Fire and Water 4 Crystal Temple.

08.07.2019 Food and drink

Since ancient times, people believed that the world was created with the help of four elements: earth, air, fire and water. It's interesting that modern science knows about the four states of matter: solid, gaseous, plasma and liquid. Every person has all four basic elements. Fire has always been a symbol of an energetic beginning. And although it warmed and gave light, neglecting this principle promised disaster. Water has always been a symbol of life. Apparently these ideas inspired the developers. This is how the game Fire and Watergirl 4 in the Crystal Temple appeared to users.

Main characters

The main characters, like its previous parts, are two elements: fire and water. It’s interesting that the developers assigned each character a corresponding icon:
The symbol of Venus, also known as the Egyptian Ankh, means water for a girl, which certainly refers to ancient ideas about a woman, which embodies immortality through the birth of children;
The symbol of Mars is for the boy fire, as an active and energetic principle, which must always be balanced by calm water.

At first glance, the plot is not complicated. A boy and a girl, that is, fire and water, must bypass all traps and obstacles to reach the goal. Find a way out of the confusing and dangerous Crystal Temple. And the game developers presented the first surprise here. It is impossible to walk through any room of the temple alone. The heroes can overcome all the obstacles and puzzles only in close cooperation, as if complementing each other. Thus, the plot of the game wonderfully implements the idea of ​​​​a partnership between two principles, a boy and a girl.

Graphic arts

The game's picture is pretty good. Our little heroes, fire and water, look cute and do not irritate even after a long playthrough. Each level differs in the construction of the labyrinth, so the general background of the game also does not become boring by the end. The animation and character dynamics are quite nice. The only drawback, in our opinion, is the inability to stretch the picture to fill the entire screen (default screen resolution is 640X480).

Interface and control

The interface, as well as the graphics of the game Fireboy and Watergirl 4, are made simply, discreetly, but tastefully. There is nothing annoying or flashy. In the middle of the screen, at the top of it, there is a clock that counts down the time of each round. At the top right of the screen there is an icon for turning music and sound on and off. In the first rounds you are not interested in it, but after 10 levels the constant music sequence begins to irritate a little. Although perhaps this is just our impression. At the top, on the left side, is the developers’ logo; right-clicking on it will take you to the official website. There you can get to know the creators of the game better, as well as evaluate their other projects.

At the bottom of the screen, on the left, at the very beginning of the game, there is an icon that allows you to add the game to your site. If you have it and if you want it. At the bottom right, before starting the game, you can select a language. There are both Russian and Ukrainian. In the central part, at the bottom of the screen, you can select other parts of the game. And during the game there will be a game pause button.

Character management is quite simple:
Girl - water is controlled using the keys: w - jump, A - move left and D - move right;
Boy - fire is controlled by the arrows on the keyboard ← →.

Gameplay of the game Fireboy and Watergirl in the Crystal Temple

The essence of the game is as follows: with the close interaction of fire and water, go through level after level solving puzzles. But this is easier said than done. At first, the gameplay is not very difficult. They kind of let us get used to it. But in the second half of the passage, not everything is so simple. The puzzles are already intricate and cannot be solved right away, and the clock is ticking.

In parallel with passing obstacles, we must collect crystals, they correspond to the color of the heroes and bonus ones are white. By the way, the game Fireboy and Watergirl 4 in the Crystal Temple differs from other series in the presence of portals. Which makes it even more intricate and interesting.

The game will be interesting for both children and adults. Moreover, it is best to play together with someone. For example, parent and child. The game teaches teamwork and coordinated actions. Teaches understanding of each other. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to advance in level.

Our heroes have already visited several temples that they encountered along the path of their wanderings. We experienced a lot of things together, many mysteries were solved. But the fire boy and the water girl cannot sit for a long time without exciting adventures. And again they set off to meet unknown spaces. They learn that there is a beautiful Crystal Temple somewhere, and soon find it. To overcome all the obstacles and pitfalls that this poses strange place, the boy and girl will have to use all their dexterity, skills and strength.

In the game you will be presented with a large intricate level map of pebble stages. These pebbles are different from each other, just as the stages are divided into Various types. One of the types, represented by a hexagonal stone, requires you to quickly complete the level against time, collecting crystals along the way. The next type of levels is a triangle. Here you and your friend, since the level is designed for two players, will need to go through not very difficult stages, helping and interacting with each other. There are also levels marked with a large stone. A feature of this stage is the mandatory mastery of the white crystal to complete the level.
Multi-colored portals also appeared in the crystal temple, with the help of which the fire boy and the water girl can move around the level. It is worth remembering that if you enter a portal of a certain color, you will exit a portal of the corresponding color.

Play in full screen Control: The fire boy is controlled using the arrow buttons. The keys with the letters “W”, “D” and “A” will help the player control the water girl. Standard for this series of games. That is, the boy-light, as always, is controlled by arrows. And the keys are on the Russian layout keyboards F, C, V promote the movement of the water girl

Fire Boy and Water Girl are again standing on the threshold of another temple, full of adventure and dangers in the game Fireboy and Watergirl 4: in the Crystal Temple!

Some heroes just can’t sit still. Apparently, these are the heroes of the cult game, or rather, the whole series of games Fire and Water - Fire Boy and Water Girl! At first glance, it seems rather strange that such different entities, capable of destroying each other if they come into too close contact, generally end up on the same side of the barricades in joint adventures. However, as soon as we get to know these wonderful guys better, all doubts and misunderstandings disappear!

Such different natures do not prevent the Fire Boy and the Water Girl from having many similarities in character, which turns out to be much more important for their friendship than what element each of them consists of. Both of them have a truly fiery heart burning inside them, and their perseverance in achieving their goals is comparable to the power and pressure of a water tsunami. And the fact that they are different even helps them overcome the obstacles that stand in their way!

After all, the main thing that unites our heroes is their passion for various adventures and to learn something new every day! It is curiosity and the desire to overcome difficulties that lead friends to the temples of the elements that ancient people built - now, unfortunately, completely abandoned shrines. However, although they have been empty for many hundreds of years, you can find a lot of interesting things there! Actually, this is what Fire Boy and Water Girl are doing. After all, the fact that they collect diamonds has nothing to do with looting: this is curiosity worthy of all admiration!

And since our heroes are kind guys, they gladly invite you to join their adventures. So, you have no reason to deny yourself the pleasure of strolling through the galleries of the ancient sanctuary in the game Fireboy and Watergirl 4: in the Crystal Temple!


Each level is a new gallery of the mysterious Crystal Temple, built many thousands of years before the present day. And since the ancients possessed knowledge inaccessible modern people, then in the game Fireboy and Watergirl 4: something absolutely fantastic awaits you in the Crystal Temple!

By clicking the “Play” button, you find yourself near a map on which all the levels of the game Fireboy and Watergirl 4: in the Crystal Temple are marked, which our heroes will have to go through with your help. The system of transitions between levels is very complex and highly branched. Often you find yourself in a situation where several new levels are available to you at once, and only you can decide in what order to complete them! However, if you want consistency and a gradual increase in complexity, you can use the hint that marks the serial numbers of the levels on the map, and follow exactly this order!

Please note that each level is marked precious stone its form. In total, there are three different shapes of stones on the map, and each of them represents the task that Fire Boy and Water Girl must complete in order to complete the stage.

The most common shape is a regular hexagon. This designation hides classic arcade levels, to complete which you need to guide both heroes from start to finish as quickly as possible and... that’s it. Yes, actually, that’s where the rules and requirements end! No, of course, you still need to collect all the diamonds along the way, but not doing this is harder than doing, to be honest. Because these diamonds are placed exactly on the route of the Fire Boy and the Water Girl. By the way, please note that diamonds in the game Fireboy 4: in the Crystal Temple are different colors: red and blue! As you might guess, the red ones are for the Fire Boy, and the blue ones are for the Water Girl. And none of the heroes will be able to grab the wrong diamond! There are also green diamonds, but more on them later.

Obstacles also differ by element. Since fire and water do not tolerate each other in real life, our heroes will have to put up with the fact that native element does not tolerate their friendship. That is, despite her friendship with the Fire Boy, the Water Girl will die in the lake of fire, and the Fire Boy, on the contrary, will extinguish when it falls into the water. But the native element will not harm the heroes. Unlike the disgusting green goo that kills them both! However, this rule (as well as others) is not very difficult to understand, because during the game, hints appear every now and then, explaining how the game elements interact with each other.

Often this is simply necessary, because the temple is full of mechanisms designed by its ancient inhabitants, and understanding them without a hint is not always easy! However, the control of interactive elements in the game Fireboy and Watergirl 4: in the Crystal Temple is quite intuitive. You don't have to press any additional keys to move a lever or press a button that activates a hidden mechanism.

If the level is indicated by a gem in the shape of a truncated triangle, this means that our heroes must achieve the same goal as in the previous case - to get to the finishing doors as quickly as possible - by moving simultaneously. Otherwise, the rules and conditions are the same as for hexagonal levels. And finally, if the level is indicated by a brilliant-cut diamond, expect an exciting quest to find and obtain a green diamond! Only by capturing the green diamond will the heroes be able to open the finishing doors and move on to the next level.

Controls in the game Fireboy and Watergirl 4: in the Crystal Temple

The characters are controlled using the keyboard. You can move both Fire Boy and Water Girl at the same time, because to move characters around playing field different keys are used! Fire Boy obeys commands given with the control arrows, and Water Girl will move if you press the WAD buttons.

For those who have been involved in various adventures all their lives, such a game will not be something unusual. Yes, if you are used to getting out of difficult situations with friends, helping each other, then you are unlikely to see anything new for yourself. However, maybe it's time to become the best? Apply those real-life skills that you have used many times before and top the leaderboard.

If you want to experience the same thing, but in real world you are not particularly drawn to adventure, and various scrapes do not happen to you, then perhaps it’s time to start the game “Fire and Water 4”. True, here you and your friend will have to transform into two charming characters. A boy of fire and a girl of water. These two tomboys for the fourth time cannot sit idle, and all the time they try to find adventures for themselves.

This time they found themselves in a crystal temple, it was not named so by chance, because it contains a large number of various treasures. At least that's what those people who are considered elders say. And they won't lie. Moreover, the number of different traps and obstacles that are placed in the most unexpected places hints a little to the characters that all this is not just like that.

For two, but one can do it

The game is designed for two, that is, in order for the light and the water to achieve their goal, you will have to play together with a friend, it won’t work any other way. If you are suddenly afraid that you will get lost in numerous levels, then do not worry, because the characters have a real map, using it you can calmly navigate and understand which way to go in order to get to the next level, and not go back several times.

You can play online, which has a pretty good effect on the game itself. After all, in order to get carried away by this world, you don’t have to download anything, and even pay money, everything is free. All you need is a computer and a friend who loves games. Such a company will be able to pass through any tests.

“Fire and Water: In the Crystal Castle” is, to some extent, a game of logic. That is, you need to understand how to act in a given situation in order to get to the finish line. By the way, some traps are made in such a way that if you make a mistake once, you will have to start the level from the very beginning. Don’t let this scare you, because something like this is easy to remember, and next time no one will make an annoying mistake.

But some obstacles cannot be overcome alone; one of the characters will have to help the other. This is a fairly common practice for this game. Just remember that you need to get to the end together, so leaving someone will not work. If you were able to get out of the trap, then you should think about how to help your partner. There is always a solution, the main thing is to find it.


There are also special portals in the game that are located at all levels without exception. They look quite canonical, like arches, only multi-colored. It is worth understanding that if you go into the black side, you will have to exit it on the other side of the portal. With white everything is the same.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated, but you shouldn’t judge the entire game if you’ve only seen the first level. This is a rather difficult quest that cannot be completed alone. You need a team, even if it’s two people, but a team. The main thing to remember is that what cannot kill fire will definitely harm the water. So be careful when jumping over obstacles.

We must not forget about bonuses that allow the player to go further and become the best among everyone. They are distributed between the characters, that is, everyone can only take their own. It is necessary to collect them, so do not ignore long corridors if there is a dead end with only one crystal. It will come in handy.


Game controls:

Play for two or control two characters at the same time. Control the fiery boy using the arrow keys, the second player plays as a girl using the keys W, A, D