I dream about a lot of red berries. Why do you dream of berries: ripe, tasty, black, unknown? Basic interpretations of different dream books - why do you dream of berries? What type of berries did you dream about?

20.08.2019 Relationship

To understand why you dream of picking berries, the dream book suggests remembering what it actually looks like in a dream. You dreamed of nothing more than the result of growth, flowering, maturation. The details of the dream will tell you what fruits you will reap in reality.

Miller's paradoxes

Predicting why one dreams of picking berries, in Miller’s dream book, sometimes means completely opposite phenomena: from complete collapse to dizzying success, from sudden separation to an equally unexpected meeting. Let's look at these images in more detail.

If you dreamed of red berries, a person whom you no longer hoped to see will make itself known. When in a dream their size or appearance causes annoyance, the symbol means tears. A great number foreshadows difficulties in business, which, however, will not interfere with achieving brilliant results.

What does color tell you?

Interpreting why you dream of picking red berries, Esoteric dream book suggests remembering their purpose. If you dreamed about wine varieties, success is coming in any endeavor. Raw materials for jam indicate the favor of fortune. When you still can’t remember your goals, there is no point in looking for an explanation for everything, just trust the call of your heart.

Healer Fedorovskaya believes that picking black fruits is not good. If you happen to see blueberries or currants and walk past them or even step on them in a dream, in real life you will be able to defeat your rivals.

Veles's dream book promises the triumph of justice to the one who collected black and yellow berries in one basket. In the prediction for summer birthdays, red currants and cherries warn of a slight increase in temperature.

the Forbidden fruit

Some dream books are wary of a plot in which you happen to pick berries and eat them right away. The sorceress Medea believes that the sleeper can be greatly upset by ingratitude.

The gypsy interpretation of the dream says that eating freshly picked raspberries and blackberries happens shortly before a slight illness. Perhaps the image reminds us that it is advisable to wash the gifts of nature before using them.

At the same time, the Modern Oracle claims that picking and eating berries one after another in a dream is on the eve of small joys.

Assorted food for the gourmand

In dream books you can find various interpretations of why you dream of picking different varieties of berries:

  • A basket of strawberries collected in a dream foreshadows a series of vivid impressions;
  • If you are lucky enough to find a clearing of strawberries, good news will disrupt your plans;
  • Seeing strawberries in a dream is for true connoisseurs of pleasure;
  • If you dreamed of picking strawberries, an erotic adventure lies ahead;
  • One who picks blueberries in a dream will be invited to a cheerful banquet;
  • If you dreamed of picking bird cherry berries, a long-awaited event will come;
  • Picked raspberries are considered a harbinger of a wedding, perhaps your own;
  • Blackberries and their picking symbolize material well-being.

Forest secrets

An explanation of why you dream of picking berries in the forest can be found in An old dream book. The plot reflects an interest in self-knowledge, identifying and developing one’s best qualities.

If you dreamed of collecting the gifts of nature in the forest, Aesop’s dream book promises success, however, the path to it will be long and thorny. In the dream interpretation of the sorceress Navi, forest plants symbolize the inevitability of change.

IN Children's dream book searching for delicacies in the forest represents the ability to combine business with pleasure.

You can't make it up on purpose

It's no secret that you can pick berries in a dream at any time and in the most unexpected places. Do not be alarmed if in your night dreams the scene of action turns out to be a graveyard. Collecting ripe fruits from the cemetery indicates the ability to use the past as a storehouse of life experience and not repeat past mistakes.

If you had to pick berries lying on the floor, the Wanderer’s dream book promises humiliation and insult.

If the sleeper hopes to harvest in winter, the Ukrainian interpretation claims that in reality he often takes on unpromising projects. According to the Psychoanalytic interpretation, the sign concerns unfinished business or relationships that will soon remind of themselves.

What does the dreamer want?

When in a dream you have to pick cherries from a tree at a high altitude, Azar’s dream book promises that in real life you will be able to overcome financial difficulties.

It is considered an unkind sign to pick berries, as well as inedible or worm-bearing mushrooms. What you dreamed about indicates that you feel out of place. Too often you have to endure insults from loved ones or be disappointed in them.

What you dream about picking a lot of identical berries can be interpreted literally: this is the product your body now needs.

With a quality mark

Why do you dream about picking ripe ones? large berries, Freud's dream book will tell. The dreamer has an unforgettable romantic date ahead, which will help him understand new facets of sexuality.

Large raspberries and blackberries indicate equanimity, which has more than once helped out in the competition. If a sick person had to pick sweet berries in a dream, he is on the right path to recovery.

A dream in which a person picks berries usually means meeting good and friendly people with whom you can spend your free time fun and carefree. If a person is sick and dreams that he is in a green meadow picking delicious berries, this means a speedy recovery.

What if you dream about picking berries?

The fact that you dream of picking berries represents the dreamer’s good intentions, but you should not rush into making an important decision, since the saying about “he who is in a hurry makes people laugh” works flawlessly in this case. For a woman, picking berries in a dream means that her new man acquaintance will turn out to be a person close in spirit and interests, with whom you can safely build reliable and strong relationships. It is possible that in the future this connection will develop into something more and will be marked by the conclusion of a marriage. In addition, picking berries in a dream symbolizes the degree of favor of fate. That is, the more berries, the more successful the future period in the dreamer’s life will be. A person dreams of picking berries in order to notify him of an upcoming promotion.

This dream indicates the chance that fate presents to this person. And here it is important, of course, not to miss it, but to do everything possible to ensure that it is used to the fullest. If a promotion is planned, then everything must be done to achieve this.

When a person dreams that he is picking berries that are predominantly red in color, then such a dream can bring a lot of experiences in real life and even tears. IN in this case We can advise you to save your nerves and be more calm when accepting the “gifts” of fate, even if they are not too favorable at the moment.

Picking berries in a dream, which are very small in size, means that in real life the dreamer will still achieve what he wants, but the outcome of the event will not please him too much. For a person who does not have a soulmate, picking berries in a dream promises a new acquaintance and a wonderful romantic affair. The dreamer in real life will be filled with positive emotions, which will allow him to “fly” without wings.

What does it portend?

By the way, according to many dream books, berries seen in a dream literally reflect the vitamin deficiency that the human body experiences. That is, it is depleted and requires saturation with vitamins and microelements. But most dream interpreters conclude that picking berries in a dream has a purely positive and spiritual meaning. But the color of the berries themselves may change the interpretation of the dream. For example, black berries dream of disappointment in something or someone. Also, the meaning of dreams depends on the type of berries, for example, strawberries dream of pleasure in love, and cherries - new, unforgettable impressions. Picking berries in a dream is a sign of a lack of colorful emotions and vivid sensations in real life. In this case, you need to understand your feelings, which may be hidden deep inside.

There is an opinion that various kinds of berries in a person’s dreams warn about the insufficiently healthy and low-fortified diet that he has chosen for himself. Therefore, it is worth reviewing your diet and making it more balanced and beneficial.

Yes, dreams are interesting phenomena that try to warn a person about some changes, regardless of whether they will be good or bad. In this case, berries in a dream carry several meanings, since they come different color, type and size.

In dreams, a person receives various clues from the subconscious, which can relate to both the present and the future. To find out important information, you need to remember the main details of the plot and those that have been tested. All this will allow you to put together a complete picture.

Why do you dream of red berries?

Finding yourself in a clearing strewn with such fruits is a symbol of the fact that happiness and stability will soon come in business. For a sick person, such a dream predicts a speedy recovery. Seeing sour red berries in a dream means you should prepare for serious disappointments. For a young representative of the fair sex, a dream where she made jam from red berries predicts the emergence of problems in a relationship with a loved one, which will be associated with his cooling down. One of the dream books contains information according to which a dream about a red berry is a symbol of good health and joy.

Picking red berries in a dream means personal life complete harmony and happiness will come. It could also be a sign of a new sexual relationship. For a man, such a dream can mean receiving a reward for the work done. Night vision where you had to pick wild berries is a positive sign that promises a chance to radically change your life for the better. If you crush fruits in a dream, this is a warning about unexpected obstacles. Eating red berries in a dream means you can expect a passionate relationship ahead. Such night vision can also symbolize strong emotional stress. Ripe wine berries are a harbinger of achieving your goals, which will give you many joyful events.

Why do you dream of a delicious red berry?

Tasty, ripe, juicy berries indicate the opening of tempting prospects. If you eat delicious fruits, it means you will be satisfied with your relationship with your loved one and life in general.

A dream in which there were berries can be a harbinger of pleasant surprises or bitter regrets. The interpretation of this dream is dual and contradictory. If you dreamed of berries in a dream, check out all of them possible options its meaning is to be fully armed.

Why do you dream of red, black, ripe, green, rotten, a lot of berries?

Red berries are a symbol of blood and family ties. They are often sent to dreams to warn of an unexpected visit from relatives living very far away. They can also serve as a sign that your loved ones are worried and worried about your fate. A dream with red berries can also be sent as a warning: perhaps one of the family members will soon need support. In some dream books, red berries are interpreted as harbingers of tears.

Seeing black berries in a dream means negative emotions: disappointment, sadness, and regret await you.

If you dreamed of ripe berries, this is good sign. It shows that the patience, endurance and perseverance you have shown will soon be rewarded. Moreover, this applies not only to the sphere of working relationships, but also to the family circle, friends, and acquaintances. Choose for yourself in which direction this result is most desirable.

Green or unripe berries in a dream signal that you need to be more in control of your emotions, as you are unbalanced, irritable and impatient. You will be successful in business only if you eliminate these qualities from yourself. Dried fruits have the same meaning.

If you dreamed that the berries were wormy or rotten, take a closer look at your surroundings. Most likely, someone is harming you, wittingly or unwittingly, or wishes harm.
A lot of berries in a dream, especially if they are dark in color, signify health problems: painful conditions, exacerbations of existing diseases or the development of new ones. But if you walked on berries in a dream, victory over an enemy or rival awaits you soon.

Berries growing in a clearing indicate a speedy recovery from the disease.

If in a dream you saw a bucket filled with berries, then your body is in dire need of vitamins. Do not refuse the offered treat, enjoy it to your heart's content.

Picking berries in a dream - why?

Picking berries in a dream means that you will soon be entrusted with tedious, monotonous and labor-intensive work that will require maximum concentration, attention and perseverance. However, do not rush to be disappointed, but try to understand the prospects of the goals and objectives facing you. In this case, the activity will bring valuable results, and the process itself will become less joyless and routine.

In the Jewish dream book, picking berries is interpreted as a harbinger of upcoming worries and experiences.

If berry juice gets on your clothes, be careful when dealing with strangers: There is a high probability of trouble occurring.

If you sold berries in a dream, this signifies financial troubles.

Why do you dream about eating berries?

I dream that I eat berries

If in a dream you have to eat berries, take advantage of the opportunity provided and taste what they taste like. The enjoyable process of eating sweet, tender, oozing, delicious-looking fruits is a sign that you have nothing to worry about, because luck will be on your side in all matters.
But if you had to taste unattractive, sour, bitter, dry, rotten berries, you should be wary and prepare for likely significant difficulties.

Why do you dream of eating berries?

If in a dream another person eats berries and your profession is related to tasting, this is a good sign. Here the berries foretell that work will soon bring you great pleasure.

The type of berry also matters. Eating wine berries means quick joy. Dried or boiled berries - prosperity and good luck in your business, profit.

Why do you dream of strawberries, raspberries, cherries, bird cherry, currants, wild strawberries, blueberries, Victoria berries, gooseberries, cherries, grapes, rowan berries, wild berries?


Strawberries are a life-affirming symbol of sensual pleasure, voluptuousness, and love. In France it is even considered an aphrodisiac. Strawberries in a dream predict an erotic adventure that will give you unforgettable pleasure.


Raspberry berries are dreamed of by cheerful optimists and people with delicate taste. They portend a lot of pleasant situations: receiving a long-awaited and well-deserved award, pleasant leisure time, relaxation after hard work. Picking raspberries in a dream means a quick wedding, quite possibly with the hero of the dream in the leading role. There is another interpretation, less positive: to see raspberries in a dream means poor health and even illness.


Cherry berries warn of upcoming upsets, regrets, and tears. Their likely cause will be failures in the love sphere, especially related to the encroachment on the forbidden fruit. Such a dream can also be interpreted as a signal to reconsider your priorities, because the world does not revolve around one single subject, there are many other exciting moments in it.

Bird cherry

Bird cherry berries seen in a dream bring positivity, joy, delight, jubilation, and the onset of long-awaited changes. Soon your life will be filled with a whole series of bright events that will give you a great mood and a desire to love the whole world. You will want to convey a piece of your cheerfulness to those around you, and give gratuitous gifts to your loved ones. In the love sphere, complete mutual understanding also awaits. If you ate bird cherry in a dream, it means that peace and harmony will accompany you. And if at the same time you share the berries with other people, then you are destined for great profits and an outstanding career.


Have you seen currant berries in your night dreams? The circumstances under which you encountered them will help you correctly interpret their meaning. Picking currants portends a quick and worthy reward for your labors. If you were selling currants in a dream, be prepared to face temptation and a test of your fortitude. Eating currants symbolizes the emergence of new opportunities: very soon you will receive a tempting offer that you must accept.


Strawberries in a dream are harbingers that unexpected luck will smile on you. You can hope for pleasant surprises and important meetings that will dramatically change your destiny. They may not fit into your plans and significantly disrupt your routine, but this will only benefit you. And if you dreamed of not just berries, but a whole strawberry meadow, great luck awaits you.


Seeing blueberries in a dream means that you will soon find yourself at a big feast with an abundance of all kinds of treats. There is likely to be an event that will bring romance into your life, brightening up the drab routine. Blueberries also indicate that you need to take care of your well-being, take care of your eyesight, and not worry about little things.

Yagoda Victoria

Victoria berry in a dream predicts euphoric fun, a big holiday and incredible sexual pleasure. But keep in mind: if the berry is rotten or unripe, joy will quickly be replaced by disappointment.

In Miller's dream book, the Victoria berry is interpreted in two ways: as a sign of unexpected difficulties and obstacles and at the same time as their successful resolution. Maybe she appears in dreams at night, leading to bitterness and tears. And if the berry is ripe and bright red, start preparing for the arrival of relatives whom you have not met for a long time.


According to universal dream book, seeing cherry berries on a tree means quick tears. But eating cherries, on the contrary, is a good sign, indicating favorable news. For example, if you were born in the summer, late spring or early autumn (during warm weather), you can count on a successful deal that will bring great benefits.


Picking gooseberries in a dream portends great happiness and the opening of great prospects for you. True, before the onset happy days You will have to go through many disturbing and sad events. The larger the berries you dream about, the greater the joy. If you pick unripe gooseberries, you are likely to make a big mistake. Control your emotions to avoid danger.

Berries that take a long time to look for among the leaves signal you about a possible disease. Take care of your health.

There are ripe gooseberries in a dream - auspicious sign. You will be able to achieve the desired result in your affairs. But for women, such a plot predicts disappointment. If the gooseberries turn out to be unripe and sour, get ready to pay the bills.


Eating grapes in a dream promises you troubles and anxieties, overcoming which will strengthen your character and make you stronger. Along with acquiring useful skills, you will be guaranteed a worthy place in society. If another person eats grapes, it means a large purchase and joy. But be careful. If such a dream was seen by a person in poor health or a workaholic, a heart attack is possible.


Wild berries do not have a clear interpretation. If you dreamed that you were collecting them, anxiety, excitement, and vanity await you ahead. However, in the end, you will definitely be rewarded for your troubles.

If you suddenly step on berries and crush them, do not be sad, this is a sign of imminent victory. Seeing unappetizing, wrinkled, dried berries in a dream is an alarming signal. If this happens, it's time to start taking care of your health.

If you want to improve your prediction, make jam from wild berries. It signifies good luck in business and making big profits.


Clusters of ripe rowan berries indicate the possibility of a relationship with an object of interest to you. If you are collecting rowan, you will have a serious conversation with him. Eating sour rowan berries is an omen of love troubles, quarrels, and disputes. They will be stronger if the berries taste very bitter. But if the berries are sweet, expect a pleasant vacation or a short trip.

Dream interpretation of berries

Vanga's Dream Book

A large number of berries in a dream is a warning. You have to go through many temptations and temptations. But at the end of the path, a reward awaits you.
If you eat berries in a dream, it means get ready for a very severe shock and severe suffering. You will be distracted and disturbed in every possible way. Be patient and add a little persistence to it, then you will definitely be able to achieve your plans.

Berries that are scattered on the floor or on the ground signal minor adversity. You can easily overcome them if you go to confession and ask God for help.

Miller's Dream Book - seeing berries in a dream

If in a dream you were in a berry meadow, expect your affairs to get better and recover from an illness. If you saw a lot of green berries, you should restrain your impatience: your active actions at this stage will not bring the desired result, but will only add chaos and confusion to your affairs.

If berries are ripe on your window in winter, it means that you have character traits such as complacency and a willingness to help in any, even the most hopeless, situation.

Berry juice has left a large stain on your favorite clothes, and you don’t know how to remove it - in this case, the person who set you up will go unpunished.

If a man treats his beloved with berries in a dream, but she does not agree, this is a sign of a break in a relationship that has long been disgusting. For women, such a situation in a dream promises intrigue among their lover’s friends.

Why do you dream of berries - Freud's Dream Book

In men's dreams, berries mean a person’s desire to make his sex life more varied. In women - the desire for sexual contact with the same sex.

If you eat berries in a dream or get dirty with their juice, then this expresses your subconscious readiness for the birth of a child. If you circle the forest while picking berries, this is an omen that your feelings are cooling. However, they can still be revived if you want.

Old Russian dream book - dreamed of berries

Interprets berries as a harbinger of tears. Eating them in a dream means illness.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Seeing a lot of berries in a dream means a lot of effort, but little return. It is also an omen of copious tears.

Red berries also accompany tears. White berries are a sign of triumph, victory, achievement, good luck. Black - sadness, regret, sorrow.

Picking berries suggests that you yourself are preparing the ground for disappointment and tears. Giving berries to others is a sign of sadness.

Eating berries with more or less appetite means shedding more or less tears.

Dream book of Schiller-Schoolboy, dream book of Hasse

Berries mean good luck in all matters.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Berries are interpreted as interest.
Seeing wine berries promises profit.

Azar's Dream Book

Picking red berries means the death of a close blood relative.

Picking black berries is a sign of love experiences and excitement.

Seeing black berries means tears.

Mayan Dream Interpretation

Picking berries in a dream is a signal that very soon you will be moving up the career ladder. To enhance the effect of the omen, place any berry on your cheek for 7 days after sleep and keep it there all the way to work.

Eating berries means that you should monitor the condition of your skin; problems with it are possible. You can avoid their occurrence if you wash your skin with salted water for a week before going to bed.

Eastern women's dream book

If you are in a berry meadow, expect progress in business, improved health, and healing. Carelessly placing berries in a basket where they become wrinkled is a warning against hasty actions: caused by good intentions, they will not bring good, but will turn into trouble. Green or unripe berries are a warning about the disease.

Esoteric dream book

Picking berries in a dream shows that you are fate's favorite.

If in a dream you crush berries to make wine or jam, then you can safely start new things, they will all be successful. If you do this aimlessly and thoughtlessly, beware, as obstacles will soon appear in your path. Listen more to the voice of your intuition and do not resist fate.

Maly Velesov dream book

Seeing berries can mean either good luck in business, or tears or illness.

Eating berries means illness.

Black berries - tears of grief, sadness, disappointment.

Red berries - tears of joy or illness.

White berries are good luck.

Eating boiled berries means self-interest.

Picking white berries means defeating the enemy.

Gypsy dream book

Berries in a dream foreshadow tears.

Eating berries boiled with sugar or dried means profit.

Eating raw berries means harm and illness.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

There are berries - your efforts will be in vain and will remain unrecognized. Sadness, despondency and sadness await you.

Seeing a lot of berries, but not bitter ones, is good luck.

Blackberries and raspberries signify success in financial matters.

Picking berries means getting the fruits of your labors.

Berries seen in a dream can foretell pleasant meetings and disappointments. The dream interpretation of this symbol is sometimes very contradictory. Are you going to find out why you dream about something like this? Explore all your options.

Collect and eat

If in a dream you had to pick berries, then in the near future you will have a monotonous, painstaking task. Modern dream book promises that if you try to understand the goals and objectives, the work will not seem so boring.

Since you happened to eat berries in a dream, try to taste them thoroughly. Sweet, juicy and appetizing-looking fruits promise success in all endeavors. If they turn out to be inconspicuous, sour, and even more so rotten or dry, you need to be on alert, as you may be in serious trouble.

If you dreamed of ripe berries, it means that your patience and ability to wait will not go unnoticed. The dream can relate to any area of ​​life - both business and interpersonal relationships. You decide where the desired result is most needed at the moment.

Color and ripeness

Everything that a red berry dreams about is associated by the interpreter with family relations. Red berries often appear in night dreams before the arrival of relatives from afar. It is quite possible that someone close to you is worried about you at the moment. A dream can serve as a warning that someone in the family will soon need help.

Cherry and raspberry

The universal dream book considers cherries as a sign of upcoming disappointments and even tears. One of possible reasons- not the most successful attempt to eat forbidden fruit in search of romantic adventures. The dream also speaks of a passionate desire to achieve some goal, although the light has not converged on it, and there are still many interesting things in life.

If you dreamed of raspberries, then you have excellent love of life and exquisite taste. Women's dream book considers raspberries to be a harbinger of many joyful events. A well-deserved reward and a pleasant rest await the dreamer, and the one who collected will soon have fun at a wedding, perhaps his own. The plot also warns of the likelihood of illness.

Strawberry and bird cherry

If you dream of strawberries, then it is easy to guess that it symbolizes a cheerful craving for pleasure. Strawberries can be a dream of adventures with erotic overtones that will bring extraordinary pleasure.

Cherries and blueberries

The universal interpreter believes that cherries growing on a tree dream of tears. Just don’t rush to get upset in advance: if you eat cherries in a dream, this portends good news. Dreamers born in the warm season should prepare to make a profitable deal.

If you dreamed of blueberries, in reality a real mountain feast will soon take place. Some upcoming event will bring a little romance into your everyday life. At the same time, it is recommended to take care of your health, protect your eyesight, and not get upset over trifles.


Aesop's dream book does not give a clear answer to what the vision foretells in which wild berries appear. Collecting these gifts of the forest promises anxiety and trouble, which will ultimately pay off.

If you gape and walk through the berries, victory awaits you in reality. Unattractive fruits are an alarming sign; it’s time to worry about your health. There is also a way to “sweeten” the prediction - make jam from wild berries. Fragrant jam portends success in business and expected profits in full.

Strawberries and currants

If you dreamed of currant berries, try to remember how you disposed of them; this important detail will help you correctly interpret what you saw. If you collect currants, get ready to receive a decent reward for the work done. If you sell, temptation awaits. If you decide to just eat currants in a dream, it means that soon they will make you an interesting offer. Agree without hesitation.

Find a strawberry meadow in a dream - great luck. The Wanderer's Dream Book believes that these berries appear in night dreams as a sign of pleasant surprises, fateful meetings, and unexpected luck. Happy event may make changes to your plans, but this will not upset you at all.

Various interpretations

The universal dream book will tell you without undue modesty what the Victoria berry portends. She promises great joy, a fun holiday and unforgettable sex. But if you dream of a rotten or unripe delicacy, then the fun will end in disappointment.

Miller's dream book views this symbol ambiguously: the berry can be a harbinger of both unforeseen difficulties in business and their successful completion. A similar plot may bring tears to your dreams. If in a dream the fruits are bright red, it is highly likely that you are expecting a visit from relatives whom you have not seen for a long time.

If you dream of a bucket of berries, then your body is now needed more than ever vitamins. Eastern dream book encourages you not to deny yourself a delicacy and at the same time combine business with pleasure. It is preferable to eat in a dream exactly those berries with which the dreamed bucket was filled.