you to do this exercise by alternately bringing your arms over your head, and in the third step, add weight.

People who are under constant stress are stubborn, rigid, restless, which leaves a peculiar imprint of tension on their gait. This negative effect on the fascia, it is constantly tight and immobile In people who walk with their heads held high, the movements are relaxed: the hips sway, the torso moves from side to side, and the body language is graceful and graceful. Their walking style makes the muscles and fascia of the body work properly with every step, while the body is in good shape, toxins are eliminated, tension and stress are relieved.

Exercise 4: Lower Abs

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, put your hands along the torso. Break your legs off the ground and bend your knees, pull them into your chest and exhale. Lower your legs to the mat, inhaling. Classic: 3 sets of 10 repetitions at the beginning and gradually increase the number of repetitions. No need to buy special weights, just wear sports shoes.

Exercise 5: Upper and lower abdominal muscles

If you want to do this abdominal incline exercise, last step turn your knee one time to the left, one time. Lie on your back, legs straighten, arms folded around the neck. At the same time, remove the head and shoulders and legs from the mat. Bend your knees and try to touch them with your right elbow. Return to starting position and repeat, this time with the right elbow. Do 3 sets of 12 reps first. For Interference: Don't leave your feet or head on the mat between reps.

The average person takes 5900 steps per day, I advise you to put more life and grace into these steps. This will help your body move properly, increase the supply of oxygen to your tissues and organs, and your waistline will take on a sophisticated look.

How does fascia affect waist size?

Fascia is very important because it creates the shape of our body. The fascia is a very thin wetsuit located just under the skin that wraps around every muscle and holds everything in place (including our organs). This is that thin white fibrous layer that you see on chicken breast when you are cooking.

Exercise 6: Upper and lower abdominal muscles

Lie down with your legs straight and your arms along your chest. Raise your arms, torso and legs straight up. Look all the time at one point on the ceiling. Try to get to your hands to your knees. This exercise is quite difficult, so start with the 2nd series with 6-8 reps. When you finish 3 sets of 20 reps smoothly, put your legs on and put your weight in your hand.

A smaller waist circumference is the dream of many people, women and men. It seems complicated and time consuming, which is frustrating in the beginning. Fortunately, there are several methods that make it easy to get rid of extra centimeters in just seven days.

When healthy, fascia is like a transparent food film. But trauma, stress, poor posture, emotional behavior patterns, and an inactive lifestyle can cause the fascia to become tight, tight, and short. This further restricts movement, allowing more and more toxins to enter the fascia, resulting in pockets that are usually found around the waist.

Taking at least 2-2.5 liters of water a day is another important thing to do to reduce waist circumference. There is no need to worry, so the amount of water will not affect the size of the waist and does not interfere with wearing clothes, on the contrary. Sheds the body and thus reduces the waist circumference. Instead of avoiding it, you should drink at least 8 glasses of non-carbonated mineral water a day and supplement with herbal teas.

Without physical activity, reducing the waist circumference will be very difficult. If you want to have fewer inches in the sensitive area of ​​your body, you have to put in the effort and start doing at least the tummy. Regularity and daily exercise are important. At the beginning it shouldn't be a full hour, just 15 minutes, then 30, then 45 minutes, so as not to push. And the stomachs, and Pilates, and callanetics will make the abdominal region short and flat.

The good news is that fascia is malleable and can be reshaped by returning to an active lifestyle, exercising, and exercising to help flush out accumulated toxins and achieve the desired body contours.

What if I never had a waist as such?

Every woman has a waist, just like men, although its girth depends on the constitution of the body, genetics, and so on. The exercises for reducing the waist, which are given below, are not aimed at achieving ideal proportions of the figure. The waist reduction exercises presented below are not aimed at making a wasp waist. With their help, every woman will be able to achieve those results and width in the waist area, which are laid down by nature. And also you can achieve the elasticity of the abdominal muscles, which will also give beauty to your figure.

In addition to exercises designed to build abdominal muscles, it is important to take care of your shoulders and chest. This is important because strong upper body muscles do not allow lower suspension. This makes them stronger and stronger. For exercises with dumbbells, we need a dumbbell or a gym. To improve the condition of your body during the week, it is a good idea to start with home workouts, especially if you have stopped all training.

The waist can be reduced up to one week, but the longer it remains, the more the silhouette becomes slimmer. While the effect is not satisfactory, the excess body at the waist can be covered with more loose clothing, in the case of women's tunics, dresses with a higher state but more loose. However, don't exaggerate in loose-fitting clothes, because the width of the trousers only increases the size of the hips and waist. In extreme cases, you can buy a flexible belt that will prevent bumps from appearing under your clothes.

What effect does exercise with a foam roller have on the body?

The foam roller acts as a myofascial release tool, increases circulation to tissues and joints, relieves stress and relaxes. The action of the roller on the body is the same as after a deep massage, it breaks down toxins and works through scar tissue, giving the muscles a more elegant structure.

The waist is the foundation of the sexiest female figure, the hourglass. Such forms are almost always considered the most attractive - a rich bust, narrow waist, wide hips. Although we can't do much with the body itself, nature just gives us one and not the other, we can work to make the waistband slimmer and more defined.

To effectively use waist wasps, they must be carried out systematically. It would be ideal to practice every day, but few can afford it. However, three workouts per week is the minimum to see the effects. In addition to regularity, it is equally important that the exercises are done. Not all wasp models are well modeled, although certainly every physical activity contributes to a reduction in fat content, which in turn will allow exposure and shock.

The roller also helps to engage all the major muscles of the body, even the most difficult to reach, which most exercises in gymnastics and cardio training cannot boast of. The great thing about these exercises is that they can be combined with your favorite workouts. You can do them anywhere, anytime, and the exercises only take a few minutes.

Wasp training with Gabrisius

Most effective exercises for waist wasps are. Oblique - they resemble the classics, but they rely on the elbow of the opposite knee; - lying on the back should be waved vertically or horizontally, as if the air is moving down the floor; and hips - any exercise that involves the hip joint will help to model the waist. Also available on the market Various types of this device, such as heavier versions, with massage ropes, so that the effect is even better. Hula hop is so interesting that it brings a lot of joy and is associated with childhood. . After this time, you get the feeling that all the muscles are warmed up and trained.

A set of exercises for the perfect waist

Try these exercises for thin waist.

For warm-up

#1: Standing side bends

Benefit: This exercise opens the chest, engages the intercostal muscles and improves blood circulation in the lungs, making breathing easier. This exercise relieves feelings of anxiety, relieves asthma attacks and allergies.

There is not one special diet just for the waist. The basis is a rational diet that will be rich in proteins, vegetables and fruits and healthy fats. You also need to get plenty of fiber and other macronutrients and micronutrients. It is also important to consider breakfast as the most important meal to give you energy for the whole day. So forget about going home just for coffee!

Let's get back to fashionable corsets and modeling with their extremely narrow waist. Having left this element of the wardrobe for several decades as a result of liberation movements, he returns to grace. Before you decide at this point, consider that a corset is simply unhealthy - often used to reduce lung capacity, weaken abdominal muscles, and can damage internal organs. In extreme cases, this can lead to deformation of the ribs and even displacement internal organs- also to the genitals.

  1. Stand up straight, feet hip-width apart.
    2. Raise your arms up, keep them shoulder-width apart.
    3. While inhaling, lean to the right.
    4. Exhale to the left.

Repeat 5 times on each side.

#2: Windmill

Benefit: This exercise warms up the spine and lower back while freeing up the fascia in the torso.

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart.
    2. Place the roller behind your shoulders, placing it on the folds of your arms at the elbow.
    3. While inhaling, turn the body in the lower back in one direction, while exhaling in the other. The legs remain motionless.

Repeat 5 times on both sides.

For self-massage

#1: Roller Rolling Upper Back

Benefit: The exercise helps relieve tension and reduce salt deposits in the upper back, tones the cervical region and relaxes the upper thoracic vertebrae. It also improves posture and brings a sense of calm.

  1. Lie on the floor, put the roller under your back, approximately on the bra line, rest your back on the roller.
    2. Lock your hands behind your head to support your head and neck. Use your legs to push off the floor as you move forward. Inhale as you move upward to massage upper part back and shoulder blades.
    3. Exhale and roll down again to about the bottom of the ribs (be careful not to go too low to put extra pressure on the discs and vertebrae).

Repeat 8 times.

#2: Roller Rolling / Lymphomassage

Benefit: Increases lymphatic drainage and reduces lateral body tension and compression.

  1. Lie down on the roller - it should be perpendicular to your body. You should be slightly turned to right side upper back, right armpit and ribs. Bend your knees 90 degrees and place them on the floor.
    2. From this position, roll down the roller 10 cm from the right armpit to the waist and back - help yourself with your legs. Roll over to the other side and repeat the same, breathing deeply.

Repeat 8 times on each side.

Benefit: Increases oxygen consumption, helps burn fat, slows down the aging process and increases metabolism. This exercise relieves weight from the shoulders and relieves pain in the neck.

  1. Lie on the roller, place it below the shoulder blades on the bra line, hands behind the head. Place your feet parallel to each other, hip-width apart.
    2. Breathe in as you arch your chest and lower your head. Keep your hands behind your head, the neck stretches while inhaling, and any tension is removed.
    3. Exhale and lift your back up, with an exhalation you release the body from excess carbon dioxide making room for fresh oxygen. This exercise relieves any tension and discomfort in the intestines, the abdominal muscles are aligned.

Repeat 8 to 10 times.

Benefit: The twists and turns in this exercise help to remove toxins from the body, increasing the space between the ribs and thighs.

  1. Do the same as in exercise #3, just add knees to the ground to stretch your waist and warm up your abdominal muscles.

Repeat 3 times on each side.

#5: Shoulder Massage or Snow Angel

Benefit: This exercise helps oxygenate the blood, develops the muscles of the neck, shoulders and thoracic spine, and is good for posture.

  1. Lie on a roller located from head to tailbone parallel to your spine.
    2. Spread your arms to the sides, palms up, while the chest is open and expanded.
    3. Do a "snow angel", arms straight at the elbows. When moving the arms up, the shoulder blades are massaged.

Repeat from8 before 10 once.

For toning, strengthening, reshaping and lengthening

#1: Graceful Posture

Benefit: helps to create space between the ribs and hips, relieves stress on the spine

  1. Breathe in as your arms reach up, breathe out as you round your back and pull your chin toward your chest, draw in your belly. While rounding the spine, rest your fingertips on the roller for balance.
    2. Inhale as you begin to roll the roller away from you, starting from your fingertips to your forearms. You should stretch until you feel how your spine begins to lengthen, and your shoulders, neck and waist stretch.
    3. As you exhale, reverse the movement to a rounded back, do not forget to draw in the stomach.

Repeat 8 times.

Benefit: This exercise stimulates the lymphatic system and also tones the major muscles and organs. This exercise is especially beneficial for the fascia of the lower back.

  1. Place a roller under the sacrum (the triangular bone at the base of the spine).
    2. Shoulders and upper back should lie flat on the mat with the waist lifted. Raise your legs at about a 90-degree angle so that they point up towards the ceiling.
    3. Grasp the outer edges of the roller with your hands, making sure it is stable under you.
    4. While inhaling, lower your legs down. Lower them down until you begin to feel a deflection in the lower back.
    5. As you exhale, use your deep abdominal muscles to raise your legs to the starting position. The spine should remain in place and relaxed throughout the exercise.

Repeat 8 to 10 times.

#3: Swan

Benefit: This exercise tones, strengthens and lengthens your neck, shoulders, forearms, upper back and buttocks. It straightens the spine and helps create space between the ribs and hips. You will feel a few centimeters taller after doing this exercise, and it also helps to normalize the digestive system.

  1. Lie face down on the mat and place the roller directly under your elbows, arms extended forward, thumbs pointing up.
    2. Pull the toes away from you.
    3. The muscles of the buttocks should be relaxed during the exercise.
    4. While inhaling, begin to roll the roller towards you with your forearms, pull your stomach in. Pull your shoulders back to feel the tension in your arms and straighten your posture.
    5. You will try to pull your abdominal muscles up, this will help you maintain your posture and lengthen the front of your body.
    6. As you exhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Repeat 8 times.

Benefit: This exercise creates longer, leaner, and stronger muscles on the sides of the body that help the spine stay in the correct position and fight back. negative influence gravity and pressure.

  1. Lie on your side, stretch your legs in front of you.
    2. Place the roller under your bottom leg just above the ankle.
    3. Rise on the elbow of the arm on which you are lying, place your forearm on the mat.
    4. Make sure that the roller under your feet is in a stable position throughout the exercise.
    5. Inhale and raise your free hand up. During this movement, you will feel how all the lateral lines of your body are working to keep you on weight, and fight against gravity.
    6. As you exhale, turn your torso toward the floor and lower your arm down, try to keep your balance and stay on weight.

Repeat 8 to 10 times on each side.

#5: Shell

Benefit: Retraction of the abdomen helps to get rid of toxins, the body is updated, toned, the waist becomes narrower .

  1. Place the roller just below the knee joints.
    2. Place your hands on the floor shoulder-width apart, shoulders and wrists should be at the same level perpendicular to the floor. Stabilize your shoulders and imagine that you have a spit instead of a shoulder joint: during the exercise, you will move around the joint, while the body does not move forward or backward.
    3. Pull in the abdominal muscles, straighten the spine, inhale, and then begin to roll the roller towards you, while the spine should take a rounded shell shape.
  2. At the maximum exhalation, try to raise your hips as high as possible, the roller at this moment should serve as a support for the legs, the stomach should be pulled in, thereby you can get rid of a large number CO 2. Inhale again.
    5. As you exhale, slowly return to starting position #1.

Repeat 8 times.

The proposed exercises for a thin waist are designed not so much to reduce the waist and make it an aspen, but to normalize your figure, restore its former beauty and improve the tone of the muscles of the abdomen and back.

According to materials:

How to quickly lose weight in the waist? How to make a beautiful, slender waist?

Waist for a week. I want to tell you how I reduced my waist. It all started with things that stopped looking at me. Beautiful things, but they don't suit me. Well, that's right: there was no need to eat so much sweet and starchy foods. Punishment After all, it didn't fall from the sky. If you only knew how hard it is to refuse something so delicious. My mother knows how to bake incredibly delicious poppy seed buns and cinnamon pies. What a pleasure eat them with tea or your favorite coffee .... It’s good that I don’t bake them myself, otherwise my figure (more precisely, everything that was left of it would hide from me very deep under the skin).

I admired my clothes for a long time, sighed sadly for a long time, thinking about how unfair the fact that all such bad things happen to me. Coming soon is a friend's wedding. And, especially for this, in advance, a couple of months ago, I bought a gorgeous dress. And now I need to buy a waist. It is a pity that you can not buy a waist .... I would have chosen one that I really like a long time ago. I like it when the waist is not very small, but the fat on the waist does not appeal to me at all.

How to reduce, make a waist in a week? I "climbed" actively on various forums, read about how to properly download the press. At first, I wrote down the instructions so as not to forget anything and do the press exercise as clearly as possible.

Press swing technique mastered fairly quickly. And she did everything the right way. In parallel with the swing of the press, I twisted the hoop. True, not several times, as it was necessary, since I did not have time at all. Honestly. After all, I went to the pool and the gym a few more times. I signed up everywhere, and there are only twenty-four hours in a day. How little this time is for sports and "search" for the waist. There were also diets. More specifically, diet. It consisted in the fact that, in addition to sweet and starchy foods, I excluded fatty, fried and very cold foods from my life. It’s good that I didn’t have to exclude coffee: it is more precious to me than sweet, since I am a coffee lover. The only thing What I had to get used to was that the taste of the coffee had changed a lot: there was no sugar in it. And I also didn’t put wort in my favorite drink, because it’s better without anything at all, in coffee, than with wort. I think what susli is, you know. Something nasty (for me, anyway) that they put in tea or coffee when they are on diets. My mom was into them. I don’t know, she said that you can get used to them. And I just didn't want to get used to it. I couldn’t stand, probably, so many habits at once.

Then I decided to get a dog. No, not to babysit her. I really needed a reason to wake up early and start running. Bought. And every morning, at half past seven, I ran, holding her by the leash, around the house, several times. Poor, exhausted Jessica slept, after the cross, so soundly, as if she had fallen into a lethargic sleep. My sister was even scared and wanted to take her to the vet. I would be scared too, if I had not been aware of the reason for her sound sleep. Then, after all, I took pity on the dog and started running alone (before running, of course, I did not forget to walk our tailed-eared beauty).

It's been like this for a few weeks (two to be exact). Believe it or not: I fit into the very dress in which I was going to go to the wedding! Here I tried it on, having nothing to do. I tried it on and felt the happiest in the world. You should have seen my face at that moment: it radiated so much happiness that it overshadowed the playful sparkle of my green eyes. On the evening of trying on the dress, I was waiting for my husband somehow in a special way. I wanted to surprise and please him. The husband, this evening, as luck would have it, was delayed a little from work. How angry I was... After all, the waiting time was already incredibly long.

Husband, no doubt was delighted when he saw me in this dress. He showered me with compliments like never before. This made me even happier. It was just a shame that it only happened now.

For two weeks? No, I was wrong: only seven days have passed. Wow…. I managed to perform a miracle. Slim waist in a week. I never thought that, in just a week, I would be able to improve my body so much. But now- so many positive things in the family. My husband is delighted, the dress looks great on me, and I put it on without any problems. And the dog lives with us: I dreamed of such a dog since childhood. And the parents all "fed with promises" that they would buy it for me.

Despite the fact that I have lost so much weight, to my " sweet life»I didn’t come back: losing weight is much more difficult than gaining weight. Especially me, because I am one of those women who, unfortunately, are able to put on weight very quickly. True, sometimes, at least once a week, I ate a small piece of some delicacy and allowed myself to add a little sugar to my coffee.

My mother, noticing how I had changed, also went on a diet. True, she did not run in the morning, but also diet is a feat. Especially when you consider that she began to lose weight on the eve of the eighth of March. Imagine, my mother even kept a detailed diary, where she wrote down absolutely all her feelings, emotions and experiences that she experienced during the process of losing weight. She often said: “What a smart girl my daughter is. She was able to overcome herself and her weaknesses." It was nice to hear the pride in my mother's voice.

By the way, at a friend's wedding, I was gorgeous. That's what everyone who saw me said about me. One of the men even said that I was the second beauty after the bride. So I was the princess of the evening, and the bride was the queen. Well, I agree to such a title. I bet that all the girls who were present at the holiday will also now “get hooked” on diets. I even considered opening my own Weight Loss Schools". I would share my experience with beautiful women, develop various methods, conduct a lot of interesting trainings. Plans - "Napoleonic". It is a pity that so far I have not been able to implement them.

Now I'm careful with food. I will not say that she is my number one enemy. Food is not to blame for my such constitution. I just started paying a little less attention to her than before. I think she understood everything, and "was not offended."