What awaits the virgin in March. Financial horoscope: money question

29.08.2019 Education

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Virgo male dragon in 2017 - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The horoscope predicts that Virgo's sufficient frivolity in 2017 will also affect her personal life, and more positively than negatively, since organization, accuracy and scrupulousness are needed only in business. Love will give Virgo many unique moments, especially for those who are still alone.

With the advent of 2017, Virgo will be able to feel that her desires and dormant instincts are beginning to awaken and take center stage in her personal life. Caution and reason will fade into the background - Virgo's logic will be controlled by feelings, and they will also guide actions.

As a result, the first half of the year will entail a huge number of romantic and other acquaintances for this zodiac sign, as well as a sea of ​​​​impressions. Single Virgos are more likely to develop sudden tumultuous relationships, which can be quite unexpected. However, with the beginning of autumn, the stormy life will be left behind, and recent months years will give Virgo long-awaited stability in relationships and peace of mind.

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If there is already a loved one next to Virgo, the year of the Rooster will bring a lot of stormy and unpredictable strength tests to the relationship, since temptations will lie in wait for Virgo at every turn.

Career 2017 Virgo

In the coming 2017, Virgo should know for sure: all circumstances are favorable to her. If she has a different opinion, therefore, she does not notice luck floating in her hands.

In fact, the horoscope for this zodiac sign, both in business and financial matters, could be safely considered absolutely successful, except for one “but”: the year of the Rooster will not provide Virgo with such activity and determination that would allow her to achieve significant success.

In real life, this means that in 2017 Virgo will not have the necessary incentive for labor exploits throughout the year, which will take time and effort at a significant pace. It is unlikely that even a tempting opportunity will be able to influence the situation career development or improved financial situation. It will be much more interesting for Virgo to spend time outside of work.

Definitely, if such an attitude of the Virgo to her affairs continues, then a frivolous attitude in the year of the Rooster will nullify the opportunity to complete many projects that have been started, as well as improve her career. Although it is likely that in the second half of 2017 some lucky chances will sail right into her hands and without her efforts.

In addition, personal motivation is a circumstance that, if desired, Virgo can easily control. If she decides to achieve success in 2017, then she will not encounter any obstacles, except for personal lack of concentration and frivolity.

Finances in the Year of the Rooster Virgo

A rather promising year in terms of finances will be spent by people who were born under the sign of Virgo. Natural thrift and accuracy in handling money will allow this person not only to save money, but also to increase it.

The stars advise such individuals in the first months of 2017 to seriously think about the possibility of transferring money into precious metals or bonds. Many will perceive Virgo's actions as stinginess or greed, but at the end of the year, when these people make one, but very large purchase, their opinion will change.

Health in the Year of the Rooster Virgo

The energy potential of the representatives of the Virgo sign will practically not be threatened in 2017. This is facilitated by the constant care of these people about their health. The Year of the Rooster will give these individuals self-confidence and make them think about switching to plant foods and giving up meat, or about the possibility of quitting smoking forever. Older girls can have serious problems with pressure, and all because of the slagging of the body. In addition, all people of this zodiac sign do not hurt to check the condition of the thyroid gland in order to prevent serious diseases in the future.

Horoscope 2017 man Virgo

The stars indicate that men born under the sign of Virgo this year will lack organization and a clear goal. These individuals can often work idly, start to be lazy, because of which they will miss many promising development opportunities in the summer. If these people are lazy and love relationships, they expect serious problems, up to loneliness. In general, the harder the work of the Devs in 2017, the more this man will be able to achieve in the end.

Horoscope 2017 Virgo woman

Sensual women born under the sign of Virgo will aim to find their love in the year of the Rooster. Many family women of this sign, tensions will arise with loved ones due to a lack of feelings. The stars do not advise to endure and delay such a relationship, it is better to immediately express your claims frankly to your loved one or get a divorce before the middle of the year. In this case, the Devs will have a chance to build a new one, harmonious couple before the end of the year.

Horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac-eastern signs:

The personalities of this zodiac sign will demonstrate their resourcefulness in any matter and in any business, which means they will have a chance to lead the team and reach a new level of development.

With the advent of 2017, these Virgos should be more careful with love relationships, as a person may appear in their soul who is trying to ingratiate himself with deceit and use the Virgo for his own purposes. Upon learning of this, Virgos may be disappointed in love.

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The fate of the Virgo, born in the year of the Tiger this year, will often depend on chance, and therefore it is very important to observe safety measures, to refuse, if possible, from flying by air, and also not to get drunk behind the wheel of a car.


During this period, the Virgin, born in the year of the Rabbit, will have to make a choice between two people who are equally dear to him. The stars in this case are advised to make a choice with the heart, so as not to torment yourself in the future.

Maiden Dragon

With the advent of the Year of the Rooster, it is important for these Virgos to control their cash expenditures and not get into debt. The stars categorically do not advise taking loans, since Dev will soon have nothing to pay for them.

Such representatives of the Virgo sign need to think about establishing harmony in their own family. Perhaps your partner lacks your sincerity, understanding and care. Holidays on the beach together will help the couple to become a little closer.


The year of the Rooster promises to be a fussy one for these Virgos as well. Trying to succeed both in work and in the love sphere, these people may not succeed in any of the cases. It is very important to decide on one thing and put all your strength into development.

These Virgos will live a worthy year in terms of development. They can buy a house that they have long dreamed of or get a new high-paying job. The only thing that can prevent them from achieving everything is their unwillingness to listen to the advice of smart people.

Virgo Monkey

Significant for these personalities will be one of the summer months, in which the Virgin will meet the love of her life. You have to make a difficult choice between family and your own home, as well as love and the unknown.

Representatives of the Virgo sign, who were born in the year of the Rooster, will need to think about the state of their internal organs, namely the liver and stomach, which in the spring will begin to malfunction and provoke various diseases. Operation is not excluded.


For individuals born at this intersection of signs, the time comes when they can begin overhaul in their home or decide to change their own lives. The main thing is not to take sudden steps, as they may be premature.

Virgin Pig

Since the beginning of the year, such individuals will be very concerned about the issue of money and the search for ways to enrich themselves. Job offers abroad or a change of profession should not be ignored, as in fact they will turn out to be very promising.

Love horoscope for 2017 Virgo

Considering the astrological forecast for 2017, astrologers note that already in the winter period these people will have to endure a tearful parting with a person with whom, due to circumstances, Virgos cannot be together. Cheerful and cheerful personalities, due to such a turn in their lives, will become withdrawn and unsociable, often spend time alone and shun the opposite sex. The stars say that in winter it is better to leave Virgo alone and give them time to comprehend everything that happens to them. A little later they will find the meaning of life.

With the advent of spring, lonely Virgos will become more sociable and will flirt and flirt with people they like with undisguised interest. Storms of anger and lightning should be expected from the Virgo in a relationship, as distrust and jealousy for their partner will settle in the soul of these people. Moreover, very often this jealousy will be confirmed by the facts of lies or even treason. Such Virgos will look for a way to return a partner to the family, while themselves remaining faithful to the bonds of marriage. However, water wears away a stone, and over time, having become disillusioned with a loved one, unfree Virgos may begin to respond to flirting in their direction.

The time that will test the strength of the love of many couples in which Virgo is one of the partners will be summer. It is in the summer that Virgo can be offered a job abroad or in another city, which is long time will separate these people from their partners, or some event will occur that will put both partners before a choice - to be together and continue, or to leave and start building a life separately. Moreover, as the stars note, such a test will have to be passed by couples who have lived together for seven or more years. Younger families with Virgo at the head will be more united and will have a great summer in one of the southern resorts.

The most unifying in terms of love relationships will be autumn, or rather September and October 2017. Both family and those Virgos who are in pairs will find a common idea that will largely unite the two loving people and will allow them to build their lives without quarrels and disputes and enjoy every day. At the same time, as the stars predict, for many of these couples, the news of the imminent appearance of a child in their family will become a unifying factor. This time will allow Virgos to reconsider their attitude to life, set priorities and in the future think only about strengthening their families and the happiness of their children.

Horoscope for 2017 Virgo man

The stars say that in 2017, men born under the zodiac constellation Virgo will be too slow and will rarely take responsibility for this or that issue. Their soulmates will have to push and motivate such men so that they can succeed during this period. The rooster makes it clear that in order for the Virgo to wake up and begin full-fledged vigorous activity, they will need to strong motivation. Otherwise, you should not hope for a step forward in your own development.

Horoscope for 2017 Virgo woman

For the fairer sex, who were lucky enough to be born under the sign of Virgo, the year 2017 promises to be favorable in all areas. For married representatives of this zodiac sign, the stars predict a difficult relationship with a loved one, perhaps even betrayal by a partner, but Virgos will find the strength in themselves to be able to keep their feelings and family. 2017 warns these ladies that they will have to be torn between home and family and, moreover, even provide for their loved ones. However, all efforts will be worth it and at the end of the year Virgo will feel great satisfaction from their own achievements.

Career in 2017 Virgo

Representatives of the Virgo sign will not be too zealous in their work, since all their thoughts will be occupied by their loved one and household chores. Meanwhile, natural responsibility will not allow these people to work at half strength, and therefore throughout the year of the Rooster, the Virgin will be a kind of brain, centers, coordinators and analysts. And this, of course, will entail an offer to take a higher post. The forecast for the Virgo sign warns these people that reckless abandonment of a high position can leave these people out of career development for a long time.

Finance Virgo

This year will not bring super profits to thrifty Virgos, however, skillfully managing what these people can do, they will be able to feel calm and not depend on others. Meanwhile, these people in 2017 will have to pay a lot of money paying administrative fines or giving bribes when solving this or that issue. By the way, in March and April 2017, Virgos will have a sharp instinct and they will be lucky, which means that at this time you can try your luck at gambling.

Health in 2017 for Virgo

Representatives of the Virgo sign, who are used to bringing everything to the end and respecting their health, are in little danger in 2017. However, they should take care of themselves. First of all, it is worth refusing to fly by plane from April to October so as not to get into a plane crash. In addition, throughout the year it is worth controlling yourself at all kinds of receptions and holidays so as not to get alcohol poisoning. Otherwise, the representatives of this zodiac sign should not worry about their state of health.

East zodiac horoscope for 2017:

From the representatives of the Virgo sign, who were born in the year of the Rat in 2017, they will expect a lot. These people will be very burdened by the hopes placed on them, which will become an unnecessary obstacle in their development. The stars advise these people to loosen up and be natural, because only in this case can one hope for success.

Since January 2017, such Virgos need to clearly plan their lives, otherwise, without a specific plan, the whole year will go awry. The stars say that these people can achieve harmony with the world and themselves only if they do not experience emotional experiences because of unrequited love.

With the advent of spring, these representatives of the Virgo sign need to go for an examination and check their body. There are serious fears that these people may become seriously ill in 2017, which means that the disease should be prevented by detecting it in a timely manner and taking preventive measures. In addition, the year is good for employment and securities transactions.


Already in the first month of the year of the Rooster, these individuals can find out about the imminent replenishment in their family. In addition, this period is suitable for marriage and wedding in the church. It cannot be said that Virgo will move up the crankcase ladder, however, these people can easily strengthen their position and establish themselves in their positions.

Maiden Dragon

The desire to get rich by spending a lot of time and effort on it will force this person to come up with more sophisticated ways to make money. The stars in this case only warn Dev that the risk in 2017 is contraindicated for them, and engaging in crime and making money dishonestly is fraught with the most serious consequences. The end of the year will be especially tense, when the temptations to earn a lot of money in an instant will be very great.

For these representatives of the Virgo sign, 2017 promises to be a period of recovery and a more reverent attitude towards their own body. These individuals may decide to quit smoking or engage in other bad habits. In addition, many Virgos expect surgery in the second half of the year. For everything to end well, the date of the operation should be attributed to the very end of the year.


It is likely that the representative of this zodiac sign in the year of the Rooster will have to show more independence and make decisions alone and without prompting. Their responsibility will noticeably increase this year, however, the return in the form of financial profit will also increase. In general, this year the Virgos will be able to bring themselves into an asset, but these people will not be able to achieve something supernatural.

The quarrelsome nature of these people can cause quarrels and scandals with others, which will not have the best effect on the career growth or love relationships of the Devs. The stars advise these individuals to find a job in which they will not depend on others and in which there is no need to constantly contact people.

Virgo Monkey

Virgos born in the year of the Monkey should expect a significant change in life. These people can receive a chic offer of cooperation thanks to which they will leave their homeland for a while, or they can easily change their boring job for the work of their whole life. In any case, at the end of the year, these Virgos will be able to say that a real miracle happened to them during 2017.

The stars mark the creative potential of the representatives of this zodiac sign, which will unusually elevate and make these Virgos popular. Already in the first half of the year, thanks to their talent, many Roosters will be able to express themselves and thus attract the attention of the public. Already at the end of the year, these people will be able to enjoy the fruits of their labors.


Virgo born in the year of the Dog will have difficulty communicating with the team in 2017. This may cause them to be fired and look for another, more suitable job. During this period, it is important not to quarrel with friends and loved ones, since it is these people who, in the end, should help the Virgos get settled in life. In addition, the stars advise Virgos to look at the love sphere.

Virgin Pig

Obligatory Virgos born in the year of the Pig will not be out of place to think about their own health, namely about losing weight. To do this, you do not need to sit on debilitating diets at all, you just need to adjust the regimen and quality of nutrition, as well as go in for sports by signing up for a pool or gym.

Virgo Horoscope for 2017 Rooster

The Year of the Rooster will turn out generally well. Career, financial stability, smooth relations with loved ones will please the representatives of this sign. Good luck will overtake these friendly people in the love sphere.

In the spring-summer period, decisions can be made that can drastically change the life of Virgos. But they do not need to turn up their noses and engage in narcissism, although the reasons for this will appear. Otherwise, support from the Cosmos will end.

Unlike many other signs, they do not have the risk of running into scammers or financial troubles in 2017. Stars recommend if friends apply for financial aid, to help them. Then Virgos can count on a positive boomerang of fate.

Some representatives of this constellation will want to get away from the fuss that the fiery Rooster will bring into their lives. Instead of setting goals and achieving them, they will plunge into bliss and complete relaxation. It will not be so interesting financially, but it will allow you to live for your own pleasure.

Virgo love horoscope in the year of the Rooster

These Earth signs are very reserved on emotions and feelings. 2017 will be a test in their personal lives for them. After all, others want to see their love, and they will act according to their habit. As a result, there may be minor disagreements.

Those who are already in a relationship do not need to be superficial. Show the depth of your feelings. The stars favor those who decide to propose or get married.

It is useful for family Virgos who are faithful to their spouses to go on a joint trip, often arrange dinner with loved ones. If you already have children, then playing with them in the fresh air will have a positive effect on your mood and well-being. You can plan to have children this year.

Lonely representatives of the earth sign should prepare for the spring period. Starting from May, many things will appear in their lives. interesting people. This will lead to a stormy relationship that is not characteristic of them by nature. The love horoscope does not exclude that relationships will develop in parallel with several partners. You won’t have to choose anyone among them, by the fall the situation will resolve itself. Therefore, one can simply enjoy the fire of passion.

To make personal relationships more harmonious, all Virgos should learn to be relaxed, open, talkative. Partners and loved ones will appreciate such changes.

If suddenly an opponent or rival appears on the path to happiness, you should not panic and take some action. After all, representatives of the earth sign are so good and interesting for their partners that they will independently resolve all issues in order to prevent unnecessary unrest in the relationship. Moreover, this will be true both for newly emerged couples and for those who have already lived most life together.

Financial horoscope for 2017

If the earth sign has accumulated a lot of things by the beginning of the year, they will have to be done very quickly. After all, in the spring there is a high probability of starting in large large projects. The management will make sure that everything is done on time. Therefore, postponing something indefinitely is not recommended.

Those who take the initiative may not see a positive response from colleagues and management at first. But with their hard work, responsibility and perseverance, it will be possible to prove that organizations need such decisions.

Small problems in business and career may arise in the spring and early summer. You should be careful about the actions of colleagues, as some envious people will want to get what belongs to the Virgos. Don't give in to provocations. After all better job no one knows anyway.

In July, you may receive an offer for a promotion. Those who do not have a job will start it during this period. But you need to remember that a new job will require high degree concentration, it will be impossible to make mistakes. If everything is done according to the instructions, then you can prepare a wallet for a big bonus.

The Virgo horoscope promises monetary success to those who contact foreign partners or investors. You might consider investing in precious metals or securities. But this issue is worth discussing with those who work in such markets.

If free money appears, then, after consulting with relatives and friends, you can invest it in someone else's project.

The second half of the year will be rich in business acquaintances. As a result, at the end of the year there is an opportunity to significantly improve your financial situation.

Dev Health in 2017

This area will not cause much concern to the representatives of this zodiac sign. Virgo's health is quite strong, but the horoscope indicates the need for timely diagnosis. This will help prevent future health problems.

In order to remain well-being, it is useful to conduct a course of purification at the beginning of the year, as well as limit yourself to in large numbers calories. In the spring, Virgos will need a lot of energy, which should be drawn not from food, but physical activity outdoors. It will be useful to remember swimming, yoga, going to the gym. In this case, it is not necessary to give a large load on the joints.

If a doctor prescribes hormonal drugs for those who have chronic diseases, there is no need to rush to buy them. It is better to consult additionally. Hormonal shifts can make serious changes in all body systems, which in Virgo during this period is able to cope with ailments without such means.

Traditionally for Virgo, spring and autumn exacerbation of problems with the gastrointestinal tract. But in the year of the Rooster there is an opportunity to say goodbye to this disease forever. This will be connected either with meeting a new doctor, or with a trip to a sanatorium, where they will select a successful diet and recovery program. People who abuse spicy and fatty foods, alcohol, it will be easy to leave these bad habits.

In autumn, it is worth visiting spa programs or motivational trainings. This will allow you to cope with a decrease in performance, as well as with a possible blues. Even surrounding yourself with the bright colors of autumn will improve your well-being: orange, red, yellow flowers. Objects of such colors will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of Devs. The desire to love and be loved is the main motive of the year for sensitive, gentle and caring representatives of this constellation. In order to find relationships or maintain them, they will have to make an effort. Basically, you will need the ability to carefully avoid sharp corners, possible attacks of partner jealousy, and also communicate frankly. The horoscope describes the need to speak out the problems that arise, and not to hush them up.

Career affairs will fade into the background. But it is in this area that the most surprises will await. Starting in a new position or in a new company is not difficult. To gain a foothold, you will need to completely eliminate frivolity, as well as demonstrate the best business qualities.

  • obtaining new knowledge,
  • active joint recreation with children, if any,
  • mastering culinary techniques that were not previously used for the benefit of the family.

If a Virgo woman sets a goal for herself, she will definitely be achieved in 2017. You just need to consistently go to her, and also not be distracted by trifles. A goal can be set in any area: whether it's buying an apartment, losing weight, or passing a driver's license exam.

At the end of the year, you can plan a shopping tour, because you will need new experiences to relieve stress from work, and there will also be a financial opportunity to buy something interesting for yourself, loved ones or at home.

Virgo man horoscope for 2017

Patient, dutiful Virgo men can give the impression of indecisive people. It can be an obstacle to the execution of all planned affairs. However, in

In the first half of the year, brave and reliable Virgo men will rush up at work. As a result, a little less attention than we would like will go to relatives, friends, children. Those who are engaged in engineering or finance will achieve great success.

In the spring, representatives of the sign can surprise their friends with an extraordinary decision that will change their lives. Here, the stars see the option of moving, and getting married, and acquiring real estate.

It is worth paying attention to the development of foreign languages. In the second half of the year, the situation is favorable for finding partners abroad. An interesting internship, a new contract or a joint project can become a springboard for future great successes for representatives of this zodiac sign.

In winter, you will want passions. Family Virgos can give a look to the side, but, succumbing to temptation, you will have to regret it very much. In autumn, on the contrary, a partner or spouse will demand love activity, but there may be no strength. Therefore, it is better to go on a joint vacation to compensate for the lack of attention to your soul mate in the previous six months.

Horoscope for Virgo for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

What has the year of the Red Fire Rooster prepared for the most hardworking zodiac sign? Virgos this year will be able to improve their standard of living by switching to increased comfort. After all, it is on them that all the blessings of life will fall, as if from a cornucopia. The year will surely bring you the discovery of new horizons: many Virgos will be able to understand themselves and their desires, determine priorities for development for the coming years.

Even for your own success, you can often turn to your half. Partners will play an important role in your life this year: they will help you look at things abstractly, noticing not only small parts but also seeing the big picture of the situation.

Monthly horoscope for Virgo for 2017

In early January, many Virgos who are not prone to adventurism will be drawn to adventure. If you receive offers for quick earnings - please reject them. This month, there is an opportunity to lose a small amount of money due to risky and ill-considered actions.

In February, you will mainly focus on the field of work. This month will not bring bright events, but there will be many interesting ideas that can be instantly tested in your field of work. March will give you the opportunity to analyze all your fears and failures over the past period in order to understand your mistakes and continue to act and achieve success. April and May will be favorable for those who need to study and remember a lot great amount information - given your innate qualities and the influence of time, these months will be the easiest to do.

June will be completely devoted to work, and July can bring conflicts with friends. You may understand at some point that your values ​​differ greatly from those close to you, so some distance is inevitable. But it will help you even more appreciate those who have kept in touch and friendship with you.

In September, you will feel that your own understanding of yourself, your attitude towards yourself has changed. You will begin to value your time, your actions more, and therefore the attitude of others will change for the better. October will be one of the most active months of the year - you will be full of strength and determination, so for this month you can plan everything that requires active and decisive action.

In November, it is better to plan a trip or a short vacation - this will help you relax after difficult months of work and give you new impressions. In December, most of all you should give your strength to your family - this is the most best time in order to connect with them.

Virgo Man: Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Virgo men are very attentive. This is a quality that was born with them, because Virgo is ruled by Mercury - a planet that likes to systematize everything. It is not always easy to live with a Virgo man, because he can drive you crazy with his love of order. According to him, everything should be in its place, and sometimes even a trifle can unbalance him and ruin his mood.

In the year of the Red Fire Rooster, Virgo men will be able to boast of success. This is one of the signs that are always ready to stay at work at night and who faithfully serve their company. You won’t have to prove your loyalty twice: your successes will be noticed and this will definitely affect the material sphere, for the better.

Virgo Woman: Astrological Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Women born under the sign of Virgo are distinguished by constancy and the ability to see even the slightest flaws. There are jokes that such women are difficult to arrange personal life, although this is not entirely true. It’s just that Virgos are so arranged that they love order in everything, and it’s difficult for them to endure a partner next to them who causes chaos. Virgos strive to turn any chaos into a system, hence the contradictions with some men who are not close to such a position.

The horoscope for 2017 promises you new successes in work, finances and self-knowledge. You will begin to appreciate yourself more, seeing what enormous amounts of information you can process for short term. And the praise of the authorities and the approval of colleagues will also be another step towards recognition of their merits.

Love horoscope for Virgo for 2017

The love life of Virgos in 2017 can be complicated by conflicts with the second half. Each of the couple wants to pull the blanket over themselves to some extent, and is not ready to compromise with the partner. Only your innate delicacy and the ability not to be nervous in difficult situations will save you.

If you are married, please Special attention for May: it promises to be romantic, but quarrels with a loved one can spoil the best mood. Try to avoid excessive jealousy, attempts to control a man, even if such quarrels end in violent reconciliation and deep down you really like it.

One of the most romantic months of the year is October. At this time, you seem to become brighter and more attractive dozens of times! This time is well suited to sort out your wardrobe, restore friendships, and actively engage in your beauty and appearance. A good period for new acquaintances, the implementation of creative ideas - everything will work out for you.

Finance and career horoscope for 2017

For finance, money decisions and good earnings, the year is very successful. It is those who were born under the sign of Virgo who will be able to increase their wealth in the coming year, because luck itself will float into your hands, and the most important thing for you is to take advantage of the opportunities.

The horoscope for 2017 promises you that you can earn money only by your own work, through your own efforts and efforts. Therefore, you do not need to buy a lottery ticket with hope, because earnings will depend on how hard you are willing to try and succeed.

Professional life will develop calmly. The busiest months are January and June. In July, there is a high probability of conflicts with bosses, because of this you may lose your mood to work for a long time and your reputation may be shaken. Do not allow difficulties in work matters at this time. And it would be even better if you go on vacation this month - then you will definitely be able to avoid problems.

Forecast for Virgo according to the Chinese horoscope

Virgo Tiger: The year will be much calmer than the previous one. Be prepared for the fact that you will have many assistants in the field of finance. Good year to contact a financial advisor.

Virgo Rabbit: This year will be auspicious if you are ready for change. The main difficulties may be noticeable in the first half of the year, then they will decline. Be careful, avoid impulsive actions.

Maiden Dragon: An auspicious year, especially for those who would like to travel a lot and are eager to see other countries and cultures. The best period for trips is autumn, at this time you can have a great rest.

Virgo Snake: Favorable year, but you need to be more careful with financial flows: spend less. If not, think about ways you can earn more.

Virgo Horse: This year you will want to spend more time and money on your appearance, and you can only be congratulated - after all, having good taste, you choose only those things that emphasize your beauty.

Virgo-Goat: This year, all doors will be open for you, especially in the field of creativity and entertainment. It is recommended to meet friends more often and not be afraid to try your hand at something new.

Virgo Monkey: A favorable year for cooperation and seeking help among your colleagues. You can contact them this year in any situation. With a little openness, you can find new friends who share your values.

Virgo Rooster: Avoid competition this year. You should not tell new acquaintances about your secrets and desires until your friendship has been tested by difficult situations. A competitor may appear at work who will have qualities similar to you.

Virgo-Dog: The best time for you will be summer. But not for the reason of rest: it is at this time that you will be most productive, maximum energy will appear. Therefore, it is recommended to plan all important things for this period.

Virgo Pig: Get ready for an active pastime - in the coming year you will be drawn to try something new and challenge yourself. You should be careful in the month of May.

Virgo Rat: This year will help you get in touch with yourself. Think more about yourself - your health, beauty, try not to strain and come to balance. Be sure to try diets - not necessarily for weight loss, but rather to cleanse the body.

Virgo Ox: An auspicious year that will bring changes to your stable life. How good these changes will be depends on you, so try not to miss the chances that fate gives you.

See the general horoscope for 2017 for all zodiac signs.

This year for Virgo will turn out to be quite nervous and emotional for all representatives of the sign. Very often you will notice that you are in a state close to hysterical, excessive excitability will only damage your personal and business life. This will affect your performance, communication skills and your mental abilities. Perhaps this behavior will introduce more enemies into your life than friends.

Because of this horoscope for Virgo for 2017 strongly recommends not to be led by your own emotions, but to try to restrain your ardor and ardor. Complete relaxation, and even the use of meditation, will help to avoid conflicts.

For dog owners, there is a unique chance to combine business with pleasure - walking in the park not only relieves nervous tension, but also helps to stay alone with their thoughts, solve some problems. important questions. Well and four-legged friend will be just happy that the owner spends extra hours of his time with him. Your behavior model in 2017 should be based on the ability to correctly allocate your time and opportunities.

If you don’t succeed in some business, you should not be upset in advance, perhaps with a little effort you will see what the end result will be. Read more interesting literature on self-development or listen to lectures on similar topics. As soon as you “put everything in its place”, your life will begin to improve for the better.

In 2017, Virgos should listen to their inner voice, because their intuition during this period will be greatly aggravated. Your consciousness now and then will send you practical clues, which in no case can not be ignored.

You will be surprised, but your body will decide when and how to react to this or that situation - you just have to catch these signals in time. 2017 is the perfect time to reflect on lifestyle and what to do in the future. Try not to waste the time allotted to you - take a good look at your past mistakes, analyze all the situations that have happened to you in the past in order to prevent the repetition of such scenarios in the future.

Of course, do not forget about your accomplishments - remember each of your methods that led you to victory. Each person has their own strengths and weak sides and Virgos should try to eradicate the former, and strengthen the latter precisely throughout 2017. will be the right time to reveal some talent in yourself.

Creative Virgos will be extremely lucky in 2017, because their potential will multiply several times over. In turn, this will lead to an increase in efficiency, which will not go unnoticed by the authorities. Perhaps you will be able to organize a major event for your company - a performance, an exhibition, a corporate party. Even those Virgos who have not been touched by a ray of creativity at the beginning of the year will feel an incredible surge of creative energy.

You will want to paint a picture or sing a funny song in the nearest karaoke bar by all means. You do not need to resist your desires, because they are not capable of harming you, on the contrary, they will bring a lot of pleasure and positive.

Those things that have been started, promise to bring good results. If you have been thinking about your transformation for a long time, trying to choose the right diet for yourself and the amount of physical activity, know that you will succeed and the result will be stunning. This rule applies not only to appearance, but also to careers, apartments, etc. Everything old will be easily forgotten by you, and the new will only cheer you up and give you confidence for new achievements.

Astrologers warn that Virgos will have to refrain from noisy parties and celebrations this year. Even a birthday is recommended to be celebrated in a narrow family circle. Nevertheless, even without arranging a magnificent holiday, you can enjoy the company of your loved ones and pleasant gifts.

During the year of the Rooster, you should dream as much as possible. It just seems that “heading in the clouds” is a useless exercise. In fact, our thoughts tend to materialize, so thinking about something good, we can hope that it will happen soon.


Intuition, which will make itself felt almost every day, will be a great addition to the professional industry in 2017 for Devs. You should not ignore intuitive guesses - you need to pay as much attention to them as possible and then you will definitely wait for success.

You will be surprised, but your body itself will tell you how to act in different situations, when to take a moment to rest, and when to work hard. A work schedule that you build according to your internal needs will miraculously increase the productivity and efficiency of your work.

If you have brilliant ideas that you have been silent about for a long time, then 2017 will be the best period for their implementation. It is advisable to convey your invented innovations to the authorities and they will certainly appreciate them as soon as possible. Perhaps you come up with an innovative technology for using an old and unnecessary device, and for this the manager will reward you with a good bonus.

If you have long dreamed of moving up the career ladder, then in the period under review you will easily take this desired height. Many representatives of the Virgo sign will feel the effect of transformations already in the middle of 2017.

Try to be a little more restrained at work and soon you will be able to reap the benefits of such behavior. Modest but smart workers are valued much more than upstarts. Perhaps the authorities decide to encourage you and send you on an interesting business trip, in which you will get to know good people and a strong friendship will be formed between you.


The financial situation of the Virgin in the coming year cannot be called shaky, but it certainly will not be profitable either. You may not be afraid of serious expenses and bankruptcy, although this period is suitable for starting your own business. It is likely that you have not been able to decide to create your own business for a long time, but at the beginning of the year a situation will occur that will make you change your mind. For those people who are already doing business, the year of the Rooster has prepared at least not a large, but stable profit without any special dangers and risks.

The second half of 2017 will be especially successful. Even taking into account the fact that a serious “catch” can not be expected, Virgos will not give up, on the contrary, they will begin to prepare a springboard for new, larger achievements. We advise you to clearly think over your business strategy, because only a clear plan will help you look into the future with confidence. You will probably want to explore some new area, so sign up for the appropriate courses and get to know the unknown.

Love horoscope Virgo for 2017

This year, Virgos will have to activate all kindred feelings in themselves and become irreplaceable person for each family member. Close people will often turn to you for help, both moral and financial. Try to show maximum attention so as not to disappoint your relatives, especially since the first half of the year is just right for strengthening family ties.

It is likely that in 2017 you will become the main breadwinner of your family, so do not spend money on trifles, but focus on the needs of each of them. In 2017, a close friend decides to entertain you a little. He can call for shopping or an amusement park. Do not refuse this tempting offer, because it will really benefit you. Be delicate and responsive, then you will notice what wonderful people surround you.

This year, a loved one will show maximum attention to you. Try to get as much benefit out of this situation as possible for yourself: ask for some interesting thing or service. But do not forget to thank the donor every time, because only words of gratitude will be the most powerful motivation in order to continue to please you.

Finally, on the personal front, Virgos will have harmony - you will delve into all the details of the life of your soulmate, and she will respond in kind. Your couple will only benefit from the responsiveness and loyalty that you must show throughout 2017.

If the idea comes to your mind to go on vacation together, do not rush to get rid of it. You will be surprised how much this will strengthen your union. But even if there is no opportunity to go on a joint trip, try to spend more time near your loved one, go to a cafe together or just arrange for him romantic dinner by candlelight at home.


People born under the sign of Virgo should remember that in 2017 several health-related troubles await them at once. As mentioned earlier, your nervous system will be under attack, so it can throw out some unexpected surprises. To avoid this, astrologers advise thinking about preventive measures in advance.

It is not necessary to buy mountains of medicines, you can quite limit yourself folk remedies: soothing herbal tea, bath with aromatic oils, relaxing massage. Perhaps the development of problems in the genitourinary system or organs of vision.

In 2017, Virgos may experience an exacerbation of chronic diseases, so visit specialized specialists on time. It is very likely that in winter you may encounter such a nuisance as a fracture or dislocation. Walk the streets very carefully and take your time. Take care of your health in advance so that it does not let you down at the most crucial moments.

Video horoscope

For Virgo, it promises a lot of bright events, new acquaintances and fateful decisions. The only "pitfall" that you can stumble on is your own laziness and inability to complete the work you have begun. So pay special attention to planning - both current affairs and grandiose plans.


Horoscope for 2017 for Virgo men

In the spring-summer period, Virgos will have to make a decision that will radically change their lives. It can be anything - moving to another city or even a country, breaking up a painful relationship, or a radical change in the field of activity. Unlike representatives of other signs of the zodiac, Virgos do not run the risk of falling into the tenacious clutches of scammers, and therefore you can be calm about any transactions in the next 12 months.

Family and relationships


By nature, Virgos are not particularly inclined to show their feelings - this feature applies to almost all signs of the Earth. This will be the main reason for disagreement with the second half at the beginning of 2017. Your girlfriend or spouse expects “love like in the movies” from you - and this is quite normal. We'll have to go through a real school of romance. By the way, these are not necessarily candlelit dinners and bouquets of 101 roses - an ordinary walk in the park or a movie night with popcorn and cola at home can bring no less emotions. Also, the horoscope for 2017 for Virgo advises those who have long thought about the birth of an heir to proceed with the implementation of the "plan".

In order for relationships to become more harmonious, it is important to become open and learn how to talk with your beloved.

For those who are just looking for a soul mate, the love horoscope advises to prepare for spring. It is then that you will meet many new people with whom a passionate and stormy romance can break out, which is not characteristic of Virgos. Perhaps there will be several such relationships, but don't worry - you won't have to choose, as the situation will be decided by itself.



In 2016, the authorities noticed your diligence and responsibility, and therefore expect the Fire Rooster to help you get an interesting job on a large project. The only quality that is required of you is impeccable punctuality.

When taking the initiative, keep in mind that you will not get an instant response from colleagues and management. However, do not give up the fight: it is in your power not only to prove that your ideas will benefit the entire organization, but also to win bonus credibility points.

Business horoscope for 2017 Virgo warns: in the spring and early summer, there may be little problems. Envious people will “try”, and therefore be sure to take a closer look at your surroundings - perhaps you can stop their attempts to harm in time.

In the summer, those Virgos who are looking for work or want to change companies will receive a lucrative offer. The main thing is to wait for it and do not settle for the first options that come across.


Spirit Science

In financial terms, everything is pretty smooth. First of all, those Virgos who cooperate with foreign partners will be able to improve their financial situation and get rich.

Don't let free money stand idle - it must be in motion. The horoscope advises Virgo in 2017 not to invest in your own business, but in other people's interesting projects. In addition, you can invest in securities or precious metals, but first study the topic.

In the second half of the year, focus on communication. You will have many business acquaintances that will help you succeed in the future.



As usual, Virgos may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract in spring. In 2017, the horoscope promises an opportunity to get rid of these problems forever. You can meet a new doctor or get a ticket to a sanatorium, where they will select the optimal diet for recovery.

In the summer you will feel at 100%, but towards the end of the year there is a risk of falling into the notorious "autumn depression". To cope with it, eat more fruits and visit various SPA programs - this will help restore physical and spiritual harmony.

Horoscope for 2017 for Virgo women

The feathered eastern patron of 2017 will give you strength and help you deal with those things that you have been putting off for a long time. The fair sex, born under the sign of Virgo, will feel that they have become much more emotional. This is a chance to discover yourself from a new side, as well as to get even closer to friends and family.

Family and relationships

Windows appearance

Although Virgos are possessive by nature, in 2017 their jealousy will come as a surprise even to themselves. What can we say about the spouses, who are now and then “sawed” for elementary politeness towards other girls. The stars recommend to moderate the ardor a little, because the partner may think that you simply do not trust him - and the relationship will deteriorate.

In personal life, the love horoscope advises Virgos to listen to their intuition. This also applies to those who are in search of their prince. Unfortunately, in 2017 you are unlikely to be able to find it. There will be many fans, but most of them will only think about having fun with you, and then "evaporate". Be vigilant and pay attention to the little things that will tell you what kind of person is in front of you.


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Colleagues and superiors will periodically infuriate with their impenetrability and "stupidity". Stay calm and try hard to get your point across. The 2017 career horoscope for the Virgo woman emphasizes that only those who maintain friendly relations with employees will be able to count on a raise and an increase in salary.

Do not refuse when you are asked to correct mistakes for someone. The Fire Rooster sees your efforts, and will generously reward you in late summer or early autumn.



Most likely, already in the spring, Virgos will feel that their current level of income does not suit them. You should not count on serious bonuses at your main job, but you can get some interesting offers on the side. Take up freelancing: doing small tasks in your free time, you can significantly improve your financial situation.


Like men, Virgo women in 2017 are prone to gastrointestinal diseases. There is a high probability of developing gastritis, and therefore pay special attention to what you eat. Try to control your diet and do not overeat at night - the extra pounds that you may gain in the coming months will be very difficult to lose.

Horoscope for 2017 for Virgo-Rooster


Virgo-Roosters are on a special account with the patron of 2017, and therefore almost all of their ideas will be brought to life with brilliance. Your appearance will play a huge role: an impeccable brand-new suit and refined manners will open many doors for you in the world of business.

Try to treat any awkward situations with humor. You will be surprised, but with this approach, they will be solved by themselves.

Be sure to book for 2017 big Adventure. Go where you have never been before and discover a new culture. This experience will come in handy at the most unexpected moment.

The Year of the Fire Rooster will bring impulsiveness uncharacteristic for this sign into the life of the Virgo. In 2017, representatives of this generally balanced and pragmatic sign will experience emotional excitement more often than usual, which will affect the usual course of life and their interaction with people. The main attitude of Virgo should be equanimity, otherwise there is a risk of a decrease in efficiency and the acquisition of enemies.

Famous Maidens

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Forecast for the zodiac sign Virgo for 2017

The success of Virgo depends on how much she can restrain her irritability. Do everything possible for this: walk more to put your thoughts in order, go in for sports to release excess adrenaline, plan your work for several days in advance to avoid nervous overload. Astrologers advise Virgos to get a pet in 2017 - an affectionate kitten or a cheerful puppy will distract you from gloomy thoughts during periods of spring depression.

The Year of the Fire Rooster favors large projects and undertakings, so you can safely take risks in the spring in order to get a good income in the fall. In the summer, the time will come when the Rooster will require the Virgo to structure their thoughts and desires. Separate everything important from the secondary and do not forget to listen to the voice of the subconscious. Autumn will be a time to reflect on failures and achievements. Think about what steps helped you achieve the most significant results. Find your weaknesses to avoid repeat mistakes.

In 2017, Virgos must weigh and evaluate their every step!

Bright and stylish Rooster will favorably change his image. If you have long wanted to change your wardrobe, hair color or haircut, then in 2017 it will do you good. The sphere of physical health will practically not bother Virgo - her immunity is stronger than ever. Prevention will not interfere only with those who suffer from chronic ailments. The year is favorable for Dev-athletes - the reserves of your body will allow you to achieve the long-awaited results.

2017 promotes development creativity, so try your hand at writing poetry, singing, sewing or drawing - you may discover an unexpected and bright talent. If you are already involved in creative work, expect pleasant events in the second half of the year: the stars promise that a personal exhibition, a successful performance, new orders and large fees are just around the corner. The main thing is not to slow down and work for the result, and you will have plenty of creative energy and fresh ideas.

Be careful on your birthday - do not overwork and do not start noisy gatherings, this can end in unpleasant consequences. Spend this day with the closest people or go on vacation abroad. Summer for Virgos will be full of successful acquaintances that will positively affect both business area as well as personal life. The stars recommend diving into dreams and soaring in the clouds - in 2017 this will not become a useless pastime, but will lead to the materialization of your desires.

  • Forecast for men. Purposefulness and an active life position will lead to the fact that Virgo men will devote 2017 to career growth and personal development. The main risk is the fear of failure: you can give up in the middle of the path to your intended goal. From the very beginning of the year, do not hesitate to enlist the support of influential friends and only take on team projects - your results alone will not be so significant.
  • Forecast for women. Virgo women will be torn between home and work all year. Career advancement will become an urgent issue, which will lead to a significant acceleration of the rhythm of life. Family Virgos must correctly distribute their efforts and attention between the hearth and the professional sphere. A hectic schedule is dangerous with the risk of nervous exhaustion, so plan your summer vacation in advance and go on vacation. The virgin, who is still alone, can meet her soul mate at the end of the autumn period.

Love horoscope for 2017

The Year of the Rooster will be marked by the need for increased attention to loved ones. You will have to become a support for all family members, listen to complaints, solve accumulated problems and provide financial assistance. Do not worry - you will find strength and money. At the end of the year, expect pleasant surprises and gifts from your loved one. Family Virgos can plan large purchases - they will be extremely successful. In autumn, try to go on vacation, not forgetting to take your soulmate with you. Such a vacation will be memorable and will give you strength for the last year's breakthrough.

Virgos have to pay a lot of attention to their loved ones

Virgo women do not need to worry about the family - relationships with a loved one will become extremely harmonious. In the year of the Fire Rooster, you can safely voice requests - they will try to please you and will not refuse to satisfy your desires. Most importantly, always say thank you. It is your gratitude that will be the best motivation for further achievements.

Virgo men should try to be as responsive as possible in 2017. Do not forget about romance - organizing a candlelit dinner for your beloved will help refresh past feelings. A lot will depend on your ability to be courteous and sensitive. Do not dismiss small requests and listen carefully to all problems.

Health Horoscope for 2017

In the Year of the Rooster, Virgo will amaze those around you with physical health and endurance. However, it should be remembered that in 2017, nervous exhaustion is becoming the main risk in the field of health. Avoid stress in every possible way and learn to be philosophical about small failures. Do not forget about preventive measures and give yourself the opportunity to relax - for example, take a relaxing bath with a couple of drops once a week essential oil lavender, buy mint sachets at the drugstore or a soothing herbal tea.

Don't miss the opportunity to unwind after a hard day!

Virgo men should listen to the body - at the end of the year, chronic diseases may worsen. There is a risk of sprains in the winter, so move carefully on ice. In the summer, be careful when doing active sports - the stars speak of an increased risk of fractures. This is especially true for Devs who are enthusiastic about playing football and basketball.

For Virgo women, the best time is coming for the treatment and prevention of the respiratory system. The stars strongly recommend finally quitting smoking - lung regeneration in the year of the Fire Rooster will go by leaps and bounds. Even if your respiratory system does not bother you, astrologers advise Virgos to master breathing exercises. In the autumn, the risk of insomnia is increased, so make it a rule to walk in the fresh air before going to bed and clear your head of disturbing thoughts. In the summer, try not to overload your legs - do not take long walks and do not pedal the bike too hard.

Money horoscope for 2017

The sphere of finance in the year of the Fire Rooster will be characterized by rare stability for the Virgo sign: you can easily avoid financial losses and ill-considered spending. The stars favor those who decide to start their own business. winter period will give you a serious push to start implementing a startup. For entrepreneurs, this year will provide not too large, but constant profits, and the risks will come to naught in the middle of spring.

2017 is the best time to start your own business!

For Virgo men, the autumn-winter period of 2017 will be especially successful. But, despite the favor of the stars, you should not sit back and wait for the money to fill your wallet on its own. You should devote the first two quarters to building the foundation for future financial success. Plan your professional activity, look for new contacts and make deals, working for the future.

Virgo women will finally feel financially independent. Your main job will bring not only pleasure, but also money. The stars advise you to think about freelancing - you will be able to correctly fit it into your employment, and in the future it can provide quite a significant additional income.

Career horoscope for 2017

In the year of the Fire Rooster, an intuitive approach will help you build a career. You yourself will feel when you need to make extra efforts, and when you need to take a break from work. In no case do not overwork and systematically distribute tasks - this way you can optimize mental and physical costs in order to increase the efficiency of your work. The year will be full of business trips abroad, they will constantly try to send you somewhere. Do not resist - at the next conference you can meet a person who will play an important role in your professional growth.

Business trips will help Virgo expand her circle of acquaintances

For Virgo men, 2017 will be a time of new ideas and innovative solutions. Feel free to offer them to management, with a high probability they will all be accepted favorably, and the benefit received by the company will lead to an increase in your salary. Colleagues will support your endeavors, so you can build a great team. The stars predict the possibility of career growth due to personnel changes. Declare yourself from the very beginning of the year - then your candidacy will be heard by the boss at the time when leadership positions will be handed out.