Esoteric relationship between men and women. About the true relationship between a Man and a Woman (Esoterica, bioenergetics)

18.07.2019 Education

Everything obeys the universal plan and certain laws. Love and relationships with the opposite sex can bring harmony and happiness to life, or they can fill it with suffering and pain. Why is this happening? The relationship between a man and a woman, esotericism divides into three types:

  • karmic;
  • related;
  • spiritual.

Each type of relationship is based on the experience of past incarnations and appears in life with a specific purpose.

Karmic and family relationships

Karmic relationships are a lesson of fate, they are sent for the development of a person. Stormy and exciting, they are always accompanied by strong emotions. Their distinctive features are:

  1. Tie up quickly and unexpectedly. Sudden passion, love at first sight, a kaleidoscope of strongest emotions and feelings are the main characteristics of a karmic meeting.
  2. Accompanied by a difficult situation. This may mean that there are strong feelings between the partners, but there is no mutual understanding, or one of them is married. Karmic relationships can be complicated by the absence of children, the illness of one of the partners, or drug addiction.
  3. Inevitably arise between people. It is almost impossible to break such a connection if the lesson of fate is not learned. Karmic bonds are fatal, they cannot be avoided, even if there are many obstacles.

Finding harmony and happiness in such relationships can be very difficult. It is better to try to comprehend all the negative points, work on yourself and let go of resentment, fear and hatred. After that, the karmic connection will break, and you will be able to move towards your spiritual soul mate.

family relations men and women are calm and reliable, esotericism explains their closeness in past incarnations. People who were connected by family ties in past lives were attracted in the present. Such relationships, as a rule, are filled with mutual understanding, respect and warmth. Partners go through life together, have common goals and interests. In a couple, they learn and develop, acquire new qualities and look for their destiny. Family relationships are comfortable and stable, but there is no true love and spiritual closeness in them. In such a connection, one cannot achieve the highest happiness and the full disclosure of love potential. If such relationships are present in life, then you or your spiritual half are not yet ready for a meeting.

Spiritual relationships: the search for a star half

Spiritual relationships or star halves are a harmonious connection of two opposites. There is no storm of emotions and passions, scandals, jealousy and quarrels in it. Two completely different people just feel good together. The key point of such a connection is mutual complementation. Everyone has their own vision of the world and a set of certain qualities. Halves learn from each other, exchange energy and constantly communicate. There is no leader in spiritual relations, a man and a woman are equal partners and each is strong in a certain area. In such a pair, a person experiences true bliss and moves towards spiritual perfection.

The spiritual relationship of a man and a woman, says esotericism, is a rather rare phenomenon, and for the following reasons:

  1. One of the partners is not ready for them. In order to connect with your soul mate, you need to go through various trials, learn the cruel lessons of life and develop your consciousness.
  2. different life goals. The meeting of spiritual partners occurs only when both realize its importance. If someone's life goals are oriented, the reunion will not happen.

When meeting with their soul mate, people experience a powerful spiritual surge, after which they can no longer part and go through life together.

I do not know how many of us believe in magic, but there are some nuances of esoteric faith that find justification in real life. life. And now I'm talking about love.

So, esotericists believe that there are only 3 types of relationships between a man and a woman, which we, ordinary people, call "love."
They are divided into 3 types, and they are very easy to recognize. Test yourself or your past experience...

1. Related.
So you understand each other as brother and sister. Love goes out with time, but you still feel that you should help each other, support. Passion leaves you over the years, you no longer give each other gifts, do not go on dates (or do it without much enthusiasm), do not hold hands. But don't quarrel either.

Relationships of people who in past lives were relatives to each other
. Since both are close, they were attracted in this life and accepted each other for love, because they have a lot in common. Often, relatives live a normal life together, but, alas, there is no true love, the attraction of opposites, the peak of the disclosure of love potential in these relationships. But there is mutual understanding, support, warmth.

2. Karmic.
You fell in love and it was like a whirlwind. Everything is there: passion, and deep feelings, and trembling in the knees, and butterflies in the stomach
. But there is no one - consent. You are dating a married, or maybe just an inappropriate person who simply refuses to understand you. He loves, he doesn't love. You are either happy or you are suffering. Tears in the pillow, stormy quarrels with no less stormy reconciliations, flowers, oaths, promises ... But something seems to prevent you from living in peace, not making claims against each other. What exactly?

Relationships sent to teach you something
. In such relationships, partners suffer and suffer, but after them they grow up, become more calm and loyal. Karmic relationships often resemble crazy love, but only they are seasoned with a large dose of tears: after all, their task is to teach a person to fight with himself and with his passions.

3. Starry.
Few experienced this gift of fate.
But if a person goes to his goal, he has a pure heart, consciousness and thoughts ... Then you suddenly meet someone and feel something new. This is not a storm of emotions, passions and other boils. It is a paradise. A person understands you, supports you, moves you forward, while being your FULL OPPOSITE. You cannot understand at all why the soul of the company fell in love with you, so quiet and modest, and makes you so happy. Sex in such a pair opens the gates of heaven. Their love is so strong that they do not even think of doubting each other, being jealous, scandalous. They just feel good together as much as a person on earth can be.

The relationship of the two halves. Parts of souls that were once separated unite and the soul becomes whole
. Moreover, the main difference between these relations is that they are not stormy, but absolutely calm. With the help of them, a person moves towards spiritual perfection.

Do you believe in it?
Of course, I am far from esotericism, but this theory is very much like life.


Each person is born under his own zodiac sign, and their attitudes towards certain things are different. When talking about love, everyone means something different.

Compatibility of partners according to zodiac signs

Aries believe that love is simply necessary in life. And so he always accepts her with joy, though he doesn’t really understand how exactly she needs to be returned, although he doesn’t mind giving his love at all.

love for Taurus It's just physical affection. He expects only happiness and pleasure from love, and he is not interested in its real meaning and value. Gemini enjoys love, but at the same time it fetters them. But when love begins to interfere with their freedom, the Gemini, without hesitation, refuse it.

Concerning crayfish For them, love always comes first. Their love is always connected with the house. Here it is important to know the compatibility of the zodiac signs in order to find a partner who will appreciate the love of Cancers.

love for Lviv is the embodiment of the ideals of beauty. The lion loves only himself. He also likes to show his generosity, and therefore gives love to others, while receiving great pleasure. Usually this zodiac sign expects respect and appreciation from his loved ones, but he does not fully understand the essence of self-sacrifice.

For love Virgin they give up their self and direct their energy to a working way. This sign prefers to keep the meaning of love a secret, although it is capable of tender and devoted feelings.

love for Libra- this is not the most important thing in life, but not in the last place. They love, but at the same time, they do not know why they need it.

scorpions love completely absorbs. This sign is tormented at the same time by defeat and desire, he tries in every possible way to combine spiritual and physical love, purity and lust. But as soon as the desire is quenched, he wants more.

Speaking of Sagittarius, you can say that they are idealists in love. They choose either all or nothing. Perhaps that is why reality can often hurt them. Sometimes they cannot find love, although it is actually in their heart.

Capricorn they perceive love quite calmly, they consider this feeling just an exchange of pleasantries, moreover, not binding to anything. Love for them is not only violent emotions.

And here Aquarius love is studied, carefully studied, for them it is something completely incomprehensible. People born under this sign clearly follow all the changes in love, but if they start mixing with friendship, they can destroy this feeling. Physical pleasure does not give Aquarius complete joy from what is happening, because the mystery of unity for him remains unsolved. At the same time, on an emotional level, he feels sad and devastated.

Fish give all the love to their partners, disinterestedly obeying them. They choose not to order their loved ones, but to serve them, not to receive, but to give. Pisces are very careful, none of them wants to get hooked and at the same time bind themselves with obligations. But if, nevertheless, the representative of Pisces was not afraid to feel true love, then as a result he will know the whole mystery of love.

Levels of manifestation of bioenergetics in relations between a man and a woman

The relationship between a man and a woman occurs at three levels of manifestation of bioenergetics - at the level of sexual instinct, bioenergetic exchange and mental energy. Each of them may or may not have an energy resonance. We will be convinced of this, operating with everyday facts. We take them for granted, rarely reflecting on their essence.
1. The level of sexual instinct. Here the biological program of sexual behavior is realized. Its driving force is the accumulated energy of sexual need (potency) - libido. The body needs emotional and energy discharge, because it brings relief nervous system. This prosaic fact is the physiological mechanism of sexual satisfaction. When he and she are strangers and have sexual intercourse only on a whim, there is a short-term resonance of libido energy. This is a purely animal level of relations between a male and female individual, which ensures the functional state of the body. The realization of the sexual instinct is good for health. The program of species reproduction is biologically linked to human health: it is carried out under the influence of the need for health, and not only the need to continue life. The realization of the sexual instinct is such an important element in the life of an animal, including man, that it is articulated with the instinct of aggression, another powerful source of emotional energy. In most cases - especially in males - sexual reactions are aggressive. It can be said the other way around: in males, afesia coexists perfectly with sexuality. The instinctive beginning, in the indicated sense, is present in any intimate contact between a man and a woman. Nevertheless, in a "pure form" the sexual instinct is rarely manifested. For example, as a result of prolonged abstinence. From physiology it is known that with a long non-fulfillment of any instinctive action - in this case sexual intercourse - the threshold of irritation decreases. This phenomenon is so widespread and natural that folk wisdom long ago she got used to it and clothed it in a simple form of saying: "If necessary, the devil will eat a fly." Goethe expressed the same pattern in the words of Mephistopheles: "With poison in your veins, you will certainly see Helen in anyone." The so-called accidental connection is usually explained by instinctive impulse. One or both partners succumb to the influence of unbridled desire, after which one or both experience complete indifference or even disgust towards each other. In the realization of the sexual instinct, the energy of the libido is discharged. It is unlikely that bioenergetic exchange takes place and psychic energy does not participate at all. But psychic energy can be the result of a primitive satisfaction of desire, if a person tries to comprehend a momentary impulse. Suppose, thinking about what happened, he finds something to be glad about: he acted boldly, punished someone else with his action, etc. These and other manifestations of the ideal have psychic energy. Its source, in this case, is the post-sexual manifestation of personality. It is unlikely that any other animal, except for man, is capable of such a thing. Thus, the realization of libido energy can lead to the appearance of psychic energy.

2. Level of bioenergetic exchange. At this level, there is a general orientation in the partner's information-energy field: he is "one's own" or "alien". Usually a person has a preference for representatives of the other sex of a certain type. Almost each of us has "his" type of sexual partner in general and in detail. "Own" type of face, which attracts attention more often than others. "Own" type of figure that causes excitement. "Own" smell, which seems "native" and pleasant. "Own" colors. There are men who, under any circumstances, will give their choice to women who are elegant, fragile, tender and do not pay any attention to full ones. There are other male preferences: in accordance with them, a woman should be in the body, with magnificent breasts. There are many such representatives of the male sex, for whom the details are not at all important - any woman cares. Something similar happens when blood is combined: the first group is compatible with the first, the second with the second, but there is a group that is compatible with any variant. Similarly, almost every woman has specific information and energy preferences. And when "their" type comes into view, its energy activates the "mechanism" known to us: the ranges of mental reflection expand, the "screen" of perception is activated, the image of the object that attracted attention is clearly fixed. An invisible bioenergetic force revitalizes the libido. If it is "one's own", its energy evokes positive emotions - psychological comfort. Then his biofield "attracts". If the partner also experiences a similar state, an energy resonance occurs. Mutual energy attraction gives partners a special unconscious feeling of "energy unity". Between a man and a woman there is a bioenergetic exchange - "pumping" of energy from one to another. The partner remains "their own" as long as his biofield provides psychological comfort. He becomes more and more "alien" with the growth of psychological discomfort in his presence. Thus, the positive emotional-energetic state experienced by partners is a criterion of bioenergetic resonance between them. Probably, this is also still an animal type of relationship, a natural reaction of male and female individuals to each other. There is an unconscious selection of a couple on the basis of bioenergetic compatibility. For a preliminary orientation in each other's bioenergetics, a moment is enough. The exchange of handshakes, glances, meaningless phrases, light touch to each other - all these are quite informative forms of "short circuit". "Own" energy type is recognized immediately. Remember how it happens: you pass by a representative of the opposite sex, and you are like a wave of his energy. When resonance is reached, the partner feels the same. Perhaps this is your incorruptible case, do not miss it. But the rules of decency or other considerations do not allow both of you to turn around and rush towards each other. The most banal thing is that an attractive partner has already made his choice: "But the two of you, you are not with me." Nature, offering people its energy test, acts unobtrusively and unmistakably. And we are guided, alas, by some established restrictions, prejudices, that is, ideal. The energy of the ideal is capable of exerting a controlling influence in determining "one's own" or "alien" according to a bioenergetic attribute. From this moment, not nature, but PERSONALITY begins to act.
3. The level of mental energy. At this level, the perception and evaluation of a representative of the opposite sex occurs with the participation of different components of the personality. In terms of energy, a person is a complex combination of energies of various manifestations of the ideal. As we know, the ideal content of the psyche includes worldviews, beliefs, moral principles, habits, innate and acquired character traits, knowledge and experience, intellect, prevailing states and moods. These and other manifestations of the ideal have energy and, of course, are reflected by representatives of the opposite sex. The energy of personality is the most important and completely independent part of the human biofield. Where the personality acts, there is the least automatism and the most prudence. Personality mediates the perception of the bioenergetics of a representative of the opposite sex. The result may be different. NATURE prompts: "this is your own" - the partner's bioenergetics delivers psychological comfort. But PERSONALITY shows caution and imposes (sometimes quite reasonably) a different choice: "this is a stranger" - he is of a different social stratum, he is too smart or stupid, seems dishonorable, looks at life in a simplified way, his parents or friends will not like him, he is out of date, etc. e. A different situation is possible. Bioenergetics diagnoses: “This is a stranger,” and at the same time, psychic energy dictates: “this is the person that needs to be accepted” - he is promising, his relatives will love him, he is well-read, he looks good for his age, he has money, with such you will be lost, etc. A tense struggle ensues between bioenergetics and psychic energy; wins the most powerful force. Bioenergy triumphs if someone confesses: "I know that this is not a worthy person, but I love him and I can't do anything about it." It is precisely this ratio of libido and psychic energy that explains the feeling for the antisocial type of man and woman. It is not so rare that love arises for an obviously pathological person. There is a phenomenon of "pathological attractiveness" - there are men and women with signs of an anomaly, but it is precisely these qualities that sensitize a certain category of partners. By the way, this is also observed in the field of political preferences: a clearly pathological personality collects a significant number of votes. Psychic energy wins if the following words are heard: "I am not attracted to this person at all, but I obey the voice of reason - you can live with him without thinking about anything." Best Option when the mutual bioenergetic attraction of another is accompanied by a resonance at the level of psychic energies. This is the state of mutual love.

Most of the differences between woman and man appeared as a result of thousands of years of conditioning. These differences do not play a decisive role in nature, but there are several differences that give them a unique beauty and personality. It is very easy to list them.

One of them is that a woman, unlike a man, can give rise to a new life. In this sense, a man occupies a subordinate position, and this submission has played a large role in the dominance of a man over a woman. The inferiority complex manifests itself as follows: a man claims his superiority, deceiving himself and the whole world. For centuries, man has suppressed the genius, talent and abilities of a woman in order to prove to himself and the whole world that he is superior to her.

Due to the fact that a woman carries and gives birth to a child, for nine months or more, she remains very vulnerable and needs the protection of a man. This was used by men in the most disgusting way. But here the difference is only physiological, it is not at all fundamental.

The man distorted the psychology of the woman, making her his slave, deceiving her, turning her into a minor being on the scale of the entire planet. And the reason for this is that the man has more developed muscles. But muscle strength is a sign of belonging to the animal world. If only it defines superiority, then any animal should be superior to man, since it is more muscular.

But still, there are true differences between a man and a woman, and we need to find them among the many far-fetched differences. One of them, in my opinion, is that a woman is capable of a deeper feeling than a man. A man's love, unlike a woman's love, comes down more to a physiological need. A woman's love is stronger and higher, it is filled with spirituality. That is why a woman is monogamous and a man is polygamous. A man would like to possess all the women of the world, and still he would not be satisfied. His dissatisfaction is boundless.

A woman can be happy, completely satisfied with one man, because she does not look at his body, she is interested in his spiritual qualities. She falls in love not with someone who has well-developed muscles, but with someone who has charisma, something inexplicable, but incredibly attractive, with someone whose secret you want to know. A woman wants her chosen one to be not just a man, she wants him to be an adventure on the path to awareness.

Sexually, a man is very weak, he can only have one orgasm. A woman is infinitely superior to him, she is able to experience multiple orgasms. This question turned out to be the most painful. A man experiences a local orgasm, which comes down to sensations only in the genital area. The orgasm of a woman, unlike a man's, is comprehensive, it is not limited to local sensations. Her whole body is sexy; she is able to experience unique orgasmic sensations that are a thousand times stronger, deeper, richer and brighter than that of a man.

But the tragedy is that the woman's body needs to be prepared, and the man is not interested in it, he was never interested in it. He has always used the woman as a living machine to relieve his sexual tension. The man fits in just a few seconds. But the woman by this time still does not begin to experience any sensations. After intimacy, the man turns on his side and falls asleep. Sexual release promotes good sleep, he relaxes, all tension disappears after sexual activity. And every woman cries when she sees it. She hadn't even had time to feel anything yet, she hadn't even had time to move. It was simply used, and this is the most vile feeling in life when you are used as a thing, as a mechanism, as an object. She cannot forgive a man for such an attitude towards herself.

In order to enable a woman to fully experience an orgasm, a man needs to learn foreplay, a preliminary love game, he should not rush to fall asleep. His love should be akin to art. For intimate meetings, you need to have a special place, a temple of love, where the air is filled with incense, where there is no bright light, where only candles burn. You need to approach a woman only in a beautiful, cheerful mood in order to share bliss with her. But it often happens that before an intimate meeting, a man and a woman quarrel with each other. It poisons love. Love is like a kind of ceasefire agreement, at least for this evening. Otherwise, it is a bribe, a deceit.

A man should have sex like an artist paints a picture: when the heart overflows desire; or like a poet composing a poem, or a musician playing beautiful music. A woman's body should be treated like a musical instrument; that is what it is. When a man feels joy, then sex no longer becomes just relaxation, relaxation, sleeping pills. He is playing a love game. He dances with a woman, he sings with her to the vibrations of beautiful music in a temple of love filled with his favorite incense. Love must be something sacred. Until love becomes sacred, there will be nothing sacred in ordinary life. And this will be the beginning of achieving what is called superconsciousness.

Love does not tolerate violence, it does not depend on the efforts of man. It should not come from the mind at all: one plays, dances, sings, enjoys; love is part of infinite joy. Love is beautiful when it comes by itself. Only free love blossoms. Violent love is ugly.

The position when a man is on top of a woman is called missionary. In the East, they have long realized the ugliness of this posture - a man is heavier, taller, more muscular, he will simply crush a fragile creature. In the East it was always the other way around: the woman was on top. Pressed down by the weight of a man, a woman loses her ability to move. Only he moves, reaching orgasm in a few seconds, and the woman gets only tears. She was a partner, but did not participate. She was just being used.

When a woman is on top, she is more mobile than a man, and this contributes to the fact that the time of onset of orgasm for both will be approximately the same. When both experience orgasmic sensations, something beyond happens. These are the first glimpses of samadhi; this is the first proof that man consists of more than just a body. He forgets the body, he forgets the world. Both, both the man and the woman, are moving into a new, previously unknown dimension.

A woman is capable of multiple orgasms, so a man needs to be as calm as possible. But in reality, he is in such a hurry in everything that he only ruins everything with this haste. He needs to be very relaxed so that his partner can achieve multiple orgasms. He should strive to experience an orgasm at the very end, when the woman has already reached the peak of arousal. It's just a matter of understanding.

These differences are natural; they have nothing to do with prejudice. There are also other differences. For example, a woman is more spiritual than a man... She is more calm, more patient, peaceful, she is able to wait. It may well be that thanks to these qualities, a woman has a higher resistance to disease, and therefore she lives longer. With her serenity and sophistication, a woman perfectly complements a man. She can surround him with an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility. But a man is afraid, he does not want to be surrounded by the atmosphere of a woman, he does not want her to create comfort and warmth around him. This is due to the fear of being addicted to it. Therefore, for centuries, a man kept a woman at a distance. He is frightened, because deep down he realizes that a woman is more significant for nature. She is able to give new life. It was her, and not the man, that nature chose to procreate.

The role of men in reproductive matters is reduced to almost zero. Such inferiority led to the appearance of the biggest problem: the man began to clip the woman's wings. He began to resort to any means of humiliation, condemnation of a woman in order to maintain at least the belief that he was superior to her. A man has always treated a woman like a livestock, even worse. For thousands of years in China, it was believed that a woman has no soul, so a husband could take her life with impunity, because she was his property. He could destroy his furniture, it wasn't against the law. In the same way, he could destroy his woman, the law did not forbid it. The highest insult for a woman is the statement that she has no soul.

A man deprived a woman of the opportunity to get an education, made her financially dependent on himself. Fear forced him to forbid her to lead an active lifestyle in society. He knows that she is superior to him, he knows that she is beautiful, he knows that it is dangerous to give her independence. Therefore, for centuries, a woman was dependent on a man. A Muslim woman must hide her face so that no one but her husband can see the beauty of her face, the depth of her eyes.

In Hinduism, a woman must die after her husband. What great jealousy! You have owned it all your life, but even after your death you want to possess it. You are scared. She's beautiful, and after you die, anything can happen. She may find another partner, perhaps even more worthy than you. Therefore, the sati system has dominated for centuries, and this is the most disgusting thing that the imagination can draw.

The man is very selfish. That's why I call him a chauvinist. This society was created by a man, there is no place for a woman in it. A woman has unique qualities! For example, if a man has the ability to intellectual work, then a woman is gifted with the ability to love. This does not mean that she is not able to engage in intellectual work, it is within her power, it is simply necessary to give her the opportunity to develop her intellect. But the ability to love is given to a woman from birth, she has more compassion, kindness, understanding ... A man and a woman are two strings of the same harp, and when they are separated, both suffer. Because of this suffering and misunderstanding of its true cause, they begin to take revenge on each other.

The role of women in creating a harmonious society can hardly be overestimated. She is different from a man, but not inferior to him. She is equal to him just like any other man. Her unique abilities are much needed. It is not enough to earn money, it is not enough to achieve success in society, it is more important to have a beautiful home, and a woman can turn into home any house. She can fill him with love, she has such a talent. She can make a man younger, help him relax.

In the Upanishads one finds a very strange instruction to young married couples. The newly-married couple comes to the interpreter of the Upanishads, and he gives them a blessing. He addresses the girl with the words: "I hope you will become the mother of ten children, and your husband will be your eleventh child. Until you become a mother to your husband, you will not be able to be his faithful wife." Very strange words, but they give the key to understanding modern human psychology: every man looks for his mother in a woman, and every woman looks for a father in a man.

That's why marriages are so bad: in marriage you can't find your mother. You married a woman who came to your house not to be your mother, she wants to be your wife, your mistress. But the blessing of the Upanishads, which is already five or six thousand years old, explains the phenomenon of modern psychology. To a woman, whoever she may be, nature assigned the role of a mother. The institution of paternity is far-fetched, it is unnatural... But the mother remains indispensable. Scientists conducted an experiment: they provided newborns with everything they needed - food, medicine, proper care ... according to the latest achievements of various branches of science, but, oddly enough, the children became ill and even died after three months. In the course of this experiment, it was found that the body of the mother, her warmth, is absolutely indispensable for the development of a new life. In such a gigantic cold universe, the warmth of a mother is absolutely necessary for the survival of the child, otherwise he will feel abandoned. He will get sick and die...

There is no need for a man to feel humiliated next to a woman. The comparison itself appears because a man and a woman are treated as two different beings. But they belong to the same humanity, their qualities complement each other. They need each other; and only together they form a single harmonious whole. Life must be taken calmly. Differences are not contradictions. They can help each other and greatly enhance each other. A woman in love with you can help increase your creativity, can inspire you to such heights that you never even dreamed of. And she asks for nothing in return. She just needs your love, and this is her natural right.

Many of the differences between women and men are due to conditioning. Differences must be maintained, for they are what make a man and a woman attractive to each other, but they cannot be used to condemn each other. I would like a man and a woman to turn into an organic whole, remaining at the same time absolutely free, because love never turns into bondage, it gives freedom. Then we can improve the world. Half of the planet has not been allowed to express itself, and this female half has a huge reserve of energy in order to change the world. She would turn the world into a blooming paradise.

A woman needs to find her own potential in her soul and develop it, then she will have a wonderful future. Men and women cannot be compared, they are unique. The meeting of two unique beings creates a miracle.