Astrological forecast Leo work for September. So, the astrological calendar for September

10.07.2019 Career and Work

Successful people People most often turn to horoscopes and astrology for advice. It's all about the psychology of wealth, which is inextricably intertwined and connected with human bioenergy.

The initiator of all problems and the reason for absolute success in the life of every person is energy. The planets and constellations provide us with energy, which is why it is so important to monitor any, even the slightest, changes in the sky. After all, the influence of celestial bodies is not always harmonious, which otherwise can develop depression, lower the tone of the body and attract a black streak.


The active planet for Aries representatives in September will be Uranus, which is marked by a retrograde movement. The planet is not one of your antagonists or rulers, and therefore does not affect you, except when it is in a given constellation. The transit of Uranus, according to site experts, almost always goes hand in hand with shocking changes and unexpected events. Aries, under the influence of Uranian energy, will become more impatient and unpredictable.

The month promises to be difficult and stressful. Therefore, it is necessary to observe moderation in everything so that impulsive actions characteristic of Aries do not lead to irreversible consequences. Practice emotional control work and other spiritual practices. A positive attitude will help you successfully face any irreversible changes. Days of strength and new opportunities: September 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 23, 27.


The first autumn month for you will pass under the control of the changeable energy of the Moon. Which will require more control and detailed tracking of the lunar calendar. September is your key to success. The problematic topic of the month may be health complications. Protect your peace and don’t rush to be the center of attention.

Most successful days will be given by the active position of the Moon and its special aspects with other planets. September 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14 and 15 are marked with luck. There will be a chance to make a breakthrough in love or social activities. It is better to devote the rest of the time to analyzing the picture of life, paying attention to your own capabilities and abilities.


Patronage over Gemini in September will pass to Saturn, which will no longer be retrograde. The Universe itself, in the person of your cosmic ally, will provide support in many aspects of life. Everything will help you get rid of the oppressive and unnecessary. Don't be afraid to take action, but be extremely careful.

The month is marked by increased communications. New acquaintances, successful connections and attractive opportunities will appear. From September 9, Mercury in Virgo will rush to your aid, which will make Gemini more responsible and serious. On September 12 and 13, the Moon will be in your Sign..


September for Cancers will be ruled by Pluto, the Moon and Mercury. At the beginning of the month, problematic topics await you in the professional sphere. The strengthened position of Mercury acts disharmoniously, awakening lethargy, laziness and commercialism in you. In pursuit of profit, you can lose your bearings.

The moon most time will be without a course, her activity will subside. However, the period from September 5 to 11 is the most successful for Cancer representatives. The energy of these days will be very positive, and successful opportunities will come into your field of vision. Don't miss them. At the end of the month, it is better to include searching for new connections and improving your personal life.

a lion

The constellation Leo will be visited by the planet of love and harmony - Venus, which will give representatives of this Sign a sensual and bright month. Don't overlook the fact that Leo's emotions will reach their peak. You will be prone to dramatization, jealousy and suspicion. Therefore, pay increased attention to negative thoughts, taking them out. The stars suggest that you will mostly be surrounded by false doubts.

In the middle of the month, when visiting the constellation Leo, the destructiveness of the antagonist Moon will subside. September 16 and 17 will give you the opportunity to feed on the energy of the night star, which means to shine and create without thinking about the consequences. You should be careful on the 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 14th and 15th. At this time, it is better not to enter into conflicts and go with the flow.


The Sun, Mercury and Venus will help Virgos find true happiness. The Sun, which will stay in your Sign until September 21, will give stability, creating a powerful aura of good luck in all areas of life.

The presence of Mercury in its own Sign during the period from September 9 to 28 is the key to success in the material sphere. And Venus, which will visit the constellation Virgo on the 19th - 30th, will give charm and charm. This position of the planets and their positive energy will manifest themselves organically, in the most natural way, which will allow Virgos to feel a surge of strength and courage.


Jupiter will not leave your Zodiac Sign this month. To succeed, Libra will have to find a balance point. However, your desire for harmony and peace may come across someone else's desire for open rejection, which will cause a conflict of interest.

Inactive indicators of the patron Venus, especially during her stay in Virgo, will negatively affect your family well-being. During the period from September 19 to 30, old experiences and problems may overtake you. Therefore, the end of the month will be painted in negative tones, which, according to astrologers, is just a mind game. Don't focus on imaginary troubles.


September for Scorpios is a time for career advancement. However, one will have to reckon with the energy enemy Mercury, the ruler of the financial world. At the beginning of the month, Mercury's power will be weakened by retrograde, which will require determination and courage from you. The site's experts advise setting realistic goals for yourself and vigorously achieving them.

The second half of the month is marked by the strengthening of Mercury's position. His union with the constellation Virgo, which falls from September 9 to 28, will aggravate the situation for Scorpios. Many surprises await you. For success, it is best to intensify friendly and partner contacts. In days of energy chaos, the topic of trust and sincerity in relationships with people will become relevant.


Sagittarius in September should pay attention to two planets: the Sun and Saturn. Your energy assistant, the daylight, will create a favorable background for relaxation, love and friendly communication. However, this state of affairs will continue only until September 21, until the Sun moves into the constellation Libra and weakens its position. One way or another, you will experience a strong upsurge of feelings and optimism, although it will not last long. Most lucky days: 1, 2, 9, 15, 16, 17 and 30 September.

Saturn is your chance to change yourself. The energy that marks September will stimulate either responsible decisions or a feeling of lack and insignificance. The planet of maturity, difficult lessons and sacrifices, will truly strive to train you to become an improved version of yourself. Reluctance to follow the Universe's lead can create internal dissonance and disappointment in oneself and life.


Capricorns will have to rely on two planets: Pluto and Mars, which will divide the reign between themselves. The first half of the month promises to be positive. Retrograde Pluto will not leave your Sign throughout this time, which will allow you to successfully take advantage of profitable opportunities. However, astrologers do not recommend relying on luck and intuition; they can let you down.

But the ruler Mars will indicate unfavorable conditions for you for new acquaintances, training and trains in the second half of the month. Unjustified risks, as well as excessive gullibility, can backfire, and the chances of suffering from gossip and rumors of ill-wishers will increase. The most successful days: September 1, 2, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19 and 22.


In September, the patron Neptune will rush to the aid of Aquarius, whose position will be strengthened by its presence in Pisces. A great month for realizing your potential, renewing your feelings and displacing negativity. However, at the beginning of the month, the antagonist Sun will try to take away your luck, whose aspects with the planets will be extremely unfavorable: September 5, 8, 9, 14, 18, 20.

In order for the month to go well and leave only good memories, astrologers advise to understand yourself. Get rid of fears, doubts and uncertainty. Be honest with yourself and with people.


Patrons Neptune and the Moon will come to the fore for you in September. The strengthened positions of the ruling planets will illuminate your gray everyday life with hope. However, as always, the changeable energy of the Moon can make you quite worried. Lunar activity will drop to zero: September 1, 2, 16, 17, 28, 29. This is not the best time for proactive and responsible decisions. Possible problems with mood and health.

This year, autumn will begin productively: on September 6, the period ends Mercury retrograde, and things will begin to develop rapidly. Further - more: the conjunction of the Moon and Uranus will activate the processes launched during the August eclipses, and the transition of Venus into Virgo will reward you with motivation for changes. We have compiled a complete astrological forecast for September 2017 - be prepared for any situation!

September 2: Mars trine Uranus

The time has come for the implementation of new projects. But don't rush to take quick steps to new goal, think and weigh your strengths, review your resources. Considering the reverse movement of Mercury, it is not yet the right time for new activity, but nevertheless, you will be able to plan the step-by-step implementation of a new goal. Consult more with those who have a different point of view than yours or their own original experience in solving a problem. The time is also suitable for charging talismans and amulets for good luck - preferably working with money and career issues.

September 3-17: Mercury in the loop makes an aspect to Mars and Uranus trine

All this time, unexpected ideas may come to you, unexpected new things of a positive plan may appear.

September 4-5: Sun-Neptune opposition

This time is fraught with confusion. People don’t want to see the root of problems in themselves; they attribute failures to circumstances, intrigues, negative influences (“it’s not me who’s an alcoholic, it’s the damage they brought on me”). It’s impossible to adequately evaluate your actions, so be careful.

September 5: Mars ingression from Leo to Virgo

The time for grand gestures is coming to an end. You need to stop doing everything on a grand scale - there will be no benefit from such activity. The time of “fine work”, scrupulousness, and attention to detail begins. You need to measure seven times before doing something, and when you do it, carefully work out the details: a carelessly done little thing can become a serious hindrance.

September 6: Mercury turns direct

Before going straight, Mercury seems to freeze in one place. Just today. During these hours, there are more traffic jams, ATMs and terminals are more often not working, and interruptions in the Internet and mobile communications occur.

Even though Mercury finishes “backing up” and starts going straight, its loop does not end! From today until September 19, he will repeat the path he followed in August. Issues that were stalled in August will begin to be resolved. Old affairs that reminded of themselves in August-early September will develop, it will become clear whether they will continue (for example, if you recently met some old acquaintances whom you have not seen for a long time, it will become clear whether communication will continue ).

The solution to business problems and financial issues receives the green light, and the obstacles that prevented us from moving forward gradually disappear. New acquaintances are relevant now, and this applies not only to business matters, but also to love affairs. Expand your social circle, sign up for clubs and trainings, and engage in targeted activity on the Internet.

A great day to start an Internet project that will generate profit in the long term. It’s also good to charge talismans and amulets - money, career, love. You can engage in practices of attracting love.

September 6: Full Moon in Pisces

A difficult Full Moon, full of emotions and forebodings. Harsh words are very easily thrown out, arguments arise out of the blue, and after them it is difficult to reconcile and apologize. On this day, due to the opposition of the Sun with Neptune, it is very easy to attribute non-existent qualities to a partner, both with a plus and a minus sign. If something doesn’t suit you, then don’t brush your thoughts aside, but don’t immediately start sorting things out. It’s better to start analyzing the causes of your problems and think about why not everything in life turns out the way you would like. A very suitable time for corrective practices - harmonization, getting rid of loneliness, attracting love.

It is not advisable to spend this Full Moon actively - activity will exhaust you. It is best to devote this day to meditation to understand your deepest desires.

September 9: Moon conjunct Uranus

On this day, the changes that were started in Solar eclipse August 21. A very important day, it affects almost everyone.

September 9-10: Sun-Pluto trine

The aspect will add energy to everyone. Good days in order to act in the interests of a large group of people, to find support from a group, to control a crowd.

September 12-13: Venus-Saturn trine

An astro-event strengthens feelings and helps to take issues of aesthetic choice, comfort, and beauty seriously. Decisions in these matters will be thoughtful and mature. You can buy beautiful things, go to art exhibitions, decide on your sympathies for people.

September 13: Falling square of the Moon

People face consequences for their actions. It is no longer possible to change anything. If your mistakes and mistakes of the recent past led to failure on this day, you should not fight the circumstances, but show wisdom: look at what is happening and draw conclusions.

September 13-14: Sun-Saturn square

These are unfavorable days for taking important steps because you will encounter obstacles in the process. These days are difficult primarily for those who are focused on career heights and solving professional problems. It may turn out that the desired promotion is delayed or the reward finds someone else, bypassing you. At this time, it is undesirable to take initiative if you really have nothing to support your achievements with.

But if you have specific numbers and facts in your hands, go ahead and decide to talk with management about a promotion or salary. But don’t try to put pressure on the complaint by talking about your problems. Only facts that speak about your high professionalism. You should also be careful with money on this day, avoiding taking out loans and expensive, unnecessary purchases.

September 15-16: Venus-Jupiter sextile

Gives you a good mood, and if you work hard, good luck.

September 18: Venus-Uranus trine

Brings unexpected favorable turns in personal life and financial affairs. Promotes the perception of new things in terms of beauty and art. You can go to contemporary art exhibitions. It’s worth going to the store if you want something, but it’s not clear what: you’ll definitely be interested in something unusual, it will lead to interesting results.

September 20: New Moon in Virgo. Venus enters Virgo

For those who have been languishing for a long time waiting for sufficient motivation to start something new, this is a great time. If you are definitely tuned in to your goal, you know how to go towards it, and you just don’t have enough energy for the first step - this is the right day. The atmosphere in personal life and financial sphere is changing. People become more rational and restrained both in feelings and in money. Great importance little things that you shrugged off with a sweeping gesture while Venus was in Leo are gaining momentum.

You can solve any pressing problems - personal, financial, related to your profession. Take into account the positive influence of Venus in Virgo - it will be easier for you to manage contacts with difficult people, but you are also required to reduce your level of criticality.

You can worry about image issues, take care of your figure - join a gym, go on a diet, or try practices to increase attractiveness. And of course, the New Moon is a great time to remove energy negativity, recharge talismans, and practice wish fulfillment.

On the same day, the opposition of Mercury and Neptune helps to distinguish lies. But this requires inner honesty, and the desire to fall into self-deception will be very great.

September 22: Sun ingress from Virgo into Libra

The Sun in Libra brings relationships with people to the fore, creates situations in which you need to negotiate, find a compromise, and act in tandem with someone. Situations are most often ambiguous; you need to be able to look at them from different angles, not rush to a decision, and weigh everything. To succeed, you need to act fairly, without ignoring anyone's interests.

On the same day, the trine of Mercury and Pluto will bring a flow of information and contacts, and what’s nice is that you will have time to process everything.

September 23-25: Mars-Neptune opposition

It increases intolerance and fanaticism in people, and in men it increases the tendency to cheat. Deceptions and intrigues prevent you from doing anything.

September 24: Jupiter-Uranus opposition begins

The influence of the astro-event will continue into October. This is an aspect that affects not individuals, but society as a whole. Destroying stereotypes, conflict is likely public opinion and reforms, a sudden collapse of authority.

September 25: Mercury square Saturn

Disputes and conflicts on this day will not lead to good things, even if you win them. Try to spend this day “on your own wavelength,” doing only things that do not require involvement in group work. It’s better not to get noticed by management unnecessarily, even if your work is impeccable.

But it’s worth understanding yourself, especially in matters related to changing jobs or professions. A good time to learn new skills. You can also start revising documents and putting your affairs in order. The main thing is to take your time, because in a hurry you can miss something important. A good day for practices aimed at increasing material well-being and getting rid of obstacles on the way to it.

September 28: waxing square of the Moon

People become as active as possible. Also from this day until the Full Moon (in October) there will be the most active events.

September 29-30: Venus-Neptune opposition

A busy time for those who prioritize love and personal life. This is the right moment to thoroughly begin to sort out the “blockages” in relationships, analyze the reasons and find out what is hidden from your eyes. Intuition is working at full capacity today, and you are unlikely to miss its clues. Just don’t rush to voice complaints to your partner just yet, although you will be able to find out something better and better understand his behavior.

If something worries you, then you should honestly tell him about your fears. Without slipping into manifestations of jealousy and mistrust, talk about your internal problems and feelings. But be prepared to “pause yourself” at any moment and listen to the other person.

Today is a great day for love fortune-telling and corrective practices: charging love talismans, getting rid of loneliness, attracting love, harmonizing relationships, increasing attractiveness.

Another important point of this day: no experiments with finances - loans, large purchases and even updating your wardrobe today will not bring you the expected results.

September 30: Mercury ingress from Virgo to Libra

This good position Mercury to establish business and personal contacts, to negotiate with people, to resolve disputes fairly, taking into account the interests of all parties.

Further - more: the conjunction of the Moon and Uranus will activate the processes launched during the August eclipses, and the transition of Venus into Virgo will reward you with motivation for changes.

September 2: Mars trine Uranus

The time has come for the implementation of new projects. But don't rush to do it just yet take quick steps towards a new goal, think and weigh your strengths, review your resources. Considering the reverse movement of Mercury, it is not yet the right time for new activity, but nevertheless, you will be able to plan the step-by-step implementation of a new goal.

Consult more with those who have a different point of view from yours or their own original experience in solving a problem. The time is also suitable for charging talismans and amulets for good luck - it is preferable to work with money and career issues.

September 3-17: Mercury in the loop makes an aspect to Mars and Uranus trine

All this time, unexpected ideas may come to you, unexpected new things of a positive plan may appear.

September 4-5: Sun-Neptune opposition

This time is fraught with confusion. People don’t want to see the root of problems in themselves; they attribute failures to circumstances, intrigues, negative influences (“it’s not me who’s an alcoholic, it’s the damage they brought on me”). It’s impossible to adequately evaluate your actions, so be careful.

September 5: Mars ingression from Leo to Virgo

The time for grand gestures is coming to an end. You need to stop doing everything on a grand scale - there will be no benefit from such activity. The time of “fine work”, scrupulousness, and attention to detail begins. You need to measure seven times before doing something, and when you do it, carefully work out the details: a carelessly done little thing can become a serious hindrance.

September 6: Mercury turns direct

Before going straight, Mercury seems to freeze in one place. Just today. During these hours, there are more traffic jams, ATMs and terminals are more often not working, and interruptions in the Internet and mobile communications occur.

Even though Mercury finishes “backing up” and starts going straight, its loop does not end! From today until September 19, he will repeat the path he followed in August.

Issues that were stalled in August will begin to be resolved. Old affairs that reminded of themselves in August-early September will develop, it will become clear whether they will continue (for example, if you recently met some old acquaintances whom you have not seen for a long time, it will become clear whether communication will continue ).

The solution to business problems and financial issues receives the green light, and the obstacles that prevented us from moving forward gradually disappear. New acquaintances are relevant now, and this applies not only to business matters, but also to love affairs. Expand your social circle, sign up for clubs and trainings, and engage in targeted activity on the Internet.

A great day to start an Internet project that will generate profit in the long term. It’s also good to charge talismans and amulets - money, career, love. You can engage in practices of attracting love.

September 6: Full Moon in Pisces

A difficult Full Moon, full of emotions and forebodings. Spill out very easily harsh words, arguments arise out of the blue, and after them it is difficult to reconcile and apologize. On this day, due to the opposition of the Sun with Neptune, it is very easy to attribute non-existent qualities to a partner, both with a plus and a minus sign.

If something doesn’t suit you, then don’t brush your thoughts aside, but don’t immediately start sorting things out. It’s better to start analyzing the causes of your problems and think about why not everything in life turns out the way you would like.

A very suitable time for corrective practices - harmonization, getting rid of loneliness, attracting love.

It is not advisable to spend this Full Moon actively - activity will exhaust you. It is best to devote this day to meditation to understand your deepest desires.

September 9: Moon conjunct Uranus

On this day, the changes that were started during the Solar Eclipse on August 21 are activated. A very important day, it affects almost everyone.

September 9-10: Sun-Pluto trine

The aspect will add energy to everyone. Good days for acting in the interests of a large group of people, finding group support, managing a crowd.

September 12-13: Venus-Saturn trine

An astro-event strengthens feelings and helps to take issues of aesthetic choice, comfort, and beauty seriously. Decisions in these matters will be thoughtful and mature.

You can buy beautiful things, go to art exhibitions, decide on your sympathies for people.

September 13: Falling square of the Moon

People face consequences for their actions. It is no longer possible to change anything. If your mistakes and mistakes of the recent past led to failure on this day, you should not fight the circumstances, but show wisdom: look at what is happening and draw conclusions.

September 13-14: Sun-Saturn square

These are unfavorable days for taking important steps because you will encounter obstacles in the process. These days are difficult primarily for those who are focused on career heights and solving professional problems. It may turn out that the desired promotion is delayed or the reward finds someone else, bypassing you.

At this time, it is undesirable to take initiative if you really have nothing to support your achievements with.

But if you have specific numbers and facts in your hands, go ahead and decide to talk with management about a promotion or salary. But don’t try to put pressure on the complaint by talking about your problems. Only facts that speak about your high professionalism. You should also be careful with money on this day, avoiding taking out loans and expensive, unnecessary purchases.

September 15-16: Venus-Jupiter sextile

Gives you a good mood, and if you work hard, good luck.

September 18: Venus-Uranus trine

Brings unexpected favorable turns in personal life and financial affairs. Promotes the perception of new things in terms of beauty and art. You can go to contemporary art exhibitions. It’s worth going to the store if you want something, but it’s not clear what: you will definitely become interested in something unusual, this will lead to interesting results.

September 20: New Moon in Virgo. Venus enters Virgo

For those who have been languishing for a long time waiting for sufficient motivation to start something new, this is a great time. If you are definitely tuned in to your goal, you know how to go towards it, and you just don’t have enough energy for the first step - this is the right day. The atmosphere in personal life and financial sphere is changing.

People become more rational and restrained both in feelings and in money. Little things that you shrugged off with a sweeping gesture while Venus was in Leo become of great importance.

You can solve any pressing problems - personal, financial, related to your profession. Take into account the positive influence of Venus in Virgo - it will be easier for you to manage contacts with difficult people, but you are also required to reduce your level of criticality.

You can worry about image issues, take care of your figure - join a gym, go on a diet, or try practices to increase attractiveness. And of course, the New Moon is a great time to remove energy negativity, recharge talismans, and practice wish fulfillment.

On the same day, the opposition of Mercury and Neptune helps to distinguish lies. But this requires inner honesty, and the desire to fall into self-deception will be very great.

September 22: Sun ingress from Virgo into Libra

The Sun in Libra brings relationships with people to the fore, creates situations in which you need to negotiate, find a compromise, act in tandem with someone. Situations are most often ambiguous; you need to be able to look at them from different angles, not rush to a decision, and weigh everything.

To succeed, you need to act fairly, without ignoring anyone's interests.

On the same day, the trine of Mercury and Pluto will bring a flow of information and contacts, and what’s nice is that you will have time to process everything.

September 23-25: Mars-Neptune opposition

It increases intolerance and fanaticism in people, and in men it increases the tendency to cheat. Deceptions and intrigues prevent you from doing anything.

September 24: Jupiter-Uranus opposition begins

The influence of the astro-event will continue into October. This is an aspect that affects not individuals, but society as a whole. The destruction of stereotypes, a conflict between public opinion and reforms, and a sudden collapse of authority are likely.

September 25: Mercury square Saturn

Disputes and conflicts on this day will not lead to good things, even if you win them. Try to spend this day “on your own wavelength,” doing only things that do not require involvement in group work. It’s better not to get noticed by management unnecessarily, even if your work is impeccable.

But it’s worth understanding yourself, especially in matters related to changing jobs or professions. A good time to learn new skills.

You can also start revising documents and putting your affairs in order. The main thing is to take your time, because in a hurry you can miss something important. A good day for practices aimed at increasing material well-being and getting rid of obstacles on the way to it.

September 28: waxing square of the Moon

People become as active as possible. Also from this day until the Full Moon (in October) there will be the most active events.

September 29-30: Venus-Neptune opposition

A busy time for those who prioritize love and personal life. This is the right moment in order to thoroughly begin to sort out the “blockages” in relationships, analyze the reasons and find out what is hidden from your eyes.

Intuition is working at full capacity today, and you are unlikely to miss its clues. Just don’t rush to voice complaints to your partner just yet, although you will be able to find out something better and better understand his behavior.

If something worries you, then you should honestly tell him about your fears. Without slipping into manifestations of jealousy and mistrust, talk about your internal problems and feelings. But be prepared to “pause yourself” at any moment and listen to the other person.

Today is a great day for love fortune-telling and corrective practices: charging love talismans, getting rid of loneliness, attracting love, harmonizing relationships, increasing attractiveness.

Another important point of this day: no experiments with finances - loans, large purchases and even updating your wardrobe today will not bring you the expected results.

September 30: Mercury ingress from Virgo to Libra

A horoscope is a chance to understand how best to build your life and how much the stars favor specific zodiac signs this month...


This month will be quite busy for you, with a variety of events and activities awaiting you. All things will require attentiveness, scrupulousness and unhurriedness: everything that is usual for you not easy. You can’t rush anywhere now; it’s better to think through every step, every decision.

A lot of things await you at work: sometimes you will have to stay overtime or take work on weekends. Someone close to you may need your help. You will be completely immersed in routine and troubles. And now there will be much less entertainment than we would like.

You should also carefully monitor your health! The best thing to do this month is to stick to proper nutrition, exercise. Then the routine will not seem so boring to you, there will be at least some variety. Plus you will feel better. Towards the end of the month, especially watch your diet, it is better to give up alcohol and junk food. There may be poisoning and digestive problems.

Attention those born on April 17, 18 of any year. This month could be quite significant for you. However, you are unlikely to be able to achieve the long-awaited freedom and feeling of lightness now. Your self-confidence may be shaken, and plans may undergo serious changes. Be careful this month: dangers and problems are possible. You should also not overestimate your strength, as this may end badly for you.

Stress level: average.

Areas of greatest activity: work, household chores, health.


All your creative energy will be used this month. You will use creativity everywhere, from your work to ordinary cooking in the kitchen. You will strive for what brings you pleasure. If you work in a creative field, you can count on inspiration; now is your chance to come up with something really worthwhile.

Harmony and joy will reign in your relationship with your children, your children will make you happy. And although the beginning school year may not be too easy for them, but in the second half of the month they have there will be successes.

This month you have a chance to enrich your family life . Find the right words to express your feelings, then you can achieve harmony in your relationships with loved ones. You can also count on good, beautiful acquisitions in your home. You can do decorating your home.

Attention those born between May 2 and May 4 of any year. This month can bring a lot of creative energy and good events into your life, which, nevertheless, will make you think about life. You may meet a lover, women may experience a long-awaited pregnancy, and new creative plans may also appear. Don't skip this month if you want to implement these plans immediately, delay will not work in your favor.

Stress level: short

Areas of greatest activity: personal life, children, creativity.


This month, family and home issues will be relevant to you. There may be many cases that will be directly related to your home. For example, now you can start renovating or rearranging your apartment. It is also possible that some paper issues related to housing, as well as family members, will be resolved. However, in the first week of the month it is better not to solve important paperwork, as your home planet Mercury will be in a “frozen” state. Insurmountable circumstances may interfere with the resolution of issues.

After September 10 the situation will change for you: you may need to sign some papers. There may also be guests in your home. The possibility of relocation cannot be ruled out.

On the 20th of the month There may be problems with the plumbing in the house: for example, pipes may burst, or other problems may appear. also in bad days, especially September 22-24, you may encounter deceptions and scams, so be careful!

Attention those born between June 12 and June 14 of any year. This month you will not feel good and easy. Most likely, there will be unfavorable thoughts and a bad mood. Although you are usually quite cheerful, this month may throw you a little off track and make you want to feel a little sad. There may also be not the most favorable events that are associated with you and your partners. Separation or breakup of relationships is not excluded.

Stress level: high

Areas of greatest activity: home, family.


This month will force you to activate your intellectual activity. You have to move a lot, do many things at the same time, actively search and use any information. It is possible that you will want to enroll in some courses, attend lectures or seminars, or improve your professional qualifications. To resolve any issues, it’s a good idea to connect the necessary connections.

At the beginning of the month, old problems may resurface, especially related to monetary issues, but they promise to be successfully resolved. If you need to collect and prepare any information, there is no better time. For example, if you are preparing some documents. It will be easy to collect the necessary information. If you write an article, the information for it will be found very quickly, etc. They also promise to be successful small movements.

Attention those born between July 14 and July 21 of any year. This month may be very unlucky for you. Drastic and unexpected events in the family or at work can make you very worried and nervous. Problems in relationships can move from work to home or vice versa: if things don’t go well at work, there will be problems with the family and vice versa.

Stress level: average

Areas of greatest activity: small movements, working with documents.


This month, many events and affairs will revolve around money and finances. It is possible that you will have to look for a new job or new sources of income. Profit depends on how quickly and accurately you act. But still, during the month there are several quite difficult days(listed below) when you should not get your way, but should rest more and give in. These days you may lose money, invest it in the wrong enterprise, or lend it to someone who will not return it to you.

It is better to solve all important matters on successful days, as well as at the beginning of the lunar month ( after September 20). After September 22, when the Sun is in the sign of Libra, you will have a desire to take a little break from all your financial affairs, you will want to be more visible and communicate more.

Attention those born between August 14 and August 21 of any year. You will have fabulous luck this month. You can get what you have long dreamed of, and very unexpectedly. Any endeavors will be successful, you will have faith in yourself and your strengths. New acquaintances may appear, there will be pleasant meetings. Unexpected trips are also possible.

Stress level: high

Areas of greatest activity: money.


The first week of the month will not be particularly successful for your sign. You have to finish those things that you started in the past. Mars, being in your sign, will strengthen your personal activity. Now you will have to make your own decisions, you will do many things on your own. You will want to take on any task, even the most difficult one.

This month you will have a lot of things to do that will require your attention, which will make you lack time for entertainment and any extraneous matters. A new moon in your sign will make this month especially memorable and important for the whole next year. Perhaps now you will start some new business that will change your life.

Start new important things after the new moon, but better after September 25. On negative days of the month, you may become a victim of deception or fraud, and your self-esteem and health may also suffer somewhat.

Attention those born between August 23 and September 10 of any year. All of the above will be especially relevant for you. You will be very active and will be able to achieve even more than you expect. You should take advantage of this period to achieve your personal goals.

Stress level: average

Areas of greatest activity: personal activity and personal achievements.


This month your activities will be mostly hidden; you will not want to advertise your intentions, even with partners you will not share ideas and thoughts, which is usually not typical for you. Activity will also be somewhat slow and calm. You will not be in a hurry, you will not be in a particular hurry. The best pastime is relaxation and solitude.

You may have to visit hospitals or other medical facilities. It is especially important to remember about health during second half of the month. Medicines should be taken very carefully as they may cause side effects. It is dangerous to abuse alcohol.

You should not accept any tempting job offers: for example, if you are offered something very tempting, but you doubt it, now it’s easy to get your expectations wrong. Act according to your intuition: if it tells you that you should give up something or vice versa, do not go against it, as you may regret it.

Attention those born between October 15 and October 19 of any year. This month promises to be quite positive. After all, he promises you luck and success. Any creative enterprises will be especially successful, and relationships with partners will improve. Those whose birthdays fall on October 20-22 may be unpleasantly surprised: sudden events may interfere with your plans.

Stress level: average

Areas of greatest activity: health.


Groups and like-minded people, friends and buddies this month can play important roles in formation of events and sensations. Now it is important not to act alone, but to take advantage of the help of those who have similar views on life and with whom it is interesting and fun for you to communicate.

If you have an idea, want to implement it, or have come up with something special that is important for you to demonstrate to others, this month is perfect for this. The only thing that will be in it couple of unfavorable days when you shouldn’t trust anyone, including your friends. These days you should not believe promises: you may be deceived (intentionally or accidentally).

Attention those born between November 8 and November 10 of any year. This is a difficult period for you: the events that will take place in your life can seriously change it, but for the better. New acquaintances may appear in your life. It's a good time to start learning something new.

Stress level: short

Areas of greatest activity: relationships with friends, work.


Your main area of ​​activity in September is work and personal achievements. You always know what to strive for, you always have goals and plans, and now is the time to start acting and moving forward. A new job, new affairs, even a new position may appear.

For most of the month you will quite calm and happy with life, but the end of the month may bring some unpleasant surprises. Your home planet Jupiter will come into conflict with the malicious Uranus, which may not have a very favorable effect on you.

Dramatic changes that may be associated with your friends and lovers may throw you off track. There may be a confrontation between those with whom you communicate as friends and those who are closer to you than friends. Be also more attentive to your children now. We advise you to postpone creative projects and endeavors until a more opportune time.

Attention those born between December 13 and December 15 of any year. This is a time of fatigue and loss of strength for you. This is especially true for those who were unable to have a normal rest in the summer. The best thing for you this month is to rest more and not overwork, as health problems will immediately make themselves felt.

Stress level: high

Areas of greatest activity: work, career, personal goals.


In September your activity will be related to foreigners and foreign countries . Travel abroad is quite possible, or you will communicate with people from afar on various matters. On negative days of the month, you should be more careful in dealing with any matters related to these areas: there may be unsuccessful trips, deceptions and disappointments, your expectations may not be met. There won't be too many days like this.

Closer to middle of the month There may be pleasant events that will bring positive changes to your personal life. You can go on vacation with your lovers and children, or just go to any place of entertainment.

Attention those born between January 17 and January 19 of any year. There will now be drastic changes in your life that you don’t like too much, but which will be inevitable. Be especially careful when working with machinery and electricity.

Stress level: average

Areas of greatest activity: trips, travel, relationships with foreigners.


This month may be difficult and stressful for your sign, especially if you are busy with areas of business and finance. Now it will be more difficult for you to concentrate and get what you want, so don’t waste your energy. If you need to resolve any issues related to insurance, inheritance and other people's money, it is better to do this on more successful days of the month and avoid busy days. It is better not to borrow money or apply for loans.

We do not recommend planning trips now: you may suddenly be struck down by some kind of illness, or there may be disappointments. The trip may be postponed altogether due to reasons beyond your control, therefore on unfavorable days It’s better not to plan a trip for a month.

Attention those born between February 10 and February 12 of any year. Your work this month will be especially fruitful. Although you will have to work a lot, you can get good results and excellent returns. Count on the help and support of your friends.

Stress level: average

Areas of greatest activity: other people's money, financial issues of partners.


This month will not be successful for your sign: you will experience serious stress, mainly related to personal partners. Now you can’t trust anyone, you can’t get involved in adventures or any projects that promise you quick enrichment for short term! You are risking relationships with personal partners due to failures with business partners!

If at the beginning of the month situations can be even more or less calm, then in the second half of the month the level of stress will reach its peak! Health problems may make themselves felt. Now it is important to be wary of viruses and colds, which can cause unpleasant complications. You will have difficulty recovering, so we advise you to take all safety precautions!

Personal partners can get on your nerves in September, especially at the end of the month. It is likely that you will have difficulty understanding what they want from you. There is no point in quarreling and conflicting now. It’s better to just wait out this stressful period, and only then try to sort things out.

Attention for those born on March 3 and 4 of any year. This month may be especially stressful for you. You will rethink your life, and illusions and fantasies can only get in the way. Now it is important to concentrate on specific things. There is a lot of incomprehensible and unclear things in your life now, but if you understand what exactly needs to be changed, it will be easier for you. A good month for creative people born on these days.

Lucky days: No

Stress level: high

Areas of greatest activity: partnerships, health.

Useful tips

September - new things, new beginnings and new life, which will be more organized than ever! And not in vain: after all, it is this month that all the personal planets will gather in the sign of Virgo, and the new moon in the sign of Virgo on September 20 will add to everything the influence of the luminaries.

So, what does the first day of the 2017 fall season have in store for us? And how successful will it be?

To begin with, you should pay attention to the fact that Mercury at the beginning of the month will still be moving backwards and only September 5 will become direct. As soon as he turns around, for some time he will not successfully “resolve” various types of cases for which he is responsible.

That's why from 1 to 7 September It’s better not to try to sell/buy something serious, don’t sign important documents and don’t go on trips if you have a choice. It is better to wait out this static period and wait until Mercury begins to pick up speed.

Already by September 10 he will be in the sign of Virgo, his native home, where he will stay until the very last day month. This is a good time for matters that require scrupulousness, attentiveness and order.

It’s good to look for a new job, work hard, have some specific goals, establish order in your head and around yourself. When transmitting any information, you must use specific arguments, provide logical solutions, propose new clear plans. If you want to succeed, it is important now to act according to a plan carefully drawn up in advance. Avoid negative days, if you want to schedule important things for them.

Difficult start to the school year

Mercury will conjunct Mars twice in a month: first in Leo on September 3, and then in Virgo 16 of September. The beginning of the month is not suitable for receiving information: it will not be well absorbed and will quickly disappear.

In general, the start of the new school year will most likely be very difficult for many. The buildup will only begin after 2 weeks, and before that knowledge will be accepted with great difficulty. It's best to spend these first 2 weeks of September reviewing what has already been covered . By September 16 everything should return to normal, fall into place, repeat itself, return to normal. Well, this will just free up space to gain new knowledge.

Unfavorable days of Mercury

1-7, and also 18-20 September: these days it will be difficult to concentrate on something, incorrect, erroneous (accidentally or intentionally) information may come, there is a high risk of deception and loss of orientation. It is BETTER NOT to sign important papers, NOT to enter into verbal agreements and agreements, NOT to start important negotiations with partners, etc.

September 22-25: also not the best days for resolving any Mercury affairs, but unlike the previous period, when you could be deceived, now these affairs may simply be postponed, fail, or difficulties and delays may arise in them.

Important astrological events of September 2017

date Event Time (Moscow) Degrees
September 5 Mars moves into Virgo 12:35
September 5 Mercury becomes direct 14:29 28° ♌ 25’D
6 September Full moon 10:03 13° ♓ 53′
10 September Mercury moves into Virgo 05:52
September 20 Venus enters the sign Virgo 04:15
September 20 New moon 08:30 27° ♍ 27′
September 22nd The sun moves into the sign of Libra 23:02
September 28 Jupiter opposite retrograde Uranus 07:25 27°♎ 22′
27° ♈ 22’Rx
September 28 Pluto goes direct 22:36 16°♑51’D
September 30th Mercury moves into Libra 03:42

The most special day of the month

September 20, 2017 It's going to be a special day! On this day, 5 personal planets will meet in the sign of Virgo - the most important points that will help you establish order in almost all areas of life: love, business, health, etc.

This is also a magical day when the Sun and Moon will meet in the sign of Virgo and tell you right paths way out of any problems. Your wishes this month should be pure, sincere and very specific. Make wishes and start making plans on September 20 from 08:28 until the next morning.

Opposition Jupiter-Uranus

This astrological event has already taken place in the sky in late December 2016 and early March 2017, which means this is the third, final aspect of the cycle, the loop of which stretched for almost 9 months. The exact opposition will form September 28, 2017.

This aspect symbolizes changes in society, in moods and in worldview. Moreover, the changes are painful, drastic, and difficult to prepare for. Someone may lose their bearings, someone will want to rebel and destroy, someone will change their values ​​for some reason. This aspect is complex, and it will be especially felt by those who are now 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84 years.

Established historical canons and recognized facts are being destroyed. What seemed indestructible, due to various reasons and circumstances, can collapse. There may also be problems with equipment, difficulties in working with modern technologies. Disasters, equipment failures and accidents associated with Uranus cannot be ruled out (but some other negative aspects usually intervene here, including in this case square Pluto to both planets).

Events related to the Jupiter-Uranus aspect that took place at the end of December 2016, end of February 2017 and beginning of March 2017:

December 20, 2016– fireworks explosions in Mexico at a pyrotechnics market (31 people killed);

February 28, 2017– Amazon servers malfunctioned; smart home control systems crashed;

March 1, 2017– the most ancient traces of life were found (although this event is rather positive, it still to some extent destroys past ideas about the world and changes the worldview);

March 8, 2017- a strong storm destroyed the Azure Window in Malta - a limestone rock in the form of a bridge that took about 500 years to form!

Astrological forecast for free

Love and relationships

Love life this month will be bright and memorable, at least until September 20 while Venus will walk along Leo sign. In these three weeks, moreover, she will not be struck even once, and favorable aspects with Uranus and Jupiter can help many people get married. unexpected and bright love relationship. As always, you will find details in a separate article about love and relationships in September: Astrological forecast of love and relationships by zodiac signs for SEPTEMBER 2017 .

Astrological forecast for the month

Business matters

Most of the month ( from September 5) Mars will move through the sign of Virgo. As mentioned above, he will make a conjunction with Mercury, but the first conjunction September 3 will not be successful, but 16 of September- quite favorable. September 14-16- good days for solving some Mercury problems. You can make plans and schedules, contact your superiors with requests and suggestions, look for a job, and solve paperwork related to family and home. Solution business issues closer to the middle of the month will be more likely to be successful.

Read also:

Things that you start while Mars is passing through the sign of Virgo will most likely not bring quick results. They will progress slowly and may be continually reviewed and reworked to achieve perfect results.

Employers may have to splurge on retraining their employees. But the game is worth the candle: labor productivity, the quality of services provided or products produced will then noticeably improve, and profits will go up.

Important days inSeptember 2017:

At the very beginning of the month ( 12-th of September) you may feel a surge of strength and enthusiasm. However, it is better to postpone the decision of some important business issues, because it is difficult to predict what people’s reaction will be at this time.

September 18-24, 2017– not the best days for serious undertakings. Agreements may break down and profits will be questionable. There may be disappointments in the activities that you will be doing at this time, and there will be no satisfaction from work. You should be wary of scammers and swindlers. If you are offered dubious deals, or you doubt something these days, it is better to refuse and bide your time.

September 28 – October 2, 2017 This is a time of activity and growth. As the Moon grows, your activity will also increase, your strength will increase, powerful forces who can help you solve even the most complex cases. And although for love life These days are not the most successful; for business life they can be very successful. The only note: be careful in relations with business partners: you may have misunderstandings ( especially September 29).

Astrological forecast 2017

Trips, travel

From 1 to 7 September- the time of Mercury retrograde, so it is better not to start travel and trips these days, but it is good to return from them. Exceptions, however, may include trips to places you have already been to.

If you still cannot postpone your trip, be aware of the likelihood of various delays, misunderstandings and poor memory. Here are some tips for those who must travel during Mercury retrograde and static days ( September 1-7):

Prepare all documents in advance (check if your passport is valid);

Make lists of things you need for your trip and pack according to that list;

Try not to forget anything (documents, money, insurance, etc.);

Check your ticket dates several times before leaving;

It is better to agree in advance with taxi services, if you need to get to the station/airport at a certain time (or with those who will give you a lift), plan to arrive earlier, it is better to stock up on time than to be late;

The second third of the month will be more successful for travel and trips. Harmonious aspect of Jupiter with Venus September 15th will allow you to have a fun and relaxed time closer to the middle of the month. Your vacation promises to be full of fun and pleasure, although you will still be thinking about work.

Health and dangers of the month

This month, you will most likely devote enough time to health. Many will be drawn to correct image life and proper nutrition. This good time in order to start working on yourself, leave bad habits (smoking, alcohol, night work, fast food, etc.) and acquire useful ones (regular exercise, getting up early, proper nutrition, etc.). It's good to go to a resort to improve your health. Beware of poisoning.