Properties of mint decoction. Peppermint and blood pressure. Benefits of eating spearmint.

04.03.2019 Health

Date of publication: 01/24/2013

Peppermint is a unique plant that has a strong aroma due to its high menthol content. The younger generation may not remember mint tea, but they know the smell of menthol very well from... chewing gum.

Its smell is really strong and overpowers others, but beneficial features mints don't stop there. The plant has medicinal properties that have been known to man since ancient times. For many centuries, mint was considered a herb that prolongs life. Not a single bathhouse in Rus' could do without mint steam, which kills bacteria and harmful substances. People attributed to her the ability to “drive out evil spirits.”

Application in modern times

There are up to 30 varieties of mint. In our area, field, peppermint and swamp mint are widely used. It is in demand in medicine, cosmetology, cooking and the liquor industry.

In Europe, various dishes, marinades, sauces, cocktails are seasoned with mint; cakes and pastries are decorated with its leaves, just as we decorate meat and salads with herbs. This gives them not only a unique and fresh aroma, but also an aesthetic appearance. In our country, mint is added to the famous mint gingerbread.


The benefits of mint are determined by its rich composition. Not only menthol is part of the plant. It is rich in tannins, essential oils, esters, and flavonoids. Mint contains organic acids: oleonolic, ascorbic, chlorogenic, caffeic, ursulic. Other important components: glucose, rutin, betaine, arginine, phytosterol. The calorie content of mint is 50 kcal per 100 g of product.

Medicinal properties of mint tea

Mint tea has antibacterial, soothing, antiseptic, analgesic, tonic properties. Therefore, it helps with colds, nervous disorders, insomnia, depression, and headaches.

Also, mint tea has a vasodilating property, therefore it is useful for atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. Its choleretic effect helps remove stones and improve appetite.

The only “disadvantage” of tea is that it is a “female” drink. By suppressing male hormones, it prevents hair growth on the face, belly and chest. In addition, it suppresses male desire.

But is mint bad for men? From what point of view? If a man wants to survive separation from his beloved, or relieve feelings of anxiety and restlessness, tea will be useful. In addition, libido is suppressed, fortunately, not forever. Just take this feature of the drink into account.

Mint for men has a set of properties that will help fight mainly diseases of the nervous system and their consequences. We will look at the pros and cons of using mint, whether men can drink mint, and what it entails.

Main beneficial properties of mint for men

Mint is a long-cultivated plant that has dozens of species. The high content of essential oils in its leaves gives the plant a bright aroma and a fresh, pronounced taste. It is these properties that have made mint in demand in many industries: Food Industry, medicine, cosmetology, pharmacological. Peppermint flavors are the most popular in the world.

Traditional medicine offers a large list of recipes based on mint. These are drugs for patients with gastrointestinal diseases, with increased sweating, and also as a sedative. During the hot season, drinks with mint add vigor and freshness. Why is mint useful or harmful for the stronger sex? There are mixed opinions from experts on this matter, which we will consider further.

As you know, mint exists in the form of a domesticated crop and in the form of wild plants. Dozens of species are united under one name mint. But not all are suitable for use in medicine and other fields. The most widespread is peppermint, which is written about on the packaging of various products, for example, mouth rinses, toothpastes, and so on. These products have nothing in common with mint, as they have added crystalline flavoring. Natural components of medicinal herbs can only be found in herbal mixtures, lotions, teas, and aromatic oils. Dry mint can be purchased at the pharmacy.

How is mint useful for men? Mint acts on several organs and systems of the body:

  • Helps with stress and nervous overexcitation.
  • Peppermint tea is useful for spasms of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Helps cope with inflammation.
  • It is recommended to drink mint tea for any cold.
  • Positive reviews of mint drink can be found among those who suffer from headaches and even migraines.
  • Mint is excellent for helping with insomnia; it is recommended to drink tea at night.
  • Mint will help relieve nasal congestion, and is especially useful when combined with honey.
  • If you have a stuffy nose, mint will also help. It makes nasal breathing easier.

What exactly is mint good for?

Mint is famous for its essential oil, which is found in both leaves and fruits. In second place in quantity are the tannic and resinous components of mint, as well as carotene and hesperidin. The plant also contains a lot of organic acids, such as caffeic, oleanolic, ascorbic, ursolic and chlorogenic. The seeds contain fatty oils.

Leaves of such varieties as peppermint and threshed mint are used as raw materials in medicine. You need to harvest raw materials in dry weather, when half of the plants have already bloomed.

The main component that is responsible for most of the properties of mint is menthol. Menthol belongs to organic substances and is used as a means for over-the-counter drugs.

Menthol is excellent for treating colds and as a means to relieve muscle and rheumatic pain. Good action Menthol has a beneficial effect if it is present in its natural form in toothpastes, rinses, and ointments. In ointments, the cooling effect of menthol is appreciated, which helps with severe itching.

The benefits of mint for men include a relaxing effect. Since ancient times, mint has been added to aroma lamps and baths at the end of the day. Now you can make foot baths. Mint relieves unpleasant thoughts, stress, and helps in the fight against depression. Before bed, mint is useful as a mild sleeping pill if you suffer from insomnia.

This medicinal plant also has a general effect. It has an anti-inflammatory effect and restores the impaired functioning of the immune system. In addition, mint is a strong antioxidant.

Harm of mint for men

The fear that mint allegedly significantly reduces potency in men and leads to sexual impotence is greatly exaggerated. The herb contains a plant analogue of the female sex hormone estrogen, which is why it is more often considered and called a female herb. But this does not mean that mint brings nothing other than harm to men.

A small portion of mint brewed in tea, or an aroma lamp lit in the evening will not affect potency. The point is not that the estrogen-like substance is not there, the point is in its dosage.

Some believe that the content of mint in tea can greatly affect potency, which is why they say that men should not drink tea with mint. In fact, a couple of glasses will only bring benefits, they will calm you down after a working day, they will balance nervous system.

How does mint affect the potency of men if consumed in large quantities? To feel at least some effect on male power, you need to consume a lot of mint daily. Thanks to the specific taste and pronounced aroma, this becomes simply impossible. But all herbs can change the balance between sex hormones: androgens (testosterone) and estrogens in favor of the latter, that is, lead to.

When should you not use mint?

Does mint affect male potency if taken daily? Perhaps, using this medicinal herb in small quantities will only bring benefits to any organism. The exception is the group of people who have manifestations of allergies to it. This may include itchy skin, difficulty breathing, rashes, soft tissue swelling, and more severe reactions. In this case, of course, you will have to forget about mint forever.

Sometimes you can find information that drivers and other workers whose specialty is associated with constant attention and concentration should not use mint. This is partly true, because the components of the plant have a calming effect on the body, causing drowsiness in people prone to this.

Some medicinal recipes with mint for men

Let's look at the most common mint recipes:

  • The most common and simplest recipe is mint tea. You can combine mint with, since the latter is no less useful. You need to take a tablespoon of herbal leaves and pour a glass of boiling water. The tea is infused for up to 15 minutes, after which it is filtered and drunk. If desired, you can add honey. How much tea to drink will be determined by your condition. If you feel insomnia or nervousness, then one glass at night is enough for you. If you have a cold, drink 2 glasses. If you are bothered by strong-smelling stools, flatulence, abdominal pain, or feel intestinal spasms, then you should drink up to 3 glasses of the drink during the day.
  • Infusion of peppermint leaves. For 2 teaspoons of raw materials, dry, take a glass of boiling water and pour. Leave for 20 minutes, then strain and can be consumed. The infusion will be useful for those who feel pain in the heart, joints, heavy breathing, suffer from hemorrhoids, nervous disorders, including hysteria. Before use, tell your doctor and get his or her advice.
  • Alcohol tincture. You need alcohol or vodka 75%, in a volume of 100 ml, for this amount take 20 grams of dry herb. You need to prepare the product in advance; it will infuse for 2 weeks. This drug will help with inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, throat, trachea or bronchi. Can also be used as a rub for muscle pain, migraines, headaches, and skin inflammation of non-allergic origin.
  • Baths using mint herb. Pre-brew 50 grams of mint in 1000 ml of water. Baths are very useful for psoriasis, pimples, acne, and other inflammatory skin diseases. If you have an itchy type of dermatosis, add a decoction of bird knotweed to the mint infusion.

As you can see, any medicinal plant will be useful if used correctly. Mint is no exception. All prejudices associated with the negative effect of the plant on potency are exaggerated, since usually the dosage of substances in tea or drugs is insufficient to significantly reduce the hormonal levels of men.

- vitamin C;
- vitamin P;
- potassium;
- calcium;
- magnesium;
- iron;
- ethers;
- menthol;
- flavonoids;
- bitterness;
- tannins;
- tannins;
- betaine;
- ursulic acid;
- oleanolic acid;
- triterpene compounds;
- hesperidin.

Mint in nature and in the garden

More than 25 types of mint are known in nature, the most common are: water mint, long-leaved mint, field mint, apple mint, flea mint. All these species are wild. If different varieties mints grow side by side and pollinate each other - hybrid varieties are created. The most famous cultivated species is peppermint, it is a hybrid of watermint and spearmint.

Spearmint and peppermint are cultivated plants that are grown in gardens and have decorative and industrial value. Curly mint is used more in cooking, and peppermint is used in the preparation of medicines.

Peppermint was first obtained for the purpose of cultivation in England in the 17th century, then it began to be grown everywhere and used in the form of medicines, aromatic medicinal teas, decoctions, tinctures, and collections.

For industrial purposes, the so-called “black” peppermint, which has a dark red-violet hue of the stem and leaves, is used, and in folk medicine, “white” mint with light green stems is also used.

Useful properties of mint and their uses

Mint has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and vasodilating properties, has a particularly good effect on the gastrointestinal tract, relieves flatulence, stomach pain, eliminates nausea and heartburn, and increases appetite. In addition, mint has a choleretic effect, cleanses the gallbladder of stones, and heals the liver.

Mint acts as a diaphoretic for fever, calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep and cardiac activity. The plant is used to treat the genitourinary system; it helps with bronchitis and colds. Menthol, which is a component of mint, is used in nasal drops and has an anti-inflammatory effect in the treatment of sore throat and pharyngitis. Mint is used in dentistry and also refreshes the oral cavity.

Mint is included in chewing gum, which can sometimes replace toothpaste.

Menthol is one of the components of the external anesthetic menovazine, which relieves pain in muscles and joints. Peppermint essential oil is included in mint tablets, mint drops, and medications such as Valocordin, Corvalol and others. Menthol helps in the treatment of mild angina and neuroses in the composition of validol and Zelenin drops. It is part of the Pectusin tablets, which are used to treat coughs and sore throats.

Dried and fresh flowers and leaves of peppermint are used in cooking in gravies for meat dishes, in soups and various seasonings. Mint is used in the preparation of liqueurs, soft drinks, sweets, it makes delicious tea.

The aroma and beneficial properties of mint are used in the manufacture of soap, shampoos, creams, and other types of perfume products. This plant has also been used in folk medicine for a long time.

Softened mint, grated with salt, helps get rid of fungus between the fingers. To care for delicate skin, it is recommended to pour a spoonful of dry mint leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for 40 minutes. Then strain the infusion and wipe your face and body with it.

Contraindications for use

Eating mint is beneficial in most cases, but there are also contraindications. This applies, first of all, to those who have an individual intolerance to the plant. It is not recommended to use mint as tea or take medications with it for people with low blood pressure, varicose veins, or anacid gastritis. An overdose of mint can cause nausea and headache.

Medicinal plants have long been used to restore human health. The healing properties of mint allow it to be successfully used in many areas of medicine.

Mint: beneficial properties for the heart and contraindications

It is known that regular use of mint tincture has a strengthening effect on the heart muscle and prevents heart attacks. Here are the additional properties that mint has for the cardiovascular system:

  1. Reduces high blood pressure.
  2. Increases the tone of the walls of blood vessels.
  3. Helps with arrhythmia, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis.
  4. Normalizes heart rhythm.

Contraindications in in this case is low blood pressure and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Peppermint essential oil – properties for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system:

Mint leaves - beneficial properties for the digestive system:

  • normalizes intestinal activity;
  • prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria and flatulence;
  • promotes the outflow of bile;
  • prevents cholelithiasis;
  • has a strengthening effect on liver cells, increases their protective functions;
  • relieves nausea;
  • relieves heartburn;
  • reduces increased stomach acidity and prevents peptic ulcers;
  • facilitates the functioning of the gallbladder and kidneys.

The healing properties of peppermint for diseases of the nervous system

For severe headaches and migraines, it is recommended to massage the scalp with crushed mint leaves or essential oil. This procedure will have an anesthetic effect and relieve pain. It is also useful to massage your temples by soaking your fingers in mint tincture or oil.

Medicinal properties of mint for oral diseases:

  1. Disinfects mucous membranes.
  2. Kills pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria.
  3. Strengthens gums.
  4. Fights caries.
  5. Relieves tooth and gum pain.
  6. Relieves pain during the growth of wisdom teeth.
  7. Prevents the growth of bacteria and fungi on the tongue.

Mint tea - properties

Peppermint tea is not only a very tasty drink, but also a medicine. It helps wonderfully against colds, especially if you make tea with honey and lemon. This drink should be consumed warm, up to 6 times a day.

In addition, mint tea can have a beneficial effect on colitis and intestinal pain. It is enough to pour boiling water over several fresh leaves of the plant and crush them with a spoon.

Severe pain during menopause or menopause can also be relieved with mint tea. In this case, you need to make a fairly strong infusion and drink it, adding a little cinnamon.

Even if there is no need for pain relief or treatment, mint tea is known for its restorative properties and beneficial effects on the body as a whole:


Mint should not be used if you are intolerant to its components or have allergic reactions. This plant is also contraindicated for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is not advisable to use mint in the treatment of young children, except in very small dosages. Mint treatment is prescribed to men with caution, since one of the properties of this plant is a decrease in potency.

Today, approximately three hundred species of mint are known to man, but only about 20–25 species of this plant are widespread. There is no particular need to name all types of mint, given that peppermint is mainly used in folk medicine. The main difference between mint and other types of plants is, of course, its aroma. However, the aroma of peppermint is much stronger than that of its relatives.

Peppermint is a perennial plant from the Lamiaceae family. The stem of peppermint is tetrahedral, hollow, and about one meter high. The leaves are ovoid, elongated, with denticles along the edges, and the root is horizontal and woody. Flowering of this plant begins in June and lasts until September.

The most valuable thing in peppermint is the stem and leaves, which need to be collected before flowering, since it is at this time that the plant contains the most essential oil - menthol. In the chemical composition of mint, the main element is menthol. About 2.5% of menthol is contained in the leaves; in the inflorescences its amount reaches 4–6%.

Application of mint

Mint is rich in menthol (contained in the leaves of the plant), which has local anesthetic, antispasmodic and antiseptic properties, and promotes reflex expansion of coronary vessels. For angina pectoris or pain in the stomach and intestines, mint is used internally. For neuralgia, toothache or as an antiseptic and analgesic for diseases respiratory tract For bronchitis and bronchiectasis, mint is used externally.

To treat migraines, menthol is used mixed with paraffin in the form of pencils. Menthol is also included in Zelenin drops, Valocordin, drops and ointments for the treatment of runny nose. Peppermint oil is also used for inhalation. Peppermint oil is included in mint drops and tablets. To improve the taste of mixtures and for rinsing the mouth, add mint water. Menthol alcohol is used to treat neuroderma. To improve digestion, increase appetite, and get rid of nausea and vomiting, infusions and tinctures of mint leaves are used.

But not only in our country mint is used, for example, in Bulgaria it is used to treat diseases of the stomach (for cramps) and intestines, for flatulence, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, and also as a choleretic agent, for gallstones and jaundice , as a pain reliever for hepatic colic, stimulating cardiac activity and relieving headaches.

Mint leaves are also used in Germany. There they are used in the form of tea to get rid of diseases of the digestive tract, flatulence and improve appetite, and they also take mint baths.

Decoctions, tinctures and oils from mint are prepared for the same diseases in Australia.

Mint leaves are quite common in France. There, mint is used as an antispasmodic, choleretic, wound healing agent, as well as to improve appetite and digestion.

Mint leaves are used in Poland as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and disinfectant for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, neuralgia, insomnia, migraines. There, mint leaves are used for inflammation of the periosteum, middle ear and other diseases. In addition to all this, mint is included in preparations to improve taste and smell.

Russian ethnoscience Mint leaves are used as a refreshing, choleretic and diaphoretic. Juice is made from the leaves of wild mint, which is used to treat kidney stones and also as a diuretic, mixing a tablespoon with white wine.

Mint leaves and flowers, fresh or dried, are used to prepare various dishes as a seasoning for salads, soups, meat and vegetable dishes, and added to sauces and teas for flavor.

Tea, which includes mint, has a choleretic, diaphoretic, and calming effect. Mint is included in stomach and bath mixtures.

Mint is widely used in the food, confectionery and perfume industries; it is found in toothpastes and powders, etc.

To get rid of headaches essential oil(in an alcohol solution of 1:4) rubbed into the skin, it is also used for migraines, inflammation of the skin or for inhalation for colds.

Preparing mint

Mint infusion is prepared as follows: 2 teaspoons of mint leaves are poured into 250 ml of boiling water (daily dose), infused for an hour, then filtered. It is recommended to take the product in sips throughout the day.

Useful properties of mint

Essential oil, which contains menthol, determines the taste of mint. The beneficial properties of the plant are also determined by such substances as esters, phellandrene, pinene, jasmone, piperitone, menthofuran, etc. In addition, tannins, flavonoids, and bitterness are also found in mint. It is the menthol contained in mint that makes it a bactericidal plant.

Peppermint is especially valued in medicine in the therapeutic area. It is prescribed as a sedative, vasodilator, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. Mint can normalize the functioning of the digestive system (relieve heartburn, nausea, increase appetite, help with diarrhea, reduce gas formation in the intestines), and have a choleretic effect (used to remove stones from the gall bladder and cleanse the liver).

The beneficial properties of mint are not limited to this; it is used as a diaphoretic and cooling agent in the treatment of fever and sore throat, pharyngitis, and runny nose. For the treatment of inflammation of the respiratory and genitourinary systems, mint is again used. Mint has a stimulating effect on the circulatory system and heart, relieves headaches, and lowers blood pressure. Peppermint has proven itself especially well in the treatment of migraines.

Mint has a complex effect on the nervous system: it tones, calms, relieves insomnia, and improves brain function.

Quite often, mint is used in dentistry as a mouth rinse, for preparing solutions, getting rid of pathogens, etc.

We can conclude that mint is both pleasant to taste and has a healing effect.

Contraindications to the use of mint

Mint is contraindicated for people who are hypersensitive to its components, as well as people with individual intolerance to mint. Mint should not be used by people with low blood pressure (hypotension).

It is important to know that mint can reduce the tone of venous vessels, which can easily contribute to the exacerbation of another existing disease. Quite often, under the influence of mint, varicose veins become aggravated. To avoid this, it is best not to use mint for people with this disease. If you often suffer from heartburn, then it is also better not to use mint, as it can also cause heartburn.

There is no need to give mint to small children under the age of three years old. It is not recommended for men to use mint, as it can reduce male libido. People suffering from drowsiness should avoid mint. If you are infertile, you should not use mint either. If you already have problems with conception, then be sure to avoid mint, as this plant can only aggravate this problem.