Gemstones for the zodiac sign Gemini. Gemini stone according to the horoscope: for men and women

26.07.2019 Construction

One of the most mysterious signs of the zodiac is Gemini. Their inner qualities are deceptive and fickle, and intelligence and resourcefulness allow them to achieve great success in business. When choosing a product with a stone as a present for a Gemini, you need to take into account the gender of the person and his birthday.

The Importance of Minerals for Gemini

According to the horoscope, this sign is under the influence of the planet Mercury. Often these people are indifferent to what is happening. This attitude is a kind of defensive reaction from criticism. Men and women born under this sign are inquisitive and cheerful. They require a lot of energy, which they usually waste. Due to inconstancy and stubbornness, they often have problems in personal life and at work.

Talisman stones will help Gemini to stabilize the energy supply, attract good luck in love and business. Not every gem is suitable as a talisman. Therefore, it is worth choosing the crystal carefully so as not to aggravate the situation even more.

Gemini is the summer sign of the zodiac. This season, wearing stones is in full swing. It is recommended to collect a small collection of minerals for all occasions. You need to purchase them according to your mood and desire.

You can intuitively determine which stone to use as a talisman. It is believed that everyone feels his own crystal. You need to hold the mineral in your hand for a while. If you feel warm - it suits the person, if cold - no.

Gemini stones should not be gloomy and cold shades. Such minerals steal energy, have a depressing effect. The ideal crystal for this zodiac sign should be green, yellow, orange, or gold. Twins who lack energy can draw it from red crystals.

Stones for Gemini women

Gemini women are interested in many things, they are charming and friendly. However, frequent mood swings make them irritable. They love to flirt, cannot stand monotony and are very demanding of a partner.

Emerald is considered the most useful stone for Gemini women. It helps to smooth out personal experiences, gives strength in difficult times. There are other gems that suit Gemini women:

  1. Helps in love affairs, attracts good luck, shows the direction in which a girl should develop. The stone in the bracelet helps to avoid stress. Black pearls are not worth choosing.
  2. This mineral will allow you to return a man or meet a new mutual love.
  3. White agate. The mineral is suitable for a strong and independent woman. He gives financial well-being and is used to raise money. It is recommended to insert into earrings.
  4. Tourmaline. Help a single woman find the object of adoration. The stone strengthens family relationships, protects against quarrels and scandals.
  5. Pomegranate. Gemini women use it to attract love. Lithotherapists attribute many healing properties to it, including the treatment of diseases of the lungs and stomach.
  6. Gem is suitable for married women. It ensures family well-being, protects from the envy of others.

Pregnant women born under the sign of Gemini can wear a moonstone. It will provide protection for the mother and her baby, help solve problems psychological nature and set up for the future of motherhood.

Stones for Gemini men

Gemini men have great charm and are popular with women. They love cheerful companies, often change hobbies and seem to live two lives in one. Men born under this sign are distinguished by a powerful intellect, which talisman stones will help to develop. Below are minerals that are suitable for them in certain life situations:

  1. Beryl. This is a mineral for real careerists who want to succeed in life. He will bring good luck in business, help to finish what he started.
  2. Alexandrite. Suitable for nervous men and helps to control themselves, not reacting to various trifles. It is advised to wear it on the middle finger and take it off at night.
  3. Agate. Thanks to this mineral, Gemini men will become more purposeful and choose the right path in life. They will not stop halfway to the goal.
  4. Amethyst. Helps calm emotions, get rid of anxiety and despondency. It is advisable to wear it in silver.
  5. Releases from dangerous passions, gives a desire to enjoy life, drives away anger. The stone is used as a protection against evil eyes and insomnia.

An excellent gift for Gemini men will be blue beryl. It can be inserted into a piece of jewelry, a phone pendant or a key chain.

Stones talismans

Alexandrite is considered the main stone for Gemini. It is carried with them from the evil eye and damage. He is the best talisman for this zodiac sign, helps to predict changes in life. So, if the stone has darkened, this indicates future troubles and illnesses. If the gem suddenly shone sharply - it's worth the wait joyful event. The mineral can affect a person's wealth, helping to earn and save money. He is capable of serious changes in the fate of his owner and, according to legend, predicts the future.

Citrine is suitable for Gemini, who often travel and trade. It sharpens intuition and brings success in business, helps to increase concentration. This is one of the main symbols of good luck, which is considered a powerful amulet and develops the positive qualities of its owner.

For Gemini, who are passionate about their work, rauchtopaz stone is suitable. He will give them confidence, the ability to soberly assess the situation. With this gem career secured.

There are other stones that are great as talismans for Gemini:

  • Moon rock. It helps to achieve your goal, act confidently and competently in any situation, stabilizes relations with others.
  • Cat eye. Attracts wealth, protects from unreliable partners, protects against hasty acts, restrains excitement.
  • Agate. Especially suitable for weak and sickly people. The stone gives prudence and responsibility. It has a calming effect, protects against making rash decisions and helps in difficult life situations. Red agate suits creative natures.
  • Nephritis. It improves the quality of sleep, the functioning of the nervous system, and is able to increase life expectancy. It is impossible to wear jade for a long time, so as not to attract loneliness.
  • Amethyst. Protects from ill-wishers, protects its owner from negative thoughts. Set the stone in silver.
  • Cornelian. It has healing properties, helps with intestinal and skin diseases.
  • Emerald. It is a good amulet for travelers, gives creative inspiration.
  • Rhinestone. Protects from unpleasant situations, improves memory, helps to take a sober look at many things. The energy of the gem adapts to its owner and is able to cure him of serious illnesses.
  • Eye of the Tiger. Protects from jealousy, slander and gossip. It softens the heavy nature of Gemini and warns of impending trouble, becoming much heavier. If spouses wear jewelry with this mineral, it will give love and peace in relationships.
  • Aventurine. This mineral has various colors and attractive luster. It belongs to the category of gems that bring good luck, and is able to attract happiness, success in personal life and peace of mind. natural stones often used to make rings and bracelets. Aventurine jewelry is suitable for people who have health problems.


Stones for Gemini are most effective as talismans if worn on the hands. Even a small mineral that adorns a watch or a ring can become a strong protector for its owner.

After a nervous shock, you can turn to the help of a protective stone and talk to him. The problem will no longer seem catastrophic, there will immediately be correct solution peace will come.

What stones are not suitable for Gemini

Bulky and luxurious stones are not suitable for Gemini. Representatives of this zodiac sign should not wear diamonds and rubies. They can bring trouble, negatively affect the state of the body. Obsidian, cacholong, labrador and any stones with cold shades are also contraindicated.


There are other minerals that do not fit this zodiac sign:

  • Aquamarine. It negatively affects the health of Gemini. Especially contraindicated in women.
  • Black onyx. The stone negatively affects the representatives of this sign, causing apathy, irritability and anger.
  • Stones natural white or of blue color. Bring failure, hold back potential.
  • Coil. Gemini can lose the foundations of spiritual power and positive features character, if they acquire this stone. They will become tempted.

The energy of black pearls and hematite is too strong for this constellation. They are not recommended for Gemini. Mother-of-pearl is categorically contraindicated for this zodiac sign.

Stones by date of birth

To select a stone in accordance with the date of birth, you should contact astrologers who distinguish three decades by the days of the birth of Gemini:

First decade (from May 21 to May 31). These people are talented and intelligent. Agate, malachite, jade, amazonite, rock crystal are suitable for Gemini born at this time. With their help, it will be possible to further develop logical and intuitive thinking.

Second decade (from 1 to 10 June). Gemini born during this period are selfish, assertive and sometimes aggressive. They have a powerful intellect and are often unbalanced. Amber, citrine, opal, cat's eye, pearls will help smooth out these features.

Third decade (from 11 to 21 June). People born in this decade are sociable and energetic, often restless and selfish. To avoid angry outbursts, they should wear products with sapphire, topaz, alexandrite, tourmaline.

Chinese astrology determines the stones for Gemini depending on the year of birth:

  1. Gemini born in the year of the Rooster and the Tiger are recommended pearls, beryl and moonstone.
  2. Rabbits and Bulls need to purchase beryl.
  3. Monkey and Tiger will find stability through agate.
  4. Gemini-Sheep and Gemini-Dogs will get rid of emotional excitement thanks to an emerald or pearl.
  5. Horses, Snakes, Rats and Pigs are recommended alexandrite.

It is not enough just to acquire a precious stone, it is important to be able to wear and store it correctly. You cannot re-gift a gem after it has served for a while. Together with itself, the stone can take away success and happiness, and bring bad luck to the new owner. It is better to simply store the mineral in a box separate from other crystals.

In this article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about the Gemini horoscope sign, and their talisman stones by date of birth. The topic of magical objects, as well as the correct and reasonable choice of protective stones according to the signs of the zodiac, is extensive. Much can be said about this. And I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, offer you something from the arsenal of my knowledge and experience.

These people are always interested and needy in communication and society. They need it. The innate ability to easily communicate with a wide range of people allows Gemini to find a use in a variety of industries and be successful. A magical help and protection will not be superfluous. Read this article and find out which stone can be an amulet for Gemini.

Stones talismans according to the date of birth of the Gemini sign

Thanks to their phenomenal sociability, people of the Gemini constellation are great at negotiating. Yes, in what, in what, and in the dialogues they have no equal. However, in stressful situations, Gemini is vulnerable and psychologically not always able to cope with dramatic and. And then they appear negative qualities these charming people:

  • selfishness,
  • vanity,
  • pettiness,
  • commercialism.

Natural stones by date of birth will give their wearer the necessary protection from negativity, affect the state of mind of a person in a positive, relaxing way. His magic power calm passions, help to look at things and situations without anxiety.

Yes, all 12 signs of the zodiac have their own protective stones from the evil eye, from other people's suggestions, from various mental and magical attacks. As for the Gemini horoscope sign, the choice of natural minerals that have strong magical properties protection and active defense is very broad. Next, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, offer a list of what stones should be worn by Gemini from damage and energy negativity.

Stones amulets of Gemini protecting from damage and the evil eye on a birthday

Gemini born in the first decade (May 21-31) is under the auspices and influence of Jupiter. These are natural logics. However, the intuition of these people is well developed.

Here are the stones that protect against the evil eye are suitable for the Gemini of the first decade:

  • rhinestone
  • Moonstone
  • malachite
  • amazonite
  • nephritis
  • obsidian

Representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini, born in the second decade (June 1-10), are patronized by Mars. These people are selfish, assertive, often openly aggressive.

In this period, it is worth making your stone an amulet that protects from the evil eye:

  • pearl
  • chrysoprase
  • chalcedony
  • onyx
  • cat eye

Gemini, born in the third decade (June 11-21), does not leave the Sun with its graces. There is a lot of warmth in the soul of these people, which extends to loved ones and. However, these people are quick-tempered and may experience strong uncontrollable anger. Those who are patronized by the Sun do not tolerate submission, they are recommended to wear stones, amulets from the evil eye and other negative influences, such as:
  • tourmaline
  • alexandrite
  • emerald
  • topaz
  • sapphire

Strong stone Gemini talisman from the evil eye - the magic of rock crystal

In the old days, rock crystal was surrounded by a halo of legends. It was said that this mineral is nothing but water, forever turned into ice by the power of black magic. This mysterious natural stone attracts the eye and enchants with its radiance. What secrets does he keep? Rock crystal is endowed with many properties, including the ability to protect its wearer, to become a protective stone for him from damage.

It is necessary to properly adjust the stone that protects against damage.

By the way, this is easy to do. The purchased jewelry with rock crystal must first be cleaned of extraneous energy drinks by holding it in running water or over a candle flame, after which you need to charge the stone against the evil eye. It doesn’t even need any specific conspiracies, it’s enough to have a stone with you and not let anyone wear jewelry with a mineral that serves as a protective amulet for you. Although, of course, a full-fledged magical rite amulet stone settings for protection Gemini from the evil eye and the energy negativity of the witchcraft plan, of course, will not be superfluous.

Rock crystal is a good talisman stone from envy and the evil eye for Gemini, whose birth took place in the first decade. Rock crystal with its purity and transparency symbolizes a person with an open and simple character. And also a person, whose him to solve the most difficult tasks and with honor to get out of difficult situations.

Pearls - a protective stone amulet against the evil eye for Gemini

By nature, Geminis are very active and have a huge supply of energy and vitality. Only now they do not always have enough endurance in order to concentrate on the main thing and direct their energy in the right direction. This will help pearls, stone suitable for women Gemini. The power of this amulet will reduce the degree of hostility, make a woman softer, calmer and more feminine. He will direct the woman of the Gemini constellation on the path of self-improvement, achieving the set, even the most difficult goals.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

As a talisman stone according to the horoscope, whose task is to attract love into the life of its mistress, pearls are ideal. If a woman is single, it makes sense to buy a stone according to the Gemini zodiac sign, and wear this magical item as a beacon for men who want to find love and create new relationships.
In addition, it is pearls that are the very a stone that protects Gemini from the evil eye and envy ill-wishers and enemies. If a person born in the zodiac constellation of Gemini has difficult relationships in a team, I recommend wearing pearls with you. Magic force This stone has a beneficial, pacifying effect on others.

It remains only to add that, among other stones of amulets according to the signs of the zodiac, pearl makes its wearer resistant to stress.

Stones talismans according to the signs of the zodiac - amulets for Gemini women

Choosing for yourself a talisman from a considerable number options, rely on intuition, as well as on your own feelings during contact with the stone. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, remind my readers who are looking for a natural stone amulet suitable for Gemini, do not forget that any magical object needs to be revealed to its wearer. Use my recommendations, the magician Sergei Artgrom, but remember that talismans and amulets are not omnipotent. A person, whether a man or a woman, must have goals and achieve them.

An effective stone amulet for a Gemini woman is citrine.

Bright and noticeable, it is a stone of good mood, creative ideas, undertakings and success. Citrine is a good amulet when it comes to financial matters. And this gem will keep the ardent lady of the Gemini constellation from rash decisions and actions. If the owner of this stone often has to speak in public, I advise you to buy a citrine stone as a talisman, it will give confidence and help the lady to be heard. This gem is best worn in a silver ring or pendant.
Another recommended talisman according to the horoscope is called tourmaline. First of all, it's a stone women's health, a talisman of the house and family, helping to maintain a strong bond between loved ones. As a talisman stone for women by date of birth, this gem provides reliable protection from dangers, from the evil intent of the enemy. Red or pink tourmaline will give inner peace and inspiration.

Magic stones amulets according to the signs of the zodiac - universal alexandrite

The beautiful transparent mineral alexandrite is the universal amulet of Gemini. It fits perfectly and harmonizes with their world. And if you decide what stone amulet to give a Gemini man you can feel free to donate silver ring with this gem.

It protects its bearer from everything unnecessary, alien, negative that may be encountered on his life path. In addition, alexandrite, as a talisman stone for Gemini zodiac signs, gives the wearer self-confidence and inner balance. Of course, this amulet loves strong-willed and determined people. If you lack these qualities, alexandrite will help to nurture and educate them in yourself.

Talismans of the children of the Gemini sign - the choice of stone according to the horoscope

Actually, all natural minerals, which are astrological assistants and protectors of adult Gemini, can also be worn by children of this constellation. But probably especially good natural stones are suitable for children from the evil eye and black negative influences of a magical nature, such as:

  • chrysoprase
  • beryl

How to activate a stone to protect against the evil eye - a strong conspiracy to amulet

And at the end of the article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, consider it necessary to bring a conspiracy, with whose help you can very accurately on yourself set up a stone protecting from damage and other negative influences. This independent plot is suitable for setting up any talisman that will have to stand up. For a ceremony that allows you to charge a stone against the evil eye and other negative energy and witchcraft influences, you will need:

  • wax candle
  • stone - future amulet

Works home plot on the personal power of the sorcerer. Do it on a full moon. Light a candle, put a mineral in the palm of your hand and, holding it so that your breath touches the stone, 3 times (you can do more - 7, 9, 12 times if you feel that there is a need for this, but at least 3 times) read the words of the conspiracy to effectively set up a stone that protects people from the zodiac sign Gemini from damage.

In addition, the charmed stone of its carrier will close not only from magical negativity, but also from what is commonly called everyday negativity and unwanted character traits. A correctly chosen stone by date of birth, and spoken for protection from negativity, will help its owner develop intuition.

“As this stone sparkles, so does life (name) shine and rejoice. Come, peace and fortune, go away, storms and storms. Help, stone, (name) find the main life goal, develop creativity to the highest limits, help realize yourself, help you become wiser and think clearly. You, stone, (name) listen, and he will hear you. Amen".

Features of the zodiac sign

According to the horoscope, stones for a Gemini woman must be selected taking into account what time of the year she was born. This is the end of spring or the beginning of summer - the time when the night is waning and the day is growing to a maximum. During this period, there is a lot of light and airiness, and there is also such an element as achieving a goal, fulfilling desires, because. It is in this sign that the summer solstice is present.

Lucky jewelry colors

Gemini is a light, mobile sign with a pronounced ability to communicate and unite opposites. The most successful colors for him are golden, yellow and green tones - the colors of the sun and the surrounding summer foliage. Gems Gems are usually a large collection, because. in summer, jewelry can be worn and displayed to others in the best possible way. It is good for the fair sex to have at least eight different stones and wear them according to their changeable mood.

best stone

The best stone for Gemini women is amethyst. This mineral is a very powerful talisman for new opportunities, the rejection of the old haunting love in the heart of the wearer, a talisman against evil friends. Amethyst gives sincerity, sincerity, optimism, well-being and happiness.

Basic amulets

Stones for the Gemini woman, which must be worn as a talisman, are presented in golden and transparent colors. These include:

Yellow or brown diamond (protects the body from damage, helps to defeat enemies and overcome obstacles);

Pyrite (gives a huge amount of energy, which is important for air sign, and almost always attracts male attention to a woman, is worn independently, without the presence of other stones);

Pink, red, colorless sapphire (helps to gently feed on energy, drives away visible and invisible enemies, attracts friends that the sign of Gemini needs for a harmonious life);

- rock crystal (multiplies abilities, allows you to communicate even at a distance, understand the unsaid).

Imperfect Solutions

Contrary to popular belief, pearls are not included in those stones for a Gemini woman, which are the most optimal, because. it is more suitable for another summer zodiac sign - Cancer. But along with emerald, agate, corals, heliodor, carnelian, amber, it is not contraindicated for wearing. Even less suitable are transparent diamonds (an expression of the sign of fire), which suppress the light nature of Gemini, dark red rubies, jasper (with the exception of green), malachite, lapis lazuli, jade and turquoise.

"Heavy" stones

The most unsuitable stones for a Gemini woman are represented by minerals that have predominantly dark colors and heavy energy. This is aquamarine and all kinds of onyx. Less unfavorable are hematites, serpentines, labradors, moonstones and opals (with the exception of fire semi-opal).

Choosing the Right

Gemini women are characterized by a love of freedom, a wide circle of friends, frequent movements and high level activity. According to their properties, the jewelry in their collection should not interfere with the manifestation of these character traits, because. otherwise, the representatives of this zodiac sign will be very uncomfortable in them.

In order to say with certainty which stone is suitable for Gemini, it is necessary to determine in which decade the sign is located by date of birth.

  1. Gemini, included by date of birth in the first decade of the sign (May 21 - 31) are ruled by Jupiter and Mercury. They often get into trouble because of their character flaws, such as selfishness and callousness. These qualities will help to cope gems warm yellows or oranges. good talisman will become golden topaz, yellow tourmaline or beryl, amber.
  2. In the second decade (June 1 - 10) Gemini is born, favored by Mars. They are characterized by energy and outstanding mental abilities. The disadvantages are aggressiveness and excessive straightness. Favorites remain beryl, agate and topaz. Gemstones with striped colors are also suitable for Gemini.
  3. Gemini from the third decade by date of birth (11 - 20 June) subject to the influence of the sun. They know how to work with information, quickly charm others and actively show their position in life. But representatives of this decade of the zodiac sign tend to flare up for any reason and resist the leadership. To mitigate these features, such stones are suitable: emerald, amber, carnelian and sapphire.

How to choose a precious talisman for Gemini

Topaz- a very good amulet for people born under the sign of Gemini. It balances the dual nature of the sign, helps to streamline thoughts and feelings. The gem has a beneficial effect on the health of its owner, calms and relieves stress. In addition, the stone resists infectious diseases and depression.

Gemini often find themselves at the center of conflicts. Topaz will help to avoid misunderstandings and resolve conflicts between people. A charm with this stone attracts friendship and love. It protects Gemini from unjustified risk and rash acts. Representatives of this zodiac sign love to travel and often change their lives. Topaz will be an excellent companion in the pursuit of new places and experiences.

- the strongest. Its warm, strong glow will help representatives of this zodiac sign find the right solution in a difficult situation. A charm with citrine protects against misfortune on the road and deceit in financial matters. The stone pacifies the overly gambling Gemini, makes them more balanced and calm.

To achieve success, Gemini, like no other signs of the horoscope, often lacks responsibility and focus on a specific task. They strive to do everything at once, but in the end they can not finish a single one. Agate will help the Gemini by the sign of the Zodiac to concentrate and direct their efforts towards achieving the goal. In addition, this stone is able to help creative individuals complete their next work.

Agate - strong amulet for Gemini in terms of health, both physical and psycho-emotional. If the representative of the sign feels a breakdown or depression, astrologers recommend that he wear jewelry with red agate for some time. He will share his energy and cheerfulness with the owner. In difficult situations, agate will give courage and determination.

Properly selected Gemini stones help to reveal the creative and intellectual potential of their owner. In this plan suitable amulet for representatives of this zodiac sign - carnelian. The gem contributes to the harmonious development of personality, inspires and refreshes thoughts. In addition, carnelian protects the family from external negativity, protects love and trusting relationships.

Stones suitable for a Gemini woman

A woman born under the sign of Gemini is suitable for gemstones in warm shades of yellow, green and red. The representatives of this zodiac sign often change their mood, the Gemini woman sometimes cannot decide on her desires and priorities herself. Therefore, astrologers advise her to have jewelry with various gems, among which you can choose the appropriate one. Suitable Stones for Gemini Woman: topaz, carnelian, agate, pearl, coral, amethyst, chrysoprase.

Topaz of straw, yellow and golden hues is very favorable for female Gemini. This precious stone fills the soul and thoughts with warmth. The gem makes the slightly windy Gemini girl prudent and cautious. It protects against making rash decisions, protects against bad acquaintances. In addition, topaz promotes concentration, has a positive effect on attentiveness and diligence in studies.

Topaz helps adult ladies in the professional field. The stone improves oratory skills, protects from unnecessary worries and stress at work. Gemini horoscopes often find their calling in matters related to commerce. A better helper than topaz, in this case, cannot be found. It develops intuition and business acumen.

According to the horoscope, chrysoprase is suitable for a Gemini woman. This stone is responsible for the heart chakra, so it will become a reliable protector from disappointments in your personal life. In addition to love, he attracts true friends and helpers to his mistress. Chrysoprase helps the dual and changeable nature of Gemini in the Zodiac to make the right choice and bring it to the end.

Agate is another suitable stone for a woman born under the sign of Gemini. It brings good luck in love affairs and protects from quarrels and quarrels in family life. Astrologers advise female Gemini to wear agate in earrings. Such a kind of talisman will become a protection from envious people and gossips and will attract the attention of men.

Stones suitable for the Gemini man

Gemini stones should have strong energy, but act on their owner gently and gradually. Citrine, for example, will contribute to the success of men in entrepreneurship and other financial matters, but not through aggression, but by increasing communication and oratory skills. This gem will help you make useful contacts and use information correctly.

It is sometimes difficult for Gemini men to build and maintain a happy marriage, because they do not want to reckon with other people's opinions and are prone to selfishness in relationships. Agate white or yellow color able to smooth out the shortcomings of the men of this zodiac sign. The stone helps its owner to find mutual language with any interlocutor and teaches men to find compromises.

Beryl, that is emeralds and heliodors, are suitable stones for male Gemini. Jewelry with beryl promotes climbing the career ladder and enhances intuition. For men, this gem helps to overcome character flaws and achieve their goals.

Rauchtopaz useful for Gemini men if they are ready to start a family, but cannot cope with their windy nature on their own. The mineral will help you focus on family relationships, will protect from temptations and forbidden passions. Rauchtopaz will be a wonderful gift for a wedding and a talisman of a marriage union.

What minerals should be avoided

Gemini should be careful to wear onyx. This can be done only if you need a strong concentration on a specific goal. Prolonged wearing of this stone can lead to limited thinking and a depressive state.

Astrologers consider such stones unsuitable for long-term or permanent wear for Gemini: hematite, black pearl, pyrope, cacholong, black opal, diamond and ruby. These minerals have the strongest energy, which will be very difficult for a rather weak sign of Gemini to cope with.

Jade is considered by many to be an unsuitable stone for Gemini men and women alike. But this is not entirely true: jade helps the representatives of the sign to cope with the changes that they so crave. But prolonged wearing of a stone can lead to a radical change in life orientations and complete loneliness.

Gemini is a sign of the zodiac, which is distinguished by its inconstancy. People who are born under it are seeking, active natures. Gemini can successfully perform several tasks at once.

However, they don't complete everything. The fact is that Gemini wants to get everything at once. Therefore, if something does not work out for them or the case drags on for a long time, they immediately leave it and start working on other projects.

Representatives of this zodiac sign do not like everyday life and routine. They can change their lives overnight. Geminis are not used to "standing aside", they prefer to be the center of attention.

Gemini is a dual sign, it personifies the union of two opposites - good and evil. Therefore, choosing an amulet for Gemini is not an easy task. In this article, we will find out which stone is suitable for Gemini as a talisman.

In addition to the fact that when choosing a stone - a talisman, one should rely on the sign of the zodiac, one must also look at when exactly the person was born. Based on the date of birth, Gemini is recommended to choose stones as follows:

  • Gemini, who were born from May 21 to 31, is ruled by Jupiter. Such people are distinguished by tact and logical thinking. In addition, they have a developed instinct. Suitable for these Gemini, and.
  • Gemini, who were born from June 1 to 10, Mars gives its protection and favor. Such people "blank through" go to their goal. They are ambitious, selfish and sometimes aggressive towards others. The following minerals are suitable for Gemini:, onyx,.
  • The twins, who were born from June 11 to 21, are favored by the Sun. Such people are attached to loved ones and honor family values. They always have original ideas. The negative trait of Gemini is irascibility. They can also show aggression towards people around them. Representatives of this zodiac sign, astrologers recommend wearing, alexandrite, and sapphire.

Common Stones for Gemini

Agate attracts good luck. In addition, it is believed that it prolongs life and protects a person from premature death. This stone helps to cope with ailments, including chronic and incurable. Agate also makes its owner more attractive to the opposite sex.

There is an opinion that the best stone is a talisman for Gemini. It grants protection from evil forces. In addition, this stone attracts money. It also helps the owner to make a career. The main property of alexandrite is that it can change shades. So he warns the owner that an unpleasant event will happen soon, as well as about an approaching illness.

Stones of a yellow and orange hue are suitable for Gemini, this, and a cat's eye. Such gems for Gemini, as well as semi-precious stones, contribute to the development of oratory.

They attract good luck, give peace and tranquility. In addition, these stones develop the strengths of the Gemini character. They discipline and help to concentrate on a particular task. Stones improve health, increase physical endurance and have a positive effect on nervous system owner.

Stones such as are also suitable for twins. They discipline and help get rid of such a character trait as frivolity. It is best to choose onyx with stripes, since it is he who will allow Gemini to persevere in order to achieve their goals and not give up on what they have started.

Gemini can use a moonstone as an amulet. This amulet will help you choose the right path. Moonstone also helps to reveal inner talents. It is recommended to wear family Gemini, it will help maintain marital fidelity and protect against rash acts.

There are stones - amulets that are suitable only for a woman or only for a man.

Stones for Gemini woman

According to the horoscope, women born under the sign of Gemini can use quite a lot of stones as a talisman. These include beryl and tourmaline. However, astrologers recommend opting for. This stone will help to tame the unbridled nature of these women.

If we talk about what gems can be worn by Gemini women, then this is yellow topaz. It attracts happiness and promotes well-being good relations with people around. also helps to find like-minded people for the implementation of joint projects, and if the Gemini does not succeed, they will help to bring the work begun to the end. In addition, this stone grants protection from evil forces.

Suitable stones for Gemini - women are. They calm and help to focus on a particular matter. Sapphire helps to "pacify" the negative and enhance the positive character traits of these women. In addition, the stone helps to establish good relationships with people around.

- this is another stone for women who were born under this zodiac sign. It protects from people with evil intentions, slander, slander, etc. In addition, he bestows discipline, attracts good luck and helps to achieve success in your goals.

Stones for Gemini men

If we talk about which stones are suitable for Gemini - men, then this. It is better to choose such minerals in red and orange shades. They contribute to the disclosure of talents and protect health. In addition, carnelian bestows longevity, and protects from violent death.

In addition, Gemini men are recommended for use. It helps to make a career, gives the owner positive energy, which helps to cope with negative character traits. In addition, beryl protects travelers on the road, helps to win legal proceedings and improves mental activity.

Not all stones are suitable for Gemini. Both men and women are not recommended to wear those minerals that are too expensive. You should also not choose heavy stones. They include and.

In addition, minerals that have blue and white colors are prohibited. Such stones can cause harm to the owner: attract misfortunes and ailments.

Stones - amulets that are suitable for Gemini help improve character, eliminating negative traits. They give protection and attract good luck.