What are the health benefits of badminton? Badminton section for children, its benefits

21.06.2019 Trips

Any sport benefits the person who practices it. Any sport puts the body into action, which forces all organs to work and ensures high performance. Sport has occupied a serious niche in our lives. It can be practiced in special rooms, outdoors, at home, as well as in offices. Sports have become accessible to anyone. No exception and one of the most dynamic views sport - badminton. What are the main advantages of playing badminton, both amateur and professional?

Weight loss

The first benefit of badminton is reducing excess weight. When practicing badminton, you can lose significant weight, and most importantly, lose weight by taking the same amount of food, i.e. don't go on diets. Since the game is very dynamic and you have to run a lot, a lot of energy will be burned a large number of, which in turn will stimulate weight loss. At the beginning of your training, you will sweat a lot, then this process will stabilize and there will be an increase (albeit small) in muscle mass. As a rule, men lose weight very quickly, because they always strive to win and have a slightly different body from women. Women will need more time to lose weight, I would say they need more passion and passion for the game. I am sure that you will be able to lose weight. How many? Depends on your desire.

Stress relief

The second benefit of badminton is the release of tension or stress. This sport is perfect for people working in noisy enterprises, as well as for office workers, and not only - it is suitable for all people who want to relax and have a good time. It will raise self-esteem and give confidence. Badminton will also help emotional people who have nowhere to put their energy. In badminton you will have to fight for every point, emotions will overwhelm you, especially at the end of the game, I assure you. Stress relief is guaranteed, even in the first lesson.


The third benefit of badminton is... I think you can guess it yourself. The shuttlecock's flight reaches speeds of 300 or even 400 km/h, i.e. you have to quickly make a decision for further play. The speed of decision-making is a fraction of a second; the brain must generate solutions to problems posed on the site. Moreover, you must not only make decisions quickly, but they must be correct so as not to give a point to your opponent. Thus, playing badminton forces you to think quickly and take right decisions. This ability will be useful in any area of ​​life.

Health improvement

Beneficial effects on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are the fourth benefit. Badminton will force the body to work harder and in a precise rhythm. At first, shortness of breath may occur, but with more training and experience, the body will feel the rhythm and will be able to adapt and help you if there are problems with these systems. A little advice - if you feel shortness of breath, do not try to play more intensely in order to forget about it, it is best to let your body get used to it, i.e. don't burden yourself, relax. You should not immediately sit on the bench; it is best to walk quietly to restore your breathing.

Increased Agility

The fifth advantage is a significant increase in your dexterity. Badminton agility training will improve with each training session. During the first training sessions, the games will take place at a slow speed, the speed of the shuttlecock's flight is insignificant, but it will seem to you that the shuttlecock is flying quickly. You will have to quickly “leave” the shuttlecock and quickly “go out” to it. Next, you will experience more intense training with players who have been practicing this sport for several days. The shuttlecock's flight speed reaches 150 km/h. After increasing dexterity, you will have to play with athletes, here the shuttlecock speed will reach 400 km/h. The ability to react quickly in the game will increase the possibility of winning.

Increased muscle mass

The sixth benefit of badminton is an increase in muscles and the acquisition of muscle definition. There is no point in dwelling on this point for a long time, since intense training and dynamic play will help you acquire the desired figure. I would like to add that when playing badminton, an average of 500 calories are burned in 1 hour of play. The legs, torso and dominant arm are most involved.

A lot of positive

The seventh benefit and far from the last is receiving positive emotions from the game. You yourself will feel how pleasant it becomes after finishing the game, your emotions will overwhelm you. It’s hard to put into words – it’s worth trying for yourself. A friendly team, playing with a partner or with your family will make you smile more than once and rejoice at your success.

These are not all the benefits that badminton provides. They can be discussed for a long time and new ones added to them, in order to feel everything that badminton gives you need to take up it. Are you still sitting idle? Take action and you will succeed!

Badminton is very similar to tennis, but with the least energy and financial costs. If you are going to go out of town with friends, be sure to take rackets and shuttlecock with you. There may be two or four participants in an exciting match. Next, we will tell you why playing badminton is good for your health.

A good alternative to crosses

When you play badminton, your body is constantly in motion, lunging, bending and jumping. On average, badminton sessions burn up to 450 calories per hour. This kind of training can be classified as cardio exercise and is an excellent alternative to cross-country running.

Improved coordination of movements

Training with a racket perfectly stimulates coordination of movements, increases reaction speed and improves reflexes. In addition, during the game, players try to predict their opponent’s actions, which helps develop thinking.

Muscle tone

When playing badminton, you work your quadriceps, calves, glutes, and hamstrings. In addition, the muscles of the arms and back are actively involved in the game.

Psychological Benefits

The benefits of playing with shuttlecock and rackets extend beyond the physical aspects. Gaming helps reduce stress and anxiety and increases endorphin levels. These neurotransmitters are responsible for improving mood and sound sleep.

Social health

Badminton cannot be played alone; you will need at least one opponent. Social interactions improve overall well-being and influence happiness.

Disease Prevention

Like all forms of intense exercise, badminton eliminates the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and obesity. The shuttlecock and racket in your hands help reduce the level of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Flexibility and muscle strength

The more you move, the more flexible your body becomes. When playing badminton, you can never predict what moves you will make in the next second. And the more often you play with your buddies, the more likely you are to improve your muscle strength and endurance.


As people age, their mobility begins to become limited. However, sport helps prevent Negative consequences sedentary lifestyle. Badminton makes your joints produce lubrication, which prevents the development of arthritis and other musculoskeletal diseases.

Weight loss

The shuttlecock and racket do a good job of increasing the speed of metabolic processes in the body. In combination with proper nutrition badminton gives you the opportunity to maintain a healthy weight.

Reducing sugar levels

This sport can reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. This discovery was made by scientists conducting a study on a diabetes prevention program. Surprisingly, badminton reduces the risk of developing the disease even more effectively than medications.

In this article we will tell you everything that parents who decide to send their child to badminton need to know. You will find out: what age is best to start classes? Which ones exist? medical contraindications? How much will the training cost? And how to choose a badminton section?

Badminton has its origins in ancient game in the shuttlecock, which originated before our era. It came to Europe from India only in 1873 thanks to the Duke of Beaufort. By the way, this game got its name in honor of his English estate Badminton House. In 1934, the International Badminton Federation appeared, and in 1992 it was included in the program of the Olympic Games.

Badminton is played individually or in pairs. The main task of a player or pair is to reflect the shuttlecock with a racket, so that it returns to the opponent’s field and falls to the ground, and is not reflected again.

From what age?

Badminton for children

Badminton is a fairly energetic game, but it is also low-traumatic. During badminton lessons, children develop qualities such as agility, endurance, flexibility, and speed and strength.

Children are most often accepted into the badminton section from the age of 8. In some cases, classes begin at the age of 10-12 in the preparatory group.

Typically, the training program includes practical and theoretical classes. In addition to exercises that are aimed at developing general physical training, children perform special exercises, and the training program also includes outdoor games.

It is worth saying that children preschool age It is more difficult to comprehend the basics of badminton than for schoolchildren. Therefore, you shouldn’t rush too much; at an early age, your child can be introduced to family games of badminton, if, of course, you play it. But it’s best to start serious, regular classes at school.

Medical contraindications

All sports have their contraindications. Badminton is no exception. Before sending your child to the section, pay attention to the absence of the following health problems:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (scoliosis, problems with knee joints);
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • respiratory diseases.

Before you start playing badminton, be sure to consult with your pediatrician and get a certificate from him authorizing you to play this sport.

Girls and boys

Badminton training

Badminton is equally suitable for girls and boys. In this sport, men and women can play together during competitions.

Classes will have a positive impact on the psycho-emotional development of both sexes. As a result, girls and boys will get a toned figure, an agile, strong and resilient body. At the same time, there is no need to worry that the girl’s shoulders will become too wide; this problem is not typical for badminton players.

In addition, the son or daughter will develop analytical, logical thinking and intuition. It’s not for nothing that badminton is called “racket chess.” The fact is that you need to not only hit the shuttlecock, but also predict the opponent’s actions, think through a flight path in which he will not be able to hit it with his racket. These qualities will undoubtedly be useful to a boy or girl in their studies.

Badminton has many other advantages, and we will talk about them in the next section.


According to researchers at the University of Vienna, badminton ranks 13th among the most useful, safe and effective sports. Indeed, badminton has many advantages. Among them:

  • Improved vision. Unfortunately, the current trend is that children's vision begins to deteriorate at an early age: 3 - 4 years. Badminton is a sport that will help preserve your child's vision. After all, during the game there is a constant training of the eyes: it is necessary to continuously monitor the shuttlecock, which moves at different speeds. This improves blood circulation in the visual organs.
  • Developing a sense of purpose. Badminton is a game that will teach a child to achieve big and small goals. First, he learns to hit the shuttlecock and this can be considered a small goal, then throw it over the net and ensure that the opponent cannot return the serve. Achieving each of these goals undoubtedly brings joy to the young badminton player and teaches him not to be afraid to set goals of varying degrees of difficulty in life.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state and nervous system. It has been noticed that while playing badminton, people are involved in work nervous system, even more than when doing strength sports. The result is good prevention of diseases associated with personality disorders. In addition, children who engage in such active and energetic sports are less susceptible to bad mood than others.
  • Improvement of the body. Badminton has a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels and respiratory organs. As a result of training, lung capacity increases. There are cases where asthmatics went into long-term remission while playing badminton.
  • Toned body. When playing badminton, the muscles that work the most are the legs, abs and arms. Regular training makes them stronger and more prominent.
  • Agility and endurance training. With each new training session, your child will develop these skills more and more. He will learn to reflect a shuttlecock that flies at high speed, and for this he will need agility and endurance.
  • Safe sport. Unlike contact sports, badminton is considered low-impact. Because there is no direct interaction between players, injuries are rare.


Despite the large number of advantages, badminton still has a couple of disadvantages:

  • Disadvantages of badminton for children Badminton for children can result in problems with knee joints, because... they are under enormous pressure. In order to avoid consequences, you must follow the advice of the trainer, follow the technique and train in special shoes.

  • Distortion of the spine. Since badminton often involves one hand, the spine under the influence of asymmetrical stress may have a slope in one direction. This problem most often concerns professional athletes; if you do not have the goal of raising your child to be an Olympic badminton champion, then you don’t have to worry too much about this.

How much do classes cost?

Badminton can be practiced either in a group or individually with a coach. The cost of one group children's training in the capital's sports complexes starts from 350 rubles. A subscription for 12 classes within a month will cost 2500 - 4500 rubles. Individual training will cost 2000 - 4000 rubles.

The Olympic Reserve School is a more budget-friendly and at the same time no less promising option.

In addition to paying for training, you should prepare to spend money on competitions, fees, equipment and equipment. Your shopping list will include:

  • Racket. In sports stores, a children's badminton racket costs an average of 2,000 rubles. By the way, the racket should be selected carefully. You need to carefully look at its length, weight, and material. For beginner athletes, it is best to choose a racket that has average length and weight. When it is already clear what style of play is inherent in a badminton player (aggressive or dynamic), then you can buy a racket that suits his personality. For example, a long racket provides a stronger blow compared to a short one. A heavy one allows you to make a hit that will be difficult to take, but this will require more effort than when using a light racket.
  • Shuttlecock: 700 - 2000 rubles. The main equipment in badminton should be chosen no less carefully. For training, you can use a plastic shuttlecock; for competitions, a feather shuttlecock. Their flight characteristics are slightly different. The weight of the shuttlecock is no less important. The heavier it is, the faster it flies.
  • Sneakers for badminton lessons you can buy for 2500 - 5000 rubles.
  • T-shirt costs 2000 - 3000 rubles.
  • Skirt or shorts have an average price of 2,500 rubles.

How to choose a section?

When choosing a badminton section for children, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Close to home. Badminton training takes a lot of energy. This sport is one of the most energy-intensive. Take care of your child and try to choose the most convenient location for the section. The easier it is for him to get home, the higher the likelihood that the young athlete will have the strength to perform homework. Agree, this is no less important than a successful workout.
  • Trainer. The choice of trainer depends on your goals. If you want greater heights, choose the appropriate coach. What is important is his approach to children, his ability to establish contact, his title, personal achievements in this sport and the achievements of his students. Are you afraid of making a mistake in choosing a badminton coach? Look for reviews on the Internet or ask friends whose children already go to his section.
  • Cost of classes. This criterion directly depends on your financial capabilities. Be sure to take them into account so that your classes bring as much pleasure as possible.

Let's sum it up

Badminton is an active, energetic, intellectual sport. It brings a lot of pleasure to those who do it amateur or professional. It will help your child grow up decisive, developed and strong. But remember that the last word should always belong to the son or daughter. Listen to their opinion. After all, if you have your own motivation, the chances of success will be much greater.

Badminton as a sport is not very widespread in our country and sections for this sport are not common. But as a game for active recreation, badminton is very popular, because the rules of the game are simple, no special equipment is required - you need two special rackets and a shuttlecock, which, by the way, are very inexpensive, you also don’t need to assemble a large team, because this game is played together. Finding a place to play is also not difficult; any flat area will do. Due to its simplicity, both adults and children love this game. But badminton is not only simple and interesting, but also very good for health.

Rules of the game of badminton:
Badminton (as a sport) – sport game, taking place on a special rectangular area divided by a grid. The game involves two or four (played in pairs) players who throw a shuttlecock over the net, hitting it with special rackets. For men, the game goes up to 15 points, for women up to 10.
Badminton, as an active form of recreation (it is also called “beach” badminton) does not require strict adherence to the rules. Most often, people play without a net, simply throwing a shuttlecock to each other, and do not keep score. The pace of the game depends on the age and physical condition of the players.

Benefits of badminton:

  • Like most types of physical activity, badminton helps to generally strengthen the body and increase resistance to various diseases.
  • Badminton increases the body's endurance.
  • Like many outdoor games, it has a hardening effect.
  • Badminton is good for the cardiovascular system and helps reduce the risk of many diseases, including heart attack, stroke and hypertension.
  • Has a positive effect on the respiratory system.
  • Improves the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Various movements, bending, jogging and jumping during the game, help strengthen almost all muscle groups and bones.
  • Badminton is also good for your eyesight, since during the game you have to keep an eye on the ball, and this is very good gymnastics for the eyes.
  • Regular badminton training helps to cope with excess weight. At the same time, do not forget that in order to lose weight and maintain harmony, in addition to physical activity, you must adhere to a healthy diet.
  • Badminton promotes the development of quick thinking.
  • Helps relieve tension, cope with stress and depression.

Badminton contraindications:
For diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, musculoskeletal system or other serious diseases internal organs and systems, you should consult your doctor before starting to play badminton.

Play badminton with pleasure and be healthy!

Most leisure activities for children and adults now do not involve active movement. The game of badminton is a pleasant exception to this rule. On the one hand, this is quite serious look sport, included in the program of the Olympic Games since 1992, and on the other hand, fun and relatively uncomplicated entertainment for the whole family. Today good players They even give badminton lessons, so anyone can learn this game.

Such a different game...

The classic rules of badminton provide for a court of 13.4 x 5.8 meters, in the middle of which there is a net slightly more than 1.5 meters high. In such a game, all competitive elements are present: scoring, the possibility of winning and penalties.

Amateur (beach) badminton usually consists of a leisurely throwing of the shuttlecock from one player to another, not constrained by a net or the boundaries of the playing court. The only thing that needs to be taken into account when choosing a place is more or less flat terrain and the absence of serious obstacles to the game (low branches of trees, nearby roofs where a shuttlecock can fly, etc.).

In the amateur version of the game, success depends more on the player's reaction and dexterity than on the speed of his movement. It can be played without restrictions by anyone who can hold a racket and move around the court - children and the elderly, women and men. But those who play this game seriously assess the load during a game as very high, comparable to tennis or football.

How is badminton good for your health?

The first and most obvious benefit of playing badminton at the amateur level is increased overall body tone, improved appetite and a great mood. In fact, badminton is the complete opposite of everyday activities, thereby positively affecting the entire body. It is especially useful for the following organs and systems:

the cardiovascular system. The amateur level of the game makes it possible to independently regulate the level of cardio load. During exercise, the heart muscle is strengthened, the elasticity of blood vessels increases, and the arterial pressure.

lungs- during physical activity in the fresh air they work much more intensely, oxygen actively enters the blood, stimulating metabolic processes.

muscle corset and bones. Movement in the game is provided by almost all muscle groups, which provides them with intense training. In addition, during the game, the bones receive increased nutrition, which ensures the prevention of osteoporosis.

vision and coordination. The ability to quickly assess the speed and direction of a shuttlecock's flight gives you an excellent eye, and the ability to quickly control your body can be useful in a variety of everyday situations. In addition, watching a moving shuttlecock allows you to relieve eye fatigue that occurs due to static vision and hidden blinking of the monitor.

Active movement ensures excellent mood, sound sleep and increases resistance to infections.

Badminton for weight loss

In terms of its ability to burn calories, amateur badminton is practically not behind jogging and strength exercises in the gym. Surprisingly, the usual summer shuttlecock throwing with short movements and jumps for 40-60 minutes is comparable in energy intensity to a 5-7 kilometer run!

Those who are thinking about more intensive weight loss should look for a badminton club. The loads there are significantly higher, so you should pay attention to contraindications (all categories for which cardio loads, pushing and jumping are limited).

Recently, Australian scientists found out which sports contribute to the longest life expectancy. Among the most useful were tennis, badminton, swimming and aerobics. In this article we will talk about badminton.

Did you know that badminton is the fastest racquet sport? The shuttlecock's flight speed can reach 414 km/h. To play badminton you need high speed, endurance, stamina and stamina than any other racquet sport!

What are the benefits of badminton for a person with diabetes?

Availability- All you need is a pair of rackets, a shuttlecock and a partner.

You can play everywhere- indoors and outdoors, at any time of the year, even in winter. You just need to dress according to the weather.

Benefit. Badminton is a great cardio workout. Such activities also have a positive effect on vision, since during the game you have to keep an eye on the shuttlecock. Badminton develops the vestibular system due to constant bending and turning, and also trains reaction speed.

For all - There are no age restrictions for playing badminton.

Safety. Badminton is one of the safest sports as injuries during training are extremely rare. This is usually a consequence of falls. While playing, you need to constantly accelerate and stop, so choose shoes with non-slip soles that will prevent you from falling.

Are there any contraindications to playing badminton?

  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • Joint diseases requiring limited physical activity
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases
  • Bleeding
  • Acute infectious diseases

How much should you study?

People using insulin and sulfonylureas to control blood glucose levels should be aware of the increased risk of hypoglycemia during badminton practice and have a source of fast carbohydrates with them.

By the way, Berlin athlete Bill Brandes invented speedminton based on elements of badminton, tennis and squash ( abbreviation from English speed badminton) Speedminton is a brand, a registered trademark for the production of equipment for playing speed badminton. This is a new sports game, its main difference from badminton is the absence of a net and its own type of racket and shuttlecock.

A place to play fast badminton can be a park, a gym, tennis courts (both outdoor and indoor), and hangars. All you need to play is a flat, empty area at least 26 meters long and 8 meters wide. The height should be unrestricted to a minimum of 8 meters.

Play for your health! Good luck!

Everyone knows that aerobic exercise provides numerous benefits for health, overall well-being and longevity. Let's look at the main advantages of badminton for our health.

Increased longevity

Scientists have found that for middle-aged people, regular badminton training, which leads to an increase in heart rate and respiratory rate, reduces the risk of death by 23% over the next 20 years and increases a person’s longevity by at least 2 years. It is considered optimal to practice badminton for at least half an hour a day, including a full warm-up of the joints and ligaments.

Reducing cholesterol

The main health benefit of regular badminton training is the reduction of “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein, LDL) and the increase of “good” cholesterol (high-density lipoprotein, HDL). Regular badminton training increases the level of HDL, the “good” cholesterol, while reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol. Since "bad" cholesterol reduces the size of blood vessels, contributing to heart attacks and strokes, lowering its levels has great benefits for your health. Playing badminton maintains the overall tone of our body. Thanks to such training, your heart rate is in Everyday life decreases by several beats per minute, and blood pressure decreases. Both of these effects are beneficial for people with hypertension.

Prevention of heart attacks

Badminton exercises your heart. Badminton exercises help prevent cardiovascular diseases, especially heart attacks. Regular exercise strengthens the heart muscle, lowers blood pressure and protects your blood vessels from narrowing.

Weight loss

Regular badminton practice is beneficial for overweight people, helping them achieve an optimal weight for their height and age. Weight loss occurs due to the extra calories burned while playing badminton. Badminton also helps burn existing body fat while playing for energy. It is worth noting that to achieve optimal weight, it is necessary to combine training with a proper diet.

Prevention of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a very unpleasant bone disease that often occurs in older people and women after menopause. During the disease, bones lose density due to impaired bone metabolism with a predominance of catabolism over bone formation processes, which leads to a decrease in bone strength and an increased risk of fractures. Osteoporosis can be prevented or delayed by playing badminton regularly, as physical activity is one of the main factors that prevents osteoporosis, regardless of a person's age and gender. Playing badminton promotes the active formation of bone cells and helps in the absorption of calcium into bone tissue, thereby strengthening it.

Badminton helps you to be in a good mood, feel strong, motivated and young, helps prevent depression, anxiety, stress and improves your self-esteem.

Badminton is a simple, fun and accessible sport for everyone. Rackets and a shuttlecock will cost you only 200-300 rubles, and the benefits from it will be no less than from a treadmill or exercise bike. Moreover, badminton is great way combine business with pleasure, play with training.

The benefits of badminton

Weight loss. Badminton is about constant movement. Although you move in a very limited space, in half an hour of play you can run up to two kilometers. At the same time, short but explosive runs burn much more calories than even and slow running. Long-term play perfectly develops endurance, and at the same time plasticity.

Muscles. Badminton, to one degree or another, involves almost all muscle groups - from the legs to the shoulders. Of course, you won’t be able to get pumped up with it, but it’s easy to keep your body in shape.

Joints. In addition to muscles, during the game we also develop joints, all at once - knees, elbows, shoulders. The stress on the joints promotes the absorption of calcium by the body and helps resist osteoporosis.

Eyes. Badminton is often recommended by ophthalmologists to people with deteriorating vision. During the game, you need to carefully monitor the shuttlecock, control its trajectory of movement, and this is a good workout for the muscles responsible for focusing vision.

Heart. Like any other cardio exercise, playing badminton strengthens the heart muscle, increases vascular elasticity and normalizes blood pressure, so badminton can be recommended for hypertensive patients.

Breath. A huge advantage of badminton is that the game takes place in the fresh air. During the game, an increased amount of oxygen enters the body, due to which metabolic processes are activated.

How to improve your gaming performance

To make the game as effective as possible, stand a short distance from your opponent. In this case, the game will go much faster, you will move more often and more often, thanks to which you will spend more energy and calories. If there is a badminton court nearby with a net and a marked field, then play on it - firstly, it is more interesting, and secondly, such a game will make you move more.