I dreamed of deception in a dream. Ancient French dream book

21.09.2019 Health

A person’s life is multifaceted, and it confronts him in reality with various actions and phenomena. This includes deception. But if in reality we know exactly the definition of this word and the consequences that this action conceals, then in a dream everything is not so clear.

It is quite difficult to explain why you dream about deception in a dream. After all, each plot of a dream with deception is interpreted in its own way. It is very important to remember how you dreamed of deception, what actions were taken, whether you were deceived or you did it yourself. Every plot, every detail is reflected in the interpretation.

General meaning

IN general interpretation deception is included in the dream book as a symbol of profit. Profit will be received from trading affairs. To see in a dream how you yourself are trying to do this means that in reality you can commit a short-sighted act that will negatively affect you. Therefore, if you intend to do something, then think carefully about your plan of action and pay careful attention to the consequences. After all, no one wants to lose face due to rash actions.

If in a dream you still had to deceive someone, then this is a pleasant sign. It means that others value you, and this is due to your sincerity and open nature.

  • If your deception is revealed, in the near future you will gain financial independence, which will be stable for a long time.
  • If you met a lady who is deceiving, a very interesting love adventure awaits you in reality.
  • If you catch a cheater in the game, you will have a rare opportunity to get even for past grievances.
  • Meeting a group of deceivers means that in reality they are preventing you from achieving success. It’s worth taking a close look at those around you, especially your colleagues, to see if someone is putting a spoke in your wheels.
  • If you find yourself in the web of a masterly liar, you should reconsider your relationship. Some misunderstanding will arise, as a result of which you may break up. By analyzing what is happening, this can be avoided.
  • You have been deceived, and you realize it - very lucky sign, saying that your enemies cannot harm you.

Why dream of a lie, even if it is? Such a vision means that in reality your mistakes will be pointed out to you. However, the dreamer will most likely perceive this as a belittlement of his dignity.

However, you should not take emergency measures or immediately declare failure. The recession will be very short-lived and will be able to reveal “weaknesses” in the organization of the business, which will help avoid this in the future. Take this vision as a lesson for the future.

You may have a dream in which the dreamer was deceived, but the deception was discovered - this good sign. The dreamer in reality will encounter ill-wishers, but their actions against him will fail. Such a dream foreshadows rapid advancement up the career ladder, despite the machinations of enemies.

And yet, although the dream has a very positive meaning, it is worth thinking about if you dreamed about such a plot several times. This means that, despite the very successful course of your life, you should reconsider and analyze yourself. It is possible that you yourself or your actions make envious people and ill-wishers want to act against you.

Dreams with deception also have an impact on love relationship. As already mentioned, lies are included in the dream book as a sign of warning. In love affairs, you should show no less flexibility and patience in order to achieve harmony.

  • If you cheat in a dream, in reality you will be able to “beat” your opponent () in his own machinations.
  • Catch your loved one in a lie - your pickiness can negatively affect your relationship. It is worth occasionally turning a blind eye to the minor weaknesses of the chosen one.
  • A lie from a partner means for a girl that she needs to be careful; envious people can slander her in front of a guy. For a guy, such a dream means an intrigue with a girl, and the duration of the relationship will depend only on him.

A dream in which one deceives close person, carries a good sign for the dreamer. Such a dream promises an improvement in your financial situation and promises some privileges. It should be remembered that dreams only carry signs and warn us, and how exactly real life will turn out is up to us to decide.

If in a dream you saw that you were being deceived, then understanding the meaning of this dream is not so easy.

What if you dream about deception?

For example, if in a dream you were deceived in matters related to your work or study, then this foreshadows obstacles on the path to success. This may also mean that you will encounter intrigue around you.

To dream of a situation where you are cheated in a store or given a counterfeit banknote means that you are in danger of theft or your debt will not be returned.

However, if the deception in a dream is revealed, and you know exactly who exactly treated you so badly, it means that the plans of the attackers will not come true. If such a dream is repeated several times, then you need to think about your behavior. Perhaps you provoke people to want to take revenge on you for unseemly actions.

When you are looking for the answer to the question “Why do you dream about deception?”, think about what bad things have happened in your life lately. It is quite possible that a dream about deception projects your uncertainty in your actions. You are afraid of taking the wrong step or being disappointed in your expectations.

Such a dream may be a warning signal that you are making a mistake. If in a dream you feel guilty for your deception, then a pleasant surprise will soon await you. You will find lost things or documents.

What does it portend?

If young man If he dreams that he has become a victim of deception on the part of his friends, this means a quarrel with his beloved girl, but not a serious one.

If a girl sees in a dream that her lover is deceiving her, then this is a warning that envious people are weaving intrigues around her.

In the case when before the wedding the bride dreamed of deception on the part of her chosen one, this foreshadows troubles on the part of future relatives. Well, if you have a dream about deception on the part of the groom for several days in a row, then most likely you simply do not trust your chosen one or are not sure of your choice.

To see in a dream how you yourself are deceiving someone means that you are in a difficult situation and do not know how to get out of it. If in a dream you were taken to clean water, and you feel a sense of shame, then this is a good sign. Very soon you will find a solution to the problem, and the situation will be resolved successfully for you.

It is impossible to explain clearly what deception means in dreams. The dream book gives interpretations to various details of this plot. You just need to remember all the details, the events that happened in the dream. You yourself told a lie or were deceived, whether it hurt a loved one or there was a deception with money - everything has its significance.

General interpretation

Seeing in a dream a plot where you yourself are trying to do this - unseemly actions are possible due to mercantile considerations. Due to such actions, you can easily lose your image. Therefore, before you start something, think about the consequences.

Accusing someone of deception in a dream is a warning to the dreamer that he will be robbed. However, he will soon find out who did this. If he himself happened to deceive, the dream book interprets the vision the other way around. He is indeed held in very high esteem by others due to his honest and straightforward character.

Why dream of deception, even of a loved one, with the best intentions? In reality, your mistakes will be pointed out, but you will perceive this as humiliation. The dream book advises: do not be offended, it is better to admit your mistakes after listening to criticism. This approach is much more constructive than accumulating grievances, so it is better to take care of the nervous system.

A dream about deception with money or its theft promises difficulties, losses, and risk. You should be more careful in business and projects to avoid losses.

Sometimes a dream about deception foreshadows: some advantages will appear or material independence will soon await you. When in a dream you were able to understand that you had been deceived - a good sign. In reality, enemies will not be able to bring harm. Did you dream of revealing a deception? You will get out of a difficult situation without damage.

Business sphere

Miller's dream book explains deception as follows: to be deceived in business - people will soon appear who want to prevent you from achieving success.

If you dreamed that you were deceived in a store - they weighed you down or shortchanged you, it means that in reality you will face big losses. If in a dream a companion “frames” the dreamer, business success may decline. However, it will not last long.

Why do you dream of being deceived? Modern dream book the interpretation gives the following: some significant mistake was made. To identify it, you should double-check all the documents with which the dreamer has recently worked.

Did you dream that you were deceiving yourself? You may be drawn into a series of risky pleasures. This is a warning: such actions can damage your reputation.

When you were deceived in a dream, but the deception was revealed, and you managed to find out the culprit - the plans of ill-wishers will fail. The vision also predicts an upcoming promotion. If you see such a dream several times, analyze your actions. The dream book emphasizes: it is probably you who make people want to take revenge for dubious, dishonest actions.

Love, relationships

Why dream of deceiving someone? The dream may relate to love affairs. You will be able to understand what your opponent (rival) is up to and triumph over him.

If a guy is beaten by cheaters in a dream, this is a harbinger of breaking up with his girlfriend due to some misunderstandings. You should be more attentive to her, because if your feelings are serious, it would be a shame to lose her because of something absurd.

When a woman dreams that she caught her husband or loved one cheating, this means: she is too nagging at him. The dream book recommends becoming more tolerant, because everyone has shortcomings, so why not forgive a man some weaknesses?

Why does a girl dream that a guy deceived her? Envious people are intriguing against her, so you need to be careful. For a guy, a plot where a girl or woman deceived him in a dream foreshadows a pleasant love adventure. The dream book indicates: it depends only on him how events will develop further. Perhaps the relationship will become long-lasting.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Disappointment and annoyance.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

  • Deception- disappointment and annoyance.

New family dream book

  • If in a dream you were deceived in business- and in real life you will encounter people who will strive to block your path to success.
  • If in a dream you realized that you were deceived- opponents will be powerless to harm you.
  • A young man who dreams that he is being beaten by a sharpie- will break up with his beloved because of a ridiculous misunderstanding.
  • A dream in which you yourself tried to deceive someone- this is a kind of warning. Be careful that selfish aspirations do not push you to unworthy and frivolous actions.

New family dream book

  • If in a dream you were deceived in business, then in real life you will encounter people who will strive to block your path to success. If in a dream you realize that you have been deceived, your opponents will be powerless to harm you.
  • A young man who dreams that he is being beaten by a sharper will part with his beloved because of an absurd misunderstanding.
  • A dream in which you yourself tried to deceive someone is a kind of warning. Be careful that selfish aspirations do not push you to unworthy and frivolous actions.

Eastern women's dream book

  • If you dreamed that you deceived someone - beware of dubious acquaintances that could ruin your reputation. A dream in which you became a victim of deception warns: ill-wishers will try to disgrace you. If you uncovered the deception, career growth awaits you.

Eastern women's dream book

  • I dreamed that you deceived someone- beware of dubious acquaintances that can ruin your reputation.
  • A dream in which you became a victim of deception- warns: ill-wishers will try to disgrace you.
  • If you uncovered the deception- career growth awaits you.

Modern dream book

  • If you dreamed that you deceived someone, then you may have to deceive your boss in order to get a promotion or increase in salary. In addition, beware of dubious connections that could tarnish your reputation. A dream in which you became a victim of deception means that your ill-wishers will try to disgrace you. If in a dream you uncovered a deception, then in reality career growth awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

  • Deceive- trading profit.

  • If in a dream you are faced with deception- such a dream warns that in reality someone is actively trying to prevent you from being happy.
  • If a young man dreams that he has fallen into a trap set by a cheating swindler- he will be separated from his beloved because of a stupid misunderstanding.
  • If in a dream you are trying to deceive someone- this means that in the near future you will have to play the role of a seducer pursuing selfish goals.

Danilova's Dream Interpretation (Erotic)

  • If in a dream you are faced with deception, such a dream warns that in reality someone is actively trying to prevent you from being happy.

Ancient English dream book (Zadkiel's dream book)

  • If in a dream you accuse someone of deception, in reality you will find that you have been robbed, and very soon you will learn the names of the robbers.
  • if in a dream you yourself commit deception, this dream has the opposite meaning: in reality, you are very highly valued in society for your character, direct and honest. In love, you will unravel the secret plans of your opponent and defeat him.

Dream book of lovers

  • Lovers have a dream in which they are deceived by card scammers- portends a break in relations due to an unfortunate misunderstanding.
  • If you dream that you yourself are trying to deceive someone- this means that you will betray your loved one for selfish reasons.

Dream book of lovers

  • For lovers, a dream in which they are deceived by card scammers foreshadows a break in the relationship due to an unfortunate misunderstanding.
  • If you dream that you yourself are trying to deceive someone, this means that you will betray your loved one for selfish reasons.

Women's dream book

  • If you were deceived in a dream- soon you will encounter people who will try to block your path to success.
  • If you feel very bitter about this- your opponents will be powerless to harm you.
  • Fool someone else- to unworthy and frivolous actions that can compromise you.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

  • If a young man dreams that he has fallen into a trap set by a cheating swindler, he will be separated from his beloved due to a stupid misunderstanding.
  • If in a dream you are trying to deceive someone, it means that in the near future you will have to play the role of a seducer pursuing selfish goals.

Dream Interpreter (1829)

  • Deceiving someone portends shame and reproach.

Ancient French dream book

  • It portends the receipt of some privileges or the acquisition of material independence.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

  • Being deceived in a dream- this is a signal warning you about a mistake. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that in reality someone is leading you by the nose; the error may lie in your own calculations and plans.
  • Deceive someone yourself in a dream- also means that you made some mistakes that could cost you quite a lot. The dream also says that you are aware of the mistakes you have made, but hope to get through it. Your feelings and mood in the dream can tell you whether it will work out.

Modern combined dream book

  • If you dream that you deceived someone- in reality you will deceive your boss for personal gain. In addition, you will plunge into a whirlpool of dubious pleasures, which will not have the best effect on your reputation.
  • If you dream that you have become a victim of deception- Enemies will try in vain to disgrace you and cause you harm.
  • A dream in which you accuse someone of cheating- means that you will be offered a high honorary post.

Complete dream book of the New Era

  • Deception- reflection of thoughts about deception. A reflection of the desire to deceive. A reflection of the fear of being deceived.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • A dream in which you were a victim of deception-, means that in reality they will try to slip you a low-quality or stale product. If you are weighed down or shortchanged in a store- this means that in real life you will suffer significant losses.
  • If your partner turns out to be a deceiver- this threatens a temporary downturn in business.
  • A dream where you catch your husband or lover cheating- in reality you are too demanding of them, unable to be lenient towards small human weaknesses, forgivable for every man.
  • If you are caught cheating- in reality, selfish aspirations will turn out to be their unpleasant side for you.
  • Deceive not for profit, but with the best intentions- they will point out your mistakes and mistakes, which will be perceived by you as a personal insult.
  • Deception at card game - portends a quarrel with a loved one, which can lead to a complete break in the relationship.

Why does a woman dream of Deception (according to the dream book of Natalya Stepanova)

You are faced with deception; the dream warns that in reality someone is actively trying to prevent you from being happy. If a young man dreams that he has fallen into a trap set by a cheating swindler, he will be separated from his beloved due to a stupid misunderstanding. You are trying to deceive someone, which means that in the near future you will have to play the role of a seducer pursuing selfish goals.

It foreshadows the receipt of some privileges or the acquisition of material independence - this is the meaning of what this dream means. Fraud – If you were deceived in a dream, you will soon encounter people who will try to block your path to success. Deception – difficulties in achieving the goal. To deceive someone yourself is greed.

Why do you dream of Deception in a dream (Miller's Dream Book)

Deception, fraud - To dream that you are being deceived in business means that you will encounter people who will strive to block your path to success. For young people to see that they are being beaten by cheaters, foretells that they will part with their lovers due to ridiculous misunderstandings.

Seeing him in a dream indicates witchcraft, lies, deceit and domination and dominion by enemies. To dream that you are being deceived in business means that you will soon encounter people who will strive to block your path to success. If young people dreamed that they were being beaten by cheaters, this portends that they will part with their lovers due to ridiculous misunderstandings.

The meaning of a dream about Lies (dream book-interpreter S. Karatov)

To dream that someone has deceived you means that soon fate will put you in a situation in which you simply cannot trust anyone. If you are a deceiver in a dream, then this warns you against ill-considered actions, the consequences of which could be destructive for your friendship or love. Interpretation of the dream: Deceiver - As an archetype - deception, trick, blunder, betrayal, loss, ridicule.

To deceive someone in a dream means that someone is trying to prevent you from achieving your goals by putting obstacles in your way. Are you deliberately depriving yourself of chances out of fear of failure or success, which can be just as scary) or competition, or are you afraid of a sense of completion because once you achieve that goal you will have nothing left to conquer.

The meaning of a dream about Fiction (Jewish Dream Book)

Deception - To discover deception means that in the coming days you will witness an unusual and difficult to explain incident. WALLPAPER Paste new light wallpaper For a brunette - to significant changes in life. For a blonde - to significant changes in life. Pasting new wallpaper For an elderly woman - to improve well-being. For a man - to clumsy and insufficiently energetic, and therefore unsuccessful attempts to achieve something.

What does a dreamed image mean (according to the British Dream Book)

What is deception and fake? Your subconscious mind warns: what you took for real is actually a deception that may be harmful to you personally, to your reputation, work, or someone you know. Or you yourself can be a source of deception and falsehood. What in the dream was a deception? Has someone lied to you or tried to pass off a fake as the real thing?

In the second case, what did this object represent: a person, something valuable to you, or something you would like to own? Think about what your subconscious is telling you. Have you been a deceiver yourself? Have you tried to be someone other than you are in reality? Were you exposed in a dream? Assess the consequences if the deception remains undetected. Maybe it's safer to tell the truth.