Romantic dinner for a guy on February 14th. What to cook for a romantic dinner? Salmon and cheese towers

02.07.2020 Style and fashion

For a man to be delighted and in love, he needs to be surprised and pampered. On Valentine's Day, he needs to be surprised and pampered with redoubled force, so that he realizes the need for this holiday and looks forward to it all year. Good way pampering a man (and your loved one too) is a festive romantic dinner. So, what to prepare for February 14?

Table setting

Even if you are used to eating in front of the TV with your legs tucked under you, on this day you will have to try and add solemnity to the moment. Set the table for two. Use accessories with images of hearts and flowers, red and burgundy tones, and candles when setting the table. Let the drinks be red too - after all, this is the color of passion.

Food: what to cook for February 14

Your romantic dinner should be hearty, but you shouldn't overeat and fall asleep right at the table (most likely, you and your loved one already have plans for what to do after dinner). Therefore, do not try to prepare for the whole world - A couple of light snacks, a main course and dessert will be enough for the two of you. Avoid fatty foods (meats, cheeses) - they will not ignite your passion, but on the contrary, they will calm you down, relax you and put you to sleep.

If your loved one loves seafood,
We recommend this simple and effective presentation of dishes

First, a little theory. It is best to use aphrodisiac dishes to ignite passion: vegetables, fruits, nuts, chocolate, seafood, hot spices, red wine. We would like to warn those who like to snack on wine with cheese: such a set may cause unexpected seething in your stomach; it is better to use meat and fruit as an appetizer for wine.

When thinking about what to cook for February 14, remember that all dishes should be such that they can be eaten beautifully (without getting dirty).

Romantic menu

Let's start with the appetizers.

They will look festive and unusual (and be eaten with pleasure) savory and sweet snacks from Asian and Mediterranean cuisine. For example, a salad of pineapples, chicken and cashews in spicy Thai sauce, light salad of tomatoes, feta and lettuce with black pepper, canapés with pineapple, seafood and olives.

The base of this salad is pineapples, chicken and cashews.
You can supplement them with other ingredients to taste.

Fry eggplants in garlic sauce and wrap them in rolls stuffed with curd cheese and herbs. Make an unusual Chinese salad of stewed oranges and pine nuts.

Lettuce, orange, grated cheddar, pine nuts,
sesame seeds, sesame and vegetable oil, a little orange juice,
a few drops of spicy and a few drops of soy sauce, and the bright Chinese salad is ready!

Be sure to put it on the table assorted nuts and fruit plate(aphrodisiacs, don’t forget).

Now let's move on to the hot stuff. It should also be non-greasy, light and have an unusual taste. Avoid lamb, fatty meats, smoked meats, and hearty soups. Submit to light table pasta with seafood stewed in white wine and cream. Or fry chicken fillet breaded with ground oatmeal. You can cook fish baked in foil with lemon juice and sweet pepper.

If your significant other does not accept dinner without meat, bake it on the bone -
this will help you avoid getting dirty. It's good to cook fish if you have
not very much time - they will be ready an order of magnitude faster than meat

Asian food lovers They will be happy to see spicy Thai tom yum soup or fried chicken with tomatoes and sweet peppers prepared in the best Chinese traditions on the table. You can also grill salmon or salmon.

What sweets should you prepare for February 14? The dessert should be light and non-greasy. Choose fruit and milk desserts: puddings, parfaits, and, of course, chocolate. You can dip strawberries or banana slices in hot chocolate and cool in the refrigerator. A win-win dessert option for two is ice cream. It, although cold, will ignite your passion even more.

The main thing for dessert is not abundance, but decoration. Plates can be decorated
melted chocolate using a pound stick or a pastry syringe

Ice cream can be flavored with a good portion of berries,
raisins or nuts or serve with sweet sauce

It is important not only to know what to prepare for February 14 and - turn off laptops, phones, TVs. Even the most delicious and unusual dinner will be ruined if you post a photo of the table on Instagram, and he watches hockey. Take time for each other, forgetting at least for one evening about the existence of the rest of the world. And all will be well.

Holiday-ledi offers the perfect menu for what to prepare for your loved one on February 14th. This menu is also suitable for a romantic dinner, and some recipes can be easily implemented for breakfast.

It is important that for a romantic dinner the girl does not prepare many dishes. Firstly, you might get tired, but the main fun begins in the evening. Secondly, a romantic dinner should give you a feeling of fullness, but not just become an evening of overeating.

  1. All assembled dishes are light. They will fill you up, but at the same time they won’t make you feel lazy. A romantic evening requires continuation!
  2. This is a well-designed menu that includes a salad, one main course, a light dessert, and a champagne-based drink.
  3. In the composition of the dishes you can find so-called “aphrodisiac” products. Love, no matter how old it is, must be passionate. Products such as shrimp, kiwi, sesame, and avocado are not only delicacies, but also ignite a sense of passion.
  4. For all the proposed recipes, wine or champagne is suitable as the main drink.

Ready-made menu, what to cook for your loved one on February 14

Salad with kiwi and shrimp

Required ingredients:

  • 300 grams of shrimp;
  • Two apples;
  • One avocado;
  • Two kiwis;
  • One and a half tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • Two spoons of natural yogurt;
  • A tablespoon of chopped dill;
  • A teaspoon of natural honey;
  • Two tablespoons of lemon juice, salt;

It is best to take sweet and sour apples with a hard filling. The shrimp must be boiled in well-salted water and then peeled. You can buy shrimp that have already been boiled and peeled, but then they will not be juicy. The avocado must be ripe. The salad is prepared in a rectangular shape and laid out in layers. First you need to make a filling, for which you mix mayonnaise, yogurt, salt and honey, lemon juice, chopped dill.

First come the shrimp, which need to be covered in sauce. Next, lay out apples, cut into medium cubes, then kiwi pulp (cut as well) and avocado. Place a flat plate on top on which the salad will be served, and turn the mold over. The result is a beautiful and appetizing dish that is ideal in all respects for February 14th.

Chicken breast with cheese and bacon

Required ingredients:

  • Two chicken breasts;
  • 50 grams of blue cheese;
  • Four tablespoons of mustard with grains;
  • 10 slices of bacon;

Make a longitudinal cut in each piece of breast, forming a pocket. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Grease the inside of the pocket with mustard. There is no need to add salt, because the cheese and bacon will give up their salt to the bird. Place a slice of cheese in the pocket and close the breast. Now each piece of bird needs to be wrapped in thin slices of bacon and placed in an oven dish. Cook for 25 minutes, it is important not to dry out the breast. By the way, you can study it first so that it is juicy. If you pre-boil the meat, then 15 minutes in the oven is enough, and the dish will be more dietary.

Required ingredients:

  • 500 grams of potatoes;
  • Three cloves of garlic;
  • Three tablespoons of sesame seeds, vegetable oil;

Men love potatoes, especially since this product, as a side dish, goes well with chicken meat and bacon. But, you need to not just cook the potatoes in the traditional way, but also prepare them in this direction. So, peel the potatoes and cut into slices, cut the garlic into thin slices.

Pour sesame seeds into a dry frying pan and fry over heat until light golden brown. Pour oil into the oven dish, add potato wedges and mix well. Next, roll the potatoes in sesame seeds and line them in the pan. Each piece should have its own place. Cook at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Pear in wine with condensed milk

Required ingredients:

  • Two pears;
  • 250 grams of ready-made puff pastry without yeast;
  • 250 ml red semi-sweet wine;
  • A tablespoon of balm, sugar to taste;
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon, two cloves and three black peppercorns;
  • 200 grams of condensed milk;
  • Two yolks, 20 grams of chocolate;

Peel the pear and trim the bottom so that you can place the fruit on a baking sheet. Prepare a decoction of wine, balm and spices, add sugar to taste. Cook everything in a small saucepan until it boils. Dip the pears into the broth and cook them for ten minutes. Remove the pears and let them cool. Cut the dough into strips 2 cm wide and flatten them a little. Wrap the already cooled pears in overlapping strips so that there are no gaps.

Now grease the dough with yolk and cook the pears in the oven at 180 degrees for 20 minutes. When serving, pour two tablespoons of condensed milk into the center of the plate and place the pear there. Sprinkle everything with grated chocolate.

Champagne jelly with strawberries

Required ingredients:

  • 200 grams of strawberries;
  • 200 ml champagne;
  • 70 grams of sugar;
  • Two teaspoons of gelatin;
  • One lemon;

Wash the lemon and remove the zest from it. Pour 150 ml of water into a saucepan and dissolve sugar in it, add zest. Bring the mixture to a boil and boil a little, then let cool. Discard the zest. Wash the strawberries and puree them (reserve a few berries for serving as jelly).

Good evening, dear friends!

February 14 is already upon us - Valentine's Day or, in another way, it is also called St. Valentine's Day. Even though this is a secular holiday, it is still necessary to congratulate each other and confess love and warm feelings.

We have already looked at how you can decorate the interior for this holiday and give memorable gifts in an article about.

And today we’ll talk about another attribute of this heartfelt holiday - a romantic dinner menu for two. More precisely, we will consider recipes for light snacks and dishes that will fill you up but not burden your stomach.

You also need to take care of the place for the evening, candles, pleasant music, and serving dishes. All together with delicious dishes will create the desired romantic mood and will pleasantly surprise your partner.

It is worth noting that many recipes contain aphrodisiac products that produce a burning love desire and increase libido.

It is these delicious and ardent recipes that I took into account in my interesting menu. And what exactly these ingredients are - you will find out further in the menu. A wide selection of dish recipes gives you the opportunity to choose and cook something interesting and most delicious to suit your taste for a romantic dinner.

Therefore, for your convenience, there is a menu content that can instantly take you to the choice of the recipe you like.

Delicate salad “Boats” with shrimps

Avocado is a powerful aphrodisiac for men. It is this fruit that contains beneficial elements and vitamins for men's health.

Therefore, you can include this delicious salad of avocado and boiled shrimp on your list of must-have cold appetizers. The salad is served in the fruit peel itself.

We will need:

  • Avocado - 2 large fruits;
  • Shrimp - 300 gr.;
  • Lemon or lime juice - 2 tbsp;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.


  1. We make the dressing for the dish. To do this, mix citrus juice and mayonnaise in a separate container. Salt and pepper to your taste.
  2. Cut the fruit vertically and remove the pit. Using a tablespoon, peel the pulp so as not to damage the halves. We need whole boats.
  3. Chop the pulp into a bowl. Add shrimp.
  4. Shrimps, if small, do not need to be cut. They will look organic anyway. But large ones will have to be cut.
  5. Season everything with sauce and place on prepared boats. Serve to the table.

Julienne with mushrooms and sour cream according to the classic recipe

We will need:

  • Fresh mushrooms (boletus, boletus) - 300 gr.;
  • Onion - 2 pcs.;
  • Hard cheese - 100 gr.;
  • Sour cream - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Bay leaf - 3 leaves;
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch;
  • Salt - 1 pinch.

Canapes with cheese and olives on skewers

Canapé is translated from French as in "small, tiny". And, as always, the French gave an apt name to small snacks - sandwiches that fit easily into the mouth.

The basis of the canapé is a piece of bread on which more ingredients are placed. And what kind depends on the imagination of the culinary specialists.

I offer you 2 small recipes for simple canapés that will look harmonious both on the table and in your tummy.

Option #1.

We will need:

  • bell pepper
  • Ham
  • Skewers
  1. Cut the bread into small pieces measuring 2.5 x 2.5 cm each.
  2. Slice the ham thinly and place it on bread slices. It can also be cut on a slicer and then folded in half.
  3. We also put cheese cut into small pieces on top.
  4. Peel the bell pepper from seeds and cut into pieces. We place these pieces on top of all the sandwiches and fasten each sandwich with a skewer.
  5. Place the canapes on a flat plate.

Option #1.

We will need:

  • Hard cheese
  • Olives
  • Tangerines
  • Grape
  • Skewers

This two-ingredient canapé recipe is even simpler. To do this, cut the cheese into small pieces and put either a tangerine slice, an olive or a grape on top.

We fasten everything with a skewer and transfer it to a flat plate.

Lavash rolls with red fish

You can prepare such rolls by using red caviar instead of red fish. It is also a powerful aphrodisiac.

We will need:

  • Thin Armenian lavash
  • Red fish or caviar
  • Chopped herbs (dill, parsley, green onions)
  • Processed cheese
  • Lemon juice
  1. Apply a thin layer of melted cheese to the pita bread.
  2. Sprinkle chopped fresh herbs on top.
  3. Place red fish in thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice.
  4. We wrap the pita bread in a tube and wrap it in cling film. Place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  5. Take out and cut the roll into 3-4 cm pieces onto a large plate. Serve to the table.

Milk pancakes in the shape of a Valentine

A pancake lover can be pleased with such masterpieces. Choosing a recipe delicious dough from the article about and creating miracles in a frying pan.

Just stock up on a special, convenient container with a narrow spout. Like the one in the photo below.

From such a bottle it will be convenient to pour the dough directly into a hot frying pan.

Good luck with your imagination and bon appetit!

Italian pizza in the shape of a heart

If you have time and desire, then you can prepare delicious Italian pizza for your beloved half. And not just round, but in the shape of a heart.

At the sight of such a dish, your loved one will immediately understand your passionate feelings and will not remain in debt.

Well, use your own imagination with the filling. You can put everything you find in the refrigerator: sausage, pickled mushrooms, olives, pickles and sprinkle everything generously with hard cheese!

Chicken wings in the oven in nut-soy sauce

A wonderful appetizer for the holiday table! And chicken is generally the most affordable product. So let’s get ready and get ready!

We will need:

  • Chicken wings - 1 kg;
  • Flour - 1 tbsp;
  • Sunflower oil for frying - 3 tsp;
  • Grape jam - 3 tbsp;
  • Peanut oil - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Water - 2 tbsp;
  • Soy sauce - 1 tbsp;
  • Roasted peanuts for decoration.
  1. In a small saucepan or enamel ladle, mix grape jam, peanut butter, water and soy sauce. Cook over low heat until smooth.
  2. Grape jam can be safely replaced with honey. And olive oil will help you replace peanut butter if you don’t have it at home.

  3. Take a bowl and mix the chicken wings with flour.
  4. Pour oil onto a baking sheet and heat the oven to 180-200 degrees Celsius.
  5. Fry the chicken wings for 10-15 minutes until golden brown.
  6. We take out the wings and place them on a plate. Then pour our sauce over it. Serve to the table.

Cheese fondue and chocolate fondue

If you have a fondue set at home, then you are guaranteed an interesting pastime.

For cheese fondue, grate hard cheese and melt it in a small saucepan. And then pour it into a fondue container, light a candle under it to keep the cheese in a liquid state. And use forks to dip delicious foods, for example, white bread cut into small pieces.

We carry out the same manipulations with chocolate fondue. Just instead of cheese we take chocolate, chop it finely and melt it in a saucepan. Then we also pour it into the fondue pot.

Here I note that dark bitter chocolate improves mood and also works as a delicious aphrodisiac for women.

As attachments for the fork, I suggest cutting fruits, preparing cookies or marshmallows.

We enjoy a pleasant and tasty activity, as well as a one-on-one conversation with each other.

Shortbread cookies “Ardent Hearts”

The day before, you can bake delicious, crispy heart-shaped sugar cookies.

  • Flour - 300 gr.;
  • Butter - 150 gr.;
  • Sugar - 120 gr;
  • Egg yolk - 3 pcs.;
  • Cocoa - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanilla sugar - 2 tsp.
  1. Beat the yolks in a deep bowl with sugar and vanilla sugar.
  2. Knead the softened butter with a fork, add to the yolks and mix.
  3. Sift the flour through a sieve and knead the shortbread dough/
  4. Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Add cocoa to one part through a sieve and knead to form a uniform chocolate dough. We make 2 koloboks from 2 parts and put them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  5. We take out the dough balls and roll each ball out with a rolling pin on a smooth surface. The thickness of the layer is approximately 5-7 mm. Cut out hearts using a cookie cutter.
  6. If you wish, you can carefully mix the koloboks so that you later get marble cookies.
  7. We also roll out the remaining dough into a new layer and cut out new hearts until the dough is finished. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Place the buttons on a baking sheet already lined with baking paper and put them in the oven to bake. Bake for approximately 20 minutes.
  8. Cool the finished button cookies and transfer them to a plate. Can be served with tea or coffee.

Strawberries in chocolate

Another dessert with chocolate.

So juicy and delicious berry like a strawberry, it itself looks like a heart. You can simply serve it on a plate, or you can put in a little effort and get a savory dish - chocolate-covered strawberries.

To do this, melt the chocolate and dip each berry into it. Leave for a while for the chocolate to harden.

Serve with dessert wine. We are blessed!

Fruit salad “2 hearts in love”

A delicate dessert that will not spoil your figure. It goes well with any wine.

We will need:

  • Raspberries
  • Grape
  • Strawberry
  • A pineapple
  • Fruit syrup

We clean the fruits and cut them into small pieces, except raspberries. Place into bowls. If possible, buy salad bowls in the shape of hearts.

Pour any fruit syrup on top and serve.

You can do without the salad. The main thing is to serve the fruit correctly - for Valentine's Day.

Mulled white wine according to a classic recipe

Smoothly we moved on to drinks... I chose special recipes that warm both soul and body - hot wine with spices. Because Valentine's Day falls in winter. A time when you want hot hugs, hot kisses and warm drinks.

In addition, wine relaxes and sets you up for a relaxed and light atmosphere.

We will need:

  • Dry white wine – 750 ml. (1 bottle);
  • Granulated sugar - 2-3 tbsp;
  • Carnation buds – 4-5 pcs.;
  • Cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • Lemon - 2-3 slices.
  1. Place all the spices and lemon in a heat-resistant bowl.
  2. Uncork the wine and add to the spices. We put it on fire.
  3. Stirring, bring the wine with spices to 75 degrees. If you don’t have a food thermometer, then we determine the readiness of the mulled wine by the appearance of small bubbles.
  4. Remove the mulled wine from the heat and let it brew for 15 to 20 minutes. Add sugar and stir.
  5. Strain through a strainer into glasses, garnish with a cinnamon stick and a slice of lemon and serve.

Strawberry margarita - video recipe

Do you want to make a delicious and relaxing cocktail? Let's watch the video.

Oriental coffee recipe and interesting serving of coffee

In conclusion, you can serve coffee or start Valentine's Day with great aromatic coffee. Oh, I just love its unsurpassed aroma! And yes, scientists have determined what is beneficial and what is harmful. But it should be a real drink, brewed in a Turk, and not instant.

How to brew real oriental coffee in a Turk?

  1. Pour coffee beans into the grinder.
  2. Grind into very fine grains.
  3. Place a heaped teaspoon into the cürka. I have a Turk for 250 ml. Add salt immediately at the tip of the knife. It is better to use coarse sea salt.
  4. Shake the turk with coffee and salt to mix.
  5. Fill with cold, preferably even ice-cold, clean water.
  6. Place on very low heat.
  7. As soon as foam appears, remove from heat and pour into cups.

It is important not to overcook. Otherwise, the drink will lose all its taste and aroma.

Here is an interesting option for serving cappuccino coffee from a coffee machine. For this method, you can make a heart-shaped stencil and sprinkle cinnamon on top.

In conclusion, I want to say that if your significant other sincerely loves you, he will happily appreciate your efforts.

I wish you sincere and mutual love, warm and tender feelings, bright, positive emotions!

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Tell VK

Valentine's Day is a day of love and tenderness. This holiday is for lovers, because it is on this day that many hearts find their soulmate. Every person wants to warm those around him with his love and give a joyful mood on this day. If you have a loved one, then you can invite him to a romantic dinner.

If you want to surprise your partner, then be prepared that it will take a little persistence. A sincere person will definitely succeed. There is no need to celebrate public place. It's better to spend Valentine's Day in a cozy home environment. You need to approach the choice of dishes responsibly, but we have thought of everything for you, so you don’t have to rack your brains.

We prepare food for every holiday, but February 14 is special - each dish should enhance the atmosphere of love and hint to your other half about your feelings for her.

Features of a romantic dinner

Everyday dinner is completely different from a romantic one. They cannot be compared, as they are completely different. It’s not so easy to create a romantic dinner; you need to follow the basic rules:

  • Situation. It was not for nothing that this point came first - it is the most important. Light candles, play soft music, set the table and dim the lights. As you understand, you need to forget about TV completely.

  • You and your other half. Some have children, so they need to be sent to grandma that evening or occupied with something else. Ask your relatives to play with the children or buy everyone movie tickets. It cannot be otherwise.
  • Dishes. The holiday of love is exactly the day when you can demonstrate your culinary skills. Try to prepare delicious dishes, but at the same time uncomplicated. They should be easily accepted by the digestive system.
  • Beverages. You probably guess yourself that there should only be wine on the table that day. First of all, you should know what dishes you will prepare, and only then select the appropriate drink to go with them. A specialist will help you choose wine. You can start a romantic meeting with a glass of champagne, then continue with wine.

  • Surprise. The whole surprise will be that your significant other will not know anything about the romantic evening. The surprise will be very pleasant moment for her.
  • Mood. Perhaps this will be your first and last evening. During preparation, you will be able to fully immerse yourself in the holiday, but try not to “burn out.” Stay calm and then enjoy the romance.

I hope that the rules that I have prepared for you will be simply irreplaceable.

You need to approach menu planning seriously and in advance. Buy all the products a few days before the romantic day so that you don’t have to search all the stores for the missing ingredient at the last moment.

Do not make ordinary dishes for the holiday, which are also too filling. You understand that the rest of the evening may not go according to plan. All food should be low in calories.

The table along with the dishes should be decorated to your taste. Create a romantic atmosphere in everything: decorate dishes, napkins, etc.

You are definitely familiar with safe aphrodisiacs that would be appropriate this evening: cinnamon, strawberries, chocolate - all this can be added to dishes.

Champagne will be the most optimal drink for February 14th. You will get drunk quite a bit, which will be quite enough. It won't give you a headache later.

Tell your friends and family to forget about you for the evening. Love Day is created only for two halves, who should not be stopped from enjoying love and a romantic atmosphere. If you have understood everything, then I ask you to familiarize yourself with the dishes that we will prepare for the festive dinner.

Vanilla ice cream with liqueur


  • chocolate 150 g.
  • cream 20% 250 g.
  • cocoa 3 tsp
  • gelatin 1 pack.
  • vanilla.
  • several sprigs of mint.
  • mint liqueur 2 tbsp.


1. Grind the chocolate. Prepare gelatin according to instructions.

2.Add vanilla sugar to the cream and beat the mass quickly.

3. Heat the liqueur and dissolve the gelatin in it.

4.Mix the resulting mass with cream. Add chocolate and stir until smooth.

5. Place the blanks in molds and put them in the freezer. Stir the ice cream every half hour.

6. Before you treat your other half to dessert, garnish it with cocoa and a sprig of mint.

Bon appetit!

Strawberry cake in a slow cooker

A delicate sour cream cake with strawberries is an undeniably delicious dessert that everyone will enjoy. Although a slow cooker makes cooking easier, you still have to put in a lot of effort.

The dessert is difficult to prepare, but the result will justify all the work done. It will take 3 hours to prepare the cake.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • flour 180 g.
  • low fat kefir 200 ml.
  • sugar 100 g.
  • cocoa 3 tbsp.
  • soda half tsp
  • vanilla sugar 2 tsp.
  • refined oil 1 tbsp.
  • sesame 30 g.

For cream:

  • vanilla sugar 2 tsp.
  • sugar 60 g.
  • strawberries 6 pcs.
  • sour cream 20% fat 220 g.

For the glaze:

  • chocolate 20 g.
  • sour cream 30 g.
  • sugar 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step preparation:

1. Let's start with the test. Mix cocoa and kefir in a container.

2. Stir the mixture and add 2 types of sugar.

3. Pre-fry the sesame seeds and send them there.

4. Add baking soda and flour and stir the mixture.

5.Next, place the brown mixture in a multicooker; first grease the bowl with refined oil. Activate the “Baking” mode for 50 minutes. Using a toothpick, you can check if it is ready: pierce the dough. If the stick is dry, then everything is ready.

6.Take out the cake and wait for it to cool.

7.Cut into 3 circles of equal thickness.

8. Let's move on to creating the cream. Add regular and vanilla sugar to the sour cream. Spread the first cake layer with sour cream and place strawberries on top. We do this with all the cakes.

9.For the glaze, mix melted chocolate with sour cream and sugar. We coat all parts of the cake and place the dessert in the refrigerator.

10.Your significant other will definitely love this one. a delicious cake. Have a nice evening and lots of love!

Strawberry margarita

This alcoholic cocktail is ideal for such a wonderful holiday as Valentine's Day. Lime, tequila and strawberries make for a great tasting drink. It only takes 10 minutes to make a delicious drink.

What we need:

  • frozen strawberries 250 g.
  • sugar 20 g.
  • liqueur 60 ml.
  • lime juice 100ml.
  • tequila 180 ml.
  • powdered sugar and ice to your taste.

Cocktail preparation:

1.First you need to crush the ice and place it in a blender.

2.Add the remaining ingredients except powdered sugar and beat until smooth.

3. Dip the top of the glass in powdered sugar (the glass must first be wiped with a paper napkin).

4.Fill with a cocktail and treat your other half to a delicious strawberry drink.

Video recipe:

Bon appetit!

Appetizer for February 14th with red caviar

Today we will cook delicious snack in tartlets, we’ll decorate it according to Valentine’s Day. To make your work easier, you can buy tartlets in the store and not waste precious time. An important role will be played by the filling, which will hint to your other half about your feelings for her. The appetizer can be prepared whenever you want, it will be appropriate at any feast.

Even if you are not a professional cook, there is no need to panic. The dish is prepared very simply in a very short time.


  • tartlets 10 pcs.
  • boiled eggs 2 pcs.
  • sour cream 200 g.
  • feta cheese 150 g.
  • cottage cheese 200 g.
  • Cherry tomato 10 pcs.
  • red caviar 50 g.
  • dill.

Preparing the snack:

1.Prepare all the necessary components.

2. In a separate container, combine sour cream with cottage cheese and feta cheese. Next add the eggs. Chop the dill and add it to sleep. Mix the mixture until smooth.

3.Wash the tomatoes, cut them into 2 parts (one large, the other small).

4.Make a heart shape from Cherry.

5. Secure everything with a toothpick.

6. Place the remaining tomatoes into the filling. Make a tomato heart with the top layer.

7. We make a frame of eggs around each one.

Bon appetit!

Baked salmon with mozzarella

The dish is very simple to prepare; even those who are very picky when choosing food will like its taste. You need very few ingredients to make delicious food. a fish dish. Make it once and enjoy this amazing taste.

We have prepared a very simple salmon recipe. Of course, this fish is a little expensive, so it can be replaced with a cheaper one. Pink salmon or similar fish would be a good option. Instead of mayonnaise, you can use sour cream. Believe me, even the cheapest fish will turn out very tasty according to our recipe.


  • salmon 1 kg.
  • mayonnaise 70 g.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • lemon juice 2 tbsp.
  • mustard 1 tbsp.
  • garlic 2 cloves.
  • grated cheese 0.25 tbsp.
  • grated mozzarella half a tbsp.
  • pepper and salt to your taste.

Preparing delicious salmon:

1. You need to remove the bones from the salmon. Cover a baking sheet with foil and place the fillet on it. The fish should be peppered and salt added.

2.Cut the onion into rings and place on top of the fish.

3.Mix mayonnaise with chopped garlic, add lemon juice.

4.Make a layer of sauce on top of the onion.

5.Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

6. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees, place the salmon for 15 minutes. When finished, place the fish under the grill for a couple of minutes to create a delicious crispy crust.

7. Salmon with cheese is cooked.

Bon appetit!

Sea salad with shrimp

The salad will definitely appeal to those who cannot live without seafood. Shrimp and squid go well together. Hard cheese in the dish will make it especially tender, and the pear will add some zest to the salad.

I will share with you a wonderful seafood salad recipe. You can safely prepare the dish for February 14th; it will be appropriate there that evening. Thanks to the lightness of the ingredients, you won’t get a lot of calories, which will be unnecessary on this romantic evening.

What we need:

  • sea ​​cocktail 300 g.
  • hard cheese 100 g.
  • pear 1 pc.
  • olive oil 2 tbsp.
  • table salt half tsp.

Preparation of sea salad:

1. We buy all the necessary ingredients. Choose a sweet variety of pear, preferably soft.

2.Place the frozen seafood cocktail in the frying pan. Salt. Simmer until the liquid has completely evaporated.

3. Make hard cheese into strips.

4. We do the same with the pear. Peeling is not necessary.

5. Take a shallow plate and place cheese in it.

6. Place a pear layer on top.

7.Last layer of seafood.

8. Drizzle the salad with olive oil.

9.Use greenery as decoration. Serve red wine with the salad; it will go well with seafood.

Beautiful fruit slices for Valentine's Day

Besides the fact that on festive table there must be beauty, the products must be easy to use. Make small pieces.

Each fruit needs to be cut differently. For example, pineapple or apple can be made in the form of cubes, because these fruits are quite dense. You won’t be able to cut oranges this way, but you can make them into beautiful slices. For those who didn’t know, this process is called carving. In the store you can purchase special tools for unusual cutting of fruits.

Try to cut all fruit according to the structure of the fruit. If you can't do it yourself, then use tools that will cut everything for you.

You can find out more details and cuts from the video:


Tell VK

When you love, you want romance to be in everything. Men give flowers to their lovers. Women try to choose something as a gift that will speak of their care and love for their chosen one. But romance isn’t just about meaningful gifts. I would like to make ordinary things so that everything in them is for dear person seemed sweet and gentle.

Recently, the holiday of St. Valentine's Day, which came from abroad, has become very popular in our country, when all lovers try to make the evening special. Ideally, a candlelit dinner in a restaurant. But imagine how many lovers have already booked tables, and all the nice places in the city are already taken...

Then it will be much more romantic and memorable to prepare a dinner with your own hands, in which a piece of your soul and love is invested. And who knows, maybe this evening can change your whole life.

I want to especially please the man I love with delicious dishes. But do not forget that the menu should satisfy, but not overfeed your loved one. And thereby not spoil the continuation of the romantic evening. Therefore, all dishes for a sweetheart should be satisfying and light at the same time. So that he maintains the same activity, and does not lie down on the sofa like an overfed seal.

A good appetizing menu for the stronger half would be the following set of dishes: salad + strudels + a slice of pie. Well, if your lover also wants a piece of dessert.

Salad "Men's Dreams"

Our loved ones love this salad because it contains all the favorite “male” ingredients: meat, cheese, onions and mayonnaise. It’s best if you make it in layers and in two “floors” - it will seem like there are twice as many of your favorite components.

We will need:

  • Boiled beef – 600 gr.
  • Chicken egg - 6 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 300 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 200 gr.
  • Walnuts - 100 gr.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Boiling water - 200 ml.
  • Sugar - 2 tsp.
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.


1. Peel the onions and chop them into medium oblong pieces. You shouldn’t chop it too much or, on the contrary, cut it into large pieces, because then the onion will need to be pickled. If the onion pieces are not medium in size, they will either not be marinated or will become sour.

2. Place the chopped onion in a large bowl. Add sugar and salt and a spoonful of vinegar. Pour boiling water over and stir well until the vinegar is mixed with hot water and the onion was evenly marinated while the remaining ingredients were being prepared.

3. Cut the soft beef well boiled in salted water into medium cubes.

4. Grind hard cheese on a coarse grater.

5. Grind all the eggs in the same way.

6. Chop the walnuts into small pieces so that the nut can be felt later in the salad, but does not interrupt all the other flavors.

7. Place a springform cake pan on a large dish. It is best if its diameter is about 20 centimeters. Sprinkle the meat cubes in the first even layer.

8. Throw the pickled onions into a colander, let all the liquid drain and leave them to dry slightly for a couple of minutes. Then spread half of it in a layer over the meat.

9. Coat with sauce. It is best if it is, which is very simple to prepare and is much healthier for the body.

10. Sprinkle half the mass of prepared crushed eggs on top.

11. Spread half the cheese so that all previous layers are completely hidden under it.

12. Sprinkle with walnuts. It is advisable that they do not gather in piles, but are distributed evenly over the entire surface.

13. Apply a good layer of mayonnaise so that the previous three layers can soak in.

14. Repeat all layers in the same sequence. Pour the other half of the meat into the pan and spread into a continuous layer.

15. Cover the meat with an onion layer.

16. Soak with fluffy homemade mayonnaise.

17. Distribute the second half of the crushed eggs.

18. Finish with the cheese layer by pouring and smoothing the second half of the cheese.

19. Thoroughly soak the layer with mayonnaise.

20. And then decorate our layered salad with nut crumbs.

21. Send it to steep and cool for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Then carefully remove the mold, being careful not to damage the layers. To do this, slightly rotate the mold around its axis.

22. The salad can be cut like a cake into neat triangular pieces and served in portions. It already looks very beautiful, but if you wish, you can additionally decorate it with greenery.

The first dish for a romantic dinner especially for your man is ready!

Video on how to prepare a heart-shaped salad “Valentine for your loved ones”

This salad is not at all difficult to prepare and you can finish it in just 20 - 30 minutes. This is, of course, provided that you have already cooked chicken breast and boiled eggs.

All that remains is to chop everything and create a beautiful, neat “heart” on the plate. Design ideas in in this case there may be many. I want to offer you this option.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the salad turned out very tasty. It is also light, due to the fact that it does not contain “heavy” products. Therefore, it is impossible to overeat it!

Cook and eat with pleasure! Delight your loved ones with delicious and beautiful dishes.

Meat strudels

Almost all men love meat dishes. For them, manti and dumplings have long become familiar food, so you won’t really surprise them with them. What if the combination of minced meat and dough is presented to them in an unusual way? In the form of “snails”, which are fried and stewed in vegetable sauce?

We will need:

  • Minced meat – 0.5 kg
  • Flour – 2 cups
  • Carrots 1-2 pcs.
  • Water – 1 glass
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream, tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, spices - to taste


1. Combine flour, egg, salt, warm water, make dumpling dough and let it stand for 5 minutes.

2. Chop one onion as finely as possible so that it is convenient to add to the minced meat.

3. Combine chopped onion with minced meat, add salt and your favorite spices, and then stir until smooth.

4. Shape the dough into a rectangle and roll out to half a centimeter thick.

5. Spread the minced meat over the dough in an even layer, trying to leave one and a half centimeters of dough empty on one edge.

6. Having rolled the dough with minced meat into a roll, seal the specially left empty edge so that the “sausage” does not come apart. Cut the roll into three centimeter pieces to make “snail” circles.

7. To prevent the rounds from falling apart and the strudels to remain juicy, fry them on both sides until golden brown.

You don’t have to fry it, but then the strudels will taste more like “lazy dumplings.”

8. Chop the remaining onions and carrots, fry until half cooked, adding pepper and salt to your taste.

9. Place the roasted vegetables in a deep frying pan and place the fried strudels on top. Prepare a sauce from sour cream, tomato paste and water, pour it over the dish and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

If your loved one doesn't like the taste tomato paste, then it can not be added to the sauce for pouring and subsequent stewing of our dish.

10. You can decorate with herbs or simply arrange stewed vegetables beautifully around the finished products and pour over them with the sauce in which they were stewed.

The second dish from the menu for our dear man is ready!

Meat pie with mushrooms and potatoes

Not all men love desserts and sweets, so it would be quite appropriate to prepare a delicious meat pie with mushrooms and potatoes. This dish will help create home comfort, warm memories from childhood and a feeling of special care for a loved one.

You can use any meat for this pie. The pie will be equally delicious with chicken, duck, or pork and beef. Ideally, you can generally make a mixture of types of meat - baking will only benefit from this.

We will need:

  • Flour - 3 cups.
  • Kefir – 1 glass.
  • Meat – 1 kg.
  • Mushrooms – 300 gr.
  • Potatoes – 4 pcs.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Butter – 100 gr.
  • Chicken egg – 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. l. +2 st. l.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt, soda, vinegar - 0.5 tsp each. + to taste


1. In a deep bowl, combine flour with kefir, melted butter, eggs, sugar with salt and soda, slaked with vinegar. Knead the dough thoroughly and let it rest while you prepare the filling.

2. Cut the meat into small cubes. You don’t need to chop it too much, but you shouldn’t cut it into large pieces either.

3. Cut the potatoes into similar small cubes.

4. Chop mushrooms into slices. You can take any favorite mushrooms, not necessarily champignons. Place them in a frying pan and fry in sunflower oil (2 tablespoons) over medium heat until excess liquid has evaporated. But there is no need to dry the mushrooms - they should look juicy.

5. Chop the onion into cubes and saute until transparent in the remaining 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil.

6. Combine the cubes of meat, potatoes and onions in a large bowl.

7. Salt and pepper to your taste. You can add dill or your favorite spices. Mix well so that all ingredients are distributed evenly.

8. Divide the dough in half and roll out two layers slightly larger than the baking sheet. Grease it with oil and place one rolled out rectangle. Place the filling on top of the dough and evenly distribute it, cover it like a lid with a second layer of dough. The edges can be pinched either somehow figuratively, or simply with an envelope.

Be sure to make a hole in the center of the “lid”, otherwise the dough will swell and burst from the steam.

9. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 60 minutes. You can check readiness by simply poking a hole in the dough with a fork or toothpick.

10. Let the pie cool slightly and cut into portions.

I think a man will be pleased with a good piece of pie. But still, how can we leave it without dessert?

Sponge cake with ice cream

For dessert, you can buy beautifully decorated cakes at a culinary store. Or ask your crafty friend to bake a super-delicious cake. Or you can spend just 5 minutes and use available ingredients to prepare a fairly simple but very tasty dessert. The main thing is to present it correctly!

Even a regular muffin will look amazing if you top it with melted chocolate. And on a saucer, place a neat scoop of ice cream, figuratively cut fruits and mint leaves. Yes, in principle, you can decorate with all kinds of sweets and syrups as soon as your heart desires!

We will need:

  • Flour – 15 tbsp. l
  • Milk – 13 tbsp. l.
  • Egg – 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 15 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa – 5 tbsp. l.
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Topping - to taste.


1. Place all the listed ingredients (except topping) in a large bowl and beat with a mixer until smooth.

2. Pour the resulting chocolate soufflé dough into greased thick-walled mugs with a volume of about 200 ml.

3. Place them in the microwave and bake at full power for about 3 minutes.

4. Take the resulting biscuits out of the mugs, cut off the uneven top so that in an inverted position each of them can stand beautifully, like a pyramid.

5. Place the still warm sponge cake on a beautiful saucer and sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Place a cold scoop of ice cream next to it and pour your favorite topping over it. Arrange the sliced ​​fruits beautifully and finish the composition with whipped cream from a can.

A complete set of dishes for your dear man is ready! Bon appetit!

What menu will please a girl for Valentine's Day?

Not only women and girls want to please their men with a romantic dinner, but also representatives of the stronger half of humanity themselves are ready to put on aprons on this day and create a small culinary miracle.

Those who want to please people with home-cooked dishes for the first time, and who have cooked it more than once, can take advantage of a little advice. It is best to serve girls very light food, which will not be a burden to them and will allow them to follow their diet without much hassle (even if she is on it in the strictest confidence from her beloved).

That's why the best option there will be a light fruit salad + tender chicken breast with creamy mushroom sauce+ very tasty and also healthy dessert.

Fruit salad with chicken

Salads that combine fruits and chicken meat are very popular with the weaker sex for their original taste, lightness and healthiness. After all, they contain both proteins and vitamins needed by the body. Mayonnaise can be easily replaced with yogurt, but it is its velvety taste that gives the salad its piquancy.

We will need:

  • Boiled chicken fillet – 200 gr.
  • Mandarin - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese – 100 gr.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lettuce - 3 leaves.
  • Any berry for decoration – 2 pcs.


1. Cut the boiled chicken fillet into small cubes. Alternatively, you can cut the meat into strips or even manually cut the meat into thin fibers.

2. Place shredded chicken meat in a portioned bowl or small original salad bowl and either coat with a mayonnaise layer or apply mayonnaise with a mesh.

The salad can be put into two bowls at once if they are small in size.

3. Peel the banana and cut it into quarters.

4. Place banana slices in an even layer over the chicken meat and also lightly grease with mayonnaise.

It is best to use, which is much easier to digest and not as greasy as store-bought.

5. Grate the cheese. The finer the grater, the fluffier the cheese layer will be.

6. Sprinkle it on the banana layer and grease with mayonnaise. It is best to apply with a thin mesh, then the airiness of this layer in the salad will not be lost.

7. Rinse the lettuce well, dry and chop into small pieces.

8. Arrange it evenly in a salad bowl on top of the cheese.

9. Peel the tangerines, divide them into slices and peel off the membranes.

10. Arrange the chopped tangerine slices beautifully in the form of a fan.

11. You can drop mayonnaise into the middle of the “fan” and decorate with any beautiful berry.

The original taste of the salad should definitely suit the taste of your chosen one!

Tender breast with creamy mushroom sauce

Perhaps the most tender meat of a chicken is in its breast. And there are no bones there, so it’s very easy to use a knife and fork, like a true elegant lady.

Imagine how reluctant and uncomfortable it is for a girl to tinker with bones, and even to take them into her specially manicured, beautiful fingers. After all, she specifically tried to be a lady on this day, but here she has to pick up the chicken with her hands, and then look for somewhere to wash them after that. What if this romantic evening is somewhere on the roof or in an unusual place, and you didn’t provide for it and didn’t bring water for this?

Therefore, the ideal option would be a dish that does not require fighting with bones. And if it is a tender dish with chicken fillet with cream and mushrooms, it couldn’t be better. And it's pretty quick to cook.

We will need:

  • Chicken fillet – 4 pcs.
  • Mushrooms - 250 gr.
  • Cream – 0.3 cups
  • Dry white wine – 0.5 cups
  • Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.
  • Vola – ¼ cup
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Butter – 30 gr.
  • Favorite spices, salt - to taste
  • Cooking parchment – ​​4 rectangles


1. Mix your favorite spices with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil (usually paprika, a mixture of peppers, turmeric, cumin, salt, chili, tomato powder, basil, etc.), lightly beat them until smooth and apply to parchment with a pastry brush.

You can immediately buy ready-made paper with baking spices. And if you cook it yourself, you don’t have to use a lot of spices - only those that the girl loves most.

2. Slightly cut the fillet on the inside and lightly beat it to form straight pieces no more than 2 centimeters thick. Place each tender slice in a separate paper with spices for frying.

3. Place the chicken in a parchment paper with spices in a dry frying pan preheated over medium heat and fry for 7 minutes on each side.

4. Place the fried meat in a deep bowl and seal it with foil to create the effect of a thermos and the breasts can be even more saturated with the aromas of spices.

5. Chop the onion and mushrooms into cubes.

Mushrooms can be cut into slices (as in the title picture for this recipe) - this will make the dish look even more impressive.

6. Place the remaining olive oil in a frying pan, heat it and add the onion and mushroom mixture for frying.

7. As soon as the onion becomes translucent, add water, add salt and pepper to your taste and simmer for 5 minutes. Then pour in the cream and wine, mix well and let simmer for 5 minutes.

8. Turn off the heating of the pan, add a piece butter and let it melt right on top into the sauce. Then mix well and let sit covered for a couple more minutes so that all the ingredients combine their flavors.

9. Place the finished breasts without parchment on beautiful plates and pour over the creamy mushroom sauce. You can decorate with greenery at your discretion.

Everything is so beautiful, tender and romantic! And it’s not at all difficult to prepare!

Let your loved one be amazed by the delicate taste and presentation of this second course!

Delicate curd dessert

For tender girl– a delicate dessert! Not everyone loves sickly sweet treats. But you can do something pleasant and useful at the same time! For example, make an airy mousse from bananas and cottage cheese that a beauty will like, even if she is prescribed a strict diet.

We will need:

  • Cottage cheese – 200 gr.
  • Banana – 2 pcs.
  • Vanilla sugar – 10 gr.
  • Cocoa – 1 tbsp. l. +0.5 tsp. for sprinkling
  • Ground nuts – 1 tsp.


1. Divide a pack of cottage cheese in half. Place one half in a blender and grind.

2. Peel the bananas and cut into small pieces to make it easier and faster to grind them in a blender along with the cottage cheese.

3. Add half of the chopped bananas and half of the vanilla sugar to the cottage cheese. Beat well with a blender until a smooth soufflé is formed.

4. Place the white banana-curd mixture into bowls and leave a couple of teaspoons in a separate cup. We'll need it a little later for decoration.

5. Place the remaining cottage cheese, banana and vanilla sugar into the vacated blender, add cocoa. Beat well until chocolate creamy.

6. Place chocolate mousse on top of the white mousse, making sure that the layers do not mix and that a clear color boundary is maintained.

7. Drop a teaspoon of white mousse into the center of the chocolate layer and stretch it a little into a blot shape.

7. Sprinkle the banana curd mousse with cocoa and nut crumbs. You can even add whole halves of walnuts - however your heart desires, decorate the dessert.

We ended up with a very beautiful and tender dish.

Here it is sample menu We have compiled it for you today. But food is food, and it’s worth remembering that a romantic evening is full of more than just that. The most important thing about him is the love in the air, tender words and touches, glances, full of tenderness and adoration.

And if all this happens, then you will remember this evening for the rest of your life!

And of course you also need food! Where would we be without her? So cook and eat for your health!

Bon appetit!