The best day to shop. Auspicious days for shopping: types of purchases, planning serious financial investments, compiling a lunar shopping calendar, reviews and expert advice

02.08.2019 Sport

One of the most favorite activities for the vast majority of the fair sex is shopping. It allows you to cheer up, gain self-confidence and acquire many new, useful things. This is a very exciting and entertaining process, during which the girls get not only the things they like, but also great pleasure.

Competent shopping is a very complicated matter, requiring great experience and careful preparation. Everything is important here, from choosing a place of sale to determining the optimal day according to the lunar calendar.

It often happens that the purchased new thing does not bring joy, and we quickly lose interest in it, even though the acquisition was very profitable. Such incidents happen, mainly in those cases when we are overcome by a fleeting temptation, and we grab onto the product we like without weighing all the advantages and disadvantages of owning it.

You can eliminate such unpleasant moments by creating plans for all shopping trips and clearly defining the range of goods that you currently need.

An excellent assistant in planning shopping activities will be the lunar shopping calendar for 2018. It provides effective recommendations for the selection of goods and services in accordance with the regulation natural satellite Earth.

Such a work is created by professional astrologers, based on an analysis of the interdependence of the night star and the zodiac constellations. Organization of shopping trips, taking into account the advice of the lunar calendar, will allow you to find exactly those goods that are guaranteed to bring joy and happiness.

The first month of winter will be very successful for shopping and will allow shoppers to get really useful things.

During this period, you can buy almost everything from new cars to simple food. The main limiting factor can only be your home budget.

  • auspicious days for purchases - 10, 12, 15.16, 21, 22, 23, 26, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 2, 3, 5, 9, 14, 20, 25, 29.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11, 13, 17, 18, 19, 24, 27, 28.

Lunar shopping calendar for february 2018

The average month of winter will be a mixed period for the enthusiastic shopper. On the one hand, the lunar cycle in the first decade will favor bargains, but on the other hand, the zodiac constellations will bring their share of negativity into this process, beloved by many.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 1, 4, 8, 9, 12, 18, 19, 20, 24, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 2, 7, 11, 17, 23, 26.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 3, 5, 6, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 25, 28.

Lunar shopping calendar for March 2018

This time will be truly stellar for all lovers of pleasant shopping trips. You can even make impulse purchases, none of these products will become superfluous in your home. Naturally, such a positive trend will sometimes be diluted with negativity, but in general, the month promises to be successful.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 12, 13, 15, 19, 21, 23, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 6, 16, 17, 18.30.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27.

These days you can visit any shopping establishments, but shopping must be approached with great care. The moon in the second month of spring will be under the zodiac signs that affect our emotional state. Thus, in April, astrologers recommend visiting sales points only on days recommended for shopping.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 8, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 27, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, 21, 23, 29, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 4, 5, 6, 7, 14, 17, 19, 24, 25, 26.

Lunar shopping calendar for May 2018

At this time, most astrologers recommend to refrain from unnecessary acquisitions and be wary of their emotional impulses. May 2018 will be the one turning point, when the intense energy of the night luminary will be multiplied by the influence of the zodiac constellations, under the influence of which the Moon will be.

  • Favorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 10, 11, 15, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 16, 17, 18, 24, 26, 29.
  • Neutral days for shopping -6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23, 30.

Lunar shopping calendar for June 2018

This month, each person can safely go to the store, where a lot of amazing goods and services will be waiting for him. During this period, the Moon will renew its cycle, and its new phases will surely bring success to all who plan to make significant acquisitions. In June, astrologers recommend boldly buying whatever you like, because this month promises to be one of the most successful of the year.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 6, 14, 19, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 21, 25, 27.

The middle of summer is always associated with a pleasant stay, new experiences and exciting walks through the places of trade in all kinds of goods. But judging by the lunar calendar, in July 2018 you should be very careful with shopping. All transactions entered into during this period may become onerous and fall short of the expectations placed on them.

  • for purchases - 3, 5, 6, 8, 10, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 9, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 4, 7, 11, 12, 13, 16, 27.

Lunar shopping calendar for august 2018

The end of the summer period has always been considered the time of sales. These days, store shelves are overflowing with goods, discounts on which reach unimaginable sizes. Therefore, in August, you can safely go to shopping centers "breaking bad", especially since our night luminary will contribute to this in every possible way.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 14, 15, 17, 22, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 23, 25.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 4, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 24, 26, 27, 28.

Lunar shopping calendar for september 2018

The beginning of autumn for most of our population is always accompanied by both planned and impulse spending. This is the time when classes begin in schools, and working people return to their jobs after long holidays.

According to astrological forecast, September will be a very changeable period for shopping lovers. At its beginning, it is better to refrain from expensive acquisitions, but towards the end of the month, you can completely forget about the restrictions.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 5, 7, 12, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 15, 28.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 24, 26.

Mid-autumn is the best time to completely update your wardrobe. On such days, you want to go shopping, explore new collections, and, of course, visit attractive sales.

Astrologers advise in October to be very careful about the emotional component of purchases, because if you get carried away with great deals, you can spend a lot more. financial resources than you can afford.

  • Auspicious days for shopping - 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 16, 22, 23, 25, 27.
  • Unfavorable days for shopping - 1, 3, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 28, 29, 30.
  • Neutral days for shopping - 6, 8, 12, 19, 20, 24, 26.

Lunar shopping calendar for november 2018

The end of autumn always makes you think about the coming winter. The need for a warm hat, mittens, boots and, of course, a fur coat begins to be acutely felt. According to , last month autumn will be a great time for everyone to get new things in anticipation of the snow season.

It turns out that in this life you can not only profitably sell or buy real estate, but also not regret what you have done in the future. And here you should not rely on luck and financial support. Everything is much easier.

Professional astrologers are categorical on such an account - in order for the purchase or sale to be successful, you must choose the right day for the transaction.

If you choose the date wisely, you can protect your finances, insure yourself against unforeseen circumstances, as well as get away from financial fraud and bitter disappointments.

Experts say that it is necessary to use the table of favorable days for the purchase or sale of housing.

In the table, everyone will see the necessary dates and months in which great transactions are carried out.

Also need to know that the most profitable purchase of housing will be then if it is carried out during the growing moon. If you want to sell a house profitably or a cottage with an apartment, then such transactions spend in the waning moon.

Also, you must remember that it is not worth signing any documents for registration of housing in the days Mercury retrograde or Venus.

For transactions for the sale or purchase of housing, the days of eclipses, as well as the remaining 2 weeks after them, are not suitable.

If you will know this information, then you will never ignore the influence of the Moon and put yourself at risk during the conclusion of transactions.


Buying a property is an important step and a big expense. And on the way to a successful purchase, difficulties often arise that are beyond our control. That is why it is worth listening to the opinion of astrologers who are aware of several factors that affect the success of a transaction.

Here are some of them:

*Do not buy or sell real estate on the day of the eclipse or 7-10 days before and after this event.

* Not the best solution would be a financial transaction during Mercury retrograde.

*During periods when the Moon is without a course, it is better not to conclude transactions and not to carry out any operations with documents.

* If you have an important meeting on the 9th, 15th, 18th, 19th, 23rd and 29th lunar day, it is better to postpone it to another number, as unforeseen obstacles may arise.

We also present you with a list of dates for 2018, which will be favorable and not very, so that you can make the most successful deal.

Look into Moon calendar for a successful property purchase:

*in January only the 18th will be lucky,

*February will not be able to please any auspicious day,

*in March make a deal on the 21st,

*in May- 18th,

*in June it is best to schedule the transfer of money on the 11th,

*July completely unfavorable,

*in September for the European part of the CIS, September 1, 5 and 19 will be successful, and for all regions - September 21,

*October and November give up shopping - they are unlikely to be successful,

*better move the solution money matters on 11, 12 or 19 December, as these days will definitely be the most successful.


The following list of optimal dates refers to the days when it is best to start the process of finding buyers. Of course, first of all, you need to carefully look at the client, assess his solvency, but if such a person is found, and you want to get the best price for your apartment, you can schedule a deal for one of the lucky days:

*In January it is better to start selling real estate on the 20th, and in February on the 21st or 26th.

*In March successful days will be on the 20th and 21st, and in April they will please 3 days at once - April 17, 21 and 25.

*9th May, despite the holiday, you can also make a good deal. But if you do not want to do this on a holiday, reschedule the sale to May 10, 18 or 19.

*June 11 and 15- optimal days, and in July you should hurry, because auspicious date falls at the beginning of the month - July 3.

*In August make a deal on the 31st, or also on Knowledge Day on September 1st or a couple of days later - on September 5th.

*October and November will not please you with luck, but already on December 19, 24 and 27 will allow you to make a good deal.


If there are favorable days, there are also those on which we strongly recommend against making transactions with large amounts, whether it is the sale or purchase of a home.

In 2018 these dates are:

*3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 16-17 January, as well as more than a week in the period from 22 to 31 January.

*Almost all of January: from the 1st to the 20th, as well as the 23rd and 24th. The rest of the days are neutral.

*Early March will be unsuccessful: on the 5th-7th, on the 10th, from the 15th to the 17th, and also on March 19, it is better not to sign contracts. From March 23 to March 31, also refrain from selling or buying.

*First half of April to the 16th, inclusive, will be unfavorable, as well as April 18, 23, 24 and 30.

*In May the list of unfavorable dates is long: 1, 4, 12, 14-15 in the first half, and 21, 23, 24, 26, 28-31 in the second half of the month.

*In June avoid the 2nd, 4th, 5th, June 7th to 9th, the 13th, 14th, 18th, June 21st to 23rd, and the 27th.

*Almost all of July will be unfavorableen to dealers: the 2nd and from 5 to 31 you should not make deals.

*From August 1 to 20, 25, 29 and 30 don't do real estate transactions.

*4, 10, 12 to 14 September, 17, 18, 22 and 24 to 29 September- not the most favorable dates.

*In October neutral days are the 2nd, 3rd and 4th, all the rest are unfavorable.

*In November from 1st to 30th nothing positive can be expected.

*December avoid dates from the 1st to the 7th, 15th, 17th, 18th, 20th and 26th.

The dates given by us are just recommendations, since astrology does not guarantee the purchase or sale of real estate, but only increases your chances of a favorable outcome of the transaction.

Horoscope for sellers and buyers.

Astrological science is considered one of the oldest in the world, because since ancient times people have wanted to know what future is prepared for them, what dangers and successes lurk behind its veil. According to the interpretations of astrologers, the celestial bodies that dominate the sky at one time or another, largely determine our ability to manage money. It is not for nothing that they say that they simply flow like a river to some people, while others are forced to earn every penny by hard work.

However, financial success is not such an unattainable thing, even if you were not born with a "golden spoon in your mouth." Of course, not everyone has the talent of a businessman, but even when working for an “uncle”, you can achieve a stable financial position if you carefully monitor the annual astrological advice. In 2018, the Yellow Dog, an honest, open and courageous animal, will become the totem that will determine the order of things.

In the sphere of his favor there will be individuals who know how to go towards their goal without starting deception or ingenious combinations. At the same time, 2018 can be safely designated as a period favorable in terms of finances, because a very small number of zodiac signs will experience difficulties with money in it. The main thing is to remember that the Dog has a negative attitude towards fraudulent schemes and will not support you in unnecessarily risky operations. Learn to analyze the circumstances and calculate the steps for the future.

A carefully prepared business plan will certainly be accompanied by excellent returns at the end of the year. Special mention should be made of credit transactions. The dog prefers to live within its means, so do not rush to borrow money, but rather engage in self-development in the professional field in order to earn the patronage and sympathy of the totem of 2018. In order to find out exactly what the stars promise in terms of finances in 2018, let's study the forecast for each individual sign.

Aries can safely count on a stable financially period of life. Astrologers say that many individuals born under this sign will not only be able to reach new financial heights, but also significantly increase the amount of savings. Such luck can activate detractors, so keep information about earnings to yourself, without spreading about them outside of yourself. inner circle. You are not so versed in intrigues to become a winner in the cunning games of envious people.

In the first half of the year, the stars recommend that Aries avoid unjustified risks - there is a high probability of falling into the hands of scammers. But closer to winter, you can invest a small amount in a project that seems rather risky. Millions, of course, you will not make, but multiply the money several times. The year will be especially successful for Aries, who are engaged in stock trading. If you manage to subordinate the excitement to the mind, then a well-thought-out scheme of transactions will help you earn on such operations. By the way, even if you have free money, do not lend it to relatives in 2018. Refunds will follow only after a few years, and they may be required much earlier.

Pragmatic Taurus and so are characterized by a craving for the accumulation of money, and 2018 can develop this trait to the point of absurdity. Representatives of this sign will feel that without a significant nest egg for a rainy day, they are very vulnerable. Most likely, such an approach to life will lead to the loss of some of the acquaintances from among those who have always been not averse to intercepting a hundred or two from you to pay in a bar. Now you are not in the mood to be a constant creditor of other people's amusements.

Astrologers say that the deferred amount should not lie dead weight under the pillow - put it on a deposit account, and even better, if Taurus is finally ripe for the implementation of a long-cherished business idea. Most likely, the stars will provide a successful combination of opportunities and finances closer to the middle of the year. Expect an offer to start a joint project from one of your close friends, just be sure to first improve your own qualifications as a professional.

Do you think that business is not your path? Invest your savings in expanding your living space. Astrologers promise that New Year will give you several tempting options at once, which are worth paying attention to. The main thing is to carefully check the sellers. The most tempting apartments may be under arrest or have minor children registered in them.

The financial area will demand from Gemini special care and attention. According to the recommendations received from astrologers, any decisions regarding money should be implemented only after you have consulted with a real professional. The risk is that Geminis can be suggestible and impulsive, making them an easy target for scammers who are well-versed in their business. Please note that the main danger of loss comes from people who have already gained some trust from the Gemini. Intuition should come to the rescue, which will loudly notify you of the moment when they will try to cheat you for money.

Emotional Geminis love the luxurious life and are quick to light up when it comes to making big money. It is possible that the partners with whom you work on behalf of the company may offer not the most honest tax evasion scheme. Astrologers say that you need to run from such proposals like fire, since any illegal actions will affect your fate and career at the end of the year. But to the prudent Gemini, who know how to work honestly, the Dog promises an increase in salary, which will allow you to buy not only the necessary things, but also pleasant little things.

In the year when the world will be ruled by the Yellow Dog, Crayfish must overcome the passion for accumulating money. Personalities born under the influence of this constellation simply cannot fall asleep, knowing that they do not have a certain amount set aside for a rainy day. Such a trait of character leads to the fact that your mood deteriorates from any unscheduled purchase or the need for repair work.

In 2018, the heavenly bodies advise you to become more generous - provide all possible assistance to family members or lend some money to a close friend who is in a difficult situation. Be sure that all debts will be returned on time, and your reputation will skyrocket.

The Yellow Dog will thank for the generosity shown by constant inflows of capital. Of course, we are not talking about millions, but there will definitely be enough for small whims and a comfortable stay during your vacation. A special star warning concerns gambling - it is better to avoid lotteries and bets. You know that in such matters you are never lucky!

The main income of Cancers will be associated with the freelance sphere, so you can moderate your efforts at the place of permanent work, and give all your free time to orders on a remote basis.

Regal Lion extremely fond of throwing dust in the eyes of others. Such individuals generously spend money on all kinds of entertainment and can always help friends who do not earn as much as the Lions themselves. All this provides them with universal love and admiration, which clearly amuses the lion's pride. However, the irrepressible craving for squandering will play against you in 2018. The dog will try to teach you to live within your means, otherwise it will drive you into such a debt hole, from which you will not get out very soon. And do not rely on help from grateful acquaintances - as soon as you find yourself aground, they will abruptly disappear from the horizon.

However, think about which of these personalities appreciates your inner world and is ready to accept Leo with all his shortcomings if he loses the main attribute of his attractiveness - luxurious hotel rooms, gourmet restaurants and expensive things?

The main income in 2018 will be provided by a permanent job. It is worth putting a certain amount of money into professional development by visiting thematic trainings and master classes.

In the year when the Yellow Dog becomes the totem, for Virgos financially uncertain period. It is hardly possible to say that the Virgos will have something to complain about - the Dog will give them the chances of earning money more than once. However, individuals born under the sign of Virgo will have to earn every penny through hard work, not luck. Spring and summer will be especially good in terms of financial income, when a couple of projects with a good return will be thrown at you. The bulk of the money will need to be spent on repair work, preventing serious damage with a little preventive maintenance.

At the beginning of autumn, the stars recommend abandoning the usual savings. The stress of the past months will require have a nice rest, so take some time out and go on vacation to a comfortable resort to restore your nerves and physical strength. Long-distance trips with expenses denominated in foreign currency are not shown to you, but you can also find a boarding house with excellent service in your home territory. In addition, astrologers advise against lending to distant acquaintances. Most likely, you will never see the borrowed money again.

The first half of 2018 will require changeable and impulsive Libra curb your spending. The dog favorably treats people who know how to plan a family budget. The need to rationally distribute income will not be to Libra's taste. However, those representatives of this sign who do not heed the warnings of the stars risk living a year in the “sometimes thick, sometimes empty” mode. The main difficulties with curbing the craving for squandering lie ahead of Libra during the sales period, when the hand will reach for the credit card. Astrologers advise you to carefully develop a shopping list before going to the store to buy only what you need, and at a reasonable price.

A special stellar warning concerns gambling. Libras who cannot resist the temptation to play the sweepstakes or make a bet can lose to the nines. In general, the new year will instill in you a sense of financial moderation. Of course, this does not mean that you have to drag out a miserable existence, but you will only need to rely on a salary. Want to go on vacation or buy a new one household appliances? Set aside a little every month to make your plans come true.

scorpions always easily part with money and rarely know how to measure income and expenses. In 2018, such a character trait can complicate your life, because the Dog is not very fond of wasteful personalities. However, the totem of 2018 may well give the Scorpios some serious chances for additional income if these individuals draw up a financial plan in advance and can demonstrate perseverance and the ability to manage money wisely. Moreover, people born under the influence of this zodiac sign, per year yellow dog can finally get rich. Most likely, we are talking about a good opportunity to organize your own business, in which, however, astrologers recommend attracting a wise and experienced partner.

Under a good business plan, Scorpios can even take out a loan. However, it is better to contact not banks, but friends or relatives who have the right amount. The stars say that if you can resist the temptation to spend profits on branded items and expensive vacations, and invest in expansion and advertising, then in a year or two you will be able to turn around to a significant scale and return all debts.

Year of the Yellow Dog will pamper Sagittarius several significant acquisitions. At the same time, in order to implement the plan, Sagittarius will first have to set aside the required amount, using all the skills in budgeting revenues. You will be able to overcome the craving for squandering funds - by the second half of the year you will be able to accumulate the balance necessary to change a car or expand your living space.

By the way, 2018 promises to be quite exhausting in terms of professional employment. Therefore, you should not forget about rest either. Of course, expensive foreign resorts in such conditions do not shine for Sagittarius, but you should not refuse a couple of weeks in the country or in an inexpensive domestic boarding house.

Heavenly bodies advise you to be especially careful when filling out reports for the tax office. In 2018, these structures will show particular interest in your company, so you should not incur trouble and fines. By and large, new period Sagittarius life will be characterized financial stability, and by the end of 2018 you may well be rewarded for your diligence.

2018 is likely to require Capricorn significant financial costs associated with positive emotions. Finally, you can afford a long-awaited repair or go on vacation to a country that has long attracted you.

The Yellow Dog promises to help you finance almost any desire, so you can safely spend the money you have set aside. However, such financial success will accompany only those individuals who, despite natural rationality and stinginess, will be able to show sufficient generosity. The dog will try to teach Capricorn not to save on important things and enjoy not the money itself, but the opportunities that they give.

It is possible that family Capricorns will have additional expenses associated with the needs of a child who may need to visit a tutor. Do not be greedy - such expenses always pay off, because good knowledge does not lose its price. It may very well be that timely tightened knowledge will help your child easily pass exams for admission to a good university.

Unfortunately for people born under the sign of Aquarius, financial issues can come to a head. Astrologers say that the risk of being left with nothing will haunt Aquarius, who rarely live within their means. To finish the year without getting into debt, only a competent distribution of money will help you. Separately, we will mention financial assistance to relatives - it is possible that one of them simply pulls money from you, not bothering to provide for themselves. And do not rush to fulfill every whim of the child - your child will still not be able to keep up with wealthier friends. If you don’t buy a new phone for your child every six months, you can do without a bank loan.

Aquarians who want to make more money can look for freelance jobs. Your skills and availability of free time make it possible to additionally work for yourself. The key to success in this case is a well-written resume, which must be posted on the relevant Internet portals. You can also throw a cry among friends and acquaintances, one of them can throw an order or two. But it’s better to give up the desire to make money on bets so as not to lose the last money.

Individuals born under the sign of Pisces, astrologers promise good fiscal year. This does not mean that money will flow into your pocket on its own, on the contrary, the more work you spend to earn money, the better your financial situation will be in 2018. Fish that are not accustomed to putting in a lot of effort can continue to work without much effort. But they should make it a rule to correctly distribute funds from paycheck to paycheck.

The stars say that in 2018, Pisces may have a chance to profitably use money. Someone close to you will offer to invest in an interesting project that will bring small but pleasant dividends. Do not miss the opportunity to strengthen your financial situation, but first ask for a business plan to familiarize yourself with the offer in all details.

The main advice of astrologers is that the funds for investment should be your own - do not take loans from the bank and do not borrow from relatives. In this case, you will not be able to pay off your financial obligations on time.

Any thing that you buy has a certain vibration and a set of subtle bodies, just like a person. In fact, the horoscope of the individual affects what things he should buy and wear, and what not. Adidas may be suitable for one, Nike for another, it is better for a third to purchase Salomon products, etc. Even the store for buying this or that item must be chosen carefully. It is very easy for people who have been professionally engaged in astrology, psychology and bioenergetics for a long time in choosing things. They know when, where and what to buy. For those who do not feel and do not understand the interaction of energies, it remains to check with the cycles of the Moon, looking into.

The basic rules for buying things consist of only four rules. First, on the growing moon, buy things for comfort, if you want them to serve you for a long time. These are clothes, shoes, furniture, real estate, cars, dishes, jewelry, household appliances. Second, on the waning moon, buy things that help establish order in the world around you. There is an opinion that it is better not to buy anything at all on a decreasing price. It is nonsense. Everything that contributes to order in the space around you can be purchased during this period: boxes, racks, everything for cleaning (including detergents), organizers and other items intended for ordering. Also during this period it is good to make stocks of cereals and other products - they will be spent more slowly. Thirdly, when buying this or that thing, you should focus on where the Moon is located. That is, the purchased object must meet the characteristics zodiac sign. Fourth, it is better not to make purchases during the Moon period without a course, unless there is a special need for it, excluding food.

Let's take a quick look at the right purchases on the Moon, using the example of one of the largest retail chains in the world selling furniture and home goods IKEA.

Waxing Moon in Aries

Smaxetta is a non-stick grill pan.

Waxing Moon in Taurus

Sideboard covered with white stain - Hemnes.

Waxing Moon in Gemini

Lillosen bamboo writing desk.

Waxing Moon in Cancer

Gas hob Lagan.

Waxing Moon in Leo

A royally beautiful jar with a Sinnerlig cork lid.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Container for dry products.

Waxing Moon in Libra

Cozy plaid Danghild.

Waxing Moon in Scorpio

Chrome-plated toilet brush Kalkgrund.

Waxing Moon in Sagittarius

Great cooker oven.

Waxing Moon in Capricorn

Magnificent children's bed - Stuva's loft.

Waxing Moon in Aquarius

Convenient floor lamp for reading Lerst.

Waxing Moon in Pisces

Buholmen stainless steel sink.

On the waning Moon, focus on buying everything that streamlines the world around you, for example, on the waning Moon in Capricorn, you can purchase a magnificent hanger Leksvik, and on the waning Moon in Gemini - Correspondence Tray Document.

Before going shopping, any of us chooses a price, store, product or service that is acceptable to him, but many also think about the days that accompany successful shopping. It is worth learning in more detail about favorable days for shopping according to the lunar calendar.

What are the features?

Let's start with the fact that buying is a fairly pleasant process for the buyer. Here are the most important facts that you may find useful:

  1. Pay attention to the state in which the moon is located. If it is growing, then this is the time to buy, and especially big ones. If the moon is waning, then this means that it's time to part with the thing, you can give away the unnecessary and throw away the boring.
  2. It is not recommended to go shopping in large Religious holidays.
  3. If you really want to know for sure what day it will be for the purchase, then you can use the lunar calendar, which is presented below.

Do not forget that the shopping process should bring joy and pleasure. No wonder that with a good mood, the things we buy become our favorite.

For girls, it is necessary to avoid large purchases if menstruation occurs during this period. Similar processes in the body adversely affect the energy emitted during the first days. It is for this reason that since ancient times, girls have been forbidden to cook festive dishes, preserves, do general cleaning on these days, and even more so, repairs and large purchases cannot be made. It is better to postpone for a couple of days than to regret later about not suitable things or furniture.

You can also postpone the purchase if you yourself feel that the day did not work out in the morning. For example, if you feel unwell, if you spilled salt or spoiled your mood. Resist the temptation to go somewhere with the feeling that it won't work.

Our thoughts attract these events to us. And if you are setting yourself up: this phone is not bad, but I don’t really like it, then don’t take it. You will be looking for a product with a small price, then find something for yourself that will cause you only positive emotions.


The day is good for life and family hearth, for this reason, on the first day of the week, it is recommended to purchase food and household appliances: napkins, cleaning brushes, brooms, garbage bags, washing and cleaning products. It is not recommended to make large transactions, in the form of buying real estate, household appliances, cars. On the first day of the week, you do not need to take loans and other loans.


Tuesday favors men's shopping. During this period, it is good to buy weapons, tools for work, fishing tackle, weights, rods and other metal equipment. Kitchen utensils purchased on the second day of the week will serve faithfully for many years. But it is more correct to update the wardrobe or replenish stocks of cosmetics on another day.


Under the intercession of the god of trade, commercial transactions in business and personal large acquisitions are successfully taking place. Mercury will bless the acquisition of a car, housing, refrigerator, land plot and other important things.


On Thursdays, it is recommended to purchase books, computers, TVs, as well as the necessary smart home appliances like multicookers, washing machines, dishwashers, microwave ovens. Buying jewelry or impractical things (home decor, jewelry or unnecessary items) is not recommended, any purchase must provide significant benefits.


On Fridays, it's time for ladies' shopping: perfumes, clothes, gifts, jewelry and all kinds of girlish joys will go only for good. Venus, the patroness of Friday, will bless even a portion of the most delicious high-calorie dessert if it gives the lady pleasure.


The god of agriculture and crops, Saturn, blessed absolutely all the working people on earth and loved to spend time in the bosom of nature, far from worldly turmoil. On Saturday, it is better to refuse shopping and stay at home.


On Sunday, blessed and successful acquisitions for beauty and comfort. These can be decorations for housing, items for needlework: fabrics, clay, threads, beads and other components for creativity.

The following numbers are called neutral days: 4, 16, 18, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28. All goods purchased on these days will not bring any benefit, will not cheer you up, but will not harm you either.

Worth knowing about negative days to make purchases. And they are as follows in August: 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 23, 25. These days it is better not to buy anything expensive and important. Of course, you can’t protect yourself from small purchases, but you should minimize them. As, however, visiting shopping centers and other stores. Then your budget will thank you.

  1. It is not advisable to make a purchase during the conclusion of any agreements or borrow cash.
  2. It is also not advisable to buy anything during Mercury retrograde (a phenomenon that occurs due to the different speeds of the Earth and Mercury relative to the Sun.
  3. It is not necessary to carry out such actions during the period of eclipses and a week before them. This applies specifically to very large purchases for which you have been preparing for a long time or which mean a lot to you.

Usually, astrologers every year put forward the most favorable days for shopping (both small and large), hair cutting, weddings and many other important events in a person's life.

Also, auspicious days are carefully calculated based on your zodiac sign, date of birth, preferences, and much more that will serve great way find out the days of luck and failure.

Be vigilant and when concluding transactions, do not do what you doubt or feel a snag. If you understand that the seller is imposing on you, and you are embarrassed to refuse, do not agree! Then you will feel guilty for the purchased item or service.

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In our business, shopping is already commonplace. Every person almost every day buys jewelry, cosmetics, clothes or shoes. This is how we want to emphasize our individuality, as well as maintain health from colds. Only here is a quality thing that is right for us, it is quite difficult to choose. There are great chances to purchase defective goods, face scammers and thereby overpay for the item.

This is interesting!

Making successful purchases and avoiding these problems can be done by a person who is familiar with astrology and understands which days it is allowed to make purchases with profit.

Buy jewelry or clothes in a general sense it is better during the rising moon or on the day of the new moon. But on the rest of the days with acquisitions, problems may arise.

For any person, modern astrology offers invaluable information about the most favorable periods for buying clothes, shoes, cosmetics or jewelry in 2017. This can be seen in the table below. And if you coordinate your shopping day with these astrology numbers, then you can be sure that the savings will be well spent. Not a single penny will be paid here. And the product that you buy will not fall apart in the first days.

Auspicious days:

January - 5, 7-8, 14-15, 20, 29

February - 1, 7-8, 17, 19, 26

March - 2-3, 6, 11, 16-18, 25

April - 2, 5, 7, 10-11, 16, 22-24

May - 7-8, 10, 14, 18, 20, 17-18

June - 5, 8-9, 14, 18, 25

July - 4-5, 8, 15, 20, 23-24, 29

August - 1, 5, 7-8, 16-18, 24

September - 1, 5-7, 10, 16-17, 23-24

October - 3, 7, 9, 16-19, 25, 29

November - 2-3, 11-12, 19, 22-25

December - 3-4, 6, 10-12, 18, 27

Bad days:

January - 4, 6, 10-12, 17-19, 23-24

February - 3, 5, 9, 12-15, 18, 22-23

March - 1, 5, 9, 12-15, 21-23, 30

April - 1, 3, 6, 9, 13-14, 17-18, 26

May - 2-5, 9, 13, 16, 19, 21-25, 30

June - 2-3, 7, 10-13, 19, 21-22, 26

July - 1, 3, 6, 9-13, 17-19, 21, 26

August - 3, 6, 10-14, 19-21, 28

September - 2, 4, 8, 12-14, 19-21, 28

October - 1-2, 5, 8, 11-14, 20-22, 26

November - 1, 5, 8-10, 14-18, 21, 27

December - 2, 5, 7-9, 14, 19, 21-26, 29

Which zodiac sign which buyer:

Usually Aries visit shops suddenly. And for this reason, going to the store rarely brings something good. Aries cannot help but buy a thing that they will not need later.

As for the Taurus, then unlike the rest of the signs of the zodiac, they rarely go shopping. So if they went, they stock up for future use. Taurus never buy knick-knacks. Before purchasing a product, they think rationally. And if they do not find any use for this thing, then they will simply put it aside and move on.

Geminis love shopping.. And there is nowhere to go from this. Even if you went exclusively for bread, you can return home with a lot of purchases. And not only food. With Gemini it is very convenient to walk together for the company. If you want to buy clothes or shoes, then people of this sign will always tell you and find the best option of all.

Speaking of Cancers, then such people can hardly restrain themselves from buying especially “necessary” things. It is contraindicated for Cancers to go shopping alone. There should be a person nearby who can keep you from unplanned acquisitions.

Lions are simple. People of this sign take only what is well advertised. And it's hard to convince them otherwise.

Virgo should be called quite economical. Only now they always like to buy something interesting. And the most favorite place are sales. These are the places you will find given sign zodiac.

And here is Wesam making any purchases is very difficult. After all, they often doubt the choice. So it’s better for them to take their friend with them, so that he looks from the side and lulls Libra’s incredulity.

With Scorpions shopping is difficult. And all because they are picky during such trips. They do not like to listen to the advice of others. They always think that their opinion is the most correct.

Despite their demands on store staff, Sagittarius can buy most the offered product. Therefore, in this regard, they should be more careful, otherwise there is a chance to fall for scammers.

Capricorns have always valued quality above all else.. They can stand near the shelves for a long time and ask about the guarantees of all goods. Sometimes this infuriates those who came with Capricorn. So know the measure.

Usually Aquarians are lost in front of the variety of goods. So before going to the store, they need to make a list. It is also fraught with the fact that sellers are able to force Aquarians to buy anything, even those things that are meaningless.

Pisces is the only sign of the zodiac who is able to spend hours wandering around the shops. And later they even forget about why they came here at all. In such situation best advice it will be that before the campaign to set a specific goal. Pisces must understand that they have come for a specific item.

Shopping according to the lunar calendar

How to successfully make purchases by "consulting" with the Moon.

Have you ever noticed that the same things have different term services? Sometimes they do not fail for years, and sometimes they become unusable within two to three months.

The same thing happens with food, which, it would seem, can be stored for a very long time, but for some reason immediately deteriorate.

In fact, there is nothing strange about this. It all depends on what sign of the zodiac the Moon was in on the day you made the purchase.

So if you continue to take this into account, then there will be much fewer unsuccessful acquisitions. Consider what and when is best to buy according to the lunar calendar.

Moon in Aries

With the Moon in Aries, the most successful will be the acquisition of sports and hunting equipment, piercing and cutting objects (knives, forks, skewers, needles, scissors, etc.) and carpentry tools. Besides, this good time to buy computer equipment, a car, as well as toys that will immediately attract your attention, and small souvenirs for colleagues and not very close friends.

As for clothes and shoes, when the Moon is in Aries, it is better to refrain from acquiring them - the service life will be very short, and you are unlikely to be comfortable in these things.

Moon in Taurus

The Moon in Taurus is a great time to buy things that you plan to use for more than one year: upholstered furniture, wardrobes and chests of drawers, bed linen, pots and pans, everyday services, tools for minor repairs, etc.

In addition, you can buy comfortable clothes for sleeping and trips to nature, a fur coat, a coat, accessories and jewelry made of genuine leather or silver, nourishing products for the skin of the face, body, hands and head.

Moon in Gemini

The Moon in Gemini is conducive to the purchase of stationery and any office consumables (for example, printer cartridges), computer applications and training programs, newspapers and magazines, books on entertainment topics. In addition, on such days it is recommended to buy trinkets that are pleasing to the eye and cheer up.

It will be successful to buy a sports and light shoes, bicycle, segway, car (however, only if you regularly change cars). In addition, the Moon in Gemini is the perfect time to purchase a mobile or landline phone.

Moon in Cancer

With the Moon in Cancer, it will be successful to buy a suburban area and a house, as well as those finishing materials that create a mood in the room and give a feeling of comfort (for example, wall and ceiling panels, wallpaper, carpet, etc.). In addition, it is on these days that it is worth buying antiques and, in general, any non-new things.

In addition, it is recommended to make food stocks. Buy any groceries (pasta, sugar, salt, cereals, vegetable oil), canned meat, vegetables and fish, carbonated drinks and packaged juices, in general, everything that is stored for a long time.

It makes sense to buy clothes only if you are only interested in the comfort of things, and not their originality and fashion. From cosmetics, it is best to purchase foams and bath salts, moisturizing shampoos and gels.

Moon in Leo

With the Moon in Leo, it is recommended to buy any gifts and luxury items - jewelry made of precious metals and with natural stones(only not ornamental), dear evening dresses, exclusive shoes and accessories, ceremonial sets, etc.

In addition, this is a great time to purchase decorative cosmetics and prime-class products for special occasions (for example, caviar, elite alcohol, chocolate). As for expensive equipment and newfangled devices, it is better to postpone their purchase for another day.

Moon in Virgo

The Moon in Virgo is a great time to purchase any items that are somehow related to cleaning and housekeeping. It is on these days that it is worth buying kitchen furniture and utensils, household appliances and chemicals, mops, buckets, wipes for removing dust and polishing furniture.

In addition, with the Moon in Virgo, it will be good to buy things for a business wardrobe (suits, blouses and shirts, ties and neckerchiefs), as well as any cosmetics for cleansing and toning the skin, shampoos, nourishing creams and hair dyes.

Moon in Libra

The Moon in Libra is the best time to buy decorative cosmetics, perfumes, aromatic oils, air fresheners, ozonizers. It will be a good idea to buy gifts for a love partner, as well as any finishing materials that must be perfectly combined with each other in color.

In addition, you can go for new outfits - you will accurately choose exactly the clothes that fit you perfectly.

Moon in Scorpio

In addition, this is a good time to purchase insect control products, any intensive cleaning products, organic fertilizers, as well as medicinal herbs for making your own therapeutic and preventive mixtures.

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon in Sagittarius is a great time to purchase everything related to travel: suitcases and bags, vouchers, travel equipment, guides and phrasebooks, sports and travel clothes. In addition, this is the best time to buy a pet (especially dogs), horses and cattle.

You can buy a diary - it will actually help you plan your time correctly and not be late, and a notebook in which you will keep travel notes (they will turn out to be very interesting).

Moon in Capricorn

The Moon in Capricorn is the best moment to buy real estate (especially urban), undeveloped land, a car and any equipment that requires reliability in the first place. In addition, purchase jewelry with ornamental stones, simple and unpretentious clothing made from leather and natural fabrics, and practical shoes.

Moon in Aquarius

The Moon in Aquarius is a great time to acquire any innovative developments (but not in the field of cosmetics), technical innovations and trendy gadgets. In addition, buying clothes will be successful, however, provided that you are going to completely change your wardrobe and are set up for bold experiments.

In addition, with the Moon in Aquarius, it is recommended to buy discs with new films, theater tickets, just published books, lottery tickets. You can also buy an apartment, especially if it has a non-standard layout or is located in some unusual place.

Moon in Pisces

The Moon in Pisces is most conducive to acquiring everything that has to do with sentimentality and romance - touching figurines and pink curtains, CDs with romantic comedies and melodramas, themed postcards, music collections intended for the sound design of dates, etc.

In addition, it is recommended to buy medicines, children's books, nourishing and moisturizing creams, clothes for a specific occasion that you plan to wear only once or twice. It will also be successful to purchase works of art to decorate the interior, as well as things that create comfort in the house - blankets, sofa cushions, bedside lamps.

By making purchases according to the lunar calendar, you kind of insure yourself against unnecessary expenses and additional expenses. Items purchased in right time, will serve you faithfully for as long as necessary, and will not cause concern, but will bring only benefit or pleasure.