Dull pain in right side. It hurts the right side, what it can be and how to deal with it

14.11.2020 Business

Pain in the right side can occur with various diseases and injuries. In case of acute pain in the right side, immediately call ambulance as it may be a symptom of appendicitis.

If the right side under the ribs hurts a lot

Strong under the ribs can indicate both acute or chronic diseases, as well as injuries or physical overload. Most often, this symptom indicates the presence of the following problems:

  • Diseases of the liver. Frequent pains in the right side under the ribs most often indicate problems with the liver. These can be viral liver diseases, for example, B, C and others. Lifestyle can also negatively affect the health of this organ. For example, abuse alcoholic drinks contributes to liver dysfunction. In this case, the development of alcoholic hepatitis is possible. The liver can also hurt with the abuse of fatty foods, as well as with smoking. Another cause of liver pain is drug poisoning. Most often, these are antibiotics and other drugs that have a toxic effect on the liver tissue. If a person has heart problems, then the liver can also suffer. Due to the fact that the heart cannot cope with its functions, stagnation of blood forms in the liver, which leads to the appearance of painful sensations.
  • Diseases of the gallbladder. For the digestion of food, bile, which is produced by liver cells, plays a huge role. The main role of bile is the breakdown of fats, which then enter the intestines, and in this state can be absorbed into the blood. Excess bile enters the gallbladder. If a person consumes too much, then additional portions of bile come out of the gallbladder, since the bile produced by the liver may not be enough. In this case, if there is an infection or stones in the gallbladder, then the release of bile when eating fatty foods (or other choleretic products) may be accompanied by severe pain in the right hypochondrium.
  • Diseases of the pancreas. This organ is located in the abdominal cavity and performs a number of important functions, in particular, it is responsible for the production of certain hormones and digestive enzymes. Severe pain in the right side, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and profuse sweating, can signal pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas. Inflammation of the pancreas can occur with excessive alcohol consumption, complications of gallbladder disease, complications of stomach surgery, and various abdominal injuries.
  • Diaphragm diseases. Diaphragm disease is quite rare. Pain in the right side under the ribs can occur with diseases internal organs that press on the diaphragm. Diaphragm enlargement is also noted during pregnancy. Other causes of diaphragmatic pain can be tumors of the diaphragm, hernia of the diaphragm, thinning of the right dome of the diaphragm (very rare), abdominal trauma, in which diaphragm ruptures are possible.
  • Intestinal diseases. Often, with severe pain in the right hypochondrium, doctors suspect appendicitis. As a rule, this suspicion is not removed until other causes of such a symptom are discovered. With sharp pains in the right side, you should immediately seek medical help, because if the appendix ruptures, a person can die.

If the right side of the lower abdomen hurts a lot

Pain in the right side in the lower abdomen can occur due to the following reasons:

  • Acute appendicitis . This is one of the most common causes of severe pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. As a rule, with acute appendicitis, pain is first felt in the pit of the stomach. At first, it is quite tolerable, but over time it constantly intensifies and passes to the iliac region. Then the pains begin to spread into the rectum, which makes it painful for a person to stand and walk. In addition to pain, a person with acute appendicitis also has a fever and nausea. With such symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Acute pancreatitis. Attacks of acute pancreatitis are often accompanied by severe pain in the right side of the lower abdomen. In this case, the patient may have moving pain throughout the lower abdomen. As with appendicitis, an attack of acute pancreatitis may be accompanied by severe bouts of vomiting and high temperature.
  • Infectious and inflammatory bowel diseases. Pain in the right side of the lower abdomen is possible with some infectious and inflammatory bowel diseases. In particular, such a picture is given by ulcerative colitis, ileitis, Crohn's disease, diarrhea provoked by worms or infection.
  • Compression of nerve endings. In some cases, pain in the right side is caused by compression of the nerve fibers passing in this area.
  • Diseases of the urinary organs. may be associated with bladder or kidney disease. Acute pain may indicate the progress of the stone, which descends into the bladder along the ureter.

If the right side hurts a lot during pregnancy

During pregnancy, pain in the right side can occur due to the above diseases. Pregnant women may also have problems with the liver, appendix, pancreas and genitourinary system, which gives these symptoms.

But most often, pain in the right side during pregnancy is associated with pressure from the uterus on the diaphragm, which causes aching pain and a feeling of heaviness.

In some cases, pain in the right side during pregnancy may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

In late pregnancy, a woman is often worried about dyskinesia of the gallbladder and biliary tract. This violation can contribute to the appearance of the inflammatory process and the formation of stones. On the other hand, dyskinesia itself can be one of the manifestations of cholelithiasis.

As a rule, pains in the right side during pregnancy are aching and dull. Pain may be aggravated by fetal movements. In this case, the nature of the pain will largely depend on the position of the fetus in the uterus.

What to do if the right side hurts

If you are concerned about pain in your right side, then you should definitely consult a doctor to find out the causes of such a symptom. Acute pain with high fever and nausea may indicate appendicitis or an attack of acute pancreatitis. In such a situation, you should immediately call an ambulance.

If you call an ambulance, then doctors do not recommend drinking analgesics, as they can distort the symptoms of the underlying disease and mislead doctors.

Depending on the symptoms and suspicions of the cause of pain in the right side, a person may need the help of a gastroenterologist, infectious disease specialist, urologist, gynecologist, surgeon and other specialists.

In the right side, pain appears as a symptom of trouble in the body. Depending on the affected organ, the patient may feel pain in the right hypochondrium or pain in the right side of the lower abdomen, in the side itself, in the lateral part of the back. The pain syndrome can spread far beyond the place of maximum pain and give in one direction or another. In any case, the localization and nature of the pain gives a lot of information about the pathology that provoked it.

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Pain in the right hypochondrium

In this place, pain may occur due to:

  • diseases of internal organs;
  • injuries;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • neurological diseases.

Diseases of the internal organs as a possible cause of pain in the right side

Among diseases of the internal organs, the most severe pain is caused by the pathology of the gallbladder. Acute and chronic, and its complication - , , tumors of the Vater nipple and acute pancreatitis - with all these diseases, pain is localized in the right hypochondrium.

In acute cholecystitis, along with this symptom, there is an increase in temperature, bitter nausea appears with bouts of vomiting, which does not improve the patient's well-being. Contrary to popular belief, jaundice is not characteristic of this disease.

Chronic cholecystitis without exacerbation does not manifest itself in any way. Having become aggravated, in terms of symptoms in general and in terms of the nature of pain in particular, it is very similar to acute inflammation:

  • localized in the right hypochondrium;
  • are initially paroxysmal, and then permanent;
  • at the peak of inflammation, they increase with any action that increases intra-abdominal pressure - coughing, sneezing, straining, and even breathing.

Pain in the right hypochondrium with cholelithiasis does not occur so often. Gallbladder stones may not manifest themselves for years. Very often they are discovered incidentally during routine ultrasound examination or examination of the patient for other diseases.

But everything changes if the stone clogs the exit from the gallbladder.

At this moment, there are intense paroxysmal pains under the right costal arch of a cutting, stabbing, tearing nature. Often they give in the lower back, under the right shoulder blade, in the arm and sometimes in the region of the heart. A person at the peak of an attack of biliary colic agrees to do anything, just to get rid of the pain, they are so strong.

Simultaneously with pain sensations, nausea occurs with repeated vomiting, the patient rushes about on the bed, since the pain does not subside in any position.

Tumors of Vater's nipple appear in a similar way - places where the bile ducts go into the lumen duodenum. By itself, the tumor does not cause pain. However, if it is present, cholangitis inevitably occurs - inflammation of the biliary tract, in which pain is localized in the left hypochondrium. Along with them, the patient has fever, chills, severe jaundice.

With biliary dyskinesia, the nature of pain in the right side is quite diverse and depends on the type of its course.

With hyperkinetic type of dyskinesia, pain in the liver area is acute, sharp, paroxysmal. With the hypokinetic type, on the contrary, it is constant, dull, aching, sometimes completely absent. Dyskinesia of the type of biliary colic is also possible, in which the pain is highly intense, unbearable, occurs suddenly and is accompanied by interruptions in the heart, a feeling of fear. In the latter case, sometimes doctors can make a mistake in the diagnosis and make an incorrect preliminary diagnosis of myocardial infarction. However, the data of laboratory tests and the decoding of the ECG makes it possible to exclude cardiac pathology.

Pain in acute pancreatitis is often localized in the upper abdomen and is girdle in nature, capturing both sides and even the back.

This surgical pathology occurs most often against the background of the abuse of strong alcohol, which is accompanied by an abundant intake of fatty, spicy, fried foods. Without treatment, this disease can quickly lead to death.

Pain in the right side as a result of injuries

A bruised or broken rib can also lead to pain in the upper abdomen or pain in the right side under the ribs. Their strengthening is noted during breathing, body movements, coughing, sneezing. In the first hours after the injury, the pain is diffused in the area of ​​impact, but after a few hours it is precisely localized at the site of injury. The use of radiography makes it possible to detect a fracture of the ribs, and ultrasound of the internal organs makes it possible to separate the injury from the pathology of the liver or gallbladder.

Shingles as a possible cause of pain in the right side

Caused by the herpes virus, this pathology is very similar to acute pancreatitis in its symptoms. At the onset of the disease, there are severe pains in the left and less often in the right half of the abdomen, sharp, sharp, and permanent. Nausea and even vomiting characteristic of pancreatitis may occur. This symptom complex can mislead even experienced doctors who begin to treat inflammation of the pancreas. Fortunately, after a few days, characteristic blisters appear on the abdomen in the form of a ribbon (which is why the disease is called “shingles”). From this point on, the diagnosis becomes obvious and the patient is prescribed the correct treatment, if this has not been done before.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen

On the middle floor of the right half of the abdomen are loops of the small intestine and the ascending colon.

In the right side of the abdomen, pain can only be caused by damage to these organs. Usually they are constant, strong enough, not associated with food intake and are accompanied by other symptoms:

  • stool disorder;
  • an admixture of mucus and / or blood in the feces;
  • bloating;
  • anorexia;
  • progressive weight loss;
  • nausea and vomiting.

Pain in the lower right abdomen

In this area of ​​the abdomen, pain can be triggered by a variety of diseases. Their clinical picture sometimes very similar to one another and depends on the affected organ.

Diseases that cause pain in the lower abdomen on the right

The most common surgical pathology.

Pain usually occurs in the upper abdomen or near the navel, after a few hours moving to the right iliac region (above the inguinal fold). At the same time, other phenomena of dyspepsia are possible in the form of a single diarrhea, nausea, and occasionally vomiting, loss of appetite and a slight rise in temperature.

Acute appendicitis has a number of characteristic symptoms that are determined by the surgeon during palpation of the abdomen.

In addition to appendicitis, Crohn's disease can provoke pain in the right side of the lower abdomen.

With terminal ileitis - a variant of the development of Crohn's disease - the pains are localized in the right iliac region and very much resemble "appendicitis". The rest of the symptoms also often resemble a picture of appendicitis, so diagnostic errors are not uncommon, when a “healthy” appendix is ​​already detected during the operation, but inflammation is detected in the terminal section of the small intestine.

Gynecological diseases as the causes of pain in the right side of the lower abdomen in women

In the suprapubic region or the right and left groin, pain may appear due to pathologies of the uterine appendages:

  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian tumor;
  • salpingoophoritis.

In these diseases, the pain is often permanent, accompanied by a variety of secretions from the genital tract - from bloody to purulent, sometimes fever occurs simultaneously with them, often very high.

Any of the listed diseases is very dangerous, because if left untreated, it leads to the development of severe complications:

  • bleeding;
  • pelvioperitonitis;
  • etc.

Important:if pain occurs in the right side of the lower abdomen in pregnant women, a woman should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Treatment of pain in the right side

Since pain is a symptom, it is not necessary to treat it, but the disease that provoked it. How often do we take analgesics or antispasmodics in any situation! And how often then surgeons or gynecologists scold patients for not immediately seeking help. But any disease is easier to treat at the very beginning, and not at the stage of development of serious complications.

In the treatment of the described diseases, all methods available to medicine are used:

  1. Diet therapy:
    • refusal of fatty, fried, spicy - with diseases of the gallbladder;
    • the exclusion of coarse fiber, spices - with intestinal diseases;
    • complete hunger for several days - with acute pancreatitis;
  2. Medical treatment:
    • with inflammation in any area - antibiotics;
    • with oncological diseases - radiation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy;
    • with herpes zoster - antiviral drugs, the only effective in this pathology;
    • antispasmodics and analgesics - just as an element of complex treatment;
  3. Surgical intervention - as an extreme, and sometimes the only effective measure to combat pathology:
    • appendicitis;
    • torsion of the pedicle of an ovarian tumor;
    • his apoplexy;
    • ectopic pregnancy;
    • cholelithiasis;
    • some forms of Crohn's disease;
    • tumors of Vater's nipple.

Whatever the pain in the right side - constant or paroxysmal, stabbing, aching or pressing - it is a symptom of trouble in any organ. Ignoring it, self-administration of analgesics and antispasmodics is the right way to a hospital bed, or even to the surgeon's table. Sometimes a person gets to the doctors too late and then all their efforts are in vain. Therefore, with any pain attack, even if it has passed, do not be lazy - contact at least a local therapist. It’s better for him to grumble that you came to him in vain than for a surgeon to operate on you or a pathologist to open.

That causes unpleasant feelings can be diverse. Many internal organs are located in this part of the body.

It is difficult to immediately say which of them gives a person these unpleasant sensations. And even one organ can have various diseases that have just this one among their symptoms.

Pain as a symptom

Side pain can vary in intensity.

It is not necessary in such a situation to let everything take its course or to prescribe treatment yourself. It is best to contact a specialist at the first sign of anxiety. This advice is especially relevant if they are in the nature of a strong pain.

This patient is most often medical assistance required immediately. This pain may be due to the fact that in the hollow organs (stomach, intestines, gallbladder) normal functioning is disrupted.

It can become clogged or burst, and then a fatal outcome is possible if the patient was not provided with timely medical care. But even the usual aching pain should not be endured for more than half an hour.

In this situation, the best way out is to call an ambulance. It is quite possible that this will save a person's life.

Sensation of pain at the top, in the right side of the abdomen, under the ribs

The cause of discomfort may be:

  • consequences of injury,
  • Diseases of the abdominal organs,
  • Diseases nervous system,
  • Diseases of the muscles and bones of the body.

What diseases of the abdominal organs are accompanied by a similar symptom. The most severe pain occurs if a person's normal work is disturbed.

Also, similar discomfort is caused by cholelithiasis, especially with complications; cholecystitis in acute and chronic form; diseases of the biliary tract; in an acute form; diseases of Vater's nipple. It is these diseases that are characterized by pain at the top, in the right side of the abdominal cavity, under the ribs.

Right side pain due to shingles

This disease is caused by the herpes virus. Symptoms of pain in shingles are similar to feelings in pancreatitis, which occurs in a complicated form. With the initial disease, a person experiences discomfort on the left, but they can sometimes be localized on the right.

The pain is constant and has a strong cutting character. Like pancreatitis, there is often nausea leading to vomiting. This makes it very difficult to diagnose and, as a result, treat. However, soon with shingles, a rash appears on the abdomen.

It is so characteristic that any doctor can determine the disease. The rashes look like bubbles arranged in a ribbon, hence the name of this pathology.

Pain in the right side of the abdomen

Pain is relieved with analgesics

In the middle of the abdomen on the right is the small intestine and the ascending colon.

Consequently, abdominal pain can cause disruption of the normal functioning of precisely these parts of the human body.

These pains do not occur when eating, and are quite strong. Such a violation is characterized by the following features:

  1. Violation of the process of defecation.
  2. Frequent nausea and vomiting.
  3. Sustained weight loss for the patient.
  4. Blood or mucus in stool. They may be present at the same time.
  5. Anorexia.
  6. Pain in the right side of the abdomen, localized below.

This symptom is characteristic of a wide variety of pathologies. Many of these diseases are similar in other ways.

Diseases whose characteristic symptom is a painful sensation in the right side of the lower abdomen.
A very common cause of this condition is acute appendicitis.

First, a person begins to hurt the upper abdomen or the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe center, where the navel is. After a certain time, it flows into the iliac region, located on the right. It is located slightly above the crease of the groin.

The symptom may be accompanied by nausea,. There may also be a small temperature, lack of appetite and vomiting. This disease is easily diagnosed by a medical examination by palpation.
It can also cause pain in this area.

If this disease passes by the type of terminal ileitis, then the epicenter of pain is located in the iliac region, located on the right. The nature of the sensations resembles those experienced in acute appendicitis.

It makes it difficult to determine the disease and the similarity of other signs. Sometimes the exact diagnosis is determined only when the patient is on the operating table. Appendicitis is normal, and inflammatory processes are visible at the end of the small intestine.

In women, this type of pain can be caused by gynecological diseases. Unpleasant feelings in the lower abdomen, on the right or left, or in the area above the pubis are often symptoms of a violation of the normal functioning of the appendages:

  • Salpingoophoritis,
  • ovarian apoplexy,
  • Torsion of the pedicle of a tumor located on the ovary,
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

In diseases of these organs, painful sensations in this area are observed constantly. Often, such diseases are distinguished by the following symptom: fluid is secreted from the genitals. She may have different character and consistency. Often patients feel a strong fever.

All diseases of this sulfur are dangerous. With delayed or improper treatment, the following pathologies develop:

  1. Infertility,
  2. Pelvioperitonitis.

With unpleasant sensations in this part of the body, especially if they are accompanied by discharge, women who are pregnant urgently need medical help, or a miscarriage may occur.

How to treat pain in the right abdomen

The pain can be very intense

Pain in the side is not a separate disease, but the cause of pathological processes taking place in the body. This means that treatment must be comprehensive. Self-treatment in such a situation is irresponsible.

Often doctors scold patients that they let themselves go and did not come to the appointment on time. After all, early treatment is more effective and easier to implement.

  1. Exclusion of fried, spicy and fatty foods - with problems in the gallbladder,
  2. Therapeutic starvation - with pancreatitis, which is acute in nature,
  3. Refusal of foods containing coarse fiber, and spicy dishes - in violation of the intestinal tract.

Medication treatment

  • Inflammation of all organs -,
  • Shingles - drugs against viruses. Any other treatment will only exacerbate the problem and is quackery,
  • - radiation, radio- and chemotherapy,
  • Analgesics and antispasmodics are painkillers with comprehensive treatment.

Surgical care for some diseases is the only way to save a person's health, and even life. Applies to:

  1. ectopic pregnancy,
  2. Tumor located on the nipple of Vater,
  3. gallstone disease,
  4. Crohn's disease, occurring in some types,
  5. Twist the legs of the tumor on the ovary,
  6. Apoplexy of the ovary.

Any pain is a malfunction in the body. Self-medication, thoughtlessly swallowing pills that can dull the pain, can be dangerous for normal well-being and life.

In a neglected state, even the medical care provided may not be effective, and it is not possible to save the patient. It is better to play it safe and contact a medical institution in time.

What does the pain in the right side say? The answers are in the video:

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Almost every person once experienced a sharp or dull pain under the rib on the right. At the same time, most people refer to the nuances of nutrition (ate fatty, drank alcohol) and the liver.

Although located in the right hypochondrium, the liver and bile ducts are the main cause of pain in the right side, often such a symptom indicates a serious disease requiring urgent surgical care.

Reasons - what hurts in the right side under the ribs?

According to the patient's complaints, it is impossible to make an accurate diagnosis. However, the localization of pain, its nature and accompanying symptoms will help to suggest damage to a particular organ, conduct the necessary diagnostic studies and, in some cases, save the patient's life in acute surgical pathology.

The right side hurts not only in diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, such a symptom is also present in the pathology of organs not located in the abdominal cavity.


It is worth remembering that the actual liver tissue does not have nerve endings and does not hurt. Pain occurs due to compression of nearby nerves and neighboring organs. It hurts in the right hypochondrium with cirrhosis, hepatitis, liver cancer.

  • The nature of the bursting pain is often dull, constant.

Pathology of the liver is often accompanied by jaundice of the skin and eyeballs. However, the first symptoms of liver damage are bitterness, nausea, dark urine and discoloration of feces. Dull increasing pain in the liver requires the exclusion of the development of hemangioma.


Pathology of the gallbladder is often found even in childhood. The prevalence of cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia contributes to the modern diet: eating fast food, overeating, drinking alcohol.


The pain associated with the disease is often so intense that it causes the person to bend over and start swallowing pain medication. The right side with pancreatitis hurts when inflammation develops in the head of the gland.

  • A characteristic symptom of acute pancreatitis is paroxysmal girdle pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, profuse sweating.

Respiratory system

Pain under the ribs on the right may be due to the development of pleurisy and inflammation of the lung (lower lobe). Painful symptoms are aggravated by deep breathing, turning the torso, coughing. At the same time, the right side hurts under the rib and gives to the back.

The same symptoms are observed with, however, accompanying symptoms indicate inflammation of the respiratory system:

  • temperature increase;
  • profuse sweat, especially at night;
  • cough;
  • marked general weakness.

Injuries that often occur in road accidents - a fracture of the ribs on the right with a rupture of the pleura and lung tissue - provoke an increase in shortness of breath, a sharp pain under the ribs on the right, loss of breath of the right lung and increasing symptoms of respiratory failure.


If it hurts in the right side under the ribs on the side, it is important to urgently exclude appendicitis. Although acute tenderness in the right iliac region is considered characteristic of this disease, in 70% of cases, the pain of appendicitis is initially localized slightly higher and can mimic an attack of cholecystitis.

The inflammatory process of the ascending large intestine also provokes the periodic occurrence of pain in the side on the right. Infectious enterocolitis, ulcerative lesions of the large intestine are characterized by paroxysmal pain that occurs when the stool moves and precedes the act of defecation.

  • Intestinal pathology is accompanied by constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, impaired digestion of food.

Another disease that provokes the characteristic localization of pain is inflammation of the duodenum (duodenitis). The intensity of pain depends on the nature of the mucosal lesion.

Acute inflammation and ulceration causes a sharp pain on an empty stomach in the area of ​​the solar plexus radiating to the right side. Atrophic changes in the mucosa of this segment of the intestine, although accompanied by dull pain, however, increase the risk of developing oncology.


With a disease of the right kidney (most often it is pyelonephritis or nephrolithiasis), the patient complains that the right side hurts from the back under the ribs.

Accompanying signs help to suspect renal pathology: frequent urination or retention, change in urine color, temperature that is difficult to bring down with medication, severe intoxication.


Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spinal column in the thoracic region - intervertebral hernia and osteochondrosis, scoliosis - are common causes of pain in the back on the right side.

  • The appearance of pain is due to compression (hernial protrusion or bone structures) of the nerve processes.

In this case, the pain spreads along the right side of the chest along the intercostal arches and subsides somewhat when a certain posture is taken, which eliminates compression of the nerve roots.


Although pain localized in the right hypochondrium is not typical for heart disease, sometimes acute myocardial infarction mimics an attack of hepatic colic.

Intense pain is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, blood pressure, shortness of breath, panic and often arrhythmia.

Pain in the right side when moving - what does it mean?

Often people complain of a sharp stabbing pain in the right hypochondrium after a run. This is usually associated with improper breathing (intense inhalation and exhalation through the mouth) during intense exercise, which entails circulatory failure. Help to get rid of pain:

  • cessation of physical activity;
  • normalization of breathing - slowing down inhalation through the nose and increased exhalation;
  • tilt forward, fingers reaching to the feet.

Pain in right side when moving

When and to what doctor to address?

Any pain in the hypochondrium on the right requires a medical consultation. Depending on the intensity and nature of the pain, the help of the following specialists is recommended:

  1. Acute sharp pain - calling an ambulance, examination by a surgeon and, often, hospitalization of the patient and emergency surgery (appendicitis, stones in the gallbladder or kidneys, perforation of the ulcer);
  2. Increasing pain when breathing with cough and shortness of breath - pulmonary pathology is excluded by consultation with a pulmonologist or by the appointment of a chest x-ray by a therapist;
  3. Chronic non-intensive pain - gastroenterologist, urologist (for back pain).

In no case can't take painkillers without a doctor's examination with a sudden onset of acute pain under the ribs on the right and in the abdominal cavity. Often this is a sign of an "acute abdomen" that requires emergency surgery.

evidence. Urgent medical attention is also required if the pain is accompanied by:

  • urinary retention;
  • indomitable vomiting;
  • respiratory failure (increasing shortness of breath);
  • disruption of the heart.

Can't be ignored and slight in intensity, but often arising soreness on the right side under the ribs. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary examination and early stage development to determine the development of severe organic changes - liver cancer, cirrhosis, hepatitis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones.

A non-specific symptom that can form a clinical picture of diseases of the reproductive, urinary, digestive, musculoskeletal and nervous systems. It is impossible to independently determine the cause of pain in the side, as well as to cure it without the help of a doctor. But in order to detect the danger in time and contact a specialized specialist, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list of common pathologies that cause pain in the right and left sides.

Pain in the right side

Patients are often interested in what can hurt in the right side. From the ribs to the thigh, the following organs are located in this zone:

  • liver
  • gallbladder
  • right flexure of the colon
  • appendix
  • right kidney
  • right ovary (in women)

1. Pain in the right side with liver diseases

The liver is a large organ that occupies almost the entire upper right part of the abdominal cavity. The bulk of the liver is located in the region of the right costal arch and hypochondrium, which is why, with liver diseases, patients most often notice pain in the right side, passing into the epigastric (perumbilical) region. But it's important to remember that the liver itself never hurts: it simply does not have pain receptors. Only the lining of the liver and organs located next to it (for example, the gallbladder) can get sick.

The vast majority of liver diseases, be it hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatosis or even cancer, are painless for a long time. Pain in the right side caused by diseases of the liver can only occur if a large number of its cells (hepatocytes) will die. These conditions are usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • dryness, peeling, itching of the skin;
  • the appearance of spider veins on the legs;
  • allergic reactions;
  • stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea);
  • decreased appetite, nausea, dizziness;
  • bitterness in the mouth.

If you notice similar symptoms, you should immediately contact gastroenterologist or hepatologist. Diagnosis may include palpation, abdominal ultrasound, computed tomography, albumin blood test, bilirubin blood test, hepatitis test, ALT test, and liver biopsy.

2. Pain in the right side in diseases of the gallbladder

The gallbladder, located in the abdominal cavity under the liver, is much more likely to cause pain in the side than its "quiet neighbor". The main function of the gallbladder is the accumulation and excretion of bile, which is responsible for a whole range of digestive processes. The most common diseases of the gallbladder that cause pain in the side are dyskinesia, cholelithiasis and chronic cholecystitis.

  • If there is a failure in the motility of the biliary tract, the patient develops dyskinesia. This pathology is often accompanied by acute or dull pain in the right side (in the hypochondrium), nausea, vomiting, bad smell from the mouth, bitterness in the mouth. With biliary dyskinesia, pain in the right side usually occurs after eating or physical exertion, can spread to the umbilical region and up to the right shoulder.
  • Sudden cutting pain in the right side may also be biliary (hepatic) colic- a symptom of advanced gallstone disease. The cause of colic is the movement of a stone through the bile ducts. Pain in the side at the same time can be given to the lower back, right shoulder blade, forearm, causing an attack of angina pectoris. However, often gallstone disease is painless, and jaundice remains its only sign.
  • Dull pain in the right side, bloating and diarrhea 2-4 hours after eating may indicate cholecystitis- chronic inflammation of the gallbladder. Particular care should be taken by women over 40 years of age: they are the main risk group for this pathology.
Gallstone disease: to remove or not? Video

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract gastroenterologist. To determine the cause of pain in the side, he prescribes a biochemical blood test, gastroduodenoscopy and ultrasound of the abdominal organs to the patient. Sometimes, an x-ray examination with oral or intravenous contrast may be needed to clarify the diagnosis.

To get rid of pain in the side with diseases of the gallbladder, the patient should keep the diet prescribed by the doctor, excluding smoked, fatty, fried and spicy foods, sweets, alcohol and carbonated drinks from the diet.

3. Pain in the right side with bowel diseases

Inflammation of the caecum (typhlitis) can develop due to intestinal infections (salmonellosis, rotavirus infection), allergies, alcohol and junk food abuse, dysbacteriosis and other gastrointestinal diseases. Side pain in this case usually occurs 3-6 hours after eating, may radiate to the groin or lower back, accompanied by bloating, nausea, belching, diarrhea or constipation. In infectious diseases, the clinical picture is supplemented by fever, chills, headache, weakness, and vomiting.

Symptoms of inflammation of the caecum can be confused with appendicitis, renal colic and gynecological diseases in women, so the patient should immediately see a gastroenterologist, undergo x-rays, ultrasound, and endoscopy. Also, for diagnosis, you may need to consult a surgeon, proctologist, oncologist, infectious disease specialist and nutritionist.

Treatment of pain in the side with inflammation of the caecum is selected by the doctor individually, depending on the cause of the disease. In the case of infections, antibiotic therapy and diet may be needed. Also, the patient may be shown physiotherapy, taking painkillers, antipyretics and antiemetics.

Rules for the prevention of intestinal infections

4. Pain in the right side with appendicitis

Pain in the side in diseases of paired organs

The paired organs lying in the human abdominal cavity include the kidneys and ovaries (in women). Their diseases can also be the cause of pain in the side.

1. Pain in the side with kidney disease

The appearance of the above symptoms is a serious reason to consult a urologist or nephrologist, since they can indicate a number of serious diseases: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, renal failure, nephroptosis, hydronephrosis, glomerulonephritis, and so on. To make an accurate diagnosis, it may be necessary to undergo an ultrasound of the kidneys, urography or tomography of the kidneys, and take a blood and urine test.

2. Pain in the side in diseases of the ovaries

Diseases of the ovaries in women can be acute and chronic.

  • In chronic diseases, pain in the side or lower abdomen usually increases during menstruation, with physical activity or sexual intercourse, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the pelvic area, weakness, impaired urination and fever.
  • Acute ovarian diseases are accompanied by sharp and severe pain in the side and lower abdomen, fever, uterine bleeding, nausea, vomiting, dizziness. Among them are adnexitis and ovarian apoplexy.

In order not to jeopardize their health, women are advised to visit a gynecologist every six months, to avoid stress, hypothermia and unprotected sex (often genital infections cause inflammation of the uterus and appendages).

Pain in the side with intercostal neuralgia

Having experienced a sharp, burning, piercing pain in the side, making it difficult to take a full breath or exhalation, many patients first of all suspect heart pathology. But sometimes the cause of pain may be intercostal neuralgia - compression or irritation of the intercostal nerves.

Her characteristic distinctive features- short-term course, intensification with each turn of the body, sigh, cough or word. If the pain in the side is dull, prolonged, aching, accompanied by a violation of the heart rhythm or loss of consciousness, it is necessary to call an ambulance.

How to distinguish intercostal neuralgia from heart disease

Intercostal neuralgia usually appears due to osteochondrosis, prolonged work in an uncomfortable position, draft, overwork, trauma, unsuccessful sudden movement, and even metabolic disorders.

To soothe pain in the side with intercostal neuralgia, painkillers and muscle relaxants are usually used, however, if osteochondrosis has become the cause of the pathology, it is necessary to consult a neurologist.

Other causes of side pain

Above, we examined the most common causes of pain in the right and left side, but this common symptom can also indicate diseases of the hip joint, veins, lymph nodes, bladder, stomach and genital organs.

Important: If the pain is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition, is accompanied by loss of consciousness, respiratory failure, convulsions, sudden weakness, impaired coordination of movements or bleeding, you should immediately call an ambulance and