Sleep, the water is clean, transparent. Why do you dream of clean, transparent water?

20.07.2019 Education

Water in a dream is the most common and mysterious substance, difficult to interpret. It may symbolize great amount things and events, the most important among which are: birth, death, purification, femininity.

Women's dream book

The richest set of meanings of water dreams relate to women:

    Quench your thirst with crystal clear water: your most reckless endeavors will succeed.

  • Clean water in a dream: get a lot of pleasure, improve your financial condition, experience joy.

    See how the water floods your house, its level does not fall, but, on the contrary, rises: you will actively reject evil. If, on the contrary, it decreases, you can be dangerously influenced from the outside.

    Seeing splashes or drops of water flying on your head from above: passionate feelings will awaken in you, this love will become happy.

  • Dirty water in a dream: beware of danger or a sad period awaits you in life. Falling into it means many mistakes await you, you will regret them.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

Our Slavic ancestors closely tracked their dreams according to the so-called small Veles dream book:

    Seeing yourself washing your face with fresh, crystal clear water, wading or swimming in it, choking or drowning in it: you will have health or something good in life.

  • You are swimming or, on the contrary, began to drown in dirty water or are trying to cross it along the bridge: you have to protect your loved ones from troubles and personal failures, you will probably be involved in their problems and misfortunes.

    Seeing clean water in a dream: laughter, something good in life, maybe even happiness in the family, health, or an unexpected acquaintance.

    To dream that you are drowning someone: this person will cry because of you.

    Seeing clean water in a cup means your husband will beat you. There is dirty water in the cup - your husband will kick you out of the house.

    Fall into a swamp, another dirty water: trouble.

    Hear the water gurgling: rumors are spreading about you.

    Boiling water: to a quarrel.

    Running water: to tears.

    You are standing by the water: death.

  • Drinking dirty water in a dream: get ready to get sick.

Big dream book

    Drink fresh water - happiness rushes to you, but if it is cloudy, expect illness.

    Wash: release from something or someone; joy.

    You see yourself plunging into the water: most likely a difficult situation awaits you.

  • Seeing blue water: a meeting is coming.

    Washing your hands: if you are sick, you will be in a difficult situation; if you are healthy, retire from business.

    A stream of water flows from under the floor: you have hidden enemies, or you will face an obstacle that you did not expect. In a dream, water flows rapidly from the walls - to defenselessness.

  • Washing your face means joy or liberation.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Psychoanalysts also have their own vision of “water” dreams:

    You are looking at deep but muddy waters - this symbolizes your unconscious, it can be an energy source in life.

    Lack of water in a dream: you feel the need for additional vitality and energy.

    You came out onto the island from the water: this is your experience of loneliness experienced in childhood.

  • Falling into water in a dream: you want to restore your source with some kind of creativity. If a woman dives into water, she will become pregnant and give birth to a child.

    Water is flowing in the toilet: you are haunted by urinary fantasies (urine and everything connected with it).

    Swimming in a dream: moral purification.

    There are obstacles and dams along the waterway as your mind tries to control your libido (sex drive).

    Drowning in water according to the dream book: attempts to repress one’s past into unconsciousness, to forget.

    Pond or puddle: unconscious attempts to suppress your femininity.

    Admiring your reflection in the water: you have an unrealized idea. Someone else nearby is looking into the water: you are trying to understand the other person, but in vain.

    You are at the bottom of a dry well without a rope: you have not found a way to discover and use your talents.

    Walking on the water surface: to great happiness.

    Seeing fire on the surface of the water: great luck.

  • Looking at a calm water surface means success; there are ripples on the water - minor troubles will happen.

Dream interpretation of colored waters

    Green water: health will come after a serious illness, improvement of well-being.

    Yellow Water: Your partner will cheat on you, but this will give you the opportunity to break up with him and start a new relationship.

    Red water: get ready, you will have a passionate affair.

  • Blue water: be careful in love relationships and with your health.

    Turquoise water: your thoughts are pure. You will find harmony and be in a positive mood.

    Colored water: soon you won’t be bored; amazing events will come into your life.

    Black water: disappointment in a loved one. Don't start new things.

  • Blue water: fulfillment of desires, strengthening of your partner’s feelings for you. In business - the realization of one’s creative abilities.

People's dream book

    You are caught in the rain: good sign- this is success, happiness. Also - someone loves you.

    The process of watering flowers and trees: you will make many friends, and all thanks to your care.

    Big water in a dream literally knocked you off your feet: get ready for a stunning event in your life.

  • You walk through troubled waters and lead other people with you, they are thirsty, and you promise to give them a drink: a long but fruitful work awaits you. It will bring you satisfaction and reliable, honest partners.

    A glass of bubbling water: get ready for an emotionally intense period in your life. You will survive it safely only if you show restraint.

  • Watch how dead person someone pours water, and suddenly he comes to life: the illness will pass, maybe a vacation trip awaits you. It could also mean hearing about someone's serious illness, encountering the supernatural in your life.

Breathe underwater according to the dream book - get ready for your life to change. If this water is clean, the changes will be good, but if it is dirty, not so much.

For the correct interpretation of dreams, it is important to take into account not only the main object, but also other details. It is thanks to the creation of a full-fledged picture that you can, using existing dream books, obtain interesting information about the present and future. Dreams about clear water are a good omen in most cases.

Why do you dream about clean and clear water?

A clear lake, in which you can see the bottom, in a dream is a favorable signal, indicating that all existing problems will soon be solved and life will be calm and happy. For people who long time are sick, this promises a quick recovery. Let's find out why you dream of drinking clear water - it is a symbol indicating cleansing from negative thoughts and the right attitude in life. If another person treats you with clean water, it means the future will be happy. A dream that featured a sea with clear, clear water is auspicious sign, which promises a long-awaited meeting and an improvement in financial situation. Seeing clean, transparent water in a dream and collecting it in a jug means that soon your life will be financially secure.

In some situations, dreams about clear water can also be harbingers of bad events. For example, this applies to a dream in which a clear stream of water floods a house, because this is an omen of serious problems. Swimming in clean and clear water in a dream is a sign of receiving good news. Such a plot can also prophesy joyful events, both for the dreamer and for his loved ones. For single girls, such a dream can be a harbinger of a happy marriage. Night vision of large expanses of clear blue water can be considered an indication of getting a chance to realize your creative abilities.

Seeing a river with clear water in a dream is a good sign that predicts the onset of a favorable period. Even if some problems arise, they can be overcome quickly and easily. If there was fish in the river, then expect to receive good news or pleasant surprises. Transparent water in a dream was in an artificial reservoir, this indicates that a person often restrains his inner impulses. A pool with clean water means that you can count on the support of loved ones. If the bathtub was filled with clear water, this is a symbol of excellent health. A dream in which clean water flowed from a tap can be taken as a recommendation that you need to gather all your strength and act.

Why do you dream about clean water? In a dream, this is most often a positive symbol that promises an update of the situation or the dreamer himself. Let's consider the interpretations different dream books And specific examples dream stories.

Clean water in a dream - Nostradamus’ dream book

According to the interpretation of Nostradamus, water symbolizes life force. Seeing a stream of clean water or its intense seething means the discovery of new knowledge and skills, new horizons in life, and the emergence of unexpected positive changes in it.

If crystal clear water is in a spherical container, then this means a favorable time for investments, sowing, and agricultural work.

Being under clean water or in the water, talking with marine life - there is a high probability that you will discover something new to the world, become famous for your discovery in some scientific field.

Vanga's dream book - clean water

According to Vanga, clean water is a symbol of change, renewal, forgiveness of sins and a clear conscience.

If streams of pure water are pouring down on you, then this means that you have great potential to become famous. You just need to decide the direction in which to move.

Drinking clean water means updating life situations, changing existing situations and relationships with people in your favor.

Seeing ripples in the water, circles on the surface of the lake - changes will occur that you will find difficult to accept. Probability of shocks.

Drowning in clear water means resisting situations and rebelling. This can fray your nerves and shorten your life.

Why do you dream of clean water - Miller’s dream book

According to Miller’s dream book, seeing clean water in a dream means well-being and pleasure.

Clean water flooded your home - you will struggle with difficulties. If it decreases in a dream, you will yield to circumstances; if it increases, victory awaits you.

Splashes of water falling on the head - passionate love that will bring happiness. A boat, a dinghy, a ship on the surface of the water - to disappointment. Doing water sports has a strong sexual attraction.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Clean water in a dream means clarity of thoughts and favorable changes.

Water is poured into a vessel - resolution of problems, prosperity and wealth await you.

Rivers with clean water - expect guests who will play a big role in your life.

Clean water in a dream - Pythagoras’s dream book

Water in a dream means abundance and wealth.

Clean water means joyful prospects.

Getting your feet wet in a dream means illness and financial losses.

Freud's dream book - clean, clear water

Water means ejaculation, conception, orgasm, birth of children. Pouring water means striving for sexual contact with someone specific.

To save a woman drowning in clear water is to desire her, to have sexual attraction to her. Saving a man drowning in water is a great affection. Looking into clear water means excessive attention to one’s own appearance.

Splashing clean water is a lack of sexual activity. Jumping into the water, going into it, getting out of it - you strive for strong family ties and the birth of children.

Tsvetkov's dream book - why do you dream of clean water?

  • Drinking clean water in a dream is fortunate.
  • Immersion in water means difficulties in your personal life.
  • Washing your face is a sign of joy and a solution to complex problems.
  • Spilling water is a shame.
  • Watering the ground means losses.
  • Seeing vertical streams of water is a dangerous encounter.
  • Water pours out of the walls of your house - you will open access to your life to the enemy.
  • Water gushed out from under the floor - unexpected obstacles.

Jewish dream book of Azar

Seeing clean water in a dream means prosperity and success.

Loff's psychological dream book - interpretation of pure water in a dream

Water symbolizes important aspects of human life.

If you dreamed of clean water in a controlled image (in a container, a lake with coastal outlines, etc.), then you will soon be faced with situations that you can change.

If the water is uncontrollable - waterfalls, vast expanses, streams - then you will be in trouble.

Assyrian dream book

Walking in water, being in it - small litigation, proceedings. If the water is calm, success is on your side. If the water is rough, you will lose.

If you were given clean water from a stream, rivers are a huge income, long life. Water from a well is wealth. If you carry water down the street, you will be left with troubles that you could not cope with for a long time.

Dream Interpretation of Zhou-Gong

According to the interpretations of a Chinese astrologer, clean water in a dream can mean various changes in life.

  • Frisky games in clear water - sudden happiness.
  • Falling into clear water means avoiding trouble.
  • Drink clean water in large quantities— the likelihood of unexpected enrichment.
  • Water in the house means the death of a loved one.
  • Stepping on or walking on water is good luck.
  • Standing on the water means trouble.
  • Seeing vast expanses of clean water is a sign of marriage.

Why do you dream of clean water according to Hasse’s dream book?

  • Cold clean water is happiness.
  • Drowning in clean water is an obstacle.
  • Ford the water - get rid of danger.
  • Swim in clean water - restore your reputation
  • Walking on water means overcoming obstacles.
  • The sound of water - they do not approve of you, they condemn you.
  • Drinking cold, clean water is good for your health.
  • Drinking warm water is a disease.

It is through dreams that subconscious signals come into our lives, allowing us to protect ourselves from troubles and not miss the good moments of life. Therefore, much attention is paid to the interpretation of dreams. Water seen in a dream always has a deep meaning.

Let's take a closer look at what this dream means clear water.

Water sources

Seeing clean, clear water is a very good sign. Such a dream promises joy, increased vitality, and good luck. A clean, calm lake is a symbol of your inner peace, tranquility, and harmony.

The endless expanses of clean water mean that you will soon have the opportunity to realize yourself creatively.

The river is a sign of the rapid flow of life. If the water in it is clean, favorable changes will soon come, and difficulties will be left behind.

Artificial water containers

Water enclosed in a reservoir is interpreted as the presence of obstacles and difficulties. But if it is transparent, then you can easily deal with them.

A bath filled with such water promises good health. Water flowing from a tap is interpreted as a good connection with your subconscious. In this situation, your decisions will be correct, you can act confidently.

Interaction with water

Swimming in clear water means prosperity, good happy events. Good luck will accompany you. Diving into clean water promises the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

Seeing yourself washing your face with clean water in a dream means meeting new and old friends, parties, and pleasant leisure time. Washing your hands in a dream means sincere fun, and if your hands were dirty, then profit awaits you.

If you dreamed of clear water, then the dreamer can relax and “exhale”, since for the most part such visions do not carry negativity, with some exceptions.

Why do you dream of clear water according to the dream book?

1. Miller. According to the famous interpreter of dreams, clear water in a dream is a very favorable sign, but not in all cases. For example, if a person sees in a dream how clean water floods his house, then this means that his enemies will plot intrigues. It is gratifying that the dreamer has enough strength to resist them. It is very bad to get your feet wet in cold, even crystal clear, water in a dream. This leads to financial ruin.

2. Vanga. The clairvoyant Vangelia believed that clear water is a symbol of purification and renewal. If a person had a chance to drink the purest spring water in a dream, it means that he is ready to change his worldview, but for this he needs to ask himself many questions and find worthy answers to them. If in a dream the dreamer’s house was covered by a giant wave, then this means that he will soon learn good news.

3. Freud. If a person fills any container with clear water in a dream, then this only means that he will continue to try with all his might to achieve the favor of the object of desire. Admiring one's own reflection in night dreams crystal water- dissatisfaction with one’s appearance in reality, and frisky swimming in the cleanest body of water speaks of temperamental nature.

4. Nostradamus. Quenching your thirst with clear water in a dream and suddenly noticing a fly or dirty sediment at the bottom of the vessel is the only negative interpretation of a dream in which life-giving moisture appears. Such a dream foreshadows troubles: slander, litigation, etc. All other options are interpreted positively.

Dream interpretation - fish in clear water

A person who comes to a river, lake or stream in a dream with fishing rods and tackle can, in reality, count on a pleasant pastime. Sailing on a boat along a deep and absolutely transparent river, contemplating the pebbles at the bottom and thoughtful fish - it’s very good dream, foreshadowing a visit to a cultural event (concert, exhibition, performance). Walking along the bottom of a reservoir, examining its inhabitants: fish of all types and sizes, is a dream of adding to the family.

Why dream of swimming, swimming in clear water

If a person in a dream had a chance to swim in a stormy mountain river with the purest water, this means that his immunity is in perfect order and he is not afraid of either viral infections or epidemics.
Swimming in the sea or ocean in a dream means achieving peace of mind and finding peace, but if you happen to swim in a storm, it means that you will have to forget about peace - life will be so stormy.

If the dreamer swims in any open body of water with a transparent, but cold water, then this means unexpected purchases. Swimming in a clean and warm pool in a dream foreshadows receiving unexpected profits in reality.

Blue clear water in a dream

As a rule, people dream of blue lakes in which they swim. Water procedures in such a body of water they promise a surge of vitality and a good mood. And even if a person begins to drown in a dream blue waters lake, then there is nothing to worry about: in reality, he will be able to experience hitherto unknown feelings.

I dreamed of clear water in:

Sea. A favorable period is coming in life. Finally, passions will subside, and misfortunes will pass by.

Ocean. You should “make peace” with your inner world.

River. A stormy river with clear water is dreamed of by those who are waiting for days filled with emotions, good events and positive emotions.

Lake. Ahead lies a calm life, full of quiet family happiness.

Bath. Someone really wants to make an acquaintance with the dreamer. According to another version, taking a bath with clear water in a dream is an internal cleansing, but if the water is hot, then this is a warning dream that calls on the dreamer “not to chop rashly,” but to find a compromise solution.

Puddle. Running through “non-dirty puddles” in a dream is a sign of happiness and joy.

Other dream options

  • a lot of clear water in a dream - everything will be fine. But if a person dreams that he is trying to put out a fire with a large amount of water, then such a dream foreshadows unforeseen material expenses;
  • dreaming of cold clear water - all desires, even the craziest ones, will soon come true;
  • a clear stream in a dream - at a certain stage of life you will be able to avoid worries and all sorts of negativity;
  • dreams of walking on clear water - a good relationship with the immediate environment;
  • washing under a waterfall in a dream is a success among representatives of the opposite sex;
  • a dream with boiling clear water - life will literally seethe with events;
  • wash windows with clear water - you will be able to find the answer to a question that has been tormenting you for a long time;
  • rinse your laundry with clear water - you can still “dry” your tarnished reputation.
  • watering flowers with clear water means helping a close friend;
  • a well with clear water in a dream - the set goal will be achieved;
  • drinking cold, clear water from the tap means you will have a lucky chance that you should definitely take advantage of.