Essential oils cure obsession. Aromatherapy: the magic of essential oils and their beneficial properties

11.08.2019 Career and Work

Magic properties essential oils, how to use essential oils in magic, recipes and methods of using essential oils to fulfill desires, love, happiness!

They say that what we breathe in touches our Soul more than what we hear, see or feel with our body.

Beautiful words and, most importantly, correct.

The impact of odors on us is imperceptible, elusive, but quite effective. Essential oils are considered the most effective in this regard.

Simultaneously with the sensation of fragrant aromas of essential oils, into our body through Airways billions of molecules of subtle essences penetrate. They are instantly absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body, stimulating many body functions and “including” those that we need most at a given time.

In addition to the well-known medicinal properties, essential oils can reveal unique abilities in us, improve our mood, calm or invigorate.


This is the oil of Zeus, Obatala, Ra, Basta, solar deities. Considered sacred and used for cleansing or anointing. Rubbing a mixture of acacia, camellia and musk oils, taken in equal proportions, brings happiness.

Possesses powerful spiritual fluids. Used during meditation and spiritual practices to increase supersensitivity and acquire extrasensory abilities.

Awakens the “dormant” spontaneity of nature, colors thoughts in cozy and sweet tones. Kills the seeds of envy and anger in the soul. The aroma of detached goodwill and delicacy. Will help clairvoyants in their practices. Added to water during ritual ablution before magical practices.

Bitter orange
In bioenergy, the aroma of bitter orange symbolizes energy, upward striving, leadership, glory, and nobility.

Orange sweet

This is the oil of Buddha, Venus, Juno. In China, orange is a symbol of gold and prosperity.
Both the flower and the fruit are symbols true love. Jupiter gave Juno an orange blossom.
In rituals of love and fidelity, white or red candles are rubbed with orange oil or surrounded by orange peel and flowers.

Orange increases self-confidence, optimism, charm, opens the aura to goodness and the perception of positive information, revives after serious illnesses.
Helps with fortune telling, gives luck, love, money. Develops extrasensory abilities. Helps predict the future.
In love magic it is used in bathing to increase female attractiveness.

This is the oil of Mars.
The smell of basil creates sympathy between two people, so it is worn to avoid major clashes.
Basil essential oil is useful in blends that support happiness and peace, as well as stimulating the mind.

It is successfully used in magical oils that attract money.

Basil is also a passion plant. They eat it to increase sexual appetite. Burned - to enhance sexual pleasure. You can place basil leaves under your bed to add passion to your relationship with your partner.
Avoid large quantity during your manipulations with this oil. It is a powerful aphrodisiac.

On Tuesdays, basil is eaten to improve physical strength. On Wednesdays - to open communication channels.
In Greek Orthodox Church Basil is used to prepare holy water.

According to Hindu beliefs, basil has protective properties. That's why they decorate houses with it.
Basil restores the objectivity of self-esteem, restores self-confidence, and eliminates complexes.

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Oil of the Moon.
American Indians added bergamot to incense burners during spirit-raising rituals that produced visions.
One of the best protective equipment: warns of possible troubles and helps to avoid them. Protects during travel. Drink bergamot tea if you feel unsafe.
Protective candles are rubbed with bergamot oil on Monday evening.

Bergamot oil brightens, enhances the brightness of the aura and life itself, helps to achieve success in knowledge, creativity, and easily overcome difficulties. Neutralizes the aggressive energy of the crowd. It will restore peace of mind and cleanse the space of the house from evil forces.
It has long been used in magical cleansing rituals.
Helps avoid the evil eye and damage. To do this, it is good to take baths with bergamot oil.

Venus oil.
The smell of vanilla enhances sensuality and sexual appetite. Vanilla essential oil can be used for incense in the bedroom. Increases feminine energy, sexuality, wisdom and confidence in your feminine charms.

Vanilla attracts happiness. To enhance your personal charm, vanilla oil can be used as a perfume or added to your bath.

Increases the physical and energetic strength of the body.


Oil of Venus and Celtic goddesses.
Vervain perfume or burning the plant was used to open a channel of communication with the God and Goddess (neopagan religion - Wicca).
Verbena is suitable for washing the altar or temple before magical work. It charges the room and raises it to more high level the consciousness of everyone who enters it.
Verbena is used in spells of protection, love and immortality.
If you grow it on your own land, it brings prosperity to your home.
Baths with verbena are taken to achieve longevity.
For mutual love, hands are sprinkled with verbena powder.
Used for spiritual cleansing and energy replenishment.
A mixture of verbena, cinnamon and patchouli oils is a recipe for love attraction.

Lemon verbena
Oil of the Sun.
To cleanse before the sacred ritual: take a bath with lemon verbena oil; Wash the floors by adding lemon verbena oil to the water.
To speed up results and remove obstacles, verbena can be added to love and money potions.

Verbena is an oil that increases a person’s luck, helps correct mistakes made, opening the mind to a fair and noble way out of an unpleasant situation.
Helps achieve specific goals. Light candles with the aroma of verbena, use aroma lamps during meditation for your goals.
This oil will help those who want to achieve success in the field of art. Develops creative abilities.

Smells like money. Add it to mixtures or dilute it and carry it with you. Lubricate your money with it before you spend it.
The aroma of vetiver attracts good luck in business and love.

Used to protect against enemies. To do this, the vetiver root is placed in a protective huang bag.
For power and success, scatter vetiver powder around a purple candle.

Colors the aura in golden shining tones, encourages high thoughts and noble deeds.
Nourishes the chakras that give a pleasant timbre to the voice, developing oratory talent and courtly art.

The scent of gardenia invokes the power of the full moon.
Gardenia flowers floating in water on the altar improve psychic abilities.
Gardenia oil used in a bath increases strength and influence.

Used in love potions to attract the attention of another person and stimulate sympathy.
To do this, grind the powder and rub it into the skin before meeting the chosen person.
Or this powder can be sprinkled on the threshold over which a person will step.
Gardenia gives peace, love, healing, happiness, harmony.

Cloves (spice)

Strong irritant, do not use in pure form!

Add one drop to 1/8 cup of carrier oil. Helps to gain courage and protection.
Cloves are used in magical recipes for command, coercion and control.
Symbolizes strength and energy. Used in magic for lasting success in endeavors when additional energy is needed.
To repay money that someone owes you, chew whole cloves. At the same time, visualize repaying the debt.
When the whole picture is presented, spit out the clove.

The aroma of cloves brings prosperity and happiness to the home. A very potent oil.

Capable of protecting a person from harm. Clears the path of life, gets rid of enemies, cleanses the space of the house from negativity.

Increases sexual performance. For sexual tirelessness, clove oil diluted in base oil is rubbed into the thigh.

Restores after injuries, illnesses and operations.
Gives success in business, wealth and prosperity, protects, promotes clairvoyance.

This essential oil is a strong protector.

Carry diluted with you or add to mixtures that attract happiness.
Geranium eliminates the mechanisms of self-destruction, self-flagellation (inferiority complex, uncertainty, dependence on other people's opinions).
Helps you quickly recover from unpleasant communication or a small loss.

Reveals a special sensuality in a woman after forty. Nourishes the energy of youth on the current plane.
Used in spiritualistic rituals.
The aroma of geranium inspires, helps to rise above the bustle of life, adds elements of dreaminess and sensuality to the mood.

Symbol of the Moon and night mysteries.

Although it is terribly expensive, one precious drop is enough to add to mixtures that attract love, peace, develop the subconscious and spirituality.
It also helps in enhancing sexuality. However, try to avoid synthetic jasmine!
Dry jasmine petals are a traditional component of talisman bags that attract love.

In ancient times, it was believed that burning jasmine leaves would bring wealth.

If burned in the bedroom, they will bring prophetic dreams.
Able to relax and help you sleep. Relieves heaviness and fatigue, acting on subtle levels of consciousness.

Jasmine increases clairvoyance abilities, develops imagination, promotes purification, prudence, and dexterity; promotes immersion in the Astral, bestows love and money.


An ancient essence that attracts love and positive energy of the world, aligns the energy shell, restores symmetry, promotes the development of high chakras.

The rich tropical aroma of this essential oil is beneficial in promoting love, peace and sexuality.
It can be worn on the body, or added to mixtures for similar purposes.

Aphrodisiac. Used to attract a loved one. Strengthens vitality, increases determination and energy in women. In Indonesia, its flowers are sprinkled on the bed of newlyweds.
If someone gives ylang-ylang flowers as a gift, it is considered a declaration of love. Ylang-ylang is used in magical love compositions.

It is believed that a wreath of ylang-ylang flowers provides reliable protection against evil spirits.

Used in self-massage rituals. Brings peace of mind, puts you in a positive mood, helps you relax deeply, without losing your tone at the same time. Brings back the joy of life.

This essential oil has a forest scent. Its energies help in the development of spirituality.
Cedar enhances the processes of restoration and renewal of aura energy, builds up thinned layers, helps to quickly restore strength and energy in case of illness and excessive stress on the nervous system.
Gives validity and nobility to thoughts and actions, confidence and determination.
Cleanses, protects, attracts money, removes damage or the evil eye.

It is an essential oil of blessing, sanctification and protection.
Its unique aroma stimulates healing and eases the pain of losses of all kinds.

Cypress is a shield oil: it protects against the ill will of others, prevents vampiric contacts, and releases your energy. Heals, gives comfort.


It has very powerful vibrations to protect a person from evil. Increases vitality and sexual energy

Brings money, success, prosperity to the house.

Meditation with cinnamon oil promotes insight and helps to understand the meaning of everything that happens in a person’s life.
Cinnamon promotes easy overcoming of failures, optimism, self-confidence and self-esteem.

Eliminates the emotions of decay: self-pity, fixation on everyday problems, past mistakes, a feeling of being chosen in comparison with other people. Makes nature lighter, brighter and more humane, opens the breath of love, establishes harmonious relationships between a man and a woman.
Promotes prosperity, success in business, gives energy and healing, encourages creativity, and develops mental abilities.

This pure, refreshing oil is commonly included in formulas focused on health, love, peace and consciousness.
The Celtic month of the Willow Moon (April 15 to May 13) is dedicated to the sacred scent of lavender.
Lavender collected during the full moon has increased magical properties.

The ancient Greeks dedicated Lavender to the goddess Hecate, the patroness of witches, sorcerers and witchcraft.
Medieval monks carried a sprig of lavender with them to ward off evil spirits.
Used in magical rituals of ablution and cleansing.

Drives away evil spirits, removes damage and the evil eye. Relieves nightmares and other people's “sticky” energy.

Strengthens feminine charms. Helps you feel lighter, cheerful, and desirable.

Used to develop extrasensory abilities, foresee future events, immerse yourself in past life situations to find the causes of failures in the present.
Lavender promotes self-knowledge, meditation, and rapid recuperation.
Provides complete energetic relaxation, helps resolve “scars” on the energy shell.
Reduces aggression, helps to recover from envy. Gives happiness, purification, love, healing.

It has an incredibly rich aroma, helps in the development of spirituality and meditative states.
Must be diluted before use on skin; may be an irritant.
In Ancient Babylon, incense was considered sacred, and its aroma was used to cleanse the soul.
At noon, the ancient Egyptians burned incense in their temples, symbolizing the movement of the Sun God Ra across the sky.
Egyptian myths tell of a phoenix that brought incense to the Egyptians in its claws.
Frankincense gets its name from the Greek “ladanon”, which means “to become godlike”.
According to Christian tradition, incense was one of the gifts that the wise men brought to the baby Jesus.

Incense is one of the oldest and most valuable fumigation substances.
Restores energetic “justice”, returning energy to its owner.
If someone wished you harm or put the evil eye on you, and you feel energetic discomfort, then after using incense, the dirty energy that was imposed on you will return to where it came from, everyone will receive what they deserve.

Incense is an aroma for meditation, a sense of peace and nirvana, strengthens faith and strength, increases the resistance of the energy shell to evil, makes it easier to receive energy from space and disinterestedly transfer it to people dear to you.
Helps to find love and build a family, enhances intelligence and tolerance.
Allows you to avoid hasty assessments of people and events, eradicates bad impulses, and allows you to recover from vampirism.
Brightens, aligns, strengthens the aura, gradually returns the tail of energy to its original place, thereby closing the energy breakdown.

The aroma of lemon sharpens all five senses and symbolizes the five types of happiness - Love, Money, Health, Strength and Wisdom.
Used in Moon oils. Wear diluted lemon oil during the Full Moon to tune into the energies of the Moon.
Add to cleansing and healing oils.

In the Middle Ages, lemon oil was used to make amulets to bring good luck.
Lemon strengthens etheric body, aligns its boundaries, restores tone, cleaning the channels.

Helps overcome the “winter cold” that binds the soul, instilling fresh strength and relieving one from depression and the burden of everyday life.
Helps to quickly and painlessly adapt to new living conditions, to new people, helps to quickly get used to and philosophically perceive losses, increases interest in life, encourages a creative attitude towards work, family, love.

Increases concentration, restores tone and vigor, improves mood, helps to look at things more positively.

In the past, marjoram was used for protection and was considered a symbol of joy.
Brides and grooms of Greece and Rome decorated themselves with marjoram garlands so that their marriage would bring happiness and wealth.
Marjoram helps get rid of bad attitudes.
Quickly restores mental strength after serious troubles, losses, grief.
It infects you with a thirst for life, allowing you to quickly and calmly achieve your goal.

It has the scent of energy, imbued with the powers of the sun. Add tangerine oil to mixtures that attract strength and power.


Melissa is a powerful shield against other people’s ill will, helps get rid of old grievances and prevents new ones. Helps you become successful and optimistic.


Myrrh brightens and evens out the aura. Opens to love. Helps you understand and forgive the motives and mistakes of others. Helps to get rid of false self-esteem and gain dignity. Great for meditation.


Myrtle protects, promotes spirituality, removes damage and the evil eye, helps with meditation, heals, sanctifies.


Juniper develops integrity and loyalty of nature, rejection and recognition of lies, protects against aggression, helps to find a quick and decent way out of any difficult situation. Helps get rid of irritation. Promotes the acquisition of authority, develops nobility and intelligence. Gives healing, protection, calm.

This resinous essential oil is used in protective, cleansing and healing mixtures.
In Scotland, juniper buds were hung above the door at the entrance to the farm and placed in the animals' stalls the day before. May Day to ward off witches and evil spirits.
Foresters in Wales have always kept the juniper trees intact.
It was believed that the person who cut down this tree would suffer bad luck for the entire year or die.


Nutmeg is an oil for meditation, turning to the stars, restoring energetic integrity. Helps to find spiritual justice and tolerance in love, in family life and in achieving business goals. Makes teenagers invulnerable to the bad influence, developing their intuition and insight.

Used in rituals of cleansing, protection from damage and the evil eye, and to expel unclean spirits.
Lubricate various places in your home with this oil. This will help avoid problems. Destroys black magic spells.
If one drop of this oil is applied to the third eye area, it will enhance the ability to foresee the future.


The scent of mint is loved by money and prosperity. To increase your well-being, use aroma lamps with this oil.
Place three drops of oil in your wallet. This will attract money.

Peppermint oil helps relieve stress and promote relaxation.
Take a bath with this oil before bed. This will clear your subtle sphere of blocks and foreign programs.

Mint enhances breathing, pulsation, and renewal of the energy field.

Increases mutual understanding between loved ones. Makes a person kinder, friendlier and more cheerful.

Eliminates failures and anticipation of troubles. Helps defeat diseases. Prevents the projection of “black holes” into your life.

Also known as Orange Blossom Essential Oil. Has an incredibly rich citrus aroma.

This oil is quite expensive. However, one drop added to a mixture of happiness and purification works wonders.
Neroli enhances the brightness and attractiveness of a person, giving her features of sophistication and nobility.
Prevents bad impulses and envy. It is an oil of meditation, helps to quickly renounce material problems and see the spiritual side of the world.

Favorite oil of occultists. Makes a person attractive to the opposite sex.

Neutralizes negative energy, expels evil, increases sensuality, sexuality and physical energy

Powerfully attracts money into life. Makes a person impenetrable in the face of stressful situations.

It will help to achieve what they want for those who are looking for new customers and clients, striving for success in business.
Useful in mixtures that attract money. It can also be worn diluted for the same purposes.

A common love scent. Natural rose essential oil (known as "otto") and rose absolute (another form) are expensive, but as with jasmine, a single drop has strong aromatic qualities.

Rose essential oil is used in formulas created to attract love, promote peace and enhance beauty.
Do not use synthetic options!
Rose transforms the unproductive energy of anger, disappointment and sadness into the energy of self-improvement and objective assessment of problems.
People who constantly use rose oil evoke sympathy from others at first sight.
Rose helps you feel the pleasure of being alone. Gives love, fertility, heals, cleanses and sanctifies a house or room.

Rosemary renews, revitalizes with energy, strengthens the immunity of the aura, warms, encourages action, an active lifestyle, enhances psychologism and intuition, and develops the heart chakra. Improves memory.

Sandalwood reveals the creative side of personality, talent. Helps you not to do impulsive things. Heals, protects, helps with immersion in the Astral, expels evil spirits, gives spirituality.

One of the Earth's true treasures, yarrow essential oil has a natural blue color and an amazing aroma. It can be added in small quantities to mixtures focused on love, courage and the subconscious. Yarrow gives courage, extrasensory abilities, and drives out evil spirits.

Tea tree
Oil-oncologist. Eliminates energy formations caused by the adoption of incorrect life attitudes. Restores the thickness, shape, symmetry of the aura. It most strongly affects the “cap” (the area of ​​the aura above the head). Protects from the effects of aggressive energy from the outside world.

Clary sage
Sage helps to recover from deception and infidelity. Promotes the discovery of new opportunities for personal self-expression. Gives prudence, clarity of mind, sincerity; cleanses.

Oil-savior, helps to quickly recover from stress, illness, curse. Increases the amount of energy responsible for longevity.

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The magical properties of essential oils. The magic of smell. Magical scents. What aromas can affect a person’s energy. Fragrances are amulets. Essential oils by zodiac sign. Miracles of scents.

Each plant, like people and all living things on this planet, has its own purpose, its own character, its own energy. The ancients knew the secrets of the universe and the structure of the Universe. We sometimes believe, and sometimes we laugh at our quirks and faith in Magic, but from time to time we hold on to a button at the sight of a black cat...

Air - this is the aroma of Peace, protection of home and family. In the East in China, bunches of Calamus were placed near the bed, at the head of the bed. On the fifth day he was moved to the windows and doors of the room. It is believed that this helps to drive away evil thoughts, unkind strangers from the home, and remove the evil eye. Calamus helps to achieve success in the most difficult matters. The plant is used in love magic. The aroma is endowed with hidden power and can enhance the effect of any love spell.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Moon
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius

Anise designed to protect human energy from the negative effects of evil entities. It eliminates nightmares and helps clarify consciousness. Used in magic spells. Calls on good spirits for help, protects young minds from base vibrations. Anise essential oil can be added to a sachet (with anise seed) in the bedroom for a restful sleep. In the place of food preparation, in the kitchen, the aroma of Anise will cleanse harmful energies and protect food. Anise is used in love magic and fortune telling.

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aries, Taurus

Orange - the aroma of happiness and joy. Brings good luck in love and business. Gives health of spirit and positive emotions. Promotes the development of intuitive abilities and foresight. Orange juice is used for magical love spells and rituals. The aroma of Orange has a strong lively energy. It helps attract material wealth, money, gifts. In China, orange is used as an offering to Buddha.

  • Element: Water. Fire
  • Planet: Sun, Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio

Name Basil- speaks for itself. This is the plant of kings. It was part of the oil for “anointing” the throne. The aroma helps to reveal the “Third Eye, intuition, divination. This is the scent of protection. Basil gives love, brings wealth to the home, and promotes success and fame. It helps you move up the career ladder. Facilitates mutual understanding between people, attracts.

The aroma of Basil is used to protect against dark forces. It drives away negative entities from the house and promotes the movement of positive energy. Promotes calm, peaceful sleep and erotic dreams. To do this, it can be used in the form of a sachet with the addition of essential oil.

Basil is used in rituals to attract wealth and opportunities. It can be dripped into your wallet or pocket in which you carry money. Sellers scent their counters with the aroma of Basil to attract wealthy customers.

  • Element: Fire
  • The planet Mars
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius

Bey's scent sets you up for success in business. Contributes to the correct flow of affairs. Affects career, allows you to achieve results. Helps with learning. Promotes the development of extrasensory perception, reveals the best sides of the soul. Has strong living energy. Cleanses and warms the soul. Attracts love.

  • Element: Fire, Earth
  • Planet: Jupiter, Mercury

Bergamot - the scent of good luck. This is a restorative, barrier scent. It brings powerful, active living energy to any area of ​​a person’s life. If this is politics, then the scent of Bergamot can extinguish the aggressive mood of an entire crowd. Helps to be heard and understood. If this is a business, then Bergamot facilitates mutual understanding between people. Directs the flow of thought in the right direction, improves the emotional background of your partner and interlocutor. He helps to sign the most difficult contracts. Bergamot will cleanse your aura and eliminate holes. It relieves fatigue, cleanses, and charges with clear, clear energy. Used in magical rituals: to attract good luck, luck in love. It doesn’t matter where you use this scent, in the office, car or bedroom, it will invariably bring you good luck and a great mood. Aroma pendant with Bergamot essential oil on your chest - the right way set yourself up for business.

  • Element: Moon
  • Planet: Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs:

Vanilla is the scent of Venus, the scent of happiness, love and eroticism. This is a magical plant. It is used in rituals to attract love and passion. The aroma helps you achieve what you want and achieve success in everything. Vanilla attracts the right people for business. She helps to bring back a loved one. Reveals in a person hidden abilities and talents. Gives sexual and monetary energy. It enhances sensuality, helps you understand yourself and other people better. Vanilla can be placed in a sachet or carried with you in dried form, in the area of ​​the heart chakra. With Vanilla oil you can take baths with lit candles, dream, visualize, make plans for the future and for love relationships. All your plans will certainly come true!

Vetiveria- the aroma of peace, in India it is called “Elixir of Serenity”. Vetiver restores the aura and strengthens it protective properties. Raises a person to the highest points of worldview and understanding of the structure of the Universe. Helps change the angle of perception. Used for meditative activities. The oil pacifies, establishes connections with the world and reconciles a person with himself. Allows you to rise above a difficult situation and see the source, the reason for what is happening, thereby acquiring solid ground under your feet. Vetiver is believed to bring good luck in business. It has monetary energy similar to that of patchouli and basil. Vetiver oil can be dripped into your wallet or pockets for money. You can scent the premises of offices and retail outlets.

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Leo, Gemini

Carnation - protective, barrier aroma. It helps restore the aura and heal breakdowns. Restores energy lost during serious illnesses. Prevents magical attacks from outside. Saves from vampire attacks. Cloves are used in magical rituals aimed at establishing control over a person. The aroma of Cloves helps protect against the evil eye, envious glances, and dirty gossip. Promotes spiritual growth of the individual, develops the gift of clairvoyance. Cloves create the basis for sound, sober decisions. Helps to attract prosperity, get what you want, and repay debts.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Sun
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Sagittarius, Scorpio

Geranium- This is a euphoric scent. Its main purpose is protection. Geranium heals the aura and eliminates breakdowns. Compacts the energy layer. It is used in love magic, where it can work miracles. It will attract love, eliminate rivals, and ignite passion. Geranium can create an incredible atmosphere of pleasure. It removes many inferiority complexes. It puts you above unpleasant situations and allows you to see the world in brighter colors.

  • Element: Fire, Water
  • Planet: Sun, Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Taurus, Gemini

Grapefruit - an aroma that gives vigor, youth and joy. This is a nourishing aroma. It brings good luck and attracts love. Allows you to achieve success and achieve what you want. Improves communication between people, sharpens intuition. Improves all areas of human existence. It has a positive effect on energy and makes the aura lighter. It is believed that a woman who smells of grapefruit can safely hide her age from a man - in his eyes she is young. Grapefruit scent should be added to your daily perfume. Just be sure to record it with lower notes, because it is as short-lived as first love...

  • Element: Fire, Water
  • Planet: Venus, Sun
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs:

Oregano (oregano) aroma- symbol happy love. From time immemorial, this plant has been used in love magic. Young girls were given a decoction of Oregano to make them look fuller women's health and attractiveness. Thanks to her healing abilities, Oregano is popularly called Mother. If the husband looked “away” from his wife, he was given Oregano to drink and returned to the family bosom. Oregano helps a man appreciate what he has, deprives him of the feeling of insatiation and thirst for base passions. The plant helps restore calm peace in the home. This is the herb of Hera, the wife, and not the plant of Aphrodite, the mistress.

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Cancer, Virgo, Pisces, Libra, Gemini, Leo

Jasmine scent- a symbol of mystery. He is patronized by Night and Moon. This is the scent of pure love and passion. If you want to embrace sincere love, then this is your scent. It promotes astral travel and is used for meditation, love potions and rituals. Gives restful sleep and prophetic dreams. Jasmine helps in the development of clairvoyance, creativity. Used for rituals to attract good luck in career and monetary energy. This is the aroma of spiritual and material wealth. If you use Jasmine in your daily perfume, then meeting you will remain in people's memories. They will feel sincere feelings for you just like that, without self-interest. This is a euphoric scent - it gives joy and happiness.

  • Element: Water, Earth
  • Planet: Moon, Jupiter
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo, Scorpio, Libra

Ylang-ylang– the aroma of love mixed with sadness. The aroma of Ylang-ylang has enchanting, almost hypnotic properties. It restores the aura and fills the soul with serenity. Attracts pure energies. Improves vibrations. It has an amazing ability to attract love and ignite erotic feelings. Oil of calm, confident energy properties. Capable of attracting good luck in business and wealth. Wealth is sometimes expressed not in monetary form, but in the ability to appreciate what you have. Gives the ability to see the big in the small.

  • Element: Water, Earth
  • Planet: Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Aquarius, Pisces

Ginger flavor- nourishing, reconciling. This is the scent of love and passion. It has incredible igniting power. Used in love magic. Women in Sumatra wore ginger root belts to incite passion in their men. The aroma of Ginger gives magical power, clears the mind, warms up the chakras. It helps to increase the protective layer of the aura. Promotes the development of spirituality and integrity. Protects against aggression and black anger of negative energies.

  • Element: Fire, Earth
  • Planet: Mars, Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Aquarius

Hyssop - sacred magical plant. The aroma of humility and purification. It is considered a protective scent against demonic dark forces. Cleanses the home from energy impurities. Relieves nightmares. The aroma of Hyssop cleanses and restores the aura, making it denser and more impenetrable. Hyssop helps a person accept life with all its collisions and life's twists and turns. Develops character in a person and develops spirituality. For protection, you can make a sachet of dried Hyssop and drip the essential oil into the herb at night. You can use the aroma lamp an hour before bedtime.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Moon, Saturn, Mercury
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs:

Cardamom– the aroma of energy, the aroma is a talisman. This is a magical plant that is used in love magic to attract love and to strengthen existing relationships. Cardamom brings good luck to the family. A person who uses this plant is always in high spirits. He manages to do everything he has planned, the work is burning in his hands. All plans are carried out and all dreams come true. This is a scent of amazing energy that allows you to find mutual language with people, it creates a single wave of understanding and agreement. Its action is soft and pleasant, like the movement of water.

Cassia– aroma of protection. This plant promotes the development of spirituality and reveals extrasensory abilities. Kindles passion and fire, warms up “frozen” energy. Strengthens flows. Cassia brings success in all endeavors. Has protection. She is able to attract wealth, money, health. The aroma cleanses and gives strength. Used for meditation, promotes astral travel.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Uranus, Sun
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs:

Kayaput, White Tree— the aborigines considered it a sacred source of strength. They made amulets from it that brought victory over the enemy. It is designed to protect and cleanse. Helps to cope with enemies within oneself: laziness, drowsiness, indifference. The aroma awakens initiative and excites consciousness. It elevates you above vanity, gives lightness and spirituality. Restores vibrations, brings them to a high frequency, aligns the aura. Protects against magical interference. Aligns the energy of the house, drives out negative entities, promotes harmony in communication among household members.

  • Element; Fire water
  • Planet: Mars, Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Sagittarius, Aries, Rab

Cedar- a sacred plant, incense aroma of ancient Egyptian temples. It was burned incense during the time of Moses. The aroma of Cedar is the aroma of unshakable faith in God and higher powers. It gives divine energy and enriches spiritually. Cedar harmonizes the emotional background, promotes worldview and meditation.

Allows you to determine the true values ​​of the world. It smoothes the flow of thoughts and protects you from vanity. Renews, compacts and cleanses the aura. Allows you to quickly restore mental and physical strength. Able to attract monetary energy, provided that its path is paved with noble intentions.

  • Element: Fire, Air
  • Planet: Mars, Uranus, Saturn
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo, Libra

Cypress scent– sacred aroma of protection from evil spirits. This scent is a shield, a barrier. In the Ancient civilizations of Greece and Egypt, Cypress was used for serving in temples. It was set on fire and the room was fumigated during religious ceremonies. Its branches were placed to cleanse the home from filth. Cypress prevents vampiric attacks. It improves the well-being in the house and brings money. Brings success in career, helps in business. Heals body and soul. Gives energy. In a house where the aroma of Cypress reigns - peace, comfort and tranquility. Cypress helps with real estate issues and stops unprofitable deals

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aries, Taurus. Leo, Sagittarius

Coriander- This is a talisman against failure. Its seeds were worn as an amulet against troubles. It was believed that it protected against many diseases, poisoning, and epilepsy. It is used in magic for love dreams. The grains under the pillow will allow you to see your betrothed. It renews energy, promotes kinship of souls, and improves mutual understanding. It is believed to be able to attract the love of a soul mate. The aroma of Coriander is the key to a healthy body. It is not for nothing that from time immemorial it has been added to the baking of bread - the main food product for many nationalities.

  • Element: Fire
  • The planet Mars
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Cinnamon flavor– the aroma of success and protection of home and family. This is a strong magical aroma that warms a frozen soul and an icy heart. Cinnamon can awaken psychic abilities in a person. It improves well-being in the home, it attracts money, luck and success. You need to install an aroma lamp in your study or office. You can drip the aroma of Cinnamon into your wallet or money pocket.

The magical aroma of love and prosperity. Promotes personality and spiritual development. Cleanses and strengthens the aura, improves communication with the subconscious. Increases performance. Facilitates mutual understanding with people.

The aroma of home. Place the aroma lamp in the kitchen, dining room and living room. If you want to create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere at work, then Cinnamon oil will help you.

  • Element: Sun
  • Planet: Uranus

Lavender is the scent of self-improvement and meditation. It brings love, protection from evil forces. Lavender cleanses, gives longevity and mental health. Lavender brightens the aura, opens energy conductivity, and helps quickly restore spiritual harmony. It is suitable for relaxation, calming procedures, and meditation. Lavender oil relieves aggression and eliminates low vibrations. Allows the soul to ring at a high frequency. Lavender can bring prosperity, but this is not exactly its task. It helps you make the right decision, the result of which may appear after some time. Lavender removes the evil eye and damage. With the aroma of lavender it is useful to take a bath by candlelight, think, guess, and dream.

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Gemini, Libra

Incense– this is a sacred aroma. It heals human nature, elevates the soul above vanity and worldly addictions. Puts your thoughts in order, takes away the fuss. Enlightens consciousness, spiritualizes. Frankincense protects against black forces and the malevolent eye. “Washes away” dirty energy. Incense is a means for meditation. It strengthens faith, gives strength, gives energy. Strengthens the connection with the cosmos. Cleanses, brightens and aligns the aura, closes energy breakdowns.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Mercury, Moon
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs:

Lime flavor, like the aroma of Lemon, gives a lot of light and clean energy. It is intended to cleanse and protect a person from evil forces and unkind people. Lime strengthens the aura, aligns it, and clears the connection with the cosmos. Gives new strength, instills life. Helps you adapt to difficult circumstances. Reduces acute perception of loss. Promotes communication with people. Increases creativity. Helps with work and study. An aroma pendant with Lyme oil on your chest will protect you from diseases and help you concentrate on complex tasks. Lime helps in love, attracts the person YOU need. It will calm your sleep and put your vain thoughts in order.

  • Element: Water, Air
  • Planet: Venus, Mercury
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini

Lemongrass- aroma of protection and cleansing. He puts everything in its place, reveals secret intentions, evil plans. Protects against theft, removes troubles from the home. The aroma of Lemongrass cleanses energy, restores strength, adapts to uncomfortable surroundings, and eliminates negative influences.

  • Element: Air, Saturn
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini

Lemon– the aroma of energy and vitality. Raises interest in life, adapts to a new environment. Helps you cope with any task. Gives you bright living energy. Brightens the aura, aligns its boundaries. Awakens creativity, creativity.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Mars, Jupiter
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Taurus, Aries, Leo, Scorpio

Marjoram- the aroma of peace. It is used in both joy and sorrow. Bouquets of Marjoram were given to newlyweds as a symbol of happiness and at the same time planted in churchyards. This plant is believed to help cope with loss loved one. It restores mental strength, calms and pacifies. Calms the rebellious mind and aggressive spirit. The aroma of marjoram helps to preserve and protect love and bring back your husband. It brings wealth to the house, bestows health, and prolongs life. Marjoram consoles in grief and sadness, gives hope. An aroma lamp with the aroma of Marjoram will protect the house from evil forces and protect household members from the evil eye. In the bedroom it will give you a bright and peaceful sleep and eliminate nightmares.

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Virgo, Aries, Leo, Capricorn

Mandarin– the aroma of gold and sun. He brings good luck and wealth to the house. Gives strength and energy. Revitalizes the aura, heals breakdowns. Eliminates low vibrations. Inspires, promotes the manifestation of originality. Sublimates sexual energy into creative energy. Allows you to renounce the base, material, and move to a new level of development.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Sun
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Leo, Capricorn, Aries, Aquarius

Lemon balm: Removes evil from the house, drives out ill-wishers, saves from the evil eye. Place an aroma lamp with lemon balm oil in the hallway and your home will be reliably protected.

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Jupiter

Myrrh- one of the five sacred scents. His fame spread throughout the world. This is a light high vibration scent. It brightens and aligns the aura. Elevates human thoughts and aspirations. Myrrh - pacifies, relieves from vain and unnecessary things. This is a helping and protecting meditative aroma. Myrrh oil exposes liars, reveals their essence, helps to “pull back the curtains” and see the truth. Its rich aroma opens the way to finding love and fame.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Mars, Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Pisces, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius

Myrtle– the aroma of spiritual protection. In ancient times, pieces of Myrtle wood were worn on the chest to preserve youth and protect against disease. The aroma of Myrtle spiritualizes and elevates. Cleanses and straightens the aura. During meditation, it helps to discard unnecessary thoughts and find the truth. It is believed to bring wealth and good luck to the home. Attracts love and attention. Protects from the evil eye and damage. Myrtle oil restores sleep, gives peaceful dreams, preserves peace in the home and protects against evil intentions and envy.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs:

Juniper berry aroma- the aroma of health. The oil will help eliminate the effects of negative energies. Protects against accidents. Resists false intentions. Cleanses the aura, drives away fears and the influence of other people's energy, removes damage and the evil eye. The aroma is mystical - it is believed that it helps to contact otherworldly forces. In ancient times, women wore juniper berry beads to attract love. Helps in a successful career.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Sun
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs:

Carrot- in the old days they were used to prepare love potions and enhance sexual desire. Carrots have earned this reputation because of their shape. The Carrot aroma has a warm energy. It warms and protects. Helps you gain a feeling of comfort and security. Carrots have always helped prevent eating disorders. Carrots are a talisman for home, family, and marriage.

Muscat aroma– the aroma of strength and good luck. This is a meditation oil. Nutmeg is a talisman. It is worn on the chest for good luck in gambling. It gives health, strength of spirit and body, helps to gain power both over people and over one’s own vices. Oil determines fate and gives protection. Muscat is used to discover the abilities of clairvoyance and prophecy. Helps young people understand the structure of the world and take their place in it. Protects from anger and envy. Nutmeg attracts money and love. The aroma has a masculine character.

  • Element: Water, Fire
  • Planet: Jupiter, Uranus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs:

Clary sage is a sacred aroma. He gives power, money. Protects against deception. Sage cleanses human energy, cleanses the house of pathogenic energy. Restores after a long illness, saves from magical attacks. Clary sage is used for prophetic dreams to receive advice from higher powers. The oil is meditative, euphoric. The ancients buried grass under the threshold of the house from evil spirits. They wore sage herb against the evil eye in small bags on their chests. There are many rituals associated with this plant. The girl who wrote the name of her beloved on a sage leaf got married.

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Moon, Mercury, Jupiter
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs:

Peppermint Flavor cleansing and strong. Mint was woven into wreaths during religious ceremonies. It was placed on the sacrificial altar and burned in temples. Mint gives prosperity and love. She has a unique magical power renewal and protection of the human energy shell. Eliminates negative influences from outside and reveals a good and kind beginning. Mint protects against attacks on one's own freedom. Reveals abilities and new talents in a person. The aroma of Mint has a lively good energy. Gives peace and tranquility. Influences the subconscious and gives magical powers. She can attract wealth to you.

  • Element: Air, Fire
  • Planet: Venus, Jupiter, Mercury

Pomeranian- a symbol of virgin purity. IN Ancient Greece Pomeranz flowers were used to decorate the hair of the bride at the wedding. A wreath was also woven for the groom and placed on his head. The wedding procession was sprinkled with Pomerantz flowers all the way to the church. This symbolized wishing the young people happiness, love for many years to come and the birth of healthy children.

Neroli scent- the aroma of wealth. It was used only by noble and wealthy nobles. This is a trail of luxury, and not just the smell of despicable metal. If you want to get more in life than the average and... to the common man, then the magic of Neroli will attract what you want to you. The aroma can be used as perfume, dripped onto a handkerchief (although they are no longer in fashion... more and more paper napkins). In the house you need to place a candle on the flow of incoming energy and drip Neroli essential oil next to it. Be sure to let the candle burn out to the end. Neroli is suitable for visualization. It is better to do this in a relaxing bath, by candlelight.

  • Neroli corresponding stone: Emerald
  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Leo, Virgo, Libra

Palmarosa scent designed to heal and protect. This is a love talisman. Palmarosa is influenced by Venus. It is used in magical love rituals. Palmarosa will help protect what you have. She will save your love, family, your home, your children from the evil eye and attacks. Palmarosa brings good luck to the house and helps in any endeavor. Palmarosa is a scent for meditation.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Venus
  • Zodiac: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Patchouli scent able to attract subtle energies. It attracts sexual energy and transforms it into a relaxed form. It is also known that it is a strong magnet for monetary energy. To attract money, Patchouli oil is dripped into a wallet or an aroma lamp with a few drops of Patchouli is placed in the hallway or office reception area. You can light a green candle with the scent of patchouli on the incoming flow of energy. Patchouli awakens creativity in a person. With its help, you can make plans for the future, draw pictures, and visualize. The aroma has a rare quality, it prevents the development of vampiric tendencies and prevents vampirism attacks in your direction.

  • Element: Earth, underworld
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Taurus

Petitgrain- the aroma of youth and triumph of victory. Helps you move forward towards higher and greater goals. This is the scent for a leader. It brings out noble feelings and helps to absorb valuable experience. And even in unfavorable life situations, it allows you to remain yourself and not change your principles. Petitgrain's aroma harmonizes subtle energies, cleanses energy channels, and affects chakras and mental centers. Orange flowers were considered wedding flowers. They were used to decorate the bride and wedding processions. White flower The orange blossom is a symbol of pure and reverent love. The aroma of Petitgrain is similar to that of Neroli and Bigardia. It cleanses the house of negative energies and has the power to attract love, fame and success.

  • Element: Air, Fire
  • Planet: Sun
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio

Parsley considered a sacred, witchcraft plant. It was believed that it could only be sown in Good Friday, and if you transplant, then misfortune will follow. Midwives set fire to dry parsley grass and gave them decoctions to ease childbirth. This scent is not to be trifled with. It is healing for some and destructive for others, whose thoughts are unclean and doubtful. It was believed that if you decorate food with a sprig of Parsley, the food will be reliably protected from desecration. The aroma of Parsley protects against the evil eye and damage. The aroma of Parsley restores harmony in the home. Protects the home from ill-wishers. The ancient Romans attached a sprig of Parsley to their clothes to protect them from evil spirits; they believed that the ghost immediately evaporated...

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Sagittarius, Libra

Fir has a life-giving aroma. It gives vitality, strength of character and liveliness of mind. Awakens vitality, inspires, gives energy. Protects the home from negative energy. Burning wood in home, removes all pathogenic entities through the pipe. In ancient times, people used the coniferous paws of fir to cover the floors of their homes. Fir is a talisman for the home. Keeper of warmth and comfort.

  • Planet: Saturn, Mars
  • Element: Fire
  • Suitable for zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aries, Scorpio

Rose is a symbol of transformation. Its aroma triumphs victoriously, just like Good defeating Evil. Rose helps self-improvement and renewal. This aroma arouses interest and has incredible power of attraction. Rose essential oil cleanses the home. Drives away people with evil intentions from the house. Rose oil helps to cope with the loss of loved ones and cope with loneliness. The aroma of Rose gives happiness and joy, revitalizes and cleanses. Eliminates negative stagnant energies.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Venus, Uranus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius

Rosemary- a sacred plant, a symbol of rebirth. It was believed that it gives peace to the dead and consolation to the living. In rituals it is used to expel evil spirits and attract good otherworldly forces. The aroma awakens intuition, allows you to know yourself and the world. Renews, gives vitality, strengthens the immunity of the aura, improves the heart chakra. The aroma reunites lovers and protects against nightmares. The aroma of Rosemary protects a home from burglars, and a person from attack. If you put Rosemary herb and silver coins under your pillow at night, you can see your betrothed in a dream.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Sun
  • Fragrance for Zodiac Signs: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Sagittarius

Pink tree– one of the five sacred aromas for meditation. The Indians believe that a bridge between worlds was built from Rosewood. This magical aroma develops intuition, opens the third eye, cultivates insight and makes you look at things with a deep, sensual look. Another legend says that the rose tree served building material for the Gate to Heaven. And its purpose is to return lost souls, to save them from base manifestations, anger, callousness, and callousness. This is a joyful, sunny scent. It rids the mind of unnecessary illusions and gives strength to the body. If you want to see prophetic dreams, place an aroma lamp with Rose Tree oil in your bedroom at night. And your future will be revealed to you.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Sun
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius

Chamomile. This plant is patronized by the Sun. Chamomile has a warm aura. She obeys water element. This is a moist, flowing aroma, similar in energy to money energy. Chamomile can attract the energy of money into your wallet (try putting 1-2 drops into your wallet). Chamomile can improve well-being in the home. Clears the home of low entities. Brings peace and quiet to the home. The aroma of Chamomile is added to meditation mixtures and promotes complete immersion. You can place a sachet of dry Chamomile in your bedroom, you can scent your bed linen and your sleep will become calm and serene.

Sandalwood - one of the five sacred aromas - a magical aroma! Contributes to the discovery of the most hidden sides of a person. The aroma of Sandalwood revives lost abilities and reveals new talents in a person. Sandalwood protects against rash actions, protects against evil intentions, and against magical attacks. Promotes the growth of spirituality. The aroma of Sandalwood sends you back to the past, helps you find the root cause of current events. Sandalwood, along with the five sacred aromas, will help in spiritual practice (myrrh, henna, rosewood, amber oil)

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Jupiter, Moon
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Virgo, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Gemini, Aquarius, Capricorn, Aries

Pine- an ancient magical pagan attribute. The aroma protects, cleanses, promotes the development of spirituality. Attracts material wealth. Many magical rituals require burning a pine cone. Pine represents strength of spirit and tranquility. It has a warm aura and symbolizes the element of Earth. She is ruled by the planet Mars. The aroma of Pine helps to make important fateful decisions, eliminates doubts, cleanses the aura of outside influences, and can remove damage. It will help relieve feelings of guilt, find peace and harmony with yourself and loved ones. This plant helps in childbirth.

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Mars, Saturn
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Aries, Cancer, Scorpio

In Europe a twig Thyme was given to a warrior before a fight as a symbol of courage and victory. Thyme will awaken your soul and make it work on its mistakes. He will remove everything unnecessary and superfluous from your life. Will get rid of fuss, shyness, low expressions, excess in food and sex, alcohol. The aroma of Thyme awakens the best qualities in a person and reveals his personality.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius

Thuja known from ancient Greek mythology. She grew up near the Temple of Jupiter. She was set on fire as a sacrifice. The aroma of Thuja imparts spiritual and physical strength. Inspires for heroic deeds. The aroma of Thuja will protect your home from ill-wishers.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Saturn
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Cancer, Taurus, Gemini, Pisces, Scorpio

Yarrow – magical, witchcraft plant. Used in magic for love spells. Drives away evil spirits. Yarrow is placed in special places in churches in Scotland. It is believed that if this plant is placed under a pillow or hung at the head of the bed, then you can see your betrothed in a dream. This oil will preserve your sleep and give you magical dreams. Place dried yarrow in a sachet and enhance the scent with a drop of yarrow essential oil.

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Venus
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Virgo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius, Leo

Dill. It was believed that dill was able to protect against witchcraft and had magic love spell. The plant was used to facilitate childbirth.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo

Fennel- the aroma of awakening love. This magical plant drives out evil spirits. Small bunches of fennel were made and hung as amulets in the house. It was believed that this would help avoid the evil eye and human envy. Fennel has been used to restore vision. Witches used fennel to treat seizures, obsession and hysteria. A sachet of seeds with the addition of fennel oil should be kept on your desktop so that the aroma will help relax tired eyes from writing and the computer.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Taurus, Gemini, Leo

Citronella: Removes evil from the house, drives out ill-wishers, saves from the evil eye. Place an aroma lamp with Citronella oil in the hallway and your home and those close to you will be reliably protected.

  • Element: Earth
  • Planet: Jupiter
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Pisces, Cancer, Aquarius, Scorpio, Libra

Thyme- sacred aroma. It gives health, imparts courage and bravery, reveals magical abilities, instills love, and purifies energy. Thyme protects against damage and evil spirits. Since ancient times, it has been used for sachets, sewn into pillows, and stuffed into amulet bags. Used in love magic, for love spells. Maintains the fidelity of spouses and saves them from attacks on the marriage bed. Levels sexual energy, preserves and confirms masculine and feminine principles. Preserves sleep and peace at home. Oil for the bedroom, for the love bed.

Tea tree aroma designed to protect and cleanse. It elevates you above vanity, gives lightness and spirituality. It influences vibrations, brings them to a high frequency, and aligns the aura. Protects against magical interference. Aligns the energy of the house, drives out negative entities, promotes harmony in communication among household members.

  • Element: Fire
  • The planet Mars
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, Sagittarius

Black pepper - helps protect your home from damage. Drives away evil spirits from the house and household members. Need to wash the threshold of the house clean water with the addition of black pepper oil. Place an aroma lamp with black pepper essential oil in the hallway near the threshold and on the windowsill. During epidemics, your home will be reliably protected from diseases.

  • Element: Fire
  • The planet Mars
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius

Sage This is the sacred aroma of wisdom. It cleanses a person’s energy and enlightens the mind. Gives clarity of thoughts and purity of thoughts. Protects the home from pathogenic energy. Restores after a long illness, saves from magical attacks. The ancients buried grass under the threshold of the house to protect themselves from evil spirits. They wore sage herb against the evil eye in small bags on their chests. There are many rituals associated with this plant. The girl who wrote the name of her beloved on a sage leaf got married.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Jupiter

Eucalyptus scent designed to protect, cleanse and heal. Cleanses the home from stagnant negative energies. You need to put the aroma lamp in non-residential premises- Eucalyptus will drive away all negative entities. You can place sachets in secluded corners of the house with eucalyptus leaves or rice or millet cereals with a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil.

  • Element: Water
  • Planet: Pluto, Mercury, Moon
  • Suitable for Zodiac signs: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Libra

Essential oils have not only healing properties, but also magical ones. The magic of essential oils will help you correct the situation you want to influence or enhance the effect magical rituals. Due to the effective bioenergetic effect of essential oils on a person, you can add to yourself the qualities that are missing. In addition, essential oils have a beneficial effect on the aura, protect against negative energy and harmonize the emotional state. Below are the magical properties of essential oils.

  • Acacia: increases the tendency to meditation, divination, fortune telling and clairvoyance.
  • Bearded man: removal of damage and evil eye. Money and prosperity Love, happiness and harmony.
  • Bergamot: money, wealth and spiritual uplift.
  • Vanilla: develops mental abilities, helps in love relationships.
  • Verbena: expulsion of evil forces, creative aspirations, luck and justice.
  • Gardenia: healing, peace and love.
  • Carnation: relieves pain, promotes wealth and prosperity, success in business, frees from negative energy; peace and harmony, wisdom and inspiration, clairvoyance and fortune telling.
  • Wisteria: develops extrasensory abilities (clairvoyance).
  • Jasmine: happiness and harmony. Protection. Immersion in the Astral, money and love. Develops talents and abilities.
  • Ylang-ylang: joy, love, harmony and peace.
  • Ginger: gives inspiration and strength. Attracts wealth, love, success and power.
  • Cedar: cleansing, attracting money, healing, removing damage and the evil eye.
  • Cypress: peace, harmony and serenity. Patronizes and obliges to do something. Healing and comfort.
  • Cinnamon: meditation, cleansing and clarity, protection, healing, strength and power, luck and justice. Stimulates success in business. Fortune telling and clairvoyance.
  • Red clove: healing, physical strength, self-defense and protection, love and lust.
  • Lavender: cleansing, calm, relaxation and healing, love and harmony.
  • Incense: spirituality, connection with the astral spheres, masculinity, patronage, sanctification and blessing.
  • Lotus: healing, strength, power. Meditation and spirituality. It lifts your spirits.
  • Myrtle: healing, meditation, sanctification, spirituality, purification.
  • Juniper: love, happiness and peace, protection, calm and healing.
  • Mint: luck, luck, justice. Changes. Cleansing.
  • Patchouli: warmth and sensuality of relationships, spiritual growth, love.
  • Peppermint: treatment, cleansing, stimulates the development of mental abilities, increases energy.
  • Rose: love, happiness, peace and harmony, healing, fertility. Fortune telling and clairvoyance.
  • Rosemary: expulsion of evil spirits, treatment, strengthens memory. The will to power. Happiness and joy.
  • Sandalwood: spirituality, healing, immersion in the Astral and expulsion of evil spirits.
  • Ambergris: opens the crown chakra and increases physical strength.
  • Pine: preparation (basics), cleansing, healing, gives strength.
  • Violet: healing, protection and prudence. Love, luck, luck.
  • Sage: prudence, inspiration and clarity of mind. Expulsion of evil spirits and cleansing.
  • Eucalyptus: relieves hyperemia in the nasal cavity and lungs. Used for cleansing and protection.
  • Laurel berries: luck, luck, fulfillment of desires, prosperity and justice.

The art of aromatherapy originated in Ancient Egypt. The inhabitants of civilization knew all the secrets and subtleties of using aromatic oils and incense. Fragrances have found their widest application: from simple aromatization of linen and preparation of aromatic baths to the most complex process of embalming pharaohs and creating medical potions. Moreover, the Egyptians noticed the special power of aromatherapy on a person’s emotions and mood.

However, the term “aromatherapy” itself appeared much later thanks to the case of a French chemist in 1928. Gattefosse, who worked in the laboratory, received a severe burn and poured lavender essential oil on it. A little later, the Frenchman was pleasantly surprised to see how quickly the wound healed. Subsequently, he began to carefully study other essential oils, performing various procedures.

Modern aromatherapy, based on rich experience, helps people solve a huge range of health problems and more.

Essential oils for hair

Thick long hair- the dream of every woman. Aroma oils will help keep your curls beautiful, healthy and well-groomed. Exist different ways use of oils: adding to masks, enriching shampoos, conditioners and other hair care cosmetics, aromatherapy, massage. Moreover, each oil has its own special properties, knowing which you can easily choose the right one.

Advice! Add 5-7 drops of essential oil per 10 ml of base oil or hair care product, 2-3 drops to a comb or fingertips for massage. Always use only high-quality 100% essential oils.

For hair growth and strengthening: rosemary, cinnamon, thyme, sage, bay, ylang-ylang.

Anti-fall: lavender, rosemary, myrrh, pine, neroli, thyme, mint.

For dry and brittle hair: ylang-ylang, sandalwood, rosewood, patchouli, incense, geranium, lavender.

For hair shine: orange, basil, tangerine, lavender, rosewood.

For oily hair: grapefruit, eucalyptus, bergamot.

Anti-dandruff: tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon.

For face and skin

Aroma oils, having healing properties, help maintain the smoothness and elasticity of the skin, remove wrinkles, pimples and marks from them, prolong a golden tan, and also promote the rapid healing of scratches and wounds.

Advice! Add 3-4 drops per 10 ml of base (base oil, cream, tonic, etc.). However, you need to be careful when enriching tonics and mousses, since the combination of essential oil with the components of the product can cause an allergic reaction. Never use essential oil in its pure form, otherwise you risk getting a skin burn. The exception is spot application, for example, on problem areas, acne.

5 essential oils that will help you remain beautiful and desirable:

Neroli oil: for dry skin. It will relieve you of stretch marks, spider veins, has a good rejuvenating effect, smooths out facial and age wrinkles, relieves irritation and redness of the skin, stimulates regeneration and renewal, has disinfectant properties, and copes with cuticle diseases and hangnails. Be careful: neroli oil has a strong relaxing effect. Therefore, if you need a clear head and a cheerful state, it is better to refrain from using it.

Ylang-ylang oil: for all skin types. is universal. Eliminates itching, redness, flaking of the skin, smoothes out small, shallow wrinkles. The oil evens out the skin texture and improves complexion by normalizing subcutaneous microcirculation. Ylang-ylang normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores in oily skin, softens and moisturizes dry skin, prevents its withering, treats eczema and dermatitis. Its use helps to maintain the tan and protect the skin from negative influence ultraviolet. In addition, ylang-ylang oil is a powerful aphrodisiac that Cleopatra herself used.

Patchouli oil: for skin elasticity. Suitable for any skin type, combines well with other essential oils. Its regular use allows you to tighten your facial skin, making it firmer and more elastic. This oil eliminates peeling, irritation, scars, acne marks, tightens pores, and has a healing effect on purulent wounds. It will also help eliminate blemishes on the face and smooth out fine wrinkles. Attention: do not use oil before going out!

Jasmine oil: for sensitive skin. It has excellent moisturizing, antiseptic, and soothing properties. It is perfect for dry, dehydrated, sensitive skin prone to irritation and allergic reactions. Jasmine oil works well on blemishes, scars and stretch marks, and also refreshes and tones the skin. Attention: the use of this oil in eyelid skin care and for people with low blood pressure is not recommended.

Rosewood oil: for aging skin. It will be useful for smoothing out deep wrinkles, lightening pigmentation, post-acne, eliminating long-standing scars, stretch marks and spider veins. The unique property of the oil is that it is hypoallergenic; it is suitable even for children. However, remember to still perform an allergy test before using any essential oil.

Aroma oils for sleep

They can cause not only a bad mood and a decrease in your performance, but also important health problems. Aromatherapy is an excellent alternative to sleeping pills.

When it is difficult to fall asleep for a long time, tangerine, neroli, myrrh, cedar, and juniper oils will help.

Oils of lavender, rose, lemon balm, and valerian will help cope with nightmares.

For Bath

An aromatic bath is one of the the best ways relaxation. It will envelop you in warmth, create a soft relaxing effect, relieve fatigue and tension. Immerse yourself in the magical atmosphere of enchanting aromas after a hard day.

Advice! The water filling the bath should not be very hot. To prepare an aroma bath, dissolve 3-4 drops of the essential oil you like in milk and honey (since it is insoluble in water), and then add to the bath with water.

Essential oils for depression

Essential oils will save you from constant stress, sadness and bad mood: geranium, clary sage, lavender, mandarin, sandalwood, basil, ylang-ylang, jasmine, bergamot, vanilla, vetiver. These aromas are able to harmonize a person’s psycho-emotional state, gently affecting his nervous system.

Advice! Use 5-6 drops of essential oil for an aroma lamp for every 15 square meters of room. The maximum duration of the procedure should be no more than 2 hours, and for beginners 20-25 minutes will be enough. The most important thing is that you should like the scent of the oil you choose; the smell should not cause discomfort or dizziness.

From the evil eye and damage

If you are superstitious and believe in magical signs, then it will not hurt you to have such essential oils at home.

Coriander. Protects from failures, protects from the evil eye. Its seeds are worn as an amulet against troubles.

Melissa. Wards off evil and ill-wishers, saves from the evil eye and conflicts.

Parsley. Protects from damage and the evil eye, protects from theft and unscrupulous people.

For weight loss

Constantly grueling exercise is primarily stress for the body. In addition, long-term abstinence from certain foods can provoke serious illnesses. Aromatherapy is an excellent alternative.

Ginger oil reduces excessive cravings for sweets throughout the day, helps remove toxic substances from the body. It can be added dropwise to food or inhaled slowly.

Cardamom oil improves the digestion process, prevents diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It can also be added one drop at a time to culinary dishes.

Geranium oil effectively fights, removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling. Use this oil when massaging the abdomen and legs, in aroma baths.

Lemon oil, containing vitamin C, improves metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins, and helps reduce appetite. Use it in inhalations and massage.

From mosquitoes and midges

Itching from bites is especially unpleasant for children and those with sensitive skin. Sprays with essential oils will protect you from blood-sucking insects. Use coniferous (cedar and fir), spicy (thyme, cloves) or citrus (orange, lemon, lime). To prepare the spray, mix 100 ml of water with 10 ml of alcohol and 10 drops of your chosen oil.

Aromatic oils have long been used in ceremonial rituals of all kinds. The release of aroma into the air has a great influence on the course of the magical ritual. When preparing for it, aroma can help bring energy into the room.

Aromatic oils have long been used in ceremonial rituals of all kinds. The release of aroma into the air has a great influence on the course of the magical ritual. When preparing for it, aroma can help bring energy into the room. By inhaling the smell, you easily move into another dimension of thoughts and feelings, which opens up the opportunity for you to master higher power. Oils are also used to prepare candles for magical rituals. Natural oils enhance their magical effect with the help of certain aromas unique to them. Select oils in accordance with their magical properties inherent in your zodiac sign.

If you use a zodiac candle, choose a scent that matches it to enhance its effect. You can also use the oil corresponding to your zodiac sign for other candles in your ritual.

Essential oils have an effective bioenergetic effect - they cleanse and strengthen the aura, protect us from foreign invasions of negative energy, have a beneficial effect on the emotional state, harmonize relationships and bring people together.

Essential oils are the quintessence of plants, possessing the energy of the four elements: earth, water, fire and air.

Plants always have a large supply of vital energy, allowing them to adapt to unfavorable conditions environment. Volatile compounds, penetrating into the aura, eliminate starvation and immune deficiency, promote wound healing, redistribute and harmonize energy, brighten and thicken the human aura. Moreover, essential oils have a powerful effect on the physiological health, mental, emotional state of a person and motives of individual behavior.

Oils and their magical properties

Orange: helps with fortune telling, gives luck, love, money. Develops extrasensory abilities.

Vanilla: improves mental abilities, awakens lust.

Bergamot: gives optimism, attracts money, prosperity and happiness.

Gardenia: gives peace, love, healing, happiness, harmony.

Red carnation: protects, heals, gives love and strength.

Garden carnation: gives success in business, wealth and prosperity, protects, promotes clairvoyance.

Hibiscus: helps with fortune telling, bestows love.

Honeysuckle: reveals extrasensory abilities, gives money, friendship, healing, happiness.

Jasmine: increases clairvoyance abilities, develops imagination, promotes purification, prudence, dexterity; promotes immersion in the Astral, bestows love and money.

Ginger: gives wealth, inspiration, love, lust.

Ylang-ylang: gives love, harmony, happiness.

Cedar: cleanses, protects, attracts money, removes damage or the evil eye.

Cypress: heals, gives comfort.

Cinnamon: excites, promotes prosperity, success in business, gives energy and healing, encourages creativity, develops mental abilities.

Lavender: gives happiness, purification, love, healing.

Lemon: cleanses, gives healing, love.

Lotus: gives spirituality, lifts spirits, encourages sincerity. Heals, helps with meditation, protects, cleanses.

Magnolia: promotes hair growth, gives unity with nature.

Myrtle: protects, promotes spirituality, removes damage and the evil eye, helps with meditation, heals, sanctifies.

Juniper: gives healing, protection, calm.

Muscat: attracts the opposite sex, aphrodisiac; promotes prosperity.

Peppermint: promotes excitement, increases energy, heals, gives the desire for creativity, money.

Patchouli: gives love, spiritual growth, power, warmth and sensuality of relationships.

Rose: gives love, fertility, heals, cleanses and sanctifies a house or room.

Rosemary: gives energy, protects, heals, improves memory.

Sandalwood: heals, protects, helps with immersion in the Astral, expels evil spirits, gives spirituality.

Lilac: protects, wards off evil forces, expels evil spirits.

Pine: gives strength, cleanses, protects, expels evil forces, heals.

Yarrow: gives courage, extrasensory abilities, expels evil spirits.

Violet: gives wisdom, luck, love, healing.

Sage: gives prudence, clarity of mind, sincerity; cleanses.

Apple blossoms: gives friendship, love, happiness.

Eucalyptus: gives healing, cleansing, protects, relieves congestion of the nasal cavity and lungs.

Magical and healing properties of incense

Like crystals, incense has been used for many centuries in ceremonial rituals of all kinds. It is believed that incense affects the human psyche and helps establish contact with the higher forces of nature. In ancient times, aromatic incense and incense were considered the most precious substances, and the bodies of the dead were often sprinkled with incense in the hope of appeasing the gods and granting immortality. During the times of Ancient Greece, incense was sacrificed to the gods in exchange for their protection; there are many references to aromatic substances in Greek mythology. Many bronze and gold censers were found by archaeologists in the ruins of ancient temples, where, according to legend, they were used during religious rites and rituals. The release of aroma into the air can have a great influence on the course of the magical ritual. When preparing for it, the aroma wafting from the incense can help transfer energy into the room. By inhaling the smell, we easily move into another dimension of feelings and thoughts, which opens up the opportunity for us to master a higher power.

Choose an incense that lingers in the air throughout your magical ritual, or buy a universal incense that will enhance even the slightest magical effect, such as incense or sandalwood. Your sense of smell will tell you whether the chosen aroma suits you and your magical ritual.

Here is a general guide to help you choose incense according to its healing and magical properties:

Acacia: increases the tendency to meditation, divination, fortune telling and clairvoyance.

Bearded man: removal of damage and evil eye. Money and prosperity Love, happiness and harmony.

Bergamot: money, wealth and spiritual uplift.

Vanilla: develops mental abilities, helps in love relationships.

Verbena: expulsion of evil forces, creative aspirations, luck and justice.

Gardenia: healing, peace and love.

Carnation: relieves pain, promotes wealth and prosperity, success in business, frees from negative energy; peace and harmony, wisdom and inspiration, clairvoyance and fortune telling.

Wisteria: develops extrasensory abilities (clairvoyance).

Jasmine: happiness and harmony. Protection. Immersion in the Astral, money and love. Develops talents and abilities.

Strawberries: love and luck.

Ylang-ylang: joy, love, harmony and peace.

Ginger: gives inspiration and strength. Attracts wealth, love, success and power.

Cedar: cleansing, attracting money, healing, removing damage and the evil eye.

Cypress: peace, harmony and serenity. Patronizes and obliges to do something. Healing and comfort.

Cinnamon: meditation, cleansing and clarity, protection, healing, strength and power, luck and justice. Stimulates success in business. Fortune telling and clairvoyance.

Red clove: healing, physical strength, self-defense and protection, love and lust.

Lavender: cleansing, calm, relaxation and healing, love and harmony.

Incense: spirituality, connection with the astral spheres, masculinity, patronage, sanctification and blessing.

Lotus: healing, strength, power. Meditation and spirituality. It lifts your spirits.

Myrtle: healing, meditation, sanctification, spirituality, purification.

Juniper: love, happiness and peace, protection, calm and healing.

Mint: luck, luck, justice. Changes. Cleansing.

Patchouli: warmth and sensuality of relationships, spiritual growth, love.

Peppermint: treatment, cleansing, stimulates the development of mental abilities, increases energy.

Rose: love, happiness, peace and harmony, healing, fertility. Fortune telling and clairvoyance.

Rosemary: expulsion of evil spirits, treatment, strengthens memory. The will to power. Happiness and joy.

Sandalwood: spirituality, healing, immersion in the Astral and expulsion of evil spirits.

Ambergris: opens the crown chakra and increases physical strength.

Lilac: happiness and joy. Helps prevent unfavorable incidents (need, etc.). Comfort. Divination.

Pine: preparation (basics), cleansing, healing, gives strength.

Violet: healing, protection and prudence. Love, luck, luck.

Citronella: patronage and protection, purification. The strong aroma is not suitable for indoor use.

Sage: prudence, inspiration and clarity of mind. Expulsion of evil spirits and cleansing.

Eucalyptus: relieves hyperemia in the nasal cavity and lungs. Used for cleansing and protection.

Apple: happiness, peace and harmony, friendship and romantic love.

Laurel berries: luck, fortune, fulfillment of deeds, prosperity and justice.

Amber: comfort, happiness, love, healing.

Correspondence of essential oils to zodiac signs:

Capricorn: cypress

Aquarius: lemon verbena, coriander

Pisces: Ylang-ylang, chamomile

Aries: cedar, pine

Taurus: rose, geranium

Gemini: lavender

Cancer: jasmine, sandalwood

Leo: juniper, bitter orange

Virgo: patchouli, lily

Libra: oregano, magnolia

Scorpio: myrtle

Sagittarius: rosemary